Cardamom: beneficial properties and contraindications, use. Beneficial properties of cardamom

Cardamom, whose beneficial and medicinal properties have been known in Asian countries for many hundreds of years, is the most famous spice. It is traditionally used in Indian cuisine and is one of the main components of the famous spicy seasoning called garam masala. Few people here know about its medicinal properties. Meanwhile, this aromatic spice can help with problems of digestion, the genitourinary system, and increase tone and performance. And these are not all of its healing properties that will be discussed today.

Where does cardamom grow?

This aromatic spice comes from the evergreen tropical forests of southern India. It is grown in only a few southern countries.

The name “cardamom” combines two types of cardamom: green or real cardamom and black cardamom. In this article we will talk specifically about green or real cardamom. It is better known to a wide range of people as a spice that is sold in seeds or ground form.

Green cardamom belongs to the genus Eletaria ( Elettaria cardamomum).

Black cardamom is a representative of several plant species belonging to the genus Amomum.

The first cardamom is grown mainly in India. Black cardamom is grown in some Asian countries and in Australia.

Both types of cardamom belong to the ginger family. It is a tall perennial plant with fleshy roots and large lanceolate leaves. Cardamom blooms with white, green, and sometimes light lilac to purple flowers. The fruit is a three-lobed pod about two centimeters long. Inside the pod there are small, about 3 mm long, dark brown aromatic seeds, each of which is located in a separate nest, separated from each other by a thin membrane.

Black cardamom has larger pods and dark brown seeds. Both types of cardamom are used in cooking as a spice to flavor dishes and drinks, as well as in medicine.

For spice purposes, cardamom fruits are collected unripe and then dried. The process of collecting and drying is very labor-intensive, mostly manual. Therefore, this affects the price of the spice.

Beneficial properties of cardamom

Cardamom seeds contain many important nutrients including:



Essential oil


The essential oil makes up about 5 percent of the weight of the seed itself. It contains a lot of fatty oil. The aromatic part of the oil consists of cineole, p-cumene, terpineol, myrcene, terpinyl acetate and other compounds. It contains formic and acetic acids. It is the essential oil that makes cardamom valuable for medicinal purposes.

Cardamom seeds are a good source of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and others.

100 grams of seeds contain 1119 mg of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cellular fluid and the entire body; it helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

Copper is needed for the production of red blood cells.

In addition, it is an excellent source of iron and manganese. 100 grams of seeds contain 13.97 mg of iron, which is 175 percent of a person’s daily requirement for this element. Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells and cellular metabolism.

Manganese acts as a cofactor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant. 100 grams contain 28 mg of this trace element.

This spice contains a number of important vitamins: riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin C.

It contains many compounds with antioxidant properties. These substances prevent many diseases, strengthen the immune system and generally have a beneficial effect on human health.

Cardamom medicinal properties

Thanks to its unique chemical composition, cardamom has not only a pleasant aroma, but also many beneficial properties, among which it should be noted:









It improves the functioning of the digestive system, promotes appetite, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice.

Cardamom improves liver function by increasing the flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder. This property has always been used to cleanse and detoxify the body. It can relieve nausea and vomiting, flatulence and various stomach disorders.

Research shows that cardamom may be much more effective in treating stomach and duodenal ulcers than ranitidine, a commonly prescribed drug for these conditions.

Even the ancient Romans drank tea with cardamom after a hearty feast to avoid the unpleasant consequences of overeating.

Drinks with cardamom increase the overall tone, performance and endurance of the body. This is an excellent supplement for people who have to work a lot and experience great physical, mental, and emotional stress.

The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of the spice are used for sore throat, sore throat, colds and flu.

It has long been considered a good aphrodisiac that can increase male strength and potency.

Cardamom uses

As a medicine, cardamom has found use due to the presence and rich chemical composition of the essential oil, which is obtained from the seeds. It is traditionally used as an antiseptic and as a local anesthetic.

These properties have been confirmed in modern scientific research, which were known many years ago in oriental medicine. Cardamom can be used:

To relieve nausea and vomiting after surgery;

For intestinal cramps;

For heartburn;

For irritable bowel syndrome;

For colds and flu;

For bronchitis;

For pain in the mouth and throat;

For diseases of the genitourinary system;

To improve appetite;

With increased gas formation;

For constipation;

For infectious diseases;

From unpleasant odor in the mouth;

Even in ancient treatises, methods of use are described for:

Throat diseases;

Teeth and gums;


Stomach diseases;

It was used as an antidote for the bites of poisonous spiders and snakes. Recent studies of cardamom show that it can even be used in the treatment of gonorrhea.





Loss of appetite;

Difficulty urinating;

Bladder diseases;

Kidney diseases;

Lung blockage (embolism);

Pulmonary tuberculosis;

Inflammation of the eyelids;

Gastrointestinal disorders;


Cardiovascular diseases;


Uses of cardamom recipes

Cardamom is used for treatment in grains, which are used whole or ground. Essential oil is widely used and used as a rinse, in ointments or lotions.

To get rid of hiccups, prepare an infusion by brewing 5 mint leaves and 2 cardamom grains in a glass of boiling water, which must first be crushed.

For gonorrhea, cystitis, nephritis, pain during urination, frequent urge to urinate, and gallstones and kidney stones in South Asia, cardamom is used in combination with banana leaves and alma juice. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom grains, banana leaves and alma juice. Take this mixture three times a day.

To relieve headaches, prepare a paste from ground grains and apply it to the forehead.

For stomach upsets, grind 2 cardamom seeds and mix with one teaspoon of honey.

To strengthen the immune system, grind 3-4 grains and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Take the mixture in the morning once a day.

For kidney failure, drink milk with ground cardamom. This healing mixture helps with burning sensation when urinating. Milk with cardamom and honey will help improve potency in men. Add a pinch of ground cardamom and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of milk.

Cardamom mixed with honey can improve vision. Eat this mixture for a long time.

A decoction of the plant's seeds is used to gargle for respiratory diseases, influenza, in the mouth for gingivitis, and to freshen breath. You can brew it in combination with mint and sage.

An infusion made from one teaspoon of ground cardamom brewed with a glass of boiling water is drunk to cleanse the body. Take 50 ml of infusion once a day. The same infusion can be drunk at night for insomnia.

For intestinal disorders from diarrhea, cardamom is brewed together with fennel (dill) seeds. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture, prepared in equal proportions, with a glass of boiling water and leave. Strain and drink, starting with 1 tablespoon, gradually increasing the dose to 50 ml per dose.

Essential oil added to the bath will relieve fatigue, depression, and stress.

Essential oil is used in perfumery, cosmetics and medicine.

It was once used in the preparation of love potions.

It is used topically as a repellent.

Why do you chew cardamom?

Cardamom grains contain a lot of essential oil, which contains chemicals that provide them with many beneficial and medicinal properties. Many oriental medicine clinics still recommend that patients chew its grains to prevent intestinal infections. Essential oil has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora and kills bacteria.

Traditionally, cardamom is chewed for:

Breath freshening;

Prevention of oral diseases such as gingivitis and others;

Prevention of intestinal and stomach disorders;

Throat disease.

Before going out into the sun, chew a cardamom pod to protect against heat stroke.

To detoxify the body, chew two cardamom seeds daily on an empty stomach and then drink a glass of milk.

For motion sickness and nausea, chew 2-3 grains.

Cardamom for cough

Cardamom improves blood circulation in the lungs and may help prevent spasms or cramps. Hence, cardamom is very beneficial for those suffering from asthma or bronchitis. It should be taken in small quantities.

Cardamom is also beneficial for those who suffer from some forms of respiratory allergies. It has some warming effect and hence is said to be able to relieve severe headaches associated with colds. It also helps with coughs.

A good cough remedy can be prepared by mixing a pinch of ground cardamom with a pinch of table salt, one teaspoon of ghee and half a teaspoon of honey. This mixture helps relieve cough.

Gargling with tincture of cinnamon and cardamom helps get rid of hoarseness in the voice. To prepare the rinse, take a teaspoon of cardamom and cinnamon tincture per glass of water.

Cardamom use in cooking

Cardamom is added to sweet dishes and desserts. After removing the seeds from the pod, they are cleaned and ground into powder using a pestle or hand mill just before adding to the dish.

Often, simply whole spice pods are used to flavor non-sweet dishes.

Green cardamom can be used:

As a flavoring additive in food, soups, soft drinks;

Cardamom with pistachios is a popular dessert in India, Pakistan, and Iran.

Add it to rice pudding with pistachios and raisins;

For flavoring tea and coffee.

Black cardamom is used mainly in the preparation of non-sweet dishes: pilaf, stewed meat, lentils.

How to select and store cardamom

Cardamom is sold in beans or ground form. This expensive spice. In terms of price, it ranks third. Green cardamom is smaller and light green in color. Black cardamom is larger and dark brown in color.

Fresh pods should be heavier than their weight and should release a sweet aroma when rubbed with your hands.

You should avoid buying pods with light discolored spots, which may be affected by a fungal infection.

Store cardamom in closed spice jars. Use it in small quantities.

Cardamom contraindications

Cardamom as a spice is added to dishes in small quantities and is safe in this regard. When preparing medicines, very little of it is also required.

For medicinal purposes, it should not be used for gallstones, which can cause stones to pass, spasms and pain.

For pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, it should be used only as a culinary spice, but not for treatment. This is explained by the fact that there is no scientific data on its effect on a woman’s body during pregnancy and on infants.

Some people may be allergic to this medicinal plant. Side effects of an allergic reaction can be very serious and include:

Labored breathing;

Chest pain and discomfort;


Swelling of the skin.

Those who experience such symptoms after taking cardamom should consult a doctor immediately to avoid more serious consequences.

Cardamom beneficial properties

The word “cardamom” brings to mind the smells of Indian cuisine, Christmas gingerbread, delicious sausages or something else aromatic and tasty. But not everyone knows what kind of plant it is, where it comes from, and what beneficial properties and contraindications it has. This will be discussed further.

Where did fragrant grass come from?

Actually, cardamom is a perennial herb, a relative of ginger. True, this grass grows up to four meters high. All its parts, from roots to seeds, have a strong, unique aroma. True cardamoms are considered to be plants belonging to the botanical genera Elettaria and Amomum.

Elettaria - green on the right and Amomum - black on the left

Their homeland is South India. Nowadays, plants are also cultivated in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Guatemala, where it is grown on plantations. The first flowering and fruiting of young plants occurs only in the third year after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Cardamom produces a harvest only for six to ten years.

The fruits, collected like cobs, are removed while they are still immature, because as they ripen, the capsules crack and the seeds they contain spill out. Next, the fruits are dried, sorted by size and color, bleached and sent to consumers.

Green cardamom in all three of its varieties is considered more valuable and expensive - Mysore, Malabar and Vajuka. It has a stronger and more complex even slightly resinous aroma.

Black, Javanese, Bengal, Siamese, red variety - all these are the fruits of plants of the genus Amomym, growing in the tropics of Asia and Australia. They have a milder taste and smell.

Green and black are so different that they cannot be substitutes for one another when preparing dishes.

Cardamom in natural conditions: examples in the photo

Plant in natural conditions cardamom flower

Beneficial features

The use of cardamom in cooking, drinking, and baking is well known. Much less is known about the fact that the spice contains essential oils, fats, numerous chemical elements, vitamins, including group B, ascorbic acid, proteins, sugars, starch, and gum. They are in such a combination that they can have a beneficial healing effect on the human body. This property of cardamom has been used since ancient times and to this day in the countries of the East, India, and China to treat various diseases.

When consumed, spices enhance body functions such as:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • secretion of gastric juice and metabolic processes;
  • activity of the nervous system, including brain cells;
  • general tone.

In addition, it cleanses the body, removing toxins, waste, excess fluid, relieves constipation, and also fights pathogenic intestinal microflora.

At the same time, it is an antiseptic and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is used in the treatment of colds, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, including dermatitis, as well as ailments of the genitourinary system.

Not everyone likes the aroma of cardamom.

The use of spices can reduce stress, get rid of fatigue, heart pain, improve skin condition, normalize sleep and digestion, get rid of heartburn, constipation and flatulence, freshen breath, and make it easier to lose weight.

Cardamom is an active aphrodisiac. It is used to treat various sexual disorders, including male impotence and female frigidity.

The spice contains a lot of manganese, a deficiency of which is usually present in diabetic patients. Regular use as an additive to tea makes up for the lack of luck.

For women

For ladies, the spice will also be useful for restoring the functioning of the central nervous system during menstruation and will help get rid of the symptoms of menopause.

There is no consensus among doctors regarding the use of cardamom during pregnancy. Some consider this acceptable and even useful as a remedy against toxicosis, which also has a sedative effect. Doctors who disagree with this fear a negative impact on the fetus, which could cause an allergic reaction in the child.

When breastfeeding, pediatricians definitely exclude the use of cardamom by the mother, at least until the baby is three months old, since the digestive system of newborns is not yet fully formed.

For children

Regarding the use of children by children, the opinions of experts also differ radically. Some include the product in the list of absolute contraindications, others recommend using the spice for diarrhea in a child and even for disinfecting milk purchased at the market.

Contraindications to the use of cardamom

There are a number of body conditions when the use of aromatic spices should be completely avoided. The list of such cases includes:

  • gallbladder diseases, pancreatitis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hypertension or a tendency to sharply increase blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

Cardamom causes a severe allergic reaction in many people. Therefore, when using it for the first time, you need to be very careful, and if you are individually intolerant to the product, completely avoid its use.

You should be very careful when including spices in a child’s diet, especially younger ones. You should also not overuse this spice.

Treatment with spices

Cardamom lovers often do not even suspect how many health problems their habit of consuming this spice can save them from.

Invigorating tea from Yulia Vysotskaya

Cardamom can also be used for the targeted treatment of many ailments, but one must not forget about the existing contraindications for its use. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor.

Magic tea

For a cold

To treat bronchopulmonary diseases and cleanse the sinuses of excess mucus, many recipes recommend using cardamom. One of the tips received from Indian yogis is tea for colds.

Yogi tea


  • cardamom - 9 grains;
  • cloves - 7 pieces;
  • grated ginger root - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick the size of an index finger;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

Place all ingredients into boiling water and heat for another five minutes. They drink it warm with honey not only for colds, but also for flu-like conditions and to relieve fatigue.

Tea to prevent influenza

Cardamom tea


  • low-fat milk - 0.5 liters;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • cloves - 10 pieces;
  • cardamom - 10 pieces;
  • fresh ginger pieces - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground nutmeg - half a teaspoon;
  • green tea - 2 teaspoons.

Prepare tea in enamel containers. The water is heated, cardamom, cloves and tea are added before boiling. Pour milk into the boiled broth and add ginger. When the liquid boils again, add nutmeg powder and keep on low heat for another 3-4 minutes. Drink both warm and cold.

Inhalations with oil

A nebulizer can be used for inhalation

The procedure is very useful for relieving sore throat and other cold symptoms. To carry it out, use 1-2 drops of cardamom essential oil, add them to hot water in an inhaler bowl or to a regular cup of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing steam.

Getting rid of flatulence

To get rid of this problem, traditional medicine recommends simply chewing four to ten cardamom grains throughout the day.

With severe flatulence, Roemheld's syndrome may occur - a heart disease caused by increased pressure in the diaphragm. To eliminate it, tea, the recipe for which is given below, is useful.

Medicinal tea

For flatulence, you can use cardamom tea as an aid.


  • water - 250 ml;
  • cardamom - 20 g;
  • cumin - 20 g;
  • fennel - 10 g.

Place all the ingredients in boiled water and boil for three minutes, filter. Drink the drink as needed, 200 ml at a time.

Cardamom and blood pressure

As mentioned earlier, the spice is completely contraindicated for people who suffer from hypertension or have a tendency to increase blood pressure. On the contrary, it is useful for hypotensive patients. You can consume it in the form of tea, prepared at least according to the recipe below. This drink improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure.

Tea for low blood pressure can be consumed in small quantities


  • cardamom seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • black tea - 2 g or bag;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • honey - to taste.

To prepare the drink, pour a glass of boiling water into the tea leaves and spices. When it cools down a little, add honey and milk. Drink the drink 1-2 times throughout the day.

To get rid of impotence

Tincture for prostatitis

Cardamom tincture should be consumed in moderation, no more than one glass per day.

For the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men, medicinal tinctures with cardamom are prepared.

Tincture 1


  • cardamom seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.

The powdered grains are poured into a vessel with vodka and kept at room temperature in a dark place for 14 days. Then sugar is dissolved in the tincture. Before going to bed, drink about 50 grams of tincture daily.

Tincture 2


  • cardamom seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • vodka - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 150 grams.

The seeds are pounded in a mortar or crushed in another way. They are poured with vodka, allowed to brew for 21 days, filtered, and sugar is added. Take 30–40 grams half an hour before bedtime or add the same amount of tincture to tea.

Lose weight with cardamom

As a regulator of the digestive system and a cleanser of the body from toxins and excess fluid, cardamom is recommended to be used in diet for weight loss. This use of spices was known back in Ancient India. There, obese people were recommended to season their food with this spice. This advice is still appropriate today, if there are no contraindications to consuming the seasoning. We often drink teas with cardamom for the purpose of losing weight. You can brew them according to several recipes.

The simplest tea

The simplest tea – and so many benefits!

For it, only cardamom and boiling water are used in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of spice grains per glass of water. Brew like regular tea and leave for 10–15 minutes. Drink this infusion half an hour before meals for no more than two weeks. When using this drink for weight loss, you should give up alcohol, smoking and coffee.

Green tea with spice

To prepare it, steam half a teaspoon of cardamom grains and a tablespoon of green tea in a thermos overnight. Use the infusion as tea leaves, diluting it with hot boiled water. You should drink this tea before meals, 20 minutes before eating. It is recommended to drink two to four glasses of the drink per day.

Tea with cardamom, hibiscus and ginger

The drink with cardamom, hibiscus and ginger has a ruby ​​color and a unique aroma.


  • cardamom grains - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • hibiscus - 1 tablespoon;
  • green tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 300 milliliters.

Steam all ingredients with boiling water overnight. 17 ml of infusion is diluted with hot water and drunk before meals.

Arabic coffee is useful for weight loss, but is contraindicated for hypertensive patients

Arabic coffee with cardamom is good for weight loss. The drink will invigorate, lift your spirits, and warm you up in the cold. You can add lemon or cream, spices such as cinnamon, vanilla. When losing weight, Arabic coffee will help overcome the desire to eat something inappropriate, while the aromatic spice will help remove toxins and speed up metabolism, which in turn speeds up fat burning. At the same time, it neutralizes the effects of caffeine on the body.

To make Arabic coffee, you will need:

  • ground coffee - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • cardamom beans - 2–3 pieces;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cardamom grains are slightly flattened in a mortar or two teaspoons. The turk is preheated over a fire, sugar is added, distributing it along the bottom, then spices and coffee are added, and cold water is poured over everything. Let the drink foam and fall three times when the Turk is removed from the heat, and at the end let the drink sit for 1-2 minutes. During this time, heat a cup with boiling water and, after pouring out the water, fill it with the drink.

If there is no spice in the beans, but only powder, the only difference in the preparation of the drink will be that the spice is added to the coffee after it is removed from the heat. Sometimes it is advised to mix dry coffee with cardamom powder.

Cardamom is one of the most ancient oriental spices. It is the seeds of the plant of the same name, a close relative of ginger, crushed to a powder state, so their properties are largely similar. In ancient times, cardamom was called the grain of paradise and was revered for its high aromatic and taste qualities, as well as for its pronounced medicinal properties.

Currently, it is used in many cuisines around the world. It is used to flavor sausages, meat products, and add to cheeses. It gives finished products a piquant, slightly pungent taste and a light lemon scent with a hint of camphor. The healing properties of cardamom are also well known. In the old days, it was considered almost a panacea for all then known ailments.

Let's talk in more detail on the about such a spice as cardamom, what are the benefits and harms of it, and consider recipes with cardamom for preparing medicinal products. We’ll also find out how you can use this spice for weight loss and improve skin condition:

Composition, benefits of cardamom for the body

The aromatic powder from the seeds of the plant has a rich beneficial composition characteristic of the ginger family. In particular, cardamom contains valuable substances: borneol, cineole, terpineol and limonene. There are vitamins C and group B. Many minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron. There is phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese. Contains small amounts of protein and starch. A slightly burning, islandy taste and spicy aroma are given by the essential oil, which it is very rich in.

This composition of various beneficial substances gives the spice pronounced healing properties. In particular, it is used in the treatment of migraines and is used to reduce nausea.

The presence of beneficial microelements, B vitamins, makes the spice able to regulate the central nervous system, making it more resistant to frequent stressful conditions.

Even a very small amount of spice, if used regularly, helps to calm down, relieves nervous tension, and activates brain function. Essential oil is recommended to be used to improve mood, eliminate depression, and apathy.

Eating cardamom helps strengthen capillaries and blood vessels, and gradually dissolves cholesterol deposits on their walls. Its use improves heart function, helps restore impaired peripheral circulation, and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Tea with ground seeds is a well-known folk remedy for colds, as the drink has a warming, diaphoretic effect. It is useful to drink for infectious diseases, as well as during the recovery period after illnesses, or during heavy physical exertion.

Cardamom is known to stimulate digestion. It restores impaired metabolic processes and promotes weight loss. Helps the body get rid of waste and harmful toxins. A tincture based on it is used in the treatment of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, it eliminates increased gas formation and flatulence.

Let's find out how cardamom can be used to treat certain diseases:

We are treated using cardamom, we use recipes!

- . Add 0.5 tsp. spices per glass of boiling water. Stir, wait about an hour for the mixture to infuse well. Pour into another cup through a gauze napkin and use to gargle a sore throat, 4-5 times a day.

- Gastrointestinal disorders. To normalize the functions of the stomach and intestines, improve digestion, use a healing mixture: combine 2 tsp. cardamom powder and ground cumin seeds, add 1 tsp. fennel seeds, stir. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into a glass, add boiling water halfway, stir. Drink in the morning, after breakfast. Repeat the treatment the next day.

- Vision problems. To improve and improve the quality of vision, mix 1 tsp. honey with 0.5 tsp. cardamom Eat this amount of mixture daily. Once a day is enough.

Cardamom for weight loss. Recipes to choose from

We have already mentioned the weight loss properties of the spice. There are several recipes using it for this. We bring to your attention two - with a simple and more complex composition:

Simple recipe

Pour boiling water over ground grains: 1 tsp. per glass of water. Cover with a clean towel and wait 15 minutes. Drink the strained drink shortly before meals (half an hour). Remember that this recipe can be used for no longer than 2 weeks. Usually this is quite enough for weight loss, provided that you eat normally, without overeating.

Complicated recipe

Pour 0.5 tsp into a dry bowl. cardamom powder, ginger, ground. Add 1 tbsp. l. dry herb St. John's wort, linden inflorescences. Mix thoroughly. Every morning prepare a fresh infusion: 2 tbsp. l. mixture into 2 cups boiling water. Drink the total volume of the strained drink a day in three doses, shortly before meals.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetologists recommend using seed essential oil to cleanse, improve skin tone, restore its elasticity and rejuvenate. The oil is usually used in combination with other oils and natural products. Here's a very good recipe:

Pour 3 drops into a porcelain, glass or ceramic cup. cardamom and almond oils. Add 2 drops. avocado oil, 5 drops. pink. Lubricate your cleansed, scrubbed face and neck with this mixture, lightly tapping in with your fingertips. After 20 minutes, remove excess with a damp cloth or sponge. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

About who is dangerous from cardamom (harm to the use of the spice)

The use of cardamom, which we continue to talk about on this page, is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It will not bring any benefit if you are individually intolerant to the product. This applies not only to consumption, but also to external use. If there are no obstacles, use the aromatic spice to improve your well-being, add a pinch to ready-made dishes. This will only benefit your health.

Cardamom is the fruit of a perennial exotic plant from the family Ginger It is one of the most expensive spices, so it is often called the queen of spices, the king of seasonings, or the pretentious grain of paradise.

It is not the ground product that is especially valued, but the whole product: black, shiny hard seeds about 3 mm long. With a characteristic spicy-burning taste and sweetish aroma.

Unripe three-chamber boxes are used to make spices. They are dried on special equipment with intermediate moisture.

India is considered the birthplace of cardamom. Thanks to Arab merchants, it was brought to Egypt, Rome and Greece.

Currently, Guatemala is the leader in spice production.

The first book mentions date back to the 11th century BC. e. But knowledgeable people claim that the plant was collected even before the advent of written literacy. Therefore, cardamom can be considered the oldest spice.

Composition and calorie content

The main component of cardamom is essential oil, which includes:

  • limonene (a hydrocarbon with a pronounced citrus odor) with anticancer activity;
  • terpineol (isomeric alcohol with the smell of lilac) is an aromatic substance with antimicrobial properties;
  • borneol (alcohol with the smell of pine needles) lowers blood pressure;
  • cineole (a hydrocarbon formerly known as “equaliptol”) - an antiseptic, promotes expectoration;
  • amidone (opioid) with analgesic properties.

Cardamom also contains fatty oils, a set of vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin);
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • potassium.

Cardamom seeds are quite high in calories and contain more than 311 kcal per 100 g. But among spices, this is far from the most “energy-charged” option.

Calorie table for some seasonings

Useful and paradoxical properties

Ancient healers were not lying when they attributed miraculous properties to cardamom, curing almost all diseases.

It is not for nothing that in Ayurveda the product was called “the spice of the three doshas”, or “the product of goodness” (sattva). Sattvic food (spice also includes ginger, fennel, cinnamon, and coriander) is designed to cleanse the body and calm the spirit.

Cardamom is able to solve seemingly opposite health problems. The secret is in the rules of use.

For the stomach

Agni is the digestive fire. Indian doctors are sure: if agni is normal, then regular use of cardamom is enough to maintain balance. If the disturbances are serious, it is recommended to use grains of paradise in conjunction with other healing remedies.

The ability of cardamom to have a positive effect on the digestive system, discovered in ancient times, is successfully used today.

  • Helps against bloating, flatulence and colic.
  • Prevents the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relieves hiccups, heartburn and belching by stabilizing acidity and neutralizing involuntary spasms of the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • Copes with nausea and vomiting.
  • Suitable for complex treatment of anorexia. Causes appetite and normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, strengthens the muscles of the stomach, stimulates digestion and metabolism.
  • An effective remedy for losing weight and treating obesity: burns fat, relieves the feeling of heaviness after eating. At the same time, it does not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and oral cavity.

For constipation and diarrhea

Cardamom is used to treat defecation disorders. The mild effect of the spice allows it to be taken by children and women during breastfeeding. Of course, after consultation with your doctor.

With loose stools mix cardamom with calamus, dill and fennel in equal parts and brew 1 tsp. the resulting mixture with 1 cup of boiling water.

It is better to start giving this tincture to small children with 1 tsp, gradually increasing the dosage if allergies are not observed.

For constipation, the spice is added to foods rich in fiber and oils. The maximum healing effect is achieved by combining cardamom with fennel, ginger and.

To improve nutrient absorption, it is recommended to combine cardamom with other seasonings, such as:

  • red pepper,
  • pippali (long pepper),
  • cumin,
  • fennel,
  • cinnamon,
  • carnation,

For weight loss

Cardamom discourages cravings for sweets, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, and promotes healthy weight loss. Can be consumed as a dietary tea, coffee or honey additive. Pairs well with another metabolism-accelerating spice - cinnamon.

  • Fat burning tea. Brew 1 tsp. seeds in 250 ml of boiling water. Let sit covered for 20 minutes. Take half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Coffee in a thermos. Mix 1 dessert spoon of cardamom with 1 tbsp. l. instant coffee, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave in the thermos overnight. Drink in the morning.
  • Turkish coffee with cinnamon. Pour 1 tsp into the Turk. cardamom, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, add water. Bring to a boil, but do not allow it to boil further: remove from heat for a minute, put back, and so on 2-3 times.
  • Cardamom honey. Mix 1 tsp. natural honey with 5 pre-ground cardamom grains. Take daily.

For the throat

  • For bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, colds and coughs, it removes accumulated mucus from the body.
  • Reduces pain and hoarseness due to sore throat, laryngitis and other throat diseases.
  • Restores vocal cords.
  • For respiratory diseases, cardamom oil is rubbed into the chest area to ease breathing.
  • For pharyngitis, gargle with an infusion of 1/2 tsp brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. cardamom seeds.

For the genitourinary system

Medieval healers used cardamom to solve urinary problems.

In the modern world, the range of properties useful for the genitourinary system has expanded.

  • Minimizes burning sensation.
  • Eliminates urinary retention.
  • Improves erectile function.
  • Prevents the accumulation of excess water in the body and reduces swelling.
  • It is used as a diuretic in special preparations for the treatment of nephritis, cystitis and gonorrhea.
  • Useful for kidney stones and gall bladder. But with cholelithiasis (GSD), caution is required: pain may intensify.
  • Aphrodisiac: increases potency and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. In case of overdose, the effect is the opposite.
  • Recommended for prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
  • Positively affects health in case of candidiasis in combination with red pepper, garlic and asafoetida, calamus, and tabebuia bark ( Tabebuia).

It is from the bark of tabebuia (second name: ant tree) that tahibo is produced.
Recipe for a healing men's drink:

  1. Take 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. Add 1 tsp to vodka. crushed cardamom grains, mix and place in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks.
  3. Pour 2 tsp into the resulting tincture. Sahara.
  4. Take 50 ml before bed.

Non-alcoholic recipe: Boil some cardamom seeds in milk, add honey to taste and take every evening.

Analgesic and antiseptic properties

The ability of the essential oils contained in cardamom to kill fungi (including mold), bacteria and viruses was discovered and is still used by Indian doctors.

The Chinese, in turn, are addicted to chewing ground seeds to eliminate bad breath. And local medicine recommends cardamom as a sure remedy for headaches.

  • Indicated for viral diseases and fever accompanied by high temperature.
  • Relieves toothache and freshens breath, as it kills pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity and prevents the development of caries.

For the heart and blood vessels

  • A couple of cardamom seeds chewed in the mouth will help overcome cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Improves cerebral circulation, indicated for vascular spasms, neutralizes headaches.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Recommended for the treatment of hypotension. To combat low blood pressure, drink tea with the addition of ground spices 3-4 times a day.

An ideal remedy for heart problems: a mixture of cardamom, cinnamon and ginger.

For the circulatory system

The blood circulation-catalyzing properties of cardamom have also found use in folk medicine:

  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • has warming properties;
  • useful for menstrual irregularities;
  • helps cope with anemia.

For the thyroid gland

The spice reduces the overactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) and normalizes hormonal levels.

To cleanse the body

According to Sanskrit teaching, ama means toxins and wastes, and the best remedy for removing them is cardamom.

Prepare an infusion of 1 tsp. crushed seeds and a glass of boiling water. Take hot.

  • neutralizes the effect of caffeine when added to coffee;
  • serves as an antidote for bites of snakes, scorpions and poisonous insects;
  • used for food poisoning.

Antidepressant and stimulant

Residents of India and the Middle East regularly add cardamom to tea or coffee to maintain vitality and good mood.

As Ayurveda says, seasoning sharpens the mind and balances the energy of movement - vata (air).

For these purposes, it is best to add ground spice to food cooked in ghee (ghee).

Hindus note the following beneficial properties of cardamom:

  • tones, useful during active physical activity;
  • helps cope with depression, apathy and lethargy, relieves feelings of anxiety and fatigue;
  • increases mental activity;
  • relieves insomnia.

Recipe for a good night's sleep: 1 tsp. cardamom seeds pour 260 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain it and take 40-50 ml warm 40-60 minutes before bedtime.

To fight cancer

According to scientific research, thanks to the content diindolemethane(DIM) and indole-3-carbinol cardamom helps fight breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

For beauty and general health

Malabsorption syndrome(malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines) affects many important functions of the body. Cardamom helps get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

At home, you can prepare a refreshing drink that normalizes digestive processes, improves skin condition and promotes healthy weight loss.

  1. Add 80 g of chopped mint and 1 tsp to the juice of 1 squeezed (or cut into slices) lemon. cardamom seeds.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. After cooling completely, add honey (to taste).

Taking the spice in combination with honey is good for the eyes.

The spice is also popular among yoga fans.

Benefits of Cardamom Oil

Cardamom oil is used as an independent cosmetic product, an active component of masks and creams, and a perfume ingredient.

  • Helps get rid of pigmentation, improves complexion, gives the skin radiance.
  • Fights acne and skin inflammation, including those caused by insect bites.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin, prevents the occurrence of wrinkles by stimulating collagen synthesis.
  • Reduces dry skin, therefore it is used to eliminate cracks in the tongue and anus.
  • Allows you to cope with cellulite during a therapeutic massage.

Contraindications and possible harm

Precautionary measures: Like any product, even such a healthy spice should be consumed in moderation. It is not recommended to drink more than 3-4 cups of cardamom tea per day. In this case, the spice concentration should not exceed 1/4 tsp. per cup.

  1. Pregnant women should abstain or at least get a doctor's permission.
  2. Cardamom is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  3. People suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers should avoid this Ayurvedic product from their diet.
  4. Since the spice can increase blood pressure, it is dangerous for hypertensive patients.
  5. In chronic diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver, cardamom can cause exacerbation of diseases. Therefore, medical consultation is necessary.
  6. Ayurvedic doctors (vaidya) do not give cardamom to children under 7 years of age.

Use in cooking

Cardamom is suitable for adding to baked goods, compotes and other drinks, sauces, rice, fruit and vegetable dishes, as well as fish and meat. The spice is combined with anise, cinnamon and cloves.

Cardamom is also used as an additive to coffee to reveal the aroma of the drink and enhance its tonic and warming properties.

Exotic dishes often feature green parts of the plant, fresh or dried.

Types of cardamom

You can find three types of queen of spices on sale:

  • Green, or real. Grows in India. Thin, almost transparent green pods are used to make desserts.
  • Black, or Bengal. Grows in Australia and Asia. The fruits resemble tiny coconuts with black seeds inside.
  • White is the fruit of green cardamom after special treatment with sulfur oxide to soften the taste and aroma and extend shelf life.

Other varieties:

  • Ethiopian,
  • Javanese,
  • Chinese,
  • Bengal,
  • high,
  • narrow-leaved.

Selection and storage

  • It is best to purchase spices directly from the supplying countries.
  • When purchasing imported cardamom, give preference to whole fruits, as their aroma is more intense and lasts longer.
  • For ground spice, check whether the whole pod was ground or just the seeds. In the second case, the aroma and taste will be much brighter.
  • Store-bought options are the least desirable, and here the only thing available to you is checking the packaging for integrity and production date/expiration date.

The benefits and harms of cardamom are carefully studied by cosmetologists, cooks, aromatherapists and doctors. Popular all over the world, the plant's seeds perform well in all of these areas. After some processing, their beneficial properties can improve the immune system, as well as awaken sensuality and improve the health of the body.

What is cardamom and what does it look like?

Cardamom is a spice that is obtained after collecting and twice drying the seeds contained in the pods of the herbaceous plant of the same name. The healthy spice tastes quite hot, so it is used in limited quantities so as not to cause harm to the body.

The plant was first grown in India, where it established itself as a spice, flavoring and antidote effective against snake bites. Thanks to the efforts of merchants, the useful cardamom was later distributed in other countries, where very soon it became quite in demand due to the minimal harm compared to the benefits it brings.

Two types of plants from the ginger family are grown:

  1. Green – small pods are used in cooking to create desserts.
  2. Black – large fruits with seeds about 3–4 mm.

The health benefits and harms of cardamom largely depend on the variety chosen, storage methods and duration. If possible, it is recommended to purchase whole seeds and grind them immediately before use. To preserve the aroma and beneficial properties, it is advisable to pour the purchased ground spice into an airtight package.

Composition and calorie content of cardamom

The benefits of cardamom for the human body are due to its rich composition, which has a lot of beneficial properties. The seeds contain vitamins, microelements, and macroelements.

100 g of product contains:

The ready-to-use seasoning contains 310 kcal, a larger percentage of which comes from carbohydrates, which can be harmful to obese people. However, given that the spice is used in minimal quantities, it can be safely classified as a healthy dietary supplement.

Useful and healing properties of cardamom

Unsaturated fats, proteins and carbohydrates take the benefits of green cardamom to the next level. Typical properties of the product added to food are:

  • increasing physical endurance;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack;
  • relieving drowsiness and feelings of constant fatigue;
  • strengthening the nervous system.

The macroelements found in the product, in combination with vitamins and minerals, normalize the physiological processes of the body, strengthen the immune system, and the beneficial properties of unsaturated fats and carbohydrates improve metabolism.

For women

Even in ancient times, the benefits of spice for women were recognized. Whole or crushed seeds, if there are no individual intolerances or doctor’s contraindications, in some cases help to cure infertility. Toxicosis is perfectly relieved by the seeds of a healthy spice, which you just need to chew a little at the first symptoms. Portions should be small and used sparingly so as not to cause harm to the woman and baby.

Morning tea or coffee with a pinch of spice, combined with exercise, will help you gradually lose weight, which is a beneficial property for many women, especially those who have reached a certain age.

Advice! Cardamom is good for facial skin. The seeds are ground to a powder and the resulting mass is added to scrubs for intensive cleaning or light creams. Thanks to the measures taken, wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes tightened.

Similarly, the beneficial properties of the powder are used for hair growth and improvement by adding it to special masks.

For men

The properties of cardamom are quite widely used to improve potency. The simplest way is to use a special tincture.


  1. Take 500 g of vodka.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. chopped spice.
  3. Leave for 20 days.
  4. Add 100 g granulated sugar.
  5. After 1–2 days, filter the tincture and take about 30–50 g daily.

Cardamom is an aphrodisiac; it not only normalizes potency without harm, but also increases libido, which is certainly a beneficial property.

In addition, it will increase resistance to disease, which will also have a beneficial effect on the quality of intimate life.

Beneficial properties of cardamom for weight loss

Cardamom, which stimulates intestinal function and accelerates metabolism, is indispensable for weight loss. Relieving a person of extra pounds, the spice cleanses the body of toxins and waste that are harmful to health.

The desired result is achieved in several ways, creating spice-based products that are useful for weight loss:

  1. Massage oil fights cellulite; Mix olive oil with a few drops of cardamom and tea tree essences.
  2. A tincture of chamomile, St. John's wort and linden flowers is mixed with cardamom grains and ginger root, and poured with a glass of boiling water. Drink in small sips.
  3. Tea: Brew 4-5 grains of the spice with a portion of green tea. It is advisable to simmer a liter of liquid over low heat for about 5 minutes and drink throughout the day.
  4. It is recommended to carry the cinnamon mixture with you, adding a pinch to food and drink so that the beneficial properties of the medicine act without interruption.

The simplest recipe with cardamom for weight loss is to brew the grains like regular tea and drink them before meals every morning, but no more than 14–15 days. Further such frequent use can cause harm. You are allowed to simply chew a few grains, but not everyone likes the taste of the spice in its raw form.

Advice! Weight lost without exercise is easily regained. Therefore, in addition to using a useful product, it is advisable not to forget about exercise equipment or long walks, as well as choose a healthy diet and stick to it.

Medicinal recipes with cardamom in medicine

The health benefits of cardamom include the ability to get rid of illness, as well as prevent many diseases. The beneficial properties of the seeds provide an anthelmintic effect, help in the treatment of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the brain, nervous system, hypertension, respiratory tract, and improve vision.

Cardamom infusion for insomnia

An infusion of tea or milk will help get rid of insomnia. In the first case, chamomile flowers, green tea leaves, cardamom seeds and 300–500 g of water are used. The mixture with beneficial properties is brought to a boil and allowed to brew for 1–2 hours.

Similarly, it is allowed to use a decoction of fruits without any additives, using 1 tsp. funds for a glass of water. Milk with cardamom before bed, which uses 2-3 grains, is of undoubted benefit. Doctors recommend this same drink as a sedative to get out of depression without causing harm to the body.

Cardamom tincture

The beneficial effect of cardamom is clearly evident when consuming the tincture. Drinking relieves pain in the joints, stomach, and cures interrupted sleep. Previously, alcohol was used to prepare it, now they buy vodka (500 g), which is diluted with the same amount of water, add 300 g of sugar and 4 g of grains.

  1. Vodka and grains are infused for 3–4 days.
  2. A syrup is made from water and sugar, which after cooling is added to the overall mixture.
  3. After a few hours, the brew needs to be filtered.

Use the tincture with beneficial properties after a few days. Store in the refrigerator.

Cardamom tea

Black tea goes very well with the healthy spice. Prepare the drink yourself or purchase a ready-made mixture, which you just need to brew.

Frequent tea consumption:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones well;
  • relieves cough;
  • soothes headaches.

To prepare it, just put a few grains of pleasantness in the teapot before brewing the leaves. Cardamom is used similarly for diabetes.

Coffee with cardamom

Coffee with cardamom is most popular in establishments with oriental cuisine. If previously it was considered exotic, now the beneficial properties of the drink do not raise questions. The delicacy is especially indicated for hypertensive patients, as the spice neutralizes the negative effects of caffeine, but at the same time invigorates. Cardamom drink has a pleasant taste and unusual aroma.

Coffee is prepared without observing strict conditions in a Turk, but the healing properties do not disappear if you use a regular coffee maker. The grains are used whole or ground. It is advisable to drink the drink in the first half of the day.

Milk with cardamom and honey

In addition to its sedative and sleeping effect, milk with cardamom and honey relieves symptoms and stabilizes the PMS cycle. Therefore, although everyone is allowed to drink the drink, it brings undoubted benefits to women.

  1. To prepare, the seeds are crushed and then stirred in milk.
  2. The drink brought to a boil is infused for 10–15 minutes.
  3. At the end, the milk is filtered, and after reaching room temperature, a spoonful of honey is added to it.

Despite all the benefits it brings, children are not allowed to drink cardamom milk.

Advice! Milk with cardamom is drunk in the evening, but during colds, you can switch to temporary twice-daily use to improve your well-being.

Cardamom essential oil: properties and uses

Among the unique properties of cardamom extract:

  • diuretic;
  • carminative;
  • disinfectant;
  • antiseptic.

The oil is especially effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Its beneficial properties are often used to neutralize heartburn and improve appetite. Cardamom oil promotes the burning and breakdown of fats and improves liver function. The antiseptic properties of the product are usefully used in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Cardamom oil is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Being anti-aging, it increases collagen synthesis, restores skin structure and elasticity. The spice has an anti-cellulite effect, has deodorizing properties, and relaxes muscles during a massage or after active sports.

Attention! If you have chronic diseases, you can use the spice only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can only get harm.

Harm of cardamom and contraindications

Frequent consumption of cardamom in grains or in processed form is prohibited for the following categories of people due to the risk of causing harm:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • children under 7–8 years old;
  • suffering from gastritis, ulcers;
  • with individual intolerance.

Cardamom is contraindicated in significant quantities during pregnancy, nursing mothers, and at all stages of liver disease. It is also better to forget about its use during diarrhea. The spice itself often acts as a stimulant for the appearance of loose stools. The combination of two factors leads to general weakness and severe dehydration of the body.

To prevent cardamom from becoming harmful to the heart, even healthy people are not recommended to drink more than 300–400 g of the special drink during the day. In this case, the concentration of cardamom should be quite low so as not to cause harm to digestion.

Where is cardamom added?

The uses of cardamom in cooking are quite varied. It is added to food alone or in combination with other spices. Being dried and ground, it perfectly complements the taste of meat and fish dishes, baked goods, and salads.

Pleasant taste is guaranteed by healthy spice in drinks, especially coffee; awakens appetite, serves as a sedative and tonic. But do not forget that if used in moderation, cardamom increases blood pressure. The crushed powder will not cause harm as a flavoring agent for fruit mousses, jellies, compotes, as well as brines, marinades and tinctures, while the beneficial properties are fully preserved.

How to grind cardamom

To grind cardamom seeds, use a coffee grinder, a small mortar or spice grinder, or even a rolling pin and board. It all depends on how fine the grind should be. True, if cardamom is necessary for the heart, improving health, or is simply often used in the kitchen, it is better to purchase a separate mill or coffee grinder. Otherwise, the specific taste and aroma will be transferred to other products processed in the same apparatus.

Advice! If you have not yet purchased a coffee grinder specifically for cardamom, after use, wipe its inside first with a cloth soaked in vinegar and then with a clean cloth.


The benefits and harms of cardamom appear depending on which category of people uses it. A spice with beneficial properties is generally contraindicated for hypertensive patients, pregnant women, and people with gastrointestinal problems. In reasonable quantities, the seeds will help maintain your figure, improve the condition of the immune system, and strengthen the immune system.



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