Skin rash due to allergies treatment. Types of skin allergies in adults: photos and descriptions

Children often develop skin rashes. The baby breaks out in a rash when contact with an allergen causes a histamine release reaction in the body, which leads to unwanted skin manifestations.

Then parents have to look for the cause and contact their doctor, since only a specialist can distinguish rashes due to an allergic reaction from signs of an infectious disease, such as measles or rubella.

We will tell you what an allergic rash looks like in a child, show a photo of its types with a description (including a rash due to food allergies), and tell you what the treatment is.

What does a skin allergy look like: types, localization

Any allergy is a signal about a disorder of the immune system. If the body's sensitivity is increased, negative reactions appear upon contact even with factors that are harmless to most people - animal fur, plant pollen, food, medicine, cold air.

Allergic rashes in children can be located on various parts of the body, manifest differently depending on the type of allergen:

  • pustule- a small cavity with purulent contents inside;
  • plaque- flattened formation rising above the skin;
  • papule- a tubercle protruding above the skin with a diameter of up to 5 mm without a cavity inside, which can be palpated;
  • spot- a discolored area that does not protrude above the skin and cannot be felt during palpation;
  • vesicle- a cavity with a diameter of up to 5 mm with liquid inside;
  • bubble- vesicle with a diameter of 5 mm.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about a child’s rash:

Food allergy rash In children, it most often appears on the cheeks, in the area around the mouth; contact dermatitis is in the place where the skin comes into contact with the allergen.

A hay fever (pollen allergy) may occur not individual rashes, but general swelling and redness of the face.

Visual photographs of various rashes

Allergic rash on the back of children, photo:

Allergic rash on the hands of a child, photo:

Allergic rash on the legs and body of a child, photo of allergies:

Childhood eczema

This type of rash is characterized by the presence of an exudative component - liquid is released from small blood vessels that fills the rash.

In infants, it most often occurs in the form of exudative diathesis, one of the manifestations of which is itchy nodules that appear with a certain frequency.

The rash may be accompanied peeling, diaper rash, compaction. The manifestations are identical to the rashes in adults, but in children the tendency to merge and exudative symptoms are more pronounced.


Skin disease, also called urticaria, refers to those that are based on an allergic reaction.

This type of dermatitis got its name due to the similarity of the rash to nettle burns. Flat, slightly raised, light pink to red-orange blisters appear quickly and are very itchy.

Occurs in acute or chronic forms. The duration of the acute variety ranges from several days to 1–2 weeks, and the chronic form can last for months or even years, sometimes manifesting itself, sometimes dying down.

The most common cause of the rash is medications or any type of food.

You can learn about this from this article.

You will find reviews from parents about the use of the drug Glycine for children in the material.

Instructions for using Arbidol syrup for children are discussed in detail in the publication.

Cold allergy

This type of rash called cold urticaria. They appear in the form of red spots or nettle fever in response to cooling of the whole body or some part of it. The rash that appears is itchy and may be accompanied by swelling.

Multiple formations increase in size, merge with each other over time, turn pale when pressed, and cause a burning sensation and itching.

Atopic dermatitis

This is a chronic dermatitis of an allergic nature, which has a seasonal dependence. In winter there are usually exacerbations, and in the summer it’s time for remission.

The rash may be similar to or exudative (filled with fluid).

Usually located in the elbows, knees, armpits, on the face, neck, scalp under the hair, in the groin area, under the earlobes.

Sometimes keratinized papules appear on the elbows, lateral surfaces of the forearms, and shoulders.

How to distinguish it from other diseases

Due to the variety of types of allergic rashes parents may miss the onset of a serious infectious disease.

One of the assessment criteria is body temperature, which appears extremely rarely with allergies: usually when a child scratches the rash, infection occurs.

But most often the baby’s health is normal; he may look slightly worried only because of the itching of the skin.

In order not to miss a serious problem, parents are advised to familiarize themselves with the main manifestations of childhood diseases accompanied by rashes and their difference from an allergic rash.

It appears first on the face and then spreads throughout the body. Accompanied by high fever and enlarged lymph nodes. May be mistaken for urticaria.

The main difference is that if nettle fever appears, it occurs immediately in a specific area. Lymph nodes do not react to its appearance, body temperature does not rise.

also similar to urticaria, but is accompanied by rashes in the form of small pink spots that appear in “wet” places - on the neck, in the groin areas, armpits, under the knees, on the back.

For a non-specialist, it is most easily mistaken for an allergy. The main difference is that antiallergic drugs do not act on prickly heat.

It makes itself known by the rise in temperature and lethargy of the child. The red rash appears only after a day and begins to quickly spread throughout the body, turning into blisters.

leads to the appearance of red spots on the skin that itch at night, itching with allergic rashes occurs during the day.

With scabies, if you look closely, you can see white stripes left in the upper layers of the skin by the mite.

Measles on the first day after infection causes fever, weakness, sore throat, voice becomes hoarse, and headaches often occur.

The rash appears after 3-4 days on the stomach, face and neck, and from there it spreads throughout the body.

How to treat: basic principles and treatment regimens

The main goal of therapy is identification of allergen and its elimination. As long as the child is exposed to the irritant that causes the rash, treatment will be ineffective.

Therapy begins with a visit to the doctor. Self-diagnosis is not allowed - if the rash is due to an infectious disease and not an allergy, you can waste time and lead to complications.

The doctor will determine the nature of the rash and, in the case of their allergic nature, will determine measures to identify the allergen. In mild cases, it is enough to eliminate the factor causing irritation, and the baby’s skin becomes clear.

Additionally prescribed:

You should also not try to determine the allergen experimentally. During this time, the problem may worsen and become chronic. The disease cannot be neglected - the later treatment is started, the more difficult and lengthy it will be.

For any rash, you should not:

  • lubricate them with products that stain the skin and interfere with diagnosis;
  • comb;
  • open and squeeze out pustules.

It is possible that the rash that appears will go away quickly and without treatment., but we must not forget that it can be a symptom of an infectious disease that threatens not only health, but also life, so a trip to the doctor cannot be postponed.

When rashes appear on the child’s body, parents should not try to replace all domestic medicine. You need to first ask the baby about his health, then measure the temperature, and if it is not elevated, go to the doctor, and if it is elevated, call a doctor at home.

Before talking with him, remember what new food appeared in the diet, what plants and animals you had contact with.

Allergic rash causes significant inconvenience, and without adequate treatment and preventive measures it can develop into a chronic disease.

You have read the basic information for parents: what to do if a child has allergies and a rash all over the body, how to treat it - smear the skin and what to give orally, and what to do if the allergic rash does not go away for a long time.

In contact with

With allergies, skin rashes appear very often. We will tell you what this phenomenon looks like and how to treat it in this article.

Basic information

The term “allergy” refers to a hypersensitive state of the human immune system upon repeated exposure to an allergen on an organism previously sensitized by it.

If you have an allergy, the rash may appear immediately or after a few days. This condition must be treated. We will tell you how to do this below.

Reasons for development

Why does a rash appear due to allergies in children and adults? As mentioned above, the reaction in question is a personal intolerance to a particular factor. Such an unpleasant symptom as a rash is a consequence of a specific reaction of the human immune system.

Allergy skin rashes can occur due to the following factors:

  • certain medicines;
  • foods such as nuts, honey, citrus fruits, dairy products, chocolate (most often an allergic rash due to food appears on the face);
  • some types of fabrics (for example, synthetics or wool);
  • chemicals, including household chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • animal hair;
  • plant pollen;
  • some types of metals;
  • insect bites (a similar reaction is called insect).

It should also be noted that the photo of which is presented in this article can even occur due to exposure to cold.


What does an allergy rash look like? Such skin manifestations are distinguished by the following features:

  • the color of the spots can vary from pink to bright red;
  • rashes on the skin usually do not have a clear shape (they are spots with blurry and indistinct edges);
  • peeling may be observed at the site of the rash;
  • most often, a rash of allergic origin is similar to, although such rashes can also take the form of nodules, spots, weeping blisters and blisters;
  • at the site of the rash, the skin is usually very irritated, sometimes there is swelling;
  • Allergies due to food usually occur on the face, in particular on the cheeks and in the area around the mouth (can also be observed on the stomach, arms, back, legs).

Where does it appear?

With allergies, the rash can be localized in different parts of the body. For example, irritation in contact dermatitis appears in the place where the skin comes into contact with the allergen. usually occurs on the hands, and on wool or synthetics, for example, when wearing trousers made of this material, only on the lower extremities. With other types of allergies, irritation can occur anywhere.

Few people know, but with allergies, a rash does not always occur. There may not be spots or dots on the body. In some cases, this reaction manifests itself only as redness and swelling. This phenomenon is usually observed with hay fever, that is, with an allergy to pollen.

Associated allergic symptoms

An allergic rash is just one of several signs of intolerance to a particular allergen. In addition to skin irritation, this pathological condition may be accompanied by other unpleasant phenomena. Typically these include:

  • suffocating cough;
  • tearfulness;
  • severe itching of the skin;
  • redness of the visual organs;
  • sneezing;
  • annoying runny nose;
  • photophobia.

As for an increase in body temperature, with allergies such a symptom develops extremely rarely. Most often, this symptom does not arise due to the fact of allergy itself, but as a result of the addition of an infection. For example, if a child has multiple bites on his hands and starts scratching them intensively, he will eventually become infected.

If it really has an allergic etymology, then usually the person feels quite normal. At the same time, he does not have any ailments. Allergy rashes in children can be worrying, but they are only a consequence of severe itching of the skin.

Other signs

How does an allergy to antibiotics manifest? A skin rash (this condition should be treated necessarily) when taking a particular medication is drug-induced urticaria. This reaction to a drug is called a side effect. Usually, its possible appearance is warned in the instructions that come with many medications and even multivitamin complexes. If a patient is allergic to pollen and it enters his gastrointestinal tract, he may experience vomiting, nausea and severe abdominal pain.

When should you sound the alarm?

If an allergic rash (you can find a photo of such irritation in this article) appears on the child’s body, then you should definitely measure his temperature. In this case, you need to pay special attention to whether your baby has any breathing problems. If it is difficult, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of such a serious complication as Quincke's edema.

Reasons why you should see a doctor

The types of allergy rashes can vary. Such irritation can be localized in one place or cover the entire body. In any case, if you see a rash of unknown origin on the skin, you should definitely contact a specialist. What is the reason for this urgency?

  • If left untreated, an allergy rash can develop into a serious complication, such as bronchial asthma.
  • Determining on your own what exactly caused the development of such irritation is quite problematic. In most cases, this requires laboratory testing. In order to determine the type of allergen, the doctor must do skin tests or refer the patient for a blood test.
  • Skin irritation does not always indicate the development of an allergic rash. This phenomenon may also be a symptom of an infectious disease (for example, rubella, chickenpox, herpes zoster, and others). All these diseases are contagious and require constant monitoring by a specialist.
  • A skin rash may also be a common dermatological disease (including lichen, psoriasis or eczema). It is extremely important to diagnose the disease at the initial stage of its development. Only in this case will the treatment be most effective.
  • A rash that appears on the skin may be the result of an insect bite. For example, after a bite, irritation may not appear for quite a long time (from 2 weeks to 1 month). It is very difficult to determine on your own that the cause of the spots was a tick bite. In this regard, you can miss the development of such a dangerous disease as borreliosis.

Even if the patient is completely sure that the rash on his skin is allergic in nature, it should only be treated by an experienced doctor. As a rule, special ointments are used to treat this condition. If the case is advanced and severe, then the patient may need a whole range of medications.

How to get rid of a rash?

How long does it take for an allergy rash to go away? Such irritation goes away on its own only after contact with the allergen has been completely stopped. Typically this takes several days or even weeks. If the patient does not know why such rashes appeared on his skin, then he should consult a doctor. After the examination, the doctor will be able to create a hypoallergenic diet or teach the patient principles that will minimize contact with the identified allergen.

Allergic rashes can also be treated through immunotherapy. To do this, the patient is given injections with a microdose of the allergen (sublingual drops can be used). To completely eliminate an allergic rash, a fairly long course of treatment may be required, as a result of which the human body produces a so-called “antidote” to the allergen.

How are allergies to antibiotics treated? Skin rashes, which should only be treated by an allergist, very often occur after taking certain medications. Paradoxically, various medications are also used to eliminate it. As a rule, they are intended for local application (for example, the drugs “Triderm”, “Pimafukort” and others). Although the doctor may prescribe them in combination with medications for oral administration (for example, with Clemastine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadine and others).

How to treat allergies in children?

Allergic rashes in children can occur for various reasons. If you observe such irritation, you should remember what kind of food your child has eaten in the last few hours. Very often, the cause of the development of allergies in a baby is washing powder that has not previously been used in the family. Another reason for this phenomenon may be taking certain medications or replacing baby cereal.

A child prone to allergic reactions should, if possible, refrain from contact with cosmetics, creams or soaps. If irritation has already occurred, then antihistamines are used to treat the baby. To prevent the subsequent appearance of a rash, it is necessary to protect children from the identified source of the allergen. To determine it, you need to contact an allergist.

With such a pathology, it is very important not to let the allergy take its course. If no action is taken, this reaction can become more complex and develop into asthmatic dermatitis, hay fever or bronchial asthma.


What measures should be taken to prevent an allergic rash from developing? To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Pregnant women should take antibiotics with extreme caution and also follow a specific diet.
  • Nursing mothers should not overuse foods that cause allergies (for example, chocolate, chicken eggs, fish, citrus fruits).
  • Children born from allergies need to be breastfed longer.
  • Children suffering from food allergies should avoid eating salty and spicy foods, canned and pickled foods.
  • Allergy sufferers should avoid contact with animals and dust in the house.

The cause of spots and itchy rashes is most often allergies. Rashes can appear anywhere, for example, in places where clothing comes into close contact with the body. The allergic rash has a pinkish-red tint, it is convex and uneven. A person always wants to scratch the area of ​​the rash. Some people do not have a rash but have irritation, redness and swelling. Allergies can be to anything, from food to the environment.

Allergic rash in a child

If parents notice a rash on their child's body, they should immediately measure the temperature. If the child’s health has not deteriorated and he is breathing normally, then there is no need to panic.

You need to remember all the new dishes that the child ate a few hours ago. The rash may be caused by a new laundry detergent or medication. For example, it is better not to give aspirin to children under twelve years of age. Allergic children should have as little contact as possible with various chemicals: soap, cream or cosmetics.

An allergic rash in a child is treated with antihistamines. In order to prevent it from appearing again, the source of the allergy must be eliminated. It is difficult to determine, but possible. The tests are usually carried out by an allergist.

If nothing is done about the allergy, it can become more complex and turn into asthma, hay fever or asthmatic dermatitis.

Allergic rash on the body

Allergies can be caused by anything. The most common allergens are house dust, pollen, animal hair, washing powders, some metals, dyes, preservatives, antibiotics, and so on. An allergy differs from an infection in that the child feels normal. Irritability usually occurs due to itching.

An allergic rash on the body can look different, for example, in the form of nodules or blisters of varying sizes.

It is, of course, easier for a person when the rash does not affect his face and open areas of the body, because he can easily work, hiding the rash under clothes. People react inappropriately to deviations in the appearance of others and shy away from those who are covered in suspicious spots. Young mothers and pregnant women react especially painfully to this situation, because they are afraid of infecting their baby with something and therefore avoid those who cough, sneeze or look strange. In principle, this is correct, because a rash can mean anything and an allergy is the most harmless thing that can happen to a person. Rashes occur with chickenpox, rubella, lichen and other diseases that are easily transmitted from one person to another. Even the patient himself may not immediately understand what caused the rash. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

Allergic rash treatment

An allergy usually appears after contact with an allergen, that is, a substance to which a person has an individual intolerance. It is necessary to identify the allergen and undergo treatment.

Treatment for an allergic rash, which will not give the desired result if the person continues to come into contact with the irritating substance, is a very serious problem. You need to analyze your diet and find out the cause of the discomfort. Drug therapy begins after the allergen is eliminated. Antihistamines should be prescribed by an allergist. If you don’t have the time or desire to go to the doctor, and the allergen has been accurately identified, you can start taking Tavegil, Claritin, Zyrtek, Fenistil, Telfast or Suprastin.

To eliminate inflammation and itching, use local remedies, for example, Fenistil gel, Elidel cream or hormonal ointments based on hydrocortisone.

In order for the body to better resist harmful factors, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system: drink vitamins, spend a lot of time in the fresh air and eat well.

Allergic rash on face

In order to get rid of a rash on the face, you need to cleanse the skin with sour milk, sour cream or kefir. To do this, a cotton swab is soaked in milk and passed over the face. After this, you need to wash your face with warm, preferably boiled or distilled water. It is better not to use soap. Next, wipe the skin with a napkin and then with boric acid. Instead of boric acid, you can take a herbal infusion consisting of chamomile, string and sage flowers. The infusion is made as follows: a tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes; it must be cooled before use. After treating the skin with the infusion, you need to wipe your face with a towel and sprinkle with potato or rice starch.

If the allergic rash on the face is very severe, you can anoint it with ointment with prednisolone or hydrocortisone, but only after the doctor’s permission. This should be done in the evening and in the morning. If a person uses the ointment, no cosmetic products such as soap, cream or lotion should be used. Only ointment and water. As a supplement, you can drink calcium in the form of tablets or solution. If the rashes are not too bright, they can be anointed with regular chamomile cream. If your facial skin is prone to allergies, then it is best not to smear it with anything other than “Malysh” baby cream.

Allergic rash in adults

A rash is a red inflammation on the face or body. Some people call every skin disease imaginable this way. The rash does not cause anything other than discomfort, there is no harm from it. The danger may lie in the disease that caused the rash.

Allergic rashes in adults can be caused by atopic dermatitis. A person’s neck, torso, cheeks and limbs begin to peel off. The skin itches and becomes inflamed, redness and peeling appear.

Contact dermatitis occurs when a person interacts with a substance that causes an allergy. This happens when a person cannot tolerate jewelry containing nickel and other substances. In order for the allergy to go away, you just need to remove the object that irritates the skin.

Allergic rashes in adults can appear after taking certain medications. If a person stops taking the medicine they thought was causing the allergy and the rash does not go away, then something else is the cause.

What to do if a rash appears?

Usually the rash does not pose any threat, but it causes a lot of discomfort, and it does not look very presentable. If the cause of the rash is not obvious, then you need to go to a dermatologist. The doctor will order a series of tests and prescribe medications, thanks to which everything will pass quickly.

Types of allergic rashes

Allergic reactions have been studied in our country since 1906, but even today doctors cannot say with certainty what could cause the allergy. A person who is intolerant to a substance suffers from a runny nose, swelling, itching and watery eyes. In addition, spots appear on the body and face, causing fear and hostility among others. There are different types of allergic rashes.

Allergies can be acute or chronic. Urticaria is a rash that appears on the body in a short time. It occurs on the first day after contact with the allergen and disappears within a day. Pale red swellings can occupy a small area of ​​the body or cover a person from head to toe. If, in addition to the rash, there is a fever and digestive system upset, you should call an ambulance.

Quincke's edema is a rather terrible complication of allergies. Swellings appear on the face, which spread to the larynx and can cause suffocation. An even more serious complication is anaphylactic shock, which often leads to death.

What does an allergic rash look like?

Everyone's allergies manifest themselves differently. Some people just itch their body a little, while others, in addition to itching, also develop rashes. Almost every adult knows what an allergic rash looks like.

Even if a person is not allergic in principle, he will definitely develop a rash if he touches nettles or is stung by a bee. Moreover, it must be said that bee stings affect everyone differently. For some, nothing happens at all, for others a painful swelling appears, and there are people who lose consciousness and swell from bee venom.

Allergic rash photo

2. Photo of a rash during an allergy on the back

Medical center Attention in Novosibirsk.

An allergic reaction develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition or a malfunction of the immune system. This happens because immune cells perceive certain substances, called allergens, as hostile agents. Most often, the first sign of an allergy is a skin rash, which can have different localization, intensity and area of ​​damage.

The most common types of skin allergies are:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis.

Each of these types of allergies is accompanied by one common symptom - a skin rash, but they have a different course, cause and treatment.

Allergies in a child are divided into types depending on the etiology of the skin rash. To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to establish the nature of the disease and the cause of the skin rash.

Food allergies

It develops against the background of an allergic reaction to a certain product and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache;
  • abnormal stool, often diarrhea;
  • severe itching of certain areas of the skin, worsening at night;
  • skin rash, most often localized on the inner surface of the elbows, under the knee joint, on the stomach, chest, face;
  • swelling of the lips;
  • Nausea and vomiting may occasionally occur.

The causes of food allergies are:

  • heredity;
  • penetration of antibodies into the child’s body in the womb or breastfeeding;
  • artificial feeding;
  • failure of a fragile immune system;
  • constant disruption of intestinal microflora;
  • pathology of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

The main preventive measure should be proper nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be a priority in the first six months of a baby's life.

Allergy contact form

Allergies develop after contact with organic or inorganic substances:

  • penicillins;
  • ammonia and its compounds;
  • formalin;
  • nickel and chromium salts;
  • uric acid.

Symptoms can be different and manifest individually, the main ones are:

  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • rash in the form of spots, red dots, blisters;
  • dryness, peeling and itching of the skin in areas of rashes;
  • when scratching, weeping wounds may appear in the affected areas.

With large areas of rashes, the child's temperature may rise, he becomes restless and sleeps poorly.

Hereditary or congenital allergies

Usually in this case, the skin rash is accompanied by an allergic runny nose and cough; this type of allergy is dangerous because it can lead to serious illnesses such as bronchial asthma, hay fever and eczema.

The main symptoms are:

  • sneezing;
  • swelling of the nasal sinuses;
  • constant nasal congestion;
  • redness and tearing of the eyes;
  • skin rashes accompanied by itching and swelling.

In this case, the allergen may be in the air that the child breathes.


Types of allergies in children

Urticaria is primarily a disease of young children under three years of age and rarely develops during adolescence. A characteristic sign of urticaria is the appearance of red or pink blisters, which can be not only of different sizes, but also of different shapes.

The child experiences severe itching, anxiety, and the blisters may coalesce, enlarging and causing even more discomfort. Hives can be caused by absolutely any allergen. In severe cases of urticaria, there is a risk of developing angioedema, which causes swelling of the airways and an attack of suffocation.

Swelling can spread to the digestive organs and cause prolonged vomiting, which does not bring relief. The disease can cause damage to the central nervous system and cerebral cortex. The condition is extremely dangerous for the baby’s life and can lead to death.

For any rash in a child, in order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to give him an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

In adults, allergies are mainly hereditary, occupational or contact in nature and have several varieties.

Atopic dermatitis

This type of allergy appears more often in children and is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, but there are exceptions, and the disease develops in adults. The rash mainly affects the face, areas under the knees, on the bends of the elbows, in the groin, in the back or chest. Allergens present in foods that a person eats can cause exacerbations.

Contact dermatitis

This allergic reaction on the skin in adults occurs mainly due to prolonged contact of the body with chemicals or drugs. This may be due to a person’s professional activity or treatment of a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment with medications.

It is characterized by severe itching, hyperemia of the skin, and a blistering rash, which ultimately contributes to the formation of weeping wounds. Over time, the wounds dry out and form dry scales.


This disease is a consequence of chronic dermatitis, is very difficult to treat and is accompanied by a number of disturbances in the body's metabolic processes.

Eczema is characterized by skin redness, swelling and a rash in the form of small blisters that are filled with sticky fluid. In places where the rash occurs, the skin itches, peels and burns. The patient's sleep is disturbed, the person becomes irritated, and his ability to work decreases.


Skin allergies

Etiology of neurodermatitis in the psychological state of a person. With increased nervousness, impulses from the central nervous system irritate the nerve endings and cause itching of the skin in various places:

  • inner surface of the elbow;
  • area under the kneecap;
  • groin area;
  • inner thighs.

The rash first appears in the form of papules, which are covered with dry, rough scales. The affected areas cause a lot of anxiety to the patient; the person suffers from itching and burning, which aggravates his mental state.

Causes of skin allergies depending on location

An allergy in the form of skin rashes, a photo can tell about the cause of its occurrence, depending on the location:

  • If the rash appears on the face as red spots on the cheeks, it may be caused by pets, food allergies, or exposure to chemicals. To eliminate symptoms, you first need to avoid contact with allergens and switch to a diet. With medication, you need to take an antihistamine and drink an absorbent to remove toxins from the body. Ointments can be used topically to treat dermatitis.
  • The rash may appear on the arms or legs in different places, usually these are irregular pink-red spots. With a progressive allergic reaction, the spots can merge, forming a large area of ​​​​damage to the skin. A person experiences excruciating itching; children suffer the most; it is difficult for them to control the desire to scratch the rash. In such cases, glucocorticosteroids and hormonal ointments are additionally prescribed.
  • If the rash affects the stomach and back, the cause is often a food allergy or reaction to drug therapy, or contact with a pet can also cause such irritation. Sometimes taking an antihistamine is enough, but it is better to consult a doctor.

What to do if a skin rash appears?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen; if a person does not know the reason why the rash appeared, he needs to remember what happened over the past 24 hours: what was eaten, what medications were taken, what chemicals or other irritants were in contact. In any case, you need to do the following:

  • take an antihistamine - Loratadine, Zodak, Suprastin;
  • rinse the skin under a cold shower without using cosmetics, this procedure will have a calming effect and eliminate bacteria from the skin that can join the inflammatory process and cause skin diseases;
  • if there is swelling on the skin, you can apply a cooling compress from an infusion of sage, string or chamomile.

It is not recommended to use hormonal ointments on your own, especially in children. Any medicine has contraindications, and taking the drug without a doctor's prescription can worsen the patient's condition.

Allergies are one of the most common diseases in the world. Almost every person has suffered from one form or another. Adults can take care of themselves, but for a child, allergies are stressful. From our article you will learn what to do if your child has allergies, what forms of allergic rashes there are, how to get rid of them and prevent their manifestations in the future.

Allergic rash is a common phenomenon among children of preschool and primary school age

Causes of allergic rashes on the body in children

Most children aged 0 to 7 years are susceptible to skin reactions caused by contact with an irritant. An allergic reaction can be food, viral or chemical. As a rule, rashes on the body due to contact with an allergen are accompanied by severe itching, swelling and hyperemia.

The most common causes of allergic rashes in children are:

  • Taking medications with an aggressive composition. A reaction in young children can be caused by either a synthetic antibiotic or a natural drug with herbal components. Aggressive allergens are expectorant syrups.
  • Breast-feeding. Rashes occur if a nursing mother neglects the diet developed by the doctor and eats food containing allergens. Allergic reactions in infants can be caused by chocolate, citrus fruits, fast food - a complete list will be provided by a pediatrician or dermatologist.
  • The use of household chemicals and the use of cosmetics with chemical fragrances. Allergies in children can be caused by washing powder, skin cream, dishwashing detergent (we recommend reading:).
  • Natural factors. Sudden temperature changes, long walks exposed to sunlight.
  • Allergic dermatoses are poisonous plants and animals that leave a burn upon contact with the skin.
  • Non-cellular infectious agents are the cause of viral allergies.

Types of childhood allergic rash with description

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Currently, experts talk about two types of allergies:

  • Acute, which is characterized by an instant reaction to a stimulus. This allergy has a pronounced clinical picture, but the rashes can be quickly treated: they disappear within a few days.
  • Chronic. As the name implies, it is a sluggish ongoing disease process. As a rule, chronic allergies disappear on their own by the age of one and a half years.

The clinical picture of allergies consists of several types of rashes on the skin of a child. Each type involves taking certain medications. If you notice symptoms of a rash in your child, contact your doctor immediately.

We will analyze each of the types with a description and explanation of the reasons for their occurrence (photos are presented below).

Type of rashDescriptionThe most common causes
Allergic dermatitisSmall red rash all over the body. The skin on the affected area is dry, peeling is possible. Characterized by the presence of ulcers and cracks.Failure in the child’s immune system, contact with an external irritant.
HivesThe name comes from nettle, because. the rash resembles a burn from this plant. Large spots of pinkish or bright red color. Additional symptom: itching that cannot be relieved by scratching. Blisters wander throughout the body, appearing in new places: on the face, arms, legs, and on the folds of the body.Food intolerance to certain foods: chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.
EczemaSmall pimples or red sores. It is chronic in nature, so relapses are possible. The skin of the face is affected first, then blisters cover the legs and arms.Household chemicals, infection, dermatitis.
NeurodermatitisThe rash looks like psoriasis. Severe peeling and thickening of the skin. It is a chronic disease.Frequent allergic reactions, malfunctions of the immune system, food allergies to a large number of foods.

Allergic dermatitis

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of allergies includes 3 methods:

  1. Symptomatic (initial diagnosis). The method is used for classical forms - dermatitis and urticaria. The clinical picture of the diseases is not diverse. Typically, just looking at the rash is enough to make a diagnosis. In addition to the rash, other symptoms are taken into account: redness of the eyes, runny nose, swelling, irritability, etc.
  2. Taking allergy tests. The method allows you to determine the allergen. However, the procedure can be performed on children over 3 years of age.
  3. Tests for the state of immunity. There are no age restrictions.

Differentiated diagnosis is also necessary, since the general clinical picture can give false ideas about the diagnosis.

Allergies are accompanied by symptoms similar to some infectious diseases. The table below shows the distinctive features in the symptoms of these two categories.

Symptoms and signsAllergic reactionInfectious disease
General appearance of the rash (including spots, pimples, ulcers)Size ranges from small dots to large blisters. There may be crusts, erosions, and serous wells.The rashes are autonomous in nature: each of the points is clearly defined and does not merge with the others.
LocalizationOn the face: chin area, cheeks, sometimes on the forehead. Arms, legs, hips, buttocks, neck. Rarely on the body.Front and back of the body. Rarely - legs and arms. Very rarely - on the forehead.
FeverAbsent or low-grade fever is observed.It can be expressed by all types of temperatures - from subfebrile to hyperpyretic.
Edema and swelling in the affected areasVividly expressed. They can be mild and can be life-threatening.They practically don't appear.
Associated symptomsExcessive activity of the lacrimal glands, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, conjunctivitis, decreased blood pressure, gastrointestinal upset, cough.Mucus from the mouth and nose, body aches, general loss of strength.
How long does the rash take to go away?As a rule, after taking medication, the rash goes away quickly and leaves no traces.The rash persists throughout the entire treatment period.

Treatment regimen for allergic rash depending on its type

Therapy for allergic rashes in children depends on its type and reaction to the irritant. With any type of allergic rash, an important step is to identify the substance that caused it. The child should avoid contact with the allergen. The next step is to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

As a rule, therapy is based on following nutritional rules and taking antiallergic drugs (antihistamines). When taking medication, carefully read the instructions for use of the drugs. Many of them contain age restrictions. Products for children have a “soft” composition and are pleasant to the taste.

As stated above, allergic rashes come in several types, each of which requires specific treatment. Below is a table with the names of treatment agents.

Type of rashDrug therapyNon-drug therapy
Allergic dermatitis (we recommend reading:)To relieve symptoms use:
  • Suprastin
  • Zyrtec
  • Fenistil
  • Erius
  • physiotherapy
  • no contact with allergen, diet
  • using soothing baths with chamomile and sage
  • providing the little patient with peace and positive emotions
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Suprastin
  • Tavegil
  • antihistamines (described above)
  • immunomodulators (echinacea tincture, dietary supplements)
  • enterosorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc. (more details in the article: ).)
  • sorbents
  • sedatives
  • ointments with a cooling effect

The listed types of allergic reactions include a number of other symptoms in addition to the rash. They can also be removed with the help of medications. Itching, redness and similar discomfort will be removed by gels and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect. Corticosteroids will help with a runny nose and swelling of the nasal mucosa. Eye drops will help with conjunctivitis. The best addition to treatment will be parental love and care.

What is strictly forbidden to do?

If a rash is found on the child’s body, it is strictly prohibited:

  • squeezing out ulcers and ulcers (especially on the cheeks and forehead);
  • injury to bubbles (puncture, squeezing);
  • contact of the affected area with dirty hands, especially scratching the rash;
  • the use of drugs that can distort the clinical picture (with dyes and substances based on them).

An allergic rash is a serious symptom. Many types of allergies do not require specific medical treatment. However, in some cases, self-medication is detrimental to the health and life of the baby. A rash can also be caused by an infectious disease, which is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for others. The best solution is to see a doctor immediately.

As a rule, an allergic rash is mild and can be treated quite quickly, however, when it appears, the child must be shown to a specialist

How many days does it take for children to have an allergic rash?

There is no single answer to this question. How quickly the rash goes away depends on many factors: the correct treatment, the quality of the medications taken. Some patterns still exist.



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