What causes hormonal imbalance in girls? What should women do if they have hormonal imbalance?

Sooner or later, every woman faces endocrine problems. In this article we will look at how to determine hormonal imbalance in the body and what are the reasons for its occurrence in girls. Let's find out what methods exist to normalize the condition and prevent undesirable consequences.

Why does hormonal imbalance occur?

First of all, it is worth noting that hormonal imbalance is not always a pathology. This is quite normal in the following cases:

  1. Adolescence, when a girl’s body prepares for her first menstruation and gaining the ability to bear children.
  2. Pregnancy when the growth and development of the fetus significantly change the level of one or another hormone.
  3. Climax, when a woman ceases to be fertile and sex hormones gradually cease to be produced.

In other cases, hormonal imbalance occurs for the following reasons:

The most obvious symptoms are irregular cycles and premenstrual syndrome. If you do not pay attention to these factors in time, dangerous diseases of the sexual sphere will develop in the future - the consequences of hormonal imbalance, such as infertility, mastopathy.

More than 80% of girls complain of acne due to hormonal imbalance. Moreover, the rashes are localized in the area of ​​the chin and cheekbones, under the skin, are large in size and are quite painful on palpation.

Another noticeable sign of hormonal imbalance is hirsutism. Girls begin to develop dark, coarse hairs near the nipples, above the upper lip and in the thigh area.

In addition, women with endocrine problems have the following characteristics:

  • restless sleep;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • sadness, lethargy;
  • irritability;
  • attacks of unreasonable fear and panic, sometimes aggression.

Hormonal imbalance: what to do and how to establish a normal background

If you suspect you have a hormone imbalance, you should definitely undergo examination by a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will direct you to take the necessary tests for hormones, indicating the day of the cycle on which it is advisable to check them. And only after deciphering the results can adequate treatment be prescribed. Therefore, you should not look for advice on forums or ask women you know what to do if you have a hormonal imbalance.

Self-medication and self-prescription of drugs is fraught not only with negative consequences, but also with complications of many concomitant diseases. Subsequently, you will have to spend much more material resources and time on therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies for hormonal imbalance in girls

It should be remembered that traditional methods are only supportive treatment. They are not able to cure the disease as monotherapy. In addition, if you decide to use alternative medicine for hormonal imbalance, you need to consult with your doctor. gynecologist-endocrinologist. There is a danger of aggravating the situation by taking excessive amounts of phytoestrogens, which are rich in medicinal plants.

Malfunctions of the endocrine system are no less dangerous than, for example, disruptions to the functioning of the cardiovascular or digestive system, because they can lead to such serious consequences as the development of diabetes mellitus, deterioration of vision... A general practitioner tells readers of the site how identify the first signs of hormonal disorders.

All diseases have different roles. One disease comes at once, with all its might, posing a daring challenge to the body: who will win?!

The other creeps up unnoticed and systematically torments: it either “bites” or lets go, gradually making our existence unbearable.

And the third walks with us hand in hand all our lives, influencing our character, worldview and quality of life along with genes and external factors.

Hiding under different masks, diseases often become elusive. It is especially difficult to recognize an endocrine disease (when the body's normal production of hormones is disrupted).

Often, people with such disorders are examined by a variety of specialists before getting to the right place, and, having become disillusioned with traditional medicine, self-medicate in vain.

Such patients come to the endocrinologist only when the disease has reached its apogee or has changed its face so much as a result of numerous health experiments that it is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat it.

Hormonal balance

Hormonal disorders do not always have specific symptoms. Often their manifestations are similar to a variety of ailments, and sometimes are perceived only as cosmetic defects.

Therefore, you need to know the warning signs, and if they appear, you should immediately seek qualified help.

It is better to exclude a dangerous pathology in a timely manner than to later pay with your health for your self-confidence and negligence.

What is the endocrine system?

In the body, there are many organs and individual cell clusters that are capable of producing hormones and participating in the endocrine regulation of vital functions.

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are considered the most important. These glands are located in the brain and, according to their position, control all other organs of the endocrine system: thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas.

Lesions of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland rarely manifest as isolated, specific symptoms. Usually the function of the endocrine glands under their control also suffers.

What to do?

Possible signs of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal balance

1. Losing weight due to increased appetite. Under the advertising slogan “If I eat, I lose weight!”, perhaps there is a person with an overactive thyroid gland.

In addition to weight loss, it is usually a concern causeless and prolonged increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 °C, interruptions in heart function, excessive sweating, tremor (shaking) of the fingers, sudden mood swings, nervousness, sleep disturbance.

As the disease progresses, sexual function is impaired.

Often what attracts attention is a constantly surprised look - goggle-eyed eyes. When the eyes are wide open, they shine and seem to bulge out: between the iris and eyelids, a strip of white sclera remains above and below.

2. Obesity can be not only a problem of poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Obesity accompanies many endocrinological disorders.

If adipose tissue is deposited evenly throughout the body, appetite is either unchanged or slightly reduced, and it’s worrying dry skin, weakness, lethargy, constant drowsiness, hair loss and brittleness, then we can assume a decrease in thyroid function.

Such people have chilliness, decreased body temperature and blood pressure, hoarseness, periodic constipation.

Hormonal balance

5. Changes in appearance are an early sign of acromegaly. Facial features become rough: the brow ridges, cheekbones, and lower jaw increase.

The lips “grow”, the tongue becomes so large that the bite is disrupted.

This condition develops in adults with excessive formation of growth hormone - somatotropin, which is produced in the hypothalamus.

Happening rapid growth of hands and feet. A person is forced to change shoes very often.

Complaints about numbness in the limbs, joint pain, hoarseness, impaired sexual function. The skin becomes thick, oily, and increased hair growth is noted.

6. Visual impairment may also be a consequence of pathology of the endocrine system. Rapid and persistent deterioration of vision, accompanied by persistent headaches, is a reason to suspect a pituitary tumor.

In this case, a characteristic symptom is loss of the temporal fields of vision; other signs of hormonal regulation disorders mentioned above often develop.

7. Itchy skin should be a reason to check your blood sugar levels and may be an early sign diabetes mellitus

In this case, itching more often occurs in the perineum (which forces you to consult a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist).

Appears thirst, dry mouth, the amount of urine increases and urination becomes more frequent.

Furunculosis becomes a common disease, wounds and scratches heal very slowly, weakness and fatigue gradually develop.

Weight can fluctuate both in the direction of obesity and in the direction of weight loss, depending on the form of the disease and the constitution of the person.

Without special therapy, endocrine diseases gradually progress and, without causing much concern in the initial stages, manifest themselves with severe consequences in the future.

You can turn a blind eye to sweating, changes in body weight, and excess hair growth for a long time, but what to do when these disorders develop into infertility or result in severe heart failure, stroke or heart attack, or an inoperable tumor?

And how many cases of diabetes are diagnosed only when a patient is admitted to hospital in a coma?!

But just a little vigilance and attention to your own health is enough to prevent all these consequences.

Modern diagnosis of hormonal disorders includes a wide range of examinations. Sometimes it is enough for a doctor to look at a patient to make a diagnosis.

In some cases, it is necessary to carry out a lot of laboratory and instrumental studies, including determination of the level of hormones and their metabolites in the blood, functional stress tests, X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography.

Many of the endocrine diseases can be completely cured if treated in a timely manner; others require constant hormone replacement therapy; and others may require surgical treatment.

Be more attentive to the health of yourself and your loved ones. In most cases, with early diagnosis and properly selected treatment, it is possible to control or completely cure many endocrine diseases.

Be healthy!

general practitioner

Hormonal imbalance can be called a disruption of the endocrine and neuroregulatory systems, entailing a series of pathological conditions. Dysfunction can occur in both women and men. It is important to understand that all processes in our body depend on the current hormonal status. This means that a failure can significantly affect your well-being and cause serious harm to the body.

In women, the cause of hormonal imbalance is often considered to be pathological phenomena in the organs of the reproductive system. Inflammatory processes and weakening of the body’s immune defense can become a cause for violations. These disorders entail problems in the sexual sphere, disruptions of the menstrual cycle, and deterioration in general well-being.

An important feature of diseases of the female and male reproductive system is the asymptomatic course in the early stages of occurrence. That is why constant medical supervision plays a major role in prevention. Individuals need to visit a medical professional regularly to avoid serious imbalances and diseases of the genital organs.

What is hormonal imbalance?

Male and female sex hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands. The reproductive organs, cerebral cortex, adrenal glands and thyroid glands are responsible for health in this area.

During life, many changes occur in the human body, resulting in hormonal fluctuations. They can be observed especially clearly in the female body, which goes through the stages of puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and menopause. At these stages of life, the ratio and amount of hormones produced can change significantly.

Hormonal imbalance is an imbalance due to excessive or insufficient production of substances produced by the internal secretion organs.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Congenital disorders

Pathologies, absence or delayed development of the genital organs can cause improper hormone production.


Abnormal functioning of the endocrine system is often caused by puberty. During adolescence, girls and boys go through the stage of growth and formation of reproductive organs. At this moment, their body changes quite a lot externally and internally. Girls develop stable menstruation, which indicates readiness for pregnancy and childbirth.

Endocrine diseases

Functional disorders occurring in the peripheral glands can cause serious imbalance. Malignant and benign tumors, infectious and inflammatory lesions can cause disruptions.

Neuroendocrine regulation disorders

This category includes disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which regulates the production of hormones. Incorrect work is provoked by injuries to the brain and skull, encephalitis, and cancer.

Adrenal diseases

Hormonal metabolism takes place in the liver. Pathologies of the adrenal cortex are provoked by a disruption in the process of removing metabolites.

Taking hormonal medications

Hormonal imbalances can be caused by certain groups of medications. The risk of failure cannot be excluded even if the patient takes medications prescribed by the attending physician.

Often the cause of hormonal imbalance in women is the use of self-selected birth control pills. In men, an imbalance often occurs when undergoing a course of treatment for diseases of the genitourinary system, baldness, allergies, neuroses and skin pathologies.


Prolonged and strong emotional experiences have a negative impact on the functioning of the endocrine glands. As a result of stressful situations, disorders of the central nervous system develop, which has a direct impact on the functioning of the endocrine system.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Failure to maintain a normal daily routine, excessive physical activity and lack of sleep are serious stresses. Chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, irritability occur, and the level of sexual activity decreases.

Poor nutrition

Systematic intake of fatty foods and disruption of normal daily caloric intake leads to excess body weight gain. Obesity is one of the causes of diseases of the endocrine system.

Malnutrition can also negatively affect hormonal levels. If a girl adheres to a strict diet for a long time, vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, and thinning of the walls of internal organs occur. In case of sudden weight loss of 10 kg or more, women often stop having periods, which doctors manage to restore with great difficulty.

Alcoholism and drug addiction

Alcoholic drinks and drugs cause serious hormonal imbalances and other life-threatening diseases. Men suffering from beer alcoholism have increased estrogen levels. As a result, such patients often experience hair loss, female-type obesity (enlarged breasts and hips), and impotence.

Gynecological problems

Diseases of the reproductive organs (for example, cancer of the uterus and ovaries) lead to decreased or increased secretion of hormones. An unsuccessful operation on the genital organs of a man or woman can have a negative impact.


Forced termination of pregnancy is a huge stress for the body. Hormonal dysfunction is the most common complication of abortion. The highest risk of failure exists in women who terminated their first pregnancy at a fairly late stage.

Typical signs of hormonal dysfunction after an abortion include nervousness, weight gain, changes in blood pressure, and increased sweating.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The hormonal background changes noticeably after fertilization of the egg. During pregnancy, women suffer from constant mood swings, fatigue, anxiety and tearfulness.

Hormonal transformations during this important period cause the cessation of menstruation, weight gain, and growth of the mammary glands. Signs of failure include sudden unmotivated weight gain, virilization syndrome, and neurological pathologies.

Imbalance after the birth of a child can be associated with gynecological diseases, stress, infectious and inflammatory processes, and exacerbation of chronic health problems.


Hormonal imbalances are observed in women during menopause. After reaching 45-55 years of age, the body begins to undergo restructuring and the production of eggs is completed. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular and then stops completely. The ability to become pregnant and give birth to a child is lost.

At this time, the concentration of the female sex hormone estrogen in the body decreases significantly. As a result, aging processes actively occur in the body. Gray hair appears, deep wrinkles appear, libido decreases.

Patients complain of hot flashes (feelings of heat in the facial area), migraines, hair loss, brittle nails, cystitis and pain during sexual intercourse. In old age, a lack of female sex hormones predisposes to osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and pathologies of the nervous system.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

You can find out about the onset of hormonal imbalance by symptoms such as:

  • Emotional instability.
  • Anxiety, short temper and irritability.
  • Weight change.
  • Excessive body hair.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen due to premature contractions of the uterus.
  • Irregularity of menstruation.
  • Underdevelopment of the mammary glands.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Decreased sexual desire.

Consequences of hormonal imbalance

If left untreated, hormonal imbalance can lead to:

  • Female or male infertility.
  • Obesity.
  • The growth of malignant tumors.
  • Impotence.
  • Heart attacks and strokes.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands.

Diagnosis and treatment of hormonal imbalance

Diagnosis of hormonal imbalance consists of:

  • Collecting and checking medical history.
  • Excluding tumors of the endocrine system.
  • Examination of the reproductive system.

To correct the patient’s condition, doctors use:

  • Drug treatment. Vitamins A, E, calcium, selenium, zinc, potassium, and substitutes for female and male hormones are used. neuroleptics, homeopathic remedies.
  • Surgical intervention. Surgeries are performed to remove cystic formations and tumors.
  • The right diet. Patients are helped to normalize body weight through a balanced diet and exercise.
  • Restoring the work and rest regime.

In the female body, in addition to many others, two sex hormones are produced: progesterone and estrogen. When their amount in the blood is in balance, then women's health is in order.

But if the production of the female hormone progesterone decreases, the production of the male hormone estrogen increases accordingly. This fact has a destructive effect on all functions of the body. This can manifest itself not only in excess weight and poor skin, but also in the development of serious diseases.

Hormonal imbalance can most often occur as a result of physiological processes in the female body:

  • puberty;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • abortion.

But there are other factors in the development of hormone imbalance.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

  1. Diseases of the reproductive organs. If the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone, this leads not only to infertility, but also to disruption of all functions.
  2. Diets, irregular meals, lack of nutrients. If the female body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, this has a destructive effect on all functions. This can happen due to poor nutrition and strict diets. Instead of the desired weight loss, a woman may gain excess weight due to impaired metabolism.
  3. Heredity. Imperfections in the hormonal system may be congenital. In this case, you need to contact a specialist and begin serious treatment.
  4. Excess weight. Excess subcutaneous tissue provokes metabolic disorders.
  5. Frequent colds and chronic diseases. Infectious diseases suffered in childhood can affect the life of an adult girl with metabolic disorders. This item includes not only acute respiratory infections, but also serious sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
  6. Heavy physical activity. If a woman engages in strength sports or works in hard physical labor, then all this negatively affects her hormonal levels. If at the same time a woman is also malnourished, her periods may stop and serious illnesses may develop.
  7. Endocrine system disorders: diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas.
  8. Stress and nervous tension. Frequent stress disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system, which controls all functions, including hormonal ones.
  9. Operations and complications after surgery.
  10. Taking hormonal drugs. Long-term use of contraceptives can disrupt the natural production of hormones. Such drugs are found not only in birth control pills, but also in other medications. You should carefully study the instructions and consult your doctor.
  11. Wrong lifestyle. This includes: irregular daily routine, lack of sleep (less than 8 hours), chronic fatigue, lack of fresh air, drinking alcohol and smoking.

How to recognize this serious illness in order to begin treatment on time?

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

Characteristic signs in women:

  1. Menstrual irregularities. These may be delays for a long period or a sharp change in the amount of discharge.
  2. Weight gain. If a woman does not radically change her diet, but at the same time begins to rapidly gain weight, then the alarm should be sounded.
  3. Mood swings. Irritability, tearfulness, causeless aggression, anger, depression are signs of hormonal imbalance.
  4. Decreased libido. If a girl loses interest in sex life, this is a serious reason to think about her hormonal levels.
  5. Headaches, migraines.
  6. Chronic fatigue: fatigue, as well as sleep disturbance.
  7. Hair loss, brittle nails and problematic skin. Intense hair loss can be caused not only by stress and poor nutrition, but also by hormonal imbalance. Acne and oily skin are usually common among teenagers. During this period, the formation of the hormonal system occurs, which manifests itself in minor imperfections on the face.
  8. Other individual symptoms: early aging, breast tumors, genital diseases. If a woman has discovered at least 2-3 of the symptoms listed above, then she should contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist for a detailed examination of her health.

Critical periods of the female body

As already noted, hormone imbalance can most often occur during certain periods. To prevent this phenomenon and minimize its manifestation, it is necessary to take a closer look at each period in a woman’s life.

Hormonal imbalance in teenage girls

For the first time, a woman encounters a similar disorder during puberty. Usually this is 11-14 years old. At this time, the girl “turns” into a girl. Her mammary glands begin to form and her first menstruation begins.

During this period, hormonal disruption may occur in girls. This may manifest itself in premature maturation or, conversely, delayed sexual formation.

If puberty is delayed, menstruation may occur at 15-16 years of age. The reason for this may be poor nutrition, stress, and frequent infectious diseases.

The main “side factor” accompanying hormonal imbalance in adolescence is acne. If the girl is generally healthy, then acne can be quickly cured in a beauty salon using drying masks, liquid nitrogen and other procedures.

But if irritability, aggressiveness, lack of sleep and menstrual irregularities are added to problem skin, then this is a serious reason to take your child to the doctor.

In a healthy teenager, minor manifestations of hormonal imbalance can be adjusted with a proper daily routine, a balanced diet, good sleep, and taking vitamin complexes.

At this age, parents should be attentive to their daughter. Very often, girls need a warm family environment, close communication with their mother, and understanding. You should be patient and become your child's best friend. A warm attitude towards your daughter will be rewarded many times over. After all, happy is the person who was able to raise good and worthy children!

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth are the most important period in a woman’s life. At this time, she secretes many different hormones. If a girl did not have serious illnesses before pregnancy and led a healthy lifestyle, then after giving birth she recovers very quickly without side effects within 2-3 months.

However, childbirth and pregnancy can often disrupt the functioning of various systems. Childbirth is a great stress for the body and the endocrine system “suffers” the most from this.

Symptoms of hormone imbalance include:

  • unstable mental background;
  • weight gain;
  • pressure surges;
  • decreased libido;
  • problems with lactation.

If the recovery period drags on for more than six months, you should contact an endocrinologist. The doctor must order tests and then prescribe the appropriate medications.

Gaining weight after pregnancy is normal. With a healthy lifestyle, your weight will return to normal very quickly. You can lose weight during hormonal imbalance with the help of fitness and proper diet. Sports and diet can be started no earlier than 6 months after giving birth. After all, intense exercise and dietary restrictions can have a destructive effect on milk production.

You need to lose weight after childbirth only in consultation with a doctor, so as not to harm either yourself or the baby!

Hormonal imbalance after abortion

In the vast majority of cases, after an abortion, a woman experiences a hormonal imbalance. This can be explained this way: for the development of the fetus, various hormones begin to be actively released into the woman’s blood, ensuring the vital functions of both the unborn baby and the mother. But an abrupt cessation of this physiological process causes a disruption in the hormonal system.

This is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sudden weight gain;
  • hypertension;
  • sweating;
  • hair loss;
  • problems with skin, nails;
  • frequent headaches, depression, nervous breakdowns.

Abortion is always a threat to women's health. The sooner it is done, the fewer negative consequences. If the surgical intervention went well, then after a month the woman will have her period again and she has a chance to become a mother again. Unfortunately, in many cases, after an abortion, you have to recover for a long time, taking hormonal medications.

Abortion is especially dangerous for girls who have not given birth. It threatens the most terrible consequence for a woman - infertility.

Menopause – attenuation of reproductive function

The decline of reproductive function begins after 45 years. Menstruation becomes irregular and all sexual functions gradually fade away.

In most cases, menopause is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • insomnia;
  • sweating;
  • mood swings;
  • pressure surges;
  • headaches and migraines.

All these symptoms indicate insufficient estrogen production. You can reduce the manifestations of all the “delights” of menopause with a healthy diet, proper rest, and a good psychological atmosphere. In difficult cases, hormonal imbalance must be treated with special medications. All this must be prescribed by a doctor and the medicine prescribed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

How to restore hormonal imbalance

When starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the hormone imbalance. To do this, the doctor prescribes blood tests to determine the amount produced by the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries.

After receiving the results, treatment is carried out with drugs that contain natural and artificial hormones:

  • Mastodion;
  • Cyclodinone;
  • Klimaktoplan;
  • Yarina;
  • Regulon;
  • Novinet;
  • Lindineth.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe antipsychotics, homeopathic medications and vitamin complexes.

What to do in case of hormonal imbalance? If the failure of hormones is accompanied by an increase in body weight, then it is imperative to carry out work in the appropriate direction. It is necessary to reconsider your diet and, under the supervision of a doctor, begin to eat properly. Exercise is the most important part of normalizing weight. Thus, everything in combination: medications, diet and sports will give good long-term results.

Diet for hormonal imbalance

Hormone imbalance is often accompanied by weight gain. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • increased appetite;
  • metabolic disease;
  • fluid retention in tissues.

Nutrition for hormonal imbalance should include a variety of fresh and high-quality foods. The diet must include:

  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • fish;
  • poultry and beef;
  • cereals;
  • honey, nuts, dried fruits.

Plant foods containing fiber should make up 50% of the daily diet. You should definitely reduce sweet, spicy, smoked, salty foods that retain fluid in the cells.

You should get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol. Alcoholic drinks contain a large number of calories and also have a destructive effect on a woman’s hormonal levels.

To always be at a good weight, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Eat small portions 5-6 times a day.
  2. Once a week, have a fasting day - drink kefir and eat apples.
  3. It is necessary to weigh yourself regularly and monitor your “ideal” weight.
  4. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day every day.
  5. Do any kind of sport: fitness, tennis, morning jogging, exercise equipment.

Physical exercise not only burns calories, but also gives a boost of positive energy.

Is it possible to get pregnant with hormonal imbalance?

A woman's reproductive functions may be impaired, which can lead to menstrual irregularities and infertility. If she cannot get pregnant, the doctor usually prescribes a diagnosis:

  • thyroid examination;
  • ovarian testing;
  • donating blood for hormone tests.

After receiving the results, the doctor prescribes one of the treatment methods:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • a diet based on a balanced diet;
  • surgical intervention.

Thus, pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance is possible if timely treatment is started.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance in women with folk remedies is possible with the help of medicinal herbs that contain natural phytohormones. These include:

  • sage;
  • linseed oil;
  • hog uterus;
  • valerian root;
  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • sagebrush.

Taking herbal infusions containing hormones has advantages over artificial hormonal medications that have side effects.

Herbal decoctions should be taken according to a clear schedule, taking into account the individual tolerance of the body. Herbal medicine should be carried out after consultation with a doctor so as not to harm the body.

Prevention for women:

  1. The development of hormonal imbalance can very often occur for no apparent reason. Therefore, in order to recognize the “first signs”, it is necessary to undergo regular medical examinations and undergo appropriate tests.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle: eat well, sleep enough time, walk more and do not exhaust yourself with heavy physical activity.
  3. At the first symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and start treatment.

Untimely treatment of hormone imbalance can lead to the following consequences:

  • obesity;
  • infertility;
  • breast cancer, cervical cancer;
  • excessive growth of body hair;
  • tooth loss and early aging.

Hormonal imbalance is, first of all, a lack of self-love, as well as insufficient attention to one’s body. If you prevent the first symptoms of the disease in time, and also lead a healthy lifestyle, then the production of hormones will very quickly return to normal.



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