Treatment of a boil under the armpit. Symptoms, causes and treatment of hidradenitis under the armpit

A furuncle in the armpit is a purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland caused by staphylococci. Treatment of boils under the arm is carried out with local and systemic drugs.

Reasons for the appearance and stages of ripening of a boil under the armpit

Chiryak under the arm is formed under the influence of such factors:

  • increased sweating creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms;
  • microtraumas can become infected with pathogenic microorganisms - the armpit is often injured during shaving;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • weakened immunity.

There are three stages of the disease:

  1. At the infiltration stage, an inflammatory infiltrate is formed. Microorganisms penetrate the hair follicle through microtraumas. They are actively growing and reproducing. As a result of such activity, inflammation appears, which is manifested by pain in the armpit, swelling, redness of the skin, and increased local temperature. Patients complain of limited hand movements.
  2. Blood cells react to the activity of foreign agents. Macrophages and leukocytes begin to actively fight microbes. When an abscess with purulent contents forms under the armpit, the abscess formation stage begins. The boil can open on its own, but in most cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.
  3. After the pus is removed and the abscess opens, the healing stage begins. A wound forms at the site of the chiryak, which heals over time.

Methods of treatment in the armpit

There are different ways to treat a boil under the arm. Tactics are determined according to the stage of the disease. In the initial stage of the disease, drug treatment is used. Antiseptics relieve symptoms of pathology and suppress the proliferation of microorganisms. After a few days, the patient’s general condition improves and the boil goes away.

The boil in the abscess formation stage is removed surgically. The operation takes no more than 15 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis. Surgical treatment prevents the development of serious complications of the disease (abscess, phlegmon).

Experts recommend treatment with home remedies during the infiltration and healing stage. It is advisable to use traditional medicine recipes with pharmaceutical drugs.

Operative techniques

Opening a chiria under the arm for treatment is carried out step by step in several stages:

  1. The surgeon disinfects the surgical field with iodine.
  2. Next, anesthesia is performed with lidocaine or novocaine. The injection will be the only painful sensation during the operation.
  3. When the medicine takes effect, the doctor proceeds to the crucial moment - opening the boil. The incision is made through the most protruding point of the abscess (the apex). Pus comes out.
  4. Using tweezers, the surgeon removes the necrotic core.
  5. Next, the doctor disinfects the wound with hydrogen peroxide and places a rubber drainage. The latter is necessary to remove the remaining pus.
  6. The boil wound is covered with sterile wipes soaked in saline solution. The operation ends with the application of a bandage.
  7. The surgeon leaves the intervention site open. Stitches can only make the situation worse.
  8. The patient comes back the next day to change the drainage and dressing.

Systemic antibiotic therapy will help completely cure a boil under the armpit. The patient takes the prescribed treatment at home.


  1. Vishnevsky ointment helps with bacterial infection of the skin under the armpit. The drug has antibacterial, antiseptic, and reparative properties. The medicine has long been used in surgery to treat abscesses, boils, carbuncles, burns, frostbite, ulcers, and bedsores. Use the medication only externally. It is necessary to apply a thin layer of ointment to the pathological focus. Another option is to apply a compress with liniment. It is recommended to do several dressings per day.
  2. Some patients cannot tolerate Vishnevsky ointment due to its specific odor. The pharmacy also has other equally effective drugs. Levomekol has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The medicine destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The gel penetrates through biological membranes into inflamed tissues and stimulates reparative processes. Levomekol is applied to sterile napkins, which fill the wound surface. It is necessary to do several dressings per day. The effect is observed already on the second day of treatment for the boil.
  3. Tetracycline ointment is a local antibacterial drug. The drug inhibits protein synthesis of staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria, and salmonella. The ointment is used after rejection of purulent masses from the wound. The previously affected area under the arm is treated with antiseptics, then an antibacterial drug is applied. Apply twice daily.
  4. Ichthyol ointment relieves boils at an early stage of the disease. The drug has the following therapeutic effects: it disinfects the infiltrate and destroys bacteria. Due to its low cost and effectiveness, it is popular among the population. The duration of action of the ointment is limited - only a couple of hours. Dressings need to be changed frequently.
  5. Syntomycin ointment is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Active ingredient: Chloramphenicol. The drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms, draws pus from the wound under the arm. To treat a boil in the axillary area, apply daily compresses until the condition improves.
  6. Zinc ointment is used to reduce inflammation. Consists of zinc oxide, petroleum jelly. Gently dries the skin and promotes rapid recovery. The drug has no side effects. Used to treat boils during pregnancy and lactation. The ointment is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected area.
  7. Oflocain consists of the antibiotic Ofloxacin and the anesthetic Lidocaine. The drug simultaneously inhibits the growth of bacteria and reduces pain. Apply to the inflamed area several times a day.
  8. Dioxisol is a combination drug that consists of Lidocaine and Dioxidine. The first drug relieves pain, the second removes inflammation and destroys bacteria. The solution is applied to sterile napkins, which are applied to the affected area. The compress is fixed with a plaster or bandage. Change dressings 1 time per day.

Home treatment

If a boil suddenly appears under your arm, do not panic prematurely. Effective traditional medicine recipes will help cope with the disease:

  1. Take a leaf of white cabbage and moisten it with boiling water. Apply to education. Cabbage draws out the purulent contents of the chiryak.
  2. Apply the baked onion to the inflamed area.
  3. Garlic effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms. Cut a garlic clove in half and apply to the boil.
  4. Pine baths improve immunity and are used in the complex treatment of furunculosis.
  5. Apply sour (yeast) dough to the inflamed area of ​​the body. The effect won't take long.

Possible complications and prevention of occurrence

A boil appears under the armpit when a person has reduced immunity. A weakened body cannot fight infection. There are local and systemic complications. Local ones include:

  1. Furunculosis is the appearance of many formations in different parts of the body. The infection quickly spreads throughout the body, and new foci of inflammation appear. It can be cured with intensive antibiotic therapy. In the abscess formation stage, surgical treatment methods are resorted to. No more than one abscess is operated on per day.
  2. An abscess is the spread of pus under the skin. If the boil does not break through, the pathological contents seep into the surrounding tissue. A limited cavity is formed, which is treated surgically.
  3. Cellulitis is a similar condition to an abscess. Pathology under the armpit is characterized by purulent fusion of tissue, which quickly spreads to other areas. With phlegmon, a capsule does not form, pus circulates freely throughout the body. He is being treated in a surgical hospital.
  4. Lymphadenitis, lymphangitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic tissue plays a protective role in the human body and is the first to respond to the penetration of foreign agents. After stabilization of the patient's condition, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis go away on their own.

Systemic complications of the disease are characterized by damage to the brain and spinal cord (encephalitis, meningitis), and the development of septic shock.

Prevention of a boil in the armpit area includes:

  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • When the first symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor;
  • timely detection and treatment of chronic diseases.

A furuncle in the armpit is an inflammatory process of the hair follicle that occurs against a background of weakened immunity. The main cause of the pathology is infection with staphylococci.

A cavity in the skin under the armpit that is inflamed and filled with pus is a boil (boil or boil in the people). A furuncle under the armpit is also called hidradenitis or purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. Boils can vary in size, from small pimples that hurt to huge, purulent tumors. It is believed that hidradenitis formed under the armpit is much more dangerous than ulcers in other locations.

The peculiarity of boils is that they become inflamed only where there is hair. However, it is difficult to determine on your own whether you have a boil under your arm or scrofuloderma, trichophytosis or erythema nodosum.

Reasons for the ripening of a boil under the armpit

An unpleasant inflammation under the armpit, a boil, was popularly called “bitch udder.” The armpit has the most favorable conditions for the maturation of purulent inflammation, since the natural folds on which there is hair growth have ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands.

It is precisely such places that have suitable soil for the action of bacteria that provoke purulent abscesses.

The most common causes of boils in the armpits are:

  • skin damage
  • skin fungus
  • weak immunity
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus)
  • contamination of the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands
  • nerve damage

It should be noted that each of these reasons may well multiply if a person is a chronic carrier of streptococci or staphylococci. .


The main symptoms of a boil under the arm are hard to miss - increased body temperature and discomfort, enlarged lymph nodes. Next, redness appears, which does not have clear boundaries and protrudes above the skin level.

Afterwards, pain and a tingling sensation occur. Gradually, the tumor becomes denser, swelling of the surrounding tissues appears, and with every movement of the shoulder the pain becomes more noticeable.

After 3-4 days, the boil becomes 1-3 cm larger in diameter, and resembles a cone shape with a purulent head. Then the abscess is opened independently or with the help of surgery and the pus is removed. With the disease, relapses are likely.

How does this disease manifest?

It should be remembered that you cannot open the boil yourself to avoid complications. One of the most serious complications is the spread of boils - It is likely that septicemia will occur - a severe form of blood poisoning.


When a person has hidradenitis– It is better not to self-medicate. Therefore, it is worth contacting a specialist who will decide as quickly as possible to cure the boil under the arm in your case and prescribe the necessary medications. But if this is not possible, then you will have to decide what to do.

Both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointments are suitable for the treatment of hidradenitis: Vishnevsky ointment, And . Apply and apply compresses 3-4 times a day. If you use any of these remedies in the first stages, the boil will resolve faster; if you use it during active maturation, the abscess will mature and burst faster. Read more about treating boils with ointments

Treatment of a boil under the arm with antibiotics is the most important stage in the treatment of the disease. If applied antibacterial drugs at the first stage of boil development, it is possible to avoid complications. Read more about treating furunculosis with antibiotics

Active drugs are considered:

  • penicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxiclav)
  • macrolides (Rulid, Sumamed, Klacid)
  • cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin)
  • injections of Metacillin, Linezolid, Vancomycin are also effective

A boil never resolves on its own, so treatment should not be left to chance. If you do not start treatment, you can get rid of the disease after 3-5 days. If antibacterial treatment does not lead to an improvement in the condition and the boil does not open on its own or hidradenitis appears again or in a new place, you should consult a doctor. It is likely that the disease is caused by bacteria that are resistant to standard drugs.

Hidradenitis under the arm must be treated until it resolves completely. Complete comprehensive treatment of boils involves the use of physiotherapy, including Sollux and ultraviolet irradiation. During the period of illness, warming compresses, poultices, and wet procedures should not be used; massage actions that affect the abscess at the site of the lesion are not allowed.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

When a person discovers a boil on his body, especially in the armpit, treatment should be started without delay. You need to start treating hidradenitis using folk remedies. Areas that are affected by the disease must be wiped with iodine, brilliant green or alcohol.

The following recipes will help speed up the process of maturation and healing of the abscess at home:

Recipe No. 1. Garlic compress. A boil can disappear with garlic. To do this, take garlic, vegetable oil and linen fabric. Garlic, which has been previously chopped, is placed on linen cloth soaked in oil. This compress is applied to the boil twice a day. Garlic has a pulling property, thus curing the patient faster.

Recipe No. 2. Ledum infusion. Young shoots of wild rosemary are first crushed and placed in a container that closes tightly, pouring boiling water to the top. The ratio of water to raw materials is 200 grams of water per tablespoon of shoots. The decoction is infused and, after cooling, carefully filtered. When the infusion is ready, it is administered orally at a dose of 50g up to three times a day. You can also wash the boil itself with this infusion.

Recipe No. 3. Onions in the fight against boils. The onion is peeled and baked in the oven. Afterwards it is cut into two halves and wrapped in gauze. This compress is applied for 5 hours daily. If necessary, fix with a bandage.

It is worth noting that if a person has a problem with hidradenitis, then there is only one conclusion - the immune system cannot cope with the infection due to its weakness. That is why treatment of boils should begin with maintaining the immune system and completely restoring the body.

  • At the first stage, the lymph nodes increase slightly, discomfort in the armpit does not cause pain.
  • Inflammation and redness of the node indicates a transition to the serous form: the flesh becomes hot, swollen, painful to touch, the node increases in size, but the general state of health does not worsen.
  • If this stage of lymphadenitis is left unattended, it turns into a purulent form. Lymph nodes begin to fester, body temperature increases, and pus may break out at the site of inflammation through the fistula.
  • Lymphadenitis mainly occurs against the background of infectious diseases: influenza, measles. Therefore, the patient should pay attention to swelling in the armpit during the treatment of other diseases.

Symptoms of another cause of armpit inflammation, hidradenitis, include:

  • the appearance of itching and swelling in the armpit
  • gradual increase in pain
  • formation of a compaction ranging in size from a few millimeters to 2 cm
  • simultaneous thickening and intensity of pain
  • if several glands are involved in the process, then the foci of inflammation merge into one dense lump

Against the background of ongoing hidradenitis, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature to 38.5°, signs of intoxication, and weakness. The skin at the site of inflammation becomes bluish or purple-red. After 10-15 days, the abscess mixed with blood breaks out.

The symptoms of hidradenitis are similar to a boil. The difference between a boil: the disease begins with rashes in the armpit, redness of the skin and the formation of one purulent core. With atheroma, a painful dense ball is felt in the armpit; the skin turns red only if an infection is attached.

Due to the abundance of similar symptoms, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of inflammation in the armpit by a qualified dermatologist or therapist.

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Treatment methods

If the cause of inflammation is an allergy to cosmetics, then no specific treatment is required. Usually it is enough to change the antiperspirant or gel to a hypoallergenic analogue and the inflammation goes away on its own.

You can get rid of irritation after shaving using baby powder or talcum powder. Prevent inflammation by taking baths with decoctions of medicinal plants with a natural anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, string, calendula, coltsfoot, aloe.

In case of inflammation in the armpit, the cause of which is an infectious disease, the treatment will be much more serious.

Hidradenitis, detected at the initial stage, usually responds to conservative therapy:

  • Use (most often these are drugs based on amoxicillin, ampicillin or erythromycin)
  • Taking painkillers (Nimesulide, Ketorol)
  • Treatment of the inflammation with tetracycline ointment, Levomekol, Neomycin, boric alcohol, salicylic acid

Typically, treatment for axillary hidradenitis takes about 14 days. If it does not bring results, surgeons open the abscess. It is strictly forbidden to open the inflammation yourself: carelessness and lack of disinfection can cause blood poisoning.

After removing the abscess, the wound under the armpit is cleaned of pus and a bandage with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine) is applied. During the treatment period, the patient is advised to limit spicy and smoked foods, as well as alcohol.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. Inflammation of the lymph nodes without purulent contents can be treated conservatively. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the original source of infection, since the lymph nodes become inflamed due to infectious diseases.

If lymphadenitis has already entered the purulent stage, then the inflamed node in the armpit will have to be opened: abscesses and ulcers must be cleared of their contents. Broad-spectrum antibiotics and ointments for local use (Tibonic or Tubazid), compresses with streptomycin are required.

Treatment of armpit inflammation should be entrusted to a doctor: self-medication for serious forms of disease will inevitably lead to surgical intervention.

The causes of the occurrence are often of the nature of mechanical damage with further penetration of staphylococcus; a healthy body can easily cope with this, but with disturbances in the immune response, diet, as well as with increased sweating or significant hypothermia of the body, this inflammatory process develops.

Boil is a very painful process under the armpit; when it appears, it is recommended to seek help from a dermatologist or surgeon.

The formation of a boil under the armpit is difficult to miss; against the background of an increase in body temperature, redness on the skin first appears; in the center you can easily see a purulent secretion (the core of inflammation). It is prohibited to open a boil on your own, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, as this can cause complications - furunculosis and septicemia.

Symptoms of a boil:

  • the inflammatory process covers the entire hair follicle, including not only the sweat gland, but also the connective tissue surrounding it.
  • During the formation of a boil, painful sensations arise and the site of inflammation is repeatedly deformed (a small swelling appears, which subsequently spreads and softens).

Treatment of boils depends on the stage of the disease. At the first signs, ultraviolet irradiation is effective. Exposure to short-wave and long-wave radiation is used pulsed or continuously.

The technique is applied contact (directly to the skin) or remotely about 0.5 cm between the electrode and the skin. When treating an already opened element, clean it of purulent contents and crusts before each use. The radiation time is 5 minutes, it should be carried out in the morning hours daily in a course of 3 to 5 procedures. Prescribed by a dermatologist or physiotherapist.

At the maturation stage, local injection with antibiotics and Novocaine is required. The substance is injected under the skin around the site of the lesion, helps localize the source of infection and accelerate the formation of the rod. Novocaine anesthetizes the process.

What antibacterial ointments are indicated for furunculosis:

  1. Levomekol. The composition includes the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which has an immunostimulating effect. The ointment has a bacteriostatic effect on all types of bacteria (anaerobic and aerobic, gram-positive and gram-negative). The regenerating effect on damaged tissue is also important.
  2. Bactroban ointment is a broad-spectrum drug. Effective on most staphylococci. Highly effective in the treatment of furunculosis, folliculitis and impetigo. Apply twice daily.
  3. 2% fusidine sodium gel. A very strong drug that is effective against many infections that cannot be treated.

2 How is furunculosis treated?

How to treat a boil under the arm:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics to prevent the body from sweating and irritation.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids will reduce the effects of intoxication. Teas that have an anti-inflammatory effect are welcome.
  3. Help in the formation of an abscess using Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol compress.
  4. After the boil has matured, you should definitely contact a surgeon.

In this case, an incision is made into the boil, the rod and purulent exudate are removed, and the wound is treated with an antiseptic. After the doctor has opened the formation, you will have to go to the dressing for several days or apply a wound-healing ointment to the formation during the day (the most common and accessible is Vishnevsky ointment).

When deciding to treat a boil at home, remember: you need to use the products until the problem completely disappears, and not until the symptoms alleviate. The boil must not be opened or pressed! If many boils appear at the same time - this is furunculosis, you should immediately forget about self-medication, the only correct option is to contact a surgeon for qualified help.

Consider the use of antibiotic tablets to treat boils. Treatment of a boil under the armpit with tablets is carried out only if a complication begins in the form of furunculosis or septicemia. This is possible only under the strict supervision of a physician, taking into account the results of sensitivity cultures.

  1. Lincomecin (Mitsivin, Lincocin, Myocin) is a drug with bacteriostatic action, the effect is activated 2 hours after administration. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. No more than 2 weeks, and when taking it, be sure to drink plenty of fluids!
  2. In case of complications (furunculosis), the previous one, Cephalexin, is more effective. This semisynthetic drug belongs to the cephalosporins. Available in the form of capsules, tablets and suspensions for oral administration (by swallowing). The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved 60-90 minutes after administration.
  3. Amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum drug consisting of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.
  4. When treating childhood furunculosis, the drugs do not differ from their adult counterparts. The dosage is maintained.

3 Therapy at home

Wash your hands with soap every time before touching the affected armpit and after, treat the infected area 3-4 times with an antiseptic substance. After spontaneous opening of the abscess, carefully clean the wound from pus; a poorly cleaned wound will cause re-inflammation and, most likely, in a more severe form. After cleaning, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. The next step is to apply a dry aseptic dressing. This procedure is repeated every day until the signs of this process completely disappear.

To relieve the pain, it is allowed to use moist heat, but only until the formation is opened. Wet a clean napkin in warm water (you can add sea salt dissolved in it) and apply it to the armpit with the boil.

Garlic compresses. Finely chop the peeled garlic, place on a gauze cloth and secure with a plaster or bandage. Allows you to speed up the process of formation of a boil, use it in the initial stage, before opening.

Dough. To prepare the “medicinal” dough you will need 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. butter. Mix thoroughly and add flour until the dough has the consistency of sour cream. We attach it to the affected area using a bandage or plaster. Store this dough in the refrigerator.

Soap. Dilute the grated laundry soap with a small amount of water and cook over low heat. Cool and apply with a cotton-gauze bandage.

Beetroot juice is squeezed out using a juicer and drunk 4 times a day, 0.5 cups each. Helps improve immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Prevention of furunculosis:

  1. Hygiene procedures are mandatory after physical activity accompanied by profuse sweating.
  2. Taking vitamins (preferably complex).
  3. Timely treatment of any infection.
  4. Healthy lifestyle.

It is not recommended to treat boils at home! If, through carelessness, the staphylococcal rod is damaged, blood poisoning may develop. In severe cases, death is possible. Folk remedies work great, but they should only be used at the initial stage. If the process matures, you must consult a doctor!

Hidradenitis (popular name - knot udder) is an acute inflammatory disease of the sweat glands. All sweat glands in our bodies are heterogeneous and have variations in their structure and location.

With hidradenitis we are talking about the so-called apocrine glands. They are located in the genital area, external anus, and ear canal, but are most concentrated and affected in the axillary areas. These are quite large formations that produce sweat fluid or sweat, the chemical composition of which is characterized by high concentrations of lipids and, in particular, cholesterol. The active secreting cells of such glands often end up in the sweat fluid themselves.

What is it?

Hidradenitis is a deep purulent inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. Most often, hidradenitis occurs during puberty or menopause, when there is a hormonal imbalance.

In most cases, the disease is unilateral, but bilateral hidradenitis also occurs. Inflammation mainly develops in the armpit, less commonly around the nipples, in the anus or genital area.


The main cause of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus and white.

  • When bacteria penetrate the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, they begin to multiply.
  • The sweat gland duct is blocked by a horny plug.
  • the produced secretion, which has no outlet to the outside, stretches the gland.
  • the accumulated secretion is a good breeding ground for bacteria to multiply.
  • the sweat gland becomes inflamed and the duct ruptures.
  • the infection spreads to surrounding tissues. Fistula tracts are formed.

However, the entry of staphylococcus occurs only in the presence of predisposing factors:

  • increased sweating;
  • the presence of microtraumas to the skin resulting from careless shaving or scratching;
  • weakening of the body's defenses (decreased immunity);
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, exogenous constitutional obesity.

Hidradenitis, localized in the armpit, occurs more often in women than in men. In old age, the occurrence of hidradenitis practically does not occur, since at this age the sweat glands no longer function well.


There are several forms of axillary hidradenitis:

  1. Acute purulent form. The pathology develops due to blockage of the apocrine sweat and sebaceous glands. Among patients with this form of the disease are people who do not take good care of their armpits. Hidradenitis in this form occurs as a typical inflammation in the body: low-grade fever, sometimes rising to 38 degrees, malaise, discomfort, developing into pain in the armpits. The purulent form is life-threatening for the patient if he does not seek treatment from a doctor.
  2. Chronic hidradenitis is more often called a recurrent form, which is characterized by a purulent process that lasts a long time. The disease often appears at regular intervals with an acute purulent phase. The area of ​​apocrine glands affected by inflammation increases. Lack of treatment for purulent processes is dangerous due to septic consequences, threatening the life of the patient.
  3. If you take sufficient care of your armpits, but do not shave carefully, the delicate skin of this area may become injured. Staphylococcal or other types of pathogenic microflora get into scratches and wounds. Hidradenitis nodosa begins to form, tending to develop into purulent if left untreated.

Like hidradenitis inguinalis, axillary develops through stages over 10 days.

Symptoms of hidradenitis

The beginning is gradual. At the site of inflammation, an itching sensation occurs, and a dense, very painful swelling appears with a diameter ranging from a few millimeters to 1-2 centimeters.

Gradually the size of the swelling and pain increase. The skin over it turns purple-red. The center of the swelling gradually softens, opens, and pus begins to be released through the resulting hole. The development cycle of infiltration lasts 10-15 days. Resolution of hidradenitis ends with the formation of a scar. Often neighboring sweat glands are involved in the inflammation process.

In this case, an extensive, very painful infiltrate is formed, the skin over which becomes lumpy. With successive damage to more and more sweat glands, the process drags on for a month or more. Hidradenitis is often accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication, hyperthermia, cephalgia, and leukocytosis.


If hidradenitis is left to chance, hoping for self-healing, or treated inappropriately (including pseudo-methods “from a neighbor”), it can cause a number of complications.

First of all this:

  1. Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes located nearby (primarily axillary and inguinal) due to penetration of the pathogen into them; further damage to the lymphatic system is fraught with lymphostasis (elephantiasis);
  2. Generalization (spread) of the process - the pathogen goes “beyond” the sweat glands and spreads throughout the surrounding tissues both in breadth and depth, through connective tissue bridges, tendons, fascia, “flowing” quite far from the primary focus and “dispersing” secondary infectious diseases throughout the body foci; it is especially dangerous if the purulent process affects the periosteum and bone tissue - such a disease is called osteomyelitis; fistulas that are very difficult to treat are formed;
  3. In advanced cases, blood poisoning (sepsis).

What does hidradenitis look like, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

What happens if you don't see a doctor?

If you do not contact a surgeon, the abscess can mature for several weeks. During this time, the cavity will increase, and the general condition will worsen.

In some cases, the pus comes out on its own. But there is a danger that the cavity will become covered with connective tissue from the inside and become a reservoir for infection. In this case, a non-healing fistula is formed, through which the contents of the abscess will flow out. From time to time, hidradenitis will form at this site. Subsequently, rough scars appear, which can limit the mobility of the limbs.


Diagnosis of hidradenitis begins with a questioning and examination of the patient. This disease is supported by the characteristic area of ​​localization, the appearance of the edema and possible accompanying symptoms. The doctor needs to distinguish damage to the sweat gland from other pathologies with a similar clinical picture. This:

  • boil, characterized by the presence of a purulent core;
  • carbuncle - an accumulation of several boils in a limited area;
  • phlegmon - purulent inflammation of the deep layers of the skin - fatty tissue, sometimes connective tissue is involved in the process;
  • complicated atheroma - infection of the sebaceous gland;
  • lymphadenitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

It is also worth diagnosing another form of hidradenitis suppurative. It develops against the background of severe acne. Seals in the ducts of the sebaceous gland compress the sweat gland, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. This type of disease is recurrent in nature, and it is advisable to treat it after the cause has been eliminated. During lactation, the seals at the initial stage of hidradenitis are also similar to areas of milk accumulation due to blockage of the duct on the nipple.

Treatment of hidradenitis

Begin treatment of hidradenitis under the armpit as early as possible, preferably at the stage of compaction formation. With timely medical care and proper treatment, the infiltrate can resolve at the initial stage.

If pain and a small nodule appears in the armpit, the doctor prescribes local treatment. The affected area and the skin around the infiltrate should be thoroughly treated with alcohol several times a day - this will destroy pathogens present on the surface of the skin and prevent the spread of the pathological process to the sebaceous glands.

A compress with Dimexide is applied to the affected area twice a day. During treatment, the patient should avoid intense physical activity and stress, take care of personal hygiene, and eat light, protein-rich meals.

With the development of hidradenitis suppurativa, antibiotics cannot be avoided. The drug is prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the severity of the disease, age and other factors. Treatment continues for at least 7 days; it is absolutely not permissible to stop the course on your own when an improvement occurs or an abscess opens. To accelerate the maturation of the abscess, it is recommended to apply bandages with Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol.

Mature hidradenitis is treated surgically. The usual opening of hidradenitis suppurativa and its drainage does not bring a positive result. At the same time, many microabscesses remain in the lesion, and their further maturation occurs. Surgical treatment consists of making a wide incision passing through the infiltrate to healthy tissue.

After complete evacuation of the pus, the affected fatty tissue is removed. In case of repeated cases of hidradenitis, radical surgical treatment is required. At its first stage, the purulent focus is opened and the inflamed tissue is excised. After the inflammatory process has passed, the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the affected area are completely removed. The resulting defect is closed with donor skin flaps from the patient himself.

Folk remedies

Among the time-tested folk remedies, we can highlight the following recipes:

  1. Fresh celery leaves are washed in warm water, kneaded and applied to the affected area several times a day;
  2. Fresh plantain leaves are thoroughly kneaded in your hands until the juice begins to release. After this, they are applied to hidradenitis under the armpit for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day. Fresh plantain juice also has good effectiveness;
  3. Aloe vera leaves are thoroughly washed with warm water, cut lengthwise and applied to the affected area. Aloe leaves themselves are not able to cure the disease, but they have a bactericidal effect and are perfectly combined with other remedies;
  4. One teaspoon of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus or calendula flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water. Then the solution is filtered and infused for 24 hours. The inflamed area should be washed several times a day.

If a person is diagnosed with hidradenitis, alternative treatment can successfully replace surgical and other traditional methods, but before using decoctions and infusions, consult your doctor or consult an experienced homeopath.


When treating hidradenitis, you must adhere to a diet. It is recommended to exclude sweets, flour, spicy and smoked foods, and alcohol from the diet, as these foods and drinks increase blood glucose levels and increase the inflammatory process, which can lead to complications.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures for hidradenitis:

  1. Ultrahigh-frequency therapy (UHF) helps reduce inflammation and eliminate infiltration. The procedure is prescribed if hidradenitis is surrounded by a dense infiltrate and its center is not prone to softening. Physiotherapy in this case is accompanied by the use of antibiotics.
  2. Sunbathing for 20-30 minutes or heating with a blue lamp for 5 minutes at a distance of 15-20 cm. Dry heat improves blood circulation and promotes the resorption of seals.
  3. Centimeter wave therapy (CW) therapy improves microcirculation and relieves swelling, reduces signs of inflammation, and increases the protective properties of the skin.
  4. X-ray therapy is used to destroy the inflamed sweat gland in recurrent hidradenitis.
  5. Local ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) causes the death of bacteria and increases local immunity and skin resistance to infections.

Once a cavity filled with pus has formed inside the source of inflammation, maturing procedures are contraindicated.

Hygiene rules

Maintaining good hygiene when dealing with hidradenitis helps prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the body. In addition, microorganisms that get from the wound onto the hands or into the environment can cause severe poisoning or purulent inflammation in other family members.

  1. You can't take a bath. This can promote the spread of pus throughout the body. Instead, shower once a day, after covering the affected area with adhesive tape to prevent water from getting on it.
  2. The patient must have his own towel, underwear and bed linen. It must be washed daily at a temperature of at least 90 degrees and ironed with a hot iron.
  3. For hygiene of inflamed areas, you can use Citeal instead of liquid soap.
  4. When washing, use germicidal soap or gel with a high lactic acid content. Such products will help reduce the number of pathogenic microbes on the skin and normalize its acidity.
  5. Until complete recovery, avoid shaving and hair removal to avoid damaging the skin.
  6. Wear loose clothing made from natural materials. They help avoid overheating and excessive sweating, which increase the proliferation of bacteria and increase the source of inflammation.
  7. After a shower, wash the affected areas with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

To dry skin folds with hidradenitis, it is recommended to use powders with zinc oxide and talc.



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