Parameters of kittens and adult cats of the Scottish Fold breed: average weight and height. Normal cat weight

Information, how much does a cat weigh, may be interesting for various reasons. Some people want to make sure that their pet is developing normally, while others simply ask such questions out of curiosity. There is no definite answer to them - the weight of a cat depends on many factors.

How much does the average cat weigh?: what affects the indicator

There are several factors that affect a cat's weight. These are, in particular:

  • age of the animal;
  • breed;
  • conditions of detention;

Let's say a figure for how much a kitten weighs, changes almost every month. From 80 to 120 grams - this is how much a newborn kitten weighs. By a month, its weight already reaches from 400 to 650 grams, by four months - 1.2-1.8 kilograms, and at five months - two kilograms.

At eleven months of age the animal stops growing, and at 12 months it is considered adult and sexually mature. From 3.5 to 5.5 kilograms - that’s it how much does a 1 year old cat weigh?.

Cats tend to weigh less than cats. If you are interested, how much does a cat weigh, then on average - one to one and a half kilograms less than a male of the same breed. Another point is that sterilized animals weigh more because their metabolism changes.

How much do the heaviest cats weigh?

The above figures are averages. And there are breeds of cats that are much heavier than ordinary domestic ones. About eight kilograms - that's it How much does a Maine Coon cat weigh? This is one of the heaviest breeds.

If you're interested, how much does a british cat weigh, then from five to eight kilograms. The average weight of an Angora cat is 4.8 kilograms. A the biggest cat today - the cat Thule, who lives in Denmark. This is an ordinary red yard cat, a model of calm and complacency. He weighs 19.5 kilograms.

In second place is the eighteen-kilogram Garfield, and in third is the cat SpongeBob, who weighs 15.5 kg (both are “citizens” of the United States). But these are records for living cats. The fattest cat in the Guinness Book of Records- This is Himmy from Australia weighing 21.3 kilograms, but he quickly died due to obesity.

How to determine the ideal weight of a cat? The cat must be of the correct proportions, the ribs must be palpable, but not visible. The waist should be noticeable. There may be some fat on the tail and chest.

You need to carefully monitor the weight of your animal and not overfeed it, since obesity is very dangerous for cats - such animals are more likely to suffer from heart and kidney ailments.

Updated: June 22, 2016 by: Punisher

Regular examination of your pet and assessment of its weight will allow you to promptly detect signs of disease and signs of exhaustion or obesity.

How to determine a cat's normal weight

You can assess the condition of your pet visually by looking at the animal from different angles. Thus, assessing the condition when looking in profile will allow you to assess the condition of the abdomen and limbs, and looking from above will help you determine the waist and evaluate the lumbar region.

For a more accurate assessment, it would be a good idea to palpate your pet’s body. Walk your hands along the ribs without pressing too hard. If the bones stick out with a slight touch, then - exhaustion, but if you need to make an effort and apply pressure to palpate - obesity.

Then you can move on to the waist. This area is sensitive, so you should handle your pet carefully. By running your palms along the waist to the pelvis, you can feel the almost hourglass shape. In obese cats, the waist cannot be felt.

You should pay attention to the stomach. A little softness on your stomach is completely normal. But if the abdominal fold hangs down and sways in different directions when the cat moves, then this is a sign of obesity.


Very thin hairless and short-haired individuals with low weight have visible ribs, very pronounced pelvic bones and a spine with minimal muscle mass, with a minimal layer of fat or no fat at all. The ribs can be easily felt. The stomach is strongly tucked. The neck is thin. In such a situation, the help of a veterinarian is necessary; perhaps the animal has health problems, for example, a helminthic infestation.

In thin individuals, the ribs are easily noticeable, muscle mass and a layer of fat are minimal. The vertebrae are clearly visible, the waist is visible. The abdominal fold is weakly defined with minimal fat.


At ideal weight, cats have a well-proportioned body with a noticeable waist after the ribs. The waist is clearly visible when viewed from above (the shape of the torso resembles an hourglass shape). The ribs can be felt, but the fat layer is minimal. When viewed from the side, the stomach is tucked in. But breed characteristics should be taken into account. After all, representatives of some breeds are more elegant and refined, while others are naturally stocky and heavy; in such animals, the presence of an abdominal fold can be considered normal in accordance with the Standard.


In slightly overweight pets, ribs covered with a small amount of fat may be palpable. The waist is little noticeable. At a more advanced stage of obesity, the waist is indistinguishable, the ribs are hidden under a layer of fat and cannot be felt, the stomach is rounded, and there is a clear presence of fatty tissue in the abdominal area. Fatty deposits are present on the face and on the limbs, lower back, and even on the tail. If you are obese, you need the help of a veterinarian who will give recommendations on proper nutrition and exercise regimen that will help you lose weight. With self-control, you should act gradually; you should not allow sudden weight loss. Changes are made to the diet, namely reducing the caloric content of food or selecting appropriate dry food for cats suffering from or predisposed to obesity.

Excess weight can lead to a number of health problems, so it is important to control your pet’s diet and prevent overeating. Of course, you can pamper your pet, but within reason, because what could be more important than the health of a cat, whose life expectancy is already short.

Returning to the problem of obesity, we should mention the possible problems it leads to: diabetes, heart disease, liver dysfunction, joint diseases.

How to keep your cat at a normal weight

Before you start fattening your pet or reducing the daily intake and calorie content of food, you need to take into account the characteristics of the breed. The ideal weight of a cat depends on age, gender and breed. Males of the Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Ragamuffin, and Chartreuse breeds can weigh 9-12 kg and show no signs of obesity, while males of the Japanese Bobtail, Cornish Rex, and Peterbald breeds weigh 3-5.5 kg. Moreover, females are noticeably smaller than males and weigh on average 2-3 kg less.

Normal weight chart for cats

This table of cat weights is not a guide to determining the exact ideal body weight of an adult; it is only informational material that allows you to find out the approximate limits of the normal weight of a particular breed. After all, the body weight of a particular animal depends on the age, gender, health and individual characteristics of the pet.

Breed Normal weight (kg)
Abyssinian 4-7,5
Australian smoke 4-7
american bobtail 3-7
American Curl 3-6
American Shorthair 4-8
American Wirehair 3,5-7
Balinese 2,5-5
Bengali 3,6-6,8
Burmese 4-9
Bombay 3-6
british shorthair 4-8
british longhair 3-7
burmilla 4-7
Havana 2,5–4,5
Devon Rex 2,3-3,6
Egyptian Mau 2,7-6,3
kao-mani 3-6
Kymrik 3,5-6
korat 2,5-5
Cornish Rex 3-5
la perm 3-5,5
munchkin 2-4
Maine Coon 4-10
minuet (Napoleon) 1,8-4
Manx 3,5-5,5
Nibelung 3,5-6,5
Norwegian Forest 4-9
oriental 4-8
ocicat 4-7
Persian 3,8-7
Peterbald 3-5
pixie bob 3-9
ragamuffin 6-9
Russian blue 4-8
ragdoll 4-9
Selkirk Rex 3,5-5
Siamese 3-5
Siberian 3,5-9
Singaporean 2-3
snowshoe 2,5-5,5
Somali 3,4-5,5
sphinx 3-5
Tonkinese 2,7-5,5
Turkish Angora 2,5-5
turkish van 4,5-9
foreign white 3,5-5,5
Scottish fold 2,7-6

According to various international studies, domestic cats and dogs are prone to obesity due to overfeeding by their loving owners. For example, in the USA, 58% of cats kept at home weigh more than normal.

At first glance, nothing serious, at least that’s what most owners think, but excess weight can lead to dangerous diseases. For example, to the development of arthritis, skin diseases, heart and breathing problems.

What weight is considered normal for pets?

It depends on the breed of cat.

  • non-pedigreed specimens usually weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg;
  • ideal weight for – from 3 to 5.5 kg;
  • Siamese cats do best when their weight does not drop below 2.5 kg and does not exceed 4.5 kg.

There are also visual ways to determine whether your cat's weight is within the normal range.

Feel the animal's ribs and spine. Normally, you should feel a thin layer of fat between the bone and the skin. If the ribs are visible, it means that it is not harmful for the cat to gain more weight. But if the ribs are difficult to palpate, obesity is evident.

There is another way: look at the cat from above. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! A healthy cat should have a clearly visible waist, which is smaller in diameter than the chest.

What to do if your cat weighs too much?

Medical examination

Of course, first of all, your pet’s weight depends on its diet and the food it consumes. However, you should definitely visit a veterinarian. First, he will order several tests to identify possible diseases, a sign of which is weight gain. Secondly, be sure to ask for recommendations regarding your ward's diet.

A special diet may be required.

More sports and less food!

Try to reduce single portions of food and do not fall for cat tricks like persistent purring and demonstrative falls into a “hungry faint” after eating a delicious bowl.

Do not give your cat the entire daily amount of food at once.

If your pet has gained too much weight, do not treat him with dry food, rich in carbohydrates and fats; instead, offer canned food.

Choose food according to your cat's age and set aside at least 5-10 minutes every day to play with your pet. A few minutes of active movements, running and jumping will be the minimum necessary for her to keep her body in good shape.

Marina Karetnaya especially for Murchiki

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A special role in the life of a cat is played by the period of active growth, when the animal gains weight. It occurs in the first six months of a pet’s life. Therefore, it is important to know what a kitten’s weight should be by month. There is a special table for these purposes. It will help monitor this indicator throughout the entire period of animal growth and correct under or over-feeding in a timely manner.

Determining the weight of a pet kitten is an excellent way to assess its growth and development. If weight is gained slowly, this indicates health problems. Also, a nursing cat may have problems with well-being. The second reason for poor recruitment is a lack of nutrients (for example, many cubs were born in the litter).

Kittens are characterized by rapid growth, since under natural conditions they leave their mother at the age of 12-16 weeks. Therefore, at the beginning of their lives, they should eat a balanced and high-calorie diet. Every week the cub should gain 50-100 g. If the animal gains less, it must be shown to a veterinarian. But there are cases when a pet experiences a temporary stabilization of this indicator. Then the set resumes and proceeds at an accelerated pace.

For each breed of cat there is a special table that indicates the normal weight of the animal depending on its age. This is important to know, since the norm is directly dependent on two indicators - age and breed.

Therefore, you can find out how much a kitten of a particular breed should weigh without any problems. Do not forget that this indicator is seriously influenced by a nutritious, balanced and rational diet.

In the first days after birth

Newly born babies have a mass of about 70-130 g. In the first days of life, the cubs practically do not move and see nothing. During this time, their main task is to eat, sleep and grow. As a result of this regimen, they should gain 10-15 g per day.

Up to a month

In the first 3-6 days, babies weigh in the range of 85-200 g. By the end of the first week of life, this figure is 140-285 g. At this time, the animals’ eyes begin to open, they react to foreign smells and sounds, and they become more active.

Therefore, kittens in the first month of their life need adequate nutrition. To achieve this, the diet is expanded. Fermented milk products are added to it. Animals are gradually transitioning from milk feeding to self-feeding with dry food or natural food. Their weight during this period is about 500-700 g.

Up to three months

An animal at the age of 2 months already behaves like an adult. At this time, the mother feeds her babies milk less and less, since the kittens’ bodies are already quite ready for independent feeding. Therefore, the second month is an excellent time to transfer the pet to a new owner. By this age, the weight of kittens is 1-1.4 kg.

After 4 weeks, animals should eat at least 5 times a day. Every time pets are given a fresh portion of food. During this period, you already need to decide what exactly the animal will eat: dry food or natural products. Three-month-old kittens weigh about 1.7-2.3 kg.

A detailed chart of weight gain in domestic cats is as follows:

  • newborn babies: females - 116-145, males - 118-147 g;
  • 1 week: 240-260, 240-280 g;
  • 2 weeks: 340-400, 350-420 g;
  • 4 weeks: 560-740, 630-820 g;
  • 6-8 weeks: 1.15-1.4, 1.2-1.5 kg;
  • 10-12 weeks: 1.7-2.3, 1.8-2.3 kg;
  • 14-16 weeks: 2.6-3.6, 2.7-3.8 kg;
  • 5 months: 2.9-4.3, 3.2-5.5 kg;
  • 6 months: 3.2-4.5, 3.9-6 kg;
  • 7 months: 3.5-4.9, 4.2-6.5 kg;
  • 8 months: 3.8-5.2, 4.5-6.9 kg;
  • 9 months: 4.1-5.5, 5-7 kg;
  • 10 months: 4.2-5.8, 5.3-7.7 kg;
  • 11 months: 4.3-6.1, 5.6-8 kg;
  • 1 year: 4.5-6.8, 5.7-9 kg.

After 1 year, the weight of animals directly depends on the breed and nutrition.

Control of increases

You need to monitor your kitten's growth every month. First, use a kitchen scale. As the animal gets larger, it is weighed on a floor scale.

The monthly intake should be 100-150 g.

The pet's body weight should be checked against a table calculated for a specific breed. The taken indicators are recorded in a special diary.

A cat's body weight is of greater importance for their normal development and health. Like humans, felines can also have problems with weight (overweight or, less commonly, underweight). Obesity is a fairly common problem that occurs among domestic cats. In addition, you need to know how much the cat weighs in order to calculate the required dose of medications, the volume of food portions, also for traveling with an animal. How to determine the weight of a cat? This article will help answer this question.

Weight is determined by various factors:

  • Breed.
  • Availability of sterilization/castration.
  • General health.
  • Lifestyle (activity, diet).
  • Age.
  • Genetics.

Weight of different breeds

The normal weight of a cat of different breeds ranges from 2 (Nibelung, Singaporean) to 10 kg (Maine Coon). The average weight is considered to be 3-5 kg. For each breed and age category there are special tables with weight standards. Although among cats of the same breed there can be both large and small animals.

Kittens grow until they are one year old, but actively gain weight until they are 6 months old. Newborn kittens of medium-sized breeds (British, Abessinian, Siamese, Bengal) weigh on average 80-120 g, one month - 320-520 g, 2 months - 450-780 g, 3 months - 800-1100 g, 5 months - 2-2.7 kg, 7 months - 2.5-3.2 kg, 8 – 3.3-4.5 kg. A one-year-old cat has a mass of 4.5-5.5 kg, a mature cat - 4.6-5.6 kg.

The average weight of newborn large cats of such breeds as Savannah and Maine Coon is 120-160 g, one month old – 500-800 g, two month old – 800-1200 g, 3 – 1.4-1.9 kg, 5 – 2 ,8-3.6 kg, at 7 – 4.5-5.6 kg, at 8 months – 6-7 kg. A 1 year old cat should weigh 7.5-8.5 kg, an adult cat should weigh 8.0-10.0 kg, sometimes 12 kg.

Newborn Scottish kittens weigh about 80-120 g, monthly - 240-520 g, 2 month old kittens - 470-630 g, 3 month old - 930-1200 g, at 5 months - 1.7-2.5 kg, at 7 months - 3.0-3 .5 kg, at 8 – 3.5-4.5 kg. A Scottish cat at the age of one year can reach 5.0-6.7 kg, an adult cat can weigh 5.3-6.5 kg.

For non-pedigreed pets, you can use the average weight standards for the British breed.

The effect of castration/sterilization on weight

Sterilization or castration itself does not affect weight gain, but adult cats after such a procedure need to reduce the calorie content of their daily diet by a third, since their metabolism and hormonal levels change.

Dependence of weight on gender, lifestyle

Males are usually 1-2 kg larger than cats of the same breed. If the mother cat is large, then her kittens will most likely be large.

Pets that lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not have difficulty getting food, unlike stray cats, are more likely to gain excess weight.

Determining normal weight without weighing

The normal weight of an adult cat is an individual concept. You can determine if your pet is obese or underweight in a simple way, without resorting to weighing. You need to run your hand along the cat's back. If the spine is practically not palpable, then the animal is overweight. By palpably palpating the vertebrae (as if on a washboard) or visually viewing them, we can conclude that the cat weighs little.

How to weigh a cat

To determine exactly how much an adult cat weighs, it must be weighed on a scale. This is quite difficult to do if the cat does not want to step on the scale. In this case, the owner can weigh himself, then together with the cat in his arms. Then subtract the mass of the owner from the total mass of the cat, this will be the mass of the cat. It is better to weigh a small kitten not on floor scales, but on electronic kitchen scales.



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