Nutrition after food poisoning in adults. Diet for poisoning in adults: menu during the acute phase and after

Properly selected nutrition after poisoning plays an important role in recovery and restoration of the digestive system and the entire body as a whole. In this article, we examined in detail what you can eat after poisoning and diarrhea, and what foods it is better to avoid, and we will draw up an indicative menu. You can also read about nutritional features after poisoning in children on our website.

Why do you need a diet?

Diet after poisoning is necessary for complete recovery and to prevent complications of the disease. It helps restore the following disorders in the body.

  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This organ is the first to suffer in case of poisoning. Poor quality or poisoned food causes inflammation of its walls.
  • Violation of electrolyte levels, lack of proteins, disruption of blood pH. Together with vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a large amount of proteins and microelements. Proper nutrition eliminates this problem.
  • Malfunction of the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis most often develops in children due to poisoning. The pancreas is the main organ involved in digestion. It produces most of the enzymes that digest what you eat.
  • Liver damage. For example, a diet for alcohol poisoning allows this organ to rest, since it is through it that all alcohol passes and is neutralized. This organ is primarily affected by poisoning with mushrooms and poisons.
  • Malfunction of the kidneys. They suffer from dehydration. Most toxins and poisons are eliminated through the kidneys. In case of poisoning with mushrooms, alcohol substitutes, or chemicals, kidney failure may develop.
  • Intoxication of the body with alcohol. Diet after alcohol poisoning helps to neutralize alcohol and cleanse the body of it.

Is it necessary to eat in the first days after poisoning?

Previously, it was believed that you could eat after poisoning only on the 3rd day. According to new medical protocols and recommendations, fasting after poisoning is dangerous and harmful to the body. Nutrition is part of the treatment and can be used to:

  1. Replenish nutrients, fluids, electrolytes and minerals that a person has lost due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Restore the stomach, protect its walls from the irritating effects of hydrochloric acid.
  3. Provide the body with all necessary nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime. Along with vomiting and diarrhea, the patient loses a very large amount of fluid, and he develops dehydration. After food poisoning, an adult should drink at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day.

The list of what you can eat after poisoning is not particularly different for an adult and a child. The exception is infants. Their diet consists of breast milk, which does not need to be abandoned.

Please note that in case of mushroom poisoning, you must immediately call an ambulance and undergo treatment in the intensive care and toxicology department. The possibility of nutrition in case of this poisoning is discussed with the attending physician.

Basic rules of diet after poisoning

Drinking and eating after poisoning and vomiting should be started on the first day of the disease. During the first week, you need to adhere to a diet that will help your digestive system and body recover:

  • Eat often and in small portions. Breaks between meals should not exceed 3 hours. The optimal single serving size is equal to the size of your palm. If you don’t feel like eating at all, you can reduce its volume, but you can’t starve.
  • Food and drink should be at room temperature. Cold and hot foods will irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Steam, boil or stew foods. Fried and smoked foods should be avoided during recovery.
  • If you have chronic diseases of the digestive system, for example: gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, then when creating a diet you need to take their characteristics into account.
  • You should check with your doctor about what you should not eat after stomach poisoning. The list of prohibited products may be individual. When prescribing a diet, the doctor takes into account concomitant diseases and the patient’s condition.

Please note that in the first days after food poisoning, it is best to maintain bed rest, rest, and avoid physical activity.

What can you eat on the first day?

On the first day, the list of what you can eat after poisoning is very limited. On the first day, it is necessary to combat dehydration and loss of electrolytes, protect the stomach walls from toxins and hydrochloric acid.

You need to drink alkaline non-carbonated drinks. This can be weak sweet black tea, sweet compote, mineral water, chamomile or St. John's wort decoction. It is better to avoid acidic drinks; they can increase intoxication and inflammation of the stomach. You should drink 1 glass of liquid every hour.

On the first day of food poisoning, you can eat:

  • Dried white bread. It is best to dry it at home. Store-bought salted crackers are contraindicated.
  • Boiled rice porridge without salt and oil. When preparing it, you need to add twice as much water as usual (for one glass of rice - 4 glasses of water).
  • Galette cookies. Only the simplest cookies will do, without additives or fillings.
  • Bananas. Choose ripe, unspoiled fruits. You can eat half a banana at one time, you can grind it in a blender and mix it with rice porridge.
  • Boiled oatmeal, slimy consistency. It envelops the stomach and relieves irritation.

Diet for day 2

The next day, after poisoning, the diet can be slightly diversified and expanded. The following products can be added to the menu:

  • Boiled lean chicken or turkey. It is better to eat it without a side dish, separately. On the second day after poisoning, you can eat very little meat, 100-150 grams. It is necessary to meet the body's needs for proteins and amino acids.
  • Eggs. It is better to eat them as a steamed omelette or hard-boiled.
  • Baked apples, pears. This dish contains a lot of fiber and pectins, which will stimulate intestinal motility.
  • Vegetable soup in vegetable oil, which may include carrots, potatoes, and zucchini.

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime. On the second day, it is recommended to drink water and tea with lemon. The fact is that along with vomiting, the body loses a large amount of hydrochloric acid, and alkalosis can develop. Alkalosis is a pathological condition in which the blood becomes alkaline and its pH increases. It can be corrected in case of poisoning with acidified drink.

Diet for the first week

In case of food poisoning, a gentle diet should be followed for 1 week. On the third day, and in the next 4 days, you can expand your menu with the following dishes:

  • Fermented milk products. You can eat low-fat cottage cheese, drink fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. These products will restore the intestinal microflora and improve its functioning.
  • Boiled or baked fish. It is best to choose low-fat varieties of sea fish.
  • Low-fat chicken broth. This dish will help restore lost microelements and fatty acids.
  • Baked and boiled vegetables. You can prepare them in the form of a dietary vinaigrette (without mayonnaise and beans).
  • Buckwheat, millet porridge, pasta.

If it’s difficult for you to live without coffee, you can drink it already on day 3, but only with milk. It is best to drink coffee after meals, so that it does not irritate the gastric mucosa.

The table below shows an example of a menu that you can follow during the first week after poisoning (with the exception of 1.2 days):

What is strictly prohibited in case of poisoning

In case of food poisoning, the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus is inflamed and irritated, and the intestinal microflora is disturbed. Any errors in nutrition can cause diseases such as gastritis, cholecystitis, duodenitis. For the fastest recovery and recovery, during the first week after poisoning, you should avoid certain types of food. The following foods should not be eaten both during poisoning and for a week after it:

  1. Smoking. Tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, and can provoke peptic ulcers and the development of malignant neoplasms.
  2. Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-based medications.
  3. Carbonated sweet drinks, store-bought and freshly squeezed juices.
  4. Fatty, fried and smoked foods, offal, chips, nuts, chocolate, sweets.
  5. Fresh fruits, vegetables. They can enhance fermentation processes in the intestines, and cause flatulence and bloating. Vegetables and fruits can be baked or boiled.
  6. Legumes, including chickpeas, beans, peas.
  7. Black bread.
  8. Sweet baked goods.
  9. Lard, butter.
  10. All types of cabbage.
  11. Garlic, onion, spices.

This list can be expanded by your doctor. For example, if a patient has diabetes, he should not add sugar, honey to his tea, or eat biscuits and bread.

Nutrition for poisoning is an important component of treatment. To find out exactly what a specific person can eat in case of poisoning and diarrhea, and also to find out the list of prohibited foods, contact your doctor. The diet should be followed during the first week. For the first 2 days, the diet is limited and gentle. Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime. The amount drunk should not be less than two liters per day.

How to properly introduce new foods and exit the diet

The diet after poisoning lasts about 2 weeks. After this period ends, you should not immediately jump on the foods you miss. You can introduce one new dish and product per day.

A sudden transition from dietary nutrition can cause pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and disruption of the stomach and intestines.

Keep a notebook and write down in it the new foods that you have introduced into your diet, and note in it the body’s reaction to them. If something causes stomach pain, heartburn, or diarrhea, avoid them.

Dietary nutrition is the main component of the treatment of poisoning. It is necessary to restore the functioning of the digestive system, replenish proteins and microelements in the body. The diet is prepared by the attending physician. You can start eating on the first day after poisoning. Throughout the entire treatment period, you need to limit smoking and completely give up coffee and alcoholic beverages. After finishing the diet, you need to exit it correctly, introduce new foods gradually, slowly, and monitor the body’s reaction to them.

For both adults and children, poisoning is a difficult ordeal. In the realities of modern life, there is practically no way to insure against this, but a proper diet will help to fully cleanse the body and recover faster.

Today in the article - information about what causes poisoning, instructions and advice from a doctor on what you can eat after poisoning and vomiting and what diet in such cases will be the most effective.

Symptoms of poisoning

Food poisoning always develops according to the same scenario. In the abdominal area, discomfort first occurs, developing into severe pain and cramping. All this is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, vomiting or the urge to vomit.

Important! If the usual symptoms of an eating disorder are accompanied by a high fever, there is no need to hope that everything will somehow work itself out. Call an ambulance immediately!

There is a high risk of death with improper treatment or lack thereof, when it is not a simple mild digestive disorder, but, for example, botulism.

Causes of food poisoning

Children are much more susceptible to digestive system disorders, so it is extremely important to constantly monitor them and instill in them healthy habits. They get poisoned not only from bad food, but also from trying to put dirty fingers in their mouths. From early childhood, they should understand that they must always wash their hands thoroughly with soap - not only before eating at the table, but also on the street.

Particularly dangerous symptoms of poisoning are vomiting and high fever.

In adults, the most common causes of poisoning with vomiting are the consumption of foods:

  • without following processing rules;
  • overdue;
  • improperly stored;
  • poorly washed;
  • undercooked and undercooked.

Attention! Street food and fast food remain among the leading sources of poisoning. Never agree to dine in places where there is even the slightest hint of unsanitary conditions and non-compliance with technological processes for preparing dishes. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

How to eat during poisoning

At such a time, any thoughts about food seem blasphemous. When the intestines are upset, it seems that there is no time to eat, but eating correctly during poisoning will help you recover much faster. At the first unpleasant symptoms, a sick adult or child should go to bed. Without unnecessary movements, it is much easier for the body to fight the infection that has appeared in it.

In case of poisoning, the main task is to quickly remove harmful substances. Our bodies are trying to cope with this on their own, but let's help them by drinking plenty of fluids. In case of nausea, water helps the stomach to cleanse itself of remaining fragments of bad food.

Drinking plenty of fluids during food poisoning is not all equally beneficial. We exclude broths, coffee, soda, and dairy products. Regular drinking water works best.

Poisoning causes dehydration

Green teas and decoctions of herbs and rose hips have a healing effect; in addition, sick adults and children are prescribed the following:

  • Pay attention to the effectiveness of rice water for poisoning. It is prepared from a glass of rice and several glasses of water without any additives. The rice is strained and only the broth itself is drunk. It quickly relieves vomiting and diarrhea, cleanses the body of harmful toxins.
  • If the rice decoction itself causes nausea, you can replace it with a chamomile or mint decoction.
  • The most common table salt will help stop vomiting attacks. Dissolve one spoon of salt in a cup of boiled water and drink this salted water often, but in small sips.
  • Sugar-free pear compote will help soothe the intestinal mucosa. Pear decoction is prepared only from dried pears or quinces and without any additives.
  • If you have pomegranate in your house, know that it is a wonderful remedy for intoxication. All you need is its peel, which is infused in boiling water for 15-20 minutes and consumed as often as possible.

Recovery diet

While the body is cleansing itself, it has no time to eat. When relief comes, it’s time to think about what is the smartest thing to eat after poisoning and vomiting. The first meals should be in small portions and between them you need to listen to yourself to understand whether everything is normal in the body.

The first meal after poisoning may consist of:

  • a few tablespoons of chicken broth;
  • liquid porridge from buckwheat or rice, which are prepared in water without any additives;
  • cups of warm sweet tea with a few crackers;
  • semi-liquid mashed potatoes.

Attention! In order to recover quickly from illness, it is unacceptable to immediately put too much strain on the stomach and other internal organs. Doctors recommend large amounts of strong tea or plain water and food in a liquid or semi-liquid state.

Proper nutrition will help you recover faster

  • any heavy food;
  • fatty foods;
  • any sweets and baked goods;
  • pearl barley, barley, millet porridge;
  • canned food, sausage;
  • grilled meat;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • hot, spicy dishes;
  • eggs, legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • chocolate, nuts, dried fruits in dry form;
  • raw fruits and vegetables.

What can a child eat after poisoning and vomiting? You can give pureed food, the main thing is to give it little by little and often. Rice porridge is recommended, but not milk porridge, weak chicken broth or jelly. It is good to eat boiled chicken breasts when on a diet. It is best to steam the chicken and then thoroughly grind it in a blender.

Important! In order for the recovery process to take much less time, you must strictly follow all medical instructions. All non-prohibited foods should be consumed with caution. After recovery, it is advisable to also undergo treatment with probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

Prevention of eating disorders

There is no need to treat digestive disorders as ordinary cases of our life. No one is immune from an unpleasant accident, but frequent occurrences should make a person wonder why this happens to him. Not only low-quality products and water are responsible for this, but also basic failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene can lead to constant poisoning of the body with severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and general weakness.

There will be much fewer cases of food poisoning if you follow the following simple but very effective rules:

  • In most cases, we wash our hands after using the toilet, but what about those situations if you had contact with an animal (even a pet)? Don't forget to clean your hands every time you want to pet your four-legged pet.
  • Animals are not allowed in the kitchen while food is being prepared.
  • Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap before each meal.
  • A housewife should have different boards for cutting meat, fish or bread products.
  • After cutting up meat, it is important not only to wash your hands conscientiously, but also to thoroughly wipe and rinse all surfaces involved in preparing food.
  • All fruits and vegetables are washed in running water, and if possible, doused with boiling water.
  • We process potentially dangerous food much more carefully.
  • If you are preparing fish, you should not allow it to be served undercooked or undercooked.
  • Any type of canned food cannot be opened without washing the outside of the can with a hard sponge and some dishwashing detergent.
  • Raw foods and already prepared dishes are stored according to their storage conditions and always separately.

Note! If you have rotten or partially moldy food, get rid of it without regret. They are already undergoing disease-causing processes, and even high-quality cleaning of them will not save you from possible poisoning.

It is better not to allow the consumption of poor quality food, water, or expired products, than to suffer later and have to think about how to eat properly and what you can eat after vomiting in case of poisoning. Take care of yourself and be sure to teach your children the basics of safe nutrition. Be healthy!

Unpleasant sensations that can cause poisoning can haunt a person even after recovery. To avoid this, you should not load your body with heavy food. For such cases, special diets have been developed after poisoning.

What happens to the body after poisoning?

So, the stomach is cleared, nausea and vomiting are over, and it would seem that the long-awaited relief has arrived, which is so similar to recovery. And then you can “go all out” and eat your usual food. But it was not there! This is absolutely impossible to do.

What happens to our body when an aggressive toxin or foodborne pathogen enters it? Traditional symptoms begin: diarrhea, vomiting, pale and green skin, dry mouth, headaches, fever (this symptom is not necessary for some types of poisoning).

All secretions that the body produces remove moisture and electrolytes (salts) from it. Violation of the water-salt balance has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the kidneys, the intestinal mucosa breaks down and the number of beneficial bacteria is reduced, and the excreted vitamins and protein deplete the body and force the internal organs to work in “emergency” mode.

To correct the situation, first of all it is necessary to remove toxins - drink some kind of absorbent (the easiest way is to use activated carbon tablets at the rate of 1 piece for every 10 kg of a person’s weight). Next, it is recommended to take a drug like Regidron or Gastrolit; it will quickly restore the water-salt balance.

But in addition to medication measures, in case of poisoning you need to drink (not only water, but also tea without sugar). Diet will also be helpful. It is based both on the quality of the products consumed and on the method of their preparation. This is stewing, boiling, steaming.

General rules of diets

Depending on the cause of poisoning, certain diets may be prescribed. But there are general recommendations that should be followed after toxins have already been removed from the body:

  1. On the first day after gastric and intestinal lavage (or administration of drugs that eliminate the effects of poisoning), it is not recommended to consume foods that can burden the body with prolonged digestion or fermentation. The ideal food is still water and crackers (the best are those made from a loaf). Depending on how you feel, you can drink freshly brewed black tea, which is not strong, without sweeteners. Biscuit cookies are allowed instead of crackers.
  2. It is worth introducing a variety of food only on the second or third day (you can add low-fat chicken broth, water puree, low-fat kefir or yogurt and other easily digestible foods).
  3. Avoid physical activity. The body will not yet be ready for such tests (there may be severe weakness after vomiting or diarrhea). This can only aggravate the situation and cause dizziness and loss of consciousness.

The recovery period will be faster if you control what you need to eat in a particular case of poisoning. A chance to quickly recover from vomiting and loose stools if you know the source of the poisoning.

Alcohol poisoning

You don't have to drink a lot of alcoholic beverages to cause poisoning. It comes not from the quantity, but from the quality of the “hot” drink consumed. Alcohol intoxication occurs due to the consumption of low-quality alcohol, namely its surrogates.

The next morning you traditionally feel sick, many try to drink mineral water like Borjomi and wait for relief. But if it doesn't come, you need to think about more serious measures, including calling an ambulance:

  1. The use of absorbent is mandatory.
  2. If you feel heaviness in the stomach, then an attempt to induce vomiting (by touching the irritants at the tongue) is necessary. Cleansing the stomach is mandatory so that what has not yet been fully digested cannot harm the body with its toxins. Next – drink a lot (tea with lemon, jelly, water, compote).
  3. To get rid of toxins completely, it is recommended to take a laxative. This will also help cleanse the intestines.

If the gag reflex does not go away, do not restrain yourself. Eating while vomiting is not recommended. When trying to eat food, you should not feel disgust. If such a feeling is present, then there is no need to forcibly “start” the stomach with food; it is enough to limit yourself to non-carbonated mineral water.

Some foods you can eat after alcohol poisoning

If the condition begins to improve, you can prepare food: on the first day you need to “feed” your body with oatmeal porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, and light soup. That is, gentle nutrition is necessary. If stomach diseases have worsened after drinking alcohol, then the “table No. 1” or “table No. 5” diet is the optimal solution.

There are some foods that will lead to stomach discomfort after alcohol poisoning: chocolate, coffee, apple and other sour juice (also fruit drinks), mushrooms, fruits that irritate the stomach lining. The same applies to fatty foods, hot, spicy and smoked. It is not recommended to smoke until complete recovery.

Food poisoning

This type of poisoning is fraught with not only intoxication, but also the development of intestinal infections, which could easily trigger it. For example, if you eat stale eggs (even boiled ones), you can also get salmonellosis (caused by the Salmonella bacterium).

Food poisoning from a store

A promotion in a supermarket does not always guarantee the high quality of the food product sold. Spontaneous markets also carry the risk of the distribution of products sold of poor quality. Even after visiting your favorite restaurant, there is a risk of returning home with diarrhea. But an increase in body temperature, in any case, should prompt a decision to call a doctor. A pregnant woman needs to be especially careful.

There are a lot of different bacteria and infections in nature, but when they attack the body, It’s better to know what to eat in this case and how not to deplete your body:

  1. Getting rid of infection/toxins. This can be done in a hospital infectious disease department after laboratory tests. Often, regular gastric lavage with a solution of potassium permanganate is not enough. Glucose and saline droppers solution, antibiotic injections - a sure way to get rid of “unexpected” harmful guests.
  2. After these activities, you should adhere to a diet to improve the functioning of the stomach and normalize digestion. The body will recover quickly if you do not immediately eat fermented milk and dairy products.

To eat properly at home and quickly recover from a state of poisoning, after food poisoning in adults, follow this menu. You can eat the same food for your child if he is already 3 years old.

Diet menu in table form

If food poisoning is mild (the temperature does not rise, cold sweats do not appear) and only vomiting and loose stools are observed, then the menu will not be so strict.

Eating during vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea) has one principle - in no case should you irritate the mucous membranes of both the stomach and intestines. As a result, you should avoid apples, pomegranates, honey, garlic, pickles, sour, peppery, spicy, fatty, etc.

Folk remedies can also improve the condition of the disorder. Chamomile decoction is popular, which can remove toxins from the body and soothe the irritated gastric mucosa. It is advisable to drink it without sugar. A decoction of sage, calendula, and viburnum has a similar effect. These detoxification methods are also used for eating disorders in children.

To find out how long to stick to a diet, you need to assess your health and normalize your stool. If the latter has already happened, then recovery has occurred and the diet is stopped.

Forest mushroom poisoning

A special peak in mushroom poisoning occurs in autumn. All you hear is that someone was poisoned by something incomprehensible. If you are unlucky to protect yourself, then measures must be taken immediately. There is a chance not to end your life, even if you are poisoned by the most inedible mushrooms.

  1. This cannot be done without the intervention of medical staff. But the first step is artificial vomiting. A solution of potassium permanganate will help to cause it. You can simply irritate the area in your mouth near the tongue. It is better to induce vomiting until doctors arrive.
  2. If everything ends well, then after a good gastric lavage, a diet is necessary. After mushroom poisoning, it is recommended not to eat anything for a day and a half. Drinking is rule number one.

Next is the menu for the week to gradually make the digestive system work. The serving size should be such that it does not fill you too much, but leaves you with a slight feeling of hunger. After going through the weekly menu, you can smoothly switch to your usual diet.

Other causes and same symptoms

There are symptoms similar to poisoning, which also require attention and special food. Vomiting and diarrhea may begin suddenly. Food after vomiting and diarrhea is scanty, low-fat and cooked exclusively steamed or boiled.

For vomiting and diarrhea

These symptoms in adults indicate excessive doses of alcohol (or poisoning), eaten low-quality food (expired, improper storage conditions, preparation). But if this appears in a child, then you should be afraid of rotavirus infection. An additional symptom is loss of appetite.

Mothers should not immediately give their child unknown drugs, but urgently call an ambulance. To overcome the infection, you will need a special diet, which is based on the following foods:

  • porridge without milk or sweeteners;
  • steamed local vegetables (carrots, zucchini, squash, beets);
  • boiled or steamed white meat;
  • soups without a fried base, stewed vegetables.

Bananas, ice cream, sweets or anything that children love will not help restore good health. You should not fall for this trap, but in every possible way avoid your child consuming such products.

When vomiting

It often happens that vomiting starts for no reason and it seems that this is poisoning. But the reasons for this condition may be a high temperature (for example, with the flu) or overeating rolls at a sushi bar. After such vomiting, what should you take? Minimum food. It is better not to drink milk, tea, compote after vomiting. Make do with water. Next, go on a strict diet for one day to control the appearance of other symptoms and not aggravate the condition.

After vomiting, you can eat a maximum of low-fat broth. If vomiting has not recurred for more than a day, then you can gradually include cheese, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina or rice milk porridge, and omelet in your diet. Children can also eat this food; the menu is practically no different from that for adults. After vomiting, pancreatin is also used. It should be drunk after eating even the lightest food.

For diarrhea

This symptom is also similar to poisoning, but can manifest itself from the consumption of products that were incorrectly stored, prepared, have expired, or those that are simply not absorbed by the body (containing lactose, a large amount of fiber).

The diet is standard - do not eat anything that can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. Drinking is an invariable rule, since with such diarrhea, the body actively loses moisture.

It does not matter what the cause of the adverse symptoms is. A diet after their discovery is mandatory. Otherwise, there is a chance to miss other concomitant manifestations of the disease, which may not have been detected immediately.

Eating happens not only to children, but also to adults. Undercooked meat or fish, raw eggs, low-quality dairy products - all can lead to food poisoning. Therefore, always be careful about your food. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, fry meat and fish well. Also, you should not eat canned food or dairy products that you are not sure are fresh. Believe me, you may have a lot of digestive problems after eating stale foods.

In severe cases of poisoning, it is very important to provide first aid in time and go to the hospital. After all, poisoning can be caused not just by poor quality food, but also by various chemicals that can get into the food. Therefore, sometimes it is impossible to do without the help of doctors.

After poisoning, all the body’s strength is spent on recovering and cleansing itself of pathogenic bacteria. Naturally, the body will not waste its energy on digesting regular food. Therefore, the diet for poisoning should be very gentle.

So what to eat after poisoning? On the day you are poisoned, the amount of food you can eat should be minimal. But you should drink water as often as possible. You can also drink black tea with a spoon of sugar and homemade bread crackers. You shouldn't eat too much at the moment. By evening you should feel a little better, so you can drink low-fat chicken broth. You can also cook liquid porridge in water: rice, buckwheat or semolina. Mashed potatoes without oil or milk can also be eaten in small quantities.

On the second day after poisoning, you can diversify your diet. You can eat some chicken meat. If you want, you can steam the cutlets. It is also very important to prepare light lean dishes that will be completely absorbed by the body and will not overload the digestive system. Pay attention to the various rice dishes. Rice water has long been used in medicine for food poisoning and infections.

It is important to know what to exclude from your diet in the first couple of days after poisoning. Coffee, juices and jelly are not allowed. You should also completely exclude chocolate, carbonated water, canned food, fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods and alcohol. It is advisable to avoid dairy and fermented milk products. Raw vegetables are also not recommended. Replace them with boiled ones.

Also, after poisoning, you should not eat fruit. Pears, plums and grapes should be completely excluded. You can eat citrus fruits 3-4 days after poisoning, but in very small quantities. But apples can be included in your diet, but only baked or pickled.

It is important to know not only what to eat when poisoned, but also how. You should not eat a couple of times a day and be completely full. Food intake should be limited. Meals should be fractional 6 times a day. You can switch to a regular diet when you feel that your stomach is no longer irritated.

Since the digestive system is quite weak after poisoning, you can use probiotics, which will help beneficial bacteria recover in the gastrointestinal tract. In pharmacies you can find various drugs that will help you. Certain foods that should definitely be included in your diet will also help improve digestion after poisoning.

What to eat after poisoning in the first two weeks to completely improve digestion? Dishes you can prepare for yourself include soups with cereals and sauerkraut borscht or cabbage soup. At the moment, the body does not have enough amino acids, so it is recommended to eat pea puree, which is very easily digestible. Pea puree should be consumed together with canned mushrooms, sea cabbage, sauerkraut, and fish.

Full recovery from poisoning takes a long time, so you should limit the amount of meat you consume for two weeks. It is also necessary to ensure that it is well fried or boiled.

Basically, in case of food poisoning, the digestive system suffers, so diet for food poisoning is the second most important measure to help cope with intoxication. In the first place, of course, is the neutralization of symptoms and detoxification measures.

As a rule, under the influence of toxins, the entire mucous zone of the gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed, since it is irritated by both vomiting and diarrhea. Accordingly, the diet for food poisoning should be aimed at restoring the irritated walls of the intestines, stomach, and larynx. The first rule of the diet is to drink plenty of water, the water should be at room temperature. It is best if the patient is given pharmaceutical salt preparations to drink - Gastrolit, Regidron or table mineral water without gas. Starting with literally one tablespoon, fluid intake is gradually increased to one glass every 1-1.5 hours. Any food in the first day after poisoning is excluded. Starting from the second day, you can give the patient 150-200 ml of liquid vegetable broth. The daily food intake is as follows:

  1. Day two – 150-200 ml of broth in three doses, 2 crackers, 1.5-2 liters of liquid, liquid vegetable puree (100 ml).
  2. Day three - liquid rice porridge with water - 250-300 grams, 2-4 crackers per day, 150-200 ml of vegetable broth, 3-4 biscuits.
  3. Day four - vegetable casserole without eggs (semolina) - 200 grams, chicken broth - 150 ml, 3-5 crackers, 4-6 biscuits, 100 grams of boiled fish in the form of a cutlet.
  4. Day five – 250-400 ml of broth (chicken) with meatballs, boiled rice – 250 grams, 5-6 crackers, 250-300 grams of cottage cheese casserole (or soufflé).

Nutrition after food poisoning

The diet after food poisoning should be as strict as possible. It is best to arrange a fasting period for yourself in the first two days and not eat anything at all, replacing food with plenty of drink. Nutrition after food poisoning is a menu that excludes dairy, meat, spicy and sour foods. Ground boiled vegetables, vegetable lean broths, boiled porridges - rice and buckwheat, crackers, biscuits - that's probably all that will help the digestive tract recover faster. The famous diet No. 5 according to Pevzner also copes well with nutritional problems and promotes the rapid restoration of the functions of the liver, gall bladder and intestines. Please note that portions should be kept small and increased little by little every day. The diet should be fractional - from 5 to 7 times a day.

Nutrition after food poisoning involves consuming the following foods:

  • Vegetable puree soups.
  • Boiled minced meat in the form of steam cutlets.
  • Boiled minced fish in the form of steam cutlets.
  • Baked cottage cheese - soufflés, casseroles, puddings.
  • Porridge with water (rice, buckwheat).
  • Crackers.
  • Cracker.
  • Boiled or baked vegetables.
  • Mineral table still water.
  • Green tea.
  • Dill decoction.
  • Baked or boiled fruits (not sour) - apples, pears, quince.
  • Chamomile decoction with honey.
  • Rosehip decoction with honey.

What can you eat if you have food poisoning?

In case of food poisoning on the first day of illness, any food is strictly contraindicated. Firstly, most likely an irritated stomach will not accept food, and secondly, food is a factor that provokes additional discomfort. Therefore, to the question - what can you eat if you have food poisoning, the only answer asked is - nothing. Starting from the second day, perhaps only on the third, the consumption of a minimum amount of dietary products is allowed. Any dairy, meat, or fish foods are excluded.

Allowed Prohibited

Homemade crackers, dry Lenten biscuits

Lenten vegetable soups, rice soups

Starting from the fourth day, you can eat poultry meatballs, steamed veal cutlets, meat soufflés

Starting from the fourth day, you can eat boiled lean fish, preferably boiled fish cutlets

Starting from the fifth day, you can eat cottage cheese casserole, cottage cheese soufflé

Boiled and pureed vegetables

Broth of rice, from the third day boiled rice, buckwheat

On the fifth day you can eat a steamed egg omelet

Fruit jelly, starting from the third day, green tea, raisin and rosehip decoction

Meat broths, poultry broths, bone broths, milk soups

Sausage – boiled, smoked.

Fried meat, meatballs, fried cutlets, lard

Fried fish, smoked, dried, salted fish, caviar and fish milk, canned food are strictly prohibited

Milk, even boiled, yoghurts, kefir

Raw vegetables, fruits

Millet, pearl barley, oatmeal

Fried, hard-boiled, soft-boiled eggs

Sour or overly sweet compotes, canned compotes

What to drink if you have food poisoning?

In case of food poisoning, one of the rules is no food, but drinking regime is simply necessary. Drinking plenty of fluids saves the victim from dehydration and hypovolemic shock. In addition to the fact that the drunk liquid replenishes losses from diarrhea and vomiting, it helps to flush the digestive tract and quickly remove intoxication products from the body. The following recommendations will help you decide on the question of how and what to drink if you have food poisoning:

  1. You need to drink in small sips so that your already irritated stomach can take in the liquid.
  2. You need to drink regularly - every hour and a half, throughout the day.
  3. A single dose of liquid is at least 200 milliliters.
  4. It is best to replenish fluid loss with pharmaceutical drugs, such as Regidron, which normalize the electrolytic and salt balance.
  5. As an alternative to Regidron, a solution is suitable: for 1 liter of water, ½ tablespoon of salt, one and a half tablespoons of sugar. The proportion can be changed to increase salt.
  6. You can also drink plain water, but it must be either boiled or purified.
  7. An effective and healthy choice would be still mineral table water.
  8. As a drink, you can prepare a dill decoction: for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon of seeds or chopped dill. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, cool and drink in small sips. The decoction should be weak and unsaturated.

Tea, even healthy tea, green tea, a decoction of rose hips, raisins, chamomile, and so on, should not be drunk on the first day of food poisoning. These drinking options are good for use on the second and third days, after the symptoms of acute poisoning have subsided.

Thus, the diet for food poisoning should be as gentle as possible, eat in small portions, and drink plenty.



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