What famous people are named after Vlad? Career and what the name Vladislav means

The name Vladislav has a meaning consisting of two parts. It is formed from the words “to own” (the root of “vlad”) and slava (the root of “slav”). How do you understand that the meaning of the name Vladislav is “owner of glory”. In the German language, and earlier among the ancient Germans, there is a very similar name, Waldemar. Waldemar also consists of two words, or rather from their roots. The word is waltan meaning to reign or dominate and the word is mari meaning glorious or famous. Some linguists believe that these are related names or even that the name Vladislav is a tracing-paper from a German name.

Also, the name Vladislav has a feminine form and this is the name Vladislava. You can find out the meaning of a female name by following the link.

The meaning of the name Vladislav for a child

Little Vladislav is endowed with natural refinement of manners. Many adults are touched by this peculiarity of the child, and children are happy to be friends with Vladislav. He has a large number of friends, girls especially appreciate him. Since childhood, communication with the opposite sex has been his strong point. The boy grows up hardworking and one can only envy his patience. The intelligence given by nature gives him good chances in life, but requires constant training and, if not exercised enough, can quickly become inexpressive against the general background.

The boy's health is quite good, but not without certain characteristics. Little Vladislav is prone to colds. Clean air, sports and hardening will help him cope with this scourge. Ventilation, hardening and sports must be regular and correctly dosed, otherwise they will not bring results and will make things even worse. Take care of your health from childhood.

Short name Vladislav

Vlad, Vladik, Slava, Vladya, Vlada, Ladya, Lada, Vadya.

Diminutive pet names

Vladislavka, Slavunya, Slavusya.

Children's middle names

Vladislavovich and Vladislavovna.

Name Vladislav in English

In English the name is Vladislav Vladislav

Name Vladislav for international passport It is written in the same way as in English VLADISLAV.

Translation of the name Vladislav into other languages

in Ukrainian - Vladislav
in Latvian - Vladislavs
in Lithuanian - Vladislovas
in Polish - Władysław, Włodzisław, Ładysław
in Hungarian - László or Ulászló
in Bulgarian as well as in Russian - Vladislav
in Romanian - Vladislav or Ladislau
in Serbian as well as in Russian - Vladislav
in Czech, Slovak and Croatian - Vladislav, Ladislav
Latin spelling - Ladislaus
in Spanish - Ladislao
in Chinese - 弗拉季斯拉夫

Church name Vladislav(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. The name Vladislav, unlike many popular names, did not come to us from Greece along with the Orthodox faith. For some time it was not ecclesiastical, but rather even considered pagan. However, after the canonization of Stephen Vladislav I, this name acquired full church status.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

One of Vladislav’s main characteristics is persistence. Thanks to her, he often achieves success where others give up. He knows how to wait for results and work on them every day. Successful in such industries as personnel management, own business and politics. What can prevent them from achieving their goals is their self-esteem. In politics and business, sometimes you need to be able to compromise with your conscience for the sake of something more.

Vladislav’s natural sensitivity and kindness can either help him or play a cruel joke. These useful qualities of Vladislav will give him many friends in life, but also those who want to take advantage of these qualities. He must be attentive and careful with seemingly close people.

In love relationships, Vladislav has a lot of choice. His tact attracts the weaker sex like a magnet. Vladislavs born in summer are especially amorous. In marriage, Vladislav usually becomes a family man, but if the marriage is hasty, then his behavior may not change.

The secret of the name Vladislav

The secret of the name can be called the search for “the one.” Vladislav’s relaxed communication with representatives of the opposite sex is actually a search for great love. If he finds a person close to him in spirit, he will live with him for the rest of his life “soul to soul.” The main thing for the chosen one is to understand and not try to manipulate him. If he finds out about this, the reaction may be the most severe.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Hare.

Name color- Vladislav has several lucky flowers. Blue, light green and brown.

Tree- Linden.

Plant- Carnation.

Stone- Topaz.

Guardian angel named after Vladislav and his patron determined primarily by date of birth. If you know the date of birth of your Vladislav, you can find the necessary information in the article “Patron of the name Vladislav.”

A person named Vladislav is often overly ambitious. No less than prestige and fame, he loves money. Overly self-confident, impetuous and impulsive.

Translated from Serbian, Vladislav means “Owner of Glory.”

Origin of the name Vladislav:

The name came from a combination of two words - “to own” and “glory”. It was borrowed from the Polish language, originally pronounced as Volodislav.

Character and interpretation of the name Vladislav:

One of little Vladislav’s favorite pastimes is playing with matches. He is drawn to fire and everything that burns. A child is so impressionable that a burning newspaper will give him the impression of a huge fire. In this case, Vladislav panics and is lost, not knowing what to do. Most likely, he will run after neighbors or parents, but will not douse the fire with water.

He enjoys talking with his mother. If she is upset for any reason, he will begin to console her, using the words that he heard from other relatives in such situations. Since childhood he has been diplomatic with girls, respect for women remains throughout his life. The best girl in the class becomes an idol.

Vladislav's character is not simple. He has enormous willpower, perseverance and openness. He has character traits that are hidden from others, so many believe that he is “on his own.” Vlad does not try to argue until he is hoarse: he would rather agree, but he will not change his opinion. Vlad can play any role to achieve the goal, as long as it is not humiliating. When he feels that this or that is expected of him, he will do it, even if such behavior is not inherent in him, but he will not forget for a second that this is just a game. Only alone with the people closest to him can Vlad remain himself and, unexpectedly for everyone, talk openly about his feelings and thoughts.

The bearers of this name have a developed sense of aesthetics. They make good musicians or artists, and they also have literary talent. Vladislav will find his calling in a profession that requires a sympathetic and kind soul - a teacher, doctor, educator. He is very hardworking. He has a developed sense of justice and decency. He perceives injustice painfully, but he cannot always defend the truth. Thanks to his persistence, Vlad can quickly reach the position of manager.

Vlad has enormous willpower and will maintain his dignity in any situation. Another trait that Vlad possesses is irony. And the more he joins the team, the more his irony manifests itself. But it is precisely behind this quality that it is most convenient for him to hide his thoughts and feelings.

Vladislav is attracted to sensitive, gentle and weak women - those who will need his protection. He is irritated by rude young ladies with masculine inclinations. The woman, combined with a cigarette and alcohol, infuriates Vladislav. Only natural tact does not give him the right to speak out and show anger openly. A homebody by nature, a non-drinker, he prefers the comfort of home to parties. Helps his wife around the house, monogamous. He believes that the wife will not want to cheat on such a husband, so he does not require her to remain faithful.

The name Vladislav was known back in pagan names, then it took root in Christian society, and now, in the modern world, it is also quite widespread and is one of the fashionable names.

You will find useful information about the meaning of the name Vladislav, how to interpret it, historical facts, where the name Vladislav (Vlad) came from.

The interpretation of the name Vlad is determined by its translation. It sounds like “possessing glory”, “king”, “lord”.

Short form

Vlados, Vladik, Vladka, Lado, Vadik, Vlad, Slava, Slavik, Owner.

History of appearance

There are several versions that explain the origin of this name. First, it may be a fusion of two words: “possession” and “glory.” Secondly, it can be considered a derivative of Valdemar: then the meaning of the name Vladislav is “famous ruler.”

Middle name of Vlad's children

In colloquial communication the form Vladislavich, Vladislavna is used. Unfortunately, this does not correspond to the norms of the language. It would be more correct to say: Vladislavovna, Vladislavovich.

Name days and patrons of Vladislav

Many names have many name days, calendar marked in the church. Vlad has such a “special” day only in a single copy. He is patronized by a saint, which allows him to more accurately reveal the meaning of the name Vladislav.

Positive aspects

This is an intelligent man with whom it is pleasant to have a conversation. Due to his intellectual development, he can support any conversation: from discussing the latest news to exchanging opinions about art. Understanding what the name Vladislav means, we can talk about the features of his inner world. He knows how to joke and loves to laugh a lot.

Negative sides of Vladislav

This is a person who is very attracted to material wealth. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of money, he can lose his head, and therefore he is able to cripple the destinies of many people for the sake of a large sum. The meaning of the name Vladislav suggests boastfulness, pride, arrogance.

Characteristics of Vladislav

From a young age, Vladik becomes very attached to his mother, and therefore in the future he falls in love with girls who are most similar to her. Throughout his school years, he may have secret feelings for some girl, but he is unlikely to take active action. Peers often suffer from what the name Vladislav means. A guy can behave too arrogantly, which leads to hatred and misunderstanding on the part of others. As a teenager, he fights a lot and provokes his classmates into conflict in every possible way.

In good company, Vlados seems to blossom. Society has a fairly strong influence on him, and therefore it is important for him to be surrounded by excellent people. A person who is interested in what the name Vladislav means can be a fairly sociable, active person.

He is drawn to different areas of life. To some extent, he wants to know the very essence of the world, and hence his interest in philosophy, geography, physics and other sciences. For Slava, the most important thing is to take the right path.

Compatibility of the name Vladislav with female names

The most favorable interaction will be with Christina, Victoria, Alla, Anastasia, Maria, Polina, Elena. Based on what the name Vladislav means, you can predict unpleasant relationships with Alexandra, Ekaterina, Veronica, Evgenia, Alisa, Ulyana and Tatyana.

Family and Love of Vladislav

Vlad is rarely worried about finding the lady of his heart. Either fans are running after him, or he himself accidentally meets his beloved. In any case, he leaves next to him only that woman who is ideal in all respects. The meaning of the name Vladislav in a family promises a very harmonious life. He will try to provide his family with everything they need. However, there is a high probability of “subsidence” in the sphere of spiritual values.

Vladislav's profession

A person with this name rarely has a question about his vocation. From a young age, he knows that he will go to work in the environment that will bring him the greatest income. That’s why his profession is always connected with something in great demand. Also remembering what the name Vladislav means, he is not upset by the prospect of monotony. The man takes this for granted.


Vlad is concerned about weight-related diseases: it can be either obesity or dystrophy. Diseases of the heart and nervous system are also possible. It is important for him to lead a healthier lifestyle in order to maintain his body.

Career and what the name Vladislav means

For a person with this name, money is very important. Unfortunately (or fortunately), they often become the meaning of life. That is why in his work Vlad can go over his head or use any other prohibited methods. Having set a goal for himself, he becomes completely passionate about it and works tirelessly until he achieves it.

Great Vladislavs in history

Blazhevich (musician), Khodasevich (writer), Strzhelchik (artist), Stashevsky (singer), Zhukovsky (businessman), Topalov (singer), Sirenko (athlete), Levitsky (singer), Nikityuk (actor). Each of these men achieved heights in the field they chose. Their biographies and the fruits of their labor make it possible to better understand what the name Vladislav means.

Do you want to know what awaits a person with this beautiful male name and what kind of life is destined for him? Today the topic of our article is Vladislav: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this rather interesting and courageous name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Vladislav: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

Origin of the name Vladislav

The male name Vladislav belongs to the Slavic group of names. Literally translated it means: "The one who owns the glory."

There are a lot of abbreviated, modified and diminutive forms of this name: Vlad, Vladik, Vadik, Ladya, Slava, Vladunya, Vladusya, Vladichka, Vlasya, Vladislavka, Slavunya, Slavusya.


What kind of character will Vladislav have?

How the origin of the name Vladislav influenced its meaning

Vladislav is extremely proud and proud, what he works on first of all is his glory and dignity. In life he achieves high goals, but this is only if he does not follow the lead of alcohol. This is the main reason that will not allow you to calmly arrange a prosperous family life.

The most striking character traits

  • Vladislav is a decent man, he loves to work. Responsible in everything;
  • He endures life's injustice very painfully, but when it comes to standing up for the truth, he will not always do so;
  • Many people consider him a simple and open person, but this opinion can be deceptive, he is not as simple as he seems;
  • No matter how hard you try to impose your opinion on him, you will not succeed. He does not give in to ultimatums, pressure, or pressure;
  • But at the same time, he will not prove that he is right and insist on his opinion. It will simply remain with him, nothing more;
  • He has a strong and strong-willed character, which helps in life many times. This means that whatever he decides to do, he will definitely see it through to the end;

He is completely different with friends and at home. Vladislav trusts his problems only to the closest people, and is friends only with those who tell the truth, any truth. He knows how to listen to her.

  • Vladislavs usually become successful leaders. Their leadership qualities are very well developed. These include determination; everything planned is always completed.
  • Thoughtfulness helps to analyze everything. Decisiveness pushes you to confidently make decisions.
  • As a man, he is very attentive and loves to look after. He tries to do it as close as possible to how his chosen one might like it.
  • He loves children very much and is patient with them. Sometimes, when she is with them, she looks like a nanny.
  • Outwardly he looks very attractive and charming. But it happens that his appearance hides not very good character traits. May be cruel to animals.

Positive traits

Seriousness adorns him. Balance of character favors people. Vladislav is restrained, does not stoop to insults, and rarely raises his voice. Always has his own opinion. Easily gets along with people and finds an approach to them.

Negative traits

He is secretive and takes a very long time to reveal himself. Somewhat cynical. Tendency to alcohol addiction.

What fate awaits Vladislav?

Work and business

Vladislav can realize himself in a wide variety of industries. His hard work and determination will help in this. He feels comfortable in a leadership position. He is endowed with an analytical mind and has a creative nature. In business and politics he can become very successful.

Love and family

Vladislav is capable of attracting the attention of the most worthy woman. Beautiful and smart women pay attention to him. He manages to subjugate her to himself. But in return for this, he will take care of her, give her guardianship and courtship.

  • Outwardly he will be reserved, but inside he will experience love.
  • He tries to choose a sensitive woman who knows how to be gentle as his wife.
  • Does not tolerate bad habits in women. No cigarettes or alcohol.
  • He periodically helps his wife around the house. Loves to spend time with children.
  • If you choose to go to a party or invite guests to your home, you will choose the latter. He does not cheat on his wife, because he is monogamous, and remaining faithful comes naturally.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav, character traits and fate

And here are the female names with which everything can work out: Alisa, Bronislava, Wanda, Danuta, Inga, Carolina, Laima, Regina, Sati, Fedora, Cheslava, Yadviga.

If he manages to find a person with whom he will be spiritually equally developed, he will live with him in perfect harmony until the end of his days, without offense, insults and betrayals. But the chosen one, in turn, must understand that she should not manipulate and lead him, he will not tolerate this, and she can lose the best husband in her life. His reaction will be cold and harsh, and she will blame herself for her stupidity until the end of her days. It is better not to lose such husbands.

Health and Wellness

Vladislav does not have any health problems as such. It is advisable not to overload your nervous system, rest more often and get full sleep. Every person needs this.

Character of a child named Vladislav?

Little Vladislav is very vulnerable and impressionable. He loves spending time with his mom. He is generally very polite and friendly with girls. He will retain his well-mannered and gallant attitude towards a woman for the rest of his life. He is affectionately called Vladik or Vladunya. He is a very smart boy, attentive to everyone, and easy to get along with.

Such a small man, but so mannered. Everyone is surprised how this is even possible.

Children's character traits

  • Children love to be friends with him because of his exemplary behavior and friendly behavior;
  • He has a lot of friends. In kindergarten, all the girls try to be friends with him;
  • Starting from childhood, he perfectly finds a common language with the opposite sex;
  • The boy grows up patient and hardworking;
  • His health is very good and strong, without any special features;
  • Like a normal child, he is prone to getting colds and flu in the winter;
  • Fresh air, intense physical activity, and outdoor hardening will help strengthen your immune system. Good sleep and routine will help you always feel good;
  • He expresses himself in creativity, he likes drawing, music, poetry and classical literature;

Celebrities named Vladislav

  • V. Tretyak is a well-known athlete and goalkeeper of the national hockey team. Champion not only of the country, but of the whole world, of the Olympic Games.


The name Vladislav is one of the few Old Slavonic names that remain popular even in our time. It came from two words. The first in its root is “vlad,” which stands for “to own” or “power.” The second element is "slav", which means glory. The full interpretation is “own the glory” or “own the glory.”

The male name Vladislav is quite popular in the countries of the former USSR, like many Russian names, which is not surprising. Not only does it have such a beautiful sound, it is also rare and has a pretty good value...

Conversational options: Ladislaus, Vlad

Modern English analogues: Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Vladulya

Meaning and interpretation of the name

According to legend, all boys who receive the beautiful male name Vladislav at birth grow up to be quite complex people by nature. Their character is complex, but calm, they have a strong spirit and a willingness to cope with any problems, overcoming any obstacles. They are a little secretive and vain, but at the same time they are capable of being leaders if leadership traits are nurtured in them from childhood. And these people also lend themselves well to education. They absorb everything like a sponge, and at the same time they absorb only good things, skillfully weeding out the good and the bad.

In general, Vladislav usually becomes secretive and sometimes even withdrawn, but this does not happen because of weak character or a pessimistic mood, but because this is the lifestyle of people named in this way. At the same time, such a person will always be a welcome guest in society...

Advantages and positive features: purposeful, able to learn, easily accepts criticism and is always ready to learn something new, never rests on his laurels and tries to be as fair as possible in relation to other people, positive...

Vladislav has a bad attitude towards people with low self-esteem, but does not avoid them, but tries to help. He can also avoid people who dominate others, although he himself is the same...

The name Vladislav was borne by a huge number of princes and kings (Serbian, Lithuanian, Moravian and Hungarian, Polish and Czech).

Character of the name Vladislav

The character of the name Vladislav is a rather complex factor, but it was studied at one time by dozens of researchers. It is believed that this parameter can reward the bearer of this name with a whole bunch of good qualities, moreover, perfectly combined with each other. So. The character of a boy named Vladislav is usually endowed with such traits as determination, perseverance, perseverance, planning, sensitivity, receptivity, generosity, kindness, integrity, responsiveness and eloquence. He is sociable and courteous, that’s his character, but at the same time he carefully sorts out people, looking for only those who meet all his requirements. And also, his character is such that he bestows arrogance and arrogance, but the truth is that these traits are not manifested in all bearers of the name form Vladislav - in particular, there is a high probability that they will manifest themselves only in a spring boy...

On the other hand, it is worth noting that the nature of the name is the same theoretical factor as fate, and therefore it is not a fact that everything will be exactly like this. As written above. Besides. Much in this case depends on additional factors, including astrological ones, such as the zodiac sign, the year according to the Chinese calendar, and the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents at birth decided to choose the male name Vladislav, is filled with calmness and humility. By nature, Vladislav is usually kind, generous, fair, calm, peaceful, obedient, compliant and systematic, you don’t have to worry about this, he always acts strictly according to plan and in accordance with all moral standards, does not play around and obeys his parents in everything without exception. . The meaning of a name for this boy, even at such a young age, promises seriousness and thoughtfulness, he carefully weighs and considers his actions, and never commits rash acts. He is attached to his mother, obeys her, is never rude, considers him an example to follow, while he simply respects his father as the head of the family. There may be problems with peers, particularly in communication - he does not like spoiled children and tries to surround himself with people as calm as he is. What is also important is that this boy can be endowed with hard work and determination, which manifest themselves already at such a young age in almost all matters - such a boy will never give up halfway, will never throw words to the wind, is dutiful and obliging by nature, and in the future, already in adolescence, these traits will only intensify.


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning of the name Vladislav, can be characterized by such qualities as hard work, determination, restlessness, impetuosity, perseverance, receptivity, sensitivity, sociability, friendliness, eloquence and imagination. This is a creatively developed guy, he is always overwhelmed with dozens of new ideas, and at the same time he himself is always on the move. But he does certain things mainly not for himself, but in order to be appreciated - Vladislav loves when his works are appreciated by people from his inner circle. But there is also a big drawback - Vladislav is very afraid of criticism and teachings, and also reacts extremely sharply to any negative criticism from the outside, he is endowed with too much “ego”, so large that any statement in his direction, especially negative, can hurt him the dignity is so strong that he will be offended by the person who spoke out for many years. But he himself never criticizes anyone, he always tries to behave in such a way that the people around him are happy with him, and tries not to leave a bad impression on people about himself - these traits can appear already at school. The meaning makes a boy named Vladislav an exemplary student - he is obligatory, dutiful, responsible, intelligent, enterprising, and also a good-natured person, of which there are few, he will never refuse help to anyone and tries to appease everyone.

Grown man

The adult Vladislav, who is protected by the meaning of this name, is already a self-confident, decisive, self-sufficient, self-confident, slightly selfish, but fair and kind man. He is overwhelmed with creativity and imagination, ideas and ideas, he has no time for silence or sitting in one place, always on the move. But if a boy named Vladislav is distinguished by kindness, then a man is distinguished by another trait that manifests itself extremely strongly in adult life - this is idealism in assessing the people around him. Vladislav often ascribes to his potential comrades qualities that they do not possess, as a result he is greatly mistaken and ultimately disappointed in those whom he may even have begun to consider as a friend. And the significance of a man who has reached maturity, named Vlad, bestows increasing receptivity and sensitivity - this seemingly unshakable gentleman is too offended by criticism, and especially by deception and betrayal, but at the same time he never shows offense, he simply locks himself away , becomes withdrawn and secretive, withdraws into himself. Although, on the other hand, Vladislav cannot be alone for a long time, and therefore quickly “moves away” - the meaning promises him an actual fear of loneliness and intolerance of boredom.

Interaction of the character Vladislav with the seasons

Summer - boys born in the summer, named in this way, become by nature good-natured, sympathetic, selfless and faithful, unable to betray or deceive. For family life, the same woman will be looked for, with the same qualities. Such people become self-sufficient and self-confident, but not gullible.

Winter - winter bearers of the name Vladislav, thanks to the meaning of Winter, grow up to be kind and selfless, but too serious and tactful. High character, excellent charm and bright charm, diplomacy, ability to talk - all this attracts people to the person of such a man, but there is also a repulsive factor - excessive straightforwardness.

Spring - here people are born gallant, beautiful in body, character and soul, intelligent and pedantic, responsible, honest and good-natured. The only negative is falling in love and craving for change. Basically, these are fickle people who have vast experience behind them in the form of many fleeting romances and broken hearts. Ladies need to be more careful with these guys.

Autumn - here we are talking about a selfish and narcissistic nature, a person suffering from lack of attention. For such a person, what his beloved woman gives him will always not be enough; he always tries to get even more attention, and at the same time shows incredible selfishness. Only a patient and wise lady who does not demand anything in return for her feelings will be able to pacify this. In general, he has a very complex character.

The fate of the name Vladislav

The fate of the name Vladislav is such that it promises the bearer of this name a lot of interesting things, especially in terms of relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in terms of marriage and even love as such. But I would immediately like to remind you that fate itself is one of the most inaccurate factors, so it is not a fact that everything in the life of the next Vlad will be as written below...

So, according to legend, fate promises the guy, the bearer of the name form Vladislav, to be demanding of the ladies. He carefully selects potential partners, never commits rash acts and makes full contact only when he is one hundred percent sure of the correctness of his choice. Vladislav is not one of those who like stormy but fleeting relationships; he is rather a lover of seriousness and constancy, and therefore is looking for a partner who can become his chosen one for a long period.

Well, in addition to all of the above, the fate of this little property promises its owner a long search for the one with whom he wants to live side by side. But when she finds her soul mate, he will become for her what every woman, without exception, is looking for, a protector, a patron, a real husband. But there is one “but” - Vlad’s ideal relationship will only develop with the owner of a strong character, stronger than his own.

Love and marriage

A man named Vladislav takes marriage extremely seriously, which is why he is in no hurry to get married. He chooses his life partner extremely carefully, considering several options at once, but after the wedding the bearer of this name will focus only on his wife.

Only a soft, calm, friendly, sensitive and feminine girl, without bad habits and with a stunning appearance, can become his wife. Such selection criteria are determined by Vladislav’s clear idea of ​​what a real woman should be like.

After marriage, the bearer of this name becomes a faithful and convinced monogamist, ready to protect and surround his chosen one with care. He also likes it when the men around him admire his attractive and intelligent wife, but Vladislav will not allow anyone to flirt with her.

As a true family man and homebody, he prefers a quiet family dinner to a noisy party with friends. He often also takes an active part in running the household, believing that only a real man would not be ashamed of this. In family relationships, Vladislav does not impose his opinion on everyone, but he knows how to show and prove that he is right without intrusiveness.

Vladislav as Father

Most men named Vladislav are truly loving fathers. Such dads love to spend a lot of time with their children from the moment they are born. They believe that helping your wife not only in raising, but also in caring for the kids is not at all shameful, because respect and mutual assistance are the key to a happy family.

Children are simply delighted with a father like Vladislav, they respect him, appreciate him and do not question his authority. Most often, in some important matters, they turn for advice not only to mom, but also to dad. Together with the children, he can often prepare pleasant surprises for his wife, for example, cook dinner.

He considers the health and physical education of children to be very important points in the overall educational process. He takes upon himself the hardening and sports activities. But he entrusts the rest of the upbringing to his wife.

Compatibility with female names

Guys named Vladislav have ideal compatibility in terms of feelings, passion and love with ladies who received such feminine names at birth as Stefania, Eleanor, Yana, Flora, Tamila, Galina, Irina and Iya.

With the likes of Clara, Larisa, Dina and Vera, Vladik simply has the most excellent combination in terms of everything, and therefore there is an incredibly high chance of building a happy and strong marriage.

Well, it’s better not to build relationships with Lina, Ninel and Antonina. Nothing good will come of it, and the relationship will bring a lot of negativity and bad memories.



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