A mask that is 95 percent safer than others. The mask show continues

Scientists were able to prove the harm of “tasty” fillers for electronic cigarettes. In their opinion, the substances released with steam are dangerous not only for smokers, but also for others. Their level of content exceeds all safety standards.

Scientists have been studying electronic cigarettes for years, gaining popularity among smokers around the world since the beginning of the millennium. The researchers' conclusions are disappointing: steam is not at all safer than smoke. It turns out that it contains a large amount of dangerous aldehydes that negatively affect the health of the “vaper” himself and those around him.

- The growing popularity of e-cigarettes has raised concerns about the negative health effects of people who use e-cigarettes or vapes. Our study demonstrates that thermal decomposition of aroma predominantly produces aldehydes. The level of their content exceeds professional safety standards, - says a study published in Environmental Science & Technology.

Thus, scientists have refuted the claim of vapers that vapor is 95% safer than cigarette smoke. This means that “tasty” fillers really harm the health of a smoker who decides to replace a regular cigarette with an electronic one. Scientists plan to continue studying this topic to find out to what extent fragrances influence the formation of aldehydes.

Fans of swimming and diving have probably noticed the new format of swimming masks that look like a helmet. These are underwater masks for the entire face. Their main feature is that the air tube has a valve that closes when submerged under water. In addition, there is no need to hold the pipe in your teeth. The mask itself is divided into 2 sectors: for breathing and for viewing. Thanks to this, the glass does not fog up and you can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

In this article, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages, we will look at the features of using this type of mask.

Full face snorkel mask: who is it for?

An underwater mask will allow you to plunge into a world that beckons with its secrets, as if you are inside a boundless oceanarium with the most exotic inhabitants. This mask will also be useful for underwater fishing enthusiasts - you will be able to dive into shallow river depths to catch the desired catch! Or you can simply look at the variety of shapes and colors of sea pebbles on the bottom. Children especially love this!

Note: Although some people call these underwater masks diving masks, they are not suitable for diving deeper than 1.5-2 meters.

Therefore, if you are looking for a mask specifically for deep sea diving, then this option is not suitable for you.

Design features of an underwater mask for snorkeling

Completely sealed. Thanks to the presence of a special float in the breathing tube, which, when immersed under water, clogs its upper hole, water is completely prevented from getting inside during strong waves or diving under water - you can safely dive to depth!

The glass of the mask does not fog up. Thanks to modern ventilation technologies, it does not fog up under any conditions, creating comfortable breathing for you. The exhaled air is discharged through the side gutters, through which the air enters the tube. Thus, the air inside the mask is constantly renewed. You will feel great even if the water temperature is only 18°C, because the inhaled cool air first hits the glass, and only then into your nose and mouth.

Breathe freely and easily. The absence of a tube in your mouth and the presence of a 2-circuit ventilation system will allow you to breathe as in normal life - through your mouth or nose, which is impossible with ordinary masks!

Draining water from the mask. A special valve located at the bottom of the mask allows trapped water to be removed - an important element of safe breathing.

Panoramic snorkeling. A wide viewing angle of 180° due to the complete transparency of the entire front side of the mask will allow you to take in all the beauty of the underwater world and not miss a single inhabitant!

Prices for snorkeling masks

Especially for our readers, we have made a selection of masks for the whole face, which can be bought both on Aliexpress and on Amazon.

Popular brands of snorkel masks

Once this type of mask was developed, there were only a few manufacturers who produced them:

  • (manufacturer France). It is one of the most common brands, models of which you can buy both on the popular Amazon and Ebay platforms, and in many regional online stores ;
  • (USA manufacturer). Also a popular brand that is in demand in the USA and European countries;

Subsequently, many other modifications appeared, cheaper replicas, such as . It is difficult to judge which of them will be the best purchase for you, since there are positive and negative reviews of use in all of the listed models. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and choose the ideal combination of price and quality for yourself.

What you need to know when using the mask

Why can't I use a mask for freediving?

Since the air volume in the mask is greater than in a traditional mask, when diving up to 1 m, the pressure in the Easybreath mask increases, which leads to discomfort. The practice of freediving requires decompression, and with the Easybreath mask this is not possible due to the inability to access the nose.

Why is the tube in the mask short?

In reality, the snorkel protrudes more above the surface of the water than a classic snorkel. The classic breathing tube for swimming seems longer, because it extends from the mouth, and not from the top of the head, as is the case with the described type of mask.

What size mask is best to choose?

Full-face masks are produced by a number of manufacturers, and each has its own sizing chart and recommendations for choosing the size. To select a size in a store, you need to put on a mask and tighten it well. There should be no free space between your chin and the bottom of the mask.

Can I use a mask if I have a beard?

A beard can cause water to seep into your mask. It is not recommended for men with a beard to use this type of mask, since there is no guarantee that the plastic seal will fit tightly to the face.

Do masks really not fog up?

The anti-fog technology functions optimally at water temperatures from 18°C, because the cool air inhaled first hits the glass and only then into the nose or mouth. The moist air you exhale is discharged through the side plastic and then silicone gutters, through which the air enters the tube. Thus, the air inside the mask is constantly renewed. The same ventilation principle applies as for a car windshield.

How does the water blocking valve work (dry top system)?

This system is designed to prevent water from entering the snorkel during waves or when the user dives their head too deep while observing the underwater world. The tube contains a special float, which, when immersed under water, rises to its upper part and clogs the upper hole of the tube. Before ascending, you should not hold your breath - this way you will be sure that the float will descend down the tube again.

What precautions should you take with a full face mask?

Keep sand out! As with sunglasses and masks, avoid contact with sand as it can scratch the lens. If sand is found in the tube, do not secure it to the mask. Rinse the snorkel and mask before putting on. Sand can also block the float in the tube, which prevents water from entering. To remove sand, rinse the tube thoroughly before use or use a thin knitting needle to clean the vents.

The mask campaign is in full swing. What can you see on the streets now! There are even such things as scarves in the form of masks and masks in the form of scarves; -). Both are pure unsanitary conditions. Anything that was hanging on dirty clothes around the neck CANNOT be put on the face, be it a mask or muffler!!!

What kind of masks are there and what is the N95 standard?

Surgical masks are worn by healthcare professionals during surgery and other procedures to prevent the spread of germs in liquid droplets or aerosols from the mouth and nose.

Similar masks are often worn in Southeast Asia to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections. For example, the Japanese wear masks when they have a cold so as not to infect others.

A mask company of unprecedented scale has now been launched in Ukraine in connection with the flu epidemic. The former Minister of Health is not shy about recommending on air to sew masks from old rags, and instead of antiviral drugs, to cook “beetroot”... It’s better to keep quiet about the rest of what you saw and heard...

Previously, masks were made from gauze, now they are mainly made from special paper or other non-woven material. They are disposable and not intended to be worn again.

A surgical mask protects the physician from biological fluids entering the mouth. She also reminds you not to touch your mouth or nose. The mask reduces the likelihood of spreading droplets of germs to other people when coughing or sneezing, and also protects to some extent from inhaling such particles. Although they do catch such particles, they are much less effective in this regard compared to respirators made specifically for this purpose. Masks provide almost no protection from microdroplets released during breathing and talking, since the size of these droplets is much smaller than those produced by coughing and sneezing.

In the United States, an institute called the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) deals with the safety of medical personnel. It is a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NIOSH has approved the N95 safety standard for medical respirators to be used by healthcare personnel in patient contact during influenza epidemics and other respiratory infections. In Europe, the N95 standard corresponds to the EN 149 FFP3 standard. According to unconfirmed information, a similar standard does not exist in Russia.

The N95 respirator mask is one of 9 types of standard respirators according to the NIOSH classification. The N95 mask protects against 95% of airborne particles. The letter N means that the respirator does not protect against oil particles, the letter R (resistant) - which partially protects against oil particles, the letter P (proof) - which protects against oil particles. The number behind the letter indicates the percentage of particles captured.

The combination of letters and numbers gives 9 types of respirators:

  • N-95, N-99 and N-100
  • R-95, R-99 and R-100
  • P-95, P-99 P-100

Unlike a regular mask, an N95 mask is much better at sealing the mouth and nose from droplets entering through the side spaces. A list of N95 respirators is available on the NIOSH website (see link: NIOSH-Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators. Please note that some masks have a valve. N95 respirators do not protect against oil droplets.

N95 respirator:

N95 respirator

N95 respirator with valve. The valve reduces the accumulation of moisture under the mask:

Filtration mechanisms used in respirators.

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To improve the condition of your skin, it is not at all necessary to run to cosmetologists or spend hours with a mask on your face. It is enough to find and neutralize hidden enemies that are hidden in harmless everyday habits.

website I have prepared for you a selection of the most common household habits that turn out to be ruining your skin. Find out which ones you can opt out of today.

1. Use alcohol tonics

Many facial toners contain alcohol, which creates the effect of complete degreasing.

Advice: carefully check the composition of the tonic. If you have oily and problematic skin, then the alcohol content (in the composition it will be indicated as Alcohol or Ethanol) should not exceed 5%, and for other skin types it is better to choose alcohol-free tonics and lotions.

2. Buy creams in jars

Most face creams are sold in jars, although it is much safer and more effective to use a cream with a dispenser in a sealed package: firstly, you do not put your fingers in there, which prevents the entry and proliferation of bacteria, and secondly, many of the natural ingredients of the cream retain their properties longer .

3. Wash with regular soap

Regular soap leaves the skin feeling tight and dry when washed.

Advice: choose a cleansing gel or another cleansing option: foam, milk, fluid or tonic. After the product there should be no feeling of tightness or oily skin.

4. Cleanse your skin with a scrub

Abrasive scrub particles damage dry and sensitive skin and clog pores in oily and combination skin. And in case of irritation and pimples, using a scrub is generally contraindicated.

Advice: if you want additional skin cleansing, give preference to special masks. Both purchased and homemade options are suitable.

5. Wash your face often

Sometimes, especially in summer, it is tempting to wash your face as often as possible to enjoy fresh skin. But in fact, washing more than 2-3 times a day irritates the skin. The protective mechanism will trigger increased production of sebum, which may cause a rash.

Advice: To keep your skin feeling clean even in the heat, use a light cream with a mattifying effect in the morning, and mattifying wipes during the day.

6. Dry yourself with a towel

Two problems can arise with towels at once. Firstly, wet fabric is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, that is, if you rarely change towels, they will cause inflammation on the skin. Secondly, rubbing with a towel injures the skin.

Advice: change your face towel as often as possible, and after washing, do not dry yourself, but lightly pat your skin.

7. You have a lot of makeup

Your skin must “get used to” each cosmetic product, which is especially noticeable when changing cream or cleanser. And if you use many different products or change them frequently, then your skin will have to constantly adapt to new care, and it will quickly respond to you with dullness and irritation.

8. Don't give your face a break from makeup

When it comes to makeup, everything is good in moderation. The main thing is to avoid harsh foundations that clog pores, be sure to wash off makeup in the evening and give your skin 1-2 days of respite per week.

Advice: When choosing a foundation, give preference to one that is labeled “non-comedogenic” - this means that such a product does not clog the sebaceous glands or clog pores.

9. Constantly being under air conditioning

Air conditioning in the car, air conditioning in the office, and perhaps also at home - and you are in terribly dry air all day, which also dehydrates your skin. If you often find yourself in air-conditioned areas, pay special attention to choosing a good moisturizer.

10. Not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep causes stress, and stress increases cortisol levels. This hormone affects sebum production and causes premature skin aging. During sleep, cortisol levels drop, allowing the skin to repair itself. So sleep is the best beauty remedy.

11. Drink a lot of coffee

Those who drink more than 1 cup of coffee per day should be aware that coffee causes dullness of the skin, dilation of blood vessels and can cause rosacea. If you're ready to drink less coffee, but don't want to lose the energizing effect, there are others.

12. Lead a sedentary lifestyle



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