Outline general measures to combat helminthiasis in animals. Methods for neutralizing invasive elements in the external environment

Main features of the fight against helminthiasis. K.I. Scriabin back in 1925 sharply raised the question of the preventive orientation of helminthological practice, putting forward the principle of deworming, which means not only the removal of helminths from the body and their destruction, but also the neutralization of elements of the external environment from eggs and larvae of helminths; deworming of the source of invasion should be massive and systematic. K.I. Scriabin put forward the thesis about preimaginal deworming, which is safe from an epidemiological point of view. In 1945, K.I. Scriabin substantiated the principle of devastation, the final stage in the development of a strategy for combating helminthiasis - the destruction of helminths everywhere at all stages of their development.

E. S. Leikina drew attention to the complexity and differentiation of health measures, the identification of leading measures for each helminthiasis or epidemiologically close group of helminthiases. So, for example, for ascariasis - sanitary, for hookworm and intestinal taeniasis, diphyllobothriasis - therapeutic and prophylactic, for contact helminthiasis - hygienic. But for all helminthiases, sanitary and educational measures and monitoring of the epidemiological effectiveness of measures are mandatory.

Since 1955, planned activities to combat helminthiases have been resumed on a much larger scale. In Georgia, under the leadership of G. M. Maruashvili and G. N. Gordadze, work was carried out to sharply reduce ascariasis in the entire administrative region. Similar measures were taken by the Institute. E.I. Martsinovsky together with a rural medical district in one of the districts of the Moscow region. In Ukraine, using the methodology we developed, in many settlements of a number of regions, the high incidence of this helminthiasis, as well as the incidence of hookworm disease in the mines of the Central Asian republics, was reduced. The spread of hookworm disease in the mines of Donbass (under the leadership of E. S. Shulman) was prevented and foci of these helminthiasis were eliminated in some mountainous regions of Adjara, the incidence of hookworm disease in the Gudauta region was reduced, and the incidence of hymenolepidosis and enterobiasis in children's institutions of Zaporozhye sharply decreased. During this period, experience has accumulated in the fight against helminthiasis in various physical, geographical and social conditions.

It was decided to direct the fight against helminthiasis to organize a set of health-improving measures in populated areas that are hotbeds of helminthiasis.

Resolution "On measures for further improvement medical care and protection of public health" and the order of the Ministry of Health set the task of eliminating all foci of teniarynchosis, hookworm disease and sharp decline ascariasis in compliance with the principles of planning, mass, and complexity.

Principles of struggle. Sanitary and epidemiological authorities approve plans for anti-helminthic measures, in accordance with the characteristics of the epidemiology of helminthiases, for republics and regions, districts and settlements. Action plans are drawn up for the five-year period and for each year locally and are adjusted by higher authorities. The mass scale of events is achieved by coverage large groups population.

In Georgia, the first measures to eliminate hookworm disease and reduce ascariasis began to be carried out in all affected areas at the same time, the same was done in Uzbekistan when implementing measures to eliminate teniarinchiasis.

Everyone participates in the events medical workers and the population involved through the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and activists.

The fight against helminthiasis is carried out in the form of a complex of therapeutic and sanitary measures jointly by departments: health, agriculture in the veterinary and agrotechnical industries, public utilities, education, public catering and the fishing industry, mining and other industries. Biologists and zoologists also take part in the work to combat a number of helminth infections. Finally, there is a need for complexity in the work between representatives of all therapeutic and preventive medical specialties.

The successful implementation of therapeutic and sanitary measures requires the development of new, more effective and convenient for mass use methods of chemotherapy and physiotherapy for helminthiasis and methods for destroying eggs and larvae.

The main task in the fight against helminthiases is to identify, record and describe all foci with the establishment of epidemiological connections between them and the immediate implementation of health-improving measures in them.

General methods of organizing the fight against helminth infections. General methods Organizations of antihelminthic measures are:

1. Operational management and control over their implementation.

2. Carrying out a complex of medical and sanitary measures by the general medical medical network under the leadership of sanitary-epidemiological stations (sanitary-epidemiological departments of hospitals) with special attention to persons with pronounced manifestations illness; This means not only their recovery, but also the prevention of economic damage.

Mass helminth-ovocoprological laboratory tests carried out by clinical diagnostic laboratories. In rural district hospitals, it is recommended to assign one of the paramedical workers to conduct helminthological and other (simple) clinical diagnostic studies.

District medical staff conducts a comprehensive survey of the sanitary condition of populated areas with a detailed examination of each residential estate and the simultaneous conduct of family-based sanitary and educational work, as well as the identification of measures to improve the sanitary condition and the timing of their implementation, with timely monitoring of the work by the SES.

Local medical personnel carry out routine deworming door-to-door or at the local hospital, followed by dispensary observation.

The district sanitary-epidemiological station conducts random helminthological examinations to determine the degree of contamination of environmental elements and sanitary-helminthological monitoring of the effectiveness of measures.

3. Identification of patients with helminthiasis and their treatment among certain groups (children in groups, employees of food enterprises and child care institutions, patients and medical personnel in hospitals of all profiles, outpatients according to indications, pregnant and breastfeeding women, miners, livestock workers, etc.) .

4. The following is carried out: a) extensive sanitary and educational work and taking into account its effectiveness through systematic sample surveys of the population regarding their familiarity with measures to prevent helminthiases and monitoring them living conditions; b) training of sanitary activists; c) improving the helminthological qualifications of medical workers at seminars and through daily instruction at the place of work with an annual knowledge test; healthcare workers should pay great attention identifying patients with helminthiases in hospitals and at outpatient appointments; d) discussion and adoption of plans for health-improving anthelmintic measures local councils deputies, the board of collective farms, the directorate of state farms, schools, industrial enterprises etc.

5. Accounting and analysis of activities to determine them healing effect and epidemiological effectiveness, carried out at all levels of work - from the medical station and paramedic station to the republican Ministry of Health.

6. Studying best practices by getting acquainted with it in the field.

Microorganisms are not visible to human eye, they can be detected using laboratory tests.

  • bloating;
  • noticeable loss of appetite;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • soreness in the navel area;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weakness in the body.

Symptoms may last for 2-3 weeks, then if left untreated, the disease may progress to chronic form, which is characterized by the absence obvious signs. This form can only be discovered after clinical studies.

In some cases, Giardia may not manifest itself in any way and is discovered by chance - during a preventive examination.

How to effectively treat Giardia is determined by the doctor after detailed research analyses. Self-medication can be dangerous to health.


Before you pick the right medicine from Giardia, the doctor carries out diagnostic measures.

During the course of treatment, additional research, during which the effectiveness of the drugs used is noted. The final analysis is done 2 weeks after full course treatment as a control check of the results.

Children are most susceptible to infection due to poor hygiene and an unformed immune system.

Treatment regimen for helminthic infestation

Infection of a person with helminths may be accompanied by fungal diseases, in which case the attending physician prescribes a course of antifungal drugs.

Popular anti-worm medications

The medicine for Giardia in adults has stronger active ingredients than the medicine for children. In case of infection, children are prescribed a gentle course of treatment.

To maintain gastrointestinal tract during the reception potent drugs probiotics are prescribed, such as Enterol, Mezim and others.

Treating Giardia in adults is much easier than in children, as follows: acceptable drugs much wider. A formed body tolerates drug intervention more easily, side effects manifest themselves in in rare cases.

Medicines for children

Drugs for the treatment of giardiasis in children have a lower dosage of the active substance to exclude harmful effects on the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor and includes the following medications:

  • Vermox;
  • Tanakan.

Important! The doctor selects the dosage based on the child’s age, weight and degree of infection.

Unauthorized treatment can lead to complications from the gastrointestinal system, heart and liver.

Many drugs for Giardia can cause allergic reactions, therefore, drugs such as Cetrin, Loratadine, Diazolin are prescribed with them.

Upon completion active treatment medications must be taken for a month special diet and saturate the body with vitamins.

Contraindications for use

Therefore, any remedy for Giardia worms has the following contraindications:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • some cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and genitourinary system;
  • alcoholism;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

Side effects

There are no medications that do not have side effects.

Active substance in anti-helminth preparations large doses is toxic, the following side effects may occur when consumed:

  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • insomnia or, conversely, increased sleepiness;
  • digestive tract disorders;
  • in rare cases, seizures;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • candidiasis in women;
  • feeling of dry mouth.

In case strong manifestations side effects, it is necessary to seek additional advice from a doctor for effective selection of therapy.

Poor health associated with taking medications may be due to a long course of treatment.

Preventive measures

There are no specific measures against giardiasis infection. You can protect yourself from invasion by following simple rules personal hygiene:

  • Drink only boiled, filtered or bottled water;
  • food products such as meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals must be thoroughly washed before cooking;
  • Swimming in polluted waters is prohibited;
  • restriction of food on the street;
  • stop children from biting their nails and pencils.

If you have animals at home, especially if they have access to the street, it is necessary to take anti-helminth medications once every six months as a preventive measure.

Treatment of giardiasis with folk remedies

In combination with medications, treatment can occur using folk remedies. To do this, a power mode is established that excludes fatty foods, fast carbohydrates and reduces the amount of sugar consumed.

Products such as cranberries are introduced into the diet, sauerkraut, fermented milk products to increase the acidity of the digestive tract.

Alternative treatment is carried out by using the following means:

  1. Infusions of herbs that have a good choleretic effect - mint, immortelle, milk thistle, tansy.
  2. Mineral waters - Essentuki 17, Borjomi, Narzan.
  3. Wormwood contains substances that help cleanse the body of helminths. To prepare the infusion, 1 tbsp is required. herbs for 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 40 minutes, then you can consume 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach.
  4. Viburnum berries, 1 glass daily, for 10 days.

How to deal with worms in adults?

However, despite all prevention methods, these uninvited guests can settle in with you. Helminths are more common in children, but this does not mean that adults can avoid this fate.

  • 1 Ways to fight worms
  • 2 Medicines for helminthiasis
  • 3 Folk remedies for helminthiasis

Ways to fight worms

All methods of combating worms can be divided into:

Many doctors who are of the opinion that it is quite difficult to detect worms in the human body using tests and prescribe preventive courses. They are guided, as a rule, by the symptoms of the presence of worms in the human body: itching in the area anus, diarrhea, constipation, anemia, rash and others.

Medicines are prescribed for the treatment of adults mainly in tablet form; for the treatment of children it can be in the form of a suspension. These drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription. During pregnancy, such drugs can cause fetal death.

It is also not recommended to take them in case of cholelithiasis, individual intolerance to one of the components, breastfeeding. Prescription of medications for helminthiasis in humans must be issued by the attending physician.

Folk recipes have been used since ancient times. However, these drugs should not be used thoughtlessly to treat helminthiasis in humans. Since some plants are quite toxic (for example: tansy) and when improper treatment may cause harm. IN folk recipes You can find taking folk remedies both internally and in the form of enemas. They also have a number of contraindications and side effects, this should not be forgotten either.

Medicines for helminthiasis

The most common drugs prescribed for worms:

  • Mebendazole;
  • Wormil;
  • Vermox;
  • Aldazole;
  • Decaris.

These drugs are more effective for humans than folk remedies, which sometimes cannot cope with a large number helminths in the body.

Mebendazole and Vormil are drugs that have wide range actions and, as a rule, are well tolerated by the human body. Sometimes possible side effects: diarrhea, constipation, headache. Allowed for children from two years of age. Pregnant, lactating, serious illnesses liver and intestines - taking this drug is not allowed.

Vermox kills pinworms, roundworms and whipworms. May reduce the level of white blood cells and red blood cells in human blood, use with caution when diabetes mellitus. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for Mebendazole.

Aldazole is the least toxic and has a wide spectrum of action. Approved for use by children over 3 years of age and adults. While taking it, attention was impaired, so experts do not recommend driving while taking it. You should be careful when taking it to people with liver failure. Do not take during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Decaris is effective against enterobiasis and ascariasis. In addition, its action includes stimulation of the immune system. Children are allowed to take it. Not recommended: for pregnant women, nursing mothers and persons with individual intolerance.

Folk remedies for helminthiasis

Folk remedies can be used internally: in dry form and in the form of tinctures. Also, this group of drugs for the fight against helminths can be used in the form of enemas.

The following products are accepted in dry form:

  • carnation;
  • wormwood;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • plum kernels;
  • coriander seeds.

Black baker's cloves are suitable for killing worms. It can be crushed by anyone in a convenient way, it is best to do this in a coffee grinder and take 1/8 teaspoon of it for two weeks (the dosage is indicated for an adult). You need to drink it on an empty stomach.

Wormwood citvar can be used with childhood after consulting a doctor. Gastrointestinal diseases and renal failure. It is also not allowed to take this remedy with febrile illnesses. Side effects in the form of vomiting, weakness, diarrhea are not excluded. The dosage varies depending on the age of the patient. First, wormwood inflorescences are taken (1 day), and then cypress seed (2-3 days). When taking them, a diet and a laxative with a slight laxative effect at night are recommended. It is allowed to mix the product with food. This course it is necessary to carry out 3 times with breaks of 1 day.

Pumpkin seeds are taken in the morning on an empty stomach. They need to be eaten a little at a time, over the course of one hour. After three hours, it is recommended to drink a laxative, and another thirty minutes after that, do a cleansing enema. After which food intake is allowed. For adults, you need to take three hundred grams of seeds, which need to be mashed in a mortar, add 50 or 100 grams of honey (you can use any jam) and mix well. Enemas are recommended 2 days before the start of the course.

Grind the kernels of fruits such as plums in a coffee grinder. This will require 20 grams of seeds. This powder should be taken once 1.5 hours before meals and washed down with a glass of warm water 10 minutes later. boiled water. Before ingestion, coriander seeds must be thoroughly fried in a frying pan and then crushed to a powder. This remedy must be taken for thirty days, one gram 30 minutes before meals. Chopped coriander should be drunk three times a day.

For decoctions of tinctures use: walnuts, garlic, tansy flowers, pumpkin seeds. Here are some easy recipes:

  • you need to take 250 grams of crushed partitions walnut, add one glass of vodka. This tincture must infuse for 24 hours. It must be taken in the morning before the first meal according to the following scheme: day 1 - 5 drops, day 2 - 10, day 3 - 20 drops;
  • take one teaspoon of chopped garlic, add one glass of milk (low-fat). Boil this mixture over low heat for about two minutes. Afterwards, strain it and take it on an empty stomach. On the day of taking this drug, you are allowed to eat only mashed potatoes.

Wormwood and garlic can be used for enemas. You can use the following recipe: chop one large clove of garlic and add one glass of warm boiled water, wrap and leave for two hours. Strain and do an enema twice a day - morning and evening.

You should not experiment with helminthiasis with recipes and medicines during pregnancy, breastfeeding, for the treatment of children and serious illnesses internal organs. Treatment in such cases must be prescribed only by a doctor!

Types of helminths

Depending on the transmission of infection, there are the following groups helminths:

  • Geohelminthiasis - helminth is transmitted through objects inanimate nature: water, soil, greens and food (trichocephalosis).
  • Biohelmentosis - worms are transmitted from animals, mollusks, birds or fish, in which they undergo a certain stage of development (opisthorchiasis).
  • Contact - the helminth is transmitted from an adult sick person to another person through touch or an object touched by the patient (enterobiasis).
  • Transmissible - insects are carriers. An example would be the transfer of pinworm eggs by flies to food;
  • Active. In this case, the helminth larva itself finds a human host and penetrates him.

How do you know if helminths live in your body?

There are two stages of helminthiasis:

  • Acute - begins 1-4 weeks after infection and manifests itself various symptoms, ranging from allergic reactions to waste products of worms and ending with hepatitis. If treatment is not carried out in time, the disease will progress to the next stage.
  • Chronic.

How dangerous are helminths?

Worm diseases are caused by various disorders. The effect on the body can be direct or indirect. In many ways, everything depends on the life cycle of the worms. Let's name the most common ones:

  1. The body's reaction to antigens of helminth larvae most often occurs in acute phase diseases. Regardless of the type, location and route of migration, the following symptoms appear: swelling, fever, myalgia and more. There may also be various rashes on the skin, and in children - atopic dermatitis.
  2. Exposure to helminth waste products. Chronic stage leads to metabolic disorders, because worms not only use their owner as a home, but also feed at his expense. Moreover, the helminths take everything they need for themselves, leaving only crumbs for the person. This leads to hypovitaminosis and lack of microelements. Symptoms of exposure to worms in humans are loss of strength and drowsiness. Children may experience anxiety, decreased appetite, and delayed growth and development, both mental and physical.
  3. Mechanical injury. All helminths have special devices to stay in the human body. These can be suction cups, hooks, teeth and much more. When introduced, worms damage organs and tissues, lead to bleeding, cause tissue death and irritation nerve endings. As a result, an adult may develop anemia due to large blood loss or damage to the nervous system. Some helminths can reach enormous sizes, and if they are not removed in time, they can simply rupture internal organs, which leads to deaths.
  4. Immune suppression. By destroying the immune response process in humans, helminths create for themselves comfortable conditions for accommodation. At the same time, the gates for infections – viral, fungal, bacterial – are also opened. This effect is especially pronounced in children. They begin to constantly get sick, their growth is delayed, and the body becomes exhausted.

Let's look at the example of the most common helminths and why infection with them is dangerous.

How dangerous is ascariasis?

During their long journey through the blood vessels, the worms molt several times, grow and reach sexual maturity. After such a “journey” in the human body, very major changes. Roundworms provoke the appearance of a number of diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • changes in the heart muscle;
  • appendicitis and much more.

A large accumulation of roundworms in the small intestine can lead to blockage and obstruction.

What is trichinosis?

A human disease caused by the Trichinella worm is very serious illness, since the helminths themselves are viviparous. Infection occurs through the meat of infected pigs, domestic and wild, as well as bear meat.

Worm larvae enter the stomach and then into small intestine human - the main habitat. Here they feed, grow and reach sexual maturity. Newborn larvae emerge into bloodstream and begin to move throughout the body with the blood flow. Once in the striated muscles, the helminths curl up into a ball and enclose themselves in a capsule that is not afraid of high temperatures.

If severely infected, the heart and lungs, brain and muscles can be damaged. Severe allergic reactions are possible. If treatment is not started in time, a person may simply die. At the first suspicion, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis using a muscle tissue biopsy!

Bull tapeworm - disease teniarinhoz

Enterobiasis or dirty hands disease

A disease that is more common in children aged 3 to 12 years, but adults can also get it. Caused by worms called pinworms. Infection occurs through contact and household contact through toys, items of clothing, and dirty hands. Helminths live in the large intestine. The main symptom that will lead you to think about infection is itching around the anus, which gets worse in the evening and at night.

Diagnosis of this disease is done by scraping for enterobiasis. If treatment is not started in time, then long-term infection causes exhaustion of the body, decreased hemoglobin, intoxication and rapid fatigue.

It would seem that medicine has reached such heights in development, but cannot cope with some worms. What is this connected with? widespread diseases associated with helminths? Indeed, according to WHO, more than 15 million people become infected with worms every year:

What does the modern average person know about worms? Very few people imagine the danger helminths pose to human health. Moreover, this statement also applies to medical workers.

After dividing medicine into separate specifications, diagnosis of helminth infection is extremely rare. Let's give this example: trichinella has found a place in the organs, the oncologist immediately suspects a neoplasm and tests are carried out in search of a non-existent disease. In the same person, some helminth larvae are remarkably located on the walls of blood vessels - the cardiologist immediately determines sclerotic plaques or thrombosis. The result is that both doctors diagnosed Not correct diagnosis. Money was spent on expensive and unnecessary tests, but the diagnosis was never confirmed. Nowadays there are many diseases in which doctors cannot make a correct diagnosis, simply sending the sick person to different specialists. And the reason may be a common helminthic infestation.

It is helminthiases that can be the main, and sometimes the only cause of such chronic diseases person like:

  • asthma;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • arthritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • infertility;
  • dermatitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • headaches;
  • impotence;
  • stroke;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cirrhosis and many others.

This list can be continued indefinitely.

Naturally, if the diagnosis is incorrect, treatment will not bring positive result until the root cause of the disease is eliminated. Let's name the main methods of diagnosing and treating helminths.

Diagnosis of worm infestation

Until recently, the presence of helminths was diagnosed using very primitive methods - examination of feces and scrapings under a microscope or probing. With their help, eggs, larvae and body fragments of worms were detected. The effectiveness was extremely low and depended on many factors, ranging from the professionalism of the laboratory assistant and ending with the life cycle of the helminth, because at the time of the test it simply could not lay eggs. Often, up to 10 tests were carried out on different days to get the result.

More than effective methods diagnostics – biochemical research blood, cavity fluids and tissues. But even with general analysis there are indicators in the blood that indicate the presence of worms - high concentration eosinophils (30-90) in combination with an increase in leukocytes to 12-30.

Electron microscopy, tomography, immunological and immunochemical analysis are also used to diagnose helminths.

Treatment of helminthiasis

Most often, adults are treated by medication, for this purpose the following drugs are used:

  • Nemozol.
  • Wormil.
  • Levamisole.
  • Mebendazole.
  • Vermox.
  • Helminthox and many others.

Be sure to read the instructions before using them. Sometimes, when the infection is very strong, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Self-treatment taking pills may not lead to the desired result, since the medicine was chosen incorrectly. It simply does not work on worms that infect an adult.

If you prefer to be treated for helminths folk ways, that is, a lot of recipes. Moreover, the effectiveness of such treatment is no less.

Pinworm, whipworm or roundworm are helminths that can be treated with the following infusion:

  • 2 cups chanterelle mushrooms;
  • 3 tablespoons dried mushrooms, ground into powder;
  • 150 g vodka.

Mix and pour vodka, leave for 14 days, placing in the refrigerator. There is no need to filter the infusion. We drink a teaspoon at night.

To get rid of tapeworm ( tapeworm, which causes diphyllobothriasis) you need to eat 100 g pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach. An hour later, drink a glass of milk in which the head of garlic was boiled. And after another half hour, drink a laxative.

The following folk remedy is also effective for tapeworm diseases:

  • fillet of one herring;
  • boiled millet - two tablespoons;
  • 1 chicken egg yolk;
  • 1 garlic clove.

Grind all ingredients into a paste and pour over cooled boiled milk until kefir becomes thick. Drink 3-4 times during the day, half a glass at a time. The course of expelling worms can be repeated if necessary.

Treatment of helminths with tansy is very effective:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried flowers;
  • 1 glass of water.

Grind the flowers, pour boiling water over them, and leave covered for one hour. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. Continue treatment of helminths for 3 days. On the last day, to enhance the effect, take a laxative.

Wormwood is another herb that worms cannot tolerate. Dried inflorescences are used, which are ground and mixed with honey or berry jam. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day 2 hours before meals. On the last day before bed, take a laxative.

Prevention of helminthiasis

Follow the following rules and your chance of getting worms will decrease several times:

It is clear that with today's level of medicine, 99% of cases of detected worm infections will be cured. But it is better to prevent than to treat helminthiasis later.




Cestodoses - invasive diseases, the causative agent of which is cestodes, or tapeworms, especially tapeworms and tapeworms, the embryonic larvae of which are equipped with hooks on the head, or scolex.


Mostly young sheep and large cattle are affected. cattle, but goats can also get sick. Infection occurs as a result of ingestion of infested ticks when eating grass on pasture in places with high humidity. Most widespread acquired in August.
In sheep the disease is severe and mild toxic, obstructive and nervous forms. The first is more common in lambs, the second - in adults. Depression, anemia, decreased appetite, staleness, diarrhea, arching of the back during bowel movements, protrusion of segments and fragments of moniesia, severe thirst, and death on the 3-10th day are observed. The nervous form is accompanied by impaired coordination of movements, throwing the head behind the back, manege movements, lying down and ends with rapid death. The obstructive form is characterized by sudden colic with a sudden fall to the ground, pressing the head to the stomach, and spinning in place.
The diagnosis of “moniesiosis” is made on the basis of clinical and epizootological data, the result of helminthoscopy, diagnostic deworming (detection of segments and fragments), and ovoscopy.
Anthelmintics are used to treat the disease. Fenasal for sheep and goats once at 0.1 g/kg weight, for a group of 100-150 heads - 0.2 g/kg weight mixed with feed. Copper sulfate is used in the form of 1% aqueous solution, prepared only in glass containers in boiled water with the addition of 1-4 ml hydrochloric acid per 1 liter (depending on hardness), the solution is administered through a rubber tube in doses for lambs aged 1-1.5 months - 15-20 ml, 1.5-2 months - 21-25 ml, 2-3 months - 26-30 ml, etc., adding 5 ml until 8 months, at 8 months - 60 ml, 8-10 months - 61-80 ml, for sheep over 10 months - 81-100 ml. The dose for goats is less than for sheep and should not exceed 60 ml for adults.
Lambs and kids are weaned from their queens 12 hours before deworming. Adult animals are not given water for 24 hours before treatment and 2-3 hours after it.
For preventive purposes, lambs and kids are dewormed 4 times: the first time 14-16 days after being put out to pasture; the second - 15-20 days after the first deworming, the third - 25-30 days after the second, then once in September. 30 days after the sheep are transferred to stabling, the entire population is treated.



The disease ends in the death of the animal.
Coenurosis is diagnosed by characteristic clinical signs, and posthumously - when bubbles are discovered in the skull of a fallen or forcibly killed animal. Differentiate from echinococcosis and estrosis of sheep.
Treatment can be surgical or conservative. In the latter case, use Panacur (fenbendazole) at 0.0255 g of active ingredient per kg of animal weight for 3 consecutive days in a mixture with 200-500 g of feed or water (1:5-1:10).
Prevention consists of limiting the number of dogs in a flock, systematically exterminating stray animals, preventing carnivores from eating the heads of sick animals, timely removal of sick animals from the flock, etc.


Nematodes are invasive diseases caused by nematodes, or roundworms, affecting all organs and tissues of animals, with the exception of wool, hair and horny tissue.

The development cycle is individual for each helminth and can occur both with the participation of an intermediate host (maybe several) and without it.

Dictyocaulosis of sheep and goats




In young animals, strongyloidiasis is severe, often causing death. Animals are sharply behind in development. Initially, during the migration of larvae, itchy skin, cough, anxiety, pneumonia, pleurisy. When a sexually mature helminth is localized in the intestine, symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction appear: impaired peristalsis, diarrhea or constipation, as well as increased body temperature, refusal to feed, and general depression.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of a scatological examination, taking into account clinical and epidemiological data.
To deworm small cattle, a number of anthelmintics are used, for example, thiabendazole 0.01 g/kg once mixed with feed individually or in a group method, fenbendazole in the form of panacura - 0.01 g/kg weight once mixed with feed, individually or in a group method; mebendazole - 10% granulate, 0.02 g/kg (according to active active substance) weights mixed with food and other anthelmintics.
Preventive measures include daily manure removal, disinfection of premises and animal care items, deworming-coproscopic examination of young animals in the first 2 months after birth, and of breeding stock in the second half of pregnancy; and preventive deworming of breeding stock before placement in stalls - based on the results of the examination.

What are worms or helminths?

Throughout their lives, all helminths go through a number of successive stages (usually egg–larva–adult). At one stage, the worm enters the human body and leaves it at another, so patients diagnosed with helminthiasis are not contagious in the classical sense of the word. Such a patient is a source of spread of helminths into the external environment.

Most often, helminthic infestation (infection) does not have obvious manifestations, especially at first. Helminths can exist for a long time in the human body: for example, roundworms live on average up to one and a half years, and tapeworms live up to 25 years or more.

A common property of all helminths is enormous fertility. A female roundworm can lay up to 200 thousand eggs per day.

Contact helminths are characterized by the release of mature or almost mature eggs, which enter directly into the human body and are themselves the cause of invasion.

Contact helminth eggs can be found on common household items, in places public use. As a rule, they enter the human body from dirty hands. The group of contact helminth infections includes, for example, enterobiasis.

Biohelminths are characterized by the most complex development cycle.

Their eggs, having left the body of the primary host (human), must undergo part of the development cycle in another host (tick, mollusk). And only after this will they be able to infect a third host ( healthy person). Life cycle Some types of biohelminths occur with a change of up to four hosts. Biohelminthiases include opisthorchiasis, tenidosis, and echinococcosis.

How to deal with worms

And in our pharmacies they are now quite widely represented. anthelmintics. Quite often, doctors who believe that it is almost impossible to detect helminths recommend the following antihelminthic course without tests (only on the basis the following symptoms: itching in the area anus, grinding teeth at night, unstable chair, bloating, anemia, headaches): decaris (or pyrantel) - once, 3 days - break, then - vermox (or piperazine) - 3-5 days.

Recipes are no less relevant traditional medicine that help fight worms. All the drugs discussed below, as you will see, can be taken in three forms: dry, in decoctions/infusions or in the form of enemas.

Preparations used in dry form

Wormwood (Artemisia сina Веrg), flowers – citvar seed (Flores Сinae)

Wormwood inflorescences should be ground in a mortar (not ground) and taken according to following diagram: the first day - a diet excluding animal products, at night - a mild laxative (it is best to use herbal lozenges based on dried fruits and senna), on the second and third days - citvar seed three times a day 1.5–2 hours before food, at night after the last dose - a laxative. Depending on the age of patients, the following doses are recommended: 1–3 years – 0.25-0.75 g, 4–6 years – 1–1.5 g, 7–9 years – 1.75-2.25 g, 10 – 14 years old – 2.5–3.5 g, over 15 years old – 4 g, adults – up to 5 g. Can be taken mixed with jam, sugar, honey, syrup. The course is repeated three times with an interval of 1 day. There are no known contraindications.

Ripe seeds of annual cultivated plants of pumpkin (Cucurbita repo), large pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) and butternut squash (Cucurbita mochata) are used, peeled from the remains of the pericarp pulp and dried without heating. Two days before the start of use, daily morning enemas are indicated, the night before - a saline laxative (instead of dinner, drink half a liter in three doses warm water with Carlsbad salt - take three tablespoons). On the day of treatment, the patient should be given an enema on an empty stomach. Two treatment regimens using pumpkin seeds are used - taking a dry preparation and taking the drug in a decoction. “Dry” scheme: peel raw or air-dried pumpkin seeds from the hard skin, leaving the inner green shell; Grind 300 g (for adults) in a mortar, add 50-100 g of honey or jam and mix thoroughly. Take on an empty stomach, lying in bed, in small portions over 1 hour. After three hours, take a laxative, then half an hour later, regardless of the action of the intestines, give an enema. Eating after stool caused by an enema or laxative. Dosage per day: children 3–4 years old – 75 G, 5–7 years - 100 g, 8-10 years - 150 g, 11-15 years - 200-250 g.

European hoofweed

Take 0.2–0.5 g of European hoofedfoot root powder three times a day, half an hour before meals, for three weeks.

Plum kernels

Grind 20 g of plum kernels in a coffee grinder, take once one and a half hours before meals, chew slowly, mix with saliva, swallow, after ten minutes wash down with a glass of warm water.

Coriander seeds

Heat in a frying pan and grind into powder. Take 1 g half an hour before meals three times a day for a month.

Preparations used in the form of decoctions/tinctures


Tincture one: grind a glass of walnut partitions in a coffee grinder, pour a glass of vodka and leave for 24 hours. Take on an empty stomach: on the first day five drops, on the second – ten, on the third – twenty drops.

Tincture two: finely chop 100 g of pericarp, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, wrapped in a towel. Drink half a glass every hour after meals. On this day, eat nothing but pumpkin seeds. Give an enema at night. After a week, repeat the procedure.


Pour a teaspoon of finely chopped garlic into half a glass of low-fat milk. Boil for 1-2 minutes over low heat. Strain and drink on an empty stomach. On this day there is only mashed potatoes.

Goat's rue officinalis (herb)

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a dessert spoon of the herb, leave for an hour, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day an hour before meals. If you are thirsty, take the same amount after meals. The course of treatment is 4–6 weeks.

Tansy flowers

Infuse: a tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon three times a day for a week. Contraindication: pregnancy.

Pumpkin seeds

Grind the seeds together with the peel, add double the amount of water and evaporate for two hours over low heat in a water bath, without bringing to a boil. Filter the broth through cheesecloth, then remove the oil film from its surface. Take the rest on an empty stomach for 20–30 minutes. After 2 hours, give a saline laxative. Dosage of seeds in decoction: adults - 500 g, children 10 years old - 300 g, 5-7 years old - 200 g, up to 5 years old - 100-150 g. Gymnosperm pumpkin seeds (do not have a hard peel) are used without treatment, 150-200 g per dose or as a decoction: 150 g per 450 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 1 hour, cool, strain through thick fabric. Adults take 400–450 ml of decoction. Emulsion from gymnosperm pumpkin seeds: grind 150 g, adding 450 ml of water. Adults take 400–450 ml.

Drugs used as enema


Method one. Pour a large crushed clove of garlic into a glass of warm water, close with a lid, wrap, and let cool for 1.5–2 hours to room temperature. Strain, give an enema in the morning and evening.

Method two. Grind three cloves of garlic and the same amount of onion. Pour warm for 10–15 minutes boiled water, strain and squeeze through cheesecloth. Add the resulting infusion to 1.5–2 liters of warm (36–39 °C) boiled water prepared for washing. Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Give an enema after a natural bowel movement or after a cleansing enema.

Citvar wormwood

Enemas begin on the second day from the start of taking the herb orally. Infusion for rinsing: mix a teaspoon of wormwood with a liter of water, bring to a boil, hold on fire for half a minute, leave for 10 minutes, strain. The enema is given in the morning with a hot (up to 42-43 °C) solution, and at night a warm therapeutic enema (50-100 ml) is administered - it should be absorbed in the intestines.

What to pay special attention to

Looking at the problem helminthic infestations From a purely practical point of view, I would like to focus on the following:

To prevent infection, follow these simple principles:

Do not eat meat and fish of unknown origin, which have not passed sanitary control and do not have the appropriate certificates;

Subject animal products to sufficient heat treatment;

Do not drink “raw” water – neither from the tap, nor from reservoirs, nor from springs;

Do not eat fresh milk and any non-factory-produced dairy products (you do not know in which sanitary conditions they are stored);

Do not buy or eat any non-factory products that do not have a health certificate;

Do not eat unwashed vegetables, fruits, berries;

Wash your hands thoroughly before eating;

Don’t be lazy about washing dishes all the time;

Constantly clean common areas after yourself, do not take baths without making sure that the bath itself is well washed and doused with hot water;

Observe personal hygiene measures such as daily showering, washing, and keeping your linen clean;

Wash your shoes when you come from the street;

Do not swim in bodies of water that have not been inspected by the SES;

Do not allow your pets to sleep in the same beds with you, do not allow them to eat from the same dishes with you;



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