How to have strong nerves. How to restore the psyche and strengthen the nervous system

In our article we will tell you how to strengthen the nervous system at home using traditional medicine.

Agree that modern life subjects our nervous system to enormous tests every day.

But all people are subject to stress, leading to nervous breakdowns.

And if you notice that stress has become a firm part of your life, then you need to think about how to prevent it.

The length of nerve fibers in the human body is 1 billion meters. Remember the statement that nerve cells do not regenerate? Don't trust him. After all, if this were true, then any unforeseen situations would simply lead us to a dead end.

And it would be very difficult to get out of them. In fact, the nerve fibers are restored, but very slowly. But in order for them not to collapse, you need to think about how to protect your nerves. And folk remedies will help with this.

Everyone knows the saying that all our diseases arise from nerves. You must remember that your health is only in your hands. You cannot allow it to be destroyed by strangers who can shout at you and insult you.

And if you don’t get something in life, then you need to try to achieve your goal. Remember, you cannot allow circumstances to control your life; it is you who must control your emotions and feelings.

Water perfectly calms the nerves. Water will help strengthen your immune system, reduce stress and calm you like nothing else. That is why in the summer, do not neglect any opportunity to swim in an open body of water or sunbathe.

But even if you decide to strengthen your nervous system in winter, water will come to your aid here too. You just need to take warm baths, adding decoctions of medicinal herbs to them. You can take chamomile, sandalwood, lavender. In order to prepare such a bath, take 100 g of herbs, pour 2 cups of boiling water over them, then strain and pour into the bath. While taking a bath, turn on music, light candles and relax.

You can also strengthen your nerves through nutrition.

In order for the nervous system to function without interruption, your diet must be varied. Include seafood, cereals, and wholemeal bread in your diet. Strawberries, bananas and, of course, chocolate are excellent mood boosters. It is the listed products that can improve your mood.

It is also important to drink soothing teas. Take 1 tsp. mixture of St. John's wort, oregano and valerian, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp there. honey - your mood will definitely improve.

Strengthen your nerves with folk remedies

You need to take infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a mild effect on the nervous system.
Here are some recipes for such herbal infusions:

  • 10 g of peppermint should be mixed with 30 g of oregano, 25 g of hawthorn, 20 g of sweet clover and 15 g of valerian root. Then take 3 tbsp. mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, take 100 ml of it before meals.
  • 3 tbsp. oregano should be put in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Do you take this remedy? glasses before meals in the morning and evening.
  • 2 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over valerian root and steam in a water bath. Then strain and take 100 ml after meals.
  • Everyone knows the properties of valerian, which tidies up the nervous system. If you use it systematically, you will protect your nervous system.
    Recipe: 10 g of dried valerian roots and rhizomes should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, then allowed to brew for 2 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Sports will help keep your nervous system and body in good shape. Physical exercise helps reduce fat reserves and remove toxins from the body. If you don’t have the opportunity to work out in gyms, don’t worry – you can work out at home or go for walks.

Nowadays, nervous disorders have become constant companions for most adults. The intense pace of life and constant stress depress and weaken the nervous system. First, irritability accumulates in us, then we become nervous, and over time, our nerves, as they say, give out.

Even if a person appears calm on the outside, the internal tension can be enormous. Proof of this - nervous system disorder, and in special cases - anger for any minor reason or for no reason.

Traditionally, diseases of the nervous system are considered all degrees, irritability, frequent headaches, depression, inflammation or pinched nerves. Of course, there are people who are naturally irritable, but for most people, irritability is a hint of impending neurosis.

A nervous state manifests itself in various ways in a person’s behavior - some tear paper into small pieces, others bite their nails, others stamp their feet, and others do not know where to put their hands. There are many manifestations, but the reason is the same everywhere - .

Nervous disorders can and should be treated as an addition to the complex treatment of other diseases. With this approach, recovery occurs much faster. If you do not forget to regularly restore the functioning of the nervous system with the help, then your health will soon improve significantly.

Most adults on the planet know what diseases of the nervous system are. Most often, our lifestyle is to blame for most nervous disorders. Every day we are exposed to varying degrees of stress, which cannot pass without leaving a trace. Diseases of the nervous system can take various forms - from headaches to seizures epilepsy . But no one is able to completely eliminate stress from their life. The maximum we can do is to reduce their number and strength to a minimum.

Strengthening the nervous system with traditional methods

There are many ways to strengthen the nervous system. In such cases, going to a sanatorium or resort, away from the everyday hustle and bustle, helps a lot. But this requires time and financial costs, which may not be affordable. In addition, using medications over a long period of time will only harm others. body systems.

In such cases, folk remedies will come to the rescue. knows many natural sedatives that are used for various diseases. So, for example, you can use the properties of most herbs. And another herb can even be used to treat various diseases - with a certain amount and method of preparation. Some folk remedies are very rare or grow only in certain areas, others are found literally on every corner. Common to all treatment cases is the advice to eat as many fruits as possible. They have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the nervous system. It is more difficult for city residents to find the necessary herbs, but do not forget about honey. It perfectly calms, relaxes, and relieves stress.

- a chronic disease of people in the older age group. It is caused by the destruction and subsequent death of neurons central nervous system. The disease is characterized by movement disorders , muscle rigidity . The disease is considered incurable, but existing treatment methods can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. He is treated in neurological clinics. And as additional remedies, traditional medicine can offer several recipes.

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of European ungulate root, pour in half a liter of cottonseed oil, infuse for 2 weeks in the sun. Used to rub the spine several times a day for up to 5 minutes. The course of treatment is completed in 1 month. After a month, the course can be repeated.
  • Mix and grind 20 g of white willow bark, burdock root, savory herb, thorn and yarrow flowers, and juniper fruits. 10 g of the collection is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 1-2 minutes, infused for 1 hour, filtered. Take 100-200 ml 3 times a day just before meals.
  • Throughout the day, instead of water, you can drink an infusion of ground rosehip seeds and European olive leaves. The collection is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Folk remedies for vegetative-vascular dystonia

– in most cases, a temporary disorder in the form of vascular neurosis with impaired arterial activity. Symptoms of vegetative-vascular disease can include fluctuations in blood pressure, spasms and relaxation of arterial walls.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is most often observed in young women. It is accompanied by poor sleep, weakness, loss of strength and changeable mood. To combat the disease, it is recommended to get rid of bad habits.

The best medicine for vegetative-vascular dystonia is physical training. In winter you can use skis or skates, in summer you can go swimming, rowing, volleyball, football, and gardening. In the off-season, long running and swimming are suitable. Playing sports perfectly relieves fatigue and irritability; A contrast shower can be a good help. Gymnastics using swing exercises is also recommended. You should consume mint, chamomile, 20-30 drops 2 times a day before meals.

The following folk remedies for vegetative-vascular dystonia are the most popular:

  • Crimean rose petals - 10 g, - 20 g, bearberry - 20 g, plantain leaves - 20 g, medicinal letter - 20 g, nettle - 30 g, rose hips - 40 g, strawberries - 60 g, horsetail - 60 g. 2 tbsp. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over spoons of this mixture and keep in a water bath for about 30 minutes. Leave and strain. Take warm after urination, 100-150 ml per day.
  • Strawberry leaves - 10 g, nettle - 10 g, white birch - 20 g, flax seed - 50 g. 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection are poured with a glass of boiling water. They insist for an hour. Take warm during the day, half an hour before meals. The course of this treatment lasts 1 - 2 months.
  • White birch leaves - 4 parts, sweet clover - 2 parts, strawberry leaves - 3 parts, cinquefoil - 3 parts, flax seed - 3 parts, mint leaves - 1 part, licorice - 4 parts, violet - 2 parts, jasmine - 4 parts. 2 tbsp. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over spoons of prepared raw materials. Leave for 6 hours, take 20 minutes before meals.

Remedies for chronic headaches

Most people have experienced chronic headaches. They are called or, or tension headaches. At migraines Everything irritates a person, he cannot sit still. With tension headaches, the whole head seems to hurt. The pain seems to be squeezing the head in a vice. Such pains are much more common than migraines. A person is designed in such a way that he constantly thinks about something and worries. Those who consider themselves happy have headaches much less often than those who are unhappy. Every person's brain has psychological defense mechanisms. If the number of negative emotions exceeds the number of positive ones, the system fails. An important part of protection is adequate sleep. Faith in God, love, and hobbies are also considered defense mechanisms.

Strengthening the nervous system with folk remedies helps to avoid frequent headaches. How to relieve a headache? It can be removed by applying a cold compress to the back of the head. Peppermint tea with honey also reduces pain.

The following relaxation exercises relieve headaches:

  • Sitting with your eyes closed, lean your head back on the headrest of the chair, you need to try to relax the frontal, temporal and chewing muscles, while you can open your mouth slightly.
  • Lying on your back; consistently relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders, back, chest, buttocks, thighs, calves, feet.
  • Breathe with your stomach: as you inhale, you need to inflate it, as you exhale, you need to pull it in; exhalation is twice as long as inhalation.

Such charging and discharging only takes 10-15 minutes, but the benefits from it can be enormous.

An infusion of thyme perfectly strengthens the nerves. 5 g of herb is poured into approximately 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 40 minutes in a tightly closed container. The infusion is taken 2-3 times a day for seven days, taking two-week breaks.

You also need to take . It is very important for brain function. It is found in rye bread, brewer's yeast, legumes, and liver. Green tea is a good stimulant; it does not have a negative effect on the brain. Headaches are relieved with a circular massage near the temples. Massage can be done with natural lavender or lemon oil.

A feeling of tension in the back of the head sometimes appears due to chronic neck muscles, fatigue. In such cases, massage of the neck muscles helps. You can try tilting your head all the way back for a few minutes. This reduces intracranial pressure, improves brain nutrition, and often brings relief.

Remedies for headaches:

  • Take valerian root, grind it and add cold water, leave for 10 hours, filter. Before use, add 3-5 drops of juice from the golden mustache leaf.
  • A pre-crushed cold sheet of golden mustache is applied to the temples for 5 - 7 minutes, then lemon peel is applied to the temples.
  • Fresh beet pulp helps. It is applied to the temples, alternating with the pulp from the stem of the golden mustache.
  • For migraines, take 150 g of grated horseradish, 1 large leaf of golden mustache, 0.5 kg of finely chopped oranges, 300 g of sugar and 1 liter of red wine. Boil in a water bath for an hour. Give 75 ml to drink 2 hours after meals.
  • Viburnum juice and fresh potato juice relieve headaches.
  • Lilac leaves will help relieve headaches if applied to the sore spot.

Treatment of depression and neuroses with traditional methods

Depression– a mental condition characterized by mental and physical disorders. This may be a depressed mood, decreased overall tone, slowness of all movements, sleep disturbances and digestion. An effective remedy for such conditions is to take a teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day before meals. And you can take it with oil and honey. It is important that the daily dose for prevention is 20 g, for treatment - 30 g.

The first symptoms of depression are irritability, sleep disturbances, depression, and decreased potency. Some begin to experience pressure drops, tachycardia, and an increased tendency to catch a cold. Many have been created to treat the disease, but none of them can become a universal remedy. Depression may be caused by a lack of vitamin B12. Studies have shown that if a person has a sufficient amount of this vitamin, the risk of depression is reduced by an order of magnitude. The source may be the liver, , kidneys, milk, eggs.

For depression and weakness, alternative medicine recommends the following remedies:

  • Pollen from honey plants is used as a tonic and strengthening agent.
  • Infusion of knotweed herb: 1 tbsp. spoon into 2 cups of boiling water, let steep for 1 hour. The decoction should be drunk before meals every day.
  • 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of mint leaves and cook for 10 minutes. Take half a glass in the morning and evening.
  • An infusion of black poplar leaves is used in the form of baths as a sedative.
  • You should also consume honey, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of neuralgia with folk remedies

is a disease that manifests itself as acute pain in the nerves themselves; the causes of this may be inflammation of the nerve itself, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the nerve, injury, infection, or sudden cooling.

Treatment of neuralgia with folk remedies turns out to be very effective. When treating neuralgia at home, use lemon juice. It is recommended to eat one or two small fruits daily for several days.

  • Apply fresh geranium leaves to the sore spots for 2 hours, wrapping them in a warm shawl. Leaves should be replaced with fresh ones 3 times during this time.
  • Chamomile flowers and mint leaves 1 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a spoon and leave for 1 hour. And they drink throughout the day. The course lasts 3 - 5 days.

Treatment of neurosis with folk remedies

Neurosis is a temporary disorder of the nervous system that occurs under the influence of acute or often long-term psychotraumatic factors. An important role here is played by severe illnesses suffered, exposure to radiation, etc. The main forms of neuroses are neurasthenia , obsessive-compulsive disorder , hysterical neurosis .

Neurasthenia is manifested by irritability, increased excitability, weakness, instability, and poor sleep. In response to frivolous remarks, a person may respond with a scream, but then quickly calms down, his conscience may begin to torment him, depression appears, and sometimes even tears are possible. At the very beginning of the disease, difficulties begin to arise with assimilation of information, the person is distracted, forgetful, and quickly gets tired. Possible autonomic disorders: sleep disturbances, sweating, fluctuations in blood pressure. Sometimes patients are lethargic, apathetic, depressed, and absent-minded.

For obsessive neurosis Characteristic thoughts, fears, and desires that arise regardless of the patient’s wishes. Their occurrence is preceded by prolonged fatigue, chronic intoxication, and infectious diseases.

Hysterical neurosis- resembles many diseases of the nervous system. The main manifestation is a hysterical attack. It occurs after suffering psychological trauma. The consciousness of such a patient is not completely disturbed; behavior varies from sobbing to laughter. In such patients, between attacks there is increased emotionality and unmotivated mood swings. A hysterical attack can only be stopped by exposure to strong stimuli: a slap in the face, an imperative cry, a tub of cold water. With timely professional help, neuroses can be completely cured. But without treatment, a protracted course of the disease, a persistent decrease in performance, and the formation of a neurotic personality are possible.

There are many ways to overcome neurosis. The very first thing is physical exercise, preferably in the fresh air. Of all the ways to help change your mood, aerobics should rightfully be considered the most effective. Researchers have discovered beneficial biochemical reactions that occur with exercise. The most beneficial are considered to be fast walking, running, and swimming. In a word, this is everything that stimulates the work of the heart and blood circulation, enriches the body with oxygen. You should do physical exercise for 20-30 minutes several times a week.

Psychologists think that color is of no small importance for the brain, and can be as important as vitamins for the body. For example. To reduce irritation, you need to avoid the color red. If you are in a bad mood, you should not surround yourself with dark colors. It is better to choose bright, warm, pure colors. To relieve tension, we can recommend looking at neutral tones - greenish, soft blue. You can also organize a phytodesign of pastel ornamental plants in your workspace, select a painting, or replace the wallpaper.

Plays an important role musical accompaniment. Music should be selected according to the mood, gradually the nature of the music can be changed in accordance with the desired change in mood. Simple music can have the most powerful effect. Therefore, you should prefer romances, sketches, songs.

In France, specialists music therapy They conduct special testing, determine a melody that corresponds to the patient’s state of mind, then select a melody designed to contrast the effect of the first melody, seemingly neutralizing it. It should be an airy, bright melody, comforting, inspiring hope. And finally, the third piece completes the complex - it is chosen in such a way that the sound has the greatest emotional impact. It can be dynamic music, it should inspire confidence.

You can't deny yourself pleasure. If you really want to, you can treat yourself by eating something sweet. And only 150-200 g of carbohydrates will be enough to calm you down. Also, protein foods can bring the desired effect - chicken, fish, shellfish, lean beef and veal. It is better not to drink coffee and strong tea, as well as drinks containing caffeine - Coca-Cola, Pepsi and many others. They are based on extracts from cola nuts, which are rich in caffeine and, as well as coca leaves, which contain cocaine. Everyone knows the direct correlation between taking large amounts of caffeine and worsening depression, irritability and anxiety. Treatment of neurosis with folk remedies helps well with all types of neuroses.

  • Grape juice and a piece of salted fish help with fatigue
  • You can prepare a hot dessert from a glass of hot milk, yolk and sugar
  • Ground walnuts with honey, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon three times a day for 1-3 weeks
  • The diet includes foods that contain iodine - seaweed, serviceberry fruits, feijoa.
  • In the evenings, you can take a 15% infusion of motherwort herb for a month.

Traditional medicine offers enough remedies to improve mood, sleep, and relieve stress. Everyone can choose the most effective remedy for themselves.

  • For general weakness, patients with neurasthenia are recommended to pour 1 teaspoon of verbena herb into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, take small sips throughout the day.
  • Hawthorn flowers, lemon balm herb, catnip herb, valerian root, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 3-4 hours, strain and take 200 ml an hour before meals 3 times a day in case of nervous excitement.
  • A glass of hot milk, a dessert spoon of chamomile flowers, leave for 30 - 40 minutes, then strain and drink, adding 1 teaspoon of honey. This medicine is taken for 2 weeks, after which improvement in sleep is observed.
  • In addition to a large amount of vitamins, tea made from wild strawberry leaves significantly improves sleep. This tea is drunk a glass 2 times a day and before bedtime for 1-1.5 months.
  • For neurasthenia, in the morning and evening you should consume 30-50 g of honey, to which add 1 tsp. spoons of royal jelly and 1 teaspoon of iron preparation sold at the pharmacy.

We can't escape stress. But you can learn to strengthen your nerves and quickly normalize your psyche. This will help avoid serious complications and chronic illnesses. Modern techniques, medications and folk remedies will help balance your state of mind.

Professor Katsuzo Nishi considers nervous strength to be a source of enthusiasm and happiness. He developed 7 “strong man rules” that will help restore, accumulate and maintain nerve health:

  1. Don't be afraid to face your fears. Exposed, they leave forever.
  2. Be determined to let go of the burden of past failures. This will help quickly restore peace of mind.
  3. To conserve your energy, learn to let go of resentment.
  4. Think only about good things. The nervous system cannot withstand the onslaught of negative thoughts.
  5. Do not deny yourself daily pleasures. A trip to the theater, a meeting with friends, an interesting book - all this restores spiritual harmony.
  6. Help people. This way you can improve your relationship with them. Remember: love and friendship are the best prevention for the psyche.
  7. Constantly tell yourself that everything is fine with you. This is important for restoring internal balance and strengthening the nerves.

By following these rules, you can quickly correct your lost mental balance and strengthen your central nervous system.

How to improve brain function with vitamins

CNS cells need proper nutrition. The most important role in it is played by the following groups of vitamins:

  1. A – prolongs the youth of the body, strengthens the membranes of neurons; its sources are egg yolk, dried apricots, carrots, red meat.
  2. B1, B6, B12 – vitamins that restore metabolism, strengthen stress resistance, improve sleep and mood; found in cereals, seaweed, nuts, beans, bananas, liver, potatoes, prunes, seafood, beef.
  3. C – gives strength, helps increase resistance to diseases, strengthens nerve cells; Citrus fruits, melons, spinach, and tomatoes are considered storehouses of this vitamin;
  4. D – is responsible for a positive attitude, promotes exit from; found in egg yolk, butter, fish oil.
  5. E – saturates the brain with oxygen, allowing you to quickly recover from stress; foods rich in this vitamin: sunflower oil, nuts, eggs.

Strengthening the nervous system with minerals

In addition to vitamins, normal brain function requires a complex of microelements. It includes:

  • phosphorus is a neuron generator found in cucumbers, beans, eggs, fish, mushrooms, and wheat grains;
  • sulfur is a source of oxygen contained in cucumbers, almonds, radishes, garlic, strawberries, and onions;
  • zinc is a natural antidepressant extracted by nerve cells from sprouted wheat and bran;
  • calcium is a mineral that helps restore nerve cells in muscles; Dairy products, many fruits and vegetables are rich in calcium;
  • iron is a substance that ensures the restoration of energy balance; found in mushrooms, fish, apples, green vegetables;
  • magnesium is a nerve calmer found in almonds, chocolate, and chicory.

How to cure neurosis with medications

Modern pharmacology has a large arsenal of drugs that are ready to help the nervous system return to normal. It’s just important not to self-medicate.

Medicines prescribed for neuroses:

  • Barbovalum – an effective fighter against nervous tension and high blood pressure
  • Valocordin is a drug that saves you from fears and relieves anxiety
  • Adaptol – a medicine against anxiety and irritability with a hypnotic effect
  • Afobazol is a medication for adults that improves attention and memory, prevents dizziness, and relieves stress.

Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

After a difficult day, it is quite possible to recover with the help of folk remedies. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • take a bath with essential oils and sea salt;
  • drink tea with lemon balm or mint;
  • prevent insomnia with a tincture of hop cones with honey.

How to strengthen a child's nervous system

Training a child’s resistance to various stress factors is the task of wise parents. The child’s nervous system is still weak: it needs reliable protection. It is impossible to protect a child from all problems, but it is possible and necessary to teach him to adapt to unfavorable conditions.

Here are the skills that a child should acquire before school:

  • the art of self-hypnosis, driving away “bad” thoughts and obsessive childhood fears;
  • relaxation techniques that allow you to unwind after stress;
  • art therapy, which helps to throw out negativity on a piece of paper while drawing.

The nervous system of modern man is constantly exposed to stress. Residents of large cities encounter them especially often, where the rhythm of life is often simply exhausting. Frequent stress often leads to people not only suffering mentally, but also developing or exacerbating chronic somatic diseases. You can maintain your health only by taking adequate measures to strengthen your nervous system. In some cases, the help of a qualified psychotherapist or neurologist is required.

Basic measures to strengthen the nervous system

In order to increase resistance to stress, it is recommended:

  • physical exercise;
  • hardening;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • proper nutrition;
  • herbal medicines;
  • pharmacological agents;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • individual and group psychotherapy;
  • auto-training and relaxation techniques.

Quitting bad habits

To stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, it is necessary first of all to rid the body of chronic intoxication, that is, to abandon and minimize.

Ethanol is one of the most dangerous poisons for nerve cells. It stimulates excitation processes and disrupts inhibition, which quickly leads to overload. Regular consumption of alcohol, even in small amounts, over time leads to the formation of severe brain damage - alcoholic encephalopathy. In a person with this pathology, the ability to concentrate sharply suffers and performance decreases.

Smoking also has a very negative effect on the functional activity of the nervous system, since nicotine causes vasoconstriction. This in turn leads to oxygen starvation and even death of cells in the cerebral cortex. Both alcohol and smoking are leading predisposing factors in the development of strokes, after which restoration of the functions of the nervous system in full is often impossible.

Important:You should not take medications containing psychoactive substances without a doctor’s prescription. Their use temporarily “stimulates” the nervous system, forcing it to work in emergency mode. But excitement is quickly replaced by severe exhaustion, which often results in mental disorders.

Daily routine

Nervous and physical fatigue should be avoided whenever possible. The daily routine needs to be optimized. An adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day for proper rest. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time (including on weekends).

There is no need to stay late at work unless absolutely necessary. It is workaholics who most often experience nervous breakdowns due to chronic overwork and stress.

Please note: restoration of the nervous system is best facilitated by sleep from 10-11 pm to 7 am.

Proper nutrition

Most people need to reconsider their diet. Frequent “snacks on the run” and consumption of unhealthy foods (in particular, fast food) have the most negative impact on the general condition of the body. It is recommended to pay special attention to and include as many vitamins as possible in the daily menu.

Please note:The best antidepressant foods are chocolate and citrus fruits.

Essential Nutrients

Protein is useful for higher nervous activity - both plant and animal.. Protein compounds help improve memory and increase reflex activity.

Best sources of protein:

  • and dairy products;
  • and other legumes;
  • chicken meat;
  • egg yolks;
  • fish and seafood.

Moderate consumption of fats (especially vegetable fats) is also very important, since the fatty acids they contain increase emotional stability.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for brain cells. Their deficiency causes fatigue, daytime sleepiness, deterioration in memory ability, and even periodic headaches. Carbohydrate compounds, present in large quantities in cereals, are especially useful.

The most important vitamins

Normal functioning of the nervous system is impossible with hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency).

Vitamin B1 improves attention, stabilizes emotional state (reduces nervousness and irritability), normalizes sleep and increases stress resistance. Products high in B1 are egg yolk, cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal), beef and pork liver, seaweed, bran and legumes.

B6 helps cope with sleep disorders and improves mood. This vitamin is abundant in potatoes, bananas, beef, baked goods made from wheat flour, prunes and natural orange juice.

To normalize the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in the nervous system, in some cases pharmacological agents such as Novo-Passit and Persen are indicated. They are created on a natural basis and are characterized by excellent tolerability (almost complete absence of side effects).

Drugs that are prescribed to strengthen the nervous system:

  • Barboval;
  • Valocordin;
  • Afobazole;
  • Adaptol;

Important:Before you start using even the most “harmless” medications (including herbal decoctions), it is advisable to consult a doctor about contraindications.

For serious nervous disorders, the doctor may prescribe drugs from the group. When taking them, you should strictly follow the prescribed dosage.

Psychophysical techniques

General massage and acupressure self-massage of biologically active (acupuncture) points help to relax, relieve fatigue and strengthen the nervous system.

Please note:Acupuncture promotes rapid recovery of the body. Manipulations should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

A very effective and common method of relaxation is yoga. You can practice it on your own, but it’s better to practice it in groups under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Exercises from the traditional Chinese schools of wushu and qigong help strengthen the body and spirit.

It is advisable to alternate gymnastic exercises with meditative practices that involve complete relaxation and temporary withdrawal.

Important:Avoid dubious “personal growth” seminars. Their advertising often promises a solution to all psycho-emotional problems and the achievement of complete harmony, but in reality for many people everything turns into severe nervous breakdowns requiring the help of psychiatrists.

Do you need a doctor's help?

In some cases, a person cannot independently cope with stress and its consequences. If even a long rest does not provide complete restoration of the nervous system, this is a reason to seek help from a psychotherapist or neurologist. In most cases, only a few sessions of group or individual psychotherapy are sufficient to significantly improve the psycho-emotional state.

The help of a narcologist is needed if you cannot get rid of a bad habit on your own. A nutritionist will advise you on what adjustments you need to make to your diet. The task of a physical therapy specialist is to select a set of physical exercises taking into account the individual (age and physical) characteristics of the patient.

Plisov Vladimir, medical observer

In modern man, the nervous system is constantly under stress. This is especially true for people in large cities, when the rhythm of life is very exhausting. Constant stress often leads to the fact that a person’s nervous system is not only disrupted, but also somatic chronic diseases become aggravated or develop.

To improve your resistance to stress, the following is recommended:

First of all, in order to calm the nerves, you need to rid the body of chronic intoxication, that is, minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages and give up cigarettes.

Ethanol is the most dangerous poison for nerve cells, as it disrupts inhibition and activates excitation processes, which quickly leads to overload.

Constant consumption of alcohol, even in small quantities, over time leads to the development of complex brain damage - alcoholic encephalopathy. People with this disease experience decreased performance, impaired ability to concentrate, and sharply impaired memory.

Smoking also has a rather negative effect on the functional functioning of the nervous system, since nicotine constricts blood vessels. Which, in turn, leads to the death of cells in the cerebral cortex and oxygen starvation.

Both smoking and alcohol are the main predisposing factors for the occurrence of strokes, after which it is often impossible to fully restore the functions of the nervous system.

If possible, you need to prevent your physical and nervous fatigue. It is imperative to optimize your daily routine. For proper rest, an adult needs at least 7–8 hours of sleep per day.

Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time(including on weekends). There is no need to stay late at work unless absolutely necessary. It is workaholics who, against the background of chronic stress and overwork, most often experience nervous breakdowns.

How to cure nerves with proper nutrition

Many people need to reconsider their daily diet. Frequent consumption of unhealthy foods (fast food, in particular) and “snacks on the run” have the most negative impact on the overall well-being of the body.

You need to pay great attention to foods that increase stress resistance, and include as many vitamins in your diet as possible. The best antidepressant products are considered citrus fruits, bananas and chocolate.

Essential Nutrients

Protein is required for normal nervous activity - both animal and plant origin. Proteins will help increase reflex activity and improve memory. Best sources of protein:

Moderate eating fat(especially vegetable ones) is also important, since the fatty acids they contain improve emotional stability.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy to nourish the brain of the head. Their deficiency causes daytime sleepiness, increased fatigue, periodic headaches and deterioration in memory ability. Carbohydrates, which are found in large quantities in cereals, are even more beneficial.

Essential vitamins

Normal functioning of the nervous system with hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins) is simply impossible.

Need to remember about microelements. Phosphorus is especially important for nerve cells; there is a lot of it in cheese, fish (especially sea fish), peas, beans, buckwheat and eggs.

Hardening the body

Hardening involves dosed periodic action on the body of various physical factors. The most accessible and widespread method is considered dousing and wiping with cold water.

The water temperature must be gradually reduced, and duration of procedures – increase. The main role is played not by the strength of the stimulus, but by the duration of its action.

Hardening stimulates mental activity, increases physical endurance and performance. It is important that the procedures are daily, this is the only way the body can adapt to them.

One of the factors that has a positive effect on all human systems and organs is moderate ultraviolet radiation. In summer it is necessary sunbathe for 12–15 minutes every day. In winter, it is advisable to go to the solarium. It is important to do everything in moderation!


Moderate physical activity is of great importance to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Morning exercises very useful for strengthening the body.

Exercises are best done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. If possible, you should go to the gym several times a week.

It is useful to take short breaks throughout the day to perform simple exercises, especially important for people who work in a constantly sedentary position.

Helps prevent nervous system exhaustion alternation of physical and mental loads This allows you to prevent the onset of stress and restore the energy potential of cells.

An affordable and simple option for strengthening nerves are simple evening walks for half an hour at a calm pace. They are great for helping you recover after a busy day at work. It is advisable to take a walk just before going to bed, and then take a shower and go to bed.

Remedies from the group of medicinal plants help improve mental and emotional well-being. Herbs with a sedative (calming) mild effect can help prevent stress, as well as cope with irritability and fatigue. This includes valerian, motherwort, peppermint and Melissa. You can make your own infusions and decoctions from these herbs. In pharmacies you can buy herbal medicines in the form of dry extracts in tablets and alcohol tinctures (they must be used with caution).

Helps you cope with apathy and improve your vitality Eleutherococcus, Echinacea and Schisandra. To restore the balance of inhibition in the nervous system and excitation processes, pharmacological drugs such as Persen and Novo-Passit are sometimes prescribed.

These drugs are made on a natural basis and are well tolerated (almost complete absence of side effects). Medicines prescribed to strengthen the nervous system:

  • Valocordin;
  • Barboval;
  • Adaptol;
  • Afobazol.

For significant nervous disorders, the doctor may prescribe medications from the group of antidepressants. When using these drugs you should strictly adhere to prescribed doses.

Acupressure self-massage of biological active points or a general massage can help strengthen the nervous system, relieve fatigue and relax.

A fairly common and effective way to relax considered yoga. You can practice these exercises yourself, but preferably in groups under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Traditional foods help strengthen the mind and body exercises of the Chinese schools of qigong and wushu. Gymnastic exercises are best performed in turn with meditative practices, which involve temporary withdrawal “within oneself” and complete relaxation.

The main thing is avoid questionable groups"personal growth" Often their advertising claims to achieve complete harmony and any solutions to mental and emotional problems, but in reality for most people everything turns into severe nervous breakdowns that require treatment from psychiatrists.

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche of a child

Often, a child’s nervous system suffers due to a lack of minerals and vitamins of certain groups. Thus, children are most susceptible to nervous exhaustion if there is a calcium deficiency in their body. At the same time, the child becomes more restless, nervous and irritable. Naturally, you can give children a complex of vitamins that contain calcium, however, do not forget about good nutrition. A child’s daily menu must include fermented milk products.

In children, excessive arousal and rapid fatigue can contribute to lack of B vitamins. In order to improve attention in children, strengthen the nervous system and increase their performance, you need to include seafood, meat, dairy products and beans in your diet.

Do not forget that the child will be inattentive and quickly get tired during the day when he did not have a nutritious and satisfying breakfast. You also need to remember to give your child a handful of nuts in the morning, this will strengthen the nervous system.

But dinner should be lighter, and eating in the evening should occur no later than 3 hours before bedtime so that the baby does not go to bed on a full stomach, otherwise there can be no question of any healthy rest at night.

Nothing can help strengthen children's nervous system better than entertainment and relaxation. Take more family outings into nature, spend time with children outdoors, where you can play active games.

On vacation children must rest, do not overload them with tasks when you see that the child is overtired. Make sure that your child does not spend a lot of time near the computer playing games. Computer battles significantly overload the child’s psyche and brain, which does not help strengthen the nervous system at all.

And only this comprehensive approach (full rest, taking a vitamin complex and a balanced nutritious diet) will help you solve the problem of how to strengthen the child’s nervous system.

What conclusion can be drawn from what has been said? If we pay attention to all of the above aspects of our life and correct them, then life will be filled new positive emotions, will sparkle with new colors, and nervousness, irritability, dissatisfaction with others or oneself, and depression will simply disappear. New energy will appear that will help you rush into a new life completely without reserve.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs