The benefits and harms of different types of brewer's yeast, instructions for use. What is brewer's yeast? What are they for and how to use according to the instructions

Composition of brewer's yeast (in 1 gram): protein (480 mg), vitamins B1-B7 (respectively, 0.12 / 0.06 / 0.65 / 3.0 / 0.04 / 0.001 mg each), (0.03 mg).

The tablets contain 500 mg of brewer's yeast, as well as Magnesium stearate(magnesium stearate) and Silicii dioxydum(silicon dioxide) as auxiliary components.

Release form

The product is available in tablet form, as well as in the form of loose, easily crumbling granules with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm, powder or flat flakes of a yellowish (possibly with a grayish tint) color.

The product has a bitter taste and a characteristic odor. It goes on sale packaged in 25, 50 or 100 grams in jars or bags.

The tablets are biconvex, brownish in color, without a shell, with a characteristic yeasty odor. Packaged in 60 or 100 pieces in bottles made of polymer materials.

Pharmacological action

The use of Brewer's yeast helps prevent deficiency B vitamins . In addition, the product affects metabolism and the state of the digestive system, reduces the concentration of individual fractions lipids And .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of the product is due to the properties it contains B vitamins , and minerals. Takes part in the activation of enzymes that regulate oxidation-reduction processes and affects metabolism.

Promotes recovery and strengthening , stimulates the secretion of pancreatic fluid, improves the absorption capacity of the intestine and its motility. Accelerates tissue regeneration, increases appetite, helps strengthen hair and intensify its growth. Necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, endocrine, vascular and nervous systems.

The components of the drug belong to the group water-soluble vitamins , which eliminates the possibility of their accumulation in the body.

Instructions for brewer's yeast

Instructions for Brewer's yeast tablets

The duration of use depends on the severity of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, the nature of complex therapy and the body’s response to the prescribed treatment. Usually the course lasts 30 days. It can be repeated no earlier than after 1 month (consult a doctor before resuming taking the drug).

Please note that instructions from different manufacturers may vary. So, for example, in the instructions for Brewer's yeast Nagipol-1 it is indicated that the tablets should be taken with meals, three times a day, 3-5 pieces per dose. Reception is continued for a month, if necessary, the course is repeated after a two-month break.

  • Brewer's yeast with zinc Ecco Plus and yeast with sulfur Evisent Take 3 times a day, 3 pieces.
  • Brewer's yeast with Ecco Plus should be taken three times a day, 2 tablets.
  • Yeast with selenium ECO-MON- twice a day, 2 tablets .
  • DEcco Plus rye with iron drink 1 tablet once a day.

How to take the powder?

The powder is taken orally or used externally as part of nourishing masks.

Before taking per os, the product is dissolved in 100 ml of drinking water. For preventive purposes, two two-month courses are prescribed with a two-week break between them. The daily dose for an adult varies from 7 to 10 g/day, for children it ranges from 3 to 5 g/day. Divide it into 2-3 doses.

For an adult, the course dose should not exceed 1800 grams, for a child - 600 g.

People who live in an unfavorable climate should take 3 courses.

The therapeutic dose is 1.5-2 times higher than the prophylactic dose.

People who, due to their occupation, are subject to increased neuropsychic and physical stress, should dose the drug in such a way that for every kilogram of body weight there is 0.3-0.5 g of yeast per day.

Brewer's yeast for hair

To prepare a hair mask, yeast is diluted to the appropriate consistency with vegetable or fruit juice, fermented baked milk, milk, honey or water, and then the resulting mixture is applied to the scalp.

To saturate the strands vitamins and prevent hair loss, you can mix slightly warmed flower honey and the pulp of 3 aloe vera leaves with yeast. The mass is applied to the scalp for about 25 minutes and then washed off.

Using yeast (1 tbsp) in combination with soy lecithin, honey (1 tbsp), wheat germ (1 tbsp) and yogurt for hair can speed up hair growth and make hair thicker and shinier.

It is also very good to use a hair rinse based on rosemary decoction and natural brewer's yeast. To prepare it, pour 3 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves into a liter of boiling water, and then, after the liquid has infused for 2-3 hours, introduce the yeast.

Application for face

When preparing face masks, take into account your skin type: for dry skin, the powder is mixed with vegetable oils (any, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of yeast per 3 tablespoons of oil), for oily skin, with heated kefir and low-fat sour cream or lemon juice and egg white.

To rejuvenate the skin, yeast is used in a mixture with carrot puree (1:2 ratio), honey and egg yolk; For whitening, lemon juice is added to the powder.

Brewer's yeast for acne

The use of the product for problem skin helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restore the fat balance of the skin, helps get rid of acne , cleanse pores and remove fine wrinkles.

To prepare a mask at home acne , you can pour 10 grams of powdered mass with a 5% alum solution. The resulting paste is applied to the skin and left until completely dry. Wash off the crust with warm (preferably filtered) water.

  • sauerkraut juice;
  • raw mashed potatoes and curdled milk;
  • (effectively eliminates inflamed comedones);
  • honey and;
  • blue clay and mineral water.

Brewer's yeast is especially effective acne in combination with professional and self-care skin care, physiotherapy and, if necessary, application antibiotics (locally or internally).

Brewer's yeast for boils

From boils The most common prescription is to take liquid brewer's yeast. The product is diluted in milk at the rate of 1 tablespoon (for adults) or 1 teaspoon (for children) per half glass. Drink the medicine 1-3 times a day about half an hour before meals.

Why are pills taken in bodybuilding?

For athletes who engage in strength sports, the supplement is a valuable source B vitamins , squirrel , amino acids , nucleic acids And enzymes .

Particularly interesting for athletes is the presence in the product BCAA amino acid complex , of which approximately 35% human muscle tissue consists. BCAA reduces the loss of other amino acids, increases muscle endurance, promotes better and faster protein absorption; stimulates synthesis and also prevents protein breakdown and prevents the loss of muscle fibers; has a positive effect on production , maintains optimal level And , stimulates growth hormones.

Squirrels make up more than half the weight of yeast, making the supplement an excellent source of additional protein . For athletes, it can be added to gainers, protein shakes, regular food, or consumed separately as a food supplement.

Application in veterinary medicine

Animals that live in large cities are exposed to a large number of unfavorable factors: an environment contaminated with organic and chemical waste, increased electromagnetic background, poor-quality tap water, etc.

Normalization of balance B vitamins helps reduce hormone secretion , which in turn leads to a decrease in the animal’s anxiety and allows it to cope with stress more easily.



Brewer's yeast is a multicomponent product. When used simultaneously with other drugs, on the one hand, the activity of each of its constituent substances and the activity of the drug as a whole may change, on the other hand, the pharmacological profile of drugs that are used in combination with Brewer's yeast may change.

Drinking alcohol diuretics And oral contraceptives may reduce the level vitamin B1 .

Since the transformation vitamin B1 In its active form occurs with the participation of magnesium, it is advisable to take dietary supplements with magnesium-containing preparations.

The drug is contraindicated in people who take Levodopa , because contained in Brewer's yeast vitamin B6 reduces the effectiveness of this remedy. Besides, vitamin B6 capable of:

  • disrupt the absorption and reduce the plasma concentration of such anticonvulsants , How phenobarbital And ;
  • increase intracellular levels of zinc and magnesium.

When used simultaneously with , , , And oral contraceptives The dose of brewer's yeast must be increased.

Antifungal drugs reduce the effectiveness of brewer's yeast.

Terms of sale

Over-the-counter product.

Storage conditions

Keep out of reach of children. Protect from light and moisture. Tablets should be stored at a temperature no higher than room temperature, powder - at a temperature of 12 to 20°C.

Best before date

Dry yeast is suitable for use for 2 years, tablets for 3 years.

Special instructions

What is brewing yeast?

According to Wikipedia, brewer's (or brewer's) yeast are single-celled fungi from the class Saccharomycetes , which are used in brewing to ferment wort enzymes.

Brewer's yeast: benefits and harms

In terms of quantity and balance of components, brewing yeast protein is similar to animal proteins: it contains about 12.7 g of high-value protein, 2.7 g of fat and 18 amino acids (including essential ones). Yeast is easily digestible and digests well. Nutritional value of 100 g of product is 75 kcal.

Yeast also contains plant enzymes (proteinase, glucosidase, β-fructofuranosidase), which help digestive juices break down complex nutrients into more easily digestible ones.

The product is rightfully considered natural mineral-multivitamin complex . Its chemical composition contains a complex vitamins B1-B7 ,B13 , B10 ,TO , E , provitamin D , , potassium , manganese , magnesium , selenium , zinc , calcium , iron .

Daily use of this supplement allows you to give a healthy look to your hair and nails, helps regulate all metabolic processes and cleanses the skin of acne And boils , provides effective prevention malignant liver diseases , allows you to stabilize the function of the central nervous system (stimulating mental activity, increasing stress resistance, improving sleep and helping to fight ) and increase the saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen.

More than 70 years ago, brewer's yeast was first used to treat diabetes mellitus . During the experiment, it was found that only 10-15 g of yeast can replace from 7 to 10 units insulin . This property of the product is due to the presence of chromium in its composition.

Chromium increases tissue sensitivity to insulin and enhances the effect of the latter. Interacting with insulin , it improves the absorption of glucose in the blood and its penetration into cells, thereby reducing the need for patients diabetes mellitus V insulin and helping to prevent the development diabetes .

Taking brewer's yeast allows the body to more easily cope with physical and emotional stress, helps maintain the natural acid-base balance of biological fluids in the body, normalizes muscle contractility, function pancreas And cardiovascular system .

Brewer's yeast has no less beneficial effects on the structure and function of the mucous membranes, as well as on the functional activity of the digestive tract. The use of the supplement helps prevent constipation, stimulates digestive processes, and accelerates the elimination of all kinds of waste from the body.

Another useful property of yeast is its ability to increase the level hdl-cholesterol (or, in other words, “good” cholesterol ), while reducing its overall level in the body: regularly taking two tablespoons of the product once a day for 2 months, you can reduce the concentration by about 10%. total cholesterol .

However, like any other useful supplement, yeast in large quantities can cause harm to the body. In some people, some components of the product may cause allergic reactions , which are manifested by itching, skin rashes, and difficulty breathing.

Yeast can worsen the course of acid-related diseases ( , , ),chronic renal failure And . You should also not take them when celiac enteropathy (intolerance to wheat and a number of other grains) and during treatment with the drug Levodopa .

Brewer's yeast - which is better? What are the benefits of yeast with various additives?

You can find two types of brewer's yeast on sale: autolyzed and raw.

Raw yeast mushrooms are a fairly difficult product to digest. This in turn makes it difficult to obtain from them vitamins , amino acids And minerals , and also provokes quite strong reactions in people who are prone to allergies , suffer from fungal dysbacteriosis or have a “weak” stomach.

Most food additives are not live yeast, but dry autolysate. The benefit of brewer's yeast in tablets is that they are characterized by much higher digestibility and digestibility.

At the same time, despite the fact that the structure of the mushrooms is almost completely destroyed during autolysis, the composition of the final product remains unchanged - the same set is present in the autolysate amino acids , minerals And vitamins , as in living culture, however, they are in it in a free, easily digestible form.

Due to this, the percentage of absorption of autolyzed yeast is higher than that of raw yeast. Another advantage of this product is that it does not provoke fermentation in the intestines and does not cause bloating.

Many pharmaceutical preparations sold under the name “Brewer’s yeast” contain additional vitamin or mineral supplements . Theoretically, such funds have increased value. However, it should be borne in mind that yeast is a completely natural product; the additive is often synthesized in the laboratory.

What to give preference to - a pure product without additives or a drug with a richer composition - is best decided with your doctor.

Brewer's yeast with calcium is usually recommended to drink as a general tonic that supports the body's defenses, stimulates mental activity and serves as an additional source of Ca. The use of yeast with calcium helps strengthen bone tissue and improve the condition of the central nervous system, and also helps in treatment allergic diseases .

Brewer's yeast with selenium are prescribed when alcoholism And liver diseases . Taking a selenium supplement is also advisable for prevention. infertility , diabetes , anemia , , oncological diseases , , hair loss.

Brewer's yeast with zinc should be included in the diet of people who suffer from varicose veins And skin diseases . In combination with zinc, yeast accelerates the regeneration of the skin, normalizes blood sugar levels, metabolism and microcirculation in tissues, and helps reduce swelling of the legs.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur is used as a detoxifier and as a remedy for acne . In addition, the use of dietary supplements in combination with sulfur allows you to more effectively protect cells and tissues from oxidative processes.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Synonyms: Brewer's yeast Nagipol , Nagipol 2. For acne , Nagipol 1 , Brewer's yeast Evisent , Brewer's yeast ECO-MON , AMT brewer's yeast , Brewer's yeast Ekko Plus .

Analogues: , Beviplex , , , Medivitan .

For children

Use in pediatrics is permitted from the age of three.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain and weight loss

The advisability of using Brewer's yeast for weight loss and weight gain is due to the fact that under the influence of this product the body is cleansed and the functioning of all its organs is improved, the energy supply of cells is replenished, and the functioning of endocrine gland and digestion, the process of absorption of nutrients and, in particular, proteins, and the process of burning fats are accelerated.

The main cause of low or overweight is metabolic disorders. By gently adjusting it, Saccharomycetes thus allows some people to compensate for weight deficiency, and others to get rid of a certain amount of extra pounds.

There is an opinion that the product can be used for breast growth, but there is no evidence of its effectiveness or, on the contrary, ineffectiveness.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible with the approval of the attending physician.

It turns out that brewer's yeast is necessary not only for baking bread and making wine, but can also have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the human body.

Many people are interested in what it can be used for. Doctors say that drugs based on them are quite effective in treating various metabolic disorders, addiction to alcoholism, and problems in the functioning of the nervous system.

Composition of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is quite widespread in the environment. The protein molecules contained in them are highly digestible. Their enormous benefits are explained by their almost complete content in brewer’s yeast.

In addition to amino acids, brewer's yeast contains:

  • More than 10 vitamins, including all B vitamins, vitamins E, PP, H, provitamin D and many others.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Essential fatty acids.
  • Numerous enzymes, for example glucosidase, peptidase, proteinase.
  • Lots of minerals: calcium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and others.

Nowadays you can buy various preparations on sale that contain brewer’s yeast; everyone must decide for themselves what to use them for. Depending on the problem, you can choose a drug with various biological additives.

Benefits for the body

Due to its rich composition, brewer's yeast is widely used in medical practice. Here are just some of the issues that can be solved with the help of such a drug:

This is the enormous benefit that can come from taking such a familiar and cheap drug if you follow your doctor’s recommendations and take the drug as needed.

Enriched yeast

A yeast preparation may have different effects depending on the additives it may contain. Enriched yeast can be:

It is necessary to discuss with your doctor which preparation with brewer's yeast to choose in order to maximize the benefits for the body.

Who should take yeast?

There are many diseases that can recede under the onslaught of brewer's yeast. Here's just a small list:

Before taking a drug with yeast, you should consult your doctor to choose a dosage regimen and duration of therapy.

Despite the huge amount of useful substances in yeast, their use is not recommended for everyone. There are some contraindications that must be taken into account:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • In old age, use is not recommended due to the high amino acid content.
  • If available
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Children under three years of age are not recommended to take brewer's yeast.
  • During pregnancy, it is not advisable to start taking brewer's yeast on your own; you should consult your doctor.
  • Gout is also a contraindication for use.
  • Candidiasis dysbacteriosis.

Taking hormonal contraceptives, diuretics and drinking alcohol are not contraindications, but it is better not to take them together with brewer's yeast.

Special instructions for taking yeast

For weight, strengthening the immune system, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, they have only positive effects. Their use is well tolerated, there are practically no side effects. Sometimes urticaria and allergies in the form of itchy skin may develop.

Brewer's yeast should not be used together with Levodopa, since vitamin B6 significantly reduces the effectiveness of this medicine.

If treatment is carried out with “Theophylline”, “Cycloserine”, “Penicillin”, then the dose of yeast intake must be increased.

Regimen and dosage

We've looked at what brewer's yeast is used for, now we need to figure out how to take it. Most often, doctors prescribe taking them after meals. The drugs on the packages always contain the required dosage, but you need to check with your doctor, because each patient may have their own characteristics.

If you managed to get yeast from a brewery, then it is recommended that adults take 2 teaspoons at a time, first diluted in 0.5 glass of water once a day. For children, 1 teaspoon is enough.

The duration of the course is usually about a month, then a break is needed for 2-3 months, and the course can be repeated if necessary.

If brewer's yeast is taken for preventive purposes, then adults can take 1 gram 2-3 times a day, children from 3 to 7 years old 0.25 once a day, from 7 to 12 years old half a gram. Then you need to take a break for three months and continue the preventive treatment.

Brewer's yeast for those who want to lose weight

Brewer's yeast for weight gain has positive reviews, but it can also be taken to normalize body weight. Despite the fact that such drugs often cause an increase in appetite, this occurs as a result of normalization of metabolism, so there is no risk that you will pounce on food.

Amino acids, which are part of brewer's yeast, take an active part in the construction of body tissues in the presence of physical activity. As a result, muscle mass increases. If the diet is not balanced and there are deviations from proper nutrition, then weight gain will certainly occur.

Nutritionists say that thinness, as well as fatness, appears due to improper metabolism, and brewer’s yeast normalizes it, so there is no need to be afraid of excess weight.

For those who want to get better

If you decide to take brewer's yeast to gain weight, which one is best to choose in this case, you need to ask a nutritionist. Pharmacies have a large selection of such drugs from various manufacturers. Among doctors, in order to gain weight, the following yeast is in demand:

Here is such a useful drug - brewer's yeast. What to use them for must be decided on a case-by-case basis, but only after consulting a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Being fungal microorganisms, brewer's yeast takes part in the conversion of sugars found in plant materials into. At the same time, the wort is saturated with carbon dioxide and becomes pleasant to the taste, “tingling” the tongue. That's why we love it.

They were raised into a separate culture in the second half of the 19th century by the Danish chemist Hansen, who was directly related to brewing (he was an employee of the Carlsberg company). But if we talk about prehistory, then wild yeast constantly lives among us - on the skins of fruits, in the soil and in the air.

They are the ones who ferment wine and beer. Previously, after preparing successful beer, they left the starter behind, using it for more and more portions of the drink. But the starters lacked stability; they easily entered into a “reaction” with other microorganisms, which ultimately led to a spoiled taste, or even souring of the product.

Brewers have struggled with the problem for centuries. The research of Pasteur, who proved that they are divided into separate species and races, helped “advance”. And, excuse me, they even reproduce sexually! There was only one step left to take - to isolate and learn how to quickly propagate a pure yeast culture. What Emil Hansen succeeded first, and others followed.

Today, more than 1,400 races of brewer's yeast alone are known, but there are also other species:

  • Wine. Wild species are used in home winemaking. On an industrial scale - isolated from races that live naturally on fruits.
  • Bakery- artificially bred species. Their composition does not inspire much confidence, therefore it is not recommended to use them for medicinal purposes. And this also contributed to the rejection by many of the bread produced with their help in industrial conditions. They have the ability to fluffyly raise dough. If previously yeast died during baking, modern types retain vital activity and remain “alive.”
  • Alcohol“pretend” the strength is much higher than other types. This is also an artificially bred species; there are no analogues in nature.

From this we conclude: Only brewer's yeast is suitable for internal consumption. But not in the form of an alcoholic foam drink, which should be consumed in doses. And preferably - not filtered or pasteurized, and even better - prepared with your own hands.

Properties and benefits of beer

Research has proven that brewer's yeast has the most balanced composition, capable of having a positive effect on the organisms of animals and humans.

When added to food, animals actively gain weight and “grow by leaps and bounds.” At the same time, they have a healthy appetite and a calm disposition.

People also successfully use this product to get rid of some problems and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Composition and vitamins

The composition must include:

  1. Vitamins:
  • Group B (all). These vitamins strengthen the nerves, regulate metabolism, cleanse and nourish the skin, nails, and hair;
  • P – flavonoids, responsible for the normal condition of blood vessels;
  • D – responsible for saturating the blood with calcium, stimulating the immune system, the growth of children, and bone strength;
  1. Complete protein.
  2. Amino acids, including essential ones.
  3. Minerals:
  • phosphorus is a basic element in maintaining bones and teeth in normal condition;
  • potassium – necessary for the functioning of the heart, kidneys, intestines, and blood pressure regulation;
  • sodium – improves the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas; it is found in large quantities in bones and cartilage tissue;
  • magnesium supports body systems and tissues;
  • copper – participates in hematopoiesis and the production of female sex hormones;
  • selenium – necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, fights free radicals (protecting against cancer);
  • It’s not for nothing that sulfur received the nickname “mineral of beauty” because it makes skin, nails, and hair healthy;
  • zinc is a material necessary for skin regeneration, growth and strengthening of hair and nails.

These are far from complete characteristics of the substances contained in brewer's yeast. Therefore, they are used for healing, as well as for maintaining beauty (which, you see, is interconnected).

Reference. Brewer's yeast is not an officially recognized medicine.

This is a biologically active supplement (dietary supplement) and GOST, as for drugs, does not exist. Their production does not belong to the pharmaceutical industry, but to the food industry.

Briefly speaking about production for use in the form of tablets sold in pharmacies, brewer’s yeast is propagated with an influx of carbohydrate medium (that is, malt or molasses, to which nitrogen or phosphorus is added for nutrition), then the biomass is isolated and dried, turning into tablets .

Standards for the use of brewer's yeast are prescribed in GOST 27186-86 and R 53358-2009.

What are they?

Mainly taken for health purposes brewer's yeast tablets. There are natural ones on sale, as well as additionally enriched with individual minerals. Such an element can be, for example, succinic acid, which is a source of energy, or iron, which increases hemoglobin, etc.

Important. This is not a “headache pill” that you take once and forget.

This is a vitamin and mineral complex that is taken in monthly courses with breaks. But the doctor will help you accurately “describe” the picture of the appointment.

Previously (in the 60s - 70s of the last century) they used liquid brewer's yeast. However, they had a drawback - a short shelf life (and preservatives were not yet in use).

How are they different from ordinary ones?

As we have already emphasized, this species is created by the reproduction of microorganisms isolated into the race of brewer's yeast and is a natural product.

At the pubs - the most balanced composition, they are easily absorbed by the human body.

When creating ordinary ones, such a number of chemical substances are used (according to GOST) that you are horrified and want to give them up forever, even for bread.

Therefore, replacing beer with bakery ones is strictly not recommended.

Indications for use

As we have already learned, brewer's yeast is rich in vitamins and minerals, and is also cheaper than vitamin complexes. And they will bring no less benefits, if not more, since they are not a synthesized, but a natural product.

In order to maintain health and immunity, it should be taken in the fall and early spring, supplemented perhaps with cheap vitamin C, which is not enough in the composition.

Who benefits from yeast?

  • People who adhere to vegetarianism - first of all. Their bodies lack complete protein, which is found only in animal products and is not supplied to them with food. And daily consumption of brewer's yeast helps solve this problem.
  • Considering the amount of B vitamins in tablets or liquid brewer's yeast, their use in disorders of the nervous system has a beneficial effect. Especially useful for depression. There is a decline, or even complete elimination of neuralgic pain.
  • In adolescence, they help get rid of juvenile acne and grow up.
  • Anyone who wants to maintain external beauty: have shiny hair, strong nails, clean young skin.
  • If you are prone to obesity or have already “earned” it.
  • People suffering from a number of diseases: hypertension; diabetes mellitus; endocrine disorders; digestive problems; anemia; cardiovascular pathologies.
  • As a “help” for mental fatigue (exams, intense studies, complex projects, etc.) and serious physical exertion.

Is it possible for children?

Before giving yeast to children, consult your pediatrician and find out if this is necessary. Until the age of 6, their use can only be recommended by a doctor and according to his dosage. Manufacturers of even those tablets that say “Children’s” on the packaging recommend use from the age of 7 years.

But if skin problems (acne) arise in adolescence, then you can prescribe it yourself, especially since dietary supplements are sold without a prescription. Better yet, prepare the “medicine” yourself. He has only one drawback - specific taste.

How to take with zinc?

Brewer's yeast additionally enriched with zinc is necessary for conditions indicating a deficiency of this mineral, as indicated by nervousness, hyperactivity, skin diseases (furunculosis, acne, etc.), slow growth and development in children, hair loss and diseases.

Of the common diseases for which zinc supplementation may be beneficial, we note:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • impotence and prostate diseases in men;
  • infertility in women;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • eczema and psoriasis.

Features of administration for various diseases

Tablets are taken as prescribed in the instructions.

In liquid form, usually before meals three times a day: adults - 2 tablespoons, teenagers (from 12 years old) - 1 tablespoon, children - 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on age.

How to choose?

Considering the abundance of types of the drug in the pharmacy, in the absence of special indications, you can limit yourself to natural or cosmetic ones. But specific types (with mineral supplements) should be selected taking into account the expected effect. But it is better if you do this on the advice of your doctor.

Application in cosmetology

In addition to oral administration, brewer's yeast is an excellent base for skin and hair masks, as well as beauty baths. You can arrange spa treatments once or twice a week.

  1. Make a hair mask: mix liquid brewer's yeast with burdock oil, apply to hair, cover with cellophane, wrap, hold for 30 minutes.
  2. Take a bath.
  3. Apply one of the masks to your face: liquid yeast plus oatmeal plus a little milk - for normal and oily skin; instead of milk - cream plus a little of any vegetable oil - for dry.
  4. Add a glass of liquid yeast to a warm bath (see below for how to prepare it yourself). Without removing the masks from your hair and face, immerse yourself in the bath, where you spend 20 minutes relaxing. After which you wash your face and wash your hair.

A month of such procedures, plus taking brewer's yeast internally, and you will notice how your clean, elastic skin glows, how strong and beautiful your hair has become.

How to do it at home?

Instead of buying brewer's yeast, you can prepare it yourself. At the same time, be sure that you have made every effort to obtain a quality product.

With beer

Buy natural, unfiltered “live” beer. If this is not possible, take one that has a minimum shelf life and was produced a few days ago. You will need 1 glass:

  • Water.
  • Torment.
  • Beer.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

Mix water and flour so that there are no lumps. Use a mixer or whisk for this. Let it sit in the room for 7-8 hours. Then add beer and sugar and stir. Let it sit in the room for a couple more hours. After that, close and put in the refrigerator.

With raisins


  • raisins – 200 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • water – 1 glass.

Attention. This method is used to prepare brewers (for drinking and external use) using wild yeast found on the surface of raisins. Therefore, do not wash raisins before cooking!

Place raisins in a glass jar, add sugar and fill with water and milk. Tie the neck of the vessel with gauze folded in 4-6 layers and leave in a warm place for 5 days. Then place in the refrigerator.

With potatoes

You need to take 2 potatoes, a tablespoon of sugar and water, a teaspoon of salt. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, mix with other ingredients and leave in the room for 5 hours. Then place in the refrigerator.

Important. This yeast is used not only for health, but also for making bread and rolls. Many people consider such starter yeast to be much healthier than store-bought ones.

Watch the video below to see how to properly breed/propagate pure yeast at home, as well as how to clear the culture of unwanted microbial neighbors:

Benefits and harms

Enough has been said about the benefits of taking brewer's yeast. However, please be patient when using it. You will feel the effect (you will see it if you use it for beauty) only after a few weeks of use.

The product also has contraindications:

  1. Allergic reaction (uncommon). But if this happens, you should either stop using it or try homemade recipes.
  2. Kidney failure and gout. For these diseases, the drug is contraindicated for internal use.
  3. Although “live” yeast is beneficial, it can provoke diseases such as dysbiosis, thrush, and intestinal microflora disorders. If you notice this in yourself, it is better to switch to tablets.
  4. Pregnant women may only take it on doctor's orders.
  5. You should not take them while breastfeeding, as they will not benefit a small child.

Everyone who cares about their health tries to eat natural foods and exercise. Many people use dietary supplements containing many vitamins and minerals that help the body function normally. Such active additives include brewer's yeast: what is the medical purpose, the benefits of this product, what are the instructions for use, how to drink this product for an adult or a child - you will find out further in the article.

What is brewer's yeast

The product is a living single-celled fungal organism. They are obtained by growing and fermenting beer wort from malt and hops. After collecting the components, fermentation begins. During this process, fermentation takes place, after which the mixture of hops, malt, and barley turns into a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, so this product is the best biological supplement.


The following types of brewer's yeast are known: tablets, dry (powder) or liquid (solution):

  • Tablets and dry yeast are sold in pharmacies as dietary supplements. They contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins. The drug is available in cardboard packaging.
  • Liquid ones can be bought at breweries. They have a large and strong effect on the body, but they are difficult to store. Before you buy a product, study its features and possible side effects before use.

If you don’t know where brewer’s yeast is sold, you can go to any pharmacy, where the seller will show you several drugs to choose from according to your request. Online stores offer a wider selection of products based on fermentation products that you can select and order, but you should pay attention to customer reviews. Remember how much brewer's yeast costs in tablets and powder: the approximate cost is 115 rubles.


Yeast culture was discovered by Emil Hansen. He was a famous chemist and botanist. At first, yeast was used only for brewing. Then pharmacists used it to create medicines. The composition of brewer's yeast includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, beneficial natural compounds, and substances. Find out about the properties of the drug’s components, thanks to which doctors prescribe it:

  • Yeast contains vitamins B, P and D. They restore the nervous system, skin, improve appetite, strengthen nails and hair.
  • Phosphorus helps renew bone tissue and normalize kidney function.
  • Copper promotes the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, normalizes work, and activates insulin.
  • Potassium helps regulate the acid-base balance of the blood and transmits nerve impulses.
  • Calcium forms the functions of structural material, supports and creates full-fledged teeth and bones.
  • Zinc has beneficial properties that help stimulate cell growth and division, regenerate tissue, and develop the brain.
  • Magnesium helps normalize metabolism and promotes weight loss, relieves trembling in the limbs due to a lack of the mineral, and improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Silicon is responsible for calcium absorption and bone growth.
  • Sodium maintains water-salt balance.
  • Sulfur maintains healthy looking skin, hair and nails.
  • Selenium is responsible for protection against toxins, improves immunity, and helps normalize metabolism.

What are the benefits of brewer's yeast?

What does consuming this product give to the human body:

  • With the help of active ingredients, patients with type 2 diabetes feel much easier.
  • For women, this product helps strengthen hair and nails.
  • With the help of constant consumption of beer components, regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevent emotional exhaustion during mood swings.
  • Thanks to regular use, you can forget about your poor general condition and diseases.

For men

With the help of beneficial ingredients that promote weight gain, underweight people gain additional pounds. In addition, the enriched beer components in the preparations help to lose weight, because they improve the metabolic functions of the body. The components of the product help the human body endure physical or mental stress. The substances help normalize metabolism, intestinal function, and improve appetite.

For women

The beneficial properties of this component were known back in Ancient Egypt. Now the product is used to treat acne, boils, and to improve the general condition of facial skin in case of skin diseases - eczema and psoriasis. Women should buy the product to normalize dry skin, improve the condition of hair and nails. With the help of yeast masks, you can get not only an improved condition of your facial skin, but also your hair, which will become softer and more resistant to breakage.

For children

Because of its beneficial components, doctors recommend brewer's yeast for children. They are needed for the treatment of various diseases, including the prevention of anemia, neuralgia, diabetes, alcoholism, smoking, vitamin deficiency and other problems. The product is a source of vitamins, so doctors recommend giving it to children to improve the immune system, and due to beneficial microelements, the product helps to gain weight. Teenagers will be able to get rid of pimples or blackheads. If you don’t know where to buy brewer’s yeast for weight gain, contact the pharmacy.

Harm from brewer's yeast

Each remedy can not only bring benefit, but also harm. The drug can destroy the protection of fragile cells of a young body and is undesirable for a child under 3 years of age. It should not be used by elderly people. Yeast can worsen the condition of people with gastritis, pancreatitis, and gastrointestinal ulcers. Levodopa should not be used while taking the drug: vitamin B6 destroys the active effect of the medication.

Instructions for using brewer's yeast

Detailed instructions for use can be found in the purchased pharmacy packaging of the drug or annotation on the website. The drug is taken orally after meals. To improve the condition of hair and nails, use the drug in powder form. Masks are made from a spoonful of the dry preparation, diluted in drinking water, honey or fruit/vegetable juice is added, and applied to hair or nails. It is recommended to use the product by adding it to your diet to achieve better results. The following describes how to take brewer's yeast tablets.

Indications for use

Yeast is taken by adults and children for:

  • disorders of vitamin, protein-carbohydrate and mineral metabolism;
  • alcoholism;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes and skin in the corners of the eyes;
  • hypovitaminosis group B.
  • during mental or physical stress;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • long-term exposure to radiation;
  • poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension);
  • smoking;
  • dislipoproteinemia (metabolism disorder of protein-fat compounds).


The instructions describe the following doses of the drug:

  • As a preventative measure, adults should take 1 tablet three times a day at 1 month.
  • The drug should not be given to children under 3 years of age for various diseases.
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old need to drink 0.25 g twice a day.
  • Children from 7 to 12 years old need to drink half a tablet twice a day. The course can be repeated after two months. During treatment, take two tablets per day.

Side effects

Even taking into account that fermentation products can be harmful to the human body, they do not cause side effects. In rare cases, the product may provoke allergic reactions such as itching or urticaria. During treatment, you should not take alcohol, oral contraceptives or diuretics, because they reduce the effect of vitamin B1 on the human body.

Brewer's yeast is known to everyone as the basis of brewing. But it turns out that their use is not limited to just preparing the intoxicating drink beloved by many. The unique composition of this product has been used as vitamin and immunostimulating supplements for many years.

What is it

Brewer's yeast is a source of vitamins of natural origin, an effective remedy that is used for both treatment and prevention of the body. Yeast is widely used to restore protein-carbohydrate and mineral metabolism. This is a storehouse of biologically active components and microelements.

The drug is prescribed to people who suffer from dysbiosis or have problems with the nervous system. This additive is also widely used in cosmetology and dermatology.

Composition of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast helps strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to infections, and improve working capacity. All this is thanks to the substances that are part of the biological additive.


  • amino acids;
  • folic acid;

Important! Yeast can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription, but you should consult your doctor before taking it.


There are a number of additives based on brewer's yeast with the addition of various microelements:

Did you know? The vitamin that the human body requires the least is B12. It is enough to take only 0.001 g per year.

Useful properties

Brewer's yeast is a universal remedy that, when taken regularly, has a positive effect on the body and all its functions:

  • replenishes vitamin B deficiency;
  • stabilizes protein-carbohydrate and mineral metabolism;
  • promotes recovery from infections;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves appearance;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
This is only part of the medicinal properties of this product, which is equally useful for both men, women and children.

For men

For men, brewer's yeast will be an indispensable addition to the basic diet due to the following properties:

  • increasing performance and endurance during excessive physical exertion;
  • nourishing the brain and increasing its activity during intense mental work;
  • reduction of fatigue and general strengthening effect.

For women

For women, brewer's yeast is, first of all, valuable as a cosmetic product that has the following beneficial properties:

  • promotes hair and nail growth;
  • improves skin condition, cleansing and rejuvenating it;
  • nourishes the body with the substances it needs, as a result of which the general condition improves.
In addition, women use the supplement as an effective means for losing weight.

For children

Brewer's yeast is prescribed to children after reaching the age of three in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of intestinal imbalance;
  • to restore the body after suffering infectious diseases;
  • as a supplement to the main diet to nourish the brain and improve mental performance.

During pregnancy

  • to compensate for vitamin deficiency;
  • with malnutrition;
  • with a lack of folic acid;
  • in the early stages of pregnancy, when the condition of the skin and hair may worsen.

Indications for use

Yeast is used for both medicinal and preventive purposes. The main indications for use are the following ailments and factors:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • increased mental and physical stress;
  • stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • alcoholism;
  • intestinal imbalance;
  • radiation exposure;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • limited nutrition.

Did you know? Brewer's yeast is used not only for making beer, but also for other alcoholic drinks such as ale, cider, and whiskey.

In dermatology, the beer product is prescribed for problems such as dermatoses, psoriasis, furunculosis and eczema. In cosmetology, it is recommended to take the drug not only internally, but also as a rejuvenating and cleansing mask to remove acne.

Contraindications for use

Brewer's yeast is a completely safe drug, however, there are exceptions. They are not prescribed in the following cases:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • people with kidney diseases;
  • patients with Leber's disease;
  • with dysbiosis caused by Candida fungi;
  • for gout.

How to choose the right one

In order to choose the yeast that is right for you, you should pay attention to options enriched with any micronutrient. Nowadays such yeast is especially popular and is separated from the usual classic ones only by the presence of an additional vitamin.

It is this addition that can be the decisive factor in choosing the right drug that will have the necessary targeted effect on the body. Thus, succinic acid improves muscle elasticity and reduces pain during physical activity. This option is perfect for athletes.

Yeast with iron is better to choose for people suffering from anemia and low hemoglobin levels. In case of thyroid dysfunction, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with iodine supplementation.

For people with liver problems, a drug with zinc is recommended, which normalizes the functioning of this organ. Yeast with calcium is an excellent choice for those who need to strengthen bone tissue and joints.

Regimen and dosage

Brewer's yeast in tablet form is taken after meals. Usually the course of treatment lasts 30 days. On the recommendation of a doctor, it can be repeated after a certain time. As a prophylaxis, it is prescribed in the following doses:

  • children 3-7 years old: 2 times a day, 0.25 mg;
  • children 7-12 years old: 2 times a day, 0.5 g;
  • children over 12 years of age and adults: 2 or 3 times a day, 1 g.
When treating certain diseases, the doctor increases the dose by 1.5-2 times. Use 2 tablets as face masks, grinding them into powder and diluting with water.

For weight loss

Losing weight with the help of brewer's yeast is considered possible if you adhere to a properly balanced diet. Fat burning occurs with the help of B vitamins, which are one of the components of yeast, as well as an active “accelerator” of metabolism.

They help the body recover muscles faster after training and at the same time give more energy. Vitamins of this group are popular among athletes who are on a diet with a minimum amount of calories.
The microelements zinc and magnesium calm the human nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the body and allows it to recover faster after training. Amino acids are perfectly absorbed in the intestines and make up for the lack of protein during a strict diet.

Dry yeast is taken for weight loss every morning before meals, one tablespoon filled with boiled water. At the same time, breakfast should contain proteins, which, in combination with yeast, will help you get the most from amino acids and vitamins. Yeast in the form of tablets for weight loss is taken 4-5 capsules per day.

In order to lose weight, and not, on the contrary, gain, you need to follow the recommendations for a healthy diet:

  • in nutrition, adhere to the formula “weight * 30 kcal”;
  • increase the amount of consumed green vegetables and fruits, fish and grains;
  • forget about boredom snacks, white bread, sweet drinks, sugar and processed foods.

Important! The main thing: remember that non-compliance with the diet will lead to the opposite effect - gaining excess weight.

For those who want to gain weight

Brewer's yeast is used not only for weight loss, but also for weight gain. The very principle of action of this product promotes a gradual increase in body weight. This process looks like this step by step:

  • normalization of metabolism and increased appetite;
  • ridding the body of toxic substances and accelerating metabolism;
  • gradual weight gain.

Athletes who want to gain weight as a result of physical training consume brewer's yeast in any form. For this purpose, you need to take three tablets a day, as well as adhere to a certain diet and routine:

  • reduce the consumption of salty and fatty foods, which contribute to the accumulation of fat rather than an increase in muscle mass;
  • do not overeat, eat no more than 4 times a day;
  • Eat nutritious, healthy food for breakfast that will provide energy for the whole day;
  • regularly exercise the muscles of the whole body with physical exercise.

Side effects

Brewer's yeast has no side effects. In isolated cases, allergic rashes in the form of urticaria may occur if a person is intolerant to any component.

As you can see, brewer's yeast is one of the few universal remedies that have a positive effect on the body as a whole and at the same time have a very wide application: in medicine, cosmetology, dermatology, sports and weight loss. It doesn't matter in what form you use yeast. The result will not be long in coming and will appear within a few weeks.



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