Altai mumiyo is the most complete instructions for use for medicinal purposes. Instructions for using mumiyo in tablets, indications and contraindications

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Mumiyo instructions for use, analogues, contraindications, composition and prices in pharmacies

Latin name: Mumijo

Active ingredient: Mumijo

ATX code: A16AX

Manufacturer: PJSC Monfarm, Ukraine, LLC Sashera-Med, Pharmaceutical company Evalar, JSC Fionda, Russia, KRKA, Slovenia

Shelf life of the drug mumiyo: No data

Storage conditions of the drug: No data

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: No data

Composition, release form, pharmacological action of mumiyo

Composition of the drug mumiyo

Both the properties and composition of mumiyo are quite complex. Shilajit is a unique substance consisting of more than 80 different components.

The composition of mumiyo is variable and depends on the natural conditions in which it originates. So, what are all kinds of tablets, ointments and medicinal tinctures made from?

The natural substance, purified from impurities, is an elastic, shiny biomass that looks like resin. Its color is uniform, ranging from brown to black.

The product has a specific balsamic smell, in which impurities of oil and dark chocolate are felt, as well as notes of wormwood and juniper. Its taste is bitter.

What does mumiyo consist of?

Chemical and spectral analysis of the natural mixture made it possible to identify in its composition such elements as cobalt, silicon, aluminum, manganese, lead, iron, magnesium, calcium, nickel, lead, titanium, and phosphorus.

It also contains essential oils, amino acids (including but not limited to zoomelanoidic acid ), fatty acids , bee venom , vitamin P And B vitamins , resins, humic bases, as well as a number of substances, the properties of which to this day remain not fully understood.

Release form of the drug mumiyo

As an active component, the substance is included in tablets, oil tinctures, pills, creams, ointments, aqueous extracts, and applications. It is also available in capsules, in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, and aqueous-alcoholic tinctures.

Pharmacological action of the drug mumiyo

Shilajit belongs to the group of medicines that affect the state of the digestive tract and the course of metabolic processes.

The drug has a regenerating, immunomodulatory, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, moderate bactericidal, mucolytic and secretomotor effect.

It regulates metabolic processes in the body and has a reparative and adaptogenic effect. Normalizes the state of humoral and cellular immunity, the level of cholesterol, hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood plasma, and also increases the production of endogenous interferon and NK cells. Accelerates the fusion of bone tissue after injuries and liver cells after hepatitis (both viral and toxic), has a pronounced antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage.

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, mumiyo helps reduce the number of relapses in frequent inflammatory gynecological diseases, restores the microflora of the mucous membrane, has a positive effect on hemorrhoids, eliminates the causes that provoke pathological changes in the rectum, and also prevents the development of their negative consequences.

Indications for use of the drug mumiyo

Indications for the use of the drug mumiyo are:

The use of mumiyo is advisable for a wide variety of diseases. It is used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent. For prevention, it is prescribed for lipid metabolism disorders, psycho-emotional and physical overload, and stress.

For debilitated patients, the elderly and children, taking the substance for preventive purposes can increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

What does mummy in the form of candles help with?

In the form of suppositories, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of anal fissures, paraproctitis, inflammation of hemorrhoids, necrotic-ulcerative processes in the wall of the rectum.

The use of purified mumiyo in gynecology is indicated for inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by erosive lesions of the cervix.

Indications for the use of tablets and other dosage forms

The use of mumiyo in tablets and other dosage forms is indicated for the treatment of:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, wounds (including purulent and infected);
  • fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises;
  • neuralgia associated with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system and biliary tract;
  • bone tuberculosis processes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of peripheral nerve trunks;
  • periodontal disease;
  • deep vein thrombophlebitis;
  • intestinal atony;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • glaucoma;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammation of the mammary gland;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • purulent otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • headaches;
  • conditions accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • stuttering;
  • diseases affecting the oral mucosa, teeth, gums;
  • cerebral stroke;
  • decreased immunity and vitality;
  • paralysis;
  • burns, boils, acne;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • post-infarction conditions, etc.

It is also used to treat infertility in men and women, as well as to restore weakened sexual function and hyperaspermia in men.

In the article we will deal with frequently asked questions about mumiyo, what it is, what it treats, how to take it, how much it costs, and some others that will be discussed in a series of other articles, including thematic videos that were prepared specifically for this project.

Just do not forget that the information presented can be used for informational purposes only and is not offered as instructions for action, because a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required before using something like this. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the thematic video. It’s worth reading about and what you need for this at home.

What is mumiyo, what is it for and mumiyo tablets, what are they for, is it useful and what does it cure?

Shilajit is a resin-like substance of natural origin. This is how real mumiyo is sold, representing a viscous mass with a characteristic odor and bitter taste. Mumiyo tablets are processed natural raw materials with various additives. The effectiveness of tableted mummy is much lower than its natural counterpart. Shilajit is called a panacea for all diseases, but despite this, the medicine is contraindicated for cancer patients, as well as people with reduced blood clotting and those suffering from hemorrhagic diathesis.

How to take mumiyo, healing properties, origin, composition, action

The healing properties of mumiyo were known to ancient doctors. This substance was considered a panacea for all diseases and cost a lot of money. The medicinal effects of mumiyo are still recognized today by our official medicine. Tablets, capsules, ointments and balms containing this healing substance have appeared on pharmacy shelves.

Shilajit sold in its pure form is considered more effective. In the “Composition” column in the instructions for the drug you can read that mumiyo contains macro- and microelements, as well as humic bases (rotten organic residues). However, the exact components of the drug have not been determined, and there are no “standards” for the content of various elements in it. Mumiyo, obtained in different areas, varies in composition, but does not lose its miraculous properties.

Doctors recommend taking mumiyo as a wound-healing agent that helps recover from injuries and fractures; it is used to treat ulcers, gastritis, colds, and insomnia. And this is not a complete list, but even from it one can see the wide range of applications and the positive impact of this unique substance on the human body as a whole. Mumiyo dissolves well in water, so it is recommended to use it in the form of an aqueous solution. You can also simply suck the mummy by placing it on your tongue, but this is not very pleasant due to the specific taste.

Shilajit for hair thickness, hair treatment, mask

Mumiyo perfectly tones the body, having a beneficial effect, among other things, on the condition and growth of hair. A positive effect is observed as a result of both internal and external use of mumiyo, for example, in the form of masks. To improve the general condition of your hair, you can purchase a ready-made shampoo, balm or hair mask with mumiyo included in their composition, or you can become a pharmacist yourself by adding a little of this healing substance to your favorite hair care products, having previously dissolved it in a teaspoon water.

Shilajit for hair growth for fine hair, color and effect

The following mask will be useful for thin hair. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 gr. in ½ glass of warm water. mumiyo and 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn or cranberry juice. Rub the mixture into the scalp an hour before washing. The effect of this procedure will become noticeable within a month. Hair will become thicker and gain a pleasant shine.

Shilajit for the treatment of allergies in children, for infants, for fractures

Mumiyo for infants should be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it is not prescribed at all for up to 3 months, although exceptions are possible. So, when treating allergies, the drug can be used externally. If Shilajit is prescribed orally, it is given to the baby along with water or food.

Mumiyo for the nose for children, dosage, contraindications

Mumiyo is prescribed for influenza, adenoids, sore throats and colds. Take mumiyo by dissolving it in water. An aqueous solution of the drug in a less concentrated form (1 g of raw material per 75 ml of water) can also be instilled into the nose. The daily dose of mummy is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the age of the child.

Why do you use and need Altai mumiyo in tablets and golden mumiyo Evalar?

The Altai or golden mumiyo preparation is used in almost all areas of clinical medicine, from therapy, cardiology and neurology to surgery and ophthalmology. Shilajit made in the form of tablets is more familiar to humans and makes it easy to control a single dose of the drug.

Why is mumiyo added to shampoo?

By adding mumiyo to shampoo, you can strengthen thin and brittle hair and get rid of dandruff. A better and faster effect will be achieved if you rub an aqueous solution of the drug into the scalp at night (or 2 hours before washing) - 5 tablets per glass of water.

Shilajit for scar removal, treatment, healing, resorption

To remove scars, heal wounds and resolve scars, it is more convenient to use mumiyo externally, in the form of an ointment. The ointment is rubbed or applied to clean and dry skin and is not washed off for 2-3 hours.

Shilajit for the treatment of stomach ulcers, thyroid gland, liver cirrhosis

Shilajit, like any other drug, must be prescribed by a doctor. This is especially true for such serious diseases as stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, and problems with the thyroid gland. No miracle pill can replace urgent medical intervention for such serious diagnoses. Shilajit is prescribed only when the disease does not cause any particular concern or for preventive purposes.

Mumiyo for the face against acne, eyebrow and eyelash growth

If, after washing your face in the morning, you wipe your face with a tampon soaked in a solution of water with mumiyo (2 tablets of the drug for 1 glass of water), you can get rid of acne and also enhance the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Shilajit for eye treatment drops

Shilajit has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, so its aqueous solution can be used to prevent glaucoma and treat inflammation or damage to the eye. The solution is instilled into the eyes before going to bed several times at short intervals - this way the medicine will be better distributed over the surface of the eyeball.

Shilajit for skin tightening and tone

If you dissolve 2 mummy tablets in 50 g. dry white wine, you will get an impeccable facial tonic that has the effect of tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

Mumiyo for feet, nails

Shilajit is a natural substance that can adjust the body to a working state, enhance skin regeneration processes, and improve the condition of hair and nails. In particular, to enhance the strength and growth of nails and get rid of hangnails on the fingers, a bath prepared from a glass of warm milk with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 mummy tablets is recommended.

Shilajit for the treatment of adenoids, arthrosis, sore throat, infertility, diabetes

Although mumiyo is recognized as a panacea for all diseases, it cannot cure adenoids, arthrosis, sore throat, infertility and diabetes. Shilajit is prescribed during the recovery period or as a prophylactic agent, and even then in combination with other drugs. The dose and duration of administration are selected by the doctor individually. It is believed to be used for arthritis, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, gums, joints, stretch marks, thrombophlebitis, cystitis, eczema and other diseases.


Indications for use:
- bone fractures, chest injuries, joint dislocations, bruises, muscle strains (the mixture is applied to the damaged area);
- stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (a solution of the product is used);
- thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities (solution of the substance inside);
- purulent-inflammatory and infected wounds, burns, purulent ulcers, fistulas (wounds are lubricated with a 10% solution of the product and simultaneously applied internally);
- purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, decreased hearing (a solution of the product is instilled);
- bone-tuberculosis processes (solution of the substance inside);
- inflammatory and allergic diseases, acute respiratory infections, runny nose, cough, sore throat (mixed with cow butter, milk and honey or under the tongue until completely dissolved);
- bronchial asthma (oral intake);
- damage to the female genital organs: erosion of the cervix or vaginal walls, female diseases (sterile tampons soaked in a solution of the product are applied);
- male and female infertility, weakened sexual function in men, hyperaspermia;
- diseases of peripheral nerve trunks, disorders of the musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia (rubbing into the skin);
- periodontal disease;
- salt deposits, joint pain;
- sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
- heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching;
- hemorrhoids (simultaneously external and internal use);
- for preventive purposes during a flu epidemic;
- tonic and refreshing compositions.

Pharmacological action:
A product with a wide range of applications. It has a powerful biostimulating effect, suppresses various mutation processes in the human body, helps stimulate certain functions of the immune system, helps accelerate recovery processes in damaged tissues, and has a rejuvenating effect.
A large number of biologically active substances and elements allow the product to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. In addition, the product significantly facilitates the postoperative recovery period and eliminates the undesirable consequences of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Mumiyo method of use and dosage:
It is recommended to take the product twice every day: 30 minutes before meals in the morning and two hours after dinner before bed. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient.
In 94% of correct use of the product, a positive effect was observed.

Mumiyo contraindications:
Individual intolerance to product components, allergic reactions to ointment components.

Mumiyo side effects:
The product has no side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components or overdose.

There were no negative effects of the product on pregnancy and lactation.

An overdose of the product does not happen often and causes dyspeptic symptoms. In general, it does not have a pronounced negative effect on the organs and systems of the body.

Use with other medications:
Interacts with all medications, however, special attention should be paid to prescribing the product in parallel with other medications containing aminophylline.

Release form:
Ointments, applications, solutions.

Storage conditions:
In a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Storage period: 5 years.

Arakul dshibal, Bagashun, Brogshoun, Kao-tun, Kier"ke-vuoitas, Miema, Mommia, Momea, Mumeea, Mumeiz, Momie, Mumijo, Mumlaj, Mummy, Saljit, Shilajit, Silajit, Steinsalbe.

Mumiyo composition:
A resin-like mass of biological origin, initially with admixtures of sand and crushed stone. It is collected in the mountains, rock cracks, and voids. In fact, these are bat excrement that reacted with rocks (dust, rock surfaces). After cleansing, the product becomes homogeneous and acquires a dark brown color with a shiny surface. It has a very peculiar smell and bitter taste.
The specific gravity is 2-2.5. melting point is within 80 degrees Celsius. During storage, moisture is gradually lost and the mass hardens. Easily dissolves in water.

Mumiyo contains about 30 macro- and microelements, including 10 metal oxides, phosphoric anhydride, silicate groups of silicon dioxide, numerous organic substances and acids.

Before using the medication "Mummy" You should consult your doctor.
The instructions are provided for informational purposes only. Mumiyo».

Traditional medicine has been using recipes with this ingredient for more than 3 thousand years. They still use the product now, but most people don’t know why they drink mumiyo and what it even is. It is not clear from the name what this medicine is and what ailments it helps with. The range of applications for mumiyo is very wide.

What is mumiyo

If we look at it from the visual side, then mumiyo is a substance of mineral origin, similar to dark resin. Colors may vary, but they are all brown. The shape of the substance can be different, the structure, transparency also have different degrees (it can be hard, like glass, or viscous). The benefits of mumiyo in folk medicine have been known for more than 3 thousand years, but all the qualities of the product have not yet been studied. This medicine is found in different countries, more often in mountainous areas, for example:

  • India;
  • Caucasus;
  • Altai;
  • Central Asia;
  • North Africa.

Shilajit - beneficial properties and contraindications

There are several ways to take mumiyo: in the form of tablets or ointment for topical use. The choice of method depends on the goals set for treatment. Local application is often used in cosmetology. To treat other diseases, Altai mumiyo in tablet form is better suited. The price of this natural medicine is relatively low. Shilajit - the beneficial properties and contraindications of this remedy will be described below. With it you can:

  1. Treat cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, thrombophlebitis, hypertension.
  2. Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. You can treat ulcers, gastritis, intestinal disorders, chronic or ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Taking pills will help normalize appetite and stomach acidity.
  3. Treat ailments of the respiratory system: pneumonia, runny nose, cough, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, laryngitis, sore throat, sinusitis, etc.
  4. Get rid of styes and glaucoma.
  5. Cope with hearing problems: purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss.
  6. Treat pathologies of the urinary system and kidneys: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, bladder ulcer.
  7. Get rid of oral diseases: stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  8. Treat the musculoskeletal system: dislocations, fractures, joint pain, radiculitis, stretch marks, rheumatism.
  9. Treat endocrine pathologies: pancreatitis, elephantiasis, diabetes.
  10. Treat skin ailments: dermatitis, burns, abrasions, stretch marks, purulent wounds, psoriasis, hematomas, eczema.
  11. Cope with colds: flu, ARVI. Altai mumiyo is suitable for both treatment and prevention.
  12. Get rid of hemorrhoids.
  13. Cope with allergies.
  14. Treat blood pathologies: radiation sickness, anemia.
  15. Cure pathologies of the reproductive system of women and men.
  16. Remove swelling.
  17. Boost immunity.
  18. Get rid of nervous system pathologies: facial paralysis, epilepsy, headaches, neurodermatitis, sleep disorders, stuttering, dizziness.

According to its characteristics, Altai mumiyo is a unique remedy of natural origin. However, with all its beneficial properties, there are a number of contraindications. For example, you cannot combine taking the drug with drinking alcohol. Alcohol should be avoided even when using the medication externally. Other precautions when using the product:

  • Shilajit should not be given to a child under 12 years of age;
  • During breastfeeding and pregnancy, the drug should not be taken;
  • use should be discontinued if an individual allergic reaction to the substance has occurred;
  • It is necessary to treat with this remedy with caution in the presence of hypertension and disorders of the nervous system.

Shilajit for stretch marks

One of the uses of this natural remedy will help girls improve the appearance of their skin. Shilajit for stretch marks is used as a local preparation. Traces can remain on the skin after a sharp weight loss or childbirth, which makes girls very worried about their appearance. The healing properties of mumiyo have regenerating effects, completely eliminate fresh stretch marks and significantly reduce the visibility of old ones, the color evens out, the size and depth of the crack decreases.

There are many positive reviews among women who have tried mummy for stretch marks. It is recommended to use the classic recipe for the product. You need to apply the cream 2 times a day, massage it into the damaged skin for 20-30 minutes. The process of preparing the cream is very simple:

  1. Take 5 g of Altai mumiyo.
  2. Dissolve in 2 tsp. warm water. It is not recommended to take more liquid, because the ointment will not reach the desired consistency.
  3. Take 150 g of your body cream.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, wait 15 minutes and you can apply the ointment.
  5. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

For face

This is another area in cosmetology where this component is used. Mumiyo for the face helps improve the appearance of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, and even out the color. You need to apply a thin layer of the product every day on your face. Cooking method:

  1. You need to melt 20 g of wax and 40 g of butter.
  2. Mix the ingredients and cool.
  3. Dissolve 15 g of mumiyo in 1 spoon of water.
  4. Mix the ingredients together, add 1 tsp. Agave juice. Achieve a homogeneous state.
  5. If you have baby cream, you can use it instead of wax and oil.

For weight loss

The beneficial properties of this product help improve metabolic processes in the body. This helps a person convert the food that is ingested into energy rather than fat deposits. The macro- and microelements included in the composition help to achieve this effect. While using the product, you should reduce your intake of fatty foods as much as possible, eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, and completely eliminate alcohol. The instructions for the drug indicate how to drink mumiyo for weight loss. A person needs 0.2 grams per day for 3 weeks to replenish the balance of missing elements.

For fractures

There are several types of fractures, but they all have a long recovery period. The use of mountain resin helps reduce the fusion period to 16-20 days. Shilajit for bone fractures is often prescribed by traumatologists themselves, because the drug has a positive effect on the body as a whole, for example:

  1. The stimulating properties of the component accelerate the healing process.
  2. A set of vitamins and useful elements of the tablets helps compensate the body for a negative reaction to injury.
  3. On days 14-15, the concentration of alkaline phosphatase increases, which is important during the period of bone tissue regeneration.
  4. Normalizes the level of calcium, potassium, inorganic phosphorus in the blood, which accelerates the growth of bone tissue, which controls the bone marrow.
  5. In complex therapy, the drug helps to normalize transaminase activity, which improves the enzymatic activity of the body.
  6. Helps normalize sleep, appetite, body temperature, weight, and reduce swelling.

Shilajit - instructions for use

If you bought this product in tablet form at a pharmacy, then the package must contain instructions. It will indicate that the reception is carried out either immediately after waking up, or three hours after the last meal, it is recommended to spend another 40 minutes in bed. Mumiyo, the instructions for which come with the tablets, can be prepared independently in the form of an ointment. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of the product before going to bed.

To prevent the ointment from sticking to your hands while rubbing, you should first lubricate them with vegetable oil. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach 1 time after waking up or twice a day (morning and evening). Duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If treatment was started late, then therapy can be repeated after 10 days. If the taste is too bitter, you can dilute the product with honey.

In tablets

This is a special form for lovers of alternative medicine. Mumiyo tablets are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription; mountain resin extract was actually used for production, but it was subjected to chemical and heat treatment. For this reason, some of the beneficial properties of the product are lost. This medicine will not harm anyone, but it will also have less benefit than the resin in its natural form.

People often buy mummy tablets because they are much easier to find, their price is lower and they are easier to drink (no need to dilute or prepare anything). The daily dose is 1-2 tablets depending on the person’s condition. Your doctor will help you choose the right dosage and will be able to tell right away whether there is a conflict with other medications. It will not be possible to treat pathologies using only mummy tablets, so they must be part of the treatment regimen.


A person has a choice - buy a ready-made version or make it yourself from a piece of resin. Mumiyo ointment is indicated for oral use if gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed. You can calculate the dosage of the drug based on the person’s weight. The daily amount of ointment should not exceed 0.5 g. It is recommended to drink the solution after waking up. External use of the drug is practiced in the treatment of:

  • injuries, bruises;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • burns;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • plexitis.

Many people lose faith in the unique properties of mumiyo after trying this product in tablet form. But they themselves made a mistake - mumiyo tablets are an extract with the addition of all sorts of impurities that introduce certain changes. Simply put, the healing power of mumiyo disappears. This is what experts say, and it’s hard to disagree with them after reading numerous reviews on forums, and after listening to the stories of loved ones and acquaintances. But those who have fallen into the hands of a real mumiyo - a resin-like viscous mass of black color with a specific smell and bitter taste, have learned its power for themselves and never cease to admire the generous gift of Mother Earth. Let's draw conclusions!

Application of mumiyo

First of all, mumiyo is a first-class healer! It treats just a huge number of ailments and diseases, including: cystitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, allergies, colds and many others. Real mumiyo heals wounds, improves general condition, improves sleep quality, increases appetite in sick people, and helps to say goodbye to pain. Mumiyo dissolves quite well and is most often taken orally diluted in juices, water, milk, tea, or honey. In some cases, mumiyo dissolves in its natural form, but not everyone can do this. Shilajit is used and for cosmetic purposes - in the form of masks and baths. Recently, the use of mumiyo for weight loss has become increasingly popular.

Treatment using mumiyo

Below we will look at the recipes treatment of certain diseases with the help of mumiyo, but don’t forget the golden rule - consulting a doctor before using traditional medicine recipes never hurts!

Getting rid of allergies with mumiyo
With regular use, allergies are much less of a concern - skin itching goes away, rashes decrease, nasal breathing returns to normal. We treat allergies with mumiyo as follows:: dissolve 5 - 8 g. mumiyo in 0.5 l. water, take one tablespoon in the morning, when you wake up (before eating) and a second time in the evening. It is recommended to smear the rashes with a more concentrated solution. Please note that mumiyo has a diuretic effect on our body.

Mumiyo treats bronchitis and sore throat
How does mumiyo help with colds and bronchitis? It soothes sore throat, stops the inflammatory process of the lymph nodes and relieves painful fatigue and impotence. We treat sore throat and bronchitis as follows:: 3 g. mumiyo must be dissolved twice a day, but if, to put it mildly, you find it difficult to tolerate the bitterness of mumiyo in your mouth, add it to honey or chocolate paste. Another way: drink a solution (four grams of mumiyo must be dissolved in 250 g of cooled, but not cold, boiled water) one tablespoon three times a day until we completely get rid of the disease.

Getting rid of migraines and dizziness with the help of mumiyo
The debilitating pain goes away, and the following dosage regimen helps: you need to take a mixture of mumiyo with milk and honey orally in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed (0.5 g of mumiyo plus milk and honey in a ratio of 1/15). . The course of treatment lasts no more than 25 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 10 days. The course of treatment can be repeated.

Treatment of acne and acne with mumiyo
Oh, these pimples, how much anxiety and worry they cause. But, there will always be methods to eliminate them, for example, mumiyo helps many people say goodbye to acne:

First way: Mix three tubes of regular face cream with 15 grams of mumiyo and let it brew for 24 hours. Before going to bed, apply the resulting mixture directly to pimples or acne-affected skin, but do not rub it in!

Second way: divorce mumiyo not too liquid, otherwise our mixture will flow unpleasantly from your face and will only ruin your mood. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash off the mumiyo. This method perfectly nourishes, cleanses the skin of pimples and increases blood circulation.
Third way: Stir 1 teaspoon of honey with a pea-sized amount of mummy in a water bath. Apply to the affected areas and leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off.

Mumiyo will boost immunity
Below are 2 wonderful recipes for using mumiyo to boost immunity. The course is designed for 20 days, then a break is taken for 10 days and can be repeated again.

First recipe: Add a few drops of water to 5-8 g of mumiyo, bring it to a mushy state, then add 500 g of natural honey and mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. A prerequisite is storage in a cool place.

Second recipe: mix 100 g of aloe with 5 g of mumiyo and the juice of 3 lemons, leave for 24 hours, then drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Mumiyo in cosmetology

Thanks to its unique composition, mumiyo restores beauty to the skin, hair and can even rejuvenate! Each of us can experience the wonderful properties of mumiyo, choose recipes and use:

Rejuvenating bath with mumiyo
Take 5 g of mumiyo, dissolve it thoroughly in 500 ml of boiled water. The temperature of the water in the bath should be approximately 30 degrees, add half of the dissolved mumiyo to it, i.e. 250 ml. We immerse ourselves in the bath for 20-30 minutes and relax (we do this procedure in the evening). After taking a bath, we do not pour out the water, but leave it until the morning. In the morning, add the rest of the liquid with mumiyo, add hot water (again, set the water temperature to 30 degrees) and take a bath again. The course lasts 20 days, then a break of 10 days is required. Important: Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited! It is also recommended to avoid medications.

Mask with mumiyo, perfectly nourishes the skin
We will need 2 grams of mumiyo, we will dissolve it in 1 teaspoon of water, add 20 ml of 15% cream for dry skin or the same amount of milk for oily skin, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk for dry skin or 1 white for oily skin and mix everything well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse off with water at a pleasant temperature. The mask is amazing, but it is better to do it no more than once a week.

Treatment of stretch marks with mumiyo
Healing cream for stretch marks: carefully dissolve two grams of mumiyo in one teaspoon of water (necessarily boiled). Next, mix with 1 tube of baby cream and rub once a day into our problem areas. Don't forget to store our cream in the refrigerator.

Shilajit for weight loss

Well, here we come to the most interesting topic - mumiyo for weight loss. It has been proven that taking mumiyo in courses has a beneficial effect on metabolism, reduces appetite, and as a result, extra pounds are lost. Although this of course does not mean that it is enough to drink mumiyo and lie on the bed waiting for a miracle. Mumiyo will help in the fight for a slim figure for those who still make an effort to realize their dreams - they will move more, not overeat in the evening and reduce the amount of calories consumed (the latter will help mumiyo). The recipe for use is simple: you need to take 0.5 - 1 g of mumiyo in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed. It is recommended to conduct four courses (but do not forget about the uniqueness of each individual case). One course lasts 20 days, then we take a break for 5 days and can repeat the course.

Recipes with mumiyo for beautiful hair

Mumiyo can transform our hair: it will become healthier, stronger and even thicker. To achieve these goals, the following recipes with mumiyo for beautiful hair will come in handy:

Take 2 grams of mumiyo and dilute it in hair shampoo. Don't be alarmed - the shampoo will turn dark. Next, you wash your hair with this miracle shampoo, but with one difference - after you thoroughly lather the shampoo, do not rinse it off for 5-7 minutes.

The following procedure strengthens hair and accelerates its growth rate: dilute 2 grams of mumiyo in 1.5 glasses of water and spray the hair roots with a spray bottle 2 hours before washing your hair. It will be useful to simultaneously drink mumiyo 0.2 grams once a day in courses.

The following recipe with mumiyo gives extraordinary beauty to your hair: chop 100 grams of cranberries and pour boiling water, leave for four hours, then dissolve 3 grams of mumiyo in it and rub in the infusion, regardless of washing your hair.

Another good recipe with mumiyo for beautiful hair: Dissolve 50 grams of honey and 5 grams of mumiyo in 1 glass of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn juice. Rub into hair roots half an hour before washing.

Shilajit contraindications

The first thing I want to say about precautions is that in no case should you delay the course of treatment with mumiyo too much, because the body can get used to artificial stimulation, and then problems will begin when you stop taking mumiyo. Everything is good in moderation!

Please note the following contraindications to the use of mumiyo(you should stop taking mumiyo in the following cases):
1. Pregnancy and lactation
2. Age up to 12 years
3. Presence of a tumor
4. Presence of bleeding
5. High blood pressure

It is prohibited to consume alcohol during mumiyo treatment. You can get more detailed information from your doctor - his recommendations are very important and will help you avoid mistakes when taking mumiyo.

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady



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