Spiderman portfolio school subjects separately. An original portfolio in the style of Spiderman (Spiderman) for primary schoolchildren and preschoolers

Today, special portfolio for a boy . Some parents compose them at their own request, while in some cases kindergartens and schools call for this.

Some modern fathers and mothers do not take this innovation seriously, considering compiling a child’s portfolio a waste of time (after all, it is the parents who have to compile it). But that's not true. A portfolio is not just fun, but allows us to record the development of a child as a person, his creative and intellectual abilities. At the same time, the portfolio does not include everything, but only the most important and tangible achievements of the child. Thus, the portfolio becomes a kind of piggy bank of your child’s successes.

In most cases, portfolio for a boy is compiled in kindergarten at the request of teachers, but may also be required upon admission to some schools. Moreover, this is not just a whim of teachers, a portfolio helps the teacher to get to know the child better, get acquainted with his achievements and strengths, understand what the child has aptitude for and what needs to be developed. It is also very important that the child himself is interested in compiling this portfolio; you can use it directly when filling out the portfolio. Invite your child to choose the photo he likes and describe himself together (indicate his first and last name, gender, age). You can add information about parents. Write down what the child likes to do and what he doesn’t. And also add to portfolio for a boy his most important achievements. This will become a kind of encouragement, will help the child realize his “I” and become more self-confident.

In addition to this portfolio, on our website you can find and download a sample for elementary school students () and for kindergarten ().

The number of headings and their type are determined individually in each case, depending on the type of portfolio and its goals. Also, a portfolio can exist in different types. This could be an electronic portfolio (often interesting for older students). Its advantage is the ability to add various effects. The portfolio is in the form of a coloring book, that is, the child independently and with your help designs it. And the traditional printed portfolio, which is created in the form of folders and cards. But an important condition for any portfolio is that it is created not independently of the child himself, but with his participation, and that he understands what is written in it. Below we give an example portfolio for a boy with a Spiderman theme. It is not necessary to print out all the pages - select the ones your child needs and print them on a color printer. If you open the image in a separate window, it will be in the format needed for printing.

Portfolio for a boy - Spider-Man:

Ready-made sheets for a student’s portfolio under the general theme “Spider-Man” are suitable for primary and secondary school students. This is the second version of the portfolio I created based on the well-known film. That's why there is a number 2 in the title. The first option can be seen at LINK

A special feature of this student’s portfolio is availability of tables, which are useful for recording educational achievements. Such tables are the following sheets: my teachers (a sheet with a list of teachers can be placed under the sheet of the school and a description of the route to it), reading technique (placed under the “Literary reading” separator), my participation in holidays and events (placed under the sheet “My social work” "). Filling them out is intuitive and will not cause any difficulties.

The Spider-Man 2 portfolio archive includes a frame in png format, the fonts used in the template, and a blank sheet with a background, which will allow you to add new sheets yourself as you study.

Depending on the requirements of your school, you can purchase only the main portfolio templates or together with subject dividers (sheets: mathematics, Russian, literary reading, etc.). The cost of basic sheets is 400 rubles. The cost of object separators (10 pcs.) is 100 rubles.

The sheets for a student’s portfolio presented below are best filled out on a computer, using one of the graphic editors - detailed. However, you can also fill it out by hand after printing it.

A4 sheet format, resolution 300 dpi. All the sheets included in the kit can be seen in the preview below.

Like the other portfolio options that you will find, you can fill out these templates yourself, or order them from me.

To fill out the presented student portfolio sheets the following materials are needed:

  1. Title page – photo, full name, class, city, school
  2. My world is a photograph that somehow reflects the external or internal world of a child (in nature, at a favorite hobby, etc.), motto
  3. My name - text
  4. My family - general photo, short story about the family
  5. My friends - a photograph, it’s good if there is a common one, on this sheet you can place a short poem about friendship or briefly talk about friends
  6. My city – a photograph of the city, a suitable poem or story about the city
  7. My hobbies – 2 horizontal photos of each hobby and a few sentences about it
  8. My school – photo and full name of the school
  9. My route from home to school - a picture from Yandex maps or a photo of a route drawn by a child
  10. My teachers - full names of teachers and names of subjects they teach
  11. My favorite school subjects - a story about favorite subjects at school from a child’s point of view
  12. My studies - a photo at my desk, a short poem or story about my school days
  13. My social work is a horizontal photograph from a school event or cleanup event
  14. My participation in holidays and events - date, name of the event, type of participation
  15. My impressions – 2 horizontal photographs and a few sentences about them

The sheet on reading techniques present in this student’s portfolio is most often filled out by hand, since the information is received during the school years.

This layout contains 42 colorful Spider-Man themed template divider sheets for an original elementary school student's portfolio - 145 MB- Download

This layout contains 14 colorful sheets-templates-dividers for kindergarten and elementary school students - 56 MB- Download

This portfolio layout contains 9 colorful sheets-templates-dividers for preschool and primary school students (grades 1-4) - 9 MB- Download

Many boys want to have their own portfolio and not just any portfolio, but the most original one, made in the Spider-Man style. Spider-Man is an extraordinary hero who has long captivated children with his character and phenomenal abilities. Which boy doesn’t dream that everyone knows about his exploits and can be proud of his actions? And for this it is not at all necessary to save the city, like Peter Parker from evil villains. Use only a simple opportunity - download sheets for an exceptionally beautiful and at the same time original portfolio in the style of a famous cartoon and fill them with the necessary data.

Many parents may find this type of design funny and inconsistent with the structure and style of the portfolio. This is not entirely true. Schools and kindergartens have not yet approved a single template for registration. Even if your school or kindergarten does not yet require you to provide a completed portfolio, create it yourself by downloading ready-made templates with the image of Spider-Man. We are sure that, following your son, many of the boy’s friends, having seen such a wonderful folder, will definitely want to download the same sheets for themselves in order to also become like Peter Parker. But you will be the first, like the real superhero that Spiderman has become.

Children's Portfolio Template - Spider-Man

Children's portfolio template - Spiderman in dark blue tones. Suitable for a stylish, cheerful little boy. It will become your son's favorite book.

The portfolio consists of pagesPNG format. Their variety will satisfy the requirements of any school and kindergarten. Also, along with the portfolio, you will receive detailed instructions on how to fill out the portfolio. By following the instructions, you can easily cope with this, even if you have never worked in Photoshop.

Many articles and video lessons on our website will also help you fill out the Children’s Portfolio Template. And of course, every Thursday our designers give you a master class on filling out a portfolio. Where the secrets of creating beautiful portfolios will be revealed to you, and you can ask your questions live.

If you liked the Children's Portfolio - Spider-Man, but you don't want to fill it out yourself, contact our designers, they will be happy to help you. You can order a completed portfolio.

The Children's Portfolio template must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a child’s favorite “picture book” and a source of pride.

Explain to your child what kind of “Magic Book” you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child “will not understand” or “will quickly grow cold.” He Will Definitely Understand! From the age of 3, all children, without exception, love bright books.
And it won't get cold! The book about yourself is the most interesting. She will enthusiastically accept all creative works, pay special attention to amazing fantasies, and after a while she will lovingly remind you of how little you were a year ago!

Preschooler's portfolio is completely filled out

A preschooler's portfolio - Spider-Man - completely filled with Cool Cars in dark blue tones, on each page there is an image of a modern car. Suitable for a stylish, cheerful little boy. It will become your son's favorite book.

A children's portfolio must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a child’s favorite “picture book” and a source of pride.
Explain to your child what kind of “Magic Book” you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child “will not understand” or “will quickly grow cold.” He Will Definitely Understand! From the age of 3, all children, without exception, love bright books.
And it won't get cold! The book about yourself is the most interesting. She will enthusiastically accept all creative works, pay special attention to amazing fantasies, and after a while she will lovingly remind you of how little you were a year ago!

In order to order a fully completed preschooler’s portfolio

You need:

Select portfolio and pay

Send photos to [email protected] that you want to place in your portfolio. Choose together with your children))
- write and send to [email protected] texts for the portfolio, the child’s biography, what he is interested in, what his hobbies are, his name, about his family, about the city, about his school, etc.

If you want to order a turnkey portfolio - printed on paper and placed in a folder, please make a note when placing your order.

Entrust the creation of your portfolio to professionals, and spend time with your baby!

We guarantee you that the portfolio ordered from us will be the most beautiful and original!

In order for the portfolio to look like a single whole, the pages are placed in a folder with multiforms, or you can fasten it with a spring booklet and put a transparent cover on top. They look quite interesting and the most important thing is that at any time you can unfasten them and add new sheets, or quietly remove unnecessary ones



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