How to cure excessive underarm sweating. How to get rid of underarm sweat odor forever at home

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Many people face the problem of excessive sweating. But, embarrassed to talk about it or ask for help from a doctor, they endure it in silence, dress discreetly so that sweat stains are not visible, and try not to raise their hands on public transport. Excessive sweating is common to many people, regardless of their age or gender. According to statistics, 20% of the world's population suffers from increased sweating. Increased sweating is a normal, natural reaction of the body to high air temperatures, as well as in moments of extreme excitement. Sweating is the result of the endocrine system; it is necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. If you sweat contrary to all the laws of logic and physiology, then it is worth understanding the reasons for this phenomenon.

Sweating is a protective reaction of the body aimed at removing excess heat. But the disease should not be confused with the body’s natural reaction. Excessive sweating, or using the medical term - hyperhidrosis, serves as a signal that there are problems with your health. Hyperhidrosis not only affects physical discomfort, but also causes psychological stress. A stressful state in itself causes increased sweating, which leads a person to a vicious circle of increased sweating.

Excessive sweating - causes of its appearance.

If excessive sweating of the hands, feet, armpits, forehead and back occurs when eating hot food, active physical exercise, or high ambient temperatures, there is no reason for concern; this is a natural biochemical reaction of the body to reduce body temperature. Strong excitement, emotions, stress can also cause sweating. Increased sweating in such situations is typical for people with an excitable nervous system.

However, in the absence of the above reasons, increased sweating may indicate possible diseases: tuberculosis, fever, asthma, disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems. Excessive sweating accompanies obesity, diabetes, adrenal tumors and other diseases. The causes of excessive sweating can be very diverse and are often hereditary.

How does hyperhidrosis affect your life?

Excessive sweating affects a person’s social life and is the cause of various phobias.

  • Increased sweating of the palms- creates fear of shaking hands, touching people and things on which obvious traces of sweating are imprinted.
  • Increased sweating of the armpits and back- creates fear of public places and public speaking.
  • Increased sweating of the legs and feet- makes people refuse to go to places where they will have to take off their shoes.

With hyperhidrosis of the feet, the feet sweat regardless of the influence of external temperature and the time spent in shoes. And the decomposition of bacteria in secreted sweat can create a persistent, specific odor that attracts everyone's attention.

Excessive sweating closes doors for people in many areas of activity and significantly complicates personal relationships with the opposite sex. But the problems of excessive sweating do not end there. Hyperhidrosis contributes to mild colds, pneumonia, purulent formations on the skin and fungal infections.

Excessive sweating - treatment

Fighting excessive sweating is quite simple, but this fight requires persistence and perseverance. After all, you will have to change your usual life pattern.

First of all, pay attention to your wardrobe: avoid wearing synthetics and other artificial fabrics, as they do not allow the skin to “breathe” and cause profuse sweating. The best choice is cotton, linen, and any natural fabrics.

Excessive sweating requires strict personal hygiene. Regular cool showers are very important, especially in summer. It will help avoid unpleasant odors and fungal infections. Also a good remedy for excessive sweating are disinfectant powders, deodorants, and antiperspirants. These products will help partially block sweat production.

The main weapon against excessive sweating is calm. To avoid a situation where hyperhidrosis can develop into permanent neurosis and thereby plunge you into daily depression, you need to learn self-control.

Minor's test (iodine-starch test)

This is a simple method for diagnosing hyperhidrosis, which allows you to identify areas of greatest sweating before injecting botulinum toxins. The Minor test is most relevant for correcting the results and partial preservation of sweating 10-14 days after the procedure, when an increase in dose is required to completely stop sweating and determine the most resistant zones. During initial injections, the appropriateness of this test is determined at the discretion of the doctor.

The Minor test is carried out in several stages:

1. Apply iodine solution to the intended treatment area.

2. Using cotton pads or sticks, apply starch to a dry surface treated with iodine.

3. After 3-5 minutes, in the areas of greatest sweating, the starch turns blue, which makes it possible to determine the zones of botulinum toxin injection.

Minor's test is negative
complete correction of hyperhidrosis

Minor's test is positive
lesions requiring additional correction with botulinum toxins have been identified

Medical treatment for excessive sweating is more radical. Most often, Botox injections are used in the armpits, which blocks nerve endings and stops the activity of sweat glands. The surgical method is to remove areas of the skin that contain a large number of sweat glands and destroy the nerve centers that are responsible for sweating.

Hyperhidrosis has various forms, differing in the places of greatest sweating and the reasons for its occurrence. It is usually impossible to make a correct diagnosis and determine an effective treatment method on your own. And being like a guinea pig and using various means and methods on yourself is extremely irrational.

If you are determined to put an end to a condition that negatively affects your social status and personal life, you should not start an independent struggle with consequences, not causes, and with an unknown end result. Seek help from a highly qualified specialist and change your life forever!

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist: Fesenko Alexandra Alekseevna

Owner of the material: Dermatologist, cosmetologist Lachinova N.M.. All rights reserved.

Question - Answer


Hello, I'm 14 and I sweat a lot. Even deodorants don't help me. I don’t know what to do, it’s very uncomfortable at school, I’m sweating at home too. Help me please

Good afternoon. We perform botulinum toxin injections for patients under 18 years of age with the consent and presence of parents. Sincerely.

Hello! This is what worries me. There is increased sweating in the armpits and back... Please tell me how to deal with this and what to do...

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon. Please read the article above.

Hello. I'm 14.5 years old. And perhaps I have excessive sweating. I first noticed severe sweating when I was 13.5 years old, but I didn’t attach any importance to it, thinking that everything would go away. My hyperhidrosis manifests itself in this way: I noticed that I sweat a lot when I’m worried or worried (for example, after classes at school, working on the computer, playing sports, I have large spots in the armpit area, but at home, when I’m calm and I’m not worried, I don’t sweat. Of course, sweating is also observed in other places (palms, feet), but it doesn’t bother me as much as the sweating of the armpits. 4 weeks ago I started taking motherwort tablets and started drinking lemon balm decoction. , I don’t see the result - everything remains the same. But once again I want to point out that almost always when I’m nervous or emotional, I start to sweat. Because of hyperhidrosis, I can’t express myself “to the fullest”, I have to get dressed. , conduct relationships with friends differently, so that they do not recognize my shy problem. Perhaps hyperhidrosis is associated with my age, but then I want to know when this disease will end. Advise me what to do (is it possible for me, at my age)? use antiperspirants, if so, which one is better), who to turn to, or just wait until adolescence ends, although I don’t have the strength to wait idly. In advance, Thank you very much

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon. Indeed, increased sweating at your age is associated with hormonal changes. It is difficult to say whether it will stop or not. You can use any antiperspirant, and also pay attention to Botox injections with the consent of your parents. Sincerely.

Good afternoon. Until I was 21, I had no problems with sweaty palms. Now they have been sweating for me for 8 years. I've already forgotten what dry palms are. At the same time, I noticed that my body began to sweat. If before I had to run pretty hard to get sweaty, now the slightest tension and little stress causes my body to first burn from the inside and then pour out sweat. Is it possible to assume that if I turn to an endocrenologist and cure myself, I can get rid of such problems forever?

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon. If excessive sweating is associated specifically with endocrine pathology, then correction is possible with normalization of hormonal levels. I can't say anything more. Consult an endocrinologist.

good afternoon. increased sweating under the arms may be due to problems with the thyroid gland

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon. Yes, increased sweating can be associated with thyroid disease.

Good afternoon. I'm worried about the smell under my right armpit. This has never happened before. I am 37 years old. Maybe it came from drinking baking soda. My husband and I have been taking it for a month now, because we read that it is good for the body. Now I’m wondering whether to not take soda or wait for the toxins to leave the body. In addition, we have been dousing ourselves with ice water for three years now. After all, it didn’t happen before. What should I do? Could this reaction be from baking soda?

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon, Yulia. I would not abuse soda, since you probably do not know the acidity of gastric juice, the level of electrolytes in the blood, etc. I cannot objectively associate the described symptoms with taking soda. Please contact an endocrinologist.

Good afternoon. I am 14 years old, I have profuse sweating in the armpits, it’s very uncomfortable for me to walk in dark clothes, I can’t wear dresses. Even at any time of the year, the condition does not change, I don’t know what to do, the gynecologist said that you just need to be calmer and drink valerian, but nothing doesn't help...

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon, Daria. Perhaps the increased sweating will go away with the onset of puberty, but perhaps not. I recommend that you first be examined by an endocrinologist (thyroid, adrenal glands), and then consider the possibility of using botulinum toxin. Sincerely.

Good afternoon Natalya, I am now 27 years old, I have been suffering from increased sweating since I was 11-12 years old, in winter, in the cold it can be especially difficult, since warm clothes become soaked and every time I go outside I end up with a cold. At any other time of the year, the condition does not change, the insane sweating continues. I read your article and am interested in botulinum toxin. Please tell me how to use it. Can I do this at home? By the way, dry dry didn’t help me at all.

Cosmetologist, Lachinova Natalya

Good afternoon. The injection of botulinum toxin is a medical procedure that is performed exclusively by doctors in medical centers.

Hello! I am 18 years old and have been suffering from excessive sweating of my feet, palms, and armpits for a long time. I tried everything. The dermatologist prescribed Algel, but it doesn’t help either. There was also a pungent smell of sweat. What to do? Will this ever go away? Thanks in advance.

The process of sweating is necessary to regulate body temperature. But, unfortunately, sometimes it becomes too intense for no apparent reason.

Severe armpit sweating in women causes more than just discomfort. This really becomes a big inconvenience and interferes with a normal life:

  • sweat leaves stains and stains on clothes, so you have to buy T-shirts and blouses of certain styles and colors;
  • a pungent odor appears that is felt by others;
  • Constant humidity is unpleasant, especially in the cold season.

The causes of axillary hyperhidrosis (this is the scientific name for increased sweat production in the armpits) lie in the characteristics of the body or pathological processes in it.

It is worth noting that the sweat glands themselves most often have normal sizes, and their number per unit area does not exceed physiological indicators.

The problem is aggravated by a specific smell, which does not add any attractiveness at all and, one might even say, repels close communication.

The woman feels uncomfortable and unsure of herself.

Physiological reaction or signal of illness - you need to figure it out

The cause of severe armpit sweating in women is various factors. As mentioned above, these can be diseases:

  • endocrine (thyroid hyperfunction, diabetes mellitus);
  • infections (for example, tuberculosis);
  • neoplasms (leukemia, lymphoma);
  • neurological disorders;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • poisoning, etc.

If hyperhidrosis is a symptom of some disease, then in this case it is secondary. Whereas the primary does not have visible factors and is independent in nature.

Stimulation of sweat secretion in the axillary region is a response to physical activity and an increase in body temperature. In this way, thermal balance is maintained.

Hormonal changes observed in women can cause sweating in various parts of the body. They may be related to:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system during severe fright, emotional shock, anxiety, and fear is also the cause of increased armpit sweating in women.

Doctors believe that physical exhaustion and chronic stress (daily worries, fear for tomorrow, etc.) serve as the basis for the appearance of hyperhidrosis in the vast majority of cases.

Preventive measures to reduce sweating

Moderate physical activity and following a certain diet are very important.

Unlike other areas of the body, the armpits do not have constant access to air. Because of this, sweat cannot evaporate quickly, especially with hyperhidrosis.

If women have excessive armpit sweating, it is better to use antibacterial soap or shower gel. It is advisable to wash not only in the evening, but also in the morning after waking up, because... During sleep, a person also sweats!

To make your skin breathe easier and dry faster, wear clothes made exclusively from natural materials.

  • buy clothes made of cotton or linen;
  • limit the amount of liquid you drink in hot weather;
  • remove from your diet foods that increase sweating - coffee, strong tea, chocolate, alcohol, spicy seasonings and sauces;
  • eat more green leafy vegetables and fiber;
  • do not forget to shave your armpit hair;
  • visit the sauna or steam bath regularly.

What does cosmetology and pharmaceuticals offer today?

You should immediately pay attention to traditional antiperspirants. Most often, their main active ingredient is aluminum chloride.

You can’t use them every day, only 1-2 times a week!

When applied to the skin, it forms a gel that fills the sweat ducts and disrupts their excretory function.

Additionally, it inhibits the development of microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor.

You need to remember some restrictions regarding such deodorants:

  • Do not apply the product to freshly depilated skin. It can cause irritation, severe itching and burning;
  • do not use it if you are going to the beach or solarium. The skin at the treatment site is more susceptible to pigmentation;

In addition to traditional antiperspirants, there are so-called blockers or sweat regulators.

Examples of such potent deodorants:

  • "Dry Dry";
  • "Maxim"
  • "Odaban", etc.

Home and simple treatments

The following methods can help detoxify and reduce underarm sweating in women.

Some of them are aimed at absorbing sweat, which prevents the development of microbes.

  • The body, which contains many toxic substances, also tries to remove them through increased sweating. Salt baths will help unblock pores and remove excess fluid.
    Mix half a cup of borax, 1 cup of sea salt, 1 cup of baking soda and a few drops of essential oil (lemon, orange, mint or geranium). Pour half a glass of the mixture into a bath of warm water. Completely immerse yourself in water for 10-20 minutes;
  • Mix 120 ml of any natural vinegar with 30 drops of your favorite essential oil. Place this mixture in a tightly sealed glass container and leave in a dark, dry place for a week. Shake the mixture thoroughly for 10 seconds every day. Add 3 tablespoons of the product to the water when taking a bath;
  • Regular use of the sauna helps prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body and, as a result, remove the cause of armpit sweating in women. Steam baths calm the nervous system and relax the body, reducing the level of stress hormones and eliminating unpleasant odors. Procedures should last 10-20 minutes.

Do not forget about the drinking regime, because... The body loses a lot of fluid at this time and dehydration may occur!

Instead of pharmaceutical drugs, you can prepare natural medicine yourself.

Mix in a small glass:

  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1\8 tsp. soda

For mild sweating, take one portion of this product orally, for more severe sweating, take two or three.

Apple cider vinegar contains bacteria that destroy microbes in the body that cause intoxication and cause increased sweating. Baking soda reduces acidity by neutralizing the pH of the blood.

Natural deodorants that you can make yourself

It is impossible to completely eliminate sweating. Therefore, it is very important to use a deodorant that will combat moisture as much as possible and prevent the development of bacteria.

Purchased products often do not cope with their task.

Unfortunately, their only action is often to mask the smell. In addition, their composition raises doubts regarding safety for humans.

The right solution would be to prepare antiperspirants at home. To do this, mix:

  • 5 drops each of essential oils of cypress, sage and coriander;
  • 15 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • 1 tbsp. alcohol or vodka;
  • 60 ml aloe juice.

Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle. Shake the container well before each use. Spray onto clean, dry armpits.

You can also apply the product to the skin using a cotton pad or sponge.

Talc absorbs moisture well, resulting from overactive sweat glands, and destroys bacteria.

It is very simple to prepare an antiperspirant based on it. Instead, you can take starch or white clay.


  • ½ tbsp. base component;
  • 3 tbsp. finely ground lavender;
  • 3 drops rose or orange essential oil.

Stir the resulting mixture, pour into a container, cover with a lid and set aside for 5 days. Treat your armpits after every shower or bath.

Possibilities of modern medicine

If you have tried various deodorants, maintain hygiene, eat right, etc., and sweating does not go away and continues to bother you, radical methods will help you.

Don't wait, consult a doctor! The doctor will conduct an examination and suggest possible solutions to the problem.

Below are the main methods of treating excessive underarm sweating in women:

  • botox injections– provide stable results for 6-8 months. After this time, the effect of the drug weakens, and the injections must be given again;
  • iontophoresis - based on the influence of a weak electric field to reduce the activity of the sweat glands. A course consisting of 10-15 procedures has an amazing effect;
  • sympathectomy is a surgical operation that involves cutting or applying a clip to a nerve to block the flow of impulses to the sweat glands. The results are good, but there is a possibility that compensatory hyperhidrosis will occur in other places;
  • armpit liposuction– as practice has shown, it effectively fights sweating;
  • curettage – scraping of sweat glands and damage to innervation, which allows you to effectively deal with the problem. The method is traumatic, so it is rarely used.

The process of thermoregulation of the body occurs through the release of sweat - the production of fluid saves our body from overheating. The armpits are the location of the largest and most developed sweat glands, the active work of which begins in the hot season. With the onset of summer, many people notice increased sweating, and often not knowing what to do with their sweaty armpits, they treat them with all kinds of antiperspirants, but such manipulations do not always help. So what should you do if your armpits sweat a lot? Initially, you should find out the cause of excessive sweating and only then begin treatment.

It’s clear that the sight and smell of a sweaty body repels others, but what can you do to prevent your armpits from sweating when regular hygiene procedures and the use of deodorizing products are powerless? First of all, you need to figure out what could cause the increased work of the sweat glands.

Heavy sweating under the arms can be caused by various factors:

  • imbalance of the hormonal system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • metabolic dysfunction;
  • unhealthy eating behavior - abuse of alcohol, energy drinks, fatty or spicy foods;
  • constant stress;
  • increased body weight;
  • regular, intense physical activity;
  • clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

Only a doctor can answer the question of why armpits sweat a lot after conducting the necessary research. The patient must submit:

  • general, biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • perform an electrocardiogram;
  • In addition, the doctor takes a blood sample to determine hormonal levels.

If these studies have not shown why the armpits sweat, then a more in-depth study of the problem is carried out (head tomogram, blood for tumor markers, etc.).

Most often, excessive sweating becomes the result of some disease; this pathology is called secondary hyperhidrosis of the armpits and only a specialist (endocrinologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, narcologist, etc.) can help cope with it.

If a person requires specific treatment, it is prescribed by a doctor, but in some cases, armpit sweating can be eliminated using simple and accessible methods.

How to eliminate odor (simple methods)

You need to start the fight against excessive sweating and the accompanying odor with simple methods; perhaps in your case this will be quite enough.

  1. Taking a contrast shower - the procedure helps to narrow the pores, thereby reducing the production of sweat glands for some time. Also, alternating warm and cool water calms the nervous system.
  2. Antibacterial soap - wash your armpits regularly (at least morning and evening).
  3. How to prevent your armpits from sweating, just wipe them regularly with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice (the product will also help get rid of the odor).
  4. You can reduce sweating by treating the armpits with a concentrated soda solution (water + soda).
  5. In case of excessive sweat production, use 2% resorcinol alcohol - wipe your armpits with a cotton pad soaked in it twice a day.

You can save yourself from wet spots by using special pads; they are attached to clothing in the armpit area and absorb excess moisture.

But what to do if your armpits sweat a lot and simple methods no longer help? Turn to the wisdom of our ancestors - recipes from traditional healers will certainly improve the situation.

Folk recipes

Non-traditional treatment has its pros and cons. The positive side is that only natural ingredients are used that are accessible to every person. The disadvantage is that such therapy is lengthy, and the expected result does not always become reality.

Before getting rid of armpit sweat using folk knowledge, consult a doctor, or better yet, undergo a full examination to determine the cause of the pathology.

  1. Chamomile infusion. Prepare like this - 3 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left for an hour. The product is filtered, then 15 grams of baking soda are added to it and mixed. The resulting infusion should be used to wipe your armpits every 2 hours.
  2. Oak bark decoction. You will need 200 grams of dry raw materials. Boiling water is poured into it and put on fire, simmer for about half an hour. Next, strain, prepare a warm bath with the addition of the resulting decoction. Take the water procedure for 20 minutes daily.
  3. Alcohol infusion of horsetail. The preparation is simple - 300 grams of horsetail for 0.5 liters of vodka. The product is kept for 3 weeks, after which the armpits are wiped three times a day.
  4. Lotion at home will help cope with excessive sweating of the armpits. Mix 1:1 vinegar and 4% boric acid, you can add a little deodorant (perfume, eau de toilette). Use at night; after drying, problem areas are powdered with talcum powder.

If traditional treatment has not produced any results over the course of a month, it’s time to move on to products specifically designed to combat excessive sweating.

Special preparations

On pharmacy counters you can find many products that can treat excessive sweating, but they must be used in accordance with the included instructions.

How to avoid sweating under your arms - use Formidron solution. The product has a drying effect; in addition, after application, an invisible film forms on the skin, which prevents sweating. The drug contains formaldehyde, so it should not be abused.

Lassara paste containing zinc, starch, and petroleum jelly eliminates sweating and has an antiseptic effect. Use no longer than 30 days.

Galmanin powder containing salicylic acid, zinc, starch, and talc also helps. The effect of the drug is drying, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.

What to do if your armpits sweat a lot - use the most popular remedy - Teymurov's paste. The drug contains zinc, lead, talc, glycerin, formaldehyde (do not abuse it, use it according to the instructions). It is recommended to apply to clean, dry skin for no longer than 4 days.

Salicylic-zinc paste or powder - dries, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Apply the product locally to small areas of the skin.

Antiperspirant or gel Dry Dry (Dry Dry) - slows down the secretion of sweat, acts for a long time (the effect lasts up to 5 days). The product is applied to washed and dried skin and allowed to dry. It is better to carry out the manipulation before bedtime. After depilation, do not use for at least 2 days.

Spray or roll-on antiperspirant Purax (Purax) - has the same characteristics as Dry Dry. Apply to dry, intact skin. You can also use pads from this series, which are attached not to clothing, but directly to the body (eliminate moisture and odor).

Salon and surgical procedures

Since getting rid of armpit sweating for a long time is the dream of every person, methods have been developed that will help eliminate the problem and forget about it for several years. Remember, it is better to resort to such procedures after first consulting with your doctor.

Infrared sauna is a thermal effect that normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Blood microcirculation improves, due to which tissues receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Along with the improvement of metabolic processes, sweating decreases - the glands begin to function correctly.

Botulinum toxin injections are an expensive and rather painful procedure. The essence of the method is that Botox is injected into the armpit area by injection. After one such injection for 1.5-2 years, you don’t have to worry about excessive sweating.

Curettage is a surgical procedure to remove sweat glands. This treatment gives the most lasting result - the armpits remain dry for up to 5 years. This is the most radical method, which has a number of contraindications.

Whatever method of combating sweating you choose, it is better to consult a doctor before using it.

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Sweating is a necessary function of the human body, thanks to which body temperature is regulated, as well as the elimination of toxins. But in everyone’s life there have been situations when, at an important event or business meeting, the clothes under the arms became wet. In addition to personal discomfort, others may also notice wet spots, but it is much worse when this process is accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

If your armpits sweat a lot, then doctors talk about a diagnosis such as: In order to choose the right tactics and not harm your health, you need to understand what factors can trigger increased armpit sweating.

Sweat is a watery liquid that is secreted by the subcutaneous sweat glands. This is a normal physiological process. Normally, sweat is a sterile liquid containing water, salts, and organic substances. In the armpits, where a humid and warm environment is always maintained, favorable conditions arise for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. It is sweat, in combination with bacterial waste products, that creates a specific odor that is difficult to neutralize even with washing powder.

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of odor and sweat repellents, but in some situations they can only do harm. To get rid of severe armpit sweating, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence.


Underarm sweating directly depends on what tissue the skin comes into contact with. Natural cotton fabrics absorb moisture and allow the skin to breathe, while synthetic fabrics create a greenhouse effect and further aggravate the condition. It is worth noting that in the modern world of sports, many suits are made of polyester, which absorbs and wicks moisture out, while maintaining normal humidity and skin temperature. Therefore, when choosing clothes for sports, you need to pay attention to the quality and composition of the fabric, as well as the manufacturer.


Unfortunately, very often excessive sweating may indicate a disruption in the functioning of internal organs. Thus, with excess body weight, the body produces a lot of thermal energy, which is difficult to remove through a thick fat layer. To maintain normal body temperature, the body secretes sweat intensively. There is one way to reduce armpit sweating in such a situation - to normalize body weight.

VSD is a dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system, which is accompanied by disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. To prevent such hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to undergo examinations and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system with the help of drug therapy.

In some cases, increased sweating can become a signal from the gastrointestinal tract about developing dysbiosis. Very often this symptom appears during long-term antibiotic therapy. Canceling the antibacterial drug and taking probiotics will help restore the microflora and sweating will return to normal without medical intervention.

If your armpits sweat a lot, then you need to pay attention to the functioning of the endocrine organs. In some cases, hyperhidrosis may be related to the functioning of the pancreas or thyroid gland. The fact is that in the human body all the endocrine glands are interconnected and dysfunction of one of them entails failures in all the others.

In case of acute cardiac pain (heart attack, angina, hypertension), the patient may become completely covered in sweat, and the discharge will have a cold and sticky effect. Night sweats can accompany pathology of the respiratory system. This type of sweating is most typical in tuberculosis, pneumonia and cancer.

Oncological diseases are often accompanied by disturbances in the activity of the sweat glands, but more often they are unilateral. That is, sweating occurs more on the affected side of the body (lymph node, chest, adrenal glands). Intestinal cancer is also often accompanied by increased sweating.

Temporary hyperhidrosis can be caused by various infectious diseases that are accompanied by fever. Usually, 7-10 days after recovery, the body recovers and the sweating process returns to normal.


The arsenal of modern cosmetics includes a large number of antiperspirants that help fight sweat. It is worth noting that for most people these remedies are truly life-saving, but they should be used carefully. Preference should be given only to trusted brands; it is better to take unscented and dermatologist-tested products.


Some patients have experienced beads of sweat on their face, forehead and armpits during or after eating. This is how the body reacts to certain foods. Most often these are salty, spicy or hot dishes. To get rid of such unpleasant sweating, you simply need to exclude or limit certain foods from your diet.


Constantly increased levels of adrenaline, with prolonged or chronic stress, can also be accompanied by increased sweating. Excessive armpit sweating may be the body's reaction to adrenaline. The same type of hyperhidrosis occurs in drug addicts and alcoholics during withdrawal. Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol is extremely stressful for such a patient. The body of such patients is completely covered with drops of sweat, and this process is characterized by an abundance of discharge.

Reasons for girls

In girls, the reasons why armpits sweat a lot may be hormonal changes in the body. So, during PMS, many women feel like the clothes in the armpits become wet for no reason. If such phenomena are cyclical or episodic in nature, then there is no need to worry too much about this. If the symptom appears suddenly and worries for a long time, then it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Reasons for men

In a man’s body, all metabolic processes are more intense than in women. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex perform more physical activity, which promotes the production of sweat. Those who like to drink a couple of glasses of beer have noticed that after drinking alcohol, not only the body, but also the face is covered in perspiration profusely. Thus, the body tries to remove excess fluid and ethanol breakdown products.

Causes in teenagers

As teenagers grow up, enormous changes occur in the functioning of the endocrine system. This process is often accompanied by increased sweat production. The main thing during this period of a child’s life is to teach him the rules of personal hygiene and the use of antiperspirant.

Causes in children

By the end of the first month of life, a newborn baby has formed sweat glands, which work much more actively than in adults. In addition, their number on a baby’s body is much greater than on an adult’s. Thanks to the active work of the sweat glands, the baby’s body learns thermoregulation. In general, increased sweating should not cause concern on the part of parents, except in one case - the presence of signs of rickets. To exclude the development of pathology, it is necessary to show the baby to pediatricians in a timely manner.

Reasons for women when breastfeeding

In women, increased sweat production may occur after the birth of the baby and during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the body undergoes multiple changes in the functioning of internal organs and the hormonal system. Intense armpit sweating in women is also observed during menopause, which is also associated with hormonal imbalance.


If your armpits sweat constantly, then inflammatory processes, weeping wounds, diaper rash and areas of maceration may occur in this area. In addition to local reactions, the patient may complain of increased irritability, sleep disturbance, and headache.

If your armpits sweat when it’s cold and this process has nothing to do with external factors, then you should urgently consult a therapist or family doctor.


When the first alarming symptoms appear, you should seek help from a specialist. To begin with, you can make an appointment with a local internist or family doctor, who is a generalist. To clarify the diagnosis, a set of diagnostic tests will be prescribed:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • chest radiography or FG;
  • electrocardiogram.

After studying the research results, the attending physician will give recommendations on what to do at home to alleviate the condition, what medications and cosmetic products can be used to reduce sweating. If necessary, a consultation with a specialist dermatologist, surgeon or cosmetologist will be prescribed if the problem is purely aesthetic in nature.


If excessive sweating is associated with the patient’s health condition, then to clarify the diagnosis they may additionally prescribe:

  • blood for glucose, hormones and biochemistry;
  • computed tomography;
  • scraping from the affected area of ​​the body (only done by a dermatologist).

If hyperhidrosis is associated with internal diseases, then it is necessary to first treat the underlying disease and only then eliminate excessive sweating. Moreover, there are quite a lot of modern cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in the arsenal.


Therapy for armpit hyperhidrosis should have a comprehensive approach. By adhering to basic rules every day, the patient will be able to overcome excessive sweating:

  • perfect body hygiene;
  • use of high-quality antiperspirants;
  • balanced diet;
  • sufficient drinking regime;
  • selection of clothing made from natural fabrics.

To eliminate excessive sweating and prevent odor, you can use modern products and methods to combat hyperhidrosis.


In this group of cosmetic products to combat sweat, you can choose:

  • deodorant – prevents the appearance of pathogenic microflora, prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors, contains aromatic components and perfume fragrances;
  • antiperspirant – as an active substance it contains metal salts that block the activity of sweat glands;
  • deodorant-antiperspirant is a combined cosmetic product that prevents the appearance of sweat and odor in the armpit area.

Medicines and drugs from the pharmacy

When hyperhidrosis becomes an acute problem, and doctors have not identified any abnormalities in the functioning of the internal organs, pharmaceuticals that have a drying and antibacterial effect can be offered to help the patient:

  • Lassara or Teymurov pastes– preparations based on zinc oxide, when applied regularly, normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, and also have a drying and antibacterial effect;
  • salicylic-zinc ointment, has a drying and bactericidal effect;
  • Formidron solution– an effective budget option, the active ingredient of which is formaldehyde, is rarely used due to the negative impact on the reproductive organs and heart;
  • Galmanin powder- a complex product, which includes talc, salicylic acid and zinc oxide, helps to quickly eliminate excessive weeping and prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odors.
These medications may cause side effects, so they should be prescribed only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies based on herbs, infusions, and decoctions will help get rid of armpit sweating. A significant advantage of these products is their safety of use and natural origin.

To prevent armpits from sweating, it is advisable to use such improvised means as a solution of soda, lemon juice, salt solution, oak bark decoction, and raw potatoes.

Place 1 teaspoon of baking soda or salt in a glass of water. It is necessary to apply lotions with the resulting solution for 7-10 minutes. It is worth noting that these substances can cause skin irritation and tingling.

Lemon juice can be used freshly squeezed or rub the skin of your armpits with a slice of lemon. For compresses, you can use raw potato juice, which has a drying effect. A decoction of oak bark (1 tbsp per 500 ml of water) is used to wipe the skin in the armpit area. This product contains natural tannins that tone, envelop and dry the dermis.


To prepare, you will need 1 tablespoon each of dried chamomile and calendula, which are poured into 300 ml of boiling water and left for about 2 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, mixed with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and used twice a day to wipe the skin in the armpit area.

Essential oils

The leader among all essential oils in its antiseptic properties is tea tree oil. You can also use essential oils of citrus fruits, lemon, orange. Apply 1 drop of the product to clean armpit skin and rub in until completely absorbed.

Homemade deodorants

If your armpits sweat a lot, you can make a homemade deodorant at home. To prepare it, you will need a 50 ml measuring cup, which is used to measure the same amount:

  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • corn starch;
  • coconut oil.

All ingredients are mixed in a water bath until smooth. After this, the creamy mixture is poured into a clean container to harden. If desired, you can add 1-2 drops of essential oil. The resulting product is applied to the skin of the armpits daily after a shower. This remedy will not be able to completely eliminate the problem of hyperhidrosis, but it will slightly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Other methods

A modern cosmetic procedure for excessive sweating is Botox injections. Botulinum toxin is injected into the armpit, where it paralyzes the sweat glands. The procedure will need to be repeated in approximately 5-6 months.


Iontophoresis is also used for armpit sweating. With the help of galvanic elements, special medications are injected into the armpit area, which normalize the functioning of the sweat glands. Patients notice the first therapeutic effect after 7-10 days.


To radically combat hyperhidrosis, surgical intervention is used - curettage. During surgery, the doctor excises the sweat-producing glands, after which they stop functioning.


As a preventive measure, underarm hyperhidrosis can be carried out.

The sweat glands, which are responsible for heat exchange, regulation of metabolism and the level of water-salt balance in the body, like many others, secrete a special secretion. They are located in the middle layers of the skin, the dermis, and with the help of excretory ducts they deliver sweat to the surface. Sweat glands are located in almost all parts of the body. Their largest accumulations are in the axillary and groin areas, on the face, palms and feet.

The secretion secreted by the sweat glands is odorless. Most of it (99%) is water, and the rest is mineral salts and organic substances that are excreted by the body. Millions of bacteria living on our body feed on metabolic products. They multiply and clog our skin with their waste products, which contain ammonia compounds that have an unpleasant odor.

During the day, our body secretes from 500 to 900 ml of sweat. In the heat, during physical activity and eating hot food, the intensity of sweating increases. But if your armpits sweat very much, this can be an alarming symptom of certain diseases.

The body's natural process of sweating often causes us a lot of troubles, from wet clothes to an unpleasant odor.

Attention! Excessive sweat production by the body is called hyperhidrosis. It can be either an independent disease or a symptom of other ailments.

Excessive sweating can bother a person in one place or throughout the body. According to the degree of distribution of sweat throughout the human body, they are distinguished:

  • Local hyperhidrosis. Increased sweating is observed in a certain area of ​​the body, for example, only the right armpit, palms or feet sweat.
  • General hyperhidrosis. The whole body sweats.

Two types of sweat glands are responsible for the secretion of sweat:

  1. Eccrine glands are responsible for thermoregulation of our body from birth. They are located on 75% of our body. The sweat they produce is transparent. It contains salts and toxic substances that are unnecessary for our body.
  2. Apocrine glands begin to work actively during puberty. The armpits of girls and boys begin to sweat more intensely. Apocrine glands are much larger than eccrine glands, they are located in the armpits, groin, etc. The glands begin to work when we experience stress or during physical activity. Sweat is whitish in color and is not released onto the surface of the skin, but onto the hair follicles. Apocrine glands are responsible for a person's individual smell. They are also called sexual scent glands.

The main reasons why armpits sweat a lot

There are several reasons why your armpits sweat a lot. The causes of sweating in women and men are the same:

  1. Stress and strong emotions. Adrenaline and cortisol, the hormones responsible for sweating, cause the sweat glands to work more actively.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension.
  3. Thyroid diseases, diabetes.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Hormonal changes.
  6. Abuse of food, alcohol and tobacco, drinks containing caffeine.
  7. Metabolic disorder.
  8. Wearing clothes that are inappropriate or inappropriate for the season.
  9. Improper hygiene

Is there a difference between sweating in men and women?

Women sweat less than men, even with the same loads. The likely reason for this is evolutionary development. Historically, men have been more active than women. Therefore, they sweat more, and sweat allows the body to cool down faster.

Men's sweat glands work much more actively. Most men are much larger than women, so the amount of secretion secreted by the sweat glands is much greater. Therefore, women's armpits sweat less than those of the stronger sex.

If there is a lot of sweat and it stinks, is this normal?

The unpleasant trail of sweat that follows a person cannot leave anyone indifferent. Modern cosmetics for eliminating the smell of sweat, the effectiveness of which can last for several hours, are presented in a wide range in any store.

But sometimes they don’t help cope with the strong smell of sweat. If your armpits begin to sweat a lot and an odor appears, then this cannot be considered normal.

Important! Hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, and infectious diseases.

Which doctor can I contact?

If no handy means or new cosmetology products help get rid of the unpleasant odor, then you need to consult a doctor. A dermatologist or endocrinologist will help eliminate the problem. He will determine the causes of excessive sweating and prescribe treatment.

Prevention of sweating

Before going to see a doctor, you can try to cope with the problem yourself. You can get rid of excessive sweating by following these rules:

  • Proper balanced nutrition. Spicy foods, richly flavored with seasonings, and drinks containing caffeine give our sweat a specific smell. They should be excluded from the diet or consumed as rarely as possible. Include healthy foods with equal amounts of fiber, protein and carbohydrates in your diet.
  • Quitting alcohol and tobacco. They not only have a detrimental effect on the nervous system, but also provoke sweating.
  • Maintaining personal hygiene rules. Taking a daily shower with soap will help prevent the active growth of bacteria.
  • .
  • Wearing clothes according to the season. It is better to choose natural rather than synthetic fabrics.
  • Relief from stress. You won’t be able to completely eliminate them from your life, but you need to learn to relax and give your nervous system a release.
  • Regular contrast shower. Effectively eliminates the problem and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

Sometimes the natural physiological process of sweating interferes with life, causing inconvenience and discomfort. You can try to get rid of the problem with the help of antiperspirants and deodorants, or better yet, seek help from a specialist. He will be able to find out the cause of excessive sweating and eliminate it.



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