How to grind tobacco at home. Drying tobacco at home

Taking into account the incredible prices for tobacco products in our country, the population is becoming more and more interested in tobacco growing. Moreover, what attracts people is not so much the opportunity to reduce the costs of their addiction, but rather the receipt of truly high-quality products, and not the saltpeter that is packaged in cigarettes.

Growing tobacco is not that difficult. Some are much more difficult to complete. These include fermenting tobacco at home. By the way, what is this anyway?

This is a rather complex biochemical process that is carried out over two to three weeks under conditions of constant temperature (50 degrees Celsius) and humidity.

Fermentation allows you to obtain aromatic and high-quality tobacco even from shag. Of course, the smell will be weak, but still better than the original raw material. In short, fermenting tobacco at home is not only a useful process, but also absolutely necessary.

After collecting, the leaves need to be hung in a drying room, and do not forget about the container with water. The latter serves for leveling. Note that the room must have good ventilation, otherwise the leaves will simply become moldy.

They should dry from three weeks to one and a half months, depending on the variety. Then they need to be sprinkled with water, to which honey has previously been added, from a spray bottle (it is better to use spring water). Honey is added at the rate of a teaspoon to a mug of water.

After tobacco use at home, it enters a new stage. The leaves are placed tightly, closed as securely as possible and kept for 12 hours. Under no circumstances should there be green areas on them, as such raw materials will simply rot! It is better to cut all the greens in advance.

After the leaves become soft, roll them up (or put them in bundles), place them in a glass jar with tightly ground lids and place it in a fermentation cabinet. It is very important to know that the temperature inside it must be strictly 50. The humidity of the leaves throughout the process must be maintained at 50%.

Exactly two weeks later, we increase the humidity to 75%, after which the fermentation of tobacco at home continues for another 7 days. During this week you need to increase the temperature to 70 degrees. After this, you can open the lid and smell the tobacco: if there is a pleasant and rich aroma, then everything worked out great.

The easiest way to ferment tobacco involves using a conventional oven (electric), the temperature in which can be set within 50 degrees.

Note that if condensation appears in the jar, the leaves must be urgently removed and dried. Water on the sides of the container is a sure sign that fermentation is not going well. If you miss this moment, your product will simply rot.

There are different methods for fermenting tobacco, but almost all of them are designed for industrial conditions. The technique we described makes it possible to obtain excellent raw materials at home. The costs are minimal.

Every year the number of tobacco growers who have begun to grow their own tobacco for smoking in their gardens is increasing. People do not want to poison themselves with store-bought cigarettes that do not contain tobacco, but only chemical additives.

In order to obtain the finished product yourself, it is not enough to grow it correctly, you also need to process it correctly. Tobacco processing involves drying and fermentation. It is fermentation that we will talk about in this article.

Tobacco fermentation is the final processing process. After fermentation, tobacco becomes completely ready for use. After this process, tobacco is ready for long-term storage and preparation of smoking products.

During this time, the biochemical composition of the leaf changes greatly, it becomes less harmful. In essence, it is the process of converting organic substances into inorganic ones. During fermentation, tobacco becomes more aromatic, less strong, and the taste becomes more pronounced.

Fermenting tobacco at home is a very complex but necessary process. You need to know a lot of subtleties and rules. In this article we will tell you many subtleties. Namely:

  • How to prepare tobacco before fermentation?
  • Tobacco fermentation conditions.
  • Methods for fermenting tobacco at home.

How to prepare tobacco before fermentation?

It is very important to properly prepare the tobacco before fermentation. First, the tobacco must be completely dry. Read more about drying in the article:.

Dry tobacco leaves are placed in a bag or bag and moistened a little with a spray bottle. Leave the tobacco leaves in the bag for 12-24 hours. During this time, the tobacco will be completely hydrated.

Then we need to remove the central vein. The central vein spoils the taste and aroma of tobacco. In principle, you don’t have to delete it, but at this stage it’s the easiest thing to do.

After this, the tobacco must be dried. It is necessary to achieve such a condition that the leaves become dry, but at the same time do not break. This is very important. Only then will the fermentation process proceed correctly.

Tobacco fermentation conditions.

Now let's talk a little about the conditions for fermenting tobacco at home. Fermentation is a biochemical process that occurs at a constant temperature of 50 degrees. Fermentation lasts 7-14 days. Leaf humidity should be approximately 50%.

For tobacco fermentation, two factors are necessary - temperature and humidity.

Methods for fermenting tobacco at home.

Many novice tobacco growers see the greatest difficulty in the fermentation of tobacco. They believe that this requires special equipment. However, this is not true. Today there are simply a huge number of ways to ferment tobacco at home with minimal effort. We will tell you about them.

Method number 1. Natural “aging” of tobacco.

After drying, the tobacco is stored. In the process, the natural “aging” of tobacco develops. This fermentation is very long and takes 1 year or more. This method is considered the highest quality. Tobacco should be stored in a dry, warm, dark room.

Method number 2. The simplest but most effective.

You need to wet the leaves. The sheet should be almost dry, but at the same time should not break. Then we put the leaves in jars and cover with an iron lid. Now we need to provide the required temperature. How to do this? Yes, very simple. We take our jars of tobacco out into the sun in the summer, preferably placing them on a metal surface that heats up and produces temperature. Yes, our jars will cool down at night, but there is nothing to worry about. To understand that the tobacco is ready, after 10 days we begin to taste it. At the moment when the taste seems most aromatic to you, take the leaves out of the jars and dry them well. As a result, you get a ready-to-eat product.

When fermenting tobacco in the sun, we also disinfect it, since it is constantly under the influence of ultraviolet rays, which kill mold spores.

The interior of the car is perfect for fermentation. In the summer, the temperature in the sun is high.

Photo: This is how the leaves differ in color - fermented from non-fermented. After fermentation, the leaf becomes darker.

In winter, you can ferment tobacco in this way near a heating radiator.

Method No. 3. Fermentation of tobacco in the microwave.

In recent years, the method of fermenting tobacco in microwaves has become increasingly popular. This method is uncomplicated and simple. First of all, you need to prepare the tobacco and put it in jars.

We put the jars in the microwave. At minimum power, keep the jars for 30-40 minutes. Then take it out and let it cool to room temperature. This is repeated in three passes. The tobacco becomes ready for smoking.

Method number 4. Fermentation of tobacco in a fermentation cabinet.

Photo: Tobacco fermentation cabinet

Craftsmen make special fermentation cabinets with their own hands. They are constantly maintained at the required temperature. You can watch more about this in the following videos:

It's no secret that the filling of modern cigarettes is more of a pulp and paper mixture with the addition of combustion activators than real tobacco. Therefore, many amateurs practice growing tobacco on their own and making cigarettes on their own.

In addition to choosing the right variety and following agricultural cultivation techniques, to obtain a high-quality smoking mixture you will need to know how to properly dry self-sown tobacco.

How to properly dry tobacco at home

It is best to dry tobacco leaves in a room with low humidity and poor air circulation. Most often, an ordinary shed is used for this purpose.

It is advisable to dry tobacco leaves at home by stringing them on a cord to ensure the most uniform access of air to all leaves. The duration of the preliminary stage of drying (simmering) tobacco is several days. A sign of proper drying of tobacco leaves is partial yellowing of the leaf blade, no signs of rotting, and preservation of the green color in the main part of the leaf area. After this, you can proceed to the so-called fixation stage, during which the tobacco leaves are completely dried.


An important requirement for drying tobacco at home is the absence of strong wind in the area where the frames with tobacco leaves are installed, since strong gusts can damage the leaf plate and render the product unusable.

There are several ways to dry smoking tobacco at home. One of the most common options is to dry the tobacco in the sun. To do this, the leaves are strung on cords secured in special frames and placed in a sunlit place.

How long to dry your tobacco will depend on many factors. First of all, weather conditions play a role: air temperature and humidity, the presence and strength of wind, and so on. In addition, the type of tobacco, the characteristics of the soil on which it was grown, and similar conditions have an influence. In most cases, the period for drying tobacco at home is from 20 to 40 days, depending on the factors listed above.

There are also special rooms where you can dry tobacco. In particular, with steam drying, pipes pass through the room in which the leaves are dried, providing high temperature and low humidity. However, the use of such methods is not always suitable. For example, Turkish tobacco can only be dried in the sun.

The next stage is fermentation of the leaves, which consists of the transformation of a number of substances. Contained in tobacco leaves and their acquisition of properties that favorably affect the smell and taste of the resulting smoke.

Regarding the question of whether tobacco leaves can be dried in the oven, clarification will be required. Drying fresh leaves of smoking tobacco using this method is not recommended, since if the moisture evaporates too quickly, the required chemical composition of the leaf will not be provided, which will cause a deterioration in the taste of the smoking mixture being produced.

The oven is usually used to ferment tobacco, the final stage of preparing the leaves of this plant for use as a smoking mixture. To do this, the midrib of the leaves, previously dried in the manner described above, is removed, cut into thin strips and placed in glass jars, filling them two-thirds. The jars are hermetically sealed with lids, placed in the oven and the temperature is set to about 50 degrees for seven days.

The situation regarding whether it is possible to dry tobacco leaves in the microwave is actually similar. The procedure for drying tobacco cannot be carried out using this technique, but if you want to adjust the chemical composition of the leaf and the taste of the smoke, this method can be used. Only in this case the fermentation time is reduced to several minutes. The method of preparing the leaves for fermentation is similar to that used for the oven.

I ferment tobacco in a modern electric oven.

It has a function for setting the temperature from +50°C. So I set it to the lowest temperature. The fermentation process lasts only 5 to 7 days. At the same time, energy consumption is minimal, since the heaters in the stove are turned on only a few times a day for a short time to maintain the set temperature.

I ferment tobacco only pre-cut. This makes it easier to control its humidity. Doing this with a whole sheet is much more difficult.

So point by point:

1. What equipment do we need? The stove itself or any other space where the temperature can be maintained in the range from +50°C to +60°C (for example, any box with a thermostat and heater). Two to three liter glass jars with hermetically sealed lids. That's all.

2. Completely dry (they crumble when crushed) tobacco leaves are slightly moistened with a spray bottle on both sides. And put them in piles for one day. Cover the tops of the stacks with polyethylene.

3. The next day, we disassemble the stacks and remove the midrib from each leaf. In this case, the humidity of the leaf blade is controlled as follows:

a) The sheet should not be too damp or break at the bend.

b) The surface of the sheet should be dry, but at the same time it should have the appearance and elasticity of a thin rag.

c) If you are not sure that the moisture content of the leaf is suitable for fermentation, then it is better that it is drier than damper.

d) Dry the leaves that are too wet a little, putting them in a pile and stirring occasionally. We moisten the dry ones and keep them in piles under polyethylene.

Why did I write in such detail about what humidity a leaf should have? Because the success of fermentation largely depends on this. You can see what a tobacco leaf looks like prepared for fermentation in my album on Yandex photos link

4) Cut the tobacco into thin strips of 1 - 2 millimeters. Or at the thickness to which you are accustomed to smoking it. I do this using a noodle cutter (you can buy it in online stores). It allows you to cut a large amount of tobacco leaf in a minimum time.

5) Place the chopped tobacco in glass jars, filling them 2/3 full, so that later the tobacco in them can be easily mixed by simply shaking. And screw them tightly with screw caps.

6) Place the jars in stacks in the oven and turn it on at 50°C for five to seven days.

7) Pour the fermented tobacco out of the jars onto a flat surface to dry it a little. When it reaches the humidity you are used to for smoking, place it in any airtight container for storage.

That's what fermentation is all about.

A few important points:

During fermentation, there should be no condensation on the walls of the jars. If there is condensation, then this is the most important sign that you placed the tobacco for fermentation too wet (remove it from the cans and dry it)

On the second or third day of fermentation, the tobacco begins to smell like honey or other fruity aromas - this is a sure sign that fermentation is successful.

The tobacco leaf used for fermentation should have no signs of residual chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that causes the leaves of all plants to turn green.

Green tobacco leaves do not ferment, but rot.

If, however, there are areas with greenery on the leaves, they must be cut out before fermentation. To avoid such areas, the tobacco leaf must be properly cured in a dark, warm room immediately after breaking. And only after languishing, it is hung to dry. Properly cured tobacco loses its green color completely.

What's good about my fermentation method?

Because there is no need to make complex fermentation cabinets with humidity controllers and ventilation.

Because you can ferment small amounts of tobacco right in your apartment.

Because it is the easiest for beginner tobacco growers.

With respect to you, Dmitry Gusev.

During the fermentation of tobacco, a complex set of changes occurs in its chemical composition and water-physical properties. This significantly affects its appearance, smoking qualities and technological properties. During fermentation, the light green color remaining on the leaves after drying disappears. Dark greens acquire brown and olive shades. In the main color, dark tones (orange, red, brown) are somewhat enhanced. Instead of a damp, grassy smell, a specific pleasant tobacco smell appears. These changes noticeably even out the color of the tobacco and improve its color value and aroma. Changes in the chemical composition of tobacco during fermentation (formation of melanoidin and destruction of pectin substances, amino acids and nicotine, qualitative changes in resins and essential oils) improve its taste and aroma: the strength decreases, tobacco becomes softer when smoking, and loses its bitterness to some extent. At the same time, tobacco fermentation improves the aromatic properties of smoke and increases the flammability of tobacco.

Tobacco fermentation conditions

To put it simply, we need to create conditions under which tobacco fermentation will occur at a temperature of 50-55 degrees and a humidity of 60-70%. I do this by sprinkling dried and pressed tobacco leaves with water and honey (one teaspoon per 200 ml) from a spray bottle on each leaf, one spray. Then I put it in two garbage bags and place it on a Russian stove on a bed under the mattress. Afterwards the oven is heated and the tobacco is gradually heated. The stove is heated every other day, for 7-10 days. Then the leaves are taken out, dried, if they are still wet, and put away to rest or smoked immediately. You can also use jars instead of bags, but the humidity should be slightly reduced. The sheet should not be damp to the touch, but should not break when bent. If condensation forms on the walls of the jar, you will need to dry the tobacco. This method is good for villagers who still have Russian stoves.

Types of tobacco fermentation

You can use ovens with heating temperatures within 50 degrees. The whole process is the same as in the oven, only it is more convenient to ferment in jars. If there is no stove, and the wife does not provide an oven, then we wait for the heating season and use central heating radiators or make a fermentation cabinet. You can use incandescent lamps, electric mats as heating elements in the cabinet and experimentally achieve a temperature of 50-55 degrees. To ensure that the heat in the closet is distributed evenly, install a computer cooler. It is better to make the cabinet from non-flammable material. It is better to put whole leaves (not cut) into jars during fermentation.

Solar heat can also be used to ferment tobacco. To do this, take a sleeve of double film, place a container of water or several containers in it and place it inside the cast tobacco in boxes and wrap both edges of the sleeve as tightly as possible. Lightly ventilate every three days. In good hot weather the process will take about two weeks. The disadvantage of this fermentation is that the tobacco will have to be fermented using this method next year, unless of course you live in the south. You can use the same type of greenhouse by hanging tobacco under the ridge. The process in a greenhouse will take longer than in a sleeve.

Fermenting tobacco at home is not suitable for everyone, due to some reasons, and therefore the easiest way is to do nothing with the tobacco. After a year or two of storage, it will take on smoking qualities on its own. Fermentation in tobacco takes place constantly, and the difference in its taste depends only on time. The older the tobacco, the better its smoking qualities, provided that it is stored airtight.

fermentation of tobacco in the microwave

There is another way to process tobacco: fermentation of tobacco in the microwave. But this method is more suitable for quickly softening tobacco; we select the number of cycles and power experimentally by experimenting with small batches. This method can also slightly reduce the strength of tobacco. But in the end, the microwave still won’t give the desired result. I tried it, I wasn’t particularly impressed with the result, maybe you’ll like it.

Tobacco varieties that do not require fermentation: Kentucky Barley, it contains no sugar and can be smoked immediately after drying. The anniversary new 142 is said to have been made from it before. But, it is better to let any tobacco rest for 2-3 months.

Buy tobacco

If you want to buy ready-made tobacco, read here where you can buy it.

How I cut my tobacco

Tobacco - Information - Useful information - Library - Family farm

Varieties and types of tobacco. Tobacco is a plant around which there have been fierce debates for many years: is it beneficial or harmful? But, one way or another, many people cannot give up the bad habit of smoking. The tobacco industry is working in full force, but not a single smoker can deny himself the pleasure of taking a puff of strong tobacco of his own production. This is a fact. But there is another side to the coin: the use of tobacco in medicine and the perfume industry. So this plant still remains a stumbling block.


Tobacco (Nicotiana tabácum) is an annual herbaceous plant of the nightshade family, to which, by the way, everyone’s favorite tomatoes belong.

The stem is powerful, hard, rough, with numerous branched layers. Height - up to 3 m. Leaves - large, width depends on the variety: can be wide or narrow blade-shaped, fleecy. A resinous sticky substance is released on the surface. The flowers are tubular, white-pink, five-lobed. Inflorescences are elongated and narrow. The seeds are small and round.

The first mention of tobacco dates back to Ancient Egypt. In 1976, French scientists discovered crushed tobacco in the cavity of the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II. Until that time, it was believed that tobacco was cultivated only in pre-Columbian America. The first Europeans to bring it to Europe were members of Columbus's expedition in 1492. It should be noted that the Inquisition declared tobacco a “hellish potion” and one of the members of the expeditionary force, Rodrigo de Perez, was imprisoned for smoking. So, society has been fighting this bad habit for many years. But, despite this, tobacco continued to conquer more and more new territories. In 1556, French missionary Andre Theve brought tobacco seeds from Brazil. They were planted in the greenhouses of Angoulême and took root quite well. By the way, the Latin name of tobacco “Nicotiania” is given in honor of the man who brought the plant to France - Jean Nicot. Since 1560, tobacco has firmly settled in Spain at the court of King Philip II and was used as a snuff. Then the plant moved to England and became an integral part of high society. Peter I brought tobacco to Russia. Imitating the Europeans, he became addicted to smoking. Thanks to this, the cultivation of the plant began in Russian open spaces. And quite successfully. The popularity of tobacco led to the fact that as a result of breeding work, new varieties appeared: more hardy ones. Work on developing new varieties is still ongoing. But there remain varieties that are considered iconic, the most sought after for their undeniable qualities.

The most popular varieties

- "Gold Virginia"

A variety of tobacco that has gained worldwide fame. The delicate, slightly sweet taste will bring moments of pleasure to the true connoisseur of excellent tobacco. And the fruity, aromatic smoke of “Golden Virginia” will imperceptibly dissolve into the air. This variety of tobacco is easily fermented. Used as a base ingredient in all smoking tobacco mixtures.

- Maryland Tobacco

One of the legendary varieties. When finished, it has a light amber color. The pleasant, sweetish taste with a fruity aftertaste will not leave lovers of weak varieties indifferent. A gentle, warm aroma will envelop the lover of smoking in an easy chair and dreaming of distant lands. The variety is early, the yield is high. It is used independently and in the preparation of some smoking tobacco mixtures.

-"Walkers Broadleaf"

This variety is so popular that it is nicknamed “Hobo Tobacco.” Strong taste for a real man. The aroma is deep, “heavy”. A universal variety that can be grown in the northern regions of Russia, as it is very early. Resistant to fungal diseases, not afraid of damp, cold summers.

- “Havana” is a classic. A variety of Cuban tobacco with an aroma rich in Caribbean winds. Despite its origin, it grows well in the Moscow region. When dried, it acquires a red-brown tint.

The tobacco variety was cultivated by the Indians along the banks of the famous river, after which it was named. It has a unique aroma of prunes with a vanilla trail. Easily fermented. Very unpretentious. Mainly used as a pipe.

- "Kentucky Burley"

One of the popular varieties. Named after the state of Kentucky. Where there are extensive tobacco plantations. Virtually no sucrose. The nutty aroma gives pleasure, pleasant, slightly tart taste. Does not undergo fermentation. Unpretentious. Unlike other varieties, it is simply cut after drying, which makes its cultivation accessible even to beginners.

Early ripening variety. Versatile: picky and disease resistant. Semi-aromatic, which does not make it unclaimed. This type of tobacco has a slightly “rougher”, masculine taste. The aroma contains “pine” notes. Used as tobacco for making cigarettes and as a pipe option.

- “Dukat Crimean”

A variety of domestic selection based on Turkish tobaccos. Very aromatic, sweet, with a slightly licorice flavor. Unpretentious. The leaves are very large, up to 60 cm long. It ferments easily, acquiring a red-brown color. Cigarette-pipe.

- "Trapezond"

Classic Turkish tobacco with a heavy, rich aroma of oriental spices and chocolate. Sweetish. Unpretentious. Ripens quickly. Does not require fermentation.

- "Flor Herzegovina"

It is called “Stalin’s Tobacco”. It was not for nothing that the unique taste – sweet and pleasant – attracted the attention of Stalin, a famous tobacco connoisseur. The aromatic smoke with notes of cedar will make you feel like a historical figure or imagine yourself in a tavern in a Croatian village.

- "Oriental Harmanli"

True oriental tobacco: spicy, heavy, sweet. The unusual musky aroma will allow you to imagine yourself as a caliph from oriental fairy tales. Unpretentious. Resistant to mosaic diseases. Well cultivated in central Russia. It ferments well.

- “Soviet Large-leaved”

It is sometimes called "Holly" for its leaf structure. The taste is oriental, although weaker. The aroma is pleasant, with notes of incense. Unpretentious. Resistant to diseases. Has high productivity. Recommended for cultivation by beginners in the tobacco business.

Named because of the leaves that are silky to the touch. A very powerful bush with huge leaves. It has a pleasant taste, a little strong. Fragrant. Unpretentious

What is called a “classic of the Turkish genre”. It is considered the best in the world in terms of its characteristics. The viscous, rich, sweet taste with hints of spice will take you to a fabulous oriental palace. And the amazing aroma will turn anyone's head. True tobacco connoisseurs will not miss the chance to plant this variety on their site.

One of the world's most famous brands. Pleasant to the taste, slightly spicy. It has an unusual aroma with notes of smoked prunes. It ferments well. The method of processing it is original: the leaves are fermented in barrels like cabbage. A mix of Perique and Virdginia is a classic pipe blend.

Medicinal properties of tobacco

A lot has been said about the harmful properties of tobacco, or rather the nicotine contained in the plant. But few people know about the useful ones. Even the Mayan Indians used tobacco leaves as an antiseptic for healing wounds, as an antidote for snake bites, squeezing the juice onto the bite site. The famous Catherine de Medici used snuff for migraines. Catherine the Great, who also suffered from headaches, never parted with snuff. In each of the rooms of the Winter Palace there was a small snuff box. Several recipes may relieve discomfort in some diseases. - sore throat: place a small pinch of tobacco under the tongue and hold for at least an hour. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise you may get poisoned.

Runny nose: sniff crushed tobacco leaves 4-5 times a day. However, it should be remembered that overly crushed particles can enter the nasopharynx and cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, do not grind the tobacco too finely.

Growing tobacco


Fermentation of tobacco on a Russian stove

We level the discarded tobacco leaves and put them in piles. My tobacco was hanging under a canopy, on the street, so it was all soft and straightened out normally. Lightly press the stacks of tobacco. I put plywood and a small weight on top, about 4-6 kg. and stood for about an hour. It’s better not to make large piles; forty sheets will be enough.

Now we will make a solution with which we will dust our tobacco leaves. For this I took 400 ml. water, 1 tsp. honey and 100 gr. white wine (from your own grapes). Next, we take our lightly pressed stack and spray it without fanaticism, 1-2 sprays every 4-5 sheets. Now we place the moistened stack of tobacco sheets in a garbage bag, tucking the edges of the bag and then into another bag. I used 60 liter bags, there is no need to seal the bags, just tuck them well and that’s it. Now we send our tobacco for fermentation in a Russian stove on a stove bench in the place where the brick warms up best and cover it with a mattress and a blanket so that the heat lasts longer. Once a day you will need to turn over the tobacco packets. Now all that remains is to light the stove. We will ferment the tobacco for 10-15 days and during this time we will need to heat our stove every other day. Yesterday I got a batch of tobacco fermented for two weeks, it’s Herzegovina flor.

fermentation of tobacco on a Russian stove

hecegovina flor

I tried smoking, the tobacco became much softer. The aroma comes through clearly, but you still feel that the tobacco needs to sit for another month and rest. But if there is nothing to smoke, then it is quite suitable for smoking, and the method of fermenting tobacco in the presence of a Russian stove is very simple and does not require any costs other than 5-7 armfuls of firewood. So try and experiment and you will do great. You can play with the composition of the liquid you will spray on the tobacco before fermentation.

try after fermentation

I didn’t cut the tobacco, I crushed it with my hands and into cartridges. I will continue to describe different fermentation methods as much as possible. Ferm. I don’t have a closet, so the methods will be simple.

See how you can cut tobacco with a Kazan noodle cutter

Nowadays you rarely see a Russian stove anywhere, but nevertheless this method has the right to live.

Fermentation of tobacco on a battery

Fermenting tobacco on a battery is perhaps the simplest method that does not require a fermentation cabinet, oven, etc. The process, in principle, proceeds normally, only longer than in the closet. The main thing here is not to forget to turn the jars two or three times a day and cover them on top to retain heat.
I liked fermenting tobacco on the battery more with cut tobacco than with whole sheets (twisted or folded).

It is better to take small jars for such fermentation, about 0.5 liters, then the heating of the tobacco will occur better and do not compact them with tobacco, but simply pour them in, compacting them slightly. In my experience, it is better to place five cans of tobacco on the battery than one tightly packed one.

If strong condensation forms, then the tobacco will need to be slightly ventilated. To do this, just open it for 10 minutes and close it again and place it in place; if there is a lot of condensate again, repeat the operation. The last batch of such fermentation I had with moonshine, I don’t know what was in this moonshine (my grandmother gave it), but the result was good.

I did this: I poured tobacco on a newspaper and on top one teaspoon of moonshine, stirred lightly and then the second spoon. Our tobacco should not be too moist, so don't get carried away with alcohol.

How does the taste of tobacco change after fermentation?

After two weeks of heating, the tobacco became noticeably softer, and notes of aroma began to appear in the taste. Only the smell of moonshine was quite distinct. But you can take a more pleasant alcohol. After a month, the tobacco became quite smokable, soft, and the aroma inherent to this variety intensified even more.

During the process, you can take a pinch at a time and try changes in the taste of the tobacco. If the quality satisfies you, then remove the tobacco from the battery and let it rest for as long as you have the patience for (at least a month).

What we got after fermentation.

That's the whole simple process. Try fermenting tobacco on a battery, it’s better than smoking raw tobacco.

I mainly ferment on a Russian stove, but this method is also worthy of attention if there is simply no other option. Next summer I will try to ferment in a film sleeve, with the heat of the sun, weather permitting of course. Then I will describe the whole process in detail.

How to cut tobacco at home

As promised, fermentation in a film sleeve.



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