Clear water from the chest. Small discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

The mammary gland is an organ that initially involves the natural secretion of colostrum and milk. However, sometimes nipple discharge has nothing to do with lactation, but means the development of some disease.

Are such discharges always a sign of pathology, and when should you sound the alarm?

ICD-10 code

N64 Other diseases of the breast

Causes of nipple discharge

Physiological (normal) discharge from the nipples is known to everyone - this is lactation, that is, the release of breast milk in pregnant and lactating women. However, sometimes such a phenomenon may mean the development of some pathology.

  • Ductal ectasia is an expansion of the subalveolar canals, which is most often associated with age-related changes in the glands. Discharge from ectasia is thick, greenish-yellow or brown.
  • Papilloma is a benign tumor inside the duct, which causes small bloody discharge.
  • Galactorrhea is the discharge of milky fluid from the nipple, which is not associated with pregnancy and childbirth. As a rule, this condition is explained by increased production of prolactin, a special hormone that stimulates milk production. In turn, the cause of galactorrhea can be treatment with contraceptives, hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism, and pituitary dysfunction.
  • Trauma to the breast can also cause nipple bleeding.
  • Inflammatory processes in the mammary gland with signs of suppuration can cause pus to discharge from the nipple.
  • Changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, mastopathy are a common cause of discharge.
  • Oncological diseases of the glands are intraductal carcinoma or invasive tumor. One of the signs of malignant pathology is the release of a liquid substance from the nipple.


The mammary glands are paired organs that perform the function of glands - that is, their purpose is to secrete secretions. But not everyone and not always. Everyone knows that breasts are the source of milk during lactation in women. Each gland consists of lobes and lobules, divided by specific partitions. Each lobe is connected to the nipple by a milk duct through which milk flows.

During the period of bearing a baby, the glandular tissues swell, which means the moment of readiness for the process of breastfeeding.

  • immediately before the start of the monthly cycle and menstrual bleeding;
  • during sexual arousal, breast stimulation and orgasm.

In an excited state, a person produces the hormone oxytocin, which leads to contraction of the milk ducts. As a result, several drops of clear (!) liquid may be released. If the color of the liquid is red, black or green, this should alert the woman: perhaps the integrity of the tissue or duct is compromised, which allows blood or pus to enter the duct and exit.

Symptoms of nipple discharge

There may be discharge from the nipples when pressing on the areola, but more often the secretion flows out on its own.

The consistency of the separated substance can be liquid or viscous.

The color can also vary from clear, translucent, yellowish-greenish and milky discharge to bloody, brown and even black.

Most often, secretion appears in patients after 50 years of age, and at a young age - much less frequently. The risk of breast pathologies increases with age, as well as with the number of pregnancies, abortions, and periods of breastfeeding.

When discharge appears, it is necessary to especially carefully determine the amount, color and smell of the secretion that appears. These signs may indicate the development of a certain pathology that needs to be treated without waiting for negative consequences to occur.

  • White nipple discharge normally appears during the lactation period and represents breast milk. In other situations, this may be a sign of galactorrhea - excess production of the hormone prolactin, which ensures milk production.
  • Yellow discharge from the nipples is also observed with galactorrhea, especially if the pathology is caused by insufficient liver or kidney function, thyroid disease, disorders of the pituitary gland, or long-term use of hormonal drugs.
  • Brown nipple discharge may occur after a recent chest injury or other damage to the milk ducts or blood vessels. Such damage usually provokes tumors, for example, cysts - in this case the secretion is often brown in color with a greenish or grayish tint.
  • Bloody discharge from juice often indicates the presence of serious diseases, often of a malignant nature. However, in some cases, blood is released from the nipple due to intraductal papilloma, which, however, can also develop into an oncological disease over time.
  • Green discharge from the nipple indicates that the secretion contains more or less pus. In this case, the separated liquid may have a grayish or yellowish tint. This condition is inherent in mastopathy, a dishormonal disorder characterized by the appearance of lumps and pain in the gland area.
  • Transparent discharge from the nipples can be caused by physiological reasons - stress, the monthly cycle, stimulation. Normally, such clear discharge is insignificant (just a few drops) and is not accompanied by odor or discomfort.
  • Purulent discharge from the nipple is a common problem with the development of inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland. For example, purulent abscess formation can occur during breastfeeding, when an infection enters the milk ducts. This disease is often accompanied by soreness of the gland, redness of the areola and increasing swelling.
  • Sticky discharge from the nipple, with different colors, is a typical symptom of deformation of the subalveolar ducts or their blockage. An additional sign of this condition may be thickening of the tissue around the nipple, as well as an inverted nipple.
  • Gray nipple discharge is sometimes the cause of increased levels of prolactin in the body. This symptom can occur during pregnancy, or with long-term use of contraceptives and other hormone-containing drugs.
  • Discharge from the nipples with an odor usually accompanies inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands, namely the purulent stage of the process. The fact is that bacteria and their metabolic products are capable of emitting a specific odor, which is especially pronounced with purulent discharge. Inflammatory diseases always occur with significant pain, redness and swelling of the glands. Temperature indicators may increase - both local and general body temperature.
  • Black discharge from the nipples in the vast majority of cases indicates the presence of blood in the secretion, which is inherent in many tumor processes. In this case, the blood is black due to the fact that the pathological focus is most likely located deep in the tissue of the gland, and not directly near the surface.
  • Dry nipple discharge is a common sign of breast ectasia. Dry or dense secretion is formed from thick and viscous secretions that accumulate in the lumen of the milk duct. This secretion may have a different color and smell.
  • Curdled nipple discharge is a rare occurrence, but sometimes it happens if a fungal infection gets into the milk ducts during breastfeeding. Those women who have cracks and sores on their nipples are especially susceptible to the disease. The curdled secretion may have a sour odor. At the same time, the breast hurts and itches, and the volume of milk secreted may decrease.

Each disease of the mammary glands is defined by its symptoms. It is almost impossible to recognize the disease on your own, so seeking medical help should be done immediately.

Nipple discharge before menstruation

If nipple discharge appears before or during menstruation, this sign may indicate a strong change in hormonal levels. We are talking primarily about the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. Changes in hormonal levels can be disrupted for several reasons, but most often this occurs as a result of prolonged use of contraceptive drugs.

The discharge before menstruation is usually insignificant, and the secretion has the appearance of colostrum: it can be transparent, light, or yellowish. In order to determine the cause of this phenomenon, it is recommended to take a blood test for prolactin levels.

Sometimes it happens that a woman continues to produce a small amount of milk before her period for several years after giving birth. The reason for this may be the same prolactin, the level of which decreases more slowly than in other women.

Nipple discharge during pregnancy

Secretion from the mammary glands can begin not only immediately after childbirth, but also during pregnancy. Of course, this doesn’t happen to everyone, but it happens quite often.

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy has a slightly yellowish or light tint - this is nothing more than colostrum, which is the liquid that precedes breast milk. Why does it stand out?

In a pregnant woman, the mammary glands rapidly increase in size throughout the entire gestation period: the glandular tissue structures grow, and the hormone prolactin stimulates this growth.

Nipple discharge occurs most often before childbirth. For some, colostrum begins to be produced only on the third day after birth. However, in some cases, with active prolactin production, milk may appear much earlier, from about 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is extremely rare that a small amount of colostrum can be noticed in the first trimester - this is also considered one of the norms.

Complications and consequences

The scale of the consequences of pathological discharge from the nipples depends on what disease they are caused by.

If the secretion is not associated with physiological reasons (lactation period, pregnancy, nipple stimulation), then you must definitely contact a mammologist or gynecologist. If you don't do this in time, you can put yourself at risk of serious illnesses:

  • telitis - an inflammatory process in the nipple (often the infection enters through cracks in the nipple area);
  • mastitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary gland (can develop due to stagnation of milk during breastfeeding, or for other reasons);
  • malignant breast tumors;
  • diffuse and nodular mastopathy is a proliferative process in the mammary gland.

To avoid the development of the above diseases, it is very important to visit a doctor in a timely manner for a preventive examination. You should be especially wary if you detect any discharge from the nipples that has appeared for some unknown reason.

Diagnosis of nipple discharge

During a consultation about nipple discharge, the doctor may prescribe certain types of examination, including tests. Which diagnostic methods will be used depends on what disease is suspected.

  • A medical examination includes a visual assessment and palpation of the mammary glands.
  • The X-ray method, or mammography, involves examining patients over 50 years of age. The doctor receives an image from two angles, which allows a detailed examination of the structure of the mammary glands.

  • The ultrasound method can be used to examine patients of any age. The ultrasound procedure visualizes both gland tissue and nearby lymph nodes.
  • Ductography is used to examine the milk ducts;
  • Cytological analysis is based on the examination of material taken from gland tissue. This study is most often carried out when a tumor process is suspected.
  • Immunohistochemical analysis allows us to identify the nature of the neoplasm, if one is detected.

Additionally, instrumental diagnostics may be prescribed in the form of methods such as computed tomography, chest radiography, radioisotope imaging of the skeletal system, and ultrasound examination of the liver (to search for possible metastases).

Among the tests, they often suggest donating blood for hormone levels, a general blood test for the presence of an inflammatory process, and also conduct a study for tumor markers (this analysis determines the likelihood of a cancerous tumor).

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is usually carried out between the following diseases:

  • nodular mastopathy;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • lymphogranuloma;
  • mastitis;
  • intraductal papilloma;
  • malignant tumor;
  • galactocele.

Treatment of nipple discharge

Spontaneous secretion from the nipples cannot be cured without knowing the true reason for its occurrence. For this purpose, diagnostics are carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the factor causing discharge from the mammary glands.

Therefore, to the question - what to do when there is discharge from the nipples? – you can answer unequivocally: consult a doctor and conduct a thorough diagnosis.

You may need to adjust your hormonal levels. There are special medications for this - DA agonists, which include Bromocriptine and Parlodel. These drugs inhibit the synthesis of prolactin. The standard dosage of drugs is from 2.5 to 3.75 mg per day. At the discretion of the doctor, the amount of the drug can be doubled. The duration of treatment is until hormonal levels stabilize.

Alternative treatment for nipple discharge can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor, after passing all the necessary tests and making a final diagnosis.

You cannot treat a symptom without knowing the cause of the pathology. Therefore, do not rush to start herbal treatment - first find out what specific disease caused the discharge.

The same can be said about such a method of treatment as homeopathy. Any therapy begins only after the diagnosis becomes known. If a patient begins to independently treat the inflammatory process, but in fact it turns out that she has a malignant tumor, then the consequences can be unpredictable. Often in such cases it is necessary to prescribe surgical treatment.

You should not rush into unconventional methods of treating nipple discharge. Without knowing the reason for the appearance of discharge, this can significantly harm your health.


Prevention of nipple discharge involves following recommendations for maintaining the health of the mammary glands. These recommendations are quite simple, but very important for the normal functioning of the body.

  • It is necessary to avoid stressful situations, nervous shocks, and psycho-emotional stress in every possible way. Stress has an extremely negative effect on hormonal levels, which contributes to the development of breast diseases.
  • It is recommended to adhere to a healthy lifestyle: do not smoke, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, go to bed on time, eat well, and be physically active. A healthy lifestyle allows you to keep your immune system strong.
  • It is important to monitor your weight. The fact is that extra pounds can lead to unwanted changes in the mammary glands, which over the years can develop into a disease with the appearance of discharge from the nipples.
  • Taking contraceptives should not be long-term. You cannot select contraceptive drugs on your own - this choice must be agreed with your doctor.
  • Breast self-examination should be performed monthly - this is a necessary stage in the prevention and early detection of dangerous diseases.
  • All women are recommended to undergo examination by a mammologist every two years, and after 50 years - annually.

You cannot ignore suspicious symptoms; you need to promptly seek help from a specialist.


The prognosis of a symptom such as nipple discharge directly depends on the underlying disease: the more complex and dangerous the diagnosis, the worse the prognosis. Physiological discharge is considered normal and disappears on its own over time.

Women are a rather alarming sign of the development of various serious diseases. Therefore, it is very important to visit a specialist to conduct a series of studies, based on the results of which the existing pathology will be identified and appropriate treatment therapy will be prescribed.

As a rule, a comprehensive examination includes: blood tests, MRI, ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography, cytological examination of secretions, ductogram with the introduction of a contrast agent. The most common causes leading to discharge from the mammary glands include: milk ducts, mastopathy, galactorrhea, acute or chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, condition after or spontaneous miscarriage, purulent diseases of the mammary gland, closed breast injury, mastitis, breast cancer, intraductal, as well as Paget's disease.

The main questions that the doctor will definitely ask during the consultation

As a rule, at the appointment, the patient is required to ask the necessary questions that will help establish the most accurate diagnosis: does the discharge come from the nipple, fluid is released from one mammary gland or from two, how often does this happen, whether this discharge comes out of the nipple on its own or immediately after on it, has there been a chest injury, are there any other disturbing diseases with the presence of elevated body temperature, accompanied by headaches, malaise and blurred vision, is there any course of treatment with any medications?

Treatment and preventive measures

It must be remembered that constant discharge from the mammary gland should never be ignored. Basically, therapeutic therapy includes the use of drugs, traditional methods of treatment, and antibiotics. In addition, in exceptional situations, surgical intervention is recommended. Experts advise women who find themselves with discharge from the chest to strictly observe hygiene of the chest area. The mammary glands should be washed in the shower at least twice a day, and then dried thoroughly. It is also advisable to wear a soft bra that does not compress the breasts.

Colostrum is a sticky yellow substance produced by the mammary glands during pregnancy, indicating that they are preparing to feed a newborn. By the time of birth, it becomes liquid and transparent, similar to low-fat milk. If colostrum is produced in large quantities during pregnancy, special pads attached to the bra cups will help prevent clothes from getting dirty.

Is colostrum production normal or abnormal?

The presence of colostrum during pregnancy is a completely normal phenomenon, indicating that the female body is preparing for birth and breastfeeding. For some, it may not be released at all, and this is also considered normal, because all processes occurring in the body are individual. The presence or absence of colostrum cannot be an indicator of the quality of future breast milk, so you should not worry about the baby prematurely. It happens that colostrum appears at the earliest and becomes one of its signs.
If the appearance of colostrum is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen or bloody discharge from the genital tract, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

The process of colostrum production itself can be felt by a woman as tingling or pinching in the breasts. Sometimes there may be a feeling of unexplained “movement” in the chest. All this suggests that the mammary glands are preparing to fulfill their main purpose. If there is a lot of colostrum, it may be released from the breast, which is due to several reasons:
- sexual stimulation of the breast;
- light massage;
- stress;
- hot indoor air;
- expansion of the ducts in the chest with increased body temperature.

What to do if colostrum begins to leak?

If colostrum is released in such quantities that the bra, you need to purchase special disposable inserts, which will have to be changed as they get wet. Neglecting this rule risks creating an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, on the eve of changing the inserts, you should wash your breasts with warm boiled water without soap and put on a clean bra, attaching new absorbents to it.
Rubbing nipples with a rough cloth during pregnancy is not recommended, because... their stimulation leads to contraction of the uterus. After hygiene procedures, the breasts should be carefully dried with a soft towel.

Often women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to express colostrum if it itself begins to flow from the breast. The answer here is clear and categorical - no, since any stimulation of the breast during pregnancy results in a powerful release of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the contractile activity of the uterus. Even if you simply press on an overfilled breast, trying to achieve the release of excess colostrum, you can provoke a premature onset of labor.


  • Colostrum during pregnancy
  • Colostrum as a precursor to breastfeeding
  • Colostrum during pregnancy

Nipple discharge is a cause of concern for many women. It’s impossible to say for sure that this symptom is an alarm bell, but you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to your condition.


Periodic discharge from the mammary glands can occur for various reasons. Noticing them in themselves, many women begin to panic. Images of terrible diseases, such as cancer, appear in your head. However, cancer is the last thing you should worry about. Discharge from the nipples, as a rule, appears due to mastopathy, papilloma, or normal breast hypothermia.

Fluid may appear from one breast or from both. The discharge may be of different colors. For example, during reproductive age, women notice greenish or brownish discharge, which, as a rule, indicates mastopathy.

From time to time, every person experiences various health problems. But not all of them require immediate consultation with a doctor and can easily be eliminated at home. However, there are symptoms that should never be ignored, even if they are not accompanied by severe discomfort. This also applies to the condition of the mammary gland in women, because disturbances in its structure, pain on palpation, hardening and discharge can be symptoms of a serious illness. The topic of our conversation today will be white discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, and we will discuss the possible causes of this phenomenon.

Variant of the norm

It should be immediately noted that in some cases, the appearance of white discharge from the breast in response to pressure is a completely natural symptom that does not pose a threat to health. This applies to pregnant women and those who have become mothers. During pregnancy, the discharge may be whitish and taste sweet. This is colostrum, it is released when the expectant mother’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming breastfeeding. In some cases, such a symptom appears soon after conception, when the woman is not yet aware of her interesting situation. But most often, discharge of this kind begins in the fourth month of pregnancy, or even closer to its end.

Sometimes, at about three months of pregnancy, a woman may experience the discharge of a white fluid in which bloody streaks can be seen. This symptom is explained by the synthesis of special hormones necessary for lactation. But when it appears, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and mammologist.

Of course, the release of breast milk soon after birth is also considered normal. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs even after breastfeeding has ended. Normally, breast milk can be released from the breast when pressure is applied for several months after the baby is weaned. If you do not stimulate the areolas, this symptom will go away on its own.

In some cases, completely healthy nulliparous girls may experience white discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. This symptom usually occurs before menstruation, is not very pronounced, and is explained by the activity of the hormonal system. But when it appears, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and mammologist.

Pathological causes of white discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

Sometimes the appearance of white discharge from the breast (in the absence of pregnancy) is classified by doctors as galactorrhea. This condition may be accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of discharge; less often, milk production is more significant. Galactorrhea can be unilateral or observed in both mammary glands. This symptom usually occurs in patients of childbearing age and is diagnosed quite often.

Galactorrhea can be provoked by many factors, including diseases of the hypothalamus, tumors and other diseases of the pituitary gland, and disorders of thyroid hormone metabolism. In addition, it can be caused by estrogen-producing tumor formations in the adrenal glands or polycystic ovary syndrome. In some cases, galactorrhea develops against the background of liver and kidney failure, as a result of other metabolic disorders, or as a consequence of taking a number of medications, for example, oral contraceptives.

What to do?

If you find strange discharge from the mammary glands that occurs when pressure is applied or appears on its own, consult a doctor. This symptom should not be ignored, because it can be caused by a variety of diseases, including quite serious ones.

To clarify the diagnosis, you may need to undergo a number of laboratory tests:

Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
- mammography;
- blood test for hormones;
- cytology of discharge.

The studies will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and select treatment measures.

How is galactorrhea treated?

Therapy for such a disorder is selected by the doctor and directly depends on the factor that caused the appearance of white discharge from the mammary gland.
So, if galactorrhea has developed due to a pituitary adenoma, therapy begins with the use of dopamine agonists. These substances work in combination with natural dopamine and help suppress the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Such drugs are represented by Bromocriptine, Pergolide and Cabergoline.

It is worth noting that therapy for galactorrhea is usually carried out in cases where a woman wants to become pregnant. Also, such a disease requires treatment in cases of severe osteoporosis or in case of particularly heavy discharge that causes discomfort to the patient. In certain cases, women with this diagnosis are only advised to undergo observation, which includes repeated examinations for prolactin levels, as well as MRI of the brain.

You should not cause yellow discharge from the mammary glands or green discharge from the mammary glands. Visit your doctor immediately when they appear!

If dark discharge occurs from the mammary glands when pressed, this cannot be considered a normal condition; you should be examined by a doctor and find out the cause of the deviation. After examining the patient’s chest and assessing the nature of the fluid, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which can be confirmed by further research. Often, fluid is released from the chest due to the presence of serious diseases that need to be identified and treated as soon as possible, without pushing the condition to a critical level.

Fluid can be released from the mammary gland for physiological and pathological reasons. If there is no disease, then we are talking about a woman who is going to breastfeed. The fluid comes out of the milk ducts, moves towards the nipple and flows out when pressed.

If a woman is not carrying a baby, and yellow, brown or black discharge appears when pressed, this may be the result of pathological processes in the body that need to be identified and treated.

A problem appears due to inflammatory processes, can be noted with mastitis, talk about the formation of malignant tumors, and be a harbinger of menopause.

If a woman, after pressing on her breasts, reveals a discharge, then it is not a fact that it is necessary to see a doctor and be examined.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

Brown, yellow or black discharge may appear with slight pressure. If you put a little pressure on the nipple and breast, the fluid present in the mammary gland appears.

The female body is designed in such a way that this process is physiologically normal, although only during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This manifestation may accompany menstruation or menopause, which cannot be called a significant deviation from the norm.

Pathological fluids appear from the nipple, as they pass through the same gland ducts as milk. The problem may appear due to hormonal imbalances, physical trauma, excessive stress, due to frequent stimulation of the nipples or during sexual intercourse. Whether the secretion is safe will be determined by its color, smell, consistency, and frequency.

What to do if you notice discharge

The mammary gland in women is designed to produce milk for the baby. Everyone knows that it is white, appears with childbirth and disappears when the mother stops feeding the baby. If something flows from the gland for no reason, has a pronounced color and an unpleasant odor, then you need to do the following:

  • Keep track of how often the problem is noted, what shade the liquid has, how abundantly it comes out.
  • Go for a consultation with a mammologist.
  • Get an initial examination from a doctor.
  • Have a mammogram and ultrasound examination of the mammary glands.
  • Submit a routine culture for microflora.
  • Get an MRI and ductography.
  • Take a blood test to determine your hormone levels.

After the research, a medical specialist will make a diagnosis and, if there is a disease, it will be treated.

Causes of breast discharge

Green, yellow or black discharge from the breast indicates the presence of a specific problem in the body.

The reason for the appearance of fluid may not be pathological or may indicate the presence of a specific disease.

Reasons why pus or other contents may appear from the chest include the following:

  • Frequent nipple stimulation
  • Failure of the hormonal system
  • Presence of cancer
  • Have a cyst or are experiencing early menopause
  • The mammary gland was subject to mechanical damage
  • Woman performing excessively heavy physical activity
  • Galactorrhea or mastopathy is noted
  • Milky ducts are too dilated

The exact cause of the secretion can be determined after examination; you cannot use medications on your own without knowing the true cause of the pathology.

The meaning of the color of the discharge

If pressure was applied to the milk duct and a secretion appeared from there, then you need to pay attention to its color, consistency, smell, because this says a lot.


When, when pressing on the right or left nipple, a green liquid appears, then the following conclusion can be drawn:

  • The breast tissue has grown excessively, and mastopathy is present.
  • You need to go to the doctor and try treatment.
  • The sooner you pay attention to the problem, the faster it will be resolved.

This pathology is not fatal, it is completely curable, the main thing is to pay attention to it in time.

The discharge is transparent

Liquid that has a transparent tint does not indicate serious pathologies. Often, such discharge becomes a consequence of mechanical trauma, appears during stress, and also indicates changes in hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle.


Before a woman is about to have a baby, yellow discharge from the breasts is noted - this is colostrum. Also, such discharge may be the first sign of pregnancy.

Discharge is brown

If the discharge is brownish in color, we can say that bleeding has appeared in the ducts. It occurs due to mechanical damage to the blood vessels, there is a cyst or tumors are growing.

The discharge is bloody

If the mammary gland secretes a bloody secretion, then we can talk about the presence of a benign or oncological tumor in the breast. You should be concerned if fluid mixed with blood is constantly secreted from one gland, the breasts have enlarged, become denser and hurt when palpated.


This type of secretion that flows from the mammary gland speaks of galactorrhea. This means that pregnancy has not occurred, but the hormone prolactin is actively produced by the body and there is milk in the milk ducts.

Discharge is dark

If the color of the discharge is dark, then there are neoplasms in the mammary gland. The discharge begins to darken due to blood impurities, sometimes its color is completely black or brown. This speaks not only of discharge, but also of infectious or purulent processes.

When nipple discharge is normal

A woman’s monthly cycle involves changes in hormonal levels, so if there are slight, transparent streaks during menstruation, this is normal.

The appearance of yellowish discharge from the nipples during pregnancy, pregnancy, or the second trimester is a normal condition.

If a woman undergoes a breast examination while she is taking hormonal pills and antidepressants, this also cannot be considered a deviation.

When, after looking at the breast secretion, a girl realizes that the shade looks too dark, she needs to think about visiting a doctor. The period during which a specific secret is allocated also plays an important role.

If this has been noted once, then there is nothing to worry about, but when the processes become regular and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you need to go to a specialist and get a full examination. You shouldn’t pay attention to who writes what kind of review on the Internet, because such problems should be dealt with by a professional, and not by people’s advisers and girlfriends.

If fluid is leaking from the chest, this is not necessarily a serious pathology, but to determine its exact cause, you need to see a doctor.

If they are dark and smell unpleasant, then some pathological condition already exists and the sooner treatment begins, the better the result will be. You should not ignore such a manifestation, because it can be an alarming signal. The right decision for every woman is to regularly visit a doctor and be attentive to her health so that unpleasant problems do not arise at all.

The health of a woman's breasts is important not only for maintaining her beauty and sexuality. Raising a healthy baby without mother's milk is extremely costly and problematic. No ultra-modern milk formulas can compare with it in terms of benefits.

That is why every woman is obliged to closely monitor the condition of the mammary glands, paying attention to the slightest alarming changes in their condition. One of the dangerous signs indicating the development of a serious pathology is purulent discharge (PD) from the chest. There may be several reasons for their appearance - all of them are dangerous not only for women’s health, but also for the general condition of the body.

Any discharge from the nipple, if it is not directly related to lactation, is a rather dangerous symptom. It should alert any woman and encourage her to see a mammologist.

Liquids that may flow out of the nipple may vary in color (yellowish, transparent), consistency (sticky, watery), and smell. This depends on the nature of the pathological changes occurring in the mammary gland. The discharge can separate when pressed or flow out spontaneously.

Inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands are common today. One of their main manifestations is chest pain and purulent discharge from the nipple. To know what this entails, you need to have an idea of ​​the nature of this phenomenon.

Purulent discharge (PU) from a woman’s breast - what is it?

Pus is a cloudy exudate that accumulates in the affected tissues during the progression of a purulent/seropurulent inflammatory process. The exudate contains: purulent serum, tissue detritus, living\degenerated cells of microorganisms or neutrophilic leukocytes.

The color of pus can be different - dirty gray, bright green, bluish, yellow, yellow-green. Often there is also an unpleasant odor. It depends on the reasons for the formation of suppuration. The exudate always includes pathological microorganisms that lead to the emergence and progression of the inflammatory process - streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, meningococci, putrefactive anaerobic clostridia and others.

Why does pus come from the chest - causes of purulent discharge

Pus does not just form in the chest. Its accumulation and further release is always preceded by a pathological inflammatory process of the mammary glands, accompanied by painful changes. Pus from the chest during breastfeeding is released against the background of the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning in the chest;
  • swelling;
  • sensations of discomfort, bloating;
  • soreness;
  • redness of the skin of the gland, increased local (sometimes general) temperature.

Pus may be released from the nipples when pressing on the chest. Exudate can also come out spontaneously if a lot of it accumulates.

Pus in the mammary gland in a woman can be a symptom of the following diseases or conditions:

  • purulent cyst;
  • other benign\malignant formations;
  • infection of nipple tissue when it is damaged;
  • infection of the gland after surgery on it;
  • carbuncles\furuncles on the skin of the mammary gland.

Question: Hello. My name is Valeria, I am 30 years old. I discovered a painful lump on my chest. It was hot to the touch and red. The doctor said it was purulent atheroma of the mammary gland. Tell me, is this very dangerous?

Answer: Hello. Atheroma itself is a benign neoplasm. In your case, the danger lies in its inflammation and suppuration. A mandatory removal operation is required to avoid complications. Don't delay this.

Purulent mastitis

Purulent mastitis is one of the most common causes of purulent discharge from the breast. This is an inflammatory pathology of mammary gland tissue, most often diagnosed in breastfeeding women 3-4 weeks after the birth of the baby.

Depending on the causes, there are two types of purulent mastitis:

  • Lactation;
  • Non-lactational.

Lactation develops in the postpartum period, usually two to three weeks after birth, sometimes after 10 months. Most often observed in primiparous women.

The main causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, which penetrates into the tissue of the mammary glands through cracks in the nipples, then through the mouths of the milk ducts. For an inflammatory process to develop, two pathological factors must be present - the presence of infection and lactostasis (milk stagnation). Moreover, the latter acts as a trigger for the progression of purulent mastitis and is considered the main reason for its development.

Lactostasis can occur due to:

  • non-compliance with feeding regimen;
  • insufficient/irregular expression of milk;
  • violations of pumping technique - rough squeezing of milk, causing closed trauma to the gland;
  • cracks in the nipples, nipple stiffness;
  • genetic changes in the mammary gland - convoluted thin milk ducts;
  • previous surgical interventions on the chest.

Stagnation of milk during lactation leads to its coagulation and the development of lactic acid fermentation, which further worsens the outflow. Lactic fermentation products are an ideal environment for the activity of pathogenic microorganisms penetrating the gland, causing a rapid transition of the inflammatory process to the purulent stage.

Non-lactation mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland in non-lactating women. Its reasons may be:

  • chest injuries;
  • implantation of foreign bodies into the mammary gland;
  • suppuration of malignant/benign breast tumors;
  • advanced purulent diseases of the skin/subcutaneous tissue (furuncle, carbuncle on the skin of the chest), when the pathological process passes into deeper tissues.

The range of pathogens causing non-lactation mastitis is much wider. It can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterobacteriaceae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Question: Good afternoon. My name is Maria. I am 33 years old. Recently I fell hard. Yesterday I felt pain in my chest. Upon palpation, I discovered that there were lumps, and a little pus was squeezed out of the nipple. Tell me why I have lumps and pus in my chest?

Answer. Hello Maria. All your symptoms indicate that a non-lactational form of mastitis is developing. The reason in this case is most likely a previous injury to the mammary gland. Urgently contact a mammologist; an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a complete examination.

Symptoms for lactational and non-lactational purulent mastitis are largely similar. The following clinical picture is observed:

  • The mammary gland greatly increases in size. In this case, the pathological process most often affects one mammary gland, the breast looks asymmetrical.
  • The local temperature rises – you can feel it to the touch. The progression of the process causes general hypothermia - the temperature can rise to 38°.
  • The following signs characteristic of inflammation are recorded: local pain that intensifies when touched, redness at the site of the skin lesion.
  • Regional lymph nodes (thoracic, axillary) are enlarged - this can be detected by palpation.
  • The primary focus, through which pathogens enter the milk ducts, becomes noticeable after a few days. It looks like an abscess - a yellow-green center, fuzzy contours, reddened skin around it.
  • Lumps and lumps can be felt in the affected breast. When you press on the gland, purulent discharge comes out of the nipple.

Developing lactation purulent mastitis leads to difficulty in the passage of milk, sometimes it can stop being released completely - this process is accompanied by very severe pain. With lactation mastitis, milk with pus may come out, so breastfeeding is strictly prohibited.

Question: Hello. My daughter is 25 years old. Three weeks ago she gave birth to a girl and is now breastfeeding. Yesterday we noticed something very reminiscent of pus in the milk, one breast was inflamed and hurt. Tell me, where did the pus in the chest come from after childbirth?

Answer: Hello. Your daughter has all the symptoms of lactation mastitis. Stop breastfeeding immediately and run to the doctor!

Purulent breast cyst

A breast cyst is a benign cavity filled with liquid contents that develops in the tissues of the mammary gland (most often in the milk ducts). For a long time the cyst does not manifest itself in any way. Only as pathologies progress can they appear: a burning sensation in the chest, deformation of the mammary gland, and a change in the color of the skin at the site of the lesion. The main cause is hormonal imbalance.

Sometimes, if there are pockets of bacterial/viral lesions in the body, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through the bloodstream into the breast tissue, causing inflammation and suppuration of the cyst. The following factors can increase the risk of developing purulent inflammation of the tumor:

  • “poor” functioning of the immune system;
  • mechanical injuries of the mammary gland;
  • long-term exposure to various heat sources (warm compresses, bath/sauna, sunbathing);
  • squeezing the chest with tight, uncomfortable underwear;
  • constant stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules and lactostasis during breastfeeding.

The clinical picture indicating the development of a purulent inflammatory process is as follows:

  • very severe pain not associated with menstruation in the area where the cyst is located - often it is pulsating in nature, and can even radiate to the neck, shoulder blade, and sometimes to the arm;
  • sharp pain on palpation;
  • when a large amount of pus accumulates, it can flow from the nipple, sometimes pus with blood from the chest is observed;
  • fever develops - the temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. As a result, intoxication develops - weakness\general malaise, nausea\vomiting, and loss of appetite are observed;
  • the skin over the cyst swells, turns red, and the local temperature rises.

To accurately determine the nature of the inflammation, a puncture is performed, during which fluid is taken from the cyst for cytological examination. This helps to find out whether there is a risk of the cyst degenerating into a malignant neoplasm. After all, the presence of an inflammatory process always increases the possibility of degeneration.

Question: Good afternoon. I was diagnosed. They did various tests and pus was discovered during a puncture of the mammary gland. The doctor said that surgery was needed. Tell me, is it necessary to carry it out?

Answer: Hello. In your case, surgical intervention is simply necessary; delaying it is strictly not recommended. The accumulation of a large amount of pus in the cystic cavity often leads to melting of the cyst walls. Pus will penetrate into the breast tissue, and a dangerous complication will develop - phlegmonous mastitis.

A lump with pus on the chest - carbuncle, furuncle, atheroma

Sometimes (rather rarely) purulent discharge from the nipples can be caused by carbuncles. They are red pustules that rise above the skin, and when subjected to mechanical pressure, the woman experiences severe pain. This happens when these bumps with pus develop on the nipples. If the purulent exudate does not find another way out, it can exit through the milky tubules.

The skin of the breast may be affected by an epidermal cyst (atheroma). A neoplasm is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands, which are characterized by increased activity on the skin of the mammary glands. If the excretion of sebum is impaired, a cystic cavity is formed containing a putty-like mass inside. Atheroma does not pose a particular danger to breast health; this tumor is always benign.

However, if it is large, a woman may experience discomfort and discomfort. Particularly unpleasant symptoms develop with inflammation and suppuration of the epidermal cyst:

  • there is pain when touched;
  • the surrounding skin swells and changes color (turns red or blue);
  • pus and blood are released from the neoplasm.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs