A healthy coffee substitute, also known as chicory, does it lower or increase blood pressure? How does chicory affect blood pressure in hypertension?

They are colorful in the summer along roads and in vacant lots; they can be seen in meadows and forest edges, along the edges of fields and on the boundary. Four species of this perennial herbaceous plant are common in Russia, and up to twelve are known in total. Its root contains many healing substances that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems. The plant is a panacea for older people, as it lowers sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Common chicory has been cultivated in Russia since the 18th century. It is cultivated in many European countries, dedicating hectares of fields for the plant. They are used as a raw material for dietary products, the production of sweets and cakes, the production of coffee, tea and coffee drinks to give the products a special aroma, taste and color. What medicinal properties does this wonderful root have, how to prepare healing decoctions from it, how does chicory affect blood pressure and other indicators of the body?

An old remedy for headaches

The medicinal qualities of chicory are written about in ancient medical treatises. Thanks to the bitter substances contained in it, the plant has long been used as a means to normalize digestion. The ancient Roman healer and surgeon Galen treated the liver with it, Pliny in his “Natural History” described the plant as a panacea for diseased intestines. And both mentioned how a decoction of the root relieved headaches, not knowing that this was a consequence of normalizing blood pressure. Until recently, the plant was not associated with its effect on blood pressure, and no substances capable of causing such a reaction were found in its chemical composition. But acting as a diuretic and sedative for the nervous system, increasing the amplitude and slowing down the heart rate, chicory and blood pressure leads to normal values. In addition, it contains substances that dilate and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Chicory for high blood pressure

People often have a question regarding blood pressure: does chicory increase or decrease it? There is no data on this in encyclopedias and reference books of medicinal plants. However, its diuretic, that is, diuretic property, is noted everywhere. Doctors will already prescribe diuretics for hypertensive patients as a means of lowering blood pressure. When excess fluid and salts are eliminated through the kidneys, blood pressure in the vessels decreases. Today this is one of the most effective methods.

Excess fluid increases not only blood pressure, but also the load on the heart. Diuretics are also prescribed for heart failure, which is dangerous for hypertensive patients by developing a heart attack. Chicory acts as a diuretic gently and gradually, and has no side effects. In addition, chicory is used to produce drinks that replace coffee, which is contraindicated for hypertensive patients. It does not have the tonic properties of caffeine, but it brings much more benefits.

Chicory for low blood pressure

How do the preparations of this plant affect people with low blood pressure? Chicory and its various medicinal forms do not have such a strong and pronounced effect as, for example, the fruits of hawthorn, cranberry or viburnum, which contain chemical elements that contribute to a fairly rapid decrease in pressure. As a diuretic, chicory root does not have a negative effect on people with low blood pressure.

In this case, recommending a drug for high blood pressure does not mean it is contraindicated for low blood pressure. Moreover, in the encyclopedic reference books of medicinal plants edited by such specialists as academician A. M. Grodzinsky, N. I. Maznev, or professor and academician G. A. Nepokaichitsky, as well as in the “Herbal” of academician B. Bolotov, similar no contraindications are given. Therefore, chicory can be drunk both at high and low blood pressure.

Chicory for heart failure

The inflorescences of the plant contain the coumarin glycoside chicoryin (“Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants” by A. M. Grodzinsky), which belongs to the group of cardiac glycosides of plant origin. These compounds act in heart failure, normalizing heart sounds and rhythm. This leads to increased myocardial activity and uniform contraction of the heart muscle, which ensures more efficient and economical work of the heart.

The dietary fiber inulin was also found in the leaves and roots of the plant. The raw root contains up to 23% of this polysaccharide, and the dried root contains up to 68%. Inulin not only promotes better digestion, it also increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels, slows down the rhythm, increasing the amplitude of heart contractions. This property of chicory at high pressure and especially low pressure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole. How does this affect your well-being? Headaches, dizziness, throbbing in the temples, and darkening before the eyes gradually disappear. In addition, the infusion of inflorescences has a calming effect on the central nervous system, which promotes restful sleep, and this is especially important for hypertensive patients.

Chicory for the elderly

Can chicory be harmful to health after 50 years? Yes, if you use it without moderation. But for older people, all medicinal forms of this plant will be much more effective than for a young body. Eating chicory reduces the amount of sugar in the urine. The plant has a hypoglycemic effect, reducing blood glucose levels, which is why it is recommended for mild forms of diabetes.

Other properties indicate the benefits of this plant for older people. The “Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants” by N. I. Maznev says that chicory is taken:

  • with inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • for diseases of the large and small intestine, gall bladder, liver and kidneys;
  • for urolithiasis and gallstone diseases;
  • from edema of cardiac origin;
  • as a general tonic.

Academician A. M. Grodzinsky recommends a decoction of chicory herb for cholecystitis, since it stimulates the secretion of bile, and the root is useful for gastritis, colitis, and enteritis. With age, physiological changes occur, due to which the secretion of saliva and cells of the digestive glands decreases, the secretion of bile and hydrochloric acid is disrupted, the secretory function and motility of the stomach decreases, and the intestinal microflora changes. As a result, the absorption of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates is impaired. Considering these and other features of old age, the chemical composition of chicory will be especially useful for stimulating and healing the digestive system for people over 50 years of age. Moreover, chicory normalizes blood pressure and activates metabolic processes, and favors the functioning of the heart.

The effect of chicory on the immune system and intestinal microflora

The root of the plant has another valuable property. Inulin, which chicory is so rich in, acts as a prebiotic, that is, it stimulates the vital activity and growth of microflora (lacto- and bifidobacteria) in the large intestine. These lactic acid microorganisms are necessary:

  • for normal functioning of the digestive system and absorption of nutrients;
  • they take part in the synthesis of vitamins PP, group B, K;
  • suppress putrefactive and potentially dangerous bacteria;
  • promote the functioning of the immune system.

The stomach and upper intestines do not process or absorb inulin, therefore, when it enters the large intestine, it is fermented by microflora and becomes a favorable environment for its vital activity and growth. This is the most important factor for people who are elderly or weakened by a long-term illness after taking a course of antibiotics. In these cases, the content of lactic acid bacteria decreases and putrefactive microorganisms develop, secreting endotoxins. As a result, not only digestion suffers, but also immunity decreases, which over time leads to serious disorders and diseases.

Natural crushed chicory

Nowadays you can find many varieties of chicory products on sale for making drinks. It is a ground and roasted root, often combined with barley and/or oat root. Such a product will be useful for the digestive system, heart function, and is recommended as a choleretic and diuretic, and therefore lowers blood pressure. Sometimes these dry mixtures contain ground coffee beans. Such drinks are aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

Instant and condensed chicory

Another form of release is a soluble product, which is a powder or granules of a dried aqueous extract obtained from the roasted roots of the plant. Freeze-dried chicory is a finely crushed solid mass obtained from frozen and vacuum-dehydrated root extract. Condensed chicory is a thick, dark brown, aromatic mass of partially dehydrated root extract, easily soluble in hot water. Nowhere could we find reliable data on the dangers and contraindications of soluble chicory. It largely retains its healing properties, although their effect is much weaker. In addition, such drinks are less pleasant than infusions made from roasted crushed roots.

Preparation and use of root decoctions

Chicory, crushed and roasted, was brewed and drunk instead of natural coffee when it was not possible to buy it. This happened during the years of war, crisis or global shortage, both in our country and in Western countries. To lower blood pressure, they also made kvass from chicory at home. Chicory still remains a fairly popular drink that does not require a special norm, but which should not be abused, just like tea and coffee. However, “herbalists” indicate dosages for the preparation and use of medications, which are given here.

A decoction of dry or fried chicory root for high blood pressure, mild forms of diabetes mellitus, to normalize digestion, as a choleretic and diuretic according to N. I. Maznev:

Brew a tablespoon of crushed raw materials with one glass of boiling water, heat over low heat for 20 minutes, strain. Drink one tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day or without dosage, like tea.

Recipe for the same purposes according to A. M. Grodzinsky:

Pour one tablespoon of roots into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, take half a glass four times a day before meals.

Decoctions of leaves and inflorescences

A decoction of chicory herb is recommended as a choleretic agent, which is also useful for kidney diseases. An infusion of inflorescences increases the amplitude and slows down the heart rhythm, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. N.I. Maznev offers the following recipe:

Pour 40 g of herbs or inflorescences with one liter of boiling water, leave in a warm place for three hours, strain. Drink 0.5 glasses three times a day.

If instead of inflorescences the whole plant is used as a raw material, then the decoction perfectly removes excess bile in case of jaundice, is used for cirrhosis of the liver, to cleanse the spleen, clogging of the stomach, and pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Procurement of raw materials

You can also prepare chicory yourself. The tops of the stems, about 30 cm long, are cut off during flowering. The raw materials are dried by spreading them in a thin layer outdoors in the shade or in a well-ventilated room, or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

The roots are dug up in the fall, cleared of soil, washed with cold water, and the stems are removed. The roots are cut lengthwise and crosswise, dried in the open air or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Raw materials are well stored in dry, cool, ventilated areas.

Chicory kvass

In addition to medicinal decoctions and coffee substitutes, they are made at home. Almost all common variations come down to the same ingredients: water, instant chicory, fresh or dry yeast, sugar, citric acid or lemon juice. However, a truly tasty, healthy and invigorating drink is prepared using kvass from rye bread. You just need to add a single ingredient to your favorite recipe - instant chicory. It is added based on the calculation: two tablespoons of powder or one condensed chicory per five liters of warm boiled water. All other elements and the cooking sequence correspond to your favorite bread kvass recipe.

Appetizing chicory

What can be prepared from chicory? In food, the plant is used as an ordinary root vegetable, and its young leaves are a piquant and very successful addition to butter, cheeses, sauces, salads, meat, omelettes, and side dishes. For this purpose, various varieties of lettuce or leaf plants are cultivated in a number of countries. There is a variety with red leaves, young shoots of asparagus chicory really resemble this plant, and there are also sugar, bitter, and green varieties. But in some regions of the Mediterranean, wild chicory is preferred precisely because it has more bitterness than salad chicory. If the leaves of the plant are kept in a weak salt solution for about 20 minutes, this will significantly reduce the bitter taste.

The root can be added raw to prepared dishes, it is also fried, after which it becomes sweetish, and stewed along with other vegetables and meat. All that remains is not only to enjoy the wonderful taste sensations, but also to get great benefits from food.

People who have vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypertension often ask whether chicory increases or decreases blood pressure. Let's talk about the properties of this plant. Although the drink from its root is not a medicine, it has a beneficial effect on the body, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and tannins.

There are several varieties of this plant, in some varieties the flowers grow singly, in others they form inflorescences of 2-3 flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm. The shape of the petals is reed.

For preparing food, only two types are used - ordinary and salad. Chicory root has great nutritional value and is better enriched with vitamins and minerals. Cultivated for preparing a tonic drink. Lettuce leaves, as the name suggests, are used as a spicy addition to salads and side dishes.

The main component of the dried, roasted and crushed root of the plant is inulin. Regular consumption of the drink with it:

  • It has a general strengthening effect on the body and improves immunity.
  • Prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Reduces glucose levels.
  • Has a choleretic effect.
  • Helps the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Accelerates wound healing.
  • Reduces the risk of malignant and benign tumors.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Raises vitality.

Despite the fact that the effect of this instant drink is somewhat similar to that of coffee beans, it does not contain caffeine. This is its main advantage, and moderate use will not lead to overexcitation and a nervous breakdown.

What are the benefits of instant chicory?

After drying, heat and other processing, the soluble product contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, K and nicotinic acid. The composition of its microelements is even greater, which includes:

  • Potassium and magnesium, essential for the heart muscle.
  • Calcium and phosphorus, improving bone structure.
  • Iron, which raises hemoglobin.
  • Zinc, which improves brain activity, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue, improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Sodium, which helps normalize fluid balance and improve kidney and adrenal function.
  • Manganese is an antioxidant, an auxiliary element for the body to absorb other useful substances, participates in protein synthesis, improves muscle reflexes and memory, and prevents nervousness and irritability.
  • Copper is the main helper for the liver.
  • Selenium, which improves the structure and appearance of the skin by promoting the production of collagen by epidermal cells.

Attention! The drink cannot be used as a cure for diseases, despite the fact that the effect of chicory on the human body is beneficial. This herbal medicine can be used as a prophylactic or auxiliary to drug treatment. It is sold in pharmacies and grocery stores.

How chicory works, causing pressure changes

We tell you how chicory affects blood pressure. It does not significantly lower or increase blood pressure, but only normalizes it. This effect occurs due to the complex healing effects of the drink on the body:

  • Intestinal microflora and its balance are an indicator of overall health. To maintain the digestive system in good condition, the body requires inulin, which is found in large quantities in the root of the plant in question. There is a direct relationship: a healthy intestine means an excellent immune system.
  • To maintain a normal balance of microflora, good metabolism is necessary. Constipation can cause stool poisoning in the body. The laxative effect of chicory allows you to set up the intestines for regular cleansing.
  • Protection against cancer and benign tumors is provided by phenolic resins, which actively remove free radicals from the body. Phenols are also necessary for normalizing heart function; they reduce arrhythmia.
  • The complex of substances contained in the drink reduces the content of lipoproteins in the body, which improves the condition of the cardiovascular system.
  • Chicory has an analgesic effect on muscles and joints. It relieves inflammation and is recommended for arthritis and muscle tissue damage.
  • The initial stage of cholelithiasis with regular use of chicory may go unnoticed, since this herbal remedy dissolves small stones and does not allow bile to stagnate.
  • The drink has a diuretic property and prevents the formation of edema. Excess water is eliminated from the body naturally.
  • People who drink chicory drink are less likely to suffer from gum inflammation. Tannins contained in the root of this plant have an antiseptic effect on the oral cavity. Sore throat and other inflammations of the larynx and digestive tract also recede.

Attention! For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, chicory will be the best substitute for morning coffee. This drink doesn't even require any sweeteners. The natural ingredient of natural raw materials, inulin, has a sweetish taste, which makes the drink pleasant to the taste.

Eating chicory instead of natural instant or brewed coffee is the first point of a therapeutic diet that promotes weight loss. Inulin in combination with oligofructose reduces the feeling of hunger.

In addition to oral use, traditional healers recommend using brewed chicory as a healing component for baths, rubdowns, and compresses. As an analgesic and wound-healing agent, chicory is used in medicine as part of tinctures and rubbing liquids.

Chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women who are forced to give up coffee are interested in whether it is possible to drink chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If we consider chicory as a sedative, then taking it causes less harm to health than medications. A cup of drink will help you relax in the evening and fall asleep easier. Morning “coffee” from chicory will bring cheerfulness of spirit and body.

Uncontrolled consumption of this drink can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

One cup of drink in the morning and at night will only improve the well-being of a pregnant woman and her baby. Drinking this drink will help eliminate toxins and eliminate problems with bowel regularity and heartburn that are common in pregnant women.

While feeding the baby with breast milk, you will have to stop taking chicory. The drink can provoke the baby's excitability and reduce lactation.

Why can blood pressure decrease when taking chicory?

Since hypertensive crises, as well as systematic increases in blood pressure, can occur for various reasons, different drugs are used for drug treatment. In some cases, this plant has effects similar to them.

  • If the pressure rises due to the fact that a person reacts sharply to external stimuli, it means that he needs to calm the nervous system.
  • Renal pressure, which is almost impossible to reduce with pills, will drop when the amount of fluid in the body decreases and inflammatory processes in the kidneys are relieved.
  • Heart disease and vasoconstriction also contribute to increased blood pressure. When fighting this disease, it is necessary to relieve the symptoms of arrhythmia and improve oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Spinal injuries can also lead to chronic hypertension. In the fight against an illness caused by an injury, spinal pain relief and stress relief will be required.

Hypertensive patients often ask whether it is possible to drink chicory with high blood pressure. Doctors answer them in the affirmative, if there are no other contraindications for taking this drink. Whether it is a brewed or instant drink does not really matter.

Sometimes the doctor is not immediately able to determine the nature of the disease. And before he selects the necessary remedy, the patient has to undergo a series of examinations. The most difficult cases are those in which several factors contribute to an increase in pressure.

You can cope with the disease through drug treatment, and chicory will help enhance the effect of the latter.

Contraindications to the use of chicory

  1. There will be harm and danger from chicory if a person has intolerance to one or more microelements contained in the plant. You should take this drink with caution if you have previously had allergic reactions to marigolds, marigolds, and asters.
  2. Before introducing a chicory drink into their diet, people with diabetes need to consult a specialist. Those who have been diagnosed with cholelithiasis should avoid taking chicory. The drink can trigger the removal of stones from the body. In this case, a meeting with an emergency doctor cannot be avoided.

Varicose veins, gastritis, hemorrhoids are also contraindications to the use of this beneficial root and drinks based on it.

Herbal medicine has long been helping people in the treatment of various diseases. More often it is used as an additional remedy to the main treatment regimen.

The advantages of medicinal plants are that the body accepts them loyally, they have a gentle effect on the functioning of organs and systems.

If people drink unlimited quantities of decoctions and tinctures, most likely this will not help, but will do harm. Even natural remedies carry risks in the form of side effects, so taking any medications should be discussed with your doctor.

More often, with high blood pressure, doctors recommend drinking chicory; it can stabilize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and is involved in the treatment of skin and other diseases. Patients who are always looking for products and medicines that are beneficial to them are often interested in whether chicory lowers or increases blood pressure. You can deal with the issue below in the article.

Chicory flowers are pale blue, the root of the perennial plant is quite long, all its parts are used as medicine. Chicory does not require special care; it grows in fields and forests, along roads and in courtyards.

What are the benefits of chicory?

Each part of chicory contains useful substances that help with blood pressure and other ailments:

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins A, C, B;
  • organic acids;
  • vegetable protein;
  • microelements (magnesium, iodine, potassium, iron, etc.);
  • inulin is the main component that affects blood pressure.

Inulin is a polysaccharide that can replace sugar for diabetics. Chicory decoctions and baths have a diuretic effect, relieve fever, dilate blood vessels, and relieve inflammation. The plant acts gently and gradually. Some people don’t know whether chicory increases or decreases blood pressure, so they are afraid to try it. But a cup of weakly brewed drink will not harm either hypotensive or hypertensive patients.

Many coffee lovers who suffer from hypertension suffer from a lack of their favorite drink - doctors categorically prohibit them from strong tea and coffee, since these drinks can increase blood pressure.

In contrast to coffee, chicory and hypertension go well together. There is no other plant that could replace the taste of coffee without increasing blood pressure. Instant chicory brewed instead of coffee is used to normalize blood pressure, cheerfulness in the morning and calmness in the evenings.

Despite its benefits and mild effects, chicory remains one of the safest means of reducing blood pressure to normal. Even if the pressure was only slightly higher than normal, drinking a cup of chicory will not cause a sharp drop in the readings on the tonometer - the drink reduces them little by little. This effect of chicory is explained by its composition - vitamins from group B have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, calm the nervous system, and are used as antidepressants. Potassium dilates blood vessels, which is very necessary for hypertension. But if your blood pressure level is low, you should not abuse the drink. You can only try whether it increases or decreases blood pressure in a particular case in order to know for sure whether it is worth drinking.

How to prepare chicory for pressure

In the store, chicory can be found in the form of powder, soluble granules and liquid. Each of the forms equally helps against diseases, affects blood pressure - ensures its reduction. Depending on the form of release, the taste of the drink may differ slightly, and it is prepared differently. People often buy instant chicory because of its ease of use - stir and drink. Another reason for the popularity of instant chicory is that the root is roasted before grinding, which gives it a coffee-like flavor.

The powder, unlike instant powder, is not fried, so it retains more nutrients, but the taste is not as bright. The most useful option would be the liquid form of chicory; the extract is convenient to store, almost impossible to counterfeit, and contains the most useful substances. There should be no doubt whether this plant increases or decreases blood pressure. Its action has been verified. The question is how much you will like its taste.

But can chicory replace coffee? Maybe it replaces it, as hypertensive patients say. They are forced to take blood pressure-lowering medications, and coffee, tea and even cocoa raise their blood pressure levels. Those who doubt whether chicory increases or decreases blood pressure are recommended to try the effect of the plant for themselves. Even people with low blood pressure will not harm one cup of this drink, and hypertensive patients will be able to improve their well-being. Chicory normalizes blood pressure and does not put stress on the heart. Of course, at the same time you need to monitor your diet, the benefits and harms of which also affect the tonometer readings. In addition to the drink, chicory can be used under pressure in another way - in the form of a medicinal bath.

To reduce the pressure, grind the chicory into powder, add water and place the dish on the stove. You need to boil the liquid for about 20 minutes, then remove it from the stove and leave to infuse. After the drink has cooled, filter it and drink a tablespoon several times throughout the day. So chicory lowers blood pressure if it is slightly higher than normal.

When it is not possible to find the whole dried root, you can buy ready-made soluble powder in the store and see how chicory affects blood pressure. It is prepared in the same way as regular instant coffee. The drink can be consumed with honey and lemon, thereby increasing its benefits.

The easiest option “for the lazy” is to pour the required portion of powder into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. If the resulting drink seems strong or lowers blood pressure more than planned, you can dilute it with boiled water or soy milk.

As for medicinal baths, to prepare such a relaxing procedure you need to take 200 g of dry root, grind it, prepare a decoction in 2 liters of water, and after cooling, pour it into a bath with warm water. Do not make too hot water with high pressure! It is good to take such a bath before bed, lying in it for about 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated every other day, in total you need to take 10 baths. This will have a good effect on the nervous system, the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

For whom chicory is contraindicated

Having dealt with the question of whether it is possible to drink chicory with high blood pressure, it remains to find out who exactly can and who should refuse this medicine. Like other plants, chicory has contraindications. You should not take chicory for the following diseases:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • hypotension;
  • hemorrhoids in acute or chronic form;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • varicose veins

When buying chicory in a store, you need to look at the composition - there should be no dyes, other herbs, or stabilizers.

During pregnancy, doctors do not prohibit chicory; on the contrary, coffee lovers are offered it instead of caffeine. You can’t immediately rely on large volumes; you need to control your condition.


Some complain that chicory increases blood pressure. But that's not true. An increase in blood pressure when drinking a hot drink is associated with excessive heating of the water.

Hypertensive patients should not drink boiling water, and this also applies to chicory. You need to start getting used to a new drink gradually, brewing it not too strong and drinking it not too hot.

The doctor will explain how to use chicory correctly and give the necessary recommendations.

Sometimes people, for various reasons, try to take less pills and mixtures, preferring to be treated with natural remedies. So, in order to normalize blood pressure, they do this with the help of chicory.

However, experts are confident that the result will be better if you have a good understanding of the mechanism of action of chicory on the body, know the recommended “doses” and, of course, the “pitfalls” that exist not only in pharmaceutical drugs, but also in seemingly harmless products .

In the previous article, we already talked about what chicory inulin is, its benefits and harms, we recommend that you read it.

How does chicory affect blood pressure – does it increase or decrease it?

This natural healer has a reputation as one of the most gentle, safe remedies that hypertensive patients can take. Yes he is reduces high blood pressure, but acts very gently, without sudden jumps.

Even if a person’s blood pressure turns out to be very high, chicory will lower it smoothly and stop at the point beyond which the decrease in pressure will no longer be desirable.

Chicory is rich in B vitamins and potassium. Their effect on the body is reminiscent of the work of antidepressants: the nervous system, the heart return to normal, the blood vessels become wider, and it is precisely because of their narrowing that the readings on home blood pressure monitors change for the worse.

If a person has high blood pressure and his heart is acting up, and in the morning he needs to somehow wake up and get into work, it is best to replace the traditional cup of coffee with chicory.

In terms of its taste, it is close to coffee, you can get used to it and even fall in love with it (even if this does not happen in two or three days) - health still sometimes requires certain sacrifices from us. Information about all the beneficial properties of chicory and its contraindications can be found here.

Video with the release of the program “Live Healthy!” about chicory:

A pleasant point: it is not recommended to drink coffee in the evenings (insomnia will torment you), but chicory is okay. It will not excite you like a drink that contains caffeine, but will calm you down - smooth out the irritation that has accumulated during the day, relieve fatigue, and set you up for relaxation. You will learn about the effect of coffee on blood pressure in our article.

Of course, you can’t drink instant chicory cup after cup throughout the day. This drink also loves the bill.

Each person sets “limitations” (based on his own reaction to chicory) for himself: for one it will be a mug or two, for another – three.

If questions arise that cannot be resolved without medical intervention, be sure to seek advice from your doctor.

And one more thing to keep in mind: if a person is sick and takes medication (it doesn’t matter whether he has hypertension or some other disease), then You should not drink chicory at the same time as pharmaceuticals..

Chicory contains many active substances that can interact with medications and strengthen or weaken their effect on the patient’s body. As a result, the patient's well-being may deteriorate sharply.

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Is it possible to drink it if you have high blood pressure (hypertension)

People with high blood pressure (hypertension) chicory is not only possible, but also necessary to be consumed. It acts carefully, reduces pressure carefully, without putting the body into a stressful state.

But hypotension (that is, low blood pressure) is a good reason for chicory not to be on your menu. Otherwise, the already low pressure may drop to such levels when the head begins to spin, weakness and nausea appear.

How can hypertensive patients use chicory so that the benefits for the body are noticeable? Experts recommend different options: preparing a medicinal drink and taking a bath.

Here's how the decoction is prepared: the dried roots of the plant are ground into powder (you can, for example, use a coffee grinder), and then, filled with water, put on fire.

Boil for about 20 minutes, and after removing from the stove, let it brew for a while, and then filter the solution using a strainer. Drink a tablespoon several times during the day.

If it is not possible to purchase natural dried root of the plant, buy ready-made instant powder in the store and brew it, as you usually do with instant coffee. Lemon and honey go well with the drink.

Another option for the drink: pour the powder into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. If it seems that the drink is too strong, you can dilute it with a small amount of boiled water or add, for example, soy milk.

Video about chicory from the “Natural Selection” series:

For medicinal baths, which also have a beneficial effect on the body of hypertensive patients, first prepare a decoction (200 g of dry crushed root per 2 liters of water), filter it and add it to a bath filled with water. Don't make it too hot - 37 degrees will be enough.

Very It is useful to take a bath before bed for 20 minutes. Do this every other day, course – 10 baths. For the body, this will be a wonderful relaxing procedure after a hard day - the nerves will calm down, the blood pressure will normalize.

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Chicory is made from the long root of the flower, which is ground into a fine powder. After which the resulting product is fried to intensify the taste and aroma. The chicory drink is often compared to coffee. It tastes and smells really similar to the well-known drink. But coffee is not good for people suffering from spikes in blood pressure.

Common chicory

This is exactly what this plant is called in the botanical collection. This is a perennial from the genus Chicory, the Astrov family. The plant has azure flowers, a stem with leaves and a long powerful root. It is from this that the well-known drink is prepared.

The root of the plant contains a lot of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Here are some components of the drink that will benefit the entire body:

  • vitamins B, A, C;
  • macroelements, microelements;
  • inulin;
  • pectins, substances with acidic properties;
  • protein elements of organic origin.

From the above, it becomes clear that the drink really has a rich base of microelements and vitamins. But how does it affect people with hypertension.

Increases or decreases blood pressure

Patients with hypertension often ask their doctor how does chicory affect blood pressure? Numerous studies claim that it is very beneficial for hypertensive patients.

Despite its strong resemblance to coffee, the drink does not contain caffeine. In addition, chicory contains potassium, which affects the proper functioning of the heart muscle. Magnesium is present, which helps fight tachycardia and other heart diseases.

Official findings suggest that regular consumption lowers blood pressure. Of course, this decoction cannot be called medicinal, but its benefits are obvious!

For hypotension

Despite the fact that chicory lowers blood pressure, this drink can also be recommended for people with hypotension. It does not affect already low blood pressure. Rather, it helps improve the well-being and general condition of other human organs and systems. In this case, we can talk about the selective healing effect that its extract has.

The herbaceous plant will help replace coffee for low blood pressure! Hypotonic people are lovers of coffee drinks, but many coffee drinkers are prohibited due to heart problems.

Any drink, even a medicinal one, is useful in moderation. To normalize the body’s functioning and stabilize blood pressure, doctors advise drinking 300–500 ml of chicory daily.

Healing infusion

You can prepare a drink or decoction of thyme at home, without going to the store or herbal pharmacy. To do this, you need one dried root of the plant. It is cut into small pieces and ground in a coffee grinder to a powder.

A teaspoon of powder is poured into a pot and filled with water. Chicory is brewed in the same way as coffee. You can add sugar or milk to taste the drink.

A decoction of chicory root powder is no less useful. It is prepared in a water bath by pouring 2 grams of the substance with 450 grams of water. The decoction is steamed for half an hour. After which it is allowed to cool. Take the medicinal drink twice a day, 150 ml.

Nowadays, many people suffer from high blood pressure, but hypotension is also common. Some seek to normalize blood pressure with the help of folk remedies, of which a great variety can be found on the Internet. One of the useful plants is chicory. Everyone knows about its existence, but few know how this remedy works on blood pressure. The article will tell you whether chicory increases or decreases blood pressure.

The rich composition of chicory improves human immunity

This perennial plant can often be found in summer and attracts the eye with its beautiful purple flowers. But it is not they that are considered medicinal, but the root, which contains vitamins and other useful substances. Chicory leaves are sometimes used in cooking and folk medicine. In order to find out how chicory affects blood pressure, you should better understand its composition.

The root of this plant contains:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

In addition, the plant contains vitamins: A, C, E, B, K, nicotinic acid. Thanks to such a rich composition, chicory has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Its beneficial properties are as follows:

  1. Has a general strengthening effect.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Normalizes metabolism.
  4. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Improves the functioning of the excretory system.
  6. Has diuretic and choleretic effects.
  7. Kills harmful microorganisms.
  8. Heals wounds.
  9. Reduces blood glucose levels.
  10. Calms the nerves.
  11. Helps fight cancer.

The root of this plant is usually ground into powder, and from it, in turn, an instant coffee drink is brewed. It does not contain caffeine, therefore chicory does not increase blood pressure. Therefore, you can drink chicory for hypertension.

Benefits and harms of the root

Chicory root is the main part of the plant and is included in many medicines.

The benefits of this healing plant are obvious, but there is also slight harm for some diseases. The fact is that chicory root contains oxalic acid, which poses a danger to patients with urolithiasis. Because an excess of this acid promotes the formation of oxalates. Therefore, people prone to stone formation in the kidneys and bladder should be careful in consuming it.

But chicory has much more beneficial effects. It has long been noted that it calms the nervous system, therefore, helps fight insomnia. In addition, chicory enhances intestinal motility, cleansing the body of harmful substances. Zinc, which is contained in chicory, helps men overcome sexual problems, and women - improve the condition of their skin and hair.

Iron, which is found in chicory root, improves blood composition and fights anemia. And calcium, which is also found in abundance in this plant, strengthens the bone apparatus. Magnesium and potassium found in chicory make the heart muscle stronger.

This healing plant also has a positive effect on the condition of muscles and joints. In addition, chicory contains a lot of tannins, which help with inflammation of the throat, intestines and other organs.

It is especially worth noting the benefits of chicory for diabetes. Since it has the property of lowering blood sugar, a drink made from it is simply irreplaceable for patients with diabetes.

The plant is used not only internally, but also as a decoction for rinsing for diseases of the gums and throat, and as lotions, compresses, rubdowns for skin problems and joint diseases. Chicory is also added to baths for skin diseases.

The effect of chicory on blood pressure

Now it’s worth talking about how chicory affects blood pressure, whether it raises or lowers blood pressure. Let's look at how chicory works for hypertension and hypotension.

With high blood pressure

Chicory has the ability to relieve stress and calm nerves. Thanks to the potassium and magnesium content, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. This medicine also has diuretic properties, relieves swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, chicory dilates blood vessels. All these effects of the healing root on the human body indicate that chicory lowers blood pressure. This means you can drink chicory with high blood pressure.

This plant also has the ability to heal diseases of the spine, namely spinal injuries can also lead to hypertension. This means that those who have high blood pressure due to injuries should drink chicory, and their blood pressure will drop. However, you should not abuse it either, otherwise hypotension may develop. Two glasses a day will be enough for any person.

At low pressure

Since the hypotensive effect of chicory on the body has been revealed, it is clear that if you have low blood pressure, it is undesirable to drink a drink made from chicory. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur, such as fainting, weakness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, etc. Therefore, people prone to low blood pressure are not recommended to drink chicory.

Methods of application

A coffee drink made from chicory root has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system

The coffee drink made from chicory root is most often used for treatment. It can be easily purchased at any store; it is sometimes produced with the addition of herbs: chamomile, ginseng, cinnamon. Brewing the drink is very easy: pour a teaspoon of the drink into a glass of boiling water and stir thoroughly. You can add milk, cream and sugar to taste.

The drink is very tasty and satisfying, after drinking it you feel a surge of strength and health.

You can also drink a homemade decoction of chicory root. It must be dug up, washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder to a powder. Sometimes leaves and flowers are used, but rarely. Pour 100g of dry powder into a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, and strain. You should drink this remedy a few minutes before meals three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. For medicinal purposes, chicory is taken for a long time.


In addition to its healing benefits, chicory has a number of contraindications.
You should not drink chicory root if you:

  • hypotension;
  • allergies to this plant;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • oxaluria;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • stomach ulcer.

Pregnant women can take one glass of chicory per day as a sedative. However, you should not abuse it, because an excessive amount of this drug can cause premature birth. It is not advisable for nursing mothers to consume it because it reduces lactation and makes breast milk taste bitter.

Chicory is useful for hypertension, but it is unreasonable to hope that the pressure will drop only from taking chicory. Because this serious illness requires constant drug treatment.

In recent years, doctors have often prescribed alternative treatment for arterial hypertension to patients, since it does not have a negative effect on the body, has few contraindications, and also quickly and effectively cures the disease.

One of the means of folk therapy is a drink made from chicory, which is quite effective at the early stage of the disease, when the increase in blood pressure has not yet developed into a hypertensive crisis.

For a long time, chicory was considered a weed that was given to cattle as food. However, over time, people noticed its medicinal and health benefits, after which the plant began to be actively used in medicine and cooking.

Today people call chicory "blue dandelion" or cornflower growing near the road. The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family: it has a hard stem, at the base of which pink or blue flowers are located. Chicory grows in almost every area, except rocky and mountainous areas.

Several species of the plant are known: in some, the flowers grow singly, while in others they form large inflorescences of several flowers. To prepare a healing chicory drink that can have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, two types of plants are used - salad and regular.

Chicory root contains more useful substances, minerals and vitamins than the above-ground part, so the rhizome is often prescribed to patients to reduce blood pressure. And the salad type of chicory is more often used for cooking as a food additive, rather than a healing component.

After drying or heat treatment, the beneficial substances do not disappear from the fibers of the plant, so you can get the maximum benefit when brewing a drink.

The soluble product contains many vitamins, acids and microelements. The most significant components that can lower blood pressure levels are:

Substance Characteristic
Vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Their influence causes a relaxing effect on the walls of blood vessels and also improves the functioning of the heart. With regular consumption of the drink, vitamins accumulate in the body, which contributes to the proper functioning of the entire circulatory system.
Iron This microelement increases hemoglobin levels.
Phosphorus and calcium Substances normalize and improve bone structure.
Magnesium and potassium Such microelements help the heart muscle work properly.
Zinc The microelement helps improve brain function, restore damaged tissue, and also normalizes the appearance of the skin. The effect of zinc on the circulatory system is as follows: relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, as well as improving their patency.
Sodium Improves the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys, which promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body.
Manganese Thanks to this microelement, the complete absorption of beneficial substances entering the body of a hypertensive patient from chicory is carried out.

The main component of crushed and fried chicory root is inulin. Thanks to this substance, the following beneficial properties for the body are provided (this happens if a person regularly takes the drink):

  1. Improving metabolic processes.
  2. Decreased glucose levels in the body.
  3. Boosting immunity.
  4. General strengthening effect on the body (this is especially necessary for hypertensive patients).
  5. Prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Acceleration of wound healing.
  7. Calming the nervous system.
  8. Providing a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Full and kidney.
  10. Providing a choleretic effect.
  11. Reducing the risk of developing benign and malignant tumors.
  12. Raising vitality.
  13. Strengthening the heart and blood vessels.
  14. Normalization of the activity of the circulatory system.

Although the effect of such a drink is similar to that on the body, there is no caffeine in chicory. This is considered the main advantage of the plant, since it is not capable of causing a nervous breakdown and overexcitation of the body.

The healing effects of chicory largely depend on the content of vitamin B in the drink, which has a calming effect on blood vessels, the heart and the central nervous system. Thanks to this, chicory and blood pressure are considered compatible concepts, because the root of the flower can quickly lower blood pressure levels.

Taking chicory for blood pressure is also due to its powerful antidepressant properties, which are considered completely natural and safe for health. A feature of this plant is considered to be the rapid expansion of blood vessels soon after taking the drink - which is why it is recommended for people with high blood pressure to drink it in order to reduce its levels in a short time. But it is known that vasoconstriction is the first reason for the development of hypertension in humans, in which blood pressure increases.

In terms of taste and brewing method, chicory is no different from coffee, which means it will be pleasant to take for hypertensive patients who have problems with blood pressure. However, this should be done only after a doctor’s testimony, so as not to aggravate the condition of a patient with high blood pressure.

Although chicory can have a positive effect on blood pressure levels, like any medicinal plant, it has contraindications for use. Therefore, before using a folk remedy to lower blood pressure, you must visit a doctor so that he can examine the body and prescribe the optimal dosage for the patient.

Contraindications for which chicory should not be used include:

  • taking the plant together with antibacterial agents - in this case, combining the plant and drugs can lead to varicose veins;
  • the plant can increase inflammation, so during sinusitis you should avoid taking this healthy drink;
  • chicory can have a negative effect on health if a hypertensive patient eats a lot of citrus fruits;
  • Drinking the drink is not recommended for bronchial asthma, as this can lead to an increase in the symptoms of the disease, as well as cause complications of the disease.

Also, when the pressure drops, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the components of the plant. The most important thing when taking the root is to strictly follow the dosage so as not to harm your health.

Additional contraindications to internal use of chicory include (it is permissible to use the plant in the form of baths):

  1. Diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract.
  2. Joint diseases.
  3. Gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  4. High stomach acidity.
  5. Gout.
  6. Arthritis.

In this case, the plant can be harmful to health. Before using the drug for the first time, you should consult your doctor.

The effect of chicory on blood pressure levels

Can hypertensive patients drink chicory? Doctors give a positive answer, since this remedy is considered an indispensable addition to the main treatment.

Studies have shown that with regular use of the drink, blood pressure levels will normalize over time and the person will not suffer from pressure surges. Therefore, in this case, hypertensive patients will need to take a drink based on the root instead of coffee in order to completely cure hypertension over time. However, this must be done according to a doctor’s indication, since incorrect dosage has a negative effect on the functioning of the entire body, and also worsens blood pressure.

Does chicory lower or increase blood pressure? Proper intake of the drink will help lower blood pressure levels, as well as saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. It is important to note that with low pressure, chicory will not have a therapeutic effect - as a result, the pressure will remain at the same level.

In order not to endanger the body, the patient needs to take no more than 400-600 ml of drink per day.

Patients for whom the doctor has prescribed antihypertensive drugs will have to stop taking chicory, since the plant, along with traditional treatment, can harm the health of an already sick person.

You should also drink chicory to maintain general health, as it has a positive effect on blood vessels, immunity, blood composition, and also has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Sometimes the plant is prescribed during pregnancy as a natural remedy that normalizes digestion, improves immunity, fights pathogenic microflora, and also has a positive effect on overall health:

  1. The substances present in the drink dilate the walls of blood vessels well, which contributes to a rapid decrease in pressure. The plant also relieves spasms from the vascular network, which is considered an important criterion for the treatment of hypertension.
  2. The substances present in chicory root help a person lose weight, and excessive body weight is rightfully considered the main cause of hypertension.
  3. Chicory contains a sufficient amount of calcium, which strengthens the heart and improves its functioning. And with the help of immunomodulatory action, the restoration of health in hypertension is accelerated.

The main thing is to take the healing drink correctly and under no circumstances increase its dose, believing that this will result in a faster recovery. Then you can expect a quick therapeutic effect, thanks to which the normal functioning of the body will be restored.

Ways to use chicory for hypertension

It must be remembered that self-treatment will not benefit the health of a hypertensive patient, so it must be carried out in strict accordance with the prescription prescribed by the doctor.

How to drink chicory for hypertension? This question interests many people who suffer from pressure surges and would like to normalize the condition without the use of medications. Due to its healing qualities, chicory is rightfully considered an effective and fast-acting remedy from which decoctions, teas, tinctures and baths are prepared.

During a mild stage of the disease, patients are often prescribed to take chicory without drugs, although in this case the therapy must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. In more difficult cases, taking the drink should be combined with medications, which together can quickly lower blood pressure levels.

Simple drink recipe

If you take chicory correctly, you will be able to lower your blood pressure and also normalize the entire functioning of your body. At the pharmacy you can buy dry chicory root or powder, which is much easier to brew.

To make a medicinal drink based on the plant, you will need to take the powder in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, then add water to it and bring to a boil. The slightly cooled mixture is poured into the pot and drunk in slow sips.

This option for preparing a decoction is considered the simplest.


You can prepare the drink using a different recipe, but in this case it will take more time. Take 2 grams of chicory and pour half a liter of water. Then the liquid must be placed in a water bath. After the water boils, keep the broth on low heat for half an hour, then cool and filter. The drink can be taken warm or cold.

Drinking a healing drink for hypertension requires 200-500 ml daily for 1-2 weeks. This depends on the extent of the disease and the condition of the patient. In one course of drinking the drink, the pressure will normalize and will no longer rise sharply.


In addition to taking chicory root, you can also prepare medicinal baths from the plant. They are done as follows:

  1. Wash 200 grams of root thoroughly and cut into small circles;
  2. put them in a saucepan, pour in 2.5 liters of water and put on low heat - the chicory needs to be cooked for an hour;
  3. Cool the broth slightly, strain and pour into the bath.

You need to take a bath for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days. This procedure is especially good at helping to normalize blood pressure and also relieve the patient from headaches.


Sometimes doctors prescribe to hypertensive patients not only a decoction or a bath, but also a tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, take 50 grams of root, after which it is washed and crushed. Then the powder is poured with 500 ml of alcohol and left in a dark room for 20 days (it is advisable to take 70% alcohol). Take tincture 30 drops before meals. The treatment time with this remedy is 2 months.

In addition to normalizing blood pressure, the recipe also removes toxins and other harmful substances, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the entire body, making it more harmonious.


This tasty and refreshing salad can be eaten every day, since leaf chicory is considered a type of fresh green and will not cause harm to the body. Ingredients:

  1. Leaf chicory - 1 medium head;
  2. Green apple – 1 pc. (you can take any sweet and sour variety);
  3. Natural yogurt – 2 tablespoons (or sour cream);
  4. Salt and pepper to taste.

Wash the chicory and remove the outermost layers of leaves. The base of the head of cabbage is the bitterest part and needs to be trimmed into a triangle shape. The remaining leaves are cut into thin strips. The apple is cored and cut into strips.

The ingredients are mixed, seasoned with yogurt and spices.

Like other medicinal plants, it is important to know how to properly prepare chicory. The leaves should be collected when the plant is flowering, and the roots should be dug up in the fall, when the rainy season begins. Then the rhizome is washed, cut and processed at a temperature of 70 degrees. Then the root cools - if it is dried correctly, the root will crumble easily in your hand.

Chicory must be stored in a dry place for 2-5 years.

If you decide to buy a rhizome yourself, it must be uniform in color, dry and without pits. The inside of the root is usually white or slightly yellowish, and the outside is a standard brown color.

Natural chicory powder contains up to 30% inulin. If this indicator differs significantly from the stated information on the label, it can be assumed that part of the powder was “diluted” with other lower-quality raw materials, for example, roasted cereal grains. Unscrupulous manufacturers usually do not mark this ingredient in the product.

You can independently check the quality of store-bought powder as follows:

  • Pour warm water into a glass and dilute a spoonful of powder in it.
  • A few drops of iodine are added to the mixture.
  • As a result, a low-quality product will turn dark blue, which is due to the content of starch particles in it. In a good drink, iodine will dissolve immediately without changing the color of the liquid.

Proper use of chicory for hypertension will ensure a quick recovery for the patient, and will not harm the body, as many medicinal drugs do. It is necessary to take the medicine strictly according to the instructions in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.



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