How to drink sage in bags to get pregnant. Contraindications and side effects

Are you planning your life and are ready to start conceiving a child? Many parents prepare for this process in advance, trying to create as much favorable conditions, in which a healthy and happy baby. But if, after several attempts, pregnancy still does not occur, you should not despair. Before contacting modern methods artificial insemination and surrogacy, try using traditional medicine. Since ancient times, women have taken sage for conception, and it helped them have offspring.

Oh truly magical power Ancient Greek healers knew this herb. They often used it in their practice, prescribing it to patients. The rich composition helped in the treatment of many diseases, and women were most often prescribed sage for conception.

Sage or salvia (from Greek meaning “sun” and “well-being”) was recommended to drink by Hippocrates himself, calling it “ sacred grass" And ancient Roman healers used it as healing tea. It contains a variety of useful substances, organic acids, vitamins and microelements. Healing properties are also attributed to the essential oil from this plant.

Tannins and flavoid compounds have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and astringent action. Its antimicrobial properties are also well expressed.

Sage is recommended to be taken for:

  • inflammation of the gums;
  • sore throat;
  • shortness of breath;
  • disorders of the liver;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Staphylococcus aureus.

Also fresh grass helps in healing tumors. In a special way sage also affects female body. It can be used to make it easier PMS symptoms, reduce the level of pain during menstruation. He is also an excellent remedy in the fight against excessive sweating.

There is an opinion that the leaves of this plant should be brewed and drunk by women after 35 years, since such a decoction has a rejuvenating effect. This treatment should be taken in courses of 1 month throughout the year. The recipe is simple: half an hour before meals in the morning you need to drink a glass of decoction. The infusion itself needs to be prepared from 1 tsp. herbs and a glass of boiling water. All this should be insisted until it cools completely. If you wish, you can add a little lemon or honey to improve the taste.

But the most amazing effect is provided by sage for conception. Many women who despaired of getting pregnant on their own appreciated the power of this magic grass. What is her secret?

In addition to the above useful substances, sage contains hormones plant origin. In their properties they are very similar to women's group hormones - estrogens. But it is this hormone that is responsible for normal development genitals and eggs. When the level of this hormone in a woman’s body is low, malfunctions may occur. genitourinary system, which led to the inability to get pregnant. In addition, taking sage helps to increase the cervical reflex, which has a beneficial effect on the process of conception.

Traditional medicine offers several recipes using sage that help with infertility. For example, you can drink Fresh Juice from this plant with a little salt added. If you have access to fresh herbs, be sure to try this recipe. You can also prepare a decoction of sage or a tincture of its seeds. You can buy all this freely at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

To prepare the decoction, you will need 1 tbsp. finely chopped sage, which needs to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After which the liquid should be filtered and only then can it be drunk. To get the desired result, you need to take the decoction in small doses (60 ml) three times a day before meals. You should not drink it at night.

An infusion from the seeds of this plant is prepared in a similar way. You need to take 1 tsp. seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over them. After all this has infused, there is no need to strain the liquid. Just put it in the refrigerator for later storage. It is better to take the infusion one dessert spoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

If conception does not occur after this, you should still stop taking it. medicines and take a break. This pause should last two months, and then taking the tincture or decoction can be repeated.

If this does not help, you should think about identifying the causes of your problems. To do this, you will need to visit a doctor and, after receiving a consultation, go through all necessary research, get tested. Remember that the problem may not be with you, but with your partner. If you have health problems, you should not despair. Just take a course of treatment and put your body in order. Don't forget about healthy image life and production good habits instead of those that harm your body.

By the way, you shouldn’t start taking sage just like that. You must have a reason for this. It is best if you first consult a doctor and get tested. Despite the fact that herbal medicine is one of the safest, it has contraindications.

Precautionary measures

Before you start taking sage-based products, you should be aware of its contraindications. Otherwise, you may not help yourself, but may make your condition even worse.

And if you really want to become a mother, this is not a reason to violate the dosage regimen and recommended dosage. Especially if you are taking the herb for infertility issues. First, you should make sure that the reason for the lack of conception is a lack of estrogen hormones and disturbances during ovulation. Only a specialist can determine this after diagnostics and examination. He should also write out a treatment plan for you.

Why is sage taken strictly according to the scheme? This is due to its effect on the female body. It is taken after the end of menstruation because the herb has hemostatic properties. And this can get in the way natural process cleansing that the uterus performs every month (menstruation). Experts also do not advise taking the plant in the period after ovulation, as this may cause activity in the brain. smooth muscles fallopian tubes And this often leads to the fact that the uterus increases its tone, and this creates unfavorable conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls.

By the way, precisely because of the property of stimulating muscle tone genitals, sage is contraindicated during pregnancy.

And for a woman who dreams of a child, this can be a real blow. In addition, taking sage-based medications reduces the level of another hormone, progesterone. But he also plays important role during pregnancy, preparing the body for bearing a child. And if fertilization has already occurred, and inside you is developing small fruit, a lack of progesterone can lead to deterioration in placental circulation.

Also, you should not take leaves and other parts of the plant during lactation. After all, people use this remedy to smoothly stop milk production and gradually stop breastfeeding. Therefore, if you plan to breastfeed your baby in the future, you should stop taking sage.

The use of sage does not give the desired effect if you have polycystic ovary syndrome or a lack of hormones that are produced thyroid gland(hypothyroidism). From women's diseases It should be noted that endometriosis and uterine fibroids are also contraindications for taking sage-based medications.

Taking this herb can increase blood pressure, so it should be taken very carefully by those who suffer from hypertension. Remember that the effect of sage on the female body is so great that it can cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle. The first half of the cycle may increase at the expense of the second.

Other Applications

The use of sage also helps to cope with other diseases, which is why it is often used in medicine:

  • Treat diseases and work disorders respiratory tract, including diseases such as tuberculosis.
  • They treat diseases and disorders of the kidneys, which are determined by a specialist as pyelonephritis.
  • Relieves severe and difficult to tolerate symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, nervousness, sweating).
  • It helps relieve cough and is often prescribed for diagnosing bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Collections with sage for treatment gastrointestinal tract help with flatulence, have choleretic effect, stimulate peristalsis and improve appetite.
  • For fungal and other skin problems, including psoriasis and burns, sage is used externally.
  • In case of hemorrhoids are prescribed sitz baths. They help relieve inflammation and reduce bleeding.
  • This plant stimulates the immune system, improves memory, enhances concentration and increases performance.

Modern medications and methods perfectly stimulate pregnancy. But sometimes, when the long-awaited 2 stripes are in no hurry to appear on the next test, folk remedies come to the rescue. Their effectiveness has been tested for many generations, so why not use natural and effective means to bring this desired result closer? The use of sage for conception, reviews of which have flooded the Internet, sometimes becomes the only true and reliable way for a woman to become a mother.

How to take sage for conception

Sage is a unique plant that has a whole set of useful qualities. Among them are anti-inflammatory, healing and stimulating properties. But especially popular herbaceous plant acquired precisely in the treatment of infertility. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews women who took sage to conceive and subsequently became happy mothers.

Let’s make a reservation right away: sage is not a panacea. It cannot be used to universally eliminate any of the numerous causes affecting reproductive dysfunction. This plant gives an effect only in cases where there is reduced content estrogen and for this reason ovulation does not occur.

Sage contains a natural analogue of female sex hormones (which is why it is called the strongest phytohormone), replenishing their deficiency in the body, and thereby stimulates the onset of ovulation.

Preparing a sage decoction for conception correctly

In order for the effect of treatment with this plant to be noticeable, you need to know how to take sage for conception and when is the best time to do it.

Take sage decoction on the 4th-5th day of the menstrual cycle, stopping taking it on the 11th-12th day. It makes no sense to drink longer - such zeal will not only bring no benefit, but can also terminate the pregnancy that has begun. So strictly follow the diagram:

It is best to purchase the base for the decoction (it is in this form that sage has been used for centuries by women who want to get pregnant) at the pharmacy. These are usually crushed leaves;

Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water. You will need a glass of water;

Cover with a lid and let sit for 10-15 minutes;

Strain the infusion through cheesecloth or a sieve;

The dosage regimen is 4 times a day, measuring equal periods of time, with a volume of 50 ml. You can’t drink the decoction at night!

Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction.

If the desired effect does not occur, you need to try again, taking a break after 2 months of using sage for a month. Treatment can then be resumed.

Important: stop taking sage immediately if pregnancy is suspected; otherwise, the risk of miscarriage is too great. Among the recommendations on how to take sage for women, it is important to next tip: Do not exceed the indicated dose of the drug, since active substances, included in the plant, have strong effect. Gradually accumulating in the body, they can trigger the development mechanisms of many painful conditions(for example, growth of the endometrium in the uterus).

Sage for conception reviews

In the hope of having a long-awaited child, women use all means: starting from courses hormone therapy and ending with biological intake active additives. Currently, herbal medicine has become increasingly popular. For example, sage is often used for conception.

We will tell you in this article what you need to know about taking sage and whether it can cause harm. But first, it’s worth finding out what effects it has this plant on the body.

It has many useful properties:

  1. Antiseptic effect. The components contained in sage help destroy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect. For external use, active plant matter have a calming effect on the mucous membrane. Due to this, inflammatory swelling is reduced and healing is accelerated.
  3. Effect on hormonal activity. Sage is believed to contain phytoestrogens. These are substances of plant origin, the mechanism of action is similar to female sex hormones.

The list is arranged in descending order of the strength of the effect.

How to normalize hormonal levels with sage

Phytoestrogens help increase the thickness of the endometrium, stimulating the growth of small blood vessels and glandular tissue.

Formation of follicles of sufficient size

Their formation directly depends on the level of estrogen. This group hormones stimulate their growth, as well as formation and rupture dominant follicle. It is from this that the egg emerges, ready for fertilization.

Insufficient hormone levels cause the dominant follicle to fail necessary steps maturing while remaining closed. Accordingly, the egg cannot leave the ovary, and ovulation does not occur.

Phytoestrogens act on receptors reproductive system women, stimulating the growth of follicles. Before drinking sage to become pregnant, you need to check the estrogen levels in your blood. Increased level estradiol can lead to premature maturation of the follicle and the release of an inferior egg.

Formation of a regular menstrual cycle

Ovulation that occurred on time and the endometrium prepared for the “planting” of the egg - prerequisites women's reproductive health. Estrogens are responsible for correct sequence and the duration of these processes, together forming a normal one. Sage has a similar effect, playing the role of an additional stimulating component.

Treatment of inflammation

Inflammatory processes affecting the reproductive system are another obstacle to the emergence and normal flow pregnancy. Sage is an excellent antiseptic with a calming effect. He helps in complex therapy with inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina.

How to drink sage to get pregnant

It is important to know the rules for preparing and taking this product.

Preparation of solution and decoction

Sage is used in the form of dried leaves for conception in folk medicine. Decoction proportions: add 1 glass (200 ml) to 1 teaspoon of crushed drug. hot water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 1 minute. You should wait until the broth cools completely and then strain it through cheesecloth.

The infusion is prepared in the same proportions, but the leaves just need to be poured with boiling water, left for 2 hours and strained.

Reception scheme

Drink 1/3 cup of decoction 3 times a day, focusing on the menstrual cycle. The start of use should coincide with the last day of menstruation. The use of sage continues until ovulation occurs.

For example: the duration of the cycle is 28 days, menstruation ends on the 4th day. It turns out that a woman will drink sage decoction from 4 to 12-14 days.

If ovulation occurs, the drug is stopped. Continued use of sage helps to increase the tone of the uterus and, accordingly, make it more difficult for the egg to attach to the endometrium.

You shouldn’t start drinking the decoction too early either: sage has a hemostatic effect during menstruation. Under such conditions, the process of rejection of the old endometrium is disrupted. Particles of the glandular vascular lining remaining in the uterine cavity provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

How to drink sage to get pregnant if you failed to conceive a child after taking the course? Reception continues according to the specified scheme for another 2 cycles. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months. The minimum break is 1 month. Ignoring the decoction consumption pattern is dangerous to health.

Outdoor reception

The infusion is prepared according to the above scheme. For vaginitis in the recovery phase, douching is used up to 2 times a day. However, it is recommended to visit a doctor first.


You should refrain from using sage if:

  • have an allergy to this plant;
  • recently had a childbirth or;
  • increased estrogen levels (risk of premature maturation of follicles);
  • the patient has amenorrhea;
  • the first days of menstruation have arrived;
  • present acute inflammation pelvic organs;
  • diagnosed;
  • a gynecological examination is due (risk of unreliability of the examination results obtained).

Sage for men

IN male body also contains a small amount of estrogens. Maintaining the ratio of male and female sex hormones is very important, as this affects reproductive ability body. Sage does not fundamentally affect male hormonal levels. No scientific evidence that this plant somehow improves or worsens the quality of the resulting sperm.

Sage increases sexual activity, acting as a natural aphrodisiac. It can be used in the form essential oil. Clary sage is suitable for this purpose.

How effective is sage for pregnancy?

The question of the true properties of this plant as a source of phytoestrogens has divided doctors into two opposing camps. However, they all agree on the following: sage is not a panacea for infertility, and the point of taking it is complex therapy.

It has been scientifically proven that phytoestrogens affect exactly the same receptors as the body's hormones. But their effect is extremely weak compared to true estrogens. If we compare the force of influence on the body of these two types of substances, the proportion will be approximately 100 to 0.001-0.2. That is why monotherapy with sage is unlikely to bring the desired effect.

- a problem with many causes. Drinking sage without prior detailed examination is a mistake. The advisability of prescribing this plant directly depends on the pathology that led to the inability to get pregnant.

The best solution is to consult a doctor in time. Only after preliminary gynecological examination, ultrasound and a number of tests can give you an idea of ​​the cause of infertility. You should not waste time on self-medication.

Useful video about the healing properties of sage

Increasingly, in conditions of poor ecology and rhythm big city, couples began to hear scary words"You can't have children." But you should never give up, because with great desire and effort, everything can work out. No wonder our grandmothers resorted to means traditional medicine and were successful, never write off folk remedies. Today in our article we will talk about one of the methods of treatment and conception of the desired child.

We have already noted that rumors about this miraculous herb have reached us from our ancestors, so it is worth taking this topic seriously.

By nature, sage unique plant found in both high and low forms, in addition, it has a huge spectrum color range. But any variety of this plant has a huge number of healing properties. One of its features useful application is the treatment of infertility. Infertility in Lately It has become a scourge for modern couples who have been trying in vain for many years to conceive a much-desired heir, but remember, infertility is not a death sentence.

Most often, the problem of infertility is caused by hormonal imbalance or heredity, which is where this miraculous herb comes to the rescue.

The thing is that sage contains necessary women phytohormones that help fill hormonal background women.

How does sage work in the treatment of infertility?

Due to diseases of women, most often diseases of the reproductive system, hormonal levels are disrupted. As we have already said, sage contains phytohormones that help restore a woman’s hormonal levels.

Many women have faced such a problem as vaginal dysbiosis and as a result, a prescription for a round sum, and sage even has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties on the woman’s body (we’ll talk about how to do douching correctly below). As for the use of sage in the treatment of infertility, it is enough to list its effects on the body and reproductive organs women to understand its miraculous influence:
Stimulates and improves ovarian function;
Regulates the menstrual cycle and has analgesic effects;
The endometrium thickens;
Relieves inflammation in the vagina;
Follicle growth improves.
And this is not all of its beneficial effects, but even from this minimum one can understand that it has a noticeably beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire female body as a whole.

But still, you shouldn’t write off individual intolerance And allergic reactions, therefore, before starting self-medication, consult a specialist doctor.

How to take sage to conceive a child

Everything needs to be approached wisely, so it is very important to follow some rules and the result will not be long in coming. Let us immediately note that the best solution to solve the problem is natural sage leaves collected in the field or specially grown. Of course, you can also buy it in pharmacies. medicinal composition, but here it is important to pay attention to the purity of the product without any impurities or additives. So, if you have independently obtained the desired herb, then you should either dry it (which will allow you to have it on hand even out of season), then chop the leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Make sure that you close the tincture tightly and put it in a dark place; after half an hour, you can strain the broth through a strainer.

Very important point! Sage is brewed hot water, but under no circumstances boil it, otherwise it will lose its miraculous properties.

Don't do it huge stock tinctures, it is better to repeat the brewing procedure every day before bed. So, the decoction is ready, now let's figure out how to take it correctly:
Start taking it immediately after the end of menstruation;
Take daily for 8-10 days;
Take 20-30 minutes before meals.

Carefully monitor your sensations; if you experience the slightest skin reaction or internal discomfort, contact a specialist and stop taking it. The course of treatment should last about 3 months, then we advise you to take the tests again or take a pregnancy test.

Sage for women during conception

A very important moment in the process of conception is ovulation, it depends on it favorable conception. Typically, women diagnosed with infertility often have irregular cycle, and the consequence of this is rare ovulation and a low percentage of egg fertilization. This problem is usually caused by a lack of the hormone estrogen, which is necessary for the maturation of the follicle.

Please note here that if estrogen, on the contrary, is increased, then the use of sage is contraindicated for you.

This is due to the fact that the egg will mature prematurely. Before you start self-medicating with sage, get tested for the hormone estrogen.

Pay attention to changes in your body, the first positive signal will be the stabilization of the menstrual cycle, this will mean that ovulation has become regular and the follicles are mature enough.

Sage before conception for men

In our articles, we always draw attention to the fact that both partners must participate in the process of conception. This applies to all tests, because sometimes a woman blames herself, while the problem may be in her partner. Sage is useful for men, even just for prevention, for example, it will help solve problems such as:
Reduced level testosterone;
Low sexual activity;
Low number of viable sperm.

Sage for men is necessary for stimulating metabolic processes in the testicles and blood microcirculation, which will help increase sexual activity and increase the amount of seminal fluid. Men should take sage in the same way as women on an empty stomach in the morning; you can even replace your usual tea with a decoction of the miraculous herb.

Douching with sage before conception

Of course, only a completely healthy female body is capable of generating a new life. As we have already found out, you should take sage decoction within three months after the menstrual cycle for ten days.

But sometimes, as they say, you need to act purposefully, that is, directly on the problem. In this case we're talking about O inflammatory processes, inside the female body. And here a method such as douching comes to our aid. For douching, the same decoction that you take on an empty stomach is suitable for us. The procedure should begin approximately on the fifth day of the cycle and continue until the day of ovulation. If you follow all the recommendations and have positive attitude very soon your efforts will be crowned with positive results.

Sage and boron uterus at the stage of pregnancy planning

If we have already figured out sage and what it is, then we still need to get acquainted with the hog queen. This perennial popularly has a lot of names and in its own way healing properties not one iota inferior to sage. In the hog uterus there are many organic matter, but for problems caused by gynecology, the presence of phytoestrogens is important.

Hog queen has a fishy smell due to great content it contains iridoids, which are also found in fish husks. The use of boron uterus during pregnancy planning is no less necessary vitamin complexes, it is it that has an anti-inflammatory effect and can cure cystitis, and it also stops bleeding. As for the treatment of infertility, even its name among the people speaks for itself; it stimulates the work of the ovaries and stimulates the work of the uterus, which in turn has a beneficial effect on conception.

We also cannot fail to note the beneficial effects of the hog uterus on the female body during menopause; the plant will help you avoid depressive state and improve the functioning of the body during hormonal changes.

As for the use of upland uterus together with sage, then you should choose one or use the alternation method, you can also go by the simple way and take a decoction of boron uterus, and do douching with a decoction of sage. However, remember that everything is good in moderation and any interference in the functioning of your body from the outside requires prior consultation with a doctor.

What could be more beautiful than a small snub nose sniffling on your shoulder? Or those bare feet that slap on the bare floor before bed to say “ Good night, mommy!". Indeed, motherhood is a great happiness, and infertility is a real tragedy. If you have not yet managed to give birth to a child, do not despair, everything will still be fine. Modern medicine does not stand still, new diagnostic and treatment devices can work wonders. How many hopeless couples have found their happiness after 5, 10, 20 years of marriage! In order to get pregnant and carry a child to term, you need to act on all fronts - be treated by a competent specialist, turn to prayers to higher powers and supplement treatment folk remedies. One of the most effective is sage.

Since ancient times, sage has been one of the most effective herbs against infertility. Healers made infusions and potions from this plant for women who could not get pregnant for a long time. Women reproductive age drank tea with sage so as not to lose our women's health. In addition, sage has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, perfectly strengthens the immune system, allows you to cope with colds. In ancient times, sage was called a sacred herb because it was this plant that allowed young couples to become parents.

How does sage affect a woman's reproductive health?

Sage is considered a true phytohormone. His correct application helps the egg mature, fertilize and attach to the wall of the uterus. This ensures normal gestation. However, sage is used not only against infertility; this herb has a complex effect on a woman’s health.

  1. Estrogen. Sage contains great amount female hormone estrogen. If you have a lot in your body male hormone testosterone - sage will help you. A sufficient amount of estrogen promotes the maturation of the egg. Besides, sufficient quantity estrogen means less hair on the body, beautiful and elastic skin, strong nails and hair.
  2. Endometrium. Often the cause of infertility is hypoplasia. The walls of the uterus are lined with a thin film called the endometrium. The thickness of this film varies depending on the cycle. If at the right time the film remains thin and does not become ready, the fertilized egg simply will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. This leads to the fact that pregnancy never occurs. The thickness of the endometrium may not correspond to the cycle due to hormonal imbalance. Sage will help restore balance and promote pregnancy.
  3. Ovaries. Regular consumption of sage helps improve ovarian function. As a result, more healthy and mature eggs are produced. In ancient times, it was believed that sage herb helped to get pregnant with twins.
  4. Menses. Sage is drunk not only to treat infertility. Sage decoction helps normalize the menstrual cycle. As a result, menstruation is painless, less abundant, and regular.
  5. Inflammation. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is often prescribed for external use. Douching with sage herb allows you to get rid of various inflammations in the vaginal area.
  6. Cervix. A healthy cervix has the ability to attract sperm. With some imbalance, the body loses this ability, which can also cause infertility. Sage enhances the reflex activity of the cervix and restores its functioning.
  7. Frigidity. Women often take sage to combat frigidity. This plant helps improve sexual activity, makes sex more sensual and enjoyable, and helps achieve orgasm. In some countries, sage is considered a real aphrodisiac for women.
  8. Climax. Sage decoction is also useful for mature women. It relieves symptoms menopause. By replenishing the lack of hormones (which become scarce due to age), sage helps get rid of such symptoms of menopause as sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, headaches, abrupt change moods.
  9. Termination of lactation. Sage also helps stop the production of breast milk, when it is necessary. If you decide to stop breast-feeding, you just need to drink as much sage infusion as possible. It will reduce milk production, and in a few days it will suppress the function completely.

Sage is very effective and useful herb, but only in knowledgeable and skillful hands. Under no circumstances should you take sage without consulting your doctor. Sometimes the cause of infertility can be tubal obstruction and other gynecological problems. In this case, sage will not help, but will aggravate the problem, giving you false hope. In addition, sage, even after a doctor’s permission, must be taken correctly.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion of sage

You can prepare both a decoction and an alcohol infusion from the herb. If you are preparing for conception and planning a pregnancy, it is better for you to drink a decoction, because the alcohol component can be toxic to the unborn child. But the tincture can be drunk to combat hot flashes, to normalize the menstrual cycle (not during pregnancy planning), and also to increase sexual desire. By the way, the tincture has a more pronounced effect, because alcohol draws out all the healing juices from the plant.

To prepare a tincture with alcohol, you should take green, freshly harvested sage. To do this, the grass needs to be cut in a clean area, away from factories and highways. The stems, flowers and leaves of the plant should be washed, dried, crushed and filled into a bottle. Fill the composition with alcohol or vodka. It is better to choose a bottle made of dark glass. The tincture is prepared for at least three weeks. You need to leave the tincture in a cool, dark place and shake it periodically. After 20 days, the tincture should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

A decoction can be prepared from either fresh herbs or dried pharmacy fee. Three full tablespoons of sage are poured into a jar and poured with a liter of boiling water. Then the jar should be tightly closed and wrapped in a towel. The longer the liquid remains hot, the richer the decoction will be. The prepared decoction can be drunk as in pure form, and in the form of tea with honey and lemon.

It is very important to understand that an excess of some components of the decoction can be harmful. Therefore, it is very important to take sage decoction correctly, in the right days menstrual cycle.

If you drink sage for infertility, you need to do this extremely carefully and according to the rules.

  1. You should start drinking sage 4-5 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle We start counting from the first day of bleeding. If you start drinking earlier, the bleeding may stop, which can lead to stagnation and inflammation in the uterus.
  2. You should drink sage before ovulation occurs, that is, approximately until the middle of the cycle. If your cycle is 28 days (from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of another), then you should stop drinking sage around day 12-13 of the cycle. That is, from 4 to 12 – only 8 days. These days you should drink half a glass of strong broth three times a day.
  3. Many women wonder how to determine ovulation in order to stop taking the decoction after it occurs? This can be done using an ovulation test, which is sold at the pharmacy. In addition, ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature— during ovulation it rises.
  4. Why can't you drink sage after ovulation? The fact is, sage tones the uterus. After fertilization, the egg remains in space for some time and only then adheres to the wall of the uterus. If the uterus is in good shape at this time (hard, simply put), the egg will not be able to latch on and attach, and pregnancy will not occur.

By doing these simple rules, you can stimulate the growth of the follicle, make it more viable and contribute to the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. Remember that taking sage should be discussed with your doctor.

What’s unique is that sage helps cope with infertility not only in women, but also in men.

  1. Sage is natural aphrodisiac. The decoction increases potency with long-term course use. This has a positive effect on sexual desire and erections.
  2. It has been proven that regular intake of sage stimulates the production of more motile and viable sperm. The chance of conceiving a child increases several times.
  3. Sage resolves various congestions in the spermatic ducts.
  4. Since the plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, the decoction is used not only internally, but also for external treatment of the genitals. Sage helps cope with various infections and inflammation.
  5. In addition, sage stimulates metabolic processes in the scrotum, increases testosterone levels.

It is important to understand that infertility is a common disease. You cannot throw accusations only at a woman or a man. That is why men should take no less careful care of their health.

What to drink sage with to get pregnant

Sage itself is very powerful. herbal preparation, capable of introducing the lion's dose of hormones into the body. To make the herb more effective, it is taken in combination with other plants.

If you prepare a mixture of sage and linden, you can get unique composition, full of estrogen. This is especially true for women whose infertility is caused precisely by a lack of this hormone. If you mix sage with boron uterus, it will turn out very effective medicine to treat many gynecological diseases. This decoction is used for cervical erosion, mastopathy, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Moreover, correct technique sage and boron uterus can get rid of adhesions in fallopian tubes. The “female” plant Red Brush has the same properties. Together with sage, this plant restores reproductive health women.

If a woman cannot get pregnant, most likely she has some problems in her body. Under no circumstances should you aggravate the situation and drink sage at random. Side effects of this treatment may include dizziness, nausea, hormonal disbalance. If you drink sage during pregnancy, it can cause a miscarriage. Sage can help you get pregnant only if you use it wisely - after consultation with your doctor.

Video: what herb will help with infertility



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