How is a gynecological examination performed? At an appointment with a gynecologist

Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, even if there are no complaints.

Preparing for a gynecological examination

A woman going to see a gynecologist must remember the following:

  • Before the examination, it is recommended to take a shower or bath and put on fresh underwear. At the same time, you should not wash yourself especially thoroughly, much less douche, since the doctor must see the vaginal microflora in a normal, “everyday” state;
  • It is not recommended to use special intimate deodorants or perfumes;
  • the day before your visit to the doctor, exclude sexual intercourse, since a small amount of seminal fluid often remains in the vagina, which prevents a reliable analysis;
  • If a woman had to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment, it is better to go to the gynecologist 1 - 2 weeks after stopping treatment. Antibacterial drugs specifically affect vaginal microflora and complicate the diagnostic process. The same applies to antifungals;
  • The best period to visit a doctor is the first days after menstruation. During menstruation, there is no need to undergo examination and further examinations, with the exception of emergency cases(for example, severe bleeding accompanied by severe pain).
  • At home, before visiting the gynecologist, be sure to empty bladder. The intestines, if possible, should also be empty. Otherwise, performing a gynecological examination, especially palpation (examination of the condition internal organs through the skin with your hands) will be difficult for the doctor. If you sit in line for a long time to see the gynecologist, don’t be too lazy to go to the ladies’ room when it’s your turn to empty your bladder.

In addition, it is important to psychologically prepare yourself for a visit to the gynecologist, which is especially true for young girls. You need to understand that the doctor’s questions about intimate characteristics and the specifics of sexual life are necessary for correct setting diagnosis. At the same time, in order to successfully diagnose or treat, answers must be as honest and detailed as possible. A qualified gynecologist will never judge you for anything, but on the contrary, will try to help and explain any difficult moments. All information entrusted to the doctor will remain within the walls of the office, but it will significantly help the specialist in establishing the most accurate diagnosis.

What questions does a doctor ask during an appointment with a gynecologist?

To visit a gynecologist, you must know the date of your last menstruation, and you must know the nature and duration of your menstrual cycle. The gynecologist will ask questions: when did the first menstruation begin, regular or irregular, what gynecological and infectious diseases moved, is there any? chronic diseases, whether you are sexually active or not, whether you use protection or not, what you use to protect yourself, whether there have been pregnancies (including abortions), childbirth (the nature of the birth, complications, whether the child is healthy), family composition and the nature of work.

When diagnosing infertility, the doctor may ask whether your close relatives had problems conceiving, whether your mother had problems during conception, pregnancy and childbirth, chronic diseases of relatives, whether you shave your legs (this is very important if hyperandrogenism is suspected )

The answers to these questions help the doctor make a diagnosis - today many women's diseases associated with living conditions, work habits, nutrition and diets, and stress. If you yourself are interested in the reliability of the results and purpose proper treatment, answer the doctor’s questions as sincerely as possible. The data that the gynecologist will receive as a result of the conversation will help him choose the further direction of research, methods of examination and diagnosis.

General objective examination at an appointment with a gynecologist

In general objective examination, first of all, the doctor assesses the woman’s build type, condition skin and hair growth, examines organs abdominal cavity, gives characteristics of the mammary glands and the development of the reproductive system. All these factors are necessary for precise setting diagnosis and selection of appropriate treatment.

The following main types of constitution are distinguished: a) infantile (hypoplastic); b) hypersthenic (pycnic); c) intersex; d) asthenic. The four types of constitution listed are rarely found in their “pure” form. When assessing them, it is necessary to take into account such factors as lifestyle, nutrition, age, which undoubtedly affect appearance women. It is also worth knowing: diseases characteristic of one type or another are largely arbitrary, and in any case, a more thorough individual examination of the patient is necessary to establish a diagnosis.

The importance of anthropometric indicators for a gynecologist.

Anthropometric indicators are extremely great value for diagnostics of a number endocrine disorders, closely related to gynecological diseases. In addition, with deficiency or excess body weight, there is a tendency to menstrual irregularities. In this regard, one of necessary actions When examining a woman, the procedure is to calculate her body mass index (BMI), which is equal to the quotient of body weight (in kg) and the square of height (in m). Woman's BMI reproductive age Normally it should be 20 - 26. BMI over 30 means average degree risk of developing hormonal and endocrine diseases. BMI over 40 - the degree of disease development is high.

Also an important anthropometric characteristic is the degree of development of adipose tissue in a woman. From this, a qualified doctor can judge the function endocrine glands. If there are any disorders, fat deposition is observed on the face, torso, back and abdomen. For example, sharp decline functional activity ovaries (which often occurs in menopause) can be characterized by the deposition of fat on the shoulders, chest, abdomen, and thighs. Therefore, if you notice that you have gained weight, and it is precisely due to fat deposits, and not muscle tissue, do not rush to go on a diet. It is better to consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom serious illnesses requiring prompt treatment.

Along with clarification of anthropometric characteristics, at the first appointment, an assessment of the woman’s body hair is carried out. Distribution Features hairline and its density provide information about the hormonal activity of the ovaries, and also allow us to judge the action of hormones such as androgens, which are used to treat certain gynecological diseases. By phenotypic manifestations hormonal characteristics Thus, it is possible to predict in advance whether a particular medicine will be effective, or whether it is better to replace it with another.

Assessment of sexual development and mammary glands

Assessment of sexual development is carried out by the sum of three indicators - the degree of development of the mammary glands, the degree of pubic hair and armpits and according to characteristics menstrual function.

Menstrual function is determined as follows: never had menstruation before; primary menstruation (menarche) at the time of examination or shortly before it;

irregular menstruation; regular menstruation.

Based on the information obtained during a conversation with the patient, the specialist draws a conclusion about the nature of the menstrual function, which makes it possible to diagnose the presence of any disorders as quickly as possible.

The study of mammary glands in gynecology is due to the fact that many specific diseases accompanied by pathology of the mammary glands. First of all, pay attention to the degree of their development and the shape of the nipple. In addition, it is important to determine whether there are any seals, pain when pressed, or discharge.

Methods for examining abdominal organs

When examining the front abdominal wall maximum attention is paid to its size, shape, participation in respiratory process. All this is determined by the method of palpation (palpation), which, in addition, makes it possible to determine the presence of tumors and their nature.

The next method of examining the abdominal area is percussion. This method consists in the fact that the doctor, using fingers or a special instrument, taps the surface of the abdomen and analyzes the vibrations that arise. When used, it is possible to determine the boundaries of existing tumors, as well as the presence free liquid in the abdominal cavity. Percussion is completely painless and is often performed with initial examination if there is a suspicion of a number of diseases.

Abdominal auscultation involves listening to the movement of gases or fluids within the body and is usually performed using a special stethoscope. This method well suited for examining the intestines, the condition of which often indicates the presence of a number of gynecological diseases and disorders. Also, auscultation allows, without special tests, to differentiate between large tumors of internal genitals and pregnancy.

All gynecological examinations are carried out primarily in horizontal position on a special gynecological chair that meets all modern requirements. The examination is carried out using disposable and sterile instruments (mirrors, tweezers, instruments for taking smears, etc.). Before the examination, the doctor puts on sterile rubber gloves, which are destroyed after pre-treatment in a special disinfectant solution.

The gynecological chair consists of the chair itself and footrests (slingshots). It’s actually not difficult to sit on a gynecological chair. You lay a napkin on the surface on which you will “sit”, climb up the steps onto the chair itself and lie down on it so that your buttocks are at the very edge of the gynecological chair. Then raise your legs and place them on the stands so that the slingshots are in the popliteal fossa. Do not be shy or embarrassed to ask your gynecologist how to properly sit in a gynecological chair if this design is unfamiliar to you.

The examination in a gynecological chair begins with an examination of the external genitalia. The next method in order is a speculum examination - there are special gynecological instruments called speculums that allow you to examine the cervix and vagina. The next priority after examination in the mirrors is the examination of the internal genital organs. During this study, the doctor determines the position, size, condition of the uterus itself, fallopian tubes and ovaries. With the help vaginal examination it is possible to suspect endometriosis. Diseases such as uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, ovarian cysts, etc. are diagnosed. intrauterine pregnancy, intrauterine pregnancy, etc. During the examination, doctors take a smear for infection, cytology, if necessary, perform a colposcopy, prescribe an ultrasound and other additional methods research. For example, if you suspect infectious diseases, gynecologists will recommend donating blood and doing a scraping from the vagina.

Examination by a gynecologist is mandatory and regular procedure for every woman. Used both for the prevention of disorders genitourinary system, and in order to identify serious deviations in it.

Gynecological examination helps to find out the condition of the genitourinary system

Why is a gynecological examination necessary?

An important preservation procedure women's health is inspection .

When visiting a doctor, a woman must attend:

  • for preventive purposes - at least 1 visit every 6–12 months (even if there are no complaints);
  • during pregnancy (visit schedule is individual) - at least once every 3-4 weeks during the first 2 trimesters, and starting from 7-8 months, visits to the doctor are carried out almost weekly;
  • after childbirth - be sure to undergo an examination after 2-3 days, then after 1.5-2 months and, if there are no complaints, regularly once every six months or a year.

The procedure allows the doctor to evaluate the external and internal state vagina.

During a superficial examination, the specialist pays attention to:

  • skin (the degree of dryness or greasyness of the epidermis);
  • hair growth (hair growth, presence of hair);
  • labia (seals, growths, bulges);
  • color of the genital mucosa.

During the examination, the doctor checks in detail the genital structures - the clitoris, labia (internal), urethra, cervix, hymen (if present).

A gynecological examination suggests mandatory delivery biological material - a smear on the flora. This is done both for prevention and to identify the source of negative disorders in the genitourinary system.

Gynecological examination includes a smear on the flora

An experienced doctor, during an external examination, can immediately determine the existing pathological abnormalities:

  • inflammation, eczema, ulcerative processes, condylomas, papillomas, warts, tumors;
  • hypoestrogenia (labia pale, increased dryness of the uterine and vaginal mucosa);
  • high levels of estrogen in the body (change in vulva color, copious discharge from the vagina);
  • pregnancy (bright red genitals, which is associated with increased inflow blood to the pelvic organs and hormonal changes in the body);
  • hyperandrogenism (the clitoris is enlarged and distant from urethra, labia (inner) are poorly developed).
If the doctor notices negative abnormalities, he prescribes a detailed examination - ultrasound, blood tests, urine tests, cytological examination.

How to prepare for an examination by a gynecologist?

Before going to the gynecologist, you need to properly prepare.

  1. Avoid sexual intercourse 3 days before visiting the doctor.
  2. Do not douche or use deodorizing hygiene products on the day of your visit to the doctor.
  3. Carry out genital hygiene with plain water without strong pressure on the genitals.
  4. The bladder and rectum should be empty before examination.

Careful preparation for a gynecological procedure allows the doctor to assess the real state of the genitourinary system and obtain reliable results smear on the flora.

Before going to the gynecologist, perform genital hygiene

How is an examination with a gynecologist carried out?

An examination by a female doctor begins with asking the patient:

  • complaints are being studied ( painful sensations when visiting the toilet, during sex, the presence of rashes, the nature of the discharge);
  • the doctor asks about menstrual cycle(at what age did it start, are there any glitches, how many days, how heavy, date of last menstruation);
  • data on reproductive function is collected (pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages);
  • the sexual aspect is studied (presence of a sexual partner, use of contraception);
  • The doctor is interested in previous diseases of the genitourinary system.

The next step is an examination in a gynecological chair. It includes 2 stages - using mirrors and bimanual (palpation with both hands). For each category of women (children, pregnant women, virgins, after childbirth), the procedure has its own differences.

During pregnancy

An examination by a doctor begins in the early stages of pregnancy (the first time at 8–12 weeks). At this time, an internal examination of the cervix and perineum is carried out with a mirror. The purpose of the procedure is to find out general condition reproductive organ and exclusion ectopic pregnancy. A smear on the flora must be taken ( bacteriological culture) And cytological smear(to detect malignant changes). To do this, you need to bring a gynecological kit with you (sold at any pharmacy).

In addition to manipulations on the gynecological chair, the doctor measures the patient’s weight and height, blood pressure, pulse, studies the position of the uterus and the width of the pelvis. The survey will include information about hereditary diseases, chronic pathologies and bad habits.

Starting from week 15, internal inspections are not carried out on a chair. Now, at each visit, the doctor measures the circumference of the patient’s abdomen, the position of the fundus of the uterus, and listens to the child’s heartbeat using a stethoscope. The required parameters are blood pressure, pulse and weight.

Until the 29th week, visits to the gynecologist are limited to once every 3 weeks. Then visits to the doctor become more frequent - 1 visit every 14 days. Starting from 36 weeks – visits every 7 days. 10–15 days before childbirth, the need for a gynecological examination again appears. It is important to check the readiness of the birth canal through which the baby will pass, as well as the condition of the pharynx - the opening of the cervix.

During the entire period of gestation, a woman needs to lie on gynecological chair at least 5-6 times. It all depends on the course of pregnancy and possible deviations.

After childbirth

Natural birth and normal postpartum period suggest visiting a doctor when the discharge becomes natural - it will not be abundant and bloody. The purpose of the examination is to check the condition of the birth canal, the formation of the uterus - whether the organ has returned to its place, the degree of its contraction to normal sizes, examine the stitches (if any), their healing.

The specialist first examines the woman with a mirror, then takes a smear. Next he carries out palpation - he inserts 2 fingers into the vagina, and with the fingers of the second hand he presses on the stomach closer to groin area. This allows you to determine the density of tissues, check the appendages, find out if there are any foreign seals or scarring on the uterus and its cervix,

Medical examination at school

For the first time, girls’ genitals are examined in the maternity hospital, then at 1 year and before entering kindergarten. At school, visits to the gynecologist begin for the first time at the age of 12–14 years. Girls are examined exclusively pediatric gynecologist.

The examination process consists of a survey (complaints, first menstruation) and examination of the genitals. The girls sit on the couch, where the doctor palpates through the rectum. With the second hand, the specialist presses on the peritoneum. If there are no complaints about genital area such manipulation may not occur.

Before the examination, the pediatric gynecologist conducts a survey

In teenagers who don't lead sex life, the smear is taken with a special thin device, which allows you to avoid damaging the hymen. Examination of minor girls who already have intimate relationships, is carried out similarly to a regular preventive visit for adult women.

Virgin at the gynecologist

The examination of a virgin is carried out in the same way as that of a little girl - through the anus. The doctor checks the condition of the external genitalia, palpates the abdomen, using a finger through anus palpates the uterus. The smear is taken with a thin instrument; inspection with a mirror is not performed.

Virgin inspection goes through anal hole

Before starting sexual activity and in the absence of sexual complaints, it is enough to visit a doctor once every 1–2 years.

Gynecological examination helps to identify pathological changes on early stages development, monitor the progress of pregnancy and regularly monitor the condition reproductive organs. For preventive purposes, a woman needs to visit a doctor at least once a year. If you have complaints, do not hesitate to visit a specialist - timely examination helps prevent dangerous diseases.

A young girl should visit a gynecologist for the first time when she is 14-16 years old. This is a very exciting moment; many are ashamed and scared to go to the doctor. Of course, for the first examination it is better to choose a female doctor. Bring a support group with you, such as your mother or older sister, maybe a girlfriend - a person with whom you have a trusting relationship, it will be psychologically easier. But it’s not at all necessary for everyone to go into the office together; they can simply support you while you wait in line.

Gynecological examination

Since it is the unknown that scares young girls the most, let’s figure out what the gynecologist does at the first examination. First, the gynecologist will ask about when your first period began and when your last period was. You need to know the specific date of the beginning of your last menstruation, and not just the month. The doctor will ask if you are sexually active and if you have any complaints about your health. It is important to be honest and tell the truth, because the doctor is not involved in the education of moral qualities and will under no circumstances tell your parents about your sex life. He only cares about your health, and he does not ask these questions out of idle curiosity. The girl, in turn, can ask a question that interests her, which may be awkward to ask her mother.

A gynecological examination includes examination of the mammary glands. When visiting a gynecologist for the first time, the absence of lumps and neoplasms is checked, because there are cases of mastopathy in very young girls. Next, an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair. If the patient has not begun to be sexually active, the doctor simply examines the external genitalia. This is necessary to determine the presence of developmental pathologies. Vaginal speculums are not used to examine girls. The doctor probes the ovaries through the anus by inserting a finger. This eliminates the presence of tumors. The procedure is a little unpleasant, but completely painless.

For girls who are sexually active, a two-handed examination is required. Two fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina, and the doctor feels the abdomen with the other hand. This determines the condition of the uterus and ovaries. Instead of a two-handed examination, you can undergo a vaginal ultrasound.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

Goes to the gynecologist for the first time mandatory girl if:

  • menstruation began before she was 9 years old;
  • if there was no menstruation after the girl turned 15 years old;
  • throughout the year cycle is irregular,
  • excessively abundant or excessive painful periods,
  • were noticed unusual discharge, redness, itching of the genitals,
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Girls and women should know how often to go to the gynecologist, even in the absence of complaints and feeling good. The fact is that some disease processes can be asymptomatic and only a specialist can notice the problem during examination. Therefore, it is very important to take responsibility for your health and visit a gynecologist at least once, and very preferably twice a year.

What you need to visit a gynecologist:

  1. Disposable gynecological set. It is sold at any nearby pharmacy. If the inspection is carried out in private clinic, then the set is usually not needed, but in government cases it is necessary. You also need to take a towel or disposable diaper with you so that you don’t have to lie down on a bare chair.
  2. Comfortable clothes. Many girls are very embarrassed to be half naked in front of a doctor. Instead of trousers, it is better to wear a skirt that can be easily lifted without taking it off. Bring clean socks with you.
  3. Personal hygiene. Before visiting a doctor, you need to wash yourself, it is advisable to shave your pubic area and wear clean clothes. underwear. That's enough. You should not use deodorants. Douching, which some women do, distorts the picture of the natural microflora of the vagina, and the smear results will be incorrect. Before coming to your appointment, you must visit the restroom.
Visiting a gynecologist in special situations

A visit to the gynecologist during menstruation is usually only necessary for serious reasons such as bleeding from severe pain, increased temperature or common features intoxication. In other cases, reschedule your appointment with the doctor until after it ends.

If you find two lines on a pregnancy test, then your first visit to the gynecologist should occur immediately upon detection." interesting situation"You will register, and the doctor will prescribe an examination, tests and ultrasound. This way you can find out if everything is in order, get answers to your questions and rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

The first visit to the gynecologist after childbirth should occur after vaginal discharge becomes normal. The doctor will examine birth canal, will check the restoration of the uterus, cervix and the condition of the sutures if they were placed after childbirth or during a cesarean section. If you have pain or severe bleeding, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Some women may experience some spotting after visiting the gynecologist, but this should not be a cause for concern. Typically, such discharge passes quickly and is associated with slight damage to the vaginal mucosa when taking a smear or examining with a speculum. But in the case when, after visiting the gynecologist, blood began to appear, that is, bleeding began, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Pay careful attention to bloody discharge during pregnancy - this can often mean a threat of miscarriage, do not hesitate and call an ambulance.

Any girl and woman should be attentive to their health and undergo a timely examination by a gynecologist - this way you will reduce the risk of problems, get valuable advice and specialist recommendations.

Gynecology is a field of medicine responsible for the health of women of any age, including pregnancy and childbirth. We will tell you how an examination by a gynecologist goes.

How often should you be examined by a gynecologist?

Today, an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory for those who get a job, as well as for those who work in institutions where a health certificate is required. For preventive purposes, for timely detection hidden diseases female genitalia, women should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, except in cases where an examination by this specialist is urgently necessary.

For the first time it is expected at the age of 13-15 years. If nothing bothers the girl, there is no need to go to the gynecologist. But you can still make sure that the genitals are developing correctly and nothing threatens your health.

How is the inspection carried out?

The gynecologist performs the examination visually. The gynecologist's office is equipped with a gynecological chair and special instruments. For examination, the woman lies down in a gynecological chair, and the gynecologist, using special instruments, examines the entrance to the vagina, the vagina itself, the cervix, and palpates the volume and shape of the uterus itself. The gynecologist also probes the appendages located in the lower abdomen.

In addition, a gynecologist can examine a woman’s mammary glands and, if a pathology is suspected, refer her for a consultation with a mammologist.

Besides visual inspection a visit to a gynecologist involves mandatory smear tests, including a smear test for the presence of cancer cells. Smears are the procedure for taking material from a woman’s vaginal mucosa in order to analyze this material to identify the presence of various pathological microorganisms: trichomonas, chlamydia, gardnerella, etc., as well as to determine possible risk development of cancer cells.

What can a gynecologist examination reveal?

A gynecological examination reveals the stages of a particular pathology - precancerous condition, vaginitis, colpitis, trichomoniasis, thrush, etc. In addition, the gynecologist determines the presence of pregnancy and its timing. To confirm the diagnosis, the gynecologist may prescribe a test ultrasound diagnostics(ultrasound).

Ultrasound of the mammary glands and uterus is also prescribed for women after menopause, at the age of 50-55 years. In addition to ultrasound, the gynecologist recommends that women undergo a mammogram once a year.

If the smear results show abnormal results, the gynecologist will prescribe appropriate treatment and recommend a visit once every three months to monitor the situation.

The gynecologist can also advise the woman suitable methods contraception and safety methods during sexual intercourse to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Preparing for a gynecologist examination

Before going to the gynecologist, you need to stock up on a diaper, sterile gloves, and socks for your feet. You should definitely take a shower and wash yourself. However, you should not wash yourself immediately before the examination, since you can “wash away” the pathological flora, as a result of which the smears will turn out to be unreliable.

If your period comes...

Is it possible to visit a gynecologist during menstruation? Yes, but this is undesirable, since the gynecologist in any case will not be able to conduct a thorough examination of the vagina and uterus. Another thing is if specific complaints appear during menstruation, then there is no need to wait for them to end.

During a conversation with a patient, the doctor listens to complaints and asks questions. It is better to formulate your complaints in advance, and also remember when last menstruation and how they proceed. It is important to provide your doctor with reliable information about the beginning of sexual activity, the number of sexual partners, and methods of contraception. If you have a history of pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages or childbirth, you must definitely say so. All this information helps the doctor see full picture your health and make a correct diagnosis.

After the conversation, the doctor invites you for an examination. External signs, such as the amount of hair on your body, skin features, etc. can already tell an attentive specialist a lot about you. In progress general examination he can draw conclusions, for example, about your hormonal background or chronic diseases.

The competence of a gynecologist also includes examination of the mammary glands, which form part of the female reproductive system. Based on breast examination, a diagnosis of mastopathy can be made, possible reason infertility or suspect. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the gynecologist asks to show you your mammary glands.

Examination on a gynecological chair

The examination on the gynecological chair begins with a visual assessment of the external genitalia. The woman sits in a chair lying or reclining, moving her pelvis closer to the front edge, spreading her raised legs wide apart, bending them at the knees and placing her ankles on special stands. Before the examination, it is advisable to relax as much as possible to make it more comfortable for both you and the doctor.

The gynecologist examines the external genitalia for irritation, condylomas and other pathologies. He performs an intravaginal examination with gynecological speculums, allowing him to see the cervix and vaginal walls. The doctor inserts a sterile instrument (metal or disposable plastic) into the vagina and spreads its walls. This gives him the opportunity to make sure in good condition your internal genital organs or identify diseases.

A gynecologist can determine pregnancy by visual examination, because in the body even at early changes are happening. There is swelling of the labia and vagina due to hot flashes venous blood, the vagina is leveled back wall. The color of the mucous membrane also changes: it becomes purple-red or even bluish. The discharge is thicker and more stringy than usual.

After a visual examination, the doctor begins a bimanual examination. One hand is inserted into the vagina, and the other gynecologist feels the patient’s abdomen. In this way, the doctor also examines the appendages: determines the size of the uterus, which increases during pregnancy, notes the softened isthmus and the asymmetry of the appendages.

Feel free to go to see a gynecologist. Be healthy!

Related article

Probably, almost every girl is afraid of her first visit to the gynecologist. The huge gynecological chair is scary, and it will be even scarier if the doctor turns out to be a man. Girls come up with many excuses to avoid visiting a gynecologist for as long as possible; they forget that he is a doctor like everyone else. If you properly prepare for a visit to the gynecologist, the visit will be absolutely not scary and painless.

When is it time to visit a gynecologist for the first time?

The time to visit a gynecologist comes at the age of 14-16 years, when you have not yet started sexual activity or immediately after it begins.
If something is bothering you, this is a reason to make an appointment. women's doctor. If sexual activity has not yet begun, an examination is carried out special method or a pediatric gynecologist who has experience dealing with virgins.

After this, the gynecologist should examine your mammary glands and make sure that there are no lumps in them.

The doctor will ask you to undress and position yourself in the gynecological examination room. He will insert a special speculum inside you to examine your cervix and take a smear for infection. At this time, you should lie on a chair in a relaxed state, placing your hands on.
When the doctor allows you to get dressed, he will need to make some notes on the card. Remember everything you forgot to tell so that it will be easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

At the end of the visit, the gynecologist will write you the necessary directions for additional examinations. He may also advise you to drink some medicines. Follow and trust your doctor's instructions. You will soon realize that visiting a gynecologist is an ordinary thing and is not at all accompanied by painful sensations.



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