How does testosterone work and what does it affect in a man? The medication route is fast and effective. Tablets and capsules

Testosterone is an androgen, a steroid hormone. It is produced by the body of men and women. Men have 40-60 times more of this steroid. Hormones are biologically active substances in the body that send information to the brain through the bloodstream.

What does testosterone affect in men and women? He lays the foundation male physiology and plays the role of a key regulator of a man’s physical, emotional, and sexual functions. Its influence on the woman’s body is also great.

How is this androgen produced in men?

It is created by the body from cholesterol through a series of processes called biosynthesis.

Male testosterone is produced by the testes (95%) and adrenal glands (5%). This complex process, which occurs not only with the participation reproductive organs. When a man's brain is stimulated, it sends a command to the testicles via the pituitary gland to start or stop producing testosterone. The pituitary gland produces luteinizing hormone, which enters the blood. This hormone gives a signal to begin the process of converting cholesterol into this steroid.

But before these commands are given, emotional and physical condition men are constantly subject to analysis from the brain. If a man is tired, unwell, upset or sick, the process of testosterone production decreases or stops.

Producing sufficient levels of testosterone is usually characteristic of healthy men at the age of puberty.

How does testosterone affect a man's life?

It helps support men:

Let's take a closer look at these processes.

How does the male hormone affect primary sexual characteristics?

  1. Testosterone regulates the development of reproductive organs and maturation of the body during its growth.
  2. This hormone stimulates.
  3. It regulates male sexual desire.

Without this hormone it is impossible normal development and the functioning of the male genital organs.

The effect of this hormone on secondary sexual characteristics

Completely dependent on what matters most male hormone are the structural features of the body.

Under the influence of androgen, males have:

The effect of the hormone on the physical condition of a man

What is this influence?

  1. Stimulates functions cardiovascular system men, dilating the coronary vessels.
  2. Protects male body from atherosclerosis.
  3. Adjusts sizes prostate gland, has a positive effect on urination and the formation of red blood cells.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

Testosterone influences a man's behavior and mood.

This is why testosterone is often called the “success hormone.”

What are the consequences of a deficiency of this steroid?

Its level reaches its peak in adolescence and young adulthood. As a man gets older, its content in the body gradually decreases by 1 percent per year after the age of thirty.

Typically, a man's body produces enough of this hormone. But sometimes its content becomes abnormally low. This is due to natural process aging men or with various diseases. In this case, hypogonadism develops.

If a decrease in testosterone levels occurs after 45-50 years, this indicates the onset of andropause.

At this time, processes occur that develop in the opposite direction compared to the puberty period.

Signs of decreased testosterone:

  1. weakens sexual function. Libido decreases, signs appear erectile dysfunction, infertility develops.
  2. There is a decrease muscle mass and bone density and strength.
  3. Metabolic processes slow down.
  4. Increases percentage fat in the body. The belly is getting bigger.
  5. There is a risk of developing atherosclerosis, threatening stroke and heart attack.
  6. Physical strength decreases.
  7. Memory deteriorates.
  8. Signs of depression, fatigue and weakness develop. Motivation and self-confidence decrease. A man is often irritable, lethargic, and sad. A decline appears vital energy and tone.
  9. Problems with concentration and thinking abilities develop, and memory weakens.
  10. Headache.
  11. Acne.
  12. The breasts are enlarged.
  13. A man often suffers from insomnia or other sleep disorders.
  14. The quantity is decreasing hairline on the body.
  15. A man can himself determine the lack of this androgen in himself. There is a very simple way. You need to measure your waist size. When it is more than 102 cm, it can be considered a sign of testosterone deficiency. Because adipose tissue contains a substance called leptin, which blocks its production.

Why is an increased level of this androgen dangerous?

When its content is increased, the risk for men increases.

Problems may occur:

  • liver cyst and tumor;
  • allergic reaction;
  • abnormalities of the nervous, gastrointestinal, endocrine and genitourinary systems body;
  • development is possible;
  • male aggression increases;
  • some mental disorders appear.

Male androgen in women

This hormone is produced in female body. And although it is significantly smaller than that of men, it also plays important role.

This steroid controls weight, fat-to-fat ratio muscle tissue. Stimulates muscle building and bone strengthening.

If a woman's level of this steroid is insufficient, she appearance and body functions are characterized by lethargy, low resistance to stress, pallor, depression, and dull eyesight.

Can women have excess testosterone?

In women, excess testosterone leads to the development of traits characteristic of men:

  • rough voice;
  • mustache above the lip;
  • decisive behavior of a masculine type.

For women high level testosterone is dangerous, as there is a threat of developing pathology:

  • ovarian cancer;
  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • termination of pregnancy and infertility.

Testosterone is the most important steroid. Almost all processes in a man’s body occur with his participation. A man's whole life depends on him.

This androgen plays an important role in the body:

  1. Defines personality, sexuality and everything distinctive features men. Thanks to testosterone, a man has characteristics like the stronger sex.
  2. During puberty, later, primary and secondary sexual characteristics appear and develop under its influence. Testosterone affects genital area men.
  3. It regulates and controls functions internal organs, metabolism and reproductive function, behavior and mood.
  4. The influence of the male hormone on emotional and psychological characteristics men.

This hormone is a powerful steroid that should be under the supervision of a qualified physician. Every man can control the level of this steroid in the body to maintain the health of his body. It could be self-control.

If there are any problems, you must contact a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

There is a strange belief that a bodybuilder, or any other gifted athlete, turns out to be stupid when tested by intelligence. Let's figure it out, imagine that you are taking a physics exam and you need someone's help. It’s unlikely that you’ll call that huge guy with arms over 50cm! Most likely you will choose a nerd from reading room, whose foot had never set foot in the gym, and who, moreover, generally limited himself in every possible way in terms of physical development.

The classic dumb jock persona has been played out in countless films, TV shows and cartoons. As if there is a direct relationship between the number of muscles and brains. If there are many muscles, then there are few brains. Many people find it difficult to believe that a developed mind and big muscles can be combined in one body.

The brain contains thyroid hormone receptors and six classes steroid hormones, which are synthesized from cholesterol: androgens (testosterone), estrogens, progestins, glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids and vitamin D. Receptors that have been found in some neurons of the brain are also present in other systems of the body. These hormones bind to receptor proteins, which in turn bind to DNA and regulate the action of genes. This process can lead to far-reaching consequences that affect the structure and function of the cell. Hormones play an important role in adaptation and protection, but stress hormones such as cortisol can alter brain function, including the ability to learn. Severe and prolonged stress can impair the brain's ability to function normally over a period of time. The way the brain responds to hormonal signals shows that the brain is able to adapt to its environment without the brain tending to change its performance in response to changes. environment. Changes that are caused increased level cortisol is obviously not very beneficial for the body, but other hormones can still create a favorable environment for the brain and body.

Testosterone, estrogens and progesterone are often referred to as sex hormones. Increased levels of sex hormones can lead to changes in cellular structure and chemistry. There are also changes in various functions brain, such as attention, motor function, pain, mood and memory. Reduced testosterone levels in older men also affect cognitive function. Low testosterone levels are observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

Twenty-five healthy men, aged 50 to 80 years, completed a randomized trial. One group of experiment participants received a weekly injection of 100 mg of testosterone enanthate, while the other simply received a placebo in the form of saline solution. Cognitive function was tested at weeks 3 and 6 using various psychological tests. By the third week, testosterone levels were 130% higher than the initial numbers, and by the sixth week, by about 116%, in the testosterone group. Significant improvement cognitive functions were observed in the examples of spatial memory (memorizing a walking route) and verbal memory (retelling a text). Thus, in the group receiving testosterone enanthate, the cognitive functions of the brain became significantly more effective compared to the group receiving placebo.

Testosterone has confirmed its effectiveness as a neuroprotective agent that slows down the aging of nerve cells in the brain, as well as blood vessels. Oxidative stress and cerebrovascular disease are key mechanisms leading to cognitive impairment when aging. A recent study assessed possible mechanism, due to which testosterone can act as an inhibitor of the process of reducing cognitive impairment due to its effect on nerve cells and vessels. For the experiment, mice with congenital hypogonadism (low testosterone), whose cognitive functions were significantly impaired, were selected. It was found that testosterone treatment led to a reduced risk vascular diseases and problems with cognitive functions. The key enzymes SIRT1 and NAD are dependent on acetylase induced by testosterone therapy, resulting in a reduction in oxidative stress in the brain.

As we age, it becomes more difficult to acquire new knowledge. new information processed less carefully, and parts become blurred. These changes “gain momentum” at older ages, even in relatively healthy people, which leads to cognitive impairment and various dementias. Despite the fact that the conditions of this process are determined age-related changes, one of the main factors remains a decrease in the level of sex hormones, in particular testosterone.

Numerous studies have shown that low testosterone levels can lead to memory loss and poor thinking. They also showed that normal levels testosterone may act as a shield against Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

While we know that testosterone can slow down negative mental changes, it is currently believed that this hormone may be involved in the method of determining a person’s intelligence, even before his birth. People have argued for centuries whether intelligence levels depend on nature or nurture. Parents often read guide books and conduct various genetic research in an attempt to create a real child prodigy from his child. Some experts of our time have begun to argue that it is testosterone that is behind the development of a man’s intelligence.

Researchers from the University of Alberta, together with Rider University colleague Martin Mrazik, recently conducted a study that examined the effects of testosterone in children with high mental abilities V prenatal period. Testosterone affects right hemisphere brain, exactly the place that is responsible for understanding mathematics, various sciences and even abstract thinking. In children whose intelligence is developed above average, the neural network responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. It is this area that testosterone affects. Mrazik also stated that the excessive influence of testosterone can lead to the development of high intellectual abilities, although all this is still a theory. Previous studies have shown that different negative traits development, such as physical and mental health, take their origins back in the womb. It is currently believed that if unfavorable conditions for the development of a child can be created in the womb, then it is possible to create an environment that would contribute to the development of abilities beyond the standard limits. We are talking about creating conditions under which a child could predictably be born with the abilities of a child prodigy. It was also found that children with high intellectual abilities are often susceptible to developing myopia and allergies, which many scientists believe may be associated with excess testosterone levels in the prenatal period. Research data is still being developed early stages development, but there are still quite a lot of various uncertainties. But nevertheless, it is already becoming clear how strongly testosterone can influence brain development and its protection from diseases caused by natural aging.

When we think about the power of testosterone, we usually don't consider mental processes. However, evidence suggests that medium to high testosterone levels are directly related to developed intellect and longevity of mental health.

Hormones are substances that are produced in the body in special glands in very small quantities, but have a significant impact on the functioning and interaction of all organs. Not a single biological process can occur without their participation.

Testosterone- a hormone that is produced in the testicles, in special Leydig cells. In the testicles, sperm production also occurs in another type of cell - Sertoli cells. Coordinated work These two types of cells ensure normal sexual and reproductive function in men.

The process of formation of testosterone (as well as other hormones) is under the control of the central nervous system, namely the pituitary gland - an organ the size of a pea, but whose role is enormous - it is a kind of conductor of the hormonal orchestra of the whole organism. The production of testosterone is regulated by the so-called luteinizing hormone (doctors simply call it LH).

What effect does testosterone have on the male body?

The man has not yet been born, and in the seventh week of his stay in the womb, the male sex glands - the testes - are already forming. Another two weeks - and the testes begin to produce testosterone. During the transition period (13-17 years), the boy's testosterone secretion increases sharply, and he gradually turns into a man. How does this happen?

Firstly, under the influence of testosterone, the normal development of a man’s genital organs occurs - the penis, testicles, prostate gland (which, in fact, distinguishes him from a woman) as well as the appearance of so-called secondary sexual characteristics - hair growth on the face and body, characteristic hair growth pubic area.

Body structure: Testosterone promotes the formation of protein in body tissues, primarily in muscles, the growth and development of strength of which is proportional to the amount of testosterone (think about athletes who take “anabolic steroids” in order to have developed muscles). Testosterone is involved in normal distribution fat in the body.

In addition, this hormone influences education and normal maturation bone tissue, thanks to testosterone, bone growth zones close in time. The condition of the skin is also directly related to testosterone, since it influences the functioning of sebaceous glands. Thus, appearance men depend entirely on the amount of testosterone.

Other extremely important function testosterone - influence on sexual activity and sexual behavior. Testosterone affects certain areas of the brain, leading to the appearance of sexual desire (libido), not only in men, but also in women.

Normal erection is also ensured by active participation testosterone: it has been proven that its action causes complete relaxation of the corpora cavernosa; testosterone promotes normal blood flow to the vessels of the penis.

Undoubtedly sexual function And physical development determine a man’s well-being and attitude. However, the role of testosterone is not limited to this. In fact, there is not a single organ system that is not influenced to some extent by testosterone.

Cardiovascular system:

  • promotes dilation of coronary vessels
  • slows down the process of atherosclerosis
  • prevents the development of cardiac hypertrophy in arterial hypertension
  • reduces symptoms coronary disease hearts

Urinary system:

  • prostate condition

Hematopoiesis: testosterone affects the maturation of red blood cells (red blood cells) blood cells) in the bone marrow.

Central nervous system: Testosterone affects the following processes:

  • attention, memory and speed of thinking
  • mood ( large number testosterone promotes aggressive behavior, low - on the contrary, causes depression)
  • spatial orientation
  • pronounced antidepressant effect

So testosterone “is what really differentiates men and women, testosterone literally shapes our creativity, intelligence, way of thinking, energy, desire to understand things. It influences and controls not only the potential we possess, but also the benefit we derive from it. He controls our sexual and communicative behavior"(Anna Moir "The Brain of the Sexes").

How does testosterone deficiency manifest?

The effects of testosterone on the body are described above; accordingly, deficiency can manifest itself various symptoms, the most common are:

  • depression
  • decrease in concentration
  • fatigue
  • decreased muscle mass and strength
  • decreased sexual desire
  • erectile dysfunction - problems with developing and maintaining an erection
  • infertility caused by a decrease in sperm count
  • osteoporosis (cause of brittle bones)
  • tides
  • reduction in size and soft consistency of the testicles
  • anemia ( low level red blood cells)
  • reduction in prostate size

Why can a man's testosterone levels be reduced in adulthood?

It has been established that testosterone levels in men begin to gradually decline from about the age of 30, by 1-2% every year. As a result, by the age of 50-55 (and in some cases even earlier), the testosterone content can be only about 1/2 of its amount in at a young age. In addition, with age, the amount of a special protein in the blood that binds sex hormones increases, which also leads to a decrease in biologically active testosterone. A condition develops called age-related hypogonadism.

The amount of testosterone in adulthood and old age also depends on genetic (congenital) factors, such as the sensitivity of body tissues to the action of testosterone.

Various diseases of internal organs have an important impact on testosterone levels.

What diseases can lead to testosterone deficiency?

In addition to physiological factors, acute and chronic diseases, taking medications, which ultimately increases the age-related decline in testosterone levels.

Among diseases of internal organs, low testosterone levels can be caused by:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma
  • coronary heart disease
  • arterial hypertension
  • diabetes mellitus
  • obesity
  • cirrhosis
  • chronic alcoholism

How do medications affect testosterone and sexual function?

Medicines taken for various diseases, can negatively affect the level of testosterone in the blood. That's why self-administration medications are not allowed, only a doctor can prescribe treatment for you, taking into account possible adverse effects on sexual function.

What kind of medicines are these:

1. used for high blood pressure:

  • methyldopa
  • clonidine
  • reserpine
  • β-blockers (atenolol, anaprilin)
  • prazosin

2. diuretics:

  • veroshpiron
  • hypotazid
  • chlorthalidone

3. affecting the heart:

  • digoxin
  • verapamil
  • antiarrhythmic drugs

4. affecting the central nervous system:

  • antidepressants
  • sleeping pills
  • amphetamines

5. affecting the gastrointestinal tract:

  • cerucal
  • ranitidine

How is testosterone level determined?

To find out what kind of testosterone you have, you need to take a blood test morning time(preferably in the interval from 7 to 11 o’clock), since it is in the morning that the content of testosterone in the blood is maximum. In addition, other special tests are needed - determination of the level of LH, protein that binds sex hormones, as well as a number of other tests that the doctor will prescribe based on the results of the examination.

At the same time, testosterone deficiency can be suspected by clinical symptoms. Several special questionnaires and scales have been developed for this purpose. By answering a few questions, you can guess whether testosterone is low or not.

Androgen level rating scale

1. Do you notice a decrease in sexual desire (decreased pleasure from sex, lack of desire for sexual contact)?
2. Have you become less energetic?
3. Have you noticed a decrease in physical strength and endurance?
4. Has your height decreased?
5. Have you noticed a decrease in “pleasure in life” (the feeling that the peak of life has been passed)?
6. Have you become sad and/or irritable?
7. Do you notice a decrease in the quality of erections?
8. Have you noticed a recent decline in your ability to participate in sports?
9. Do you fall asleep after lunch?
10. Has your performance decreased?

Testosterone deficiency is possible if the answer to questions 1.7 or any three other questions is positive.

Is it possible to increase testosterone levels if they are low?

It is possible and necessary. For this there are a number medicines, with the help of which the so-called HORMON REPLACEMENT THERAPY (HRT) is carried out. HRT with testosterone helps normalize its level in the blood and eliminate the symptoms of its deficiency.

Your doctor will prescribe a specific drug and treatment regimen, taking into account the indications and possible contraindications. Talk to a specialist!



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