Masseur. What does this specialist do, what manipulations does he perform, what pathologies does he treat? How is the appointment with a massage therapist? Eastern massage system

Who is a massage therapist?

Everyone knows what a massage is. This method of influencing own body known to many since childhood. The specialist who conducts similar procedures, and is called a massage therapist. He has a medical education and is also well versed in anatomical features person.

What does a massage therapist do?

It’s easy to figure out what a massage therapist does. However, depending on the type of massage, the work of a specialist may differ. Thus, manipulations carried out in hospitals are fundamentally different from procedures in beauty salons. In any case, a good massage therapist must be aware of the health status of his patient. It is necessary to know even about diseases suffered previously, because careless movement of a physician can cause complications.

When should you contact a professional?

There are many indications for therapeutic massage. The procedure is necessary for most diseases of the musculoskeletal system (not in the acute stage). In addition, massage can correct disorders of the spine and joints (which is why it is so often prescribed for scoliosis). Such manipulations play a huge role in recovery from paralysis and paresis, which serve frequent consequences strokes and diseases related to the brain. The analgesic effect of massage has long been noted. He is able to eliminate discomfort arising from malfunction internal organs(for example, pain due to gynecological ailments or migraines).

It is worth contacting a massage therapist for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer. This will relieve muscle tension and protect yourself from the development of many unpleasant diseases, and also relax. Sedative effect Massage is useful for everyone whose work involves nerves and psychological stress. It is no coincidence that many salons conduct special procedures using various aromatic oils and pleasant music - this allows you to relax as much as possible, both physically and mentally. A special function is performed by the so-called sports massage. It allows athletes to relax their muscles after training, as well as strengthen them and prepare them for new loads.

A huge number of therapeutic and non-therapeutic types of massage allows each person to choose what he needs.

How to become a massage therapist?

The first step to the desired profession is obtaining a secondary education medical education. This can be done at any medical college or Moscow school, state and not only. It is enough to obtain the specialty of a nurse. Training is carried out on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, you can enroll at any age. After training, you need to take special courses in massage. In most cases, this can be done at the same institution where you received your basic education. You can also learn massage from numerous private organizations. You just need to make sure that the institution you choose has a special license. Suitable options may be, for example, the Master Point training center, the Institute of Massage and Cosmetology, the Institute of Professional Massage, etc.

The option of working as a massage therapist without a medical education is quite controversial. Some organizations offer short-term courses that will allow anyone to learn how to do massage. It is worth remembering what to do in this case medical procedures you won’t be able to, and finding a job can be quite difficult.

Famous Moscow specialists

Massage is one of the oldest medical directions. Over the centuries, numerous specialists have been trained in the art of massage. Today there are hundreds of massage therapists in Moscow. The most popular and in demand are V.S. Eni-Orolunda, Y.P. Moskal, T.N. Kornilova and others.

The help of a massage therapist may be required for people who suffer from disorders in musculoskeletal system, suffered an injury, fracture, muscle strain. If you are worried about migraines, lower back pain, cervical spine spine or back, when a person is regularly overtired, both mentally and physically. The patient may also be referred to a similar specialist for massage for bronchitis, pneumonia, peptic ulcer.

There are several popular types of massage:

classic massage;

therapeutic massage;

thai massage;

anti-cellulite massage;

sports massage;

relaxing massage.

Massage therapist: how to choose a good specialist

Are all Moscow massage therapists professionals in their field and how to identify an experienced one? good specialist? A highly qualified massage therapist always knows which massage technique is suitable for a particular problem. The entire course of treatment should be varied, not identical, procedures. He must know when intensive tissue treatment is required during a massage, and when soft massage to maintain muscle tone.

It is most reasonable to approach the choice of a doctor for consultation, based on the recommendations of people who have had a massage with him. Good masseur in Moscow, reviews, as well as the rating indicator, will be positive. Now you know where to find the best specialist.

Our website contains reviews of massage therapists in Moscow. They are left by real patients so that you can understand how effectively a particular massage therapist treats.

The rating of Moscow massage therapists is a relative system for assessing professionalism. To calculate it, they take into account all the recommendations that people leave on the site, which makes it very significant indicator when choosing a specialist for yourself.

Masseur- a massage specialist who applies healing technique, the art of touch, techniques of influencing the human body and organs with hands. Applies a method that allows you to control physiological state body, eliminates psychosomatic diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other internal organs.

What is the competence of a massage therapist?

For each patient, the massage therapist selects an individual massage technique. All actions must fulfill the main task, contribute to successful treatment. The entire treatment course eliminates stereotyping and the procedures should not be repeated.

To raise general tone body, activate recovery processes, eliminate muscle hypertonicity at the beginning healing process They do superficial tissue massage, as well as soft massage.

What diseases does a massage therapist treat?

Indications for therapeutic massage are:

  • the need for rapid resorption in tissues after the inflammatory process;
  • to improve performance nervous system and muscles.

Massage is indicated for many diseases:

  • The main indication for massage is a disease of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Massage is prescribed for diseases cardiovascular system, at hypertension(raise or decrease blood pressure), in case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. It has an effect on nerve endings, restores their conductivity, improves blood supply, nourishes muscles;
  • Massage is recommended for illnesses motor nerves, convulsions, neuralgia, which are accompanied by painful sensations;
  • Massage is prescribed for scars, cuts, burns, fractures, curvatures of the spine, changes in the shape of joints, torticollis;
  • A special type of massage is prescribed for chronic disorder nutrition. As a result, metabolism improves, protective forces body, tone;
  • Therapeutic massage used for diseases of internal organs as additional remedy. Massage actions are carried out in the back, abdomen, and side of the body. Such actions significantly reduce pain;
  • Massage is prescribed for gynecological diseases(uterine massage) for severe pain;
  • Massage gives positive results for diseases of the nervous system, where it is used as a sedative.

The massage therapist performs correction of the spine and joints, namely:

  • , scoliosis, incorrect posture;
  • osteochondrosis, acute, chronic pain in the back, neck;
  • skeletal diseases;
  • limited mobility of the spine, neck, shoulder and hip joints.

Indications for massage are also headaches, migraine-type pain, and dizziness.

What organs does a massage therapist deal with?

A massage specialist treats the entire body as a whole. It all depends on the patient's complaints. Therapeutic massage is performed on all parts of the body (limbs, buttocks, back, all parts of the spine, head, face, abdomen).

When should you contact a Massage Therapist?

In some cases, the effect of massage is better than drug treatment. It is recommended to visit a massage parlor not only for acute diseases. Preventive massage will prevent the development various diseases, will keep the body in good shape.

Wellness massage is prescribed for disorders of the nervous system (relaxing or tonic).

Massage is necessary for those who experience constant tension in certain parts of the body (back, neck, lower back).

Twice a year it is necessary to massage those who suffer from osteochondrosis. This will remove unpleasant symptoms illness and improve quality of life.
Honey massage, massage with herbal remedies is carried out for diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia,).
A visit to the massage room will help cope with depression, frequent headaches, stress, and eliminate chronic fatigue, normalize sleep, relieve mental stress.

Massage is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, intestinal diseases, duodenum, liver, kidneys).

The help of a massage therapist is necessary for bruises, stretch marks, fractures during the healing period, when functional disorders after a dislocation or fracture.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, the period after a heart attack, hypertension, hypotension), massage procedures are also recommended.

When and what tests should be done?

There is no need to do any special tests to see a massage therapist. The results of examination by other specialists will be sufficient. It is also necessary to notify the massage therapist if you are treatment course you are sick. If the patient has complaints, a cardiogram, ultrasound, blood test, or x-ray are prescribed.

What main types of diagnostics does a massage therapist usually perform?

No additional diagnostics are required. Massage is carried out healthy patients for the prevention of diseases.

If there is a disease, the massage therapist uses the diagnosis data according to which the massage was prescribed.


At nervous tension A massage will help you. But first, take a warm bath and turn on some calm music. This will allow your muscles to relax before the massage. If someone close to you is nearby, let them massage your shoulders. It is problematic to massage this part of the body on your own. Therefore, if there is no one to help, use a wooden massager. Use relaxing agents that contain helichrysum and wheat germ oil.

Massage and gymnastics are very important for a baby. It brings great pleasure to the child. The procedure has a positive effect on physical and mental development child, the function of all senses and organs of the central nervous system improves, immunity increases, and metabolism improves. Prevention is possible colds. Also, massage and gymnastics improve a toddler’s sleep and promote weight gain. Massage at this age will prevent the development of flat feet, torticollis, and clubfoot.

Light, gentle strokes on the tummy will help the baby cope with intestinal colic, hypertonicity, hypotonicity of muscles, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Carry out with clean, dry hands, without using talc and petroleum jelly, as well as nourishing, strong-smelling creams and oils. It can cause allergies in the baby. It is enough to lubricate your hands with any baby cream.

Conduct massage procedure the child is prohibited from high temperature, skin inflammations and diathesis.

The room where the massage session is performed is ventilated before the procedure and the temperature is maintained at least 22 degrees. At the same time, the air is warm and fresh.

The hands of the massage therapist are warm, clean and dry. They should not have any decorations on them to avoid injury. delicate skin baby. There must be contact between the baby and the doctor; the baby should not be afraid of the doctor.

Carry out the massage on a hard surface, laying down a towel or thin blanket. All massage actions are carried out carefully, without causing pain to the little one, accurately and professionally. There should be no sudden movements so as not to disrupt the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

During the massage it is necessary to observe the baby. Notice those actions that bring the child the most pleasure. And start the next session with them.



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