Subcutaneous hematoma of the forehead. Formation of hematomas on the scalp

Bioidentical steroid hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, DHEA)- a remedy that can delay the onset of old age, slow down biological age-related changes and prevent diseases that develop in old age. In terms of molecular structure and effects on the body, it is identical organic matter produced by glands internal secretion. IN mature age the level of the hormone decreases, which negatively affects cellular energy, the synthesis of estrogen and testosterone, and fat metabolism in the body.

Research is being conducted in all countries on the possibility of treatment DHEA syndrome chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, AIDS, cancer, prevention of atherosclerosis, ischemia. The effectiveness of treating these diseases has not yet been proven, but reviews of people who used it indicate that after a course of taking the drug, the general health and mental state, mental abilities, immunity and potency have increased.

Functions of DHEA

In the body, the substance is synthesized by the adrenal cortex and testicles, and during metabolism it turns into testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

The hormone performs many functions in the body:

  • controls mood;
  • promotes the production of hormones that stimulate tissue growth and metabolism;
  • normalizes fat content;
  • increases libido;
  • improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • brings it back to normal hormonal background;
  • protects nerve cells from destruction;
  • prevents loss bone tissue;
  • supports immune system;
  • helps reduce low-density lipoproteins ( bad cholesterol).

The use of natural dietary supplements Dehydroepiandrosterone allows you to compensate for the lack of hormones, maintain body functions, and resist age-related changes.

Why is DHEA deficiency dangerous?

Scientific research has confirmed that lowering the level DHEA promotes aging with age. The process starts at the age of 35-40, and in adulthood signs of aging of the nervous and circulatory systems appear. The regulation of the expansion and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels is disrupted, the risk of hypertension increases, coronary disease heart, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, intellectual abilities decrease.

Some scientists see a relationship between low levels in the body and the high mortality rate of men from heart attacks. Decline DHEA makes the body vulnerable to hypertension, Parkinson's disease, cancer, nervous degenerative diseases. With a deficiency, fatigue, apathy, irritability, Bad mood. Flaw DHEA during menopause in women leads to a quantitative drop in other hormones and progesterone. Metabolic processes in the body deteriorate, mineral metabolism, anxiety increases, disruptions in the functioning of the adrenal glands occur, and mental disorders arise.

How does the bioidentical hormone DHEA work?

The drug improves the immune response, maintains the number of immune system cells, slows down the aging of the body, and reduces the manifestations of age-related diseases. serves as a raw material for creating the necessary hormones and normalizing body functions. To compensate for age-related losses of the substance, you need to buy DHEA and bring the hormone level closer to normal value. The price of the dietary supplement is affordable for people with low incomes.

The drug can be taken by people striving for active longevity, who want to prolong the youth of the body, mind and soul, increase physical endurance, improve psycho-emotional state. Experts recommend using dietary supplements that include Dehydroepiandrosterone in case of impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, vaginal dryness during menopause, deterioration of general well-being and memory in old age, decreased resistance to stress.

Indications for use of Dehydroepiandrosterone:

  • tumor prevention,
  • osteoporosis,
  • obesity,
  • diabetes,
  • degenerative diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes.

The drug improves the immune response and maintains the number of immune system cells. Taking dietary supplements with DHEA will help older people avoid infection viral infections and fungal diseases.

Features of the use of Dehydroepiandrosterone

Bioadditives that include Dehydroepiandrosterone are recognized as harmless, but they must be used according to the instructions for use. To normalize hormone levels, a low dose of the drug is recommended. Women start with 5-10 mg, men with 25 mg of the substance. Gradually the dose is increased to 50 mg. People under 45 years of age before use DHEA must be tested for hormone levels in the blood.

Contraindications to the use of dietary supplements: cancer prostate gland and breasts, age up to 18 years, period of pregnancy and lactation, low HDL level (good cholesterol). Men and women react positively to. IN in rare cases In reviews, women note the appearance of acne. DHEA usually gives pleasant side effects: improved condition of skin, hair and nails, prolongation of the menstrual cycle.

Effectiveness of DHEA in menopause

Participates in the production of testosterone, progesterone, estrogen and restores balance in the hormonal system. The use of the drug helps to get rid of fatigue, lethargy, irritability, and sweating. Women's sleep is normalized and heart rate, dizziness disappears, the psycho-emotional state improves, the frequency and severity of hot flashes decreases. Preparations with bioidentical hormones reduce or prevent intermediate signs of menopause: atrophy of the lining and inflammation of the vagina, hair loss and brittle nails. By normalizing hormonal levels, it is possible to avoid osteoporosis and prevent early skin aging.

Why DHEA is useful for low immunity and autoimmune diseases

At autoimmune pathologies DHEA helps restore a damaged immune system that works against the body. After a six-month course of treatment, results were recorded in reducing the symptoms of lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Dehydroepiandrosterone for strengthening bone tissue

In old age, bone density decreases and the structure of bone tissue is disrupted. Loose bones cannot withstand even minor loads. The hormone prevents the breakdown of bone tissue, improves its density, and stimulates the activity of osteoblasts necessary for the synthesis of bone matrix. How to take DHEA to prevent fractures, a specialist will recommend. In each specific case, the dosage may vary. Vitamin D3 must be taken together with the drug.

DHEA hormone for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

DHEA lowers bad cholesterol levels, helps relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that people who died from heart attacks had very low levels of the hormone. In patients taking , after stenting, the frequency of re-narrowing of the artery decreased. The dietary supplement helps reduce cholesterol production, and unlike statin drugs, it is safe.

Effects of Dehydroepiandrosterone on the nervous system

DHEA regulates the level of the stress hormone cortisol, increases the concentration of endorphins. Fatigue and bad mood go away, sleep is restored, and stress resistance increases.

Application DHEA As a replacement therapy, it helps improve the quality and length of life. People with weakened immune systems, heart disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome need additional intake of the hormone. The price depends on the dosage and manufacturer. On iHerb you can buy dietary supplements from leading pharmaceutical companies, which guarantee that the bottle actually contains the hormone DHEA.

Life Extension, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), 25 mg

Dietary supplement from a well-known manufacturer Life Extension recommended for maintaining hormonal balance and normalization metabolic processes in the body. Capsule contains 25 mg of bioidentical hormone DHEA. The use of the drug helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks. After hormone replacement therapy, metabolic processes accelerate and the condition of bone tissue improves. The drug increases vitality, helps fight infectious diseases and cancer.

Experts recommend that women take it during menopause to relieve attacks of fever, shortness of breath, increased anxiety. The hormone alleviates the condition, slows down the aging process of the skin, and helps maintain attractiveness. For preventive purposes, experts recommend taking it after 40 years. The course of replacement therapy lasts 25 days. The optimal dose for women is 50 mg, men - 100 mg.

Natrol, DHEA, 25 mg

One of the best drugs with anti-aging properties from the company Natrol. The product is intended for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, and age-related degenerative processes in the body. The supplement supports hormonal balance and good physical fitness. One capsule of the drug per day will help improve immunity, get rid of fatigue and depression, prevent heart and vascular diseases, and delay the aging of skin and organs. The dietary supplement stimulates testosterone production and revives libido. Animal experiments have shown that DHEA Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Clinical studies with the participation of people showed that after using a dietary supplement containing the hormone, the breakdown of bone tissue stopped, thought processes and sleep quality improved, and the level of LDL (bad cholesterol) decreased. The company has released a large package containing 300 tablets. Thanks to this the price DHEA decreased and became available to pensioners.

JarrowFormulas, DHEA 50 MG

The drug helps maintain hormones dehydroepiandrosterone on the right level. Hormone replacement therapy allows you to prolong youth, delay the onset of menopause and reduce unpleasant symptoms, and increase libido.

Jarrow Formulas, DHEA fights the aging process in all directions: improves the condition of bone tissue, restores the functioning of the immune system, stimulates brain function, improves skin tone, improves mental health. By reducing the level of bad cholesterol, the condition of blood vessels improves, and the development of stroke and heart attack is prevented. Jarrow Formulas, DHEA quickly increases testosterone levels and can be used to gain muscle mass and increase strength in athletes.

Country Life, Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) Cofermented, 350 mg

Vegetarian capsules of the American company " Counter Life» do not contain gluten.
The dietary supplement is designed to protect cells from damage by free radicals, which in old age contribute to rapid wear and tear of the body. The dietary supplement has a general strengthening, immunostimulating effect, increases the brain’s resistance to stress, intoxication, and hypoxia. DMAE enhances concentration, helps prolong life and improve physical endurance.

Dimethylaminoethanol: reviews

Marina, 49 years old:
I accept Natrol DHEA on the advice of a gynecologist to reduce the intensity of hot flashes. I sweat less, tinnitus, dizziness and weakness have disappeared, my mood has improved. It’s a pity that I found out about the supplement too late. Perhaps it would be possible to delay the onset of early menopause.

Vasily, 34 years old:
I bought the Natron company for my elderly father. Experts recommended it to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attack. After the second course of treatment, tests showed a significant decrease in cholesterol in the blood. My father began to sleep better and became less irritated. Price of dietary supplement for iHerb relatively small. One package is enough for several courses of treatment.

Irina, 44 years old:
Tests showed low hormone levels DHEA. After three weeks of taking the dietary supplement, performance improved, apathy and drowsiness disappeared.

(7 ratings, average: 4,57 out of 5)

DHEA supplements are used by people who believe they can improve their sex drive, build muscle, fight the effects of aging, and improve their health. But there isn't much evidence for many of these claims. And supplements have some risks.

Here's a summary of what science really knows about DHEA supplements and what you need to know about their safety.

What is DHEA

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by the body's adrenal glands, glands above the kidneys, also known as the "elixir of youth." DHEA level naturally falls after 30 years. Some people take supplements of this hormone in the hope that it will help improve their health and prevent certain diseases. However, the evidence is mixed.

Dehydroepiandrosterone supplements can be made from wild yam or soybeans.

Scientists don't know everything that DHEA does. But they do know that it functions as a precursor to male and female sex hormones, including and. These are substances that are converted by the body into hormones.

DHEA production peaks in the 20s (mid 20s). For most people, production gradually decreases as they age.

Testosterone and estrogen production also generally declines with age. DHEA supplements may increase levels of these hormones. This is why a number of claims have been made regarding their potential health benefits.

These claims range from benefits such as:

  • For the production of hormones and normal operation adrenal glands
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Slowing down the natural changes in the body that occur with age
  • Providing more energy
  • Improved mood and memory
  • Build bone tissue and muscle strength

Why accept

A number of studies have found that DHEA supplements help people with depression, obesity, lupus, and adrenal insufficiency. This hormone can also improve skin conditions in older people and helps treat osteoporosis and vaginal atrophy. erectile dysfunction and some psychological states. But research results are ambiguous and often contradictory.

Low levels of DHEA are associated with aging and a number of diseases such as anorexia, type 2 diabetes and HIV. In older men, low levels of this hormone are also associated with more high probability death. However, it is still unclear whether the use of dehydroepiandrosterone supplements helps in reducing the risk of any diseases.

DHEA is used by some people who want to “reverse” aging and improve immunity, cognitive function, and muscle strength. On at the moment research does not support these uses. The supplement has been studied for the treatment of other conditions, ranging from cardiovascular disease and menopause to Alzheimer's disease. The results were unclear.

How much does it cost to take

There is no standard dose of dehydroepiandrosterone. Some studies have used capsules whose dosage was between 25 and 200 milligrams per day or sometimes even higher, but this depends on medical conditions that are being treated by the patient. You should consult your doctor for advice on this matter. .

Can You Get DHEA from Food?

There are no food sources of this hormone. Wild yams contain a substance similar to DHEA, which is used to produce the hormone in laboratories. The body produces DHEA naturally in the adrenal glands.

DHEA Supplements for Anti-Aging

Because levels of this hormone decline with age, some researchers suggest that replenishing your body's falling levels of the hormone may help fight aging. And some small studies have reported positive effects anti-aging benefits from using DHEA supplements. But a similar number of studies found no effect.

According to the National Institute on Aging and National Center Complementary and alternative medicine, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the idea that DHEA may affect how quickly you age.

Both agencies report little is known about the impact long-term use DHEA. And there are some concerns that continued use of its supplements could be harmful.

DHEA Supplements for Health

DHEA supplements show some potential for alleviating mild to moderate depression. But more research is needed.

In a small six-week study, scientists from the National Institute mental health found that treatment with DHEA supplements helped relieve mild to moderate depression that occurs in some middle-aged people. DHEA may also be effective in improving aging skin in older adults.

For other conditions, both the National Standard and the National Institutes of Health say the evidence is unclear and unclear whether DHEA has significant benefit in treating conditions such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Low bone density
  • Heart disease
  • Cervical cancer
  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Crohn's disease
  • infertility
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Sexual dysfunction

Supplement Safety

Possible side effects of dehydroepiandrosterone supplements may include:

Side effects in women:

  • Minor side effects of using DHEA include acne, low blood pressure, and breast changes
  • Reducing breast size
  • Deep voice
  • Increase in the size of the genital organs
  • Irregular periods
  • Abnormal menstruation
  • Oily skin
  • Increased hair growth
  • Low blood pressure

Side effects in men:

  • Aggression
  • Reduction in testicular size
  • Urinary urgency
  • Breast tenderness or enlargement
  • Low blood pressure

Other potential side effects:

  • Acute respiratory failure
  • Anxiety
  • Blood in urine
  • Chest pain
  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Feeling of goosebumps, crawling on the scalp
  • Dizziness
  • Emotional changes
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Increased risk of cataracts
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats
  • Mania
  • Restlessness
  • Weight gain

A new version of DHEA, known as 7-keto-DHEA, is a natural byproduct of this hormone. Because 7-keto-DHEA is not converted into steroid hormones by the body, the risk of some hormonal side effects is reduced.

Although 7-keto-DHEA supplementation has been shown to promote weight loss, muscle building, and immune system stimulation, there hasn't been enough research to support any of these claims.

Some of these side effects may be the result of DHEA increasing testosterone and estrogen levels in the human body. Medical experts warn that little is known about the long-term effects of elevated hormone levels.

DHEA supplements should not be taken for long periods of time without consulting a healthcare professional.

DHEA and weight loss

The supplement's version of DHEA, known as 7-keto, is widely promoted as helping to reduce body fat and increase supplement metabolism. The idea is that body tissues and a higher metabolism burn calories more efficiently, making it easier not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the results.

Unfortunately, most of the studies that have been done have shown little effect of DHEA on losing weight or increasing metabolism. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor or nutritionist before investing in a supplement like DHEA for weight loss.

DHEA and Athletic Performance

DHEA supplements are sometimes used by athletes due to the claim that the supplement can improve muscle strength and enhance athletic performance. This is because DHEA is a “prohormone,” a substance that can increase levels of steroid hormones such as testosterone.

There is little evidence that DHEA has any effect on increasing muscle strength. Its use is prohibited by sports organizations such as the National Football League, Major League Baseball and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

There are risks associated with the use of any presteroid enhancer. And the higher the dose, the higher the risk. Possible side effects include:

  • Persistent slowdown in growth
  • Aggressive behavior known as "rage"
  • Mood swings and other psychological symptoms
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver problems

Because DHEA can increase testosterone and estrogen levels, women who use DHEA may sometimes experience side effects such as:

  • Voice change
  • Hair loss
  • Facial hair growth

Sometimes men may experience symptoms such as:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Tight testicles
  • Reduced sperm production

Talk to your doctor

If you are thinking about using DHEA supplements, there are several reasons why you should discuss it with your doctor first:

  • Many of the DHEA claims involve (and can result in) serious medical conditions. These conditions need to be assessed and treated by a healthcare professional.
  • The hormone may interact with some medications and thus change their effectiveness.
  • Since DHEA's benefits include enhancing male and female female hormones, supplements may adversely affect hormone-sensitive cancer, such as breast, ovarian or prostate cancer.
  • Using special supplements of this hormone carries some risk and can cause a number of side effects, although this usually only occurs at the end, on the higher dose range.

Drug interactions with dehydroepiandrosterone

Most medications can interact with others. Because of the complex and multifaceted role of DHEA, there is a whole series potential interactions that may occur when they are taken together with other forms of medicine.

Individuals taking any of the drugs on the following list should exercise additional caution and discuss this issue with their primary care physician:

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • Metformin
  • Thiazolidinediones
  • Anastrozole - this drug is taken to reduce estrogen; DHEA may have the opposite effect, so it may counteract anastrozole
  • Antidepressants
  • Venlafaxine
  • Mirtazapine (Mirtazapine)
  • Bupropion (Bupropion)
  • Antiestrogens
  • Neuroleptics
  • Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine
  • Benfluorex
  • Birth control pills
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Canrenoate
  • Cardiac glycosides
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) binding agents
  • Gefitinib (Gefitinib)
  • Glycyrrhetinic acid
  • Licorice – DHEA levels are increased by licorice and therefore taking additional DHEA may increase side effects
  • Metyrapone
  • Propranolol

This list is not exhaustive. Talk to your doctor or primary care pharmacist if you are concerned about drug interactions with DHEA.


You should take extra care when using DHEA if any of the following apply to you:

  • Higher risk of developing prostate, liver, breast or ovarian cancer
  • Higher risk of urinary tract infections
  • Disorders thyroid gland or taking thyroid hormone therapy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease or increased risk heart disease
  • Have had a stroke or were at risk of having a stroke
  • Low lipoprotein levels high density(HDL - “good” cholesterol)
  • High triglyceride levels
  • Bleeding – DHEA may increase the risk of bleeding
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
  • Sweating disorders—supplements of this hormone may cause increased odor when sweating
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Joint pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or sleep disorders
  • Immune disorders or use of immunosuppressants
  • Mania-related mental disorders
  • It is also recommended to avoid DHEA supplements if the potential patient is pregnant or breastfeeding

DHEA is a complex chemical with many roles. With further research, scientists will undoubtedly unlock the secrets of this hormone and may be able to use it to treat a variety of diseases.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a multifunctional steroid hormone. Some call it the hormone of youth. This is probably not without exaggeration, but this hormone has already proven itself in the fight against some age-related diseases. DHEA level(DHEA) naturally decreases in the body after age 30. By controlling and promptly adjusting the level of the hormone DHEA in the body at any age, we resist the occurrence of painful conditions that are associated with age-related changes. Healthy people under 50 do not need DHEA at all.

DHEA should only be taken to raise hormone levels to normal levels, not to exceed them. You need to start with low doses (5-10 mg per day for women, 25 mg per day for men) and slowly increase doses until the desired effect is achieved. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 50 mg. It is better to take supplements in the morning.

For vaginal discomfort associated with menopause, rub 10% cream into areas of 20 x 20 cm on both thighs once a day.

To improve the quality of eggs in women over 40 years of age with reduced ovarian reserve, dosage: 25 mg 3 times a day. Start taking at least 3 months before conception (3 months is the egg gestation cycle). Discontinue if pregnant (or IVF). Do not take the hormone if you have been diagnosed with PCOS or adrenogenital syndrome(VDKN).

Method and dosage

  • DHEA (DHEA) is sold quite widely and freely, but its influence long-term use just unknown. Most experts believe that it can only be taken under medical supervision. Try to find a doctor who has experience using this supplement.
  • Before you start taking the hormone, be sure to check to see if you have prostate cancer (men) or breast cancer (women), as these types of cancer are affected by hormone levels in the body.
  • Be sure to check your DHEA blood levels and only take this supplement if they are low. After 3 weeks of supplement use, recheck to see if dosage adjustments are needed. Once normal levels of the hormone are achieved, the need for supplementation usually does not exceed 5-10 mg per week.

Facts and tips for use

Labels for preparations made from Wild Yam sometimes state that the plant contains substances that are converted in the body to DHEA or other hormones. But this transformation is possible only in the laboratory, and not in the human body. Although there is no evidence that dietary supplements prolong life, this supplement may improve quality of life. In one study, older men and women who took medicine, reported improved overall well-being, improved sleep, increased energy and the ability to more successfully cope with stress. More than 80% of women and 67% of men responded positively to this supplement (less than 10% responded to placebo).

Medicinal properties

Called the "mother of hormones," DHEA is a supplement needed by the body to produce many types of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands, small organs located above the kidneys, skin, brain, testicles and ovaries. Women develop less money than men. The production of this hormone decreases sharply with age in both sexes - by 70 years by 80% compared to 30 years of age. The biological significance of this decrease remains unclear

This supplement has been proven to stimulate weight loss, increase libido, strengthen memory and prevent the development of osteoporosis. However, all these claims remain unconfirmed. Studies have shown that the drug may improve general well-being in older adults (the mechanism of action is unclear), reduce the risk of heart disease, relieve symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus, help with diabetes, and stimulate the immune system.

Effect on the human body

Instructions for use indicate that dietary supplements can improve brain function and general well-being in older people. This supplement can help reduce body mass index, reduce the proportion of body fat, and increase muscle mass. When taken as a cream, it can relieve vaginal soreness and discomfort during menopause. Some studies suggest that DHEA improves overall well-being, physical endurance, sex drive, and hormone levels in people with insufficient adrenal function. Some evidence of the supplement's immune-boosting effects comes from observations of older adults receiving flu shots. Their immune response to the weakened influenza virus was significantly enhanced after taking the drug. It has been suggested that this substance may improve immune reaction in HIV-infected people.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Men with high levels of this hormone perform better in physical endurance tests, which measure the condition of the heart during physical activity. This association, however, is not found in women. Women taking DHEA have a slightly increased risk of heart disease. The effect of the drug was studied on various diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, depression, erectile dysfunction, bacterial infections, ovulation disorders, myotonic dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, arterial thrombosis, heart failure and HIV infection. The research results are inconclusive.

Price in pharmacies

The price of DHEA in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about DHEA preparation, instructions for use include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Natrol's Best DHEA

Grade: 5

I have been taking it for a short time, a little over 4 months. It definitely works. There is a clear rejuvenating effect. Women find it very difficult during menopause. I'm going through just such a period right now.
This is the time when a woman’s body begins to slowly fade away. I don't want to follow nature's lead. I know that it is this hormone that we begin to lose during menopause.
I started taking it with the smallest dosage of 25 mg and plan to continue taking this particular dosage for another 6 months. Then I'll move on to 50 mg. The older the woman, the higher the dosage is needed. For example, if a woman is over 60, then 25 mg will not be enough to obtain a visible effect. You need to take 75 mg.
DHEA really helps rejuvenate the body. I also heard that DHEA is taken for memory loss (again, women).

Super drug broad action. Ideal for women over 40

Grade: 5

Natrol DHEA is not cheap, oh it's not cheap. But it is very useful, for me personally it helps me cope with seasonal illnesses, promotes a surge of strength when it is needed, improves skin condition, and even increases libido. It has a positive effect on almost the entire body. The tablets are small and easy to swallow. They don’t have a special taste, I wash them down with water. I take one tablet in the morning; men can take 2 tablets. The stomach accepts them very well. The effect is noticeable only after 1-2 weeks, not earlier. The first thing I feel is that I have more strength. I move a lot, do a lot of useful things. A month after taking it, the effect is visible externally - the skin of the face is smoother and more elastic, the color is pleasant with a blush. Also in the fall or spring, the drug helps to overcome many viral diseases- SARS, flu. The composition is wonderful, there is almost no chemistry. But it is better to read the instructions very carefully, there are contraindications. Admission courses are long, 3 months. One jar is designed for this time. It’s also not worth using such additives frequently. Once a year, well, maximum twice. I really like the way dhea works! Soft, but at the same time very effective.

Don't wait quick results

Grade: 5

I bought myself a jar of DHEA for the first time a couple of years ago, and even then the drug was wildly popular. And now, more and more often, cosmetologists use the drug for injection. Now I don’t feel like I’m 40 years old, although a couple of years ago I considered myself an old woman, honestly, I had absolutely no strength or energy, it seemed that I was tired from waking up. In general, the drug helped me, because after a while I I understand that thanks to the reception I was able to change myself for the better. Apparently I had problems with hormones, and DHEA stimulated all processes and hormones began to be produced in the required volume. I take a capsule at a dosage of 25 mg and that’s enough for me. to feel great. but I can say that I did not feel the changes immediately, but after about a year of constant use. Fine. that I didn’t quit at one time and didn’t skimp on the money. Honestly, now I’d rather not buy multivitamins or iodine, but DHEA is a must-buy for me. In addition, the can lasts a long time, so it won’t hurt your pocket. And one more thing causes extreme thirst, at first it was difficult to get used to drinking so much, but now everything is fine. I’m used to being able to drink 2-3 liters of clean water a day.


Grade: 5

I don’t know where they found DHEA for 200 rubles (previous review). I started taking this drug in 2014, then it cost about 600 rubles. Now I buy it for 1200 rubles. But it's worth the money! The dietary supplement simply revived me. I even managed to finally open my own small business, which I had been thinking about for a long time, but never decided to do. Gives strength, energy, maintains normal hormonal levels. 1 tablet contains 25 mg. I take it once a day with meals. Better than any multivitamin! I heard that someone loses weight from it - but this is not my case. I’m already very slim, so it’s not relevant. Quick effect You shouldn't expect anything from him. Only from the middle of the second month will the result be noticeable. I took DHEA "locally bottled" - generally a dummy. There were no improvements in my mood or energy. I have something to compare with. I try to take it for 6 months a year (2 courses), I introduce my husband. He's doing athletics, for the production of androgens this dietary supplement would be the best, but he refuses, he doesn’t like pills. To sum it up - dehydroepiandrosterone is a great thing! Does not cause side effects or allergies. Helps you gain weight very well vitality and just feel healthy and healthy.

Stops the aging process

Grade: 4

I have read a lot of research on the topic of taking DHEA, and every year doctors recommend including supplements and dietary supplements in your regular diet. I bought Natrol DHEA in the smallest dosage of 10 mg and take one tablet a day. DHEA, being a steroid substance, a full-fledged hormone is not, which means admission to pure form This component will not cause harm to the body. Regular use of the supplement helps reduce risk premature death by 60%, the spectrum of action of DHEA is quite wide. The substance provides excellent support vegetative-vascular system, helps normalize general hormonal levels, helps the body tolerate stress more easily. Women with reduced AMH will also benefit from taking this supplement. Maintaining the optimal amount of DHEA in the body is especially important after 40 years, when the body practically ceases to synthesize it on its own. A jar lasts me a month, and the price is simply ridiculous, around 200 rubles.

Good drug

Grade: 5

I've been taking this supplement for a little over a month. I noticed an improvement in my concentration. In addition, the mood became more upbeat. I rest well during the night and feel great in the morning.
Indeed, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that improves overall well-being, mood, increases energy, enhances memory and mental acuity, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of skin, hair and even bones. After 30 years, the body begins to produce much less of it, so it is advisable to take it orally in the form of supplements. I take it at a dosage of 25 mg, which I consider the most optimal. I take 1 tablet of dietary supplement per day in the morning with meals. In addition to DHEA, it also contains calcium, which I consider an additional advantage. I didn't have any side effects after taking it. There are 300 tablets in the jar, so the supplement will last for a long time, especially since I plan to take breaks between doses. I really haven’t found a similar supplement with the same performance.

For women's health

Grade: 5

DHEA is considered the basis of all hormones; if the body lacks this hormone, then other hormones will be produced incorrectly. It is especially important for women after 35 years of age, so I take dehydroepiandrosterone regularly. With age, it practically ceases to be produced and it is necessary to take it from the outside. I take a tablet a day for a month, then take a two-week break. Now I no longer feel tired or easily tired. Weight is based on one indicator, plus or minus a couple of kilos. In addition to DHEA, it also contains stearic acid and maltodextrin as a safe sugar substitute. It makes the tablets sweetish and pleasant to the taste, although I didn’t feel particularly sweet, I immediately swallowed and washed it down.

Noticed improvements

Grade: 5

I started taking the supplement about 3 weeks ago and plan to take a short break after a week. There are changes and they are noticeable primarily in increased performance and improved mood. It contains very important hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), the lack of which causes fatigue, apathy and drowsiness. All these symptoms have been my companions for many years, tests showed that I lack this particular hormone. I take one capsule a day with breakfast. There was such a pleasant, I would say, side effect as an increase in libido. My husband is happy, and I feel younger and more energetic.

Normalizes hormone levels

Grade: 5

A lack of dehydroepiandrosterone is especially dangerous for women over 40; in my case, the symptoms were a general deterioration in well-being and drowsiness. I started eating haphazardly, mostly fast carbohydrates, hence the weight gain and the deterioration of my hair and skin from a lack of vitamins. I started taking DHEA along with Omega 3 capsules before meals, the improvements were noticeable almost immediately. The head became clear, the mood was elevated. I gained strength and a desire to take care of myself. The dosage is very convenient, 25 mg in one tablet required substance, just the recommended dose for women. The composition is completely natural, even natural is used for the tablet shell food additive gum arabic, a special type of resin from acacia trees, so no artificial preservatives or colors.

Growth hormone

Grade: 5

Rejuvenation is primarily influenced by hormonal levels. If you maintain your sex hormones at a level, then you can keep yourself in great shape as long as you like (skin, health, gray hair, etc.). Hormone DHEA Helps produce sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen.
I take DHEA tablets to prevent aging. This is a natural hormone that works primarily on the body (externally).
I take 1 capsule before bed. After about 3 weeks, I noticed that I began to lose weight. I fit into jeans that I haven’t fit into for 3 years!
I plan to continue taking it at this dosage (25 mg). So that there are no side effects.

DHEA supplements are commonly associated with bodybuilding and bodybuilding, as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is considered a "prohormone" associated with longevity, muscle gain, and strong body. However, DHEA is formed naturally in the body of men and women and is involved in more than 150 different metabolic functions. In fact, it is one of the most abundant hormones in the human body! The adrenal glands are the main producers of natural DHEA, but in men it is also secreted from the testicles. Once produced, the body converts it into several other hormones, including androstenedione and some sex hormones. This is why DHEA is called the “parent hormone.”

In a sense, DHEA works like a natural anabolic steroid because it stimulates the production of natural growth hormones that help build muscle mass and fight fat accumulation. This is why DHEA supplements are popular among athletes and bodybuilders. Although DHEA supplements are safe, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has listed them as prohibited drugs because they provide benefits.

However, the uses of DHEA go far beyond improving your physique as consuming DHEA helps improve bone density, promote heart health, control cholesterol levels, fight fatigue, and improve the production of important sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

DHEA levels begin to decline after age 30, which is when many adults begin to experience weight gain, sluggishness, decreased libido, and other symptoms. It is believed to be one of the fastest declining hormones in the human body. Every ten years of life after age 30, DHEA loss accelerates. By the time a person reaches about 75 years of age, production of the hormone has dropped to 10 to 20 percent of the original levels of DHEA produced by the body in youth.

Benefits and Uses of DHEA Supplements

1. Reduce inflammation

Inflammation is the root of most diseases and is associated with any age problem health that exists. Restoring DHEA production, either naturally through lifestyle choices or through supplementation, can improve many aspects of the body. DHEA's ability to reduce the likelihood of inflammation in the body and help restore hormone balance typically results in higher energy levels, a leaner physique, greater body mobility and longevity. DHEA in supplement form increases certain hormone levels (such as testosterone and estrogen), helps prevent autoimmune reactions and mood disorders such as depression, and improves overall quality of life.

Research shows that people with metabolic syndrome– a term characterized by a combination of risk factors associated with obesity / overweight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes - tend to reduce DHEA levels. Research also shows that obese people tend to produce less DHEA compared to healthy people. Scientists have also linked low DHEA levels to inflammatory autoimmune disorders such as lupus and arthritis.

Studies involving women with autoimmune disorders such as lupus and thyroid disorders indicate that low levels of DHEA negatively affect internal organs, skin and immune system. Research also shows that DHEA supplements may help improve symptoms pain, put away constant fatigue And inflammatory reactions skin without any side effects.

2. Help improve bone density and muscle mass

DHEA is associated with anti-aging effects that help reduce bone density and therefore reduce the risk of fractures or diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition to aging, loss of bone density occurs at a higher rate in people with thyroid disease. autoimmune diseases, bad diets, sedentary life, eating disorders and hormonal imbalances. Some evidence suggests that higher levels of DHEA improve estrogen production, which leads to increased bone mineral density in older or postmenopausal women. These women are most at risk for bone disease.

Sports organizations such as the NCAA have added DHEA supplements to their list of prohibited substances, which has led to much unfounded criticism regarding the use of DHEA. But it should be noted that DHEA is not a synthetic steroid or performance enhancer that promotes abnormal muscle growth. It helps the body recover after a long period of time physical activity. To be more precise, DHEA helps cells take in glucose for energy, supports many various functions metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat, especially dangerous visceral fat.

3. Protects against depression, cognitive decline and mood swings

Some studies have suggested that higher levels of DHEA may reduce rates of severe depression and improve overall emotional stability. Research shows that taking 25 to 200 mg of DHEA (depending on the individual) may help reduce depression and mood-related symptoms, including loss of pleasure (called anhedonia), loss of energy, lack of motivation, emotional numbness, sadness, irritability, inability to cope with stress and excessive worry.

DHEA helps balance the production of other hormones needed to maintain a positive outlook, energy, and motivation, such as testosterone and estrogen. It also reduces the risk of many diseases and conditions. These include weight gain, sexual dysfunction, infertility and adrenal insufficiency.

According to the National Institutes of Health, DHEA can be used to slow or reduce cognitive decline as a result of the aging process, including improving thinking skills in older adults and slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease. However, achieving these results often requires high doses, which can be risky. Several studies have found that taking 50 mg of DHEA daily for four weeks may also help improve vision and memory loss in middle-aged and older adults.

4. Helps in weight loss and muscle building

DHEA supplements are often used to promote weight loss and muscle gain. 7-Keto, a type of DHEA supplement, helps adults maintain a high metabolic rate, helping prevent age-related fat growth and muscle loss. It's certainly not a cure-all for weight loss, but it can help you lose weight with the right diet and exercise program.

While calorie intake and energy expenditure are important factors In relation to weight balance, hormones also play a crucial role. DHEA helps improve the body's natural ability to use energy and burn fat, two metabolic processes that typically decline with age. DHEA helps transport glucose into cells for energy, lower insulin levels, and stimulate fat burning.

5. Improve Heart Health and Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

Getting enough DHEA in the body reduces the risk of clogged arteries, blood clots, high cholesterol, heart disease, and insulin resistance/diabetes in adults, although researchers are still not entirely sure why. DHEA may improve blood vessel function and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes by reducing inflammation, supporting healthy metabolism, and improving glucose use, insulin, and sex hormone production.

Animal studies show that DHEA protects the body from the increase in dangerous visceral fat and the development of insulin resistance caused by poor diet and lifestyle. Other research suggests that DHEA plays a protective role in the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and coronary heart disease by interfering with atherogenic processes and enzymes such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

6. Reduce sexual dysfunction and may improve libido

DHEA has helped many people overcome sexual dysfunction, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness. Research results have been mixed over the years, but some studies suggest that lower levels of DHEA occur in men with erectile dysfunction. Some studies suggest that DHEA supplementation may benefit both men and women with various symptoms associated with a decrease in the level of sex hormones.

Low testosterone levels and hormonal deficiency in men (also sometimes called partial androgen deficiency) contribute to problems such as pain, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and problems, but some studies suggest that taking 25 mg of DHEA daily for one year may improve these symptoms. Other evidence shows that taking DHEA for six months helps reduce sexual symptoms associated with neurosis and diabetes, such as impotence. Women taking 10 to 25 mg of DHEA per day could see a reduction in some menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and weight gain.

How DHEA works

DHEA is produced by the body and then processed into testosterone and estrogen, two powerful sex hormones needed for many different body functions besides reproduction. These hormones are important for maintaining high levels energy, metabolism, heart, brain and bone health. This is why the natural decline in levels of these hormones associated with the aging process can lead to many unwanted symptoms. Unfortunately, there are no natural sources of DHEA, although some foods, such as yams and soybeans, are used to create a synthetic version of DHEA. These products contain chemicals, which are very similar to DHEA, so they can be changed to laboratory conditions to create "bioidentical" DHEA hormones.

Because DHEA levels decrease with age, evidence suggests that adults over 30 years of age who produce more DHEA or who take DHEA supplements have better protection from numerous age-related diseases and loss of physical functions. Lower levels of hormones, including DHEA, can lead to early death in older people.

One of the most compelling reasons to use DHEA supplements is their ability to stimulate the immune system and block reaction activity. Clinical studies show that supplementing with DHEA may help reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity, which allows for better blood sugar management and a reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease. It is also beneficial for accelerating protein synthesis and therefore creating bone density and muscle mass, which helps improve quality physical exercise and reduce pain.

It is important to note that although DHEA appears to provide benefits for many older adults, research conducted over the past few decades has produced inconsistent results overall. Some people suffering from lack of energy, sexual dysfunction, autoimmune reactions and other problems seem to improve significantly after taking DHEA, but others may experience negative side effects, or simply get no results at all. Therefore, it is worth talking to your doctor before taking DHEA.

DHEA Dosage and Side Effects

The dosage of DHEA is determined by your doctor based on your symptoms and test results. It is always necessary to start with small doses, gradually increasing the amount over several months.

Because there is no guarantee of the quality, purity, or safety of DHEA products, it is important to read labels, check the manufacturer, and follow directions for use. DHEA is produced in the form of capsules, tablets, drops, creams, gels. Required form medicinal product determined by the attending physician.

Research shows that daily use 20 to 50 mg of DHEA supplements should be sufficient and safe for most adults over the age of 30. Individual needs will vary, but less is usually better, especially if you're just starting to take DHEA.

In some cases, DHEA is prescribed in high doses of up to 200-500 mg daily to help treat certain disorders such as depression or lupus, but this should only be done under a doctor's supervision.

For the treatment of long-term depression, cognitive decline and schizophrenia, 25 mg twice daily for six weeks is recommended. The dosage and duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician.

To improve bone mineral density, 50 to 100 mg per day is recommended.

For erectile dysfunction, menopausal symptoms and vaginal dryness, 25-50 mg per day is recommended.

DHEA Precautions

DHEA is a powerful hormone and therefore works differently than other vitamins, minerals or supplements. Hormones are not easily eliminated from the body through urine and can cause problems when taken or produced in excess quantities, since all hormones must balance each other and work together

DHEA supplements are not suitable for everyone and it is important to follow the instructions carefully:

  • People under the age of 30 should not use DHEA supplements unless specifically prescribed by their healthcare provider. This is because young people under the age of 30 tend to produce enough DHEA on their own, and, high dose carries a risk for changes in other hormone levels. Because it is converted into other sex hormones, excessive amounts of DHEA can cause symptoms such as acne, irregular cycle, fertility problems, facial hair growth in women and increased testosterone levels.
  • Men being treated for prostate cancer should also not take DHEA, since the common way to treat and cure prostate cancer is to lower testosterone levels through medications. Taking additional DHEA may be counterproductive to this type of treatment and may slow recovery or cause side effects. Likewise, women receiving treatment for breast cancer should also avoid DHEA supplements as they can increase estrogen, which is associated with a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use DHEA because it affects sex hormone levels. For women who want to become pregnant in the near future, it is best to see a doctor first.
  • If you regularly take any medications (including blood thinners, anticonvulsants, hormone therapy and medications for diabetes and heart or liver problems), or you have serious illness Always consult your doctor before starting to use DHEA supplements.

Final Thoughts on DHEA Supplementation

The human body produces DHEA naturally, but hormone levels begin to decline after age 30, increasing the risk of problems such as inflammation, sexual dysfunction and mood disorders.

DHEA supplement helps improve muscle mass and promotes hormonal balance. Generally considered safe when taken in small doses. However, DHEA should be taken with caution, preferably after consultation with your doctor, since only a doctor, based on tests, will be able to determine the need for use, dosage and duration of treatment.


  • DHEA: Anti-Aging in a Bottle? by Berkeley Wellness, October 20, 2014
  • 2017-18 NCAA Banned Drugs List
  • Evaluation of DHEA Levels in Multiple Sclerosis by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon
  • DHEA protects against visceral obesity and muscle insulin resistance in rats fed a high-fat diet by Hansen PA, Han DH, Nolte LA, Chen M, Holloszy JO
  • Do DHEA/DHEAS play a protective role in coronary heart disease? by Porsová-Dutoit I, Sulkova J, Starka L
  • DHEA, important source of sex steroids in men and even more in women by Labrie F



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