How to get rid of erysipelas on your leg. Treatment of erysipelas at home according to recipes "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle"


Erysipelas or erysipelas is a serious infectious disease, external manifestations which is damage (inflammation) of the skin of a hemorrhagic nature, an increase in temperature and the phenomenon of endotoxicosis.
The name of the disease comes from the French word rouge, which translates as “red.”
Erysipelas is very common infectious disease, according to statistics, occupying 4th place, second only to intestinal infections And infectious hepatitis. Erysipelas is most often diagnosed in patients of older age groups. Between the ages of 20 and 30, erysipelas affects mainly men whose professional activity associated with frequent microtrauma and skin contamination, as well as sudden changes temperature. These are drivers, loaders, builders, military, etc. In the older age group, most of the patients are women. The localization of erysipelas is quite typical - in most cases, inflammation develops on the skin of the upper and lower extremities, less often on the face, even less often on the torso, perineum and genitals. All these inflammations are clearly visible to others and cause the patient a feeling of acute psychological discomfort.
Erysipelas are widespread. Its incidence in various climatic zones in our country is 12-20 cases per 10 thousand population per year.   Currently, the percentage of erysipelas in newborns has decreased significantly, although previously this disease had a very high mortality rate.


The causative agent of erysipelas is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which can be present in the human body in active and inactive, so-called L-form. This type of streptococcus is very resistant to environmental influences, but dies when heated to 56 C for half an hour, which is of great importance in antiseptics. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus is a facultative anaerobe, i.e. may exist in oxygen conditions, and in an oxygen-free environment.
If a person suffers from any disease of streptococcal etiology, or is simply a carrier of this microorganism in any form, he can become a source of infection. According to statistics, about 15% of people are carriers of this type of streptococcus, but they do not have any clinical signs diseases. The main route of transmission of the pathogen is through household contact. Infection occurs through damaged skin - in the presence of abrasions, abrasions, etc. Has a less significant role in the transmission of infection airborne transmission (especially when erysipelas occurs on the face). Patients are less contagious.

The occurrence of erysipelas infection is facilitated by predisposing factors, for example, persistent lymph circulation disorders, prolonged exposure to the sun, chronic venous insufficiency, fungal diseases skin, stress factor. Erysipelas is characterized by summer-autumn seasonality.
Very often, erysipelas occurs against the background of concomitant diseases: foot fungus, alcoholism, lymphostasis (problems with lymphatic vessels), foci of chronic streptococcal infection(for erysipelas of the face,; for erysipelas of the extremities), chronic somatic diseases, reducing overall immunity (more often in old age).


They classify primary, repeated (with a different localization of the process) and recurrent erysipelas. According to its pathogenesis, primary and recurrent erysipelas are acute streptococcal infections. Characterized by the exogenous nature of infection and cyclical course infectious process. These pathogens are found in the lymphatic capillaries of the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis, where a focus of infectious-allergic inflammation of a serous or serous-hemorrhagic nature occurs. In the implementation of inflammation, immunopathological processes play a significant role with the formation immune complexes in the dermis, incl. and perivascular. Recurrent erysipelas is a chronic streptococcal infection, with the formation of characteristic endogenous foci in the skin and regional lymph nodes. In this case, a mixed infection of the body of patients with bacterial and L-form streptococci is observed. The L-form persists for a long time in the inter-relapse period of the disease in skin macrophages and organs of the macrophage system. With recurrent erysipelas there is serious violation immune status of patients, their sensitization and autosensitization.
It was also noticed that erysipelas most often occurs in people with III (B) blood group. Obviously, a genetic predisposition to erysipelas reveals itself only in old age (more often in women), against the background of repeated sensitization to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and its cellular and extracellular products (virulence factors) under certain conditions. pathological conditions, including those associated with involutionary processes.


By character clinical manifestations Erysipelas is divided into several forms:  
- erythematous
- erythematous-bullous
- erythematous-hemorrhagic
- bullous-hemorrhagic form.

The incubation period ranges from several hours to 3-5 days.
Based on the severity of the disease, mild, moderate, and severe forms are distinguished. More often inflammatory process appears on lower limbs, less often - on the face, upper limbs, very rarely - in the area of ​​the body, genitals. The onset of the disease is acute, a feeling of heat occurs general weakness, muscle pain. There is a critical increase in the patient's body temperature to fibril levels - 38-39.5°. Often the onset of the disease is accompanied by. Very often, the described phenomena develop a day before skin manifestations.
The main symptom of erysipelas is skin manifestations in the form of erythema with clearly demarcated from unaffected skin jagged edges in the form of a winding line, arcs and tongues, which are often compared to “tongues of flame”.

Erythematous erysipelas is characterized by the presence of a peripheral ridge in the form of a raised edge of erythema. The skin in the area of ​​erythema has a bright red color; upon palpation, pain is usually insignificant, mainly along the periphery of the erythema. The skin is tense and hot to the touch. At the same time, swelling of the skin is characteristic, which extends beyond the erythema. Regional is noted.

With erythematous-bullous erysipelas, blisters (bullas) appear against the background of erythema. The contents of the bullae are a transparent yellowish liquid.
With erythematous-hemorrhagic erysipelas, hemorrhages occur different sizes- from small punctate to extensive and confluent, spreading throughout the entire erythema. The blisters contain hemorrhagic and fibrinous exudate, however, they may also contain predominantly fibrinous exudate, be flattened in nature and have a dense consistency upon palpation.

Mild erysipelas is characterized by mildly expressed symptoms, the temperature rarely rises above 38.5°, moderate headache. At severe course During illness, the temperature reaches 40° and above, and there are tremendous chills, vomiting, disturbances of consciousness, and meningeal syndrome (so-called meningismus). An increase in heart rate is observed, and hemodynamic parameters drop.  
The elevated temperature in patients lasts up to 5 days. Acute inflammatory changes in the lesion disappear within 5-7 days in case of erythematous erysipelas, up to 10-12 days or more in bullous-hemorrhagic erysipelas. Enlarged regional lymph nodes that persist during recovery, skin infiltration at the site of inflammation, low-grade fever are prognostically unfavorable for the development of early relapses.
Repeated erysipelas occurs 2 years or more after the previous illness and has a different localization.

Recurrent erysipelas is most often observed when the source of inflammation is localized in the lower extremities. There are predisposing factors for the transition of primary erysipelas to recurrent erysipelas, in particular with concomitant chronic diseases skin, especially fungal (athlete's foot, rubrophytosis), previous, lymphostasis, the presence of foci of chronic streptococcal infection. Relapses develop over a period of several days and weeks to 1-2 years, their number can reach several dozen. Frequent relapses lead to severe disturbances in the lymphatic system.
Complications are usually local in nature: skin necrosis, abscesses, thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis, periadenitis. With concomitant severe diseases and late treatment, infectious-toxic shock may develop. With frequent relapses, lymphatic edema (lymphedema) and secondary edema are possible.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Therapeutic measures in case of erysipelas   in most cases it is carried out at home or in outpatient setting. Patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids, rational nutrition. Indications for hospitalization are severe disease, widespread local process, its bullous-hemorrhagic nature and recurrent erysipelas.

The main pathogenetic therapy for erysipelas is the prescription of antibiotics. Most often, one of the following antibacterial agents is used: oletethrin 0.25 g 4-6 times a day, metacycline hydrochloride 0.3 g 2-3 times a day, erythromycin or oleandomycin phosphate in daily doses of up to 2 g, combined chemotherapy drug bactrim (biseptol), sulfatone - 2 tablets 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. In a hospital setting and in severe cases of the disease, it is indicated intramuscular injection benzylpenicillin, for recurrent erysipelas - cephalosporins (cefazolin, claforan, etc.), lincomycin hypochloride. The duration of taking antibiotics is 8 - 10 days. Pathogenetic treatment also includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ascorutin to strengthen vascular wall, complex of vitamins. For frequent relapses of the disease, nonspecific stimulating and immunocorrective therapy (pentoxyl, methyluracil, sodium nucleinate), as well as prodigiosan, levamisole, is indicated. Two latest drugs prescribed only in hospital. With the recurrent nature of the disease, autohemotherapy is used in some cases.
Local treatment of erysipelas is carried out only in cases of bullous forms and localization of the process on the extremities. The blisters are incised at one of the edges and bandages with a solution of ethacridine lactate (1:1000) or furacilin (1:5000) are applied to the site of inflammation, changing them several times a day. Subsequently, dressings with ectericide, vinylin, are used. In the acute period of the disease, physiotherapy can be used: UV irradiation and UHF therapy, and after the acute inflammatory process subsides, dressings with naphthalan ointment, applications with paraffin and ozokerite, radon baths, lidase electrophoresis or calcium chloride to prevent persistent lymphostasis. Patients are discharged no earlier than the 7th day after body temperature normalizes. Those who have had erysipelas are registered in the office of infectious diseases for 3 months, and those suffering from recurrent erysipelas for at least 2 years.
Surgical treatment of complications in erysipelas. When developing, the patient undergoes necrectomy after stabilization of the general condition. The wound is covered with dalcex-trypsin with an antiseptic, teralgin, algipor, hydrophilic ointment (levomekol) or chemotherapeutic agents (dimexide, iodopirone, etc.). For defects large sizes, after the appearance of dense granular granulations and the elimination of acute phenomena, repeat operation- autodermoplasty, the meaning of which is to close the skin defect, with the patient himself becoming the donor and recipient. For phlegmons and abscesses, the incision is made along the shortest path, the skin is cut, subcutaneous tissue and open the cavity of the abscess. After evacuation of the detritus, the cavity is washed with antiseptics, dried, the edges of the wound are spread apart with hooks and an inspection is performed. All non-viable tissues are excised. The wound, as a rule, is not sutured; sterile bandage. At purulent lymphadenitis, abscessed phlebitis and paraphlebitis and other foci of a purulent-inflammatory nature, surgical treatment is indicated - opening accumulations of pus, removing necrotic tissue, draining the wound.


Preventive measures to prevent the development of erysipelas include careful personal hygiene, preventing injuries and abrasions of the legs. If such an injury occurs, treatment with antiseptics is indicated (for example, a 5% alcohol solution of iodine, a solution of brilliant green). Timely sanitation of foci of chronic streptococcal infection is necessary. Prevention of recurrent erysipelas involves treatment of diseases predisposing to relapse (fungal skin infections, lymphovenous insufficiency). In some cases, drug prevention of erysipelas is justified. For frequent, persistent relapses, bicillin-5 is administered for prophylactic purposes at 1,500,000 units intramuscularly every 3-5 weeks. for two to three years. In cases of pronounced seasonality of relapses and with significant residual effects, it is recommended to prescribe bicillin-5 in preventive courses lasting 3-4 months.

Patients with erysipelas are less contagious. Women get sick more often than men. In more than 60% of cases, erysipelas occurs in people aged 40 years and older. The disease is characterized by a distinct summer-autumn seasonality.

Symptoms of erysipelas

The incubation period of erysipelas ranges from several hours to 3-5 days. In patients with a relapsing course, the development of the next attack of the disease is often preceded by hypothermia and stress. In the vast majority of cases, the disease begins acutely.

The initial period of erysipelas is characterized rapid development general toxic phenomena, which in more than half of patients precede the occurrence of local manifestations of the disease by several hours to 1-2 days. Marked

  • headache, general weakness, chills, muscle pain
  • 25-30% of patients experience nausea and vomiting
  • already in the first hours of illness the temperature rises to 38-40°C.
  • In areas of the skin in the area of ​​future manifestations, a number of patients experience a feeling of fullness or burning, and mild pain.

The height of the disease occurs within a period of several hours to 1-2 days after the first manifestations of the disease. General toxic manifestations and fever reach their maximum. Characteristic local manifestations occur.

Most often, erysipelas is localized on the lower extremities, less often on the face and upper extremities, very rarely only on the torso, in the area of ​​the mammary gland, perineum, and in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Skin manifestations

First, a slight red or pink spot, which within a few hours turns into a characteristic erysipelas. Redness is a clearly demarcated area of ​​skin with uneven boundaries in the form of teeth, “tongues”. The skin in the area of ​​redness is tense, hot to the touch, moderately painful when touched. In some cases, a “marginal ridge” can be detected in the form of raised edges of redness. Along with redness of the skin, swelling develops, spreading beyond the redness.

The development of blisters is associated with increased effusion at the site of inflammation. When the blisters are damaged or spontaneously rupture, fluid leaks out, and superficial wounds appear in the place of the blisters. While maintaining the integrity of the blisters, they gradually shrink to form yellow or brown crusts.

The residual effects of erysipelas, which persist for several weeks and months, include swelling and pigmentation of the skin, dense dry crusts in place of the blisters.

Photo: website of the Department of Dermatovenereology of the Tomsk Military Medical Institute

Diagnosis of erysipelas

Diagnosis of erysipelas is carried out by a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist.

  • Definite diagnostic value have increased titers of antistreptolysin-O and other antistreptococcal antibodies, detection of streptococcus in the blood of patients (using PCR)
  • Inflammatory changes in general blood test
  • Disorders of hemostasis and fibrinolysis (increased blood levels of fibrinogen, PDP, RKMF, increase or decrease in the amount of plasminogen, plasmin, antithrombin III, increased level of platelet factor 4, decrease in their number)

Diagnostic criteria for erysipelas in typical cases are:

  • acute onset of the disease with severe symptoms of intoxication, increased body temperature to 38-39°C and above;
  • predominant localization of the local inflammatory process on the lower extremities and face;
  • development of typical local manifestations with characteristic redness;
  • increase lymph nodes in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • absence of severe pain in the area of ​​inflammation at rest

Treatment of erysipelas

Treatment of erysipelas should be carried out taking into account the form of the disease, the nature of the lesions, the presence of complications and consequences. Currently, the majority of patients with light current erysipelas and many patients with a moderate form are treated in a clinic. Indications for mandatory hospitalization in infectious diseases hospitals(branches) are:

  • severe course;
  • frequent recurrences of erysipelas;
  • presence of severe general concomitant diseases;
  • old age or childhood.

The most important place in complex treatment Patients with erysipelas are treated with antimicrobial therapy. When treating patients in a clinic or at home, it is advisable to prescribe antibiotic tablets:

  • erythromycin,
  • oletethrine,
  • doxycycline,
  • spiramycin (course of treatment 7-10 days),
  • azithromycin,
  • ciprofloxacin (5-7 days),
  • rifampicin (7-10 days).

If antibiotics are intolerant, furazolidone is indicated (10 days); delagil (10 days).

It is advisable to treat erysipelas in a hospital setting with benzylpenicillin, a course of 7-10 days. In severe cases of the disease, the development of complications (abscess, cellulitis, etc.), a combination of benzylpenicillin and gentamicin and the prescription of cephalosporins are possible.

For severe skin inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated: chlotazol or butadione for 10-15 days.

Patients with erysipelas need a vitamin complex for 2-4 weeks. In case of severe erysipelas, intravenous detoxification therapy is carried out (hemodez, reopolyglucin, 5% glucose solution, saline solution) with the addition of 5-10 ml of 5% solution ascorbic acid, prednisone. Cardiovascular, diuretic, and antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

Treatment of patients with recurrent erysipelas

Treatment of recurrent erysipelas should be carried out in a hospital setting. It is mandatory to prescribe reserve antibiotics that were not used in the treatment of previous relapses. Cephalosporins are prescribed intramuscularly or lincomycin intramuscularly, rifampicin intramuscularly. The course of antibacterial therapy is 8-10 days. For particularly persistent relapses, two-course treatment is advisable. Antibiotics that have an optimal effect on streptococcus are consistently prescribed. The first course of antibiotic therapy is cephalosporins (7-8 days). After a 5-7-day break, a second course of treatment with lincomycin is carried out (6-7 days). For recurrent erysipelas, immune correction (methyluracil, sodium nucleinate, prodigiosan, T-activin) is indicated.

Local therapy for erysipelas

Treatment of local manifestations of erysipelas is carried out only in its cystic forms with localization of the process on the extremities. Erythematous form of erysipelas does not require use local funds treatment, and many of them (ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky balm, ointments with antibiotics) are generally contraindicated. In the acute period, if there are intact blisters, they are carefully incised at one of the edges and after the fluid comes out, bandages with a 0.1% solution of rivanol or a 0.02% solution of furatsilin are applied to the site of inflammation, changing them several times during the day. Tight bandaging is unacceptable.

In the presence of extensive weeping wound surfaces in place of opened blisters local treatment start with manganese baths for the limbs, followed by the application of the bandages listed above. To treat bleeding, 5-10% dibunol liniment is used in the form of applications in the area of ​​inflammation 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Traditionally, in the acute period of erysipelas, it is prescribed ultraviolet irradiation on the area of ​​inflammation, on the area of ​​lymph nodes. Prescribed applications of ozokerite or bandages with heated naphthalan ointment (on the lower extremities), paraffin applications (on the face), electrophoresis of lidase, calcium chloride, radon baths. Shown high efficiency low-intensity laser therapy of local inflammation. Dose used laser radiation varies depending on the condition of the lesion and the presence of concomitant diseases.


Complications of erysipelas, mainly of a local nature, are observed in a small number of patients. TO local complications include abscesses, cellulitis, skin necrosis, suppuration of blisters, inflammation of the veins, thrombophlebitis, inflammation lymphatic vessels. TO general complications erysipelas that develop in patients with erysipelas quite rarely include sepsis, toxic-infectious shock, acute cardiovascular failure, thromboembolism pulmonary artery etc. The consequences of erysipelas include persistent lymph stagnation. By modern ideas, lymph stagnation in most cases develops in patients with erysipelas against the background of already existing functional failure lymph circulation of the skin (congenital, post-traumatic, etc.).

Prevention of recurrence of erysipelas

Prevention of recurrence of erysipelas is integral part comprehensive dispensary treatment patients suffering from a recurrent form of the disease. Prophylactic intramuscular administration of bicillin (5-1.5 million units) or retarpen (2.4 million units) prevents relapses of the disease associated with reinfection with streptococcus.

With frequent relapses (at least 3 per last year) continuous (year-round) bicillin prophylaxis is advisable for 2-3 years with an interval of bicillin administration of 3-4 weeks (in the first months the interval can be reduced to 2 weeks). In case of seasonal relapses, the drug is started to be administered a month before the start of the morbidity season in a given patient with an interval of 4 weeks for 3-4 months annually. If there are significant residual effects after suffering from erysipelas, bicillin is administered at intervals of 4 weeks for 4-6 months.

Forecast and course

  • With adequate treatment of mild and moderate forms, complete recovery is possible.
  • Chronic lymphedema (elephantiasis) or scarring in a chronic relapsing course.
  • In the elderly and weakened, there is a high incidence of complications and a tendency to frequent relapses.

Erysipelas infection - contagious disease, in which the skin on the face, scalp, and hands is affected. This is dangerous for others, but also causes pain for the patient. painful symptoms, psychological discomfort. It is worse when the inflammation touches the legs. The patient is not always able to move without outside help. Erysipelas of the leg requires an immediate visit to the surgeon. Only in case early diagnosis rapid healing is possible. Severe cases require hospitalization.

What is erysipelas on the leg

Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease that has clear boundaries and a bright red color at the site of the lesion. The causative agent is the bacterium streptococcus. It exists in environment. If you receive a leg injury, just a scratch, or are bitten by an insect, streptococcus enters the body through the damaged skin and becomes infected. When your immune system is weakened, erysipelas will develop very quickly. People who work outdoors often get sick: builders, workers agriculture. According to the international classifier ICD-10, erysipelas has the number A46.

Streptococcus can remain in the body after illness, for example, chronic streptococcal tonsillitis or caries. If you have a strong immune system, you can live with bacteria for many years and not get sick. Erysipelas can begin after stress or a sudden change in temperature. The provocateur of the inflammatory process is tanning or hypothermia. Provoke erysipelas diseases:

  • foot fungus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • obesity;
  • lymphatic drainage disorders;
  • allergy.

Symptoms of the disease

Erysipelas of the leg begins suddenly. On initial stage The temperature rises sharply, weakness and muscle pain appear. Redness and swelling occur on the skin. The lesion quickly increases in size. In severe forms, confusion and convulsions appear. The patient loses consciousness and may faint. The course of the disease is characterized by:

  • feeling of heat, fullness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • soreness, itching;
  • nausea;
  • intestinal problems;
  • burning sensation.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons for the onset of erysipelas. Special role play by skin disorders as a result of injury to the limbs, insect bites. A small abrasion and microcracks are enough for streptococcus bacteria to enter, causing disease. One of the reasons is professional factor. The disease occurs in people who work in chemical plants. The provoking effect is long walking in rubber shoes. At the same time, mechanics, miners, and people working in metallurgy get sick.

The causes of erysipelas can be:

  • purulent and viral infections - the infection enters through opened blisters;
  • allergic skin diseases - bacteria penetrate through scratching areas;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • oncology;
  • illnesses internal organs;
  • taking medications that reduce immune protection;
  • ENT diseases;
  • stress;
  • old age patient;
  • impaired blood flow in the lower extremities;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of erysipelas of the leg begins with interviewing the patient. It is determined how the disease began, how long it lasts, and what the symptoms are. Next, the diseased limb is examined for compliance with the signs of the disease. If they are not clearly expressed, a blood test is done to determine the presence of infection. If necessary, consult with a dermatologist and infectious disease specialist. In a controversial situation, they carry out histological examination infected tissues.

Is erysipelas contagious?

Erysipelas is contagious and can be transmitted through contact with sick people. If a person close to you has such a diagnosis and care is required for him, it is necessary to take precautions. Use gloves to carry out procedures. After communicating, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Provide the patient with separate dishes and linen.

Treatment of erysipelas at home

If you ask for help in time, it is possible quick cure erysipelas. It can be done at home, and only severe cases require hospitalization. The doctor prescribes the treatment method - he determines necessary medications and health products. How to treat erysipelas on the leg? Since this is an infectious disease, it all starts with taking antibiotics. Next is prescribed:

  • drugs to eliminate symptoms of the disease;
  • physical therapy;
  • use of lotions, compresses;
  • use of ointments, creams;
  • baths;
  • powders;
  • treatment folk remedies.


In case of erysipelas, it is necessary to start treatment on time. All doctor's instructions must be followed. In advanced cases, non-healing may appear trophic ulcers. To treat the infection, antibiotics are used, which are taken in the form of tablets and injections. Great importance is attached to the fight against symptoms, so the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Claritin, which relieves itching;
  • "Nurofen", which lowers temperature and reduces inflammation;
  • "Hypothiazide", removing excess liquid, relieving intoxication;
  • “Prodigiozan”, which supports immunity;
  • vitamin complexes.


If the disease occurs in mild form, a weekly course of antibiotic tablets is prescribed. These may be drugs: Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Sparamycin. Antibiotics are selected so that they act on streptococcus, which causes erysipelas. If the chosen drug does not work, try another one ten days later. For better impact appoint intravenous administration antibiotics. In severe cases, in hospital conditions, Benzylpenicillin is used. Treatment takes place strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Ointment for skin inflammation

In the treatment of erysipelas of the skin on early stages do not use ointments. They are used for the cystic form of the disease. Effective in this case " Ichthyol ointment", which acts as an antiseptic and promotes disinfection. "Vishnevsky Ointment" helps in the treatment of old infections. At the recovery stage, the use of Naftalan ointment gives excellent results.

Folk remedies

When treating erysipelas of the leg using folk remedies, consultation with the attending physician is required - independence leads to complications. Grated potatoes laid in a thick layer are used as a compress. It is recommended to use fresh burdock or cabbage leaves, you should:

  • rinse them;
  • beat until the juice releases;
  • tie to a sore spot.

The healing properties are attributed to the effect of a red rag - it is recommended to bandage it after applying a compress. It is advised to try a powder of ground chalk - leave it overnight. Treatment with vegetable oil helps, which should be boiled in a water bath for 5 hours. They lubricate the wound with it and sprinkle it with crushed “Streptocide”. The compress is left overnight.

Which doctor treats erysipelas?

If you find signs of erysipelas in your leg, you need to see a surgeon. The disease, which was identified at an early stage, is treated on an outpatient basis. Complex and severe forms diseases are treated in a hospital. In doubtful cases, when the diagnosis is ambiguous, a consultation with a dermatologist may be necessary. If a child has erysipelas, an infectious disease specialist is involved in the treatment.

With erysipelas, both extremities are often affected.

Acute inflammation of the skin, called erysipelas, is a very serious infectious disease. Recipes for treating erysipelas using traditional medicine have evolved over centuries. Today, erysipelas is mainly treated inpatiently with the use of medications. Traditional methods of treating erysipelas are used as complementary therapy. They ease the course of the disease, prevent the spread of inflammation to other parts of the body, and promote a speedy recovery.

Causes and signs of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is streptococcus, which penetrates the skin through various types of damage: scratches, small wounds, abrasions, cracks, injections. In some cases, infection occurs through mucous membranes. The disease begins with an acute sharp increase in temperature up to 40 degrees. Nausea, vomiting, general weakness, headache, in rare cases- convulsions and delirium.

At the site of infection, a slight redness first appears, which quickly increases in size and spreads to other areas of the skin. The skin becomes bright red, begins to itch, burn, itch, swelling, edema, small pinpoint hemorrhages appear, and in especially severe cases, purulent blisters and necrosis of the skin appear. Most often the skin of the face and extremities is affected, sometimes lesions appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx and genitals. Local manifestations may be permanent, i.e. localize in one area of ​​the body or wander from one place to another, it is also possible for simultaneous appearance of foci at a distance from each other.

A slight redness initially appears at the site of infection

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Consequences of erysipelas

After past illness remains very much in the body high sensitivity to its causative agent, and in most cases the disease develops into chronic form. Relapses usually occur in the same place. It is very important to start treating erysipelas in time with folk remedies and well-chosen medications. Otherwise, foci of erysipelas may periodically appear on the body, which leads to damage lymphatic system area of ​​the skin and the development of elephantiasis in it.

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Relapse Prevention

To prevent or at least reduce the number of relapses, you need to follow simple rules:

  • promptly treat any inflammatory processes that occur in the body;
  • try to strengthen the immune system, because erysipelas mainly affects people with weak immune system;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • If any skin injury occurs, it is necessary to short terms and treat it very carefully with disinfectants.

To prevent erysipelas, any wounds must be disinfected immediately

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Treatment of erysipelas

Put correct diagnosis, appoint necessary therapy and only a doctor can advise how and with what folk remedies to treat erysipelas. You should not self-medicate. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, you must seek medical attention. medical care.

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What not to do if you have erysipelas

Completely excluded sunbathing and any ultraviolet radiation.
You cannot use ointments that improve blood circulation and decongestants, because the infection can spread throughout the body.
It is strictly forbidden to wash with water, wet the affected areas of the skin or apply compresses to them.

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Folk remedies

Traditional methods treatment for erysipelas is very good results. Mainly used are ointments, creams, lotions, powders that are used to treat the affected areas of the skin, and herbal decoctions for external and internal use. Traditional medicine also offers ways to treat erysipelas with spells and using a red rag.

  • Ointments and creams

Highly effective ointments and creams made from herbs in combination with honey, sour cream, unsalted butter or melted butter.
Mix coltsfoot leaves and chamomile flowers in equal proportions and add a little honey to them. Lubricate the areas affected by the disease with the resulting product.

Coltsfoot helps in treating the disease

An ointment made from fresh yarrow herb mixed with butter.

Prepare a mixture of sour cream and fresh leaves burdock, apply it to the sore spot.

Mix plantain leaves with honey and let it simmer a little over very low heat, then let the mixture sit and apply it to the affected area.

Prepare an ointment from ghee and fresh herbs medicinal rue and lubricate your skin with it.

Plantain leaves - excellent remedy from erysipelas

  • Powders and lotions

Grind sage leaves into powder and mix with chalk in equal proportions. Sprinkle the resulting product onto the area of ​​skin and bandage it. It is necessary to change the bandage approximately four times a day.

Apply hawthorn fruit pulp to the sore spot.

For lotions, you can use eucalyptus tincture on alcohol based.

You can simply apply one of the remedies to the inflamed area: plantain leaves sprinkled with chalk, burdock leaves smeared with sour cream, coltsfoot grass, crushed bird cherry or lilac bark.

  • Herbal collection

Mix equal parts coltsfoot leaves, chamomile and Crimean rose flowers, oak bark, elderberry flowers and fruits and common kirkazona grass. Take three large spoons of the mixture and dilute 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew and strain. It should be taken up to seven times a day, a quarter glass.

Herbal mixtures can be used internally or applied to the skin in the form of lotions.

In the old days, healers quite successfully treated erysipelas with folk remedies using a red rag. To do this, before dawn, sprinkle the sore spot with sifted chalk and wrap it in red cloth. The procedure must be repeated several days in the morning until sunrise.

Proven for centuries traditional methods Erysipelas treatments actually work and help relieve the symptoms of this terrible disease. But all of them are only an addition to the main therapy prescribed by the doctor. Traditional and traditional medicine in combination with each other they have a powerful effect and have a positive and lasting effect in the treatment of erysipelas of the skin.

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Video: treatment of erysipelas

Erysipelas of the skin is a severe and prone to frequent relapse disease of an infectious-allergic nature. Its development occurs against the background of damage to the epidermis by group A streptococcus. Pathogenic microorganisms can cause inflammation in all people age categories(even in babies).


Erysipelas develops due to a combination of several unfavorable factors:

  • Injured skin. The epidermis can become inflamed not only with massive trauma. This may happen after minor damage in the form of scratches, peeling, cuts.
  • Skin lesions pathogenic microorganisms. Erysipelas occurs due to hemolytic streptococcus A. It not only affects the skin, but also releases toxins that have a destructive effect on the entire human body.
  • Decreased immunity. Streptococcus can be present on the body of many healthy people and not cause any diseases. The development of erysipelas occurs against the background of a decrease in natural protective functions body. The reason is severe concomitant diseases, stress, smoking, alcoholism.

Erysipelas is a problem in developed countries and is practically not found among the population of Africa and South Asia.

Erysipelas most often develops in women over 50 years of age. Moreover, the disease can affect any person.

This pathology especially often develops against the background diabetes mellitus, HIV, cancer, at long-term use glucocorticosteroids.


From the moment streptococcus penetrates the wound until the development of the first symptoms, 5 days pass. The affected area of ​​the body becomes painful. Regardless of the location of the problem, the disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature. On the first day the readings are 38 °C, and on the following days - 40 °C. Streptococcus produces toxins, which causes intoxication of the body. This is manifested by the following signs:

  • weakness;
  • severe fatigue;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sweating;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light and sharp sounds.

Only 12 hours after the body temperature rises, symptoms of skin damage appear, which is manifested by redness. The problem area rises slightly above the surface. Most often it is limited by a kind of cushion, but if the body’s resistance to the bacterium is insignificant, this sign is absent.

Other symptoms of erysipelas include swelling and tenderness of the skin. Enlarged lymph nodes are observed near the source of inflammation. They become painful and dense to the touch.

The presented photo shows the differences between the uncomplicated form of erysipelas and the complicated one. In the latter case, blisters filled with pus or fluid and areas with hemorrhages form on the surface of the skin.

On the face

Erysipelas on the surface of the face are a common occurrence. This is because the skin on this part of the body is especially thin and susceptible to negative impact external factors. This leads to the strengthening of all unpleasant symptoms diseases:

  • When the skin of the face is affected, a person feels an increase in pain while chewing. This is especially felt when the problem is localized on the cheeks and lower jaw.
  • Severe swelling is observed on almost the entire surface of the face, and not just in the area affected by streptococcus.
  • Itching and burning appear in the areas affected by the disease.
  • When palpating the neck, pain is felt. This is a clear sign of damage to the lymph nodes.
  • Body temperature rises to 39-40 °C and can last for several days.
  • Due to severe intoxication, a person feels a loss of strength, nausea, and headache.

Inflammation of the scalp and face is potential danger for a person because high risk development of meningitis. Therefore, as a warning dangerous complications When you detect the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.

On my feet

The development of erysipelas on the skin of the legs is associated with non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. This creates ideal conditions for the propagation of streptococci. Therefore, even a minor wound is enough for symptoms of an infectious disease to appear:

Unlike lesions of the head, erysipelas on the surface of the legs is easier. The patient feels better and recovery occurs faster.

In my arms

Inflammation of the skin on the surface of the hands occurs infrequently. This is due to the fact that in this area of ​​the body the concentration of bacteria rarely increases to unacceptable levels. Most often, erysipelas can be transmitted from contaminated objects used to cut or puncture the skin.

Children and drug addicts are at risk of contracting erysipelas, which appears on the surface of the hands.

Inflammation of the skin is observed on different parts hands Painful lumps appear under the armpits, which indicates damage to the lymph nodes.


The development of erysipelas can be assumed based on initial examination and interviewing the patient. In the absence of concomitant diseases, the diagnosis can be confirmed using a routine general blood test, where changes in the following indicators are observed:

  • Swift increase in ESR. Normalization of indicators occurs only 3 weeks after treatment.
  • Decrease in the number of leukocytes. This result indicates that the immune system is suppressed by the infection.
  • Decreased levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Possible complications

Erysipelas can be contagious if a person has related problems with health. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly treat all identified pathologies.
This will also help prevent the development of life-threatening complications:


Treatment of erysipelas is most often carried out at home, but under the careful supervision of a doctor. The patient is admitted to the hospital only if a complication develops. This often occurs when there is inflammation in the hair growth area on the head or the surface of the face.


It is quite easy to cure erysipelas if you resort to complex therapy using several drugs:


Physiotherapy is additionally used to speed up recovery and reduce doses of aggressive medications. Ultraviolet radiation, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser or UHF help improve the condition of the skin and relieve the inflammatory process. Physiotherapy is important to prevent new outbreaks of erysipelas, which are observed in a quarter of patients.


Surgical intervention is performed only when life-threatening complications develop - abscesses, phlegmon, necrosis, or when a bullous form of the disease is detected.

The operation does not last long and most often local anesthesia. The doctor opens the abscesses, cleanses the tissues of purulent contents, followed by antibacterial therapy to prevent recurrent inflammation.

Traditional treatment

Traditional methods for uncomplicated erysipelas are no less effective than drug therapy. It is recommended to combine such remedies with medications prescribed by a doctor, which will produce the best effect..

For erysipelas, the following medications are used:

  1. Infusion of chamomile and coltsfoot. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions. Take a tablespoon of the prepared mixture per glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cooled. The infusion is used to treat all problem areas on the body.
  2. Rosehip oil ointment and Kalanchoe juice. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin when the acute inflammatory process has been eliminated. In such cases, the surface usually peels off, which can cause a relapse of the disease. The ointment will moisturize the skin and eliminate irritation.
  3. Calendula decoction. A tablespoon of plant material is poured into 235 ml of boiling water. The mixture is cooled and then used to treat inflamed areas.
  4. Natural cream with moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. Prepared from homemade sour cream and burdock leaves, which must first be crushed. The resulting cream is used to treat all problem areas in the morning and evening.

At the right approach After treatment, erysipelas goes away quite quickly and is not accompanied by complications.

Success largely depends on the state of the patient’s immunity. Therefore, to prevent relapses, which often occur after the first appearance of erysipelas, you need to carefully monitor your body and healthy image life.



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