Why does an unpleasant odor occur in an intimate place? Unpleasant odor: an intimate question

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina causes a woman great discomfort in the intimate area, is often accompanied by severe itching and may indicate the presence of serious pathologies.

In this regard, every representative of the fair sex needs to know how to get rid of vaginal odor using home methods and improvised means.

Before you look for how to get rid of unpleasant vaginal odor, which can be sour, fishy or putrid, you need to find out the reasons why it could arise.

In the vast majority of cases, an unnatural odor indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora inside the vagina, which creates comfortable conditions for the development of various gynecological diseases. In addition, unpleasant vaginal odor is observed in the following conditions:

Excessive vaginal hygiene, active douching;

Completing a course of antibacterial therapy;

The use of contraceptives equipped with antiseptics;

Hormonal changes observed during pregnancy, puberty and menopause;

Weakened immunity;

Intestinal dysbiosis;

Indiscriminate change of sexual partners;

The use of an intrauterine device;

Use condoms coated with antibacterial lubricant.

In very rare cases, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina is associated with a genetic metabolic disorder and, in particular, the release of a high concentration of trimethylamine, which gives the discharge a characteristic fishy odor.

In addition, there is an opinion that the smell of vaginal discharge can be directly influenced by the food consumed - for example, including garlic in the diet in excessive quantities can provoke an unpleasant odor from the vagina.

Since you cannot get rid of vaginal odor caused by the presence of infection on your own, a trip to the doctor to prescribe the required course of treatment is inevitable. Proven folk methods and remedies used as additional therapy will help eliminate unpleasant odors at home:

Brew medicinal lovage root (15 g) with a glass of boiling water, let it brew thoroughly under a closed lid, cool the solution, strain and take 1 tbsp three times a day. l.

Pour boiling water over dead nettle (20 g), leave and strain, consume three times a day, 150 ml at a time;

Drink barberry juice and viburnum juice, combined in equal proportions, daily in the amount of 100 ml;

Brew wormwood with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. It is necessary to take the strained medicinal elixir three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. This remedy is especially useful for vaginal discharge with a strong odor, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Dilute 3-5 drops of tea tree oil in water at room temperature, mix well and use as a solution for washing the external genitalia. This oil is an excellent antiseptic, which has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral properties;

Dilute fenugreek herb (1 tbsp) in a glass of boiling water. Drink the infusion daily after waking up and before going to bed, in an amount of 200 ml. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the drug can cause stomach upset and in the first stages of the body’s acquaintance with it, the recommended dose can be halved.

Add 5 tbsp to a bowl of warm water. l. 9% vinegar, mix everything well and hold the genitals in the resulting solution for 5-7 minutes;

Dissolve baking soda in a glass of boiling water, wait until the solution cools to room temperature, and then use it to wash the external genitalia. This solution is highly effective in fighting yeast infections.

Of great importance in the fight against unpleasant vaginal odor is a healthy, balanced diet and enriching the menu with healthy foods:

Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, will help get rid of this problem. Oranges, lemons and other fruits will help neutralize harmful toxic elements and make the female body less vulnerable to urinary tract infections;

A plant native to India called amla or emblica, which is a natural blood purifier, can help eliminate vaginal odor. Amla helps control the secretion of leucorrhoea with an unusual odor and thereby prevents the development of infection.

The inclusion of fresh homemade yogurt in the diet, which does not contain dyes, preservatives or other chemical components, helps reduce vaginal odor;

Be sure to enrich your diet with garlic, which is famous for its antibacterial and antifungal effects. Just a few cloves of garlic, included fresh in a salad, will help eliminate the unpleasant odor and prevent its occurrence in the future. In addition, a clove of garlic wrapped in a clean cloth can be placed inside the vagina for 2-3 hours for greater effectiveness.

During treatment, it is recommended to increase the amount of water consumed. Entering the body in large volumes, the liquid helps flush out harmful bacteria and, in addition, water removes from the body excess sugar content, which is a comfortable habitat for pathogenic microorganisms that cause the appearance of an unpleasant vaginal odor.

Since it is impossible to get rid of vaginal odor without following the rules of personal hygiene, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

It is necessary to carry out hygienic care of the genital organs after each trip to the toilet, while for washing it is necessary to use clean, preferably previously boiled water, without soap, gel or any flavorings.

When choosing underwear, preference should be given to cotton panties, which allow air to pass through well and keep the genitals dry. When wearing them, the likelihood of unpleasant odor from the vagina is greatly reduced. While panties made of fabrics such as nylon or polyester, on the contrary, significantly increase the chances of a strong odor, and therefore it is strongly recommended not to wear them.

In order to mask unpleasant vaginal “odors” and ensure that panties are clean and dry, you need to use daily sanitary pads, remembering to change them regularly.

During menstruation, avoid using scented tampons, which can cause irritation, itching in the vagina and subsequently cause an unpleasant odor from it.

Thus, in the question of how to get rid of vaginal odor, unpleasant, fishy or sour, various home methods and remedies come to the rescue, which, despite their availability and prevalence, can lead to effective results.

A woman's menstrual cycle involves monthly bleeding. The normal duration of bleeding is from three days to a week. Discharge in women is practically devoid of any unpleasant odor, but in some cases a rotten odor may appear from the intimate area.

This may be due to the addition of some pathology. The appearance of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor outside of menstruation also deserves attention.

Is the appearance of a smell a deviation?

Restructuring of the genital area of ​​an adult woman occurs under the influence of hormones. During this period, the level of estrogen in the body increases significantly. The endometrial mucosa peels off. Endometrial cells in the form of peculiar secretions exit through the external genitalia. This condition is called menstruation. Since the uterine mucosa has the ability to regenerate, after some time they will be replaced by new cells that will close the bleeding capillaries, and the hemorrhage will stop. The blood released from the vagina mixes with natural secretions, which causes the odor.

A woman's discharge can have different odors and varying intensities. This is due to the stage of the cycle itself:

  • At the very beginning of the cycle, the intensity of discharge is scanty. They have the appearance of a spotting leucorrhoea, devoid of odor. This can be observed in the first 10-15 days before ovulation.
  • During ovulation, the discharge becomes thick and viscous, but again remains without a specific odor.
  • During menstruation, the discharge may smell like iron. This is not an accident. After all, this element is simply necessary for the construction of the blood protein hemoglobin. Without it, protein cannot be synthesized. This smell is quite normal. Once your period is over, the smell will disappear.
  • In the very middle of the cycle, the discharge becomes intense and may have a yellowish tint. If fertilization does not take place, the endometrial cells exfoliate and blood appears. Its nature is different and depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. As soon as the critical days arrive, such secretions become abundant and acquire a specific smell of iron. This smell during menstruation is quite normal.
  • As soon as your period ends, the amount of discharge decreases sharply, and it loses its specific smell. In this case, there is a complete cessation of discharge from the external genitalia.
  • Minor mucous discharge of an epithelial nature can be observed in a woman during pregnancy. This is due to the microflora that is present in the vagina. It's always there.

The presence of lactic acid bacteria among the microflora causes the production of lactic acid, which performs a protective function, preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The bacterial flora is subject to constant self-purification.


If we talk about the causes of unpleasant odor during menstruation, they can be divided into two large groups:

  1. reasons caused by the action of agents of an infectious nature;
  2. reasons not related to the action of an infectious factor.

The first group is extensive and can be explained by the presence of:

  • Candidiasis. Pathology occurs due to the action of a fungus of the genus Candida. The place of vital activity and development in this case is the mucous membrane that lines the vagina. Subjectively, patients complain of itching, curd-like discharge from the perineum with a sour odor.
  • Vaginosis caused by the action of bacterial flora. The normal microflora of the vagina changes. Various anaerobic bacteria join it. Their vital activity is associated with the appearance of watery secretions that have a specific odor. It is quite unpleasant and resembles the smell of rotten fish.

  • Trichomonas colpitis. The process develops in the vaginal mucosa. Itching and burning occurs in the genitals. A green and foamy discharge appears. This type of discharge is very smelly. They look very unpleasant. They are characterized by a rotten smell. Their peculiarity is that they can literally stink.
  • Inflammation of the uterine mucosa. This condition is called endometritis. This pathology may be due to the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Endometritis can often occur after an abortion. In addition to subjective symptoms associated with pain of various types, there may also be bloody discharge that has an odor. The smell after menstruation is almost always present.

Much less often, the cause of the odor is not an infection. This picture can be observed with uterine cancer.

Endometrial cancer occurs more often in postmenopausal women. The oncologist should be alerted to the circumstance in which vaginal discharge is observed that has the color of meat slop. Based on this sign, given the woman’s age, uterine cancer can be suspected.

The discharge may be dark and bloody in nature. This occurs in cases where fetal development occurs outside the uterine cavity. At conception, fertilization of the egg occurs. It then passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus. There are situations when the fallopian tubes become obstructed. Such an obstacle may arise due to congenital pathology or an inflammatory process that leads to the formation of adhesions. The place of attachment of the fetus is the fallopian tube. The fetus grows, increases in size, and the fallopian tube, unable to withstand such loads, ruptures. Such conditions are classified as urgent, since they are fraught with the development of peritonitis.

There are cases in which pregnancy is not able to proceed normally. The fetus in the fallopian tube or uterus dies. At the same time, it decomposes, an inflammatory process occurs, which causes foul-smelling discharge.

How to eliminate an unpleasant odor?

It is possible and necessary to get rid of unpleasant odor during menstruation. In this case, a visit to a gynecologist will be not only desirable, but also necessary. Critical days may not only be accompanied by the appearance of an odor associated with discharge, but also be associated with various other symptoms. If this is not observed, then the woman should pay more attention to issues of personal hygiene.

  • Warm water should be used to cleanse during menstruation. It is advisable not to use any cosmetics. It is advisable to carry out such procedures in the morning and evening. If the bleeding is severe, then this should be done more often. You can use special intimate hygiene products.
  • Frequent gasket changes are expected. Even if the pads have good absorbency, they should not be left in place for more than 5 hours. The tampon should be changed every 2-4 hours.

If the unpleasant odor does not disappear, a consultation with a gynecologist (and in some cases a venereologist) is necessary. Specialists will help determine the causes of the odor and develop measures aimed at eliminating them.

The cause of unpleasant odors in intimate places can be infections caused by the activity of various microflora. This can occur during menstruation, before or after menstruation. In such cases, there is no need to delay the diagnosis of such conditions and their treatment. Such conditions can harm not only the woman herself, but also her partner. Consultation with a specialist, correct and timely treatment will help solve the problem.

Almost all women face problems such as unpleasant odor from an intimate place. And this often creates many problems. The woman gets the impression that she doesn’t take enough care of herself. Having discovered such a problem, they often begin to intensively self-medicate, which is strictly not recommended. In order to get rid of unpleasant odors in a woman’s intimate area, the first thing you need to do is determine the cause of this problem. It will be quite difficult to do this on your own, so it is best to contact your gynecologist and undergo the appropriate tests.

In fact, there are many reasons why women experience unpleasant odors in the groin area. This could be vaginosis, various fungal infections, pelvic inflammation, sexually transmitted diseases and insufficient hygiene of the intimate area. Depending on the causes, the smell from the groin can be very different and be accompanied by additional specific symptoms.

The most common cause is, of course, vaginosis. In this case, numerous bacteria create an unpleasant odor. The unpleasant odor is accompanied by itching, tingling in the intimate area and significant vaginal discharge. The reasons are unprotected sex and improper hygiene. Treatment is only with antibiotics, but most often vaginosis goes away on its own.

Fungal infections, such as thrush, are also a common cause of unpleasant odors in the intimate areas of women. Fungal diseases, in addition to an unpleasant sour odor, are also accompanied by thick and white discharge. In this case, the doctor prescribes vaginal creams, suppositories and gels. This disease does not go away on its own.

Also on the list of the most common causes of unpleasant odor from the intimate area in women are sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. As a rule, at an early stage such diseases are difficult to identify, since symptoms, except for painful and frequent urination and unpleasant-smelling discharge, do not appear at all for a long time. And when they begin to appear, there is no need to hesitate - run to the doctor.

Also, these undiagnosed diseases cause inflammation of the pelvic organs. The smell from the vagina will become even more pungent and unpleasant, chronic pain, narrowing of the fallopian tubes may develop and, as a result, the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

Improper care of the intimate area causes an unpleasant odor no less often than infections and diseases. If the smell is not accompanied by pain and discharge, then it is caused by poor hygiene. An unpleasant smell of their groin can be caused by incorrectly selected cosmetics for the care of the intimate area, irregular washing and changing of linen, and washing the intimate area with too hot or too cold water.

To avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors and secretions from intimate places, you need to follow several rules, namely:

1. Proper self-care.
Wash regularly with warm water. Do not use alkaline cosmetic hygiene products to wash your intimate area; change your underwear daily. Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics. Make it a habit to clean your private area with a clean cotton cloth every time you use the toilet. It is best to use hypoallergenic or children's wipes. Use panty liners when unpleasant odors occur.

2. Visit the gynecological office regularly.
Visiting a doctor every six months will allow you to identify infectious, fungal and sexually transmitted diseases in a timely manner. Consequently, this will allow them to be cured in time and avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors from intimate places.

3. Watch your diet.
Take vitamins regularly, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink more water and green tea. Get into the habit of eating real live yogurt. It will help normalize microflora in the body.

4. Make sure that your sex is always protected.
Use condoms during sex. This will help avoid sexually transmitted and infectious diseases, and therefore, unpleasant odor from the vagina.

Washing the intimate area with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, water with the addition of soda or tea tree oil helps get rid of unpleasant odors. Be sure to monitor the water temperature. It should be as comfortable as possible, preferably room temperature.

Few things can stress a woman out as much as an unpleasant smell coming from THERE. Especially if everything is clear that things are moving towards cunnilingus (oral sex). We will tell you everything about it so that at the moment of passion you do not find yourself in an extremely awkward situation.

First of all, it must be said that many women are often embarrassed by their intimate odor, even in situations where there is no reason for this. Many ladies have the wrong idea about normal feminine scent. Society demands that a woman be sweet, pretty, and that her vagina must smell like flowers. And girls try to live up to these expectations, although the natural smell of intimate places should not at all resemble a bouquet of roses!

On the other hand, a fishy smell is also unacceptable. The norm lies somewhere between these two extremes. In addition, everything is purely individual: some women have no smell at all, while others constantly have to deal with an unpleasant aroma, and for others, the nature of the smell changes dramatically within a month. Knowing what is normal for you is extremely important for everyday comfort. And also in order to clearly understand when health problems appear.

What affects intimate odor?

To put it in one word, that’s it! Sex life, the nature of work, the stage of the menstrual cycle - all this one way or another affects your vaginal odor.

Many women notice that the smell of their vagina changes slightly during their period. This is due to changes in the pH (acidity) of this organ.

Normal vaginal pH is 4.7, which means that the vaginal environment is acidic. Menstrual blood has a pH of 7.4, which reduces the acidity of the vaginal environment. This causes the smell to change during menstruation; it takes on a fishy hue.

The same thing happens after sex. Prostatic fluid gives semen an extremely alkaline character (pH~8), which consequently affects the pH of the vagina and the odor of the vagina. You can check the acidity of the vagina with a doctor or by purchasing special strips to measure pH.

Signs of a Questionable Odor

If you're unsure about vaginal odor, check your underwear. An increased amount of vaginal discharge is a characteristic sign of a vaginal infection. Discharge that is white or has a slight yellow tint can be considered within the normal range. But if it is gray and spreads a fetid fishy aroma throughout the entire room, something is clearly wrong. Green or yellow colors are also not good, as is itching in the vagina.

A long-term imbalance in vaginal pH occurs when the number of beneficial microbes decreases and the number of harmful microbes increases. This can lead to the development of a local infectious process, for example, candidiasis (“thrush”) and bacterial vaginosis. The latter has an extremely negative effect on vaginal odor. Factors that provoke the development of vaginosis are sex with a new partner and douching: both disrupt the microbial balance, as thin as Chinese silk. A terrible odor (especially after intercourse), gray discharge, itching around the vaginal opening are typical symptoms of vaginosis. Contact your gynecologist, he will prescribe you antibiotics such as metronidazole, with the help of which you will very quickly get rid of this trouble.

The good news is that it doesn't take much effort. The vagina is an organ with a powerful self-cleaning system. The cilia on its walls literally push out dirt, germs and other foreign particles. So, luckily, you don't have to do anything unthinkable to keep your vagina clean.

Often, it is inappropriate interference in this subtle system that leads to depressing consequences. We are talking about douching: along with harmful microbes, streams of water also wash away beneficial bacteria that maintain the necessary acidic environment in the vagina. In addition, during douching you can introduce other bacteria into the genital tract, which will cause vaginosis.

The list of problems associated with this dubious procedure does not end there: douching has been proven to increase the risk of developing salpingitis and cervical cancer. If you use talc, then feel free to add invasive ovarian cancer.

But in fact, you need very little! Warm water and mild soap (the less the better) on a daily basis, cotton underwear, not synthetics, and your intimate scent will not let you down at the most crucial moment.

You will find more useful information about the vagina in our special project “

During the normal functioning of a woman’s body, specific glands of the vagina are capable of producing a mucous secretion that has a characteristic odor. Normally, a change in the nature of this odor may depend on a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, with changes in hormonal levels.

When certain unfavorable factors begin to integrate into the normal physiological process, the result of their influence may be the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the intimate area.

It’s a paradox, but when faced with this problem, women are in no hurry to consult a gynecologist, trying to solve it on their own.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina can cause a woman a lot of discomfort, and primarily psychological, because against the background of this problem, problems arise in intimate life. In addition, this can serve as an impetus for a woman to develop self-doubt, isolation, and difficulties in society. The nature of this problem and how to deal with it will be described in detail below.

The presence of a specific odor from the intimate area may indicate a number of serious problems associated both with the presence of an inflammatory process and without its participation. The most likely reasons for the formation of this phenomenon include:

  1. Fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa (candidiasis). The development of candidiasis can be indicated by characteristic white, pasty vaginal discharge that has a sour odor.
  2. The phenomenon of dysbiosis in the physiological environment of the vagina. This phenomenon is characterized by a sharp imbalance between positive and pathogenic bacteria. As a rule, dysbiosis in the vagina forms against the background of reduced immunity, as well as in the presence of favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls (colpitis). Bacteria from the coccus family or a sexually transmitted infection can stimulate the formation of the inflammatory process.
  4. The course of a chronic inflammatory disease in the organs of the reproductive system, which is accompanied by vaginal discharge.
  5. Infection with Gardnerella, a microorganism that causes an unpleasant odor in the intimate area of ​​women.

It goes without saying that the true cause of this condition can only be determined with the participation of specialized medical specialists.

In addition to the main reasons, there are risk factors that can affect the development of such a delicate problem. These factors include:

  • complete or partial failure to comply with genital hygiene standards;
  • ignoring the rules of sexual hygiene;
  • abuse of douching;
  • the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the body.

Based on the type of odor that appears, you can first determine the cause of its appearance.

Fishy smell

For example, the smell of fish from the intimate area may indicate a violation of the ratio of positive and negative microflora in the vagina (dysbacteriosis). In addition to this symptom, a woman may be bothered by severe itching and a burning sensation in the intimate area. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is not the only negative aspect of vaginal dysbiosis. Against the background of an imbalance of local microflora, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs can develop.

The smell of onion from the intimate area indicates a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa. A characteristic feature of this smell is its tendency to intensify after intimacy, as well as against the background of hormonal changes (menstruation). Diagnosis of such a disease requires mandatory bacteriological examination.

If a woman is bothered by the smell of urine from the vagina, then this symptom is the result of constant stress on the body, and can also be observed in women with excess body weight. The reason for the formation of this odor is the involuntary leakage of small portions of urine from the bladder cavity due to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity (laughter, exercise).

Bacterial infection of the vaginal mucosa (gardnerellosis) can give a rotten smell, which is accompanied by a number of additional symptoms. With significant progression of the infectious process, a specific odor may appear against the background of grayish vaginal discharge.

The characteristic sour smell can act as a symptom of thrush (candidiasis). In addition to a peculiar sour odor, candidiasis is accompanied by white, pasty vaginal discharge.

The combination of a pungent odor and itching of the external genitalia always indicates the presence of an infectious lesion in this area. A fairly common disease is vulvovaginitis, which is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the genital area and vagina. This disease can be provoked by pathogens such as mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococcus, and chlamydia.

The appearance of such a specific and pungent odor may be one of the manifestations of diabetes mellitus in a woman. With this pathology, there is a significant accumulation of ketone bodies in the body, which are excreted as part of biological fluids. The appearance of the smell of acetone from the vagina can occur not only against the background of diabetes mellitus, but also for a number of other reasons, of which we can highlight:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • predominance of protein foods in the diet;
  • metabolic disorders of certain substances;
  • pathologies of the urinary system.

Determining the true cause of this odor is possible only after a detailed examination of the woman.

The appearance of such a smell may indicate the presence of blood impurities in the vaginal discharge. This phenomenon in most cases is characteristic of the period of menstruation, as well as in the presence of erosive lesions of the cervix, when the integrity of the mucous membrane of this area is damaged. After additional trauma to the affected mucous membrane (after sexual intercourse), brown vaginal discharge may be observed.

Other types of odors

For example, the appearance of a sweetish or garlicky odor from the vagina does not at all signal the development of any pathology, and may be the result of excessive consumption of a particular food product. A sweetish smell indicates excessive consumption of sweet baked goods, confectionery products, or fruits rich in sugars. The appearance of a garlic odor indicates abuse of this product, and in rare cases may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis in a woman.

A specific smell from the intimate area, which resembles the smell of male sperm, may indicate a change in the qualitative composition of the vaginal microflora.

Vaginal odor during pregnancy

The appearance of a strong odor from the vagina during pregnancy may indicate the following problems:

  • a total change in hormonal levels in the female body, which provokes the appearance of a pungent odor;
  • impaired perception of smells;
  • increased activity of negative microorganisms caused by a decrease in local immunity;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the reproductive system.

Each of the reasons mentioned is a reason to obtain medical advice.

Vaginal odor during menstruation

The appearance of a strange odor from the vagina during menstruation can be caused by the following reasons:

  • decreased local immunity in the vagina caused by hormonal changes in the body;
  • menstrual flow is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which is the cause of the strange smell;
  • non-compliance with genital hygiene standards, which can be expressed in irregular replacement of sanitary pads and tampons.

Odor from the external genitalia in children

The physiological norm in children is the complete absence of any odor from the external genitalia. The reason for the development of an unpleasant odor from the external genitalia in a little girl may be:

  • hypersensitivity to certain personal hygiene products (soap, wipes, cream);
  • hormonal disorders (quite rare);
  • failure to comply with the rules of genital hygiene;
  • presence of helminthic infestations;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • decreased local immunity;
  • infection of the genital organs, which can occur as a result of visiting public places, such as city beaches, swimming pools, etc.


The plan for correcting unpleasant odor from the intimate area should be based on the data obtained as a result of the examination. One of the most effective means of treating this disease is vaginal suppositories, which can contain various components.

The composition of vaginal suppositories includes antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory substances. The selection of candles is carried out exclusively on an individual basis based on the cause of the development of the unpleasant odor.

Traditional methods of treating such a delicate problem include the use of the following drugs:

  • The bacterial preparation Gynoflor promotes the formation of a balance of positive vaginal microflora, which is especially important for local dysbiosis.
  • The antibacterial drug Fluomizin, produced in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories, has a fairly broad spectrum of action against many bacteria and fungi.
  • To combat the above-mentioned gardnerellosis, the drug Clindacin is used, which has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect. Before using the drug, it is important to consider its complete inaction against fungal infection.
  • A broad-spectrum drug is Terzhinan, the action of which is aimed at suppressing both bacterial and fungal microflora.
  • For the comprehensive fight against bacterial vaginosis, the antiseptic local drug Iodoxide is used, the use of which is possible even during menstruation.
  • To suppress fungal growth in candidiasis, the drug Lomexin is used. The use of this product is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as during menstruation.

The predominant use of vaginal suppositories is primarily due to the convenience of their use, as well as the direct effect of the active substance on the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls.



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