Causes and methods of treating stomatitis on the tongue. How is stomatitis on the tongue treated in adults? Stomatitis on the tongue is very strong how to cure

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. The inflammatory process, which is localized in the tongue area, is called glossitis.

Most often, signs of the disease appear on the tip or root of the tongue. These include burning, white plaque, ulcers, pimples or aphthae. In addition to the tongue, ulcers can appear on the inside of the cheeks, lips, and mucous membrane of the gums. Often the disease interferes with speaking, eating, and sleeping. Despite the apparent frivolity of stomatitis on the tongue, every adult should entrust its treatment to a doctor.

What does the tongue look like in different forms of stomatitis?

Depending on the cause and characteristics of the manifestation, stomatitis on the tongue is classified into several types.

Type and photo of stomatitis on the tongue The causative agent of the disease, what the tongue looks like


The causative agents are streptococci and staphylococci. Accompanied by the appearance of quickly opening pustules.


The causative agent is the herpes virus, which can remain in the body for a long time without visible manifestations. It is characterized by the formation of bubbles (as in the photo) filled with transparent exudate, which quickly burst and turn into ulcers.


The causative agent of candidal stomatitis is a fungus of the genus Candida, the cause of which multiplies is the weakening of the body’s immune functions. Accompanied by the appearance of a cheesy coating that hides bleeding ulcers.


Possible causes of formation are mechanical damage, burns, exposure to chemicals. Characterized by the formation of wounds and ulcers.


Possible allergens are dentures, braces, oral hygiene products. Accompanied by the appearance of gray or white plaque, the formation of various pathological formations.

Develops in patients undergoing radiation therapy. It is characterized by the appearance of pinpoint hemorrhages and ulcerations, hyperemia, swelling and blue discoloration of the taste organ, and an increase in the viscosity of saliva.


A mild form in which superficial damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue occurs. This disease can be cured quite quickly.


A severe form, characterized by deep penetration of infection into the tissue. Accompanied by severe pain. The cause of the disease lies in the lack of proper treatment for gastric ulcer or catarrhal stomatitis.


The specificity of this form of the disease lies in the appearance of deep ulcers with regular edges. The top of each aphthae is covered with a white or yellow coating. The pathology occurs in acute and chronic forms.

Self-treatment of stomatitis on the tongue rarely leads to a positive result. To completely recover from the disease, you need to undergo a course of complex drug therapy, the success of which depends on the correct diagnosis. Therefore, if painful ulcers appear on the tongue, you should consult a therapist or dentist and undergo all tests necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease.

Symptoms of stomatitis on the tongue

The main symptoms of stomatitis in the tongue are pain and burning, felt almost constantly. In addition, signs of intoxication of the body appear, the temperature rises (37–38 °C). Symptoms of intoxication include headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue.

Temperatures exceeding 38 °C occur only with the herpetic form of stomatitis.

The tongue with stomatitis looks like this:

  • The tip and sides become red and swollen.
  • The surface is covered with ulcers, aphthae or pustules.
  • The mucous membrane is covered with a white or grayish coating.
  • The papillae become inflamed and enlarged.

Additional symptoms of the disease include:

  • Increased gum bleeding.
  • Repulsive odor from the mouth.
  • Increased salivation or dry mouth.

Diagnostic methods

Before fighting the disease at home, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics in the clinic, since You can get rid of stomatitis on the tongue only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Diagnosis begins with a survey of the patient, who informs the doctor about the characteristics of the disease.

Diagnostic measures include:

  • Analysis of smears from the lesion.
  • Blood test.
  • Allergen determination (if necessary).
  • Examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Biochemical research (study of the performance of internal organs).
  • Glycemic study (test for diabetes mellitus).
  • Test for syphilis.
  • Test for B vitamin deficiency.

Causes of stomatitis on the tongue

Stomatitis on the tongue develops under the simultaneous influence of two factors: a decrease in the body's resistance + infection of the soft tissues of the oral cavity or injury to the mucous membrane of the tongue + infection. In the mouth, a healthy person has its own microflora, consisting of various bacteria and fungi that do not harm health under normal conditions (one of the components of saliva, lysozyme, is a powerful antiseptic). However, with a decrease in protective functions, the balance of microflora is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of stomatitis on the tongue.

There are two main types of stomatitis. In the first case, inflammation of the tongue is an independent disease, in the second case it is a symptom of another pathology. The external manifestations in both cases are almost the same, but the reasons for the development are different.

Cause of the disease More information
Drug treatment The disease develops after long-term antibiotic therapy and taking immunosuppressants.
Lack of oral hygiene Insufficient oral care leads to active growth of bacteria.
Injuries Chronic injury to the tip or lateral surfaces of the tongue with an incorrectly selected brace system, denture, tooth fragment, or hard food increases the risk of infection of its mucous membrane.
Dental diseases Diseases such as periodontitis and caries can lead to stomatitis.
Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract Frequent relapses of chronic stomatitis may indicate the presence of stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
Worm infestations The activity of helminths leads to the cyclical appearance of stomatitis.
Hormonal disorders Characteristic for women during pregnancy.
Mouth breathing Mouth breathing is practiced when the sinuses are clogged due to a cold. As a result, the oral mucosa dries out, which increases its susceptibility to infections.
Decreased immunity It is provoked by emotional stress, overwork, and insufficient nutrition.
Allergy Allergens can include food, cosmetics, household and hygiene products.
Bad habits Drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking leads to exacerbation of stomatitis symptoms. In this case, it is not necessary to treat the disease; it is enough to give up bad habits.
Heredity The appearance of aphthous stomatitis is often associated with an inherited predisposition.
Lack of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 A lack of nutrients in the diet leads to decreased immunity.
Poisoning with harmful substances Even a single poisoning with harmful chemical elements is fraught with frequent relapses of stomatitis.

How and how to treat stomatitis on the tongue in adults

Stomatitis on the tongue in adults needs to be treated comprehensively. The goal of therapy is to get rid of the symptoms and cause of the disease. Sometimes medications are prescribed to speed up the healing process of erosions. Local anesthetics are used to relieve pain: Anestezin, Asept, Lidocaine, Lidochlor.

Injections are rarely prescribed, since stomatitis on the tongue can be treated with local medications with anesthetics: tablets, gels, ointments, sprays. Drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects include:

  • Holisal.
  • Stomatidin.
  • Inhalipt spray.
  • Eucalyptus M.
  • Evkarom.
  • Spray Hexoral.

To quickly cure stomatitis in the tongue of an adult, the following medications will help:

  • Herpetic stomatitis - Acyclovir, Zovirax, Interferon or Oxolinic ointment.
  • Fungal stomatitis – Mycozon, Levorin, Daktarin.
  • Allergic stomatitis - Tavegil, Cetrin, Loratodine.
  • Bacterial stomatitis - Penicillin, Lincomycin, Gentamicin.

Drugs that accelerate the healing process of ulcers include Shostakovsky balm, Solcoseryl. The course of treatment for stomatitis in the tongue may include taking immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, and sedatives.

Stomatitis can be completely cured only after getting rid of concomitant diseases, the treatment tactics of which are determined by highly specialized doctors: dentist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, immunologist.

How to treat stomatitis on the tongue at home

If the cause of tongue ulcers is not identified, treatment is based on symptom relief. To get rid of discomfort in the mouth and protect the body from secondary infections, you need to do the following:

  • Avoid drinking hot drinks, salty, spicy and citrus foods.
  • Rinse your mouth with cool water or suck on ice cubes.
  • Rinse your mouth with saline solution several times a day.
  • Use toothpaste with triamcinolone acetonide.
  • Drink more water.
To quickly get rid of stomatitis on the tongue at home, you need to rinse your mouth with decoctions and herbal infusions based on calendula, chamomile or sage, a solution of potassium permanganate, Furacilin, iodine, and propolis tincture. Apply aloe or Kalanchoe juice to the affected areas of the tongue.

Preventive measures

The development of stomatitis can be avoided by following these rules:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Use a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Use high-quality dentures and braces and follow the rules for caring for them.
  • Monitor the general condition of the body and nutrition.
  • Take walks in the fresh air, get a good night's sleep.

Do not try to establish a diagnosis from a photo; it is better to consult a doctor so that he can conduct clinical studies and establish the exact cause of the disease. Lack of proper treatment can lead to the transition of stomatitis to a chronic condition, which is fraught with gangrenous inflammation of the tongue and the appearance of ulcers.

Good oral health allows a person to enjoy a beautiful smile and pleasant breath.

In addition, the absence of plaque on the teeth and tongue indicates good health.

During a wellness checkup, doctors often check your oral health as a way to determine your health.

Tongue stomatitis is considered a fairly common problem and it is important to know the main causes of the disease, as well as how to treat the problem.

General description and types of stomatitis

Stomatitis on the tongue in adults and children is inflammation, with a characteristic plaque in the mouth, ulcers, which are accompanied by pain.

When the disease occurs, spots and ulcers appear not only on the tongue, but also on other parts of the oral cavity. Regardless of the location of the problem, you need to know how to treat stomatitis in an adult in order to avoid the chronic stage of the disease.

Stomatitis on the tongue in adults is the most painful type of pathology. The patient not only develops acute pain during meals, but also begins to have difficulty speaking, and develops a lisp as a result of increased salivation and pain during conversation.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types of pathology on the tongue itself and under it. Based on the form of the disease, the type of rash changes, as well as treatment methods.

Aphthous form

This type of disease is not characterized by a large number of ulcers on the tongue. Often the patient will have 1-2 large ulcers that visually have an uneven shape.

The size of such a formation can reach up to 7 mm, appears on the side or bottom of the tongue, may be at the tip, and aphthous stomatitis also develops under the tongue. The pathology occurs in a chronic or acute phase.

In acute cases of the disease, patients note a rise in temperature and weakness in the body. Often the problem is viral in nature.

If timely treatment is not provided, the disease enters the chronic phase, but does not cause serious complications. The main causes of chronicity:

  1. A weak immune system, which does not provide adequate protection to a person.
  2. Gastrointestinal pathologies.
  3. Allergy.

Herpetic form

The type of disease is characterized by a large accumulation of small blisters in any area of ​​the tongue.

In some cases, the formations merge with each other, after a while the bubble bursts, after which an ulcer with a gray coating forms. This form is always accompanied by severe pain.

Herpetic stomatitis begins due to the penetration of herpes type 1. The disease is often chronic, with periods of exacerbation. Relapses occur due to certain factors:

  1. Weakening of the immune system.
  2. Frequent and severe stress.
  3. Emotional or nervous tension.

Candidiasis form

Such stomatitis on the tongue in adults appears when Candida fungi are activated, which is present in the mouth of any person, and under certain circumstances they begin to develop. Popularly, this type of disease is called oral thrush.

Candidal stomatitis is characterized by the accumulation of spots on the mucous membrane, which have a white tint and visually resemble a curd mass.

When removing the formation, pain appears, and red ulcers are noticeable under the plaque. Some time after the formation is removed, it appears again.

Milk often appears over the entire area of ​​the tongue, and there may be stomatitis under the tongue. The pathology is complemented by changes in taste and bad breath.

The main reasons for the development of fungi are:

  1. Long-term and improper treatment with medications, in particular antibacterial drugs, which kill oral flora.
  2. Use of hormonal medications.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Weakness of immunity.

Catarrhal form

Stomatitis on the tongue in adults is complemented by the presence of swelling, white or yellow coating.

In addition to unpleasant symptoms, strong salivation and a pungent odor appear.

This form is the most common among people and appears as a result of the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient oral hygiene.
  2. Dental diseases.
  3. Gastrointestinal pathologies.
  4. Infection of the body with worms.

Ulcerative form

With an ulcerative appearance, the patient will have many ulcers on the tongue that penetrate quite deeply. In addition, the patient develops an unpleasant odor.

There may be stomatitis on the tip of the tongue, over the entire area or under it. In some cases, the temperature increases and a deterioration in general condition is felt.

The reasons for the development are:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases, in particular ulcers.
  2. Decreased immune system functions.
  3. Insufficient oral hygiene.
  4. Tartar, periodontitis.

Traumatic form

It is characterized by cracks in the tongue and ulcers on it; often it is the tongue, its tip and lateral parts that are affected. Main reasons:

  1. Damage from solid foods or other objects.
  2. Burns.
  3. Dehydration and dry mucous membranes after alcohol.
  4. Poorly done dental prosthetics.
  5. A chipped tooth that scratches your tongue.

All of the presented forms of the disease can affect the entire mouth, and not just the tongue. To identify the disease in a timely manner, it is important to know and learn to recognize the symptoms.

Main symptoms

In adults, stomatitis in the tongue of the initial stage of development has characteristic symptoms.

Initially there will be slight discomfort in the mouth, the temperature rises to a maximum of 38 degrees.

The rapid and acute development of the disease can be determined by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the muscles of the legs and arms.
  2. Headaches.
  3. Weakness in the body.
  4. Temperature more than 38 degrees (indicates herpetic form).

When infected with the herpes virus, increased sensitivity of the tongue begins. In addition to the described symptoms, patients develop plaque of different colors and shapes, depending on the stomatitis.

In some cases, the mucous membrane turns red, tissue density appears, and gradually swells.

After a couple of days, if left untreated, wounds will form with clear edges. The tongue swells, and on its surface you can see how the upper ball of tissue peels off.

The pain becomes more intense, causing the person to refuse to talk and eat. Some people experience bleeding from the gums and wounds on the tongue, and with certain stomatitis, the smell of the mouth changes.


It is possible to cure stomatitis on the tongue in the early stages without the use of medications.

It is enough to know some simple remedies that you can use at home. If first aid does not produce results, after about a couple of days, you will need to consult a doctor. He can make a diagnosis, determine the causes and methods of treatment.

During progression, pathologists will need to carefully monitor hygiene, use antiseptic rinses after meals or treat the mouth with solutions if stomatitis develops in children.

Treatment in adults

How to cure stomatitis in an adult is indicated by the doctor, based on the cause. In any case, comprehensive measures must be used to eliminate the symptoms and the disease itself.

  1. Kamistad.
  2. Dentinox.
  3. Lidochlor.
  1. Herpetic stomatitis - Acyclovir, Zovirax or Oxolinic ointment is recommended. Be sure to prescribe medications to support the immune system, for example, Immunal, Viferon. Vitamins are used to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Cholisal or Solcoseryl denta helps to quickly relieve the inflammatory process and speed up wound healing. In some cases, doctors prescribe oil-based solutions that contain vitamins.
  3. For the bacterial form of stomatitis, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin should be used. A positive effect appears from Metronidazole ointment or antiseptics for treating the tongue and mucous membranes.
  4. For the fungal form, it is necessary to use medications against the pathogen, namely Miconazole, Nystatin. These medications are used in combination with alkaline-based ointments, gels, or mouthwashes. The solution can be made at home from soda.
  5. In case of an allergic type of disease, you need to take antihistamines, including Zyrtec, Fenistil, Claritin.

If stomatitis is complemented by gastrointestinal diseases and endocrine system disorders, then drugs that treat the underlying diseases are used.

To ensure that wounds heal quickly, you can use applications based on calendula or Actovegin ointments. Ulcers on the very tip of the tongue are lubricated with gels.

Treatment in children

The main difference between the disease in a child is its rapid development and acute symptoms. The essence of therapy is no different from that for adults, but not all drugs can be used for children.

The choice of treatment regimen is determined solely by the doctor. It will be necessary to use medications to eliminate pain, as well as drugs that directly affect the cause of stomatitis, pathogens and will quickly heal wounds.

The main problem of treatment is the limited number of medications that can be given to a child.

For example, it is prohibited to use ointments for fungus; it is better to use a soda solution.

In addition, Acyclovir and some other medications should not be used. The permitted medications are indicated by the pediatrician.

Folk remedies

At home, you can cure stomatitis using alternative medicine recipes.

It is worth noting that a positive result only from folk remedies appears in the early stages, in other cases it is an auxiliary treatment.

For pain relief, you can use decoctions based on chamomile or calendula flowers.

To speed up the healing of ulcers, aloe and other remedies are used. For rinsing, recipes based on herbs that are simply steamed in boiling water are suitable. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.

Among the effective recipes for the treatment of stomatitis are:

  1. Peroxide. Use 1 tsp. peroxide, diluted in water and rinse your mouth 3 times a day. This remedy easily relieves pain.
  2. Propolis. The tincture helps eliminate the inflammatory process, you can buy it at the pharmacy, dilute 1 tsp for treatment. tinctures in 150 ml of water. To improve the effect, you can alternate with rinsing with peroxide.
  3. Aloe. The plant will quickly relieve pain and inflammation; use the juice to rinse or simply apply a piece of aloe to the ulcers; if you wish, you can live with the leaf a little.
  4. Garlic. An excellent natural antibacterial agent that effectively copes with stomatitis. To prepare, you need to chop 3-4 cloves and mix with sour cream. Keep the product on your tongue for half an hour, use the recipe 2-3 times a day.
  5. Potato. For treatment, grated potatoes or a piece that must be chewed are used.
  6. Carrot juice. The finished drink, diluted in an equal part of water, is used to rinse the mouth 3 times a day. Cabbage juice will have a similar effect.

In folk medicine there are many recipes for stomatitis and other pathologies. The main advantage is naturalness, but in some cases this can be a disadvantage if the patient has allergies.

For the treatment of children, there are significantly fewer folk remedies; among the safe and possible ones, you can use:

  1. Soda solution for wiping the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums, and toys. It is enough to dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. soda
  2. Infants can make a decoction of chamomile and calendula. To prepare you need 1 tsp. Brew in 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Children from 1 year old can wipe their mouth and mucous membranes with peach, flaxseed or sea buckthorn oil, as well as aloe juice.
  4. A child over 6 years old can be given potato, carrot or cabbage juice as a mouth rinse.
  5. In case of severe disease, an infusion from the collection should be used. For cooking use 1 tbsp. birch leaves, 2 tbsp. sage and 3 tbsp. rose hips, oregano. For 1 tbsp. add 250 ml of boiling water to the mixture, leave for 2 hours, then combine with the kombucha drink and leave for 3 days. Use the finished product to rinse three times a day.

Very often, a baby develops fungal stomatitis; infection can occur through a bottle, breast or pacifier.

If plaque appears in the oral cavity, you must take immediate action, but it is better to consult a doctor for effective therapy.

Many people use herbal teas or infusions. Similar products are always made according to the same recipe, enough for 1 tbsp. plants or collection, add 250 ml of boiling water and leave to brew for 1-2 hours.

After cooking, heat and use for rinsing. The course of treatment is 10 days. Among the effective recipes are:

  1. For ulcerative or catarrhal stomatitis, an infusion of anise should be used. Rinse your mouth with liquid 3 times.
  2. Decoctions and infusions of chamomile, oak bark or calendula give good results. The medicine should be prepared in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then leave for another couple of hours. The products easily disinfect and relieve pain and inflammation.
  3. For severe stomatitis, mix 1 tsp. vegetable oil with an ampoule of Novocaine, add 1 tsp. honey and 1 protein. Use to treat wounds on the tongue.
  4. In advanced cases, make a decoction of onion peels. To prepare, add 50 grams of crushed husk to 250 ml of water, cook for a quarter of an hour and leave overnight. Filter, add water to 250 ml volume, and drink 3 times a day.

During treatment, be sure to use products and preparations with vitamins A, B, C, E.

The herbal medicines described can only be used by adults; they are not intended for children. The effect of folk treatment appears with systematic use.


To prevent the development of stomatitis and unpleasant symptoms, you will need to apply the following rules of prevention:

  1. Keep your mouth clean, brush your teeth 2 times a day, use floss and mouthwash after meals. It is recommended to select toothpastes that can disinfect the mouth and have an anesthetic effect.
  2. Use remedies and any measures to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Be examined and treated by a dentist 2 times a year.
  4. Adjust your diet, make it healthy, balanced, so that it contains a lot of vitamins and other useful substances.
  5. Try not to get into stressful situations.
  6. Lead a correct and healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits.
  7. If you have a weak immune system, during pregnancy, as well as during treatment of stomatitis, it is recommended to replace toothpaste with products that contain Chlorhexidine.
  8. Eliminate irritating foods from your diet. These include everything sour, salty, spicy and hot.
  9. You should drink and eat only what is warm, do not eat anything hot or cold.
  10. If you have braces on your teeth or dentures, you need to pay special attention to hygiene.
  11. It is recommended to avoid allergens in the diet, as they can cause negative consequences.

It is worth remembering that stomatitis develops much faster in children than in adults.

When the first symptoms develop, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis, determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

If a person has already had stomatitis, then it may recur again. The disease cannot be completely cured, so preventive measures will help protect yourself.

Useful video

It is generally accepted that stomatitis is a childhood problem. This opinion is wrong. Small wounds in the oral cavity can also be found in adults. Ulcers bring a lot of discomfort: chewing food becomes painful, and there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth. Stomatitis on the tongue occurs with the same frequency as on the inner surface of the cheeks, lips, and hard palate. In this case, it becomes difficult to speak, because the articulation process is disrupted. If painful rashes occur in the mouth, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication does not always give results, sometimes it even worsens the situation.

What is stomatitis

Infections, long-term use of antibiotics, chronic diseases of the teeth or tonsils lead to a decrease in the body's defenses. As a result, bacteria or viruses can multiply unchecked, causing inflammation. This is what happens in the oral cavity. Excessive activity of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the formation of painful wounds.

First, a slight redness appears on the mucosa, the epithelial cells begin to die under the influence of bacteria or their toxins, resulting in ulceration. A few hours later, a wound with a bright red rim is discovered in this place.

The appearance of the sores may vary depending on the cause of the inflammation. With herpetic stomatitis, a group of blisters filled with liquid appears on the tongue. If the cause of the disease is fungi, the wounds are covered with a white coating.


The immediate cause of stomatitis is the proliferation of viruses, bacteria or fungi against a background of weakened immunity. The body's defenses cannot resist microbes. Any injuries to the mucous membrane, poor oral hygiene, too hot or cold food can cause sores to appear on the tongue.

Main causes of the disease:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics in both adults and children leads to disruption of the oral microflora. This is a trigger for the proliferation of microbes.
  • Chronic diseases of teeth, tonsils, gums.
  • After any infectious diseases (measles, diphtheria, ARVI), immunity decreases. If there are additional risk factors, stomatitis occurs.
  • Due to neglect of hygiene rules, food remains in the oral cavity and plaque accumulates, which is a good environment for the growth of bacteria.
  • Injuries to the tongue lead to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane. Bacteria or viruses migrate to the site of damage, and inflammation occurs. Wearing braces and dentures is accompanied by injury to the tongue. Damaged teeth and frequent consumption of seeds also contribute to this. In this case, the ulcers will be located on the lateral surfaces of the tongue.
  • Sores can be a manifestation of allergies. Unusual foods, new toothpaste or mouthwash can irritate the mucous membranes.
  • In adults, risk factors include smoking and alcohol abuse. The oral mucosa dries out, the protective properties of saliva decrease, and as a result, frequent recurrent stomatitis occurs.

Clinical picture

Manifestations of stomatitis may vary slightly depending on the type of disease. But the main complaint of patients is painful ulcers on the tongue. General health is rarely disturbed; in most cases, the child’s condition remains satisfactory.

Main symptoms:

  • Sores on the tongue can look different. With herpetic lesions, they look like bubbles with liquid, located in small groups. A feature of fungal stomatitis is a thick white coating on the tongue. Aphthous inflammation is characterized by the formation of deep ulcers with a bright rim around. The localization of wounds can be different: under the tongue or near the frenulum, on the lateral surfaces, on the tip or root of the tongue.
  • Severe pain syndrome. Most people are concerned not so much about the ulcers themselves as about how painful they are. Any touch to the damaged area causes discomfort. Pain occurs when chewing food, swallowing, even when talking.
  • A burning sensation may precede the formation of ulcers.
  • Due to the proliferation of bacteria, bad breath occurs.
  • In some cases, swelling of the tongue and an increase in size are observed.
  • General intoxication syndrome is moderately expressed. The child may develop a fever, weakness, headache, decreased appetite, and poor sleep. A sharp deterioration in the condition, an increase in temperature above 38 degrees is associated with herpetic lesions of the tongue. In this case, you can get rid of rashes with the help of antiviral agents.


The management tactics for patients with tongue ulcers and the choice of the most effective remedy will depend on the type of pathogen. A doctor should treat stomatitis. If this is a child, you should contact your pediatrician. In adults, dental problems are dealt with by the dentist.

You can try to treat the ulcers at home. For this purpose, antiseptic sprays and anti-inflammatory ointments are used. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • If after 2-3 days the condition has not improved.
  • During pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, many drugs are prohibited, as they can harm the fetus.
  • Infants.
  • Frequently recurring stomatitis.
  • Increase in temperature, general deterioration of condition.

In order for the ulcers to go away quickly, you must follow several recommendations:

  • Brush your teeth regularly with a soft toothbrush.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Eat food at room temperature.
  • Avoid hot or cold foods.

Treatment of stomatitis on the tongue should be comprehensive. Doctors prescribe drugs with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and restorative effects. Traditional medicine is also effective.

  • If the rash on the tongue resembles blisters, it is most likely a herpetic lesion. The treatment regimen should include antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Zovirax). To strengthen the body's defenses, vitamins and immunostimulants are prescribed.
  • Rinsing is the main method of combating microorganisms. A solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is widely used. You need to rinse your mouth for a long time and regularly to get rid of ulcers.
  • Sprays are easy to use, especially for infants, because you can’t explain to a one-year-old child that he needs to gargle or suck on a lollipop. Chlorophyllipt, Inhalipt, Miramistin in the form of spey are widely used.
  • Cholisal is prescribed for local treatment of ulcers. A small amount of gel should be applied to the wounds and lubricate the damaged area with a thin layer. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day. Within a few minutes, the ulcers stop hurting due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Traditional medicine

If stomatitis occurs in a baby or during pregnancy, most medications will have to be abandoned, as they are contraindicated. Traditional medicine recipes will come to the rescue. If the general condition is satisfactory, you can be treated at home. If these remedies are ineffective or your health worsens, you should go to the hospital.

  • Rinse with baking soda. Soda solution has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. A tablespoon of soda is dissolved in a glass or mug of water. The oral cavity must be rinsed at least 3 times a day.
  • Lubricating wounds with honey brings good results.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage are also used for rinsing. The solution can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made at a pharmacy.

To fully recover and prevent the occurrence of stomatitis in the future, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease and eliminate it. Otherwise, the ulcers will appear again. Timely treatment of foci of infection in the oral cavity and adherence to good hygiene will help reduce the risk of stomatitis in the future.

Stomatitis on the tongue or catarrhal glossitis is a common disease that affects the oral cavity. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, which manifests itself in the form of white sores on the tongue, is not contagious, but causes pain.

The appearance of stomatitis is provoked by several factors:

Stomatitis on the tongue manifests itself in the form of white ulcers, which over time turn into ulcers.

The following symptoms are characteristic of catarrhal glossitis:

  • Plaque on the tongue is yellow or white;
  • Swelling of the tongue at a more advanced stage;
  • Increased density of the mucous membrane;
  • Feeling of pain and burning in the affected areas;
  • Impaired sense of taste;
  • Pain that occurs when moving the tongue;
  • Elevated temperature, characteristic of severe forms of the disease.

How to treat stomatitis on the tongue?

When treating stomatitis on the tongue, both in children and adults, attention is paid to two areas: elimination of painful symptoms and the cause of the disease.

The following methods are used to combat painful symptoms:

  • Treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions (furacilin, chlorhexedine);
  • Use of drugs containing iceocaine;
  • Local antiseptics for pain relief in the form of lozenges, ointments or gels;
  • Removing plaque using hydrogen peroxide;
  • Increasing immunity through vitamin preparations and products;
  • Therapy against viruses or herpes if necessary.

To eliminate the cause and prevent recurrence of the disease, the following methods are used:

  • Thorough sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • Dental treatment: caries, ;
  • Elimination of traumatic factors;
  • Treatment of the underlying disease that provoked stomatitis on the tongue.

When treating stomatitis, the patient must follow a special diet that excludes all spicy and salty foods, as well as fermented and irritating foods. Eating hot food is not allowed.

For mild stomatitis, home treatment (folk treatment) may be effective. In this case, the following means can be used:

  • Rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution. To do this, you will need two teaspoons of peroxide per glass of water. This remedy will reduce pain.
  • At the first sign you can apply treatment with propolis. It is used after rinsing with hydrogen peroxide on a thoroughly dried cavity. To speed up the process, it is best to use a hair dryer. Propolis tincture is applied with a dropper from a pipette onto the sore and immediately dried until a thin film is formed. This remedy will help reduce the number of ulcers.
  • A mixture of chopped garlic with yogurt or sour cream It is also a folk remedy for the treatment of stomatitis of the tongue. This mixture should be held in the mouth, trying to distribute it over the most affected areas.
  • An effective method of combating glossitis is gargling with herbal decoctions. This folk remedy is often added to the main treatment. Antiseptic herbs are used for this purpose: sage, calendula, chamomile. To prepare the decoction you will need one tablespoon of any herb and a glass of boiling water. The broth is brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. They need to rinse their mouth every two hours.
  • To eliminate signs of stomatitis, they can also be used at home. brine. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture.

How to treat it in children?

Treatment for catarrhal glossitis depends on the form of the disease (treatment of aphthous stomatitis). If you suspect this disease in a child, it is important to consult a specialist in time, because at this age the course of the disease is more difficult.

The doctor makes appointments depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the child.

Mandatory procedures for stomatitis on a child’s tongue:

  1. rubdown
  2. compresses
  3. rinsing

For this purpose, soda or manganese solution, herbal decoctions, silver preparations, and antifungal ointments are used. Antiviral drugs and antihistamines are also indispensable in the treatment of childhood glossitis. Increasing immunity is also one of the prerequisites for successful treatment of the disease.

Requires mandatory medical intervention; only a doctor can correctly prescribe the necessary medications and procedures.

When treating a child, it is important to provide him with comfortable conditions:

  • food should be sufficiently rich in proteins, mineral salts and vitamins
  • It is better to avoid eating sweets during illness
  • Hot or cold food is not allowed
  • warm and non-acidic drinks in large quantities will promote recovery
  • It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the room and regular ventilation
  • Oral hygiene must be carried out thoroughly; after treatment it is necessary to replace the toothbrush

If ulcers appear on the tongue of an adult or child (see about the treatment of ulcers), pain occurs, then you should immediately consult a dentist. The early stages of the disease are much easier and quicker to cure. If the form of the disease in an adult is not too serious, but a visit to the clinic is impossible for some reason, then home treatment is acceptable, but it is better to carry it out under the supervision of a specialist.

Video: stomatitis - advice, treatment, prevention

Stomatitis is commonly called group of diseases, characteristic of the oral mucosa. The most common location is at the base or end of the tongue, on the side, on top or under the tongue in the form of sores, blisters and rashes.

If stomatitis on the tongue appears once, it will occur again, even after successful treatment.

Diagnosis of this problem is possible only through visual inspection. doctor, since there are no special medical tests for this disease. You should be guided by the patient's medical record, since ulcers on the tongue are often are just a symptom more complex disease.

Pathogenesis and causes

The mechanisms of stomatitis have not been reliably determined, but doctors say that it is reaction of the immune system to the appearance of molecules, which she is unable to recognize. As a result, lymphocytes are attacked, which causes sores on the tongue called stomatitis.

If you have tongue ulcers, the causes may be related to a wide range of common etiological factors:

  • Genetic predisposition to diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards;
  • Poor quality fillings and dental prosthetics;
  • Plaque and tartar, jaw chips;
  • Abuse of sweet, spicy, cold and hot foods;
  • Drug, nicotine or alcohol addiction;
  • Stress, depression;
  • Lack of nutrients and sleep, vitamin deficiency.

Common causes of tongue sores- contact with infected harmful microorganisms, animals or people. Similar viruses ( herpes simplex or mushroom of the genus Candida) infect the oral cavity. The professional activities of certain segments of the population can also cause the formation of ulcers on the tongue. There is a high likelihood of stomatitis occurring in employees of medical institutions and the food industry, and in farm workers who come into contact with cattle and poultry.


Symptoms of stomatitis on the tongue become increasingly severe depending on the stage of the disease:


In children, the symptoms are more pronounced; there is a significant enlargement of the tongue, increased saliva production with a change in their consistency. The child may complain of a sour smell and unpleasant taste in the mouth. The mushroom-shaped papillae on the tongue are significantly raised against the background of the mucous membrane.

What is the difference between stomatitis and herpes?

Since stomatitis and viral herpes on the tongue have the same symptoms, these diseases can be confused, but clear differences still exist:

  • Stomatitis initially begins with ulcers, while herpes on the tongue manifests itself due to the bursting of small blisters;
  • Stomatitis affects soft tissue, and herpes often prefers tissue adjacent to bone;
  • The areas affected by stomatitis are always different, but herpes is characterized by manifestation in the same place.

The herpes virus can also cause stomatitis on the tongue itself, in which case many small blisters will gradually burst until one large ulcer appears.

Wounds on the tongue require complex treatment, these are:

  • taking anesthetics,
  • treatment of the primary cause of the disease,
  • taking medications to speed up the healing of ulcers.

To find out how to treat a tongue ulcer, determine its location. Ointments and gels are better for treating ulcers and wounds on the tip of the tongue, whereas a cotton swab soaked in the solution It is better to use for lubricating wounds in the far part. Specific treatment for tongue ulcers should be tailored to the type of stomatitis.

Compared with sprays and gels ointments are not so effective because they are practically not absorbed and are not fixed on the tongue due to instant swallowing. Medicines in this form have the greatest effect on the surface layer of the mucosal epithelium.

Treatment of viral stomatitis

Viral or ulcerative stomatitis occurs due to damage to the body by viruses smallpox, herpes, adenoviruses, influenza and others. If due to this type of stomatitis an ulcer appears on the tongue, treatment involves the following measures:

  • Using Lidocaine or Lidochol to relieve pain;
  • The use of Cholisal, Karotolin, Solcoseryl, rosehip oil to relieve inflammation;
  • Kamistad will speed up the healing of wounds;
  • Oral and local use of antihistamines;
  • Strictly as prescribed by the doctor, use antiviral gels, ointments or sprays - Giporamin, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Oxolin;
  • Increasing immunity by taking immunomodulators as recommended by a doctor. This could be Polyoxidonium, Immunal, Cycloferon;
  • Taking general vitamin complexes.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis

30% of the population develops a rash on the tongue due to an allergic reaction to medications, wool, food and plants. Doctors do not consider this type of stomatitis a separate disease, since this is one of the common allergy symptoms. The doctor will explain to you how to treat a tongue ulcer in such a case. This could be taking Suprastin, Cetrin, Tavegil and other similar drugs to eliminate the allergen.

Candidal stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis appears on the tongue in children and the elderly. These may also include patients with tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, HIV-infected people and patients using steroid hormones. Candida fungus is always present in the oral cavity, but certain factors can provoke it excessive reproduction. The ulcer on the tongue will have a whitish coating, which, when removed, will reveal an inflammatory focus. Other symptoms include pain and burning while eating, cracks in the corners of the mouth, and dry mouth.

Means for the treatment of candidal stomatitis:

  • Oral and local administration of antifungal drugs - Irunin, Levorin, Clotrimazole, Nystanin, Pimafucin as prescribed by a doctor;
  • The use of antifungal solutions, gels and ointments - Miconazole, Levorin and Nystatin ointment;
  • If you have dentures, treatment with Yodonol, Lugol spray, borax solution or soda solution is required;
  • The diet involves the exclusion of simple carbohydrates - sweets, flour, confectionery.

Treatment of catarrhal, ulcerative and aphthous stomatitis

There are three forms of manifestation of oral stomatitis - catarrhal, ulcerative and aphthous.

  1. Catarrhal stomatitis- affects the superficial layer of the mucous membrane of the tongue. There is swelling, the appearance of white or yellow spots, increased salivation, and bad breath.
  2. Ulcerative stomatitis- in turn, affects the entire thickness of the mucous membrane and, in addition to the above symptoms, is characterized by an increase in temperature to 37°C and inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  3. Aphthous stomatitis- a severe form of the disease, the causes of which have not yet been precisely determined. These may be viral infections and allergic reactions, gastrointestinal diseases, hereditary factors and rheumatism. To find out how to cure a tongue ulcer, you should definitely visit a doctor to first find out the cause of its appearance. In addition to those mentioned above, this may be poisoning, various types of leukemia, immunodeficiency and other health problems.

Treatment methods used:

  • Use of antihistamines and sedatives;
  • Vitamin therapy - taking folic and nicotinic acid, riboflavin, B1, B6, C;
  • Sodium thiosulfate for detoxification. An aqueous 10% solution is taken orally in 2-3 gram doses or administered intravenously;
  • A painful ulcer on the tongue can be cured with local remedies - Kalanchoe juice, peach oil or sea buckthorn oil. For antiseptic rinsing, use a solution of furatsilin tablets, hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio with water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Ulcers are treated with an infusion of chamomile decoction with 4 g. boric acid;
  • Recurrent cases require taking Decaris as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Elimination of sweet, spicy and overly hard foods, smoking and alcohol.

Treatment of stomatitis in children

Mouth ulcers in children cause unpleasant taste sensations, and therefore they often refuse to eat. In the early stages of the disease treatment of stomatitis in children is possible even at home and presents no difficulties.

Treatment of tongue ulcers in children is carried out according to a similar scheme as in the treatment of adults:

  • anesthesia,
  • eliminating the original cause of the disease,
  • taking medications for healing.

It is only prohibited to use antifungal drugs, which are replaced with oxolinic ointment and soda solution.


The development of stomatitis in a child occurs much faster, and the symptoms will be more acute.

During the period of illness, it is necessary not only to brush your teeth frequently, but also to use a mouth rinse that contains an antiseptic.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you have stomatitis on your tongue, treatment at home is allowed, with the exception of herpetic and candida diseases, because antiseptic, immunomodifying and anti-inflammatory drugs are not able to affect viruses and fungi.


To prevent ulcers and pimples from appearing on the tongue, adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Thoroughly take care of your mouth, ensure timely treatment of foci of any infections, including caries;
  2. During pregnancy and with decreased immunity use toothpaste with chlorhexidine instead of the usual one, as well as a mouthwash;
  3. Watch what you eat. Take a test at a medical laboratory to exclude foods that provoke an allergic reaction from the diet. Do not eat spicy, spicy, salty or crunchy foods. Avoid alcohol, orange and tomato juices;
  4. The body must receive sufficient amount of vitamins.

Untimely treatment of stomatitis leads to dangerous consequences, since pimples on the tongue at the throat or at the end can cause deep tissue damage, severe inflammation and even speech defects.



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