Menstrual calendar to print. Women's period calendar

The menstrual cycle and its regularity are an indicator of women's health. For any woman, it is necessary to know how to count the menstrual cycle.

This is important for several reasons:

  • From a hygiene point of view. Knowing exactly, or at least approximately, the day of the onset of menstruation, a woman can prepare so as not to find herself in an uncomfortable situation.
  • When planning a pregnancy, knowing exactly the period of menstruation, it is easy to calculate the date of ovulation and thereby significantly increase the chances of conception.
  • On the other hand, knowing the menstrual cycle, you can calculate the days without dangerous days from unwanted pregnancy.
  • Most importantly, knowing your cycle will help you detect any irregularities in time. So changes in the duration or the appearance of menstruation at the wrong time are symptoms of the development of diseases.

Menstruation is a certain period of a woman’s physiological cycle during which her body gets rid of an unfertilized egg and endometrium. Menstruation is cyclical and repeats itself after a certain period in a woman’s body.

Menstruation cycle

The female physiological cycle is divided into the following phases:

  • Menstruation, or directly the period of bleeding from the uterine cavity.
  • Follicular phase. Starting with menstrual phase lasts 2 weeks. A new follicle is formed for the maturation of a new egg.
  • . The follicle matures, releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization.
  • Luteal phase. Lasts from 10 to 16 days. During this period, women's bodies prepare for pregnancy. Many girls experience premenstrual syndrome during this phase.

How to count?

The beginning of the cycle is the first day when bleeding begins. The end is considered to be the last day before the next period appears.

At unstable cycle you need to choose the largest and small value and calculate from them. For example, the longest is 34 days, and the shortest is 22. From the long one we subtract 10 (34-10=24), and from the short one 18 (22-18=4), that is, in the period from 4 to 24 days there is high probability get pregnant.

Duration of menstruation

The duration of menstruation varies for every woman. Even one woman menstrual period may differ, be shorter or longer.

In case of cycle disruption caused by problems reproductive sphere And general condition body, you must consult a doctor:

  • hormonal changes;
  • illnesses inflammatory in nature on the female side;
  • a sharp decrease/increase in body weight;
  • the presence of diseases of the genital area;
  • chronic diseases.

Symptoms of cycle disruption will include:

  • decreasing or increasing the interval between menstruation;
  • changing the number of days in a cycle in any direction;
  • change of character bloody discharge;
  • complete for two months or more (except pregnancy);
  • appearance bleeding between menstruation;
  • the duration of the menstrual period is more than three weeks or less than three days.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo a diagnostic examination. A doctor's examination and diagnosis will help determine the disease and the causes of its occurrence. After establishing accurate diagnosis the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

In cases of a one-time cycle violation, do not worry too much. Deviations in any direction for no more than 7 days are not considered a pathology. The modern pace of life, stressful situations, fatigue and lack of sleep can affect the nature of menstruation. It is necessary to observe for at least two months. In addition, it is necessary to observe the nature of the discharge, color, and smell.

As preventive measures You should visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.

Video about a woman's menstrual cycle

It is very important for every girl and woman to be able to calculate the menstrual calendar and maintain it regularly, starting from the onset of the first menstruation. Such a calendar will allow both the girl and the gynecologist to see a holistic picture of the menstrual cycle, and will also answer many other questions regarding women’s health.

Functions of a women's calendar

Women's calendar is of great importance, so every girl needs to lead it. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether she leads sex life or not. Why is this so important? This is due to the functions that the menstruation calendar performs. Here are the main ones:

  1. Provides information about women's health. If in reproductive or hormonal system there are problems, this will affect the regularity of the cycle. If a girl keeps a women's calendar, any disruptions in the cycle will immediately become obvious. In addition, the regularity and stability of the cycle also indicates the state of health in general. Timely detection of cycle disturbances will allow timely identification of the problem and the cause of disturbances in the body and take appropriate measures.
  2. Provides necessary information to the gynecologist. At an appointment with a gynecologist, the doctor always asks a question regarding the date of onset last menstrual period etc. A woman must know the answers to these questions, since the result depends on it gynecological examination. The monthly calendar greatly facilitates this task, since it is not always possible to keep all the dates in memory.
  3. Allows you to avoid going to the doctor again. Most women have no idea what is happening in their body at each phase of the cycle. However, if a woman keeps a monthly calendar, many questions in unclear situations will disappear by themselves, and the woman will not have to run to the gynecologist for answers. For example, on the 20th day of the cycle, a girl may notice blood stains on her underwear. Most will probably be afraid of an unusual situation. In fact, this can happen when an egg implants into the wall of the uterus. Or, for example, if a woman experiences painful sensations lower abdomen or notes copious discharge, she, focusing on the dates on the calendar, can understand that it’s all about ovulation, etc.

If a woman keeps a calendar, she herself can explain certain processes occurring in the body today.

Psychological aspect

In this case we can talk about two useful functions, which are carried by the women's calendar. It's about about the psychological state of a woman.

For example, if a woman does not keep track of her periods, she is in constant tension waiting for the expected start date next menstruation. Banal forgetfulness can even turn into neurosis if, in the opinion of a woman, she has a delay (although in fact she simply made a mistake with the start date of menstruation). If, however, you can avoid additional psychological and nervous stress.

Another point related to menstruation concerns premenstrual syndrome. This sometimes becomes a real test for those around the girl, and for herself too. If a girl starts counting her periods, this will help her:

  • understand what is happening in her body;
  • prepare psychologically for an unpleasant period;
  • explain close circle, what is happening, and receive more loyal and tolerant feedback;
  • control your mood and not take it out on loved ones.

Knowing about the onset of PMS, a girl can change her lifestyle, for example, adjust her diet in favor of lighter foods and give up chocolate, alcohol, etc.; adjust skin care to avoid hormonal acne, etc. All these activities also have positive influence and on psychological state girls.

Women's calendar and pregnancy planning

Whether a woman wants to conceive a child in the near future or is categorically against having children, but for each of them it is very important to calculate the menstrual calendar. In this case, the calendar performs the following functions:

  1. Allows you to identify delays. Most often, women keep a women's calendar in order to detect delays in time. This is directly related to the definition possible pregnancy. Having noticed a delay, a woman can take a pregnancy test and sign up for an ultrasound. If pregnancy is confirmed, the woman can take appropriate measures depending on whether the pregnancy is desired or not. If pregnancy is not confirmed, it will be possible to identify the cause of the delay in time and eliminate it.
  2. Helps to calculate. Every woman who is sexually active needs to know when her ovulation day occurs. Why is this so important? If a woman is planning to have a child, this information will tell her which days will be the most favorable for conceiving a baby. This information will be no less important for those girls who are not planning a pregnancy - information about fertile days and about ovulation will allow them to be more careful and avoid unwanted conception.

However, every girl who does not want to get pregnant must remember that contraception alone is not enough. It is also necessary to use other methods of contraception, since even on the so-called safe days it is also quite possible to become pregnant, although the chances of this are lower than during the ovulatory period.

  1. Allows you to determine the expected date of birth. Of course, this is usually done by a gynecologist, but if a woman regularly keeps a calendar, it will not be difficult for her to do this on her own. There are several calculation options, but the simplest is according to the Naegele formula: 3 months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation and 7 days are added. This will be the expected date of birth. But this formula only works if a woman’s cycle averages 28 days and is regular. If a woman’s cycle lasts longer than 28 days, then ovulation occurs later, so bearing a child also lasts a little longer. On the contrary, with more short cycle the baby may be born slightly earlier than the calculated date. Do not forget about other factors that also affect the duration of pregnancy.
  2. Allows you to plan the gender of your future baby. It is immediately worth noting that this method has not been scientifically proven. However, future parents for whom the gender of the baby matters great value, this method is often used. As a rule, if conception occurs in the middle of the cycle, then a son is born, but if a woman becomes pregnant 1 - 2 days before the start of ovulation, then a daughter is usually born.

This is explained by the fact that sperm, carriers of the male chromosome, are more mobile and quickly move through the female reproductive tract. But future girls are characterized by less mobility, but greater endurance, so they remain viable in the genital tract for up to several days.

The role of the calendar in irregular cycles

A calendar is indispensable if a woman has irregular cycle. For such women, the problem is to determine the day of ovulation. However, there are many computer and telephone applications that help automatically calculate the days of your period, in particular the day of ovulation.

A calendar is indispensable even where married couple conception does not occur. Usually, when planning a pregnancy for couples, everything is done within 12 months. But if spouses have sex on the wrong days, it can cause a lack of positive result. Therefore, if the desired pregnancy does not occur, do not panic and run to a consultation with a gynecologist. The problem may be precisely that the couple does not take into account the most favorable days for conception. The menstrual calendar will help you determine these days. Additionally, it is worth measuring your basal temperature daily and conducting ovulation tests. All this further increases the chances of pregnancy.

Calendar calculation of monthly periods

  1. An ordinary calendar. This method was used by previous generations of women. This calendar usually marks the beginning of menstruation. In principle, the method is quite simple, but there are also disadvantages. Firstly, the paper version can get damaged, get wet, etc. Secondly, the woman will have to calculate the day of ovulation on her own, so confusion is possible.
  2. Computer technologies. Today the world information technology stepped far forward. There are many smartphone applications or computer programs that automatically calculate the start date of the next period, the day of ovulation, and days favorable for conception. In addition, phone applications will also remind the girl about the approach of her period and the need to throw pads or tampons in her purse, as well as about the approaching fertile window, etc.

The second method is undoubtedly much more convenient, but it is suitable only for those girls who are “friendly” with computers or have modern phones, which today is more the rule than the exception.

Features of calculations

First you need to decide on the terminology that will be useful in the calculation. As practice shows, many girls even confuse such concepts as “menstrual cycle” and “duration of menstruation.”

The menstrual cycle is the period of time from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next. While the duration of menstruation itself is the period during which a girl there is bleeding(usually it ranges from 3 days to a week).

The menstrual cycle is conventionally divided into 2 periods - favorable and safe days for conception. If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, using a calendar she can calculate the onset of ovulation and the fertile window.

Ovulation is the moment when an egg leaves the follicle. It is the day of ovulation that is the most favorable from the point of view of pregnancy planning. In addition, at healthy woman There is also a fertile window, that is, several days in a month during which the possibility of conception also increases.

To make such a calculation, you need to know the first day of the onset of the last menstruation and average duration cycle. This will not only determine the start date of the next menstruation, but also calculate the day of ovulation. If a girl uses a computer application, the program will ask you to indicate the duration of the menstruation itself.

A women's menstrual calendar is necessary for ladies for various purposes, from monitoring the health of the internal genital organs to planning the gender of the child. It is with the help of a calendar that the gynecologist sets the gestational age and date of birth, which may suggest irregularities hormonal levels etc. But let's talk about everything in order.

About the menstrual cycle and calendar

The online women's period calendar will be useful for both teenagers and older ladies. In general, to all representatives of the fair sex who menstruate. The first menstruation begins in girls aged 11-16 years (usually) and continues throughout reproductive period life until menopause. And this happens, most often, at the age of 45-55, but sometimes at an earlier date.

Menstruation may be absent in young and middle age due to serious illnesses, taking some medicines and installations intrauterine system Mirena (in this case, menstruation may become very scanty or even disappear while the device is in the uterus). In addition, there is no menstruation during pregnancy, and for many women during lactation (especially in the first months, when feedings are very frequent and regular). Menstruation disappears in women with low body weight (this is already a pathology). All this is called secondary amenorrhea.

A woman's menstrual calendar helps her to identify her menstrual irregularities for free. Many women have various reasons Menstruation delays occur. The reason may be stressful situation, disease, hormonal imbalance and so on. It is very important not to miss the onset of the delay and if it lasts more than 2 weeks, consult a doctor. If, in addition to this, there are also any pathological signs and ailments, then even earlier.

So, how to use a women's period calendar online? All that is required of you is to correctly select the start date of your menstruation and be sure to correctly register the average duration of the menstrual cycle. Since if menstruation is not regular, then the schedule compiled by the program will not be very reliable (with regard to determining the day of ovulation, dangerous and safe days, etc.). The calendar will calculate your menstrual cycle for as many months as you wish, or rather, specify. The program will use different colors to distinguish the days of the expected onset of menstruation, safe days, as well as the days when conception is most likely, including the date of ovulation (it will be highlighted in orange). Let's take a closer look at the purposes for which the obtained data can be used.

Ways to use a menstrual calendar

1. Take it with you to a consultation with a gynecologist. This is the first option that comes to mind. Gynecologists are always interested in the dates of the last menstruation, the regularity of bleeding, duration, and level of blood loss. This is where a printed women's period calendar comes in handy.

2. Accelerate the onset of pregnancy. Everything is very simple - it is necessary not to abstain from sexual relations on days marked with orange and green colors. With a high degree of probability, conception will occur. But even if it didn’t work out the first time, it doesn’t matter! There was probably no ovulation in this cycle. This also happens. You can also determine whether ovulation has occurred or not by measuring basal temperature, using ultrasound examination or special tests.

3. Protect yourself from pregnancy. Let us immediately clarify that this method is considered ineffective, approximately the same as interrupted sexual intercourse. In order to use calendar method protection from pregnancy, you should be able to accurately calculate ovulation yourself; the online women's menstrual calendar is, of course, an assistant here, but not indispensable. The same ovulation tests and ultrasound will tell you much more accurately about a dangerous day. The calendar will indicate the range, the period of time when it is better to abstain from sexual relations. It is very good to combine the calendar method with the use of others contraception, for example, spermicides.

4. Calculation of gestational age and date of birth. The first thing a gynecologist is interested in when a new patient comes to see him is the first day of her last period. It is based on this date that it is established obstetric term pregnancy. The Naegele formula is used: three months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation and seven days are added. I would like to say that this formula only works in the case of a 28-30 day cycle. Well, knowing the obstetric period, it will not be difficult to calculate the date of birth, taking into account the fact that bearing a child lasts 40 weeks or 10 lunar months (there are 28 days in a lunar month). The women's menstrual calendar will help you remember when your last period began and see the approximate date of conception - this can also be important when calculating the date of birth.

5. Planning the gender of the child. Exists huge amount ways to conceive a child of the desired sex, although science is very skeptical about this. There is a version that the sex of the child depends on the time of its conception. So, if a child was conceived exactly on the day the egg left the ovary, then with a high degree of probability a boy will be born if sexual intercourse took place a little before ovulation, then a girl will be born. The thing is that supposedly sperm, carriers of the Y chromosome (boys), are very mobile and fast, but they die very quickly in the female genital organs, and therefore, if you want a boy, you must create all the conditions for fertilization to occur as as quickly as possible. If you dream of a daughter, then it is advisable, on the contrary, to be sexually active within 2-3 days before ovulation. Sperm feminine remain viable for several days. The theory is interesting, but again not proven by science. If you decide to experiment, use our free women's period calendar to visualize your ovulation days and gender planning, respectively.

Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining and its removal from the body. The menstruation of a physically healthy girl has the form of bloody discharge, which is observed cyclically, after a certain number of days. The menstrual cycle of each woman is individual and proceeds with its own characteristics.

If one girl easily endures this period, then for another “ critical days“- a whole tragedy that sometimes forces you to resort to pills.

However, any woman should navigate her own menstrual cycle. First of all, this gives an understanding of whether everything is okay with reproductive system. And besides, the ability to calculate the menstrual cycle helps to determine exact date the beginning of your period and be prepared for its onset.

How to calculate the menstrual cycle? It's not difficult. Every girl does this, at least intuitively. As a rule, women feel the approach of menstruation in advance based on signs of premenstrual syndrome or even based on the calendar.

However, not all phases of the menstrual cycle can be felt. The most important of them, ovulation, has to be calculated or measured.

Why should a girl know how to calculate her cycle?

  1. Monitor your health and pay attention to the first symptoms gynecological diseases. If your cycle is irregular for an extended period, you should undergo an examination to timely detection possible diseases.
  2. Increase the likelihood of conception if you want to get pregnant. For pregnancy, you need to know the date of ovulation, and it can be calculated by knowing the first day and duration of the cycle.
  3. For hygienic reasons. A properly calculated menstrual cycle will never come as a surprise. This will also help you spend your vacation comfortably, plan meetings, training sessions, etc. in advance.

Many girls calculate the cycle to plan the so-called “ safe sex" But it should be borne in mind that the calendar method of birth control is considered the most unreliable, since it allows you to calculate only the most successful days for conception, but does not guarantee that ovulation will not occur earlier or later.

Methods for calculating the menstrual cycle

Many people believe that menstruation is calculated based on the number of days between menstruation. This is wrong. To calculate correctly you will need a pencil, a calendar and a little concentration. For at least three months, it is necessary to mark “critical days” directly on the calendar. And only then should we calculate the length of the cycle.

It is necessary to count the monthly segment of the cycle, including the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the next one. If menstruation starts on the same day of the month (for example, the 15th), the cycle is 30-31 days. In this case, the schedule shift occurs in March, because February is the most short month and your period will come a few days later.

However, as a rule, a normal cycle lasts 21 - 35 days. For this reason, menstruation never falls on the same dates. For example, if the menstrual period is less than 30 days, then the next menstruation will begin earlier, but the length of the cycle will not change in any way. It is more difficult if the menstrual cycle lasts more than 31 days.

In this case, the time of further menstruation will move forward several days. For example, the menstrual cycle is 35 days. In this case, the beginning of the next month is calculated as follows: 31 days of the current cycle plus 4 days - the beginning of the next one. Subsequent “critical days” will occur on the 9th, since 35 days must be counted from the beginning of the first cycle. There is no need to calculate the entire cycle several months in advance, because there may be deviations, which is a variant of the norm. This may be due to stress or acclimatization. But the absence of menstruation for more than 7 days may serve as a basis for probable pregnancy. There are several ways to calculate a cycle.

Calendar method

This is the oldest, but effective method. Its purpose is to know the exact date of the next menstruation. Its essence is simple: the immediate date of the onset of menstruation is marked on the calendar. This date will be the first day of the menstrual cycle. Doctors recommend considering the beginning of menstruation not brownish discharge, and the appearance of profuse bleeding.

How to count days suitable for conception or “dangerous” days: method one

If the cycle lasts the same number of days, then the highest probability of conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. It is necessary to divide the duration of the cycle by two. This will be the day of ovulation, and the probability of conception includes two days before it and two days after it. That is, if the cycle is 28 days, then 28/2 = 14. Ovulation occurs after fourteen days, counting from the first day of menstruation. And the probability of conception is high from the twelfth to the sixteenth day.

If the cycles last a different number of days, then you need to write down the duration of the shortest and longest long cycles. Then take the number of days of the shortest period and subtract 18. This is the beginning of the fertile (or unsafe) period. Then you need to take the number of days most long cycle and subtract 11 - this is the end of the dangerous period.

For example, we take menstrual cycles calculated for six months: in January - 29 days, February - 27 days, March - 26 days, April - 29 days, May - 27 days, June - 26 days.

The smallest of them is 26 days. 26-18 = 6.

That is, if July 1 is the beginning of the cycle, then the probability of conception is lowest in the period from July 1 to July 7 and from July 19 to July 25. And from July 8 to July 18, conception is most likely.

This method helps to plan your pregnancy more effectively. However, it should be noted that these calculations are only suitable for women with a relatively regular cycle.

Any girl should be able to use a menstrual calendar. Moreover, women must maintain this calendar regardless of whether they are sexually active or not. By the regularity of the menstrual cycle, we can tell whether a woman is healthy or not, and not just that her reproductive function is in order. For example, a failure in menstrual cycle, may indicate a violation endocrine function, or low weight women.

It is simply necessary to keep track of your periods; a period calendar helps with this. This calendar helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy in time, and also to determine the days of ovulation - the most favorable days for pregnancy. Among gynecologists, there is an opinion that using the same monthly calendar, you can plan the gender of the child. They say that if you conceive a child exactly in the middle of ovulation, then with high probability a boy will be born, but if 1-2 days earlier or later, a girl will be born. Doctors explain this by saying that the mobility of spermatozoa that carry male chromosome, much more in the middle of ovulation.

The menstrual cycle interval of a healthy woman ranges from 28 to 35 days. Most women have 29-30 days. If your critical days are beyond this interval, you better consult a doctor. The menstrual cycle is usually counted from the first day of bleeding of one period to the first day of bleeding of the next. When asked by the doctor when your last critical days were, you should name the first day - the last bleeding.

For expectant mothers, a menstrual calendar will help calculate the day of birth. The duration of a healthy pregnancy in humans is 280 days. You can download the monthly calendar for free. The size of the calendar is 85 x 33 mm (78 kb), in this size, this calendar is very convenient to carry in your wallet, in a place for plastic cards.

If you were looking for conception calendar, then an overview of the best of them can be found in.

Women's period calendar for 2016

This is what the women's calendar looks like, which you can download for free. Once you download it, all you need to do is print it out and put it in your purse.

Months completed different colors, so it will be easy to navigate the calendar small size. You can download it for free from the mail cloud (png, 73 kb, 85x38 mm)

Download period calendar for 2017

Each subsequent monthly calendar template is subject to improvement. And this one, for 2017, has become even more convenient than the previous one. Now there are dates on it that you can simply cross out with crosses. And the size is even better. After downloading this monthly calendar in vector PDF, you can print it in any size convenient for you.

Period calendar for 2018

In practice, it was discovered that women's days It’s better to mark it on a regular calendar, but in a small size. We suggest you download this monthly calendar for 2018 in the format



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