Dandruff in cats and kittens - causes and treatment. Skin disease dandruff in cats: causes and treatment

Often cat owners think that the presence of dandruff in their pets is too insignificant a problem to be worth paying attention to. However, this attitude is a serious mistake.

Does cats have dandruff?

Seborrhea can occur in any breed of cat.

The correct name for this disease is seborrhea. All cat breeds are susceptible, regardless of gender and age.

What is seborrhea?

Seborrhea is accompanied by the death and peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis.

A disease in which pathological processes occur on the skin, provoked by disruption of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which excess fat accumulates on the surface of the skin. In this case, fatty compactions are observed, and the hairline looks glued at the very base.

The upper layer of the epidermis begins to die and peel off, resulting in the formation of whitish scales.

Provoking factors and causes

There are many reasons for the appearance of dandruff and they all depend on two factors - external and internal factors.

Insects in a cat's fur can cause dandruff.

To the external factor include:

  • fungal infection;
  • insects;
  • sunburn;
  • insufficient air humidification.

The cat has dandruff on his back closer to his tail.

To a fungal infection Microsporia can be attributed to when the back and paws are affected. Ringworm can be added to this group, which mainly affects the animal’s face and tail area.

If the air in the room is too dry and not humidified , the pet’s skin becomes significantly coarser and denser, which becomes the cause of seborrhea.

Not taking good care of the animal and its habitat becomes a factor in the appearance of insects - mites or mites, which damage the protective layer of the skin, causing damage to the sebaceous glands, and leading to seborrhea.

Extended exposure to the sun provokes a burn, which means it damages the epidermis and sebaceous glands. Ultraviolet rays act as an accelerator of cell death.

Extended exposure to the sun can lead to dandruff.

Internal factors

Stress can be an internal factor of the disease.

Internal factors are pathologies that are located inside the animal’s body. These include:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • stress;
  • reaction to medications;
  • eating disorders;
  • obesity.

The biggest stress for a cat - moving. After suffering from stress, dandruff may appear.

As a side effect after taking medications Seborrhea may occur due to the fact that some medications, in particular shampoos, provoke drying of the skin.

A lack of foods containing fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6 - in the menu leads to the appearance of dandruff, and it is possible.

Cats and excess weight

Overweight cats are most likely to suffer from seborrhea.

Animals that are overweight suffer from seborrhea, which manifests itself mainly in the back area, closer to the tail, due to the fact that fat pets cannot take care of themselves sufficiently.

  1. In addition, plump cats have a different quality of dandruff than their thinner counterparts.
  2. The scabs look greasy and are a little slippery to the touch, which slows down their sliding out of the hairline.
  3. Dry scales easily slide off the wool and fall off into small grains. The treatment prescribed by a veterinarian also differs according to this type.
  4. The presence of an oily type is visible to the naked eye - the hairline looks stuck together in greasy clumps.
  5. Scabs of dead skin may also vary in color. Can be painted white, yellow or gray.

Black particles

Black particles indicate the presence of a fungal infection.

Diagnosis and treatment

The veterinarian needs to be told about the products used to care for the cat.

Making an accurate diagnosis and the reasons contributing to the appearance of this symptom is carried out by collecting an anamnesis.

If the diagnosis does not reveal serious pathologies and the manifestation of the symptom is a consequence of a reaction to poor nutrition, then help will consist of changing the animal’s diet.

The cat's menu should not contain sweet or fatty foods.


Brushing your cat promotes hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.

At home, you can resort to herbal medicine.

The cat must be provided with free access to drink.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so prevention is very important.

The process of peeling off the top layer of keratinized skin occurs constantly, due to the renewal of the epidermis. Excessive accumulation of “scales” on the skin of an animal is called dandruff. Dandruff is a symptom of a pathological condition caused by disruption of the sebaceous glands and characterized by an increase in the rate of detachment of skin particles in the form of scales over a long period of time. The scientific name of this disease is seborrhea. It affects kittens and adult cats of all breeds, regardless of gender.

In the article we will tell you why dandruff appears, what to do when it is detected, how to cure seborrhea by going to the doctor and at home, as well as possible complications of the disease and preventive measures.

Main features

Signs of seborrhea in a cat:

  • excessively oily skin under the coat;
  • excessive amount of white “scales” of keratinized skin;
  • inflammation (redness) of the skin;
  • presence of itching.

There are three types of seborrhea:

  • dry: “scales” of skin fall off when stroking the fur;
  • oily: dandruff does not fall off when combed, the “scales” are glued together;
  • mixed type.

Causes of dandruff

There are external and internal causes of the disease.

Important! Using shampoo intended for humans may cause allergic reactions on your pet's skin.

Internal factors:

  1. Incorrectly formulated diet. It entails a lot of health problems, such as:
  • Obesity. If an animal is overweight, it is difficult to care for itself, reaching the back and lumbar area, which is why excess dandruff accumulates in these places.
  • Allergic reactions.

Carefully! Allergies can be caused not only by food, but also by chemicals in finished food.

  • Problems with the digestive system. They lead to metabolic disorders in the body, which affects the appearance of the cat.
  • Vitamin deficiency or excess vitamins. For example, when there is a lack of vitamins A and B in the body, or when there is an excess of them, seborrhea appears.
  1. Bacterial or fungal diseases. For example, microsporia or lichen lead to skin irritation, constant itching and hair loss in the affected areas.
  2. Hormonal disorders(hypothyroidism, sex hormone imbalance, Cushing's syndrome). Disturbed metabolism associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland leads to seborrhea.
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system(arthritis, arthrosis). Pain in the joints when moving prevents the cat from grooming the rump and tail areas, which leads to excessive deposits of “scales” on the skin in these areas.
  4. Diabetes mellitus. A disease associated with insufficient production of the hormone insulin and leading to metabolic disorders, which also affects the animal’s skin.
  5. Diseases of the urinary system.
  6. Seborrhea of ​​idiopathic form. This is a hereditary disease characterized by the active secretion of sebum.
  7. Side effect from drug treatment. Skin reactions occur to medicated shampoo or to taking medications.

Types of dandruff

Dandruff is distinguished by color and location:

Try to help your pet get rid of the disease yourself using the following methods:

Important! If after carrying out all the above measures the disease progresses, contact your veterinarian.

Prepare in advance the answers to the questions that the doctor will ask you at the appointment to make the correct diagnosis. List of sample questions:

  1. What is the cat’s diet (main products, diet, amount of food).
  2. Basic habits and behavioral characteristics of the pet (for example, does it like to lie in the sun, which can cause sunburn).
  3. How well are hygiene rules observed at home?
  4. What products and how often do you use when bathing your pet and cleaning the house?
  5. What vitamin supplements do you give?
  6. Where and in what conditions does the cat live?
  7. What was or is you sick with? What medications were used for treatment.
  8. How do you care for your fur?

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • general blood test and biochemistry;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • skin scraping;
  • inoculation on a nutrient medium and identification of skin culture;
  • skin biopsy.

Treatment of seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea is prescribed comprehensively, it includes:

  • prescription of medications;
  • changing the diet and composition of food;
  • prescription of vitamins (Sherstevit, Phytomins VEDA, Farmavit NEO, Beaphar and others) and food supplements containing Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • prescribing a course of antifungal therapy and antibiotics for fungal and bacterial infections, as well as retinoids;
  • improving the sanitary condition of the room where the cat lives;
  • changing the care of the animal's fur;
  • use of medicated shampoos;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • skin massage and proper combing of the coat.

Carefully! At home, treatment of seborrhea can be carried out after consulting a doctor, prescribing special detergents and permission to use traditional medicine.

Effective shampoos for seborrhea include:

Such shampoos, in a certain dosage, contain substances that can fight the disease and its consequences, for example:

  • chlorhexine (antibacterial effect);
  • zinc (skin regeneration and healing);
  • salicylic acid (exfoliation of dead epithelial cells, healing of the skin);
  • vinegar (fights infections, has an antibacterial effect);
  • olive, burdock or calendula oils (promote softening and renewal);
  • herbs: string, chamomile, burdock (relieves itching, irritation, restores epithelium).

It is dangerous to practice many of these ingredients on your own to treat seborrhea without consulting your doctor; you need to know the correct dosage, frequency and duration of their use.

Treatment at home

There are traditional medicine remedies and recipes that your doctor will most likely allow you to use to fight the disease at home:

  • Bathing your pet once every 2 months with a special shampoo, massaging the skin and combing out the soaked “scales” of the skin during the procedure. Actions during and after washing:
    • for dry seborrhea, use moisturizers in the form of oils added to water (urea, propylene glycol, sodium lactate, lactic acid);
    • in case of oily seborrhea, in case of severe course and complications of the disease with dermatitis, remove the hair from the pet’s skin, then use bandages with ethyl alcohol for disinfection, treat the skin with Engystol to eliminate inflammation and itching. In addition, for this type of disease, products are used that degrease and dry excessively oily skin (sulfur compounds 0.5-2%, salicylic acid 0.5-2%, selenium sulfide, benzoyl peroxide).
  • Before washing, rub burdock or olive oil into your pet's skin.
  • Use herbal medicine. Every other day, rinse the fur with herbal infusions and wipe the animal’s skin with them. Herbs that will help cure seborrhea:
    • series;
    • burdock root;
    • calendula;
    • nettle;
    • coltsfoot;
    • oatmeal broth


Complications of seborrhea may be the following:

  1. Purulent dermatitis. Occurs in the area affected by seborrhea due to the layering of bacterial flora, usually located on the upper layer of the epithelium and does not cause reactions. Ulcerations form, itching intensifies, and the skin becomes very red.
  2. Eczema. Redness and itching of the affected area after scratching becomes covered with papules (nodules), in place of which vesicles (bubbles) with liquid appear. Pyogenic bacteria enter places with opened blisters, the wounds become infected and ulcers, ulcers and erosions appear. The skin is constantly inflamed, swollen, raw, and the animal is in pain.


Disease prevention measures include:

To avoid serious consequences for your pet’s health, carefully monitor its condition and lifestyle, provide proper care and optimal living conditions, and do not neglect contacting an experienced veterinarian at the slightest sign of illness.

Due to physiological factors, animals regularly renew their epidermis. As a result, slight flaking - dandruff - may appear on the back and in the tail area. If you notice a small amount of dandruff on your cat, there is no need to worry. However, the abundant manifestation of seborrhea indicates the manifestation of pathological processes in the body and requires medical intervention.

Does a cat have dandruff? This question can be answered by understanding the nature of the disease itself and the reasons for its occurrence. Dandruff is dead skin particles mixed with sebum. When the renewal process proceeds without any deviations, the appearance of a small number of scales does not cause discomfort to either the cat or its owner. A large accumulation of dead skin exfoliation leads to severe itching, the animal begins to diligently lick itself and scratch itself in order to feel relief. This can even cause wounds to form on the skin.

Why does my cat have dandruff? There can be many reasons for this, both internal and external.

External causes of the disease

External factors that provoke the formation of dandruff include:

In addition, constant temperature changes can also provoke the appearance of seborrhea in varying degrees of intensity.

Internal reasons

The appearance of dandruff in a cat, the causes of which may lie in a violation of the internal systems, is caused by the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalances. The thyroid gland is responsible for the functioning of lipid metabolism and acts as a regulator of sebum production. Disturbances in this system can lead to seborrhea;
  • overweight. Cats that are overfed become obese. This leads to the fact that, due to their clumsiness, they cannot take care of themselves fully. They simply cannot reach some areas of the body, such as the lower back and back;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system. The resulting painful sensations in the joints reduce the activity of the animal. Self-care becomes difficult and leads to the appearance of dandruff on the cat’s back, lower back, and tail area;
  • allergy. The appearance of an allergic reaction to any product or hygiene product can provoke dermatitis, which is characterized by irritation, skin peeling, peeling;
  • heredity. In some cats, a disease such as idiopathic seborrhea is transmitted at the genetic level. It is almost impossible to cure dandruff in cats; you can only reduce the symptoms.

If a cat has dandruff, it can be caused by taking medications, frequent stress, or diabetes.

Types of dandruff in cats

Dandruff appears in cats and kittens at different ages, regardless of gender or breed. Based on the causes of the disease, seborrhea is divided into dry and oily, and can have different locations.

  1. Dry dandruff. The flaked scales look like flour. They spread throughout the fur and are easily removed from the skin and fur of the animal if you stroke it against the direction of hair growth. The reasons for its appearance are dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, increased dryness of the skin or keratinization of the upper layer.
  2. Oily dandruff. Divided into thick and liquid. Localized near the tail, behind the ears or on the back. In the first option, the exfoliated particles are practically invisible to the naked eye, but appear when you scratch the cat behind the ear. If you part the fur, you can see irregularities in the skin. These are stuck together fatty scales accumulated in one place. In this case, dandruff does not appear in the form of small grains, but as large flakes. The liquid type is indicated by matted fur hairs. When a cat has dandruff on its back, its appearance looks dirty and untidy, as if it has not been bathed for several years. But even washing doesn't help. After a couple of days, the fur takes on the same unhealthy appearance.

Diagnosing a pathological condition in a cat

If you notice that not everything is all right with your pet, he has begun to itch more often and more intensely, and “snow” has appeared on his fur, then most likely he needs the help of a specialist. The first thing the doctor will ask at the appointment is your diet, grooming visits, recent medications and vitamins taken, living conditions, hygiene, etc. This information will help determine the causes of seborrhea. Perhaps, after eliminating the irritating factor from the animal’s life, everything will immediately return to normal.

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor determines the nature of the disease. If the problem is not in external factors, but in a violation of internal systems, then the veterinarian will refer you for tests: general blood and biochemistry, urine, hormonal studies, skin scrapings, cultures for a nutrient medium and a skin biopsy.

All manipulations are carried out in the laboratory of the clinic or veterinary office. Results can be obtained on the same day and the correct treatment can be prescribed.

How to treat dandruff in cats: medication and folk therapy

Seborrhea becomes an extremely unpleasant disease when it passes from a normal state to a pathological one. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, your animal suffers from constant itching, and only you can alleviate its condition. Having noticed dandruff on a cat’s back, a loving owner immediately wonders what to do and how to get rid of it.

Drug therapy includes a set of medications whose action is aimed at eradicating the specific cause of dandruff:

In parallel with treatment, it is necessary to reconsider the animal’s diet; it may be necessary to change food, give foods rich in fatty acids, proteins, fats, etc. Massages and proper combing of the coat help.

Care products

It is likely that your doctor will prescribe medicated shampoos and conditioners for you. There is a large selection of hygiene products on sale designed specifically for the treatment of dandruff in animals. All anti-dandruff shampoos for cats are divided depending on what function they should perform:

Shampoos contain components that can fight seborrhea. These are antiseptic, zinc, salicylic acid, vinegar, medicinal herbs, oils. Their use, duration of use and dosage are prescribed only by a doctor. Improper use can only make the situation worse.

Folk remedies

With the help of available home remedies, you can also reduce the appearance of dandruff to normal. For example, decoctions of burdock root, string, chamomile and nettle will relieve seborrhea if you rinse it with herbal infusion every time after bathing your cat.

For dry seborrhea, various vegetable oils, as well as propylene glycol, sodium lactate, and urea are added to the bathing water. Oily dandruff is treated with compresses with ethyl alcohol, which are applied to bare areas of the skin. Treatment with Engistol will help eliminate inflammation and itching. In addition, degreasing and drying agents are used (sulfur 0.5-2%, salicylic acid 0.5-2%, selenium sulfide, benzoyl peroxide).

Before water procedures, burdock or olive oil is rubbed into the cat's skin. Rinse your pet's fur and skin with herbs and oatmeal broth several times a week.

Preventing dandruff in cats

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it for a long time. If you do not want your pet to suffer from the appearance of seborrhea, take into account the following tips:

  • monitor your cat's diet;
  • regularly ventilate and moisten the room;
  • Bathe your pet only as needed using the correct cleaning products;
  • at least every other day, comb the coat with a fine-toothed brush;
  • minimize any stressful situations for your cat;
  • Make sure that the animal always has a bowl of clean drinking water;
  • In hot weather, do not overheat the cat in the sun.

Pets are completely dependent on their owner. How you care for your cat will determine its health and well-being.

According to many, dandruff is a human phenomenon. However, pet owners need to understand that this problem can occur not only in humans, but also in cats. Why can dandruff (seborrhea) in a cat indicate a serious disease? What diagnostics and prevention can help treat cat dandruff?

Skin problems

Cats' skin is constantly renewed. The top layer of skin peels off and crumbles, leaving white flakes on the skin. This is a completely normal process. But it progresses to an abnormal stage when the cat begins to experience severe itching and hair loss, resulting in bald patches and red spots on the skin. This means that the peeling process occurs too quickly, the skin does not have time to regenerate. This phenomenon is no longer a normal reaction, but the first signs of a cat’s illness.

Types of dandruff

There are two types of disease:

  • Dry. The flaked scales look like fine white flour, spread throughout the fur and are easily scraped off the cat's skin.
  • Fat. A cat's fur always looks dirty and greasy.

Causes of the disease

The reasons why dandruff appears in cats can be very different and unexpected. The normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to:

It is much more difficult to identify seborrhea in white cats than in dark-haired felines. Therefore, owners of such animals need to be especially attentive to the health of their pets. Treatment of dandruff in a cat begins not with independent actions, but with a trip to the veterinary clinic. Only a doctor can tell you what caused dandruff and how to deal with it. If the problem is allergic reactions, then you need to eliminate the main source of the allergen.

If there are problems with internal organs, the doctor will definitely tell you to do a blood test, urine test, hormonal test, skin scraping, culture from the nose and throat.

Also, special attention should be paid to combing the cat. It should be as daily as possible and of high quality.

Prevention measures - 10 simple rules

It is better to prevent a disease than to waste time, effort and money on its treatment. Preventing dandruff in a cat is a fairly simple procedure that only requires:

  • Make sure your cat is eating properly.
  • Carry out the bathing procedure regularly, but in moderation. Once a month will be enough. Do not bathe your cat in very hot water.
  • Regulate the temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Brush your cat's fur every day with a fine-toothed comb.
  • Do not offend the cat, do not hit it, and do not allow other family members to do this.
  • Provide the cat with good living and resting conditions.
  • Do not leave your cat for a long time.
  • Avoid close contact between your cat and outdoor animals.
  • Do not allow your cat's body to become dehydrated. Water should always be near the animal.
  • Monitor the time spent in the sun during the hot season. The effects of ultraviolet radiation can have a detrimental effect on a cat's skin.

Domestic cats are completely dependent on humans. Do not aggravate their already short life with bad diseases. Treat your pets in a timely manner!

According to legend, a cat has 9 lives and what a shame if the animal lives one of them suffering from dandruff. Yes, dandruff occurs not only on the heads of people, but also on the tails, backs and paws of cats. Moreover, dandruff can appear both in a British cat and in a charming mongrel beauty.

Causes of dandruff in cats

An attentive housewife who devotes a lot of time to her beloved cat will always be able to notice the changes happening to him. If your pet’s fur has suddenly lost its characteristic shine, and the animal itself shows visible signs of anxiety, often licking itself and scratching, then you should take a closer look to see if there is an excessive amount of white scales and other epidermal abnormalities on its fur.

There are a lot of factors that provoke the occurrence of dandruff in representatives of the cat family. The main ones include the following:

You shouldn’t delay your visit to the clinic, because you can’t always determine exactly from what period your pet’s skin gives signals for help. For example, dandruff in a light-colored cat cannot be detected immediately, because housewives often neglect the procedure of daily combing. And only on the pet’s coal-black fur can you see an excess amount of white scales at an early stage of the development of the pathological process. Therefore, the sooner you contact specialists, the sooner the correct diagnosis will be established and treatment will be prescribed.

If you value your cat's health, you won't take dandruff lightly. In animals, this cosmetic problem is often just the “tip of the iceberg” and in reality the situation is much more serious. Banal peeling of the skin may hide a serious disease, the successful treatment of which only a specialist can guarantee for your cat.

How to treat dandruff in cats

Therefore, carefully study the composition of the food you buy, and it is best to replace it with a more expensive and high-quality analogue made from natural ingredients, including grain crops, medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals. To this prepared meal you only need to add meat and vegetables. This way you will provide your cat with a proper and balanced diet.

The fight against dandruff will be effective if your pet’s body always has a sufficient amount of fatty amino acids, which are responsible for the healthy appearance of the animal’s skin and coat. They can be purchased at specialized veterinary pharmacies, and the dosage is indicated on the drug label. Taking vitamin A will also not be amiss, since it helps in the fight against inflammatory processes of the skin and is therefore effective against dandruff. Your veterinarian must determine the correct dosage for your pet.

If you see that your cat is suffering from itching, you need to eliminate this unpleasant sensation in order to avoid scratching and wounds in the future. Try rubbing burdock or olive oil into your pet’s skin before washing, after adding vitamins A and E (fat-based). If this method does not improve the cat’s condition, then a visit to the veterinarian is necessary, since only a practitioner can prescribe the necessary remedy.

Experts recommend be sure to wash off dead scales. To do this, you need to purchase cat shampoo, which will reduce the amount of white flakes on the animal's fur and relieve itching for a short time. According to veterinarians, the most effective way to combat this problem is a product that contains salicylic acid and zinc. These substances heal microscopic damage to the epidermis.
Shampoo must be used correctly and regularly. As soon as you see that there is a lot of dandruff, apply it to the skin and fur of the animal and leave for about ten minutes to take effect. After the specified time, rinse off the shampoo, carefully removing any remaining residue. But remember that it is recommended to use such a detergent no more than once a week, otherwise you will only worsen the situation.

Since dandruff on your pet’s coat can be the result of microinfections (bacteria, pseudomonas, staphylococci), ordinary table vinegar is a good way to combat them. They should water the animal's fur without diluting for one minute. True, vinegar has an unpleasant, pungent odor that the cat will definitely not like. In this case, look in veterinary pharmacies for a shampoo that contains it.

Try also another safe and proven remedy for combating skin problems, which is usually recommended to all babies - a decoction of string. To do this, pour two or three tablespoons of the herb into a liter of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for a couple of hours. After bathing, rinse your cat's fur with this decoction. If water procedures are not part of your plans, you can simply treat the wool with a sponge soaked in a series.

Why is dandruff in cats so serious?

Seborrhea is often hidden behind the excessive appearance of white flakes on a cat's fur. In this case, the amount of sebum changes and keratinization of the epidermis begins. This disease occurs due to metabolic disorders, hormonal dysfunctions in the animal, as well as problems with the liver and other digestive organs. The causes of seborrhea can be diagnosed by taking the necessary tests and having a doctor evaluate their results. Depending on the severity of the disease, the veterinarian will give recommendations on a balanced diet, recommend necessary food additives, prescribe anti-seborrhea shampoos, or prescribe hormonal therapy.

If you find dandruff on your cat, you should carefully examine its fur, because lice, fleas and lice can live in it. No less dangerous are bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, which cause various diseases in representatives of the cat family and are accompanied by one of the main symptoms - the appearance of a large number of white skin flakes. All of them are a direct threat to the health and good shape of your pet, and therefore require timely and effective treatment.

Prevention of dandruff in cats

Make sure that the air in the room where your pet lives has a normal percentage of humidity. After all, its dryness is a discomfort not only for human skin, but also for animals. So be sure to buy a humidifier and always use it if necessary. Make sure that your furry pet always has free access to fresh drinking water, otherwise his body may become dehydrated.

Does your cat like to sit in the sun for a long time? Ultraviolet light can also cause dandruff by damaging and drying out the top layer of the epidermis. Observe the animal, and if white scales appear mainly in the summer, when it is very hot and sunny, temporarily limit the period the cat stays under scorching ultraviolet radiation and release it onto the balcony early in the morning or late afternoon.

Since experts say that one of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff in cats is improper care of the animal’s fur and frequent water treatments using aggressive shampoos, it is entirely within your power to correct these issues. Do not bathe your pets in too hot water and do not use cheap pet cosmetics of unknown origin. Remember that hygiene procedures such as bathing should not be performed more than once a month. But brushing a cat’s fur is necessary every day, and this is not only an essential part of good animal care. This way you will always be able to notice the first signs of unwanted changes associated with his skin.

If you are sure that your cat has dandruff due to severe stress or nervous shock associated with a change in his usual living conditions, try to compensate for this with additional attention and affection. Make sure your pet always has a comfortable place to rest. Do not let other family members offend him, do not leave the cat alone for a long time.



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