How the female body develops. Age periods of the female body

Modern physiology based on biological features distinguishes the following periods of a woman’s life:

1. Childhood period. This period lasts from birth until the onset of puberty, i.e. until approximately 10 years.

2. Puberty period - from 10 to 16 years. This period is characterized by the onset of the first menstruation (menarche).

3. The period of puberty begins with the appearance of menstruation and continues until they begin to cease (up to approximately 45-47 years). Thus, the duration of this period is 30-35 years.

4. Menopause is a relatively short period between the end of puberty and menopause. It lasts from six months to 2-3 years.

5. Menopause period - from the complete cessation of menstruation, i.e. from 45-47 years to approximately 55 years.

6. Senile period (senium) from 55 years to death.

Let us dwell in more detail on the period of puberty.

A girl and a boy, in addition to differences in the structure of the gonads, also differ in height and weight. It is known that a newborn boy weighs on average more than a newborn girl (approximately 250 g). The height of newborn boys, on average, exceeds the height of newborn girls by 1 cm. But at the age of 10 to 15 years, a noticeable increase in the girl’s height occurs, and she catches up with the boy’s height. By the end of the 15th year, the boy again surpasses the girl in height.

A man has a shorter body than a woman, which is caused by the latter developing a longer abdomen in the interests of the growth of the future fetus. The shoulder width of a man is greater than that of a woman, the width of the hips is greater in women. A woman has absolutely less, but relatively bigger head than a man. The bony prominences of the face are less pronounced, lower jaw significantly less than that of a man. All skeletal system women are less developed than men; the same can be said for muscles. All these signs of differences in the structure of the body of a man and a woman (boy and girl) are called secondary sexual characteristics. As you approach puberty, secondary sexual characteristics become more noticeable. This is especially true for the development of the subcutaneous fat layer. The latter is much more developed in women than in men. Fat content in men is 18.2% of total body weight, and in women it is 28.2%. The developed subcutaneous fat layer makes the female body soft and rounded already at the onset of puberty. The skin of women (girls) is somewhat lighter than that of men. Hairiness in the pubic area in men and women has different shape: in women, pubic hair has the shape of a triangle, the apex of which is directed downward; in a man it has the shape of a diamond, sometimes reaching the navel. Characteristic; A feature of a man is facial hair in the form of a mustache and beard; But in women, hair on the head is more developed. Her hair falls out later and in less quantity than a man.

The most noticeable of a woman's secondary sexual characteristics is the development of the mammary glands. Located under the child’s fourth rib, mammary glands By the beginning of puberty, women grow and occupy the space between the 3rd and 6th ribs. A distinctive secondary sexual characteristic is also the voice: in women it is higher than in men, in low tones by an average of one octave, in high tones - by two.

A woman’s larynx is approximately 1/4 smaller than a man’s, and its shape remains at the childhood stage of development; Depending on this, the protrusion of the larynx, the “Adam’s apple,” is almost absent in women.

But most a clear sign the onset of puberty of a girl - the appearance of the first menstruation. In our climate zone, they appear in girls aged 12-14 years. If menstruation occurs before the 10th year of life (4-6 years), then this phenomenon is called premature menstruation. Usually occurs simultaneously with premature menstruation early development secondary sexual characteristics. If menstruation occurs after 20 years or even later, then it is called delayed menstruation. Late menstruation is most often observed in infantile women.

Climax. According to V.V. Slonitsky’s definition, the menopause should be understood as a relatively short period of a woman’s life, during which she, according to general patterns the whole organism enters a new period of life - a period of physiological sterility and gradual decline of menstrual function.

The widespread and deep-rooted opinion that a woman’s menopause is a direct transition from childbearing age to old age is incorrect, scientifically unfounded and practically harmful.

At normal conditions And in good condition body physiological cessation reproductive function and menstruation not only does not lead to old age and withering of all sexual functions, but, on the contrary, as a protective process, contributes to the preservation of long time health and libido: women; atrophy of the genitals usually does not occur; it is contained in the body for a long time sufficient quantity estrogens and other hormones.

The aging of an organism occurs throughout life, and from its very beginning, involution processes develop in parallel with the processes of evolution. Therefore, it is incorrect to consider the menopausal period as a woman’s critical age, which is supposedly characterized by old age and a number of diseases. Menopause is followed not by old age, but by menopause, which has its own characteristics.

The climacteric period is divided into physiological and pathological. Menopause, like physiological process, should pass unnoticed, with phasing out menstruation, without any painful disorders requiring treatment.

Pathological menopause is often very difficult and requires special treatment. The most common and severe disorders normal course menopause are angioneurosis (“hot flashes”) and disorders of menstrual function, which clinically manifest themselves in the form of acyclic bleeding.

The duration of menopause varies greatly. In some diseases, such as uterine fibroids, there is late onset menopause - at the age of 55 years and older (climax tarda). On the other hand, there are cases early offensive menopause - at the age of 30-35 years, which happens with infantilism and bilateral ovarian tumors.

According to Tsondek, menopause can be divided into three stages (corresponding, to a certain extent, to anatomical changes in the uterus): hyperfolliculin (polyhormonal); oligofolliculin (hypofolliculin) and polyprolan (afolliculin according to Mandelstam).

The first stage, hyperfolliculin, is characterized by increased production of folliculin in the urine (up to 500 and even up to 1000 IU per 1 l). Under the influence of enormous amounts of folliculin in the blood, the uterus enlarges and softens. This stage may last for weeks or even months and may manifest clinically as polyhormonal amenorrhea or bleeding.

The second stage, oligofolliculin (hypofolliculin), is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the amount of folliculin, the production of which may stop altogether. Clinically, this stage is characterized by a number of known vasomotor and neuropsychiatric disorders(due to irritation of the vasomotor center).

The third stage, polyprolan, is characterized by an increase in the function of the anterior pituitary gland with the release large quantities prolan A (pituitary gonadotropin), up to 110 IU in 1 liter of urine, which proves the cessation of ovarian function. The difference between menopause and castration in the sense of flooding the body with gonadotropic hormone is found in the fact that in the first case this happens gradually, and in the second - quickly. At this stage, uterine atrophy occurs. Some modern authors divide menopause into stages: hyperfolliculin, oligofolliculin and ahormonal.

The term menopause refers to the period of complete cessation of menstruation and the gradual transition from menopause to old age. Menopause, as stated above, lasts about 10 years - from 45-47 to 55. Mazer and Israel estimate it at 15 years: from 45 to 60 years, which is not entirely correct. Menopause is characterized by the appearance of noticeable general and local changes in the body. From general changes Visible aging is characteristic: the appearance of wrinkles on the face, a tendency towards obesity, decreased libido. Unpleasant subjective symptoms are observed - “hot flashes” to the head, a feeling of suffocation, symptoms of psychoneurosis, hypertension, dysfunction endocrine glands. In connection with the latter, during menopause sometimes develop Graves' disease, phenomena of acromegaly, depigmentation; stones appear in the liver and kidneys. Particularly noteworthy is the tendency in this period to the development of malignant neoplasms.

Noticeable changes are observed in thyroid gland; it, as after castration, increases in volume, lipoids and colloids accumulate in it. In the pituitary gland, the anterior lobe decreases, the number of eosinophilic cells increases, and so-called castration cells appear. In the adrenal glands, hypersecretion occurs in the cells of the cortical layer, the protoplasm of which becomes transparent and granular and contains lipoids.

The main changes in the genital system include atrophy of the uterus and mammary glands and the complete cessation of menstruation. Ovarian function fades gradually. In this case, atrophy of the external genitalia, vagina and uterus is observed much later than the cessation of menstruation. This explains the casuistic cases of ovulation, pregnancy and childbirth at the age of 55-60 years. Thus, G.D. Sofronenko observed the birth of a 62-year-old woman.

With the cessation of ovarian function during menopause, the vaginal mucosa becomes thin, easily vulnerable, and susceptible to infection. We will not stretch the entrance to the vagina, sexual intercourse difficult. The external opening of the urethra, participating in reverse involution, narrows significantly. During menopause they often develop

Women, regardless of age, need to know about the problems that we may encounter in the future, and especially ways to solve them. Published on the web portal

From birth to old age, a woman’s body goes through several important stages of development. In a woman’s life, there are several periods that are characterized by certain age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics. There is no clear boundary between the periods; one period smoothly passes into the next.

So every woman should know

Recommended as a nutritional and general tonic. menopause, pregnant women with edema, disorders heart rate, with hypertension. 100-150 g per day.

Uterine bleeding during menopause, heavy and painful menstruation, and even scanty or absent menstruation can be treated daily intake, 1-2 glasses of tea from red clover flowers.

For menstrual irregularities and pain, tea with linden flowers is simply irreplaceable. Women after 45 years of age need to drink a glass of linden tea in the morning once every six months for a month, and menopause need not be afraid: it will come much later than for women of the same age, and will be painless, without bleeding. Tumors of the female genital area (fibroadenomas, fibroids) are also treated with linden tea. For this purpose you need to collect linden blossom only in the youngest month, this is one to two days, then the color will lose its antitumor effect. Drink constantly. All medicinal properties linden is enhanced if you add sage 1:1

Leaves, flowers, seeds of nasturtium. If you feel weak, your nerves are shaky, everything is irritating, melancholy and depression appear unexpectedly. The leaves and flowers can be dried, the seeds crushed in a coffee grinder and used where you apply salt and spices. By the way, it is very useful for men too.

We have offered you several recipes that will help you get through the aging periods. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

It is generally accepted and natural that one of the main functions female body which by and large determines the role of women in any society is reproductive function, i.e. reproductive capacity. And this function, as is known, is limited by age. But having crossed a certain age limit, a woman does not cease to be a woman, and she still vitally needs the harmony of mental and physiological principles in the body.

As a rule, our health culture does not extend beyond the reproductive function and, having fulfilled our “obligations” on this point, we happily forget about further regular visits antenatal clinic. Meanwhile, women's health needs care and attention not only in the phase of active reproductive age, but throughout life.

This material is addressed to all women and girls, regardless of age, but most likely it will be read more carefully by women who have entered that wonderful time when the happy difficulties of bearing a child and childbirth are long behind them and thoughts arise about the natural completion of their mission as a continuator of the family .

In this regard, I would like to talk about the changes and characteristics of the female body at different age periods - what to expect, what to pay attention to, what is considered normal, and what is considered a reason to visit your doctor.

In general, at any age, first place in the structure gynecological diseases occupied by inflammatory diseases (more than 60%), often causing not only impairment of a woman’s ability to work and disruption of her reproductive function, but also affecting other functions of the female body. Nevertheless, great value in the specifics of diseases women's sphere have certain periods of a woman’s life. This age specificity is mainly determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body in individual periods life. Let's figure out together what characteristic features and changes these time periods bring to the female body.

So, in a woman’s life it is customary to distinguish between:

1) period intrauterine development;

2) the period of childhood (from birth to 9-10 years);

3) period of puberty (from 9-10 years to 13-14 years);

4) adolescence(from 14 to 18 years old);

5) period of puberty, or childbearing (reproductive), age from 18 to 40 years;

6) transition period, or premenopause (from 41 to 50 years);

7) the period of aging, or postmenopause (from the moment of permanent cessation of menstrual function).

Puberty period is the longest in a woman's life. Reproductive age is characterized by the formation of stable relationships in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and cyclical changes in a woman’s body, most pronounced in the sexual sphere. A woman’s body is ready for fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth, lactation. Regular cyclical changes throughout the body are externally manifested by stable menstruation - this is the main indicator of the well-being of the female body. Of course, you should not focus solely on this indicator, and yet the regularity, stability, painlessness of the cycle is what is considered to be the norm. Of course, there are special cases when a given diagnosis is not typical for a certain age group, but, in general, modern woman should be guided by those manifestations and symptoms that can await her and to which it is necessary to pay the closest attention.

For example, most frequent complaints and specific problems of this age period are: inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities of various origins, cysts, infertility. Closer to 40 years, the frequency of benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs increases.

In general, you need to understand what exactly reproductive age is the most risky and critical in terms of exposure harmful factors. These include: early start sexual life, large number sexual partners, infection with various infectious agents, early pregnancies, including those ending in abortion.

In addition to those already described frequent violations, one can say about various pathologies of the cervix. The cervix has its own clinical and functional features at different age periods of a woman’s life. IN recent years There has been an increase in the number of cases of cervical diseases in young women. According to statistics, the peak incidence of human papillomavirus infection also occurs during the reproductive age of women, and it is due to this that the incidence of cervical cancer is increasing.

Well, one more “scourge” reproductive period, which is worth mentioning separately is fibroids. Uterine fibroids are benign tumor, which develops in the myometrium - the muscular lining of the uterus. Myoma increases in size under the influence of female sex hormones - estrogens, and therefore it is generally accepted that this disease is hormone-dependent in nature. In women with uterine fibroids, the period of ovarian function is extended. Regular menstruation can last up to 55 years. With the onset of menopause (cessation of menstruation), regression (reverse development) of the tumor is noted. Talking about the prevention and prevention of fibroids can be quite conditional. But risk factors for the development of fibroids need to be identified. These include - hereditary predisposition(presence of uterine fibroids in direct relatives), menstrual dysfunction, reproductive function(infertility, miscarriage), metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes).

We will try to give the most common manifestations and symptoms in women of this age group, the manifestation of which may indicate gynecological diseases: irregular, painful menstruation and cycle disorders; change in the nature of discharge; the appearance of uncomfortable sensations; sexual disorders, disharmony of sexual relations; absence of pregnancy for more than 1 year with regular sexual activity; the appearance of pain, volumetric formations in the pelvic and abdominal areas.

Premenopausal period characterized by the transition from the state of puberty to the cessation of menstrual stability. During this period, women often experience disturbances central mechanisms regulating the function of the genital organs, and as a result, a violation of cyclicity. This age limit somewhat shifts the emphasis - for example, they are less common inflammatory processes genital organs, but the frequency increases significantly tumor processes and menstrual dysfunction (menopausal bleeding). Also at this age, there is a progressive depletion of the follicular apparatus of the ovaries. Well, and, probably, the main thing that characterizes this period is a change in hormonal levels, namely, the production of progesterone stops and the secretion of estrogen decreases. All this leads to changes in the internal organs and systems of the body and, in the absence of timely correction, significantly reduces a woman’s quality of life.

40-60% of women during perimenopause may develop symptoms of menopausal syndrome, urogenital and sexual disorders. All this is expressed in the following unpleasant sensations: hot flashes, sweating, increase or decrease blood pressure, headache, sleep disturbance, depression and irritability, frequent urination, both during the day and at night, urine leakage.

Many women are approaching menopause and have existing diseases endocrine system, in particular with work disorders thyroid gland.About 40% of women have nodules and hypothyroidism. Menopause in women with thyroid pathology, unlike women without it, occurs earlier

Next important stage in a woman's life -after 50 years. This period is characterized by a general decline in the female reproductive system, during which the female body continues to lose estrogen. Therefore, at this age various pathological conditions, and therefore during this period it is especially necessary to be observed by a gynecologist to select an individual correction age-related changes hormonal status. What can be alarming or frankly “ruin your life”? This rapid aging and dry skin, frequent headaches and sleep disturbances, decreased memory and irritability, severe weight loss or excess. In fact - no matter how sad it is - this is a phase aging, which fits into the general aging process of the entire female body.

During the postmenopausal period, prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs occur more often than before, as well as malignant tumors. Gradually, complete extinction of ovarian function occurs (lack of ovulation, cyclical changes in the body), and a decrease in estrogen levels can lead to late metabolic disorders- osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy.

What can be done? How can we ourselves reduce the risks of the described age-related disorders to a minimum? Of course, this is primarily prevention, which comes from a properly formed culture of health (see material about Culture women's health on our website

Never underestimate the importance preventive examinations during the period when it would seem that the childbearing function is completed. Life doesn't just go on. During this period, a woman who is correctly attuned to the perception of her age truly blossoms. And “helping” our body stay in shape is our responsibility to ourselves.

In addition to regular visits to your doctor (is it worth reminding that by adulthood this doctor should be a priori?), prevention inflammatory diseases internal genital organs consists of careful adherence to personal hygiene and culture of sexual relations, as well as timely detection and treatment of inflammatory diseases of other organs and systems. By the way, there is a close relationship between diseases of the mammary glands and genital organs, which is confirmed by the high frequency of the combination of these diseases, so you should not forget about timely visits to the mammologist. After all, any organism is a well-coordinated, interconnected mechanism, where there are no working individual systems .

For example, we have already talked about the frequency of disorders in the endocrine system. In this case, we can help ourselves by reflecting necessity early diagnosis and treatment of various thyroid dysfunctions.

In addition, one of the important links in the prevention of acute inflammatory diseases in women is timely detection specific infection, sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevention of gynecological diseases has the main goal - the health of a woman in all periods of her life! And it needs to start with childhood. After the start of sexual activity, it is recommended to undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist once a year. Unscheduled examinations are necessary when any complaints arise, or when a sexual partner changes. After all, diseases in gynecology often occur without pronounced symptoms and, in a neglected state, can lead to oncological pathology, infertility, ectopic pregnancy and other unpleasant consequences.

We must not forget that in any period of life regular physical activity extremely useful, and especially when approaching menopausal changes. It reduces the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Physical activity stimulates the brain, causing the release of endorphins, which promote good health. Depression is reduced and physical pain is relieved.

Functional status The reproductive system of a woman is largely determined by the periods of life, among which it is customary to distinguish the following:

Antenatal (intrauterine) period;
- neonatal period (up to 10 days after birth);
- childhood period (up to 8 years);
- period of puberty, or puberty (from 8 to 16 years);
- period of puberty, or reproductive (from 17 to 40 years);
- premenopausal period (from 41 years to the onset of menopause);
- postmenopausal period (from the moment of permanent cessation of menstruation).

Antenatal period.Ovaries. In progress embryonic development The gonads are the first to develop (starting from 3-4 weeks of intrauterine life). By 6-7 weeks of embryo development, the indifferent stage of gonad formation ends. From the 10th week, gonads are formed female type. At week 20, primordial follicles form in the fetal ovaries, which represent an oocyte surrounded by compacted epithelial cells. At week 25, the tunica albuginea of ​​the ovary appears. At 31-32 weeks, the granular cells of the inner lining of the follicle differentiate. From 37-38 weeks the number of cavity and maturing follicles increases. By the time of birth, the ovaries are morphologically formed.

Internal genital organs. Fallopian tubes, uterus and upper third vaginas originate from the paramesonephric ducts. From 5-6 weeks of embryo development, the development of the fallopian tubes begins. At 13-14 weeks, the uterus is formed by the fusion of the distal sections of the parameso-nephric ducts: initially the uterus is bicornuate, but later acquires a saddle-shaped configuration, which is often preserved at the time of birth. At 16-20 weeks, the cervix differentiates. From the 17th week, the labia develop. By 24-25 weeks, the hymen is clearly visible.

Hypothalamic-pituitary system. From 8-9 weeks of the antenatal period, the secretory activity of the adenohypophysis is activated: FSH and LH are determined in the pituitary gland, fetal blood and in small quantities in amniotic fluid; during the same period, GnRH is identified. At 10-13 weeks, neurotransmitters are detected. From the 19th week, the secretion of prolactin by adenocytes begins.

Newborn period. At the end of intrauterine development of the fetus high level maternal estrogens inhibit the secretion of gonadotropins from the fetal pituitary gland; sharp decline The content of maternal estrogen in the newborn’s body stimulates the release of FSH and LH by the girl’s adenohypophysis, which provides a short-term increase in the function of her ovaries. By the 10th day of a newborn’s life, manifestations of estrogenic effects are eliminated.

Childhood period. Characterized by low functional activity reproductive system: the secretion of estradiol is insignificant, the maturation of follicles to the antral occurs rarely and unsystematically, the release of GnRH is inconsistent; receptor connections between subsystems are not developed, the secretion of neurotransmitters is poor.

Puberty period. During this period (from 8 to 16 years), not only does the reproductive system mature, but it also completes physical development female body: body growth in length, ossification of growth zones tubular bones, the physique and distribution of fat and muscle tissue according to the female type are formed.

Currently, in accordance with the degree of maturity of the hypothalamic structures, three periods of maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system are distinguished.

First period- prepubertal (8-9 years) - characterized by increased secretion of gonadotropins in the form of individual acyclic emissions; estrogen synthesis is low. A “jump” in body length growth is noted, the first signs of feminization of the physique appear: the hips are rounded due to an increase in the amount and redistribution of adipose tissue, the formation of the female pelvis begins, the number of epithelial layers in the vagina increases with the appearance of intermediate-type cells.

Second period- first phase puberty(10-13 years) - characterized by the formation of daily cyclicity and increased secretion of GnRH, FSH and LH, under the influence of which the synthesis of ovarian hormones increases. The mammary glands begin to enlarge, pubic hair begins to grow, the vaginal flora changes - lactobacilli appear. This period ends with the appearance of the first menstruation - menarche, which coincides in time with the end of rapid growth body length.

Third period- the second phase of the pubertal period (14-16 years) - is characterized by the establishment of a stable rhythm of GnRH secretion, a high (ovulatory) release of FSH and LH against the background of their basal monotonic secretion. The development of mammary glands and sexual hair is completed, body growth in length is finally formed female pelvis; menstrual cycle becomes ovulatory.

First ovulation represents the culmination of puberty, but does not mean puberty, which occurs by 16-17 years. Puberty is understood as the completion of the formation of not only the reproductive system, but also the entire woman’s body, prepared for conception, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding a newborn.

Period of puberty. Age from 17 to 40 years. The features of this period are manifested in specific morphofunctional transformations of the reproductive system (Section H.1.1.).

Premenopausal period. The premenopausal period lasts from 41 years to the onset of menopause - last menstrual period in a woman's life, which occurs on average at the age of 50. Declining activity of the gonads. Distinctive feature this period - a change in the rhythm and duration of menstruation, as well as the volume of menstrual blood loss: menstruation becomes less abundant (hypomenorrhea), their duration is shortened (oligomenorrhea), and the intervals between them increase (opsomenorrhea).

The following phases are conventionally distinguished premenopausal period:

Hypolutein - clinical symptoms absent, there is a slight decrease in the secretion of lutropin by the adenohypophysis and progesterone by the ovaries;
- hyperestrogenic - characterized by the absence of ovulation (anovulatory menstrual cycle), cyclical secretion of FSH and LH, an increase in estrogen content, which leads to a delay of menstruation for 2-3 months, often with subsequent bleeding; the concentration of gestagens is minimal;
- hypoestrogenic - amenorrhea is observed, a significant decrease in estrogen levels - the follicle does not mature and atrophies early;
- ahormonal - the functional activity of the ovaries stops, estrogens are synthesized in small quantities only by the adrenal cortex (compensatory hypertrophy of the cortex), the production of gonadotropins increases; clinically characterized by persistent amenorrhea.

Postmenopause. The ahormonal phase coincides with the beginning of the postmenopausal period. Postmenopause is characterized by atrophy of the internal genital organs (the mass of the uterus decreases, its muscular elements are replaced by connective tissue, the vaginal epithelium becomes thinner due to a decrease in its layering), urethra, bladder, muscles pelvic floor. In postmenopause, metabolism is disrupted, pathological conditions of the cardiovascular, skeletal and other systems are formed.

The characteristics of the woman’s reproductive system are given, the features of its functioning depending on the time of ontogenesis. Are being considered possible deviations and complications in the reproductive system, their pathogenesis in different periods life. The dynamics of the female population in general and in individual areas is presented. age groups, its impact on the demographic situation in the republic.

The human body is a complex physiological systems, the normal operation of which ensures his existence as an individual. Currently, 12 systems are identified in the human body: central nervous, reproductive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, lymphatic, immune and peripheral nervous, respiratory, circulatory, hematopoietic, digestive, excretory and skin systems. All systems consist of various organs, functional related friend with each other, and represent a single whole, existing in constantly changing conditions environment, performing all vital functions, the quality of which determines the level of health of the human body. Normal operation These systems ensure the existence of the individual and his life activity. In addition, nature has endowed the human body with a unique mechanism of self-regulation and self-healing; it is also called the natural self-organizing system of the human body. The principle of self-regulation is that the body, using its own mechanisms, changes the intensity of the functioning of organs and systems according to its needs in different conditions life activity. Thanks to this, a person is able to endure significant loads and restore his health.

When any of the body systems is disrupted, disorders occur that are often incompatible with life. But there is a system that does not participate in life support processes, but its importance is extremely great - it ensures the continuation of the human race. This is the reproductive system. Like all body systems, the reproductive system is established and begins to develop during intrauterine development. This system is unique: if all others are vital important systems formed and function from the moment of birth to death, then the reproductive system works only during a certain period of time - during the heyday of all vitality. Genetically, this period is programmed for the age of 15-49 years.

The optimal age for the implementation of the basic functions of the reproductive system is considered 20-40 years, when a woman’s body is fully prepared for conceiving, bearing, giving birth and feeding a child.

The normal functioning of this mechanism depends on the coordinated interaction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and endometrium, which ensures the regularity of menstruation every 21-35 days, which makes it possible to judge regular ovulation and, in general, the functional viability of the reproductive system. Any disease of the tissues and organs of the reproductive system or organs of the endocrine system can cause disturbances or absence of ovulation, which is manifested by irregular uterine bleeding.

Functionally, all organs and systems of a woman’s body are closely interconnected: activation of the activity of one body system necessarily entails activation of the activity of others. For example, during pregnancy, all organs and systems of the mother’s body work with increased load, the quantity and quality of which increases with the duration of pregnancy, which ensures its normal course, fetal development and prepares the woman’s body for childbirth and lactation. Excess functionality mother's body leads to pathological course pregnancy or its termination. On the other hand, modern traditional medicine cannot completely cure many diseases, since it is not possible to immediately influence all systems of the body. For example, not well known optimal conditions to maintain pregnancy, therefore, if there is a threat of premature termination, standard treatment methods provided for by the protocol are used, without correction of other body systems, the function of which, as a rule, is involved to a greater or lesser extent. As a result, treatment may not be effective. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis and development of the correct treatment tactics, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the functional state of both the reproductive system and other organs and systems.

The female reproductive system is represented by an anatomical and functional system that ensures the reproduction of the body. Anatomically, it is a set of female internal and external genital organs located in the pelvic area, between the rectum and bladder in the lower abdomen. The internal female genital organs are: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina, external - pubis, labia majora and minora, vestibule of the vagina, clitoris, large glands of the vestibule of the vagina, hymen. The female reproductive system is characterized by four specific functions: menstrual, sexual, reproductive and secretory, the normal implementation of which ensures the continuation of the human race.

The functional state of a woman’s reproductive system is largely determined by age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics, depending on which they are distinguished following periods woman’s life: antenatal, childhood, puberty, puberty, menopause (premenopause, menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause). The boundaries between periods are very arbitrary and vary depending on individual developmental conditions, hereditary, biological and social factors. Modern interpretation of existing age-related problems of reproduction, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in the formation of somatic, reproductive health and quality of life during puberty, reproductive and menopausal periods makes it possible to develop a strategy for managing a woman from her intrauterine development to old age. Correction of identified disorders, based on determining the relationships between the body systems responsible for its reproductive system, allows us to re-imagine the pathogenesis of many diseases and disorders of the reproductive system, improve its condition at different age periods, and reduce reproductive losses.

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    Having studied hundreds of diagnostic errors, our team members are convinced that during diagnostic process practical doctors violate even the most basic rules logic. For example, they incorrectly use the methods of analogy, induction, and deduction.

    And now I myself have heard such “respectful and sweet” addresses both in clinics and in hospitals medical workers(and even students who take an example from their elders!!!), like “darling”, “grandmother”, “darling”, “darling”, “darling”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “grandfather”, “woman” "", "man", "old man", "daddy", "mother", "father", "mother", "young lady", "man", "aunt", "uncle", etc. Many of these words They are offensive to patients, full of contempt, and, as a rule, hurt the pride of patients and their relatives.

    He rarely listened to the end of a report about a patient, often immediately asking questions clarifying the nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics of life. It’s amazing that he could say out loud: “Something is not clear to me here. There is something missing in the medical history.” And he began to collect and figure out these “missing links” himself.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs