Medical examination in the hospital. Complete examination of the body - in one day! Types of complex MRI according to the scope of the examination performed

Most people who live in cities try to put off visiting a doctor because they do not have enough time. But you need to remember that in order to get rid of expensive treatment in the future, it is better to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body in advance. Moscow is a huge metropolis with a large number of clinics providing such services.


Thanks to laboratory testing, it is possible to identify diseases that the patient is not even aware of, since they did not manifest symptoms. Based on the results, treatment is prescribed and the necessary recommendations are given.
Quite often, if a patient suffers from constant malaise, causeless weakness and discomfort, he needs to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. Moscow pleases with a wide range of services provided by clinics. They will help to identify what the patient is sick with, the stage of its progression and what disease has affected the body.

Most often such procedures include:

  • medical examination;
  • specialist consultations;
  • ECG (electrocardiography);
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of all organs;
  • examination of cellular metabolism;
  • urine, blood, nail and hair tests.

Why and how often is diagnostics carried out?

Human life depends on how much attention is paid to health. Poor nutrition, bad habits, poor environment, stress - these are the main factors that reduce the time spent on the planet. Many people bring themselves closer to death on their own because they do not take into account the signals given by the body.

The World Health Organization strongly recommends an annual comprehensive examination of the body. They can widely provide a variety of services; such activities will not only help identify the disease at an early stage, but will also help assess the overall degree of health and organs separately. According to experts, 80% of diseases that were diagnosed at an early stage can be cured.

Where to go

Initially, it is better to seek help from a specialist, such as a therapist or family doctor. In traditional medicine, it will take a sufficient amount of time and money to complete the entire list of necessary studies. You can also go to the hospital to reduce the time, but living together with people who are not always healthy can negatively affect your well-being.

Today, modern medical centers provide a comprehensive examination of the body. Moscow is a city in which there is a very large number of such establishments. They will prescribe a package of services, which includes lists of studies, tests and consultations in accordance with the age and gender of the patient. This is an excellent option for people who value not only their health, but, of course, time. This procedure can be completed in just a few days. In modern clinics, service packages are called Check-up.

Special programs

A complete examination of the stronger and weaker sex implies some differences.
For men it is intended:

  • examination by a urologist and ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • transrectal examination;
  • cancer markers that are most often found in the male body.
  • measuring bone density to determine the degree of osteoporosis;
  • mammography;
  • cancer markers and blood tests;
  • video colposcopy;
  • Pap test to assess damage to human papillomavirus infection.


Often there is a need to examine the child’s entire body. Parents are interested not only in the presence of chronic pathologies, but also in congenital developmental anomalies, which may require immediate correction. Before entering a preschool, school or sports clubs, you must undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. This is confirmed) today a large number of clinics are engaged in diagnosing children. The service package includes the following areas:

  • Full examination by an experienced pediatrician according to the traditional scheme for all organs.
  • Special tests and visual programs are used to diagnose children.
  • Biochemical and general clinical tests of blood and urine.
  • Electrocardiogram and, if necessary, echocardiogram.
  • Chest X-ray, which is often replaced by tomography.
  • Examination by an ENT doctor to identify problems related to hearing and speech.
  • Appointment with an orthopedist to check for pathologies in the spine and joints that require special treatment.
  • Consultation with a surgeon to detect hernias, as well as other congenital developmental anomalies.
  • Examination by a dentist for a series of further orthopedic corrections.
  • In adolescents, the hormonal profile is checked.

As a result of the acquired information, specialists develop an individual plan for treating the child, if necessary. At the request of parents, a genetic passport can be made, which provides information about the most likely diseases of a particular child, his characteristics and inclinations.

  1. It is important to refrain from eating 10-12 hours before the examination, since all tests must be taken only on an empty stomach.
  2. Before a smear, at an appointment with a urologist, you are required to not urinate for 2 hours.
  3. Women and girls need to plan a comprehensive examination of the body on days 5-7 of the cycle. In Moscow, clinics often offer inpatient studies specifically for the fair sex.
  4. It is not advisable to take vitamins or medications before donating blood, as they may affect the results.
  5. If you need to undergo a colonoscopy, you need a diet with 3 days of taking the drug Fortrans.

Moscow clinics

Today there are many centers where you can get a comprehensive examination of the body in Moscow:

  • The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a multifunctional one. Today it includes: a treatment and diagnostic center and a hospital, a pediatric service, dentistry - just everything to provide package services. The diagnostic base has the latest modern equipment from well-known manufacturers. Members of international professional communities, doctors of science and doctors of the highest category work there. The center is located at: st. Fotieva, 12, building 3.
  • Medsi, there is an opportunity to undergo in-depth express diagnostics using the Check-up program. All prepared examinations comply with the best international standards and help to obtain complete information about health. The specialists who work there have undergone internships in leading Western clinics and will perfectly conduct a comprehensive examination of the body in Moscow. Medsi will identify almost all disorders that exist at the time of application, and based on the results will provide reliable information, even about those disorders that may appear in the future. Located on the street. Krasnaya Presnya, building 16.
  • "YUVAO" is a licensed center, where treatment is carried out according to international standards. Doctors work by appointment only and offer a wide range of package services. The flexibility of the schedule will please many, since the clinic can conduct a comprehensive examination of the body not only on weekdays, but also on weekends at any time. In Moscow "YUVAO" is located at the address: st. Lyublinskaya, 157, building 2.
  • The MedClub medical center is a modern institution, the main areas of activity are: hardware, aesthetic and injection cosmetology, general medicine and dentistry. Check-up programs are executed only on modern equipment. All doctors have high experience and professionalism. The center is located at: st. Tverskaya, house 12, building 8.
  • The Private Practice Clinic provides high-quality comprehensive examination of the body in Moscow. An inexpensive center that provides a variety of ultrasounds, duplex scans, ECGs and general examinations by specialists. Located on the street. Bolotnikovskaya, house 5, building 2.
  • MegaClinic can offer its clients a wide range of services, all types of tests, ultrasound diagnostics, massages, consultation and treatment in all areas of medicine. Can be found on the street. building 4, bldg. 2.


The price for a comprehensive examination of the body in Moscow can be quite different. Hospitals are very crowded, as many people choose this procedure to improve their health. The indicator varies depending on the list of services, as well as the reputation of the institution that was chosen. The cost can be too high even when the results are needed very urgently. Most often, the price starts from 10 thousand rubles and rises significantly, since it depends on the result that you want to get in the end.

  • Medical examination “Oncological male”
  • Medical examination using the Truskrin device
  • Medical examination “We want a child”
  • Medical examination “Diabetes diagnosis”
  • Medical examination “Diagnostics of male infertility”
  • Medical examination “Prevention of cervical cancer”
  • Medical examination “Head without problems”
  • Medical examination "Hospital complex"
  • Diagnostic analysis panels
  • Endoscopic examination - gastroscopy in Stupino
  • Medical examination: undergo a full examination

    How long ago have you had a medical examination? In pursuit of a career, creating a prosperous family, we forget about the most important thing - all our efforts will be in vain if there is no health. The Russian Ministry of Health recommends conducting a full examination for the presence or absence of any diseases for each person one to several times a year. To undergo a complete examination of the body in a city clinic often takes a long time - from a month to six months. The Moskovia examination clinic takes care of your health. We have created all the conditions for you to undergo a medical examination of all important body systems quickly and efficiently. Pay attention to yourself, and we will check your health! The unique medical examination programs developed in our medical center will help you be healthy and undergo a full examination in the shortest possible time - from one to three days!

    A medical examination at the Moskovia examination clinic allows you to undergo a complete examination of the body with high quality and without spending a lot of time on it. Thanks to a medical examination in our examination clinic, you will be able to undergo consultations and examinations by all medical specialists, take tests and smears for various diseases, have an ultrasound, ECG and other instrumental studies. Based on the results of the medical examination, medical specialists will analyze in detail the risk factors for certain diseases, tell you which of your body systems is failing and needs treatment, and if there are identified diseases, they will give recommendations for treatment. A medical examination at an examination clinic in the south-east of Moscow or at an examination clinic in Stupino will help you cure existing diseases in a timely manner, as well as prevent their occurrence at the very initial stage, when there is no pain yet and the existing disease does not bother you. You can undergo a full examination and, if necessary, treatment of your body quickly, affordably and efficiently at an examination clinic in Moscow near the Tekstilshchiki metro station (Kuzminki, Volzhskaya) or in the Moscow region in the city of Stupino.

    The program of a full medical examination at an examination clinic in the South-Eastern Administrative District near the Tekstilshchiki metro station (Kuzminki, Volzhskaya, Volgogradsky Prospekt, Ryazansky Prospekt, Maryino, Vykhino), as well as at an examination clinic in Stupino (Kashira, Voskresensk) was compiled specifically for busy people who want to take care of their health, but lack free time to do this. We offer you a unique routing system that will allow you to undergo a full medical examination by all necessary medical specialists, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics in one or two to three days. You can undergo a complete examination of the body in an affordable, high-quality manner and without spending a lot of time on it at the Moscovia examination clinic! Medical examinations are carried out only by the most experienced, highly qualified doctors with extensive experience and exclusively using the latest and most modern equipment, which will allow you to obtain accurate and reliable data on the state of your health.

    Screening Clinic: What Medical Screening Programs Are There?

    Especially for your convenience, the specialists of the examination clinic have developed several ready-made programs that differ in the number and specificity of tests, examinations by doctors of different specialties, as well as instrumental diagnostics:

    • “Minimal risk” (basic examination characterizing the state of important body systems: respiratory, endocrine, genitourinary, digestive, reproductive cardiovascular);
    • “Absolute optimum” (Extended examination of the body, characterizing the state of all body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, genitourinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, nervous, immune);
    • “Premium control” (The most complete examination that allows you to characterize the condition of absolutely all body systems: digestive, endocrine, respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular, reproductive, musculoskeletal, nervous, immune, as well as assess risk factors for certain diseases already at the earliest stage of the disease. This program also allows you to assess metabolism as fully as possible, and also gives the most complete picture of analyzes and instrumental studies);
    • “Heart and Vessels” (Examination that allows you to undergo a complete diagnosis of the cardiovascular system);
    • Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common disorders in the sexual life of men.
    • “Oncological male” (Medical examination aimed at identifying a tendency to cancer);
    • “We want a child” (Medical examination that allows you to identify hidden health problems of a couple before the woman becomes pregnant);
    • “Diagnostics of diabetes” (Medical examination for the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus, as well as its prevention);
    • Breast examination and identification of risk of hereditary breast cancer
    • Endoscopic examination - gastroscopy Not painful, not scary, fast! In Muscovy, in the city of Stupino, you can undergo an endoscopic examination - gastroscopy.

    Get a full examination at the Moskovia examination clinic guarantees you complete safety from the appearance of any risk factors for any disease. After a medical examination, preventive measures will be taken to ensure that the disease does not appear. A correct and timely diagnosis allows for the most effective treatment. That is why, if your health is important to you, it is recommended to conduct a medical examination at least once a year. Get a medical examination today at our medical clinic! The examination will extend your life by fifteen, and possibly twenty years!

    Undergo a full examination at the Moskovia examination clinic

    A complete examination at the Moscovia examination clinic will allow you to:

    • using modern diagnostic methods to determine the correct
      and accurate diagnosis;
    • learn about the risks of the disease even before the first symptoms,
      when there is no pain and nothing bothers you;
    • based on the results of the analyzes and instrumental
      research by our experienced, highly qualified doctors
      will tell you about the most effective methods of treating the identified
      diseases, as well as methods of prevention

    When we think about the clinic in our area, “service” and “courtesy” are the last things that come to mind. Moreover, sometimes the hospital at your place of residence is not equipped with the equipment necessary for high-quality diagnostics. But looking after your health is important and necessary, and full examinations in the capital’s clinics cost money, and quite a lot of it. Foxtime talks about where and how to get diagnosed for various types of cancer, take an anonymous HIV test, blood tests, have an oral examination and an vision test absolutely free

    • Diagnosis of oncological diseases of the pelvic organs and mammary glands in women

    A breast tumor occurs in every second woman over thirty years of age. Despite the fact that most of them are benign, a tumor can turn into cancer at any time. In Russia, about 50 thousand new cases of breast cancer are registered every year. At the White Rose charitable medical center for women's health, any woman, regardless of income level, can undergo free diagnostics. Appointments open every first and third Thursday of the month. In the center you can get advice from a gynecologist and mammologist, have an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs and mammary glands, take a smear for oncocytology, undergo an invasive examination, as well as have a colposcopy and mammography. All examinations are carried out using the latest equipment. Such a comprehensive diagnosis will allow you to exclude the possibility of a tumor or notice it at a very early stage.

    Charitable medical diagnostic center for women's health "White Rose"
    Working hours: 8:00 – 22:00

    • Initial examination and consultation with a dental hygienist, photo and video diagnostics, panoramic dental x-ray

    At the Dentatek clinic you have the opportunity to undergo a preventive examination, photo and video diagnostics of the oral cavity, take dental x-rays, and, most importantly, get photographs in your hands. Based on the results of the examinations, you will be able to objectively assess the condition of the oral cavity, find out the recommendations of a dental care specialist and, if necessary, discuss a treatment plan with your doctor. For the same procedures in another clinic, you will have to pay a considerable amount, and without an initial examination and diagnosis, you cannot continue full-fledged dental treatment. Every undetected caries is pulpitis in the future, and pulpitis is expensive to treat and impossible to tolerate.

    Family Dentistry Center "Dentatek"
    Opening hours: 9:00 – 21:00

    • Colorectal cancer test

    In Russia, colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon and rectum) is in third place in terms of prevalence (in men - after lung and stomach cancer, and in women - after breast and skin cancer). The worst thing about it is the high mortality rate in the first year after the tumor is detected. In 60-70% of patients, cancer is diagnosed in an advanced form, when pain appears or bleeding occurs. Therefore, GMS Clinic came up with the idea of ​​conducting independent testing: extremely loyal to the person, taking into account the eternal shyness in such a delicate issue. Colorectal cancer is preventable in 95% of cases if the polyp from which the tumor grows is detected in time. Until the end of February, GMS Clinic is holding a campaign to prevent colorectal cancer. Any visitor can take a free test box from the toilet to determine occult blood in stool. This is a reliable way to “catch” colon and rectal cancer at a stage when a person does not yet suspect that he is sick. The promotion will last until the end of February 2017.

    GMS Clinic
    Opening hours: 24/7

    • HIV test

    In Russia, the total number of registered people with HIV is approaching 500,000. AIDS is one of the five main diseases that claim the largest number of lives on the planet. The virus, for which a cure has never been found, is not a thing of the past: every day there are more people infected. There is no cure for AIDS, you can only continue to live with it. Every Russian can take an HIV test absolutely free of charge at any clinic or hospital at their place of residence. There is also the possibility of anonymous examination and consultation with a doctor before and after the test. There are 36 medical institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region where you can undergo examination absolutely anonymously and receive further psychosocial counseling.

    • Dermatoscopy

    The FreeDermoscopy project gives everyone the opportunity to undergo a free mole examination in just fifteen minutes at the EuroFemme clinic. One person on earth dies every hour from melanoma (skin cancer). It is often called the most dangerous cancer of all: melanoma is difficult to notice at an early stage, and it develops quickly. During dermatoscopy, the doctor will point out suspicious formations and advise the frequency of preventive examinations. The clinic also provides you with a free examination card and secure access to your videoscopy images. For a free examination, you need to print out a coupon, which can be found on the clinic’s website and make an appointment by phone.

    Opening hours: 9:00 – 21:00

    • Blood tests, respiratory function tests, electrocardiography

    In 47 Moscow clinics you can comprehensively examine the body. The examination includes blood tests for sugar and cholesterol, testing of respiratory functions and electrocardiography using modern hardware systems. You can be examined in any clinic, regardless of your place of registration. It is enough to present a medical insurance policy at the medical institution. Based on the results of the examination, a “health center card” is drawn up, which contains recommendations on “how to live longer” and rules for a healthy lifestyle. A comprehensive examination will show your general level of health and help you notice any deviations in time and prevent illness.

    • Vascular examination, electrocardiogram and bioimpedancemetry

    At the “Center for Medical Prevention”, anyone over 18 years of age can undergo testing for non-communicable chronic diseases free of charge and, importantly, without queues. There are always risk factors for the development of such diseases, and timely examination can prevent it. If somewhere it hurts, pulls, colitises or cuts, you should go to the Center for Medical Prevention. The examination includes several tests, an examination by an ophthalmologist, a dentist, a cardiogram, a check of the vascular system, a comprehensive examination of the respiratory system and determination of the percentage of fat, musculoskeletal mass and fluid in the body (bioimpedancemetry). Based on the test results, the doctor will issue an examination conclusion and advise on treatment and lifestyle adjustments. You can also get a free consultation with a doctor on physical therapy, and then take a course under the guidance of an instructor.

    "Center for Medical Prevention"
    Working hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 – 17:30

    • Ophthalmological examination, heart and foot diagnostics

    In 2017, at VDNKh you can undergo free diagnostics of the eyes, heart and feet. The examinations are simple, but it is possible to get doctor’s recommendations and find out what to pay attention to in the future. By the way, selection of glasses is a bonus to the vision test. The examination schedule can be obtained from the pavilion in paper form or found online.

    VDNH, Pavilion No. 5 (Moscow Public Center for a Healthy Lifestyle)
    Opening hours: 10:30-17:00

    Text: Elizaveta Smorodina,

    Whole body MRI is the primary diagnosis of organs and tissues in order to identify and localize tumors, the presence of serious pathological changes in internal organs and tissues. MRI examination of the body is used when it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease, if a closed injury is diagnosed, as well as for certain indications. Whole body tomography (MRI) is performed using a screening technique in several planes. A child can undergo a complete examination of the entire body using MRI at any age. This type of diagnosis has practically no age restrictions, however, due to the need to remain immobile for a fairly long period of time, the study is carried out for young children under anesthesia or using sedatives.

    Complete diagnostics of the body,


    Indications for a comprehensive examination of the whole body using MRI are: systemic, widespread damage to organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes, etc.; search for metastases and tumors if cancer is suspected; complex diagnostic cases in which it is difficult to draw conclusions about the localization of the pathological process in the body and its nature; combined injuries; preventive examination to identify possible diseases.


    Complete diagnosis of the body using MRI is highly accurate and safe, without radiation exposure. There is no need to prepare specially for the study. Contraindications to the procedure include metal elements in the body (pacemakers, vascular clips, implants, etc.), early pregnancy, and allergies to contrast. In case of intolerance to a confined space, it is possible to do a tomography under anesthesia.

    More details


    The cost of a whole-body MRI in Moscow ranges from 14,800 to 72,000 rubles. The average price is 28,890 rubles.

    Where can I get an MRI of the whole body?

    Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an MRI of the whole body in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

    1. A complete examination by doctors makes it possible to identify a predisposition to a particular pathology and diagnose it at the earliest stages of development. With such regular examination of the body, it is quite possible to identify problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and diagnose oncological processes at an early stage.
    2. A comprehensive health examination provides an opportunity to save on future treatment. It is well known that treating a disease at an early stage of development is much cheaper than therapy or surgery in advanced cases.

    Many clinics have excellent facilities for conducting a complete examination of the patient, and this will be done in a short time and at a very reasonable cost.

    What is a comprehensive body examination?

    It all starts with a visit to a therapist, who will talk with the patient, collect and document an anamnesis, which will help determine further actions. If you need to conduct a comprehensive examination of your child, you should immediately contact a pediatrician. During the visit to these specialists, the patient’s physical parameters are also measured - his height, weight, and blood pressure is necessarily checked.

    A comprehensive examination of the patient also includes an electrocardiogram, and this procedure is performed twice - under load and without it. Based on the results of the electrocardiogram, the doctor determines the state of health of the cardiovascular system and decides whether additional examinations in this direction are necessary.

    Each patient is prescribed a general blood and urine test, and, if necessary, a stool test. A detailed biochemical blood test will give a three-dimensional picture of the condition and functioning of the body. Spirometry is also mandatory, which allows you to determine how well the lungs are doing their job.

    Comprehensive examination programs in the hospital include a check with an ophthalmologist - the doctor examines the fundus of the eye, determines intraocular pressure and visual acuity. All other specialists are considered specialists, so you need to undergo regular examinations with them only as prescribed by primary doctors.

    The results of the full examination are announced to the patient by the therapist.

    Comprehensive examination of women's health

    In addition to a general examination, a woman must also undergo a specific examination, which is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of the patient. As a rule, a comprehensive examination of a woman’s health includes:

    • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs
    • computed tomography scan of bone thickness to diagnose osteoporosis
    • mammography (helps detect breast cancer at an early stage)
    • PAP test (detects cervical cancer at an early stage)
    • a specific blood test that determines hormone levels.

    If a woman undergoes a comprehensive examination of her entire body on time, this will help not only to diagnose pathologies at an early stage of development, but also to identify the beginning of physiological changes in the body, for example, during menopause. This will help correct the condition or cope with the disease before it causes harm to the body.

    A full body examination in a clinic is not a fad or a fashionable phenomenon, but a necessity. Very often it is necessary to carry out a similar procedure for children; it will help identify health problems, even if there are no characteristic signs. For example, many children fail to cope with their studies, parents attribute this to laziness, and an examination may well reveal a lack of thyroid hormones. This condition is easily and quickly corrected, which normalizes the child’s studies.

    Many people are interested in where they can undergo a complete examination of the body. Firstly, you can contact a state polyclinic institution - all the main specialists are simply obliged to examine the patient and make their verdict. Secondly, you can contact a clinic that will provide not only specialists, but also modern equipment for examination - the results will be more informative. By the way, the price of a comprehensive medical examination is quite adequate; it will suit even less wealthy citizens.



    2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs