Instructions for using ointment with naftalan oil - composition, indications, side effects and price. Application of naphthalan ointment

Composition of the medicinal product Naftalan ointment


ointment for external use approx. tube 15 g 47.68 UAH.

ointment for external use approx. tube 25 g

Naftalan oil 70 mg/g

Other ingredients: ointment base.

Ointment base: paraffin, T2 emulsifier, Aerosil, lavender oil.

No. UA/4474/01/01 from 04/19/2006 to 04/19/2011


liquid for external approx. fl. glass 15 ml 50.7 UAH.

liquid for external approx. fl. plastic. with sprayer 25 ml

Naphthenic hydrocarbons 98%

Isoalkanes (isoparaffins) 2%

Dosage form


Pharmacotherapeutic group

Dermatotropic agents

Pharmacological properties

are polycyclic naphthenic hydrocarbons with short side chains obtained from the middle fraction of naphthalan oil; colorless, transparent liquid with a weak characteristic odor. Content of naphthenic hydrocarbons >98%, isoalkanes (isoparaffins)
Naftalan oil, when applied topically, has an analgesic effect, reduces smooth muscle tone, dilates blood vessels, improves the rheological properties of blood, normalizes lipid peroxidation processes and coagulation properties of blood; has a regenerating anti-inflammatory effect on skin manifestations of the disease; promotes regression of psoriatic elements, reducing the area of ​​the affected surface and reducing the intensity of clinical signs; has immunocorrective properties; restores locomotor function of the musculoskeletal system, improves microcirculatory processes in joint tissue; has a biostimulating, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing local effect.

The drug is quickly absorbed from the surface of the skin when using the Sollux lamp.

Indications for use Naftalan ointment

skin diseases (psoriasis in a stable phase, eczema, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, ichthyosis, seborrhea, dermatitis of various etiologies), diseases of the joints and spine (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic polyarthritis, brucellosis polyarthritis, gouty polyarthritis, osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine with radicular syndrome, spondylosis, secondary deforming osteoarthritis (post-traumatic), post-traumatic contractures); extra-articular diseases of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system (bursitis, tendovaginitis, periarthritis, myositis, myalgia, myofasciitis), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (sciatica, sciatica, neuralgia, neuritis), diseases of peripheral vessels (atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, obliterating endarteritis, thrombophlebitis , varicose veins, trophic ulcer), burns I, II, III degrees, frostbite, hemorrhoids (external and internal), difficult-to-heal wounds (festering wounds, postoperative sutures), sports injuries, bedsores, consequences of injuries.


chronic heart failure of II–III degree, chronic renal failure, malignant tumors, acute inflammatory processes, blood diseases of various etiologies, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Cautions for use

in combination with the use of a Sollux lamp and UV irradiation, the results are better. The use of naphthalan oil and ointment during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children, should be carried out under medical supervision.

Interactions with drugs


Method of use and dosage Naftalan ointment

the drug is used in the form of lubricants, local baths, tampons, in combination with the use of a Sollux lamp, UV irradiation, ultrasound and decimeter electromagnetic waves.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine with radicular syndrome

The area of ​​the affected root is lubricated with naftalan ointment or oil and heated with a Sollux lamp or a light lamp. The procedure is carried out daily for 30 minutes.

The course of treatment is 10–12 procedures. The procedure can also be combined with other physical effects - UV irradiation, ultrasound, decimeter electromagnetic wave therapy.

Humeroscapular periarthritis

Naftalan ointment or oil (heated to a temperature of 37–38 °C) is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the cervical spine, shoulder girdle and the corresponding upper limb and wrapped. The procedures are carried out daily, their duration is 20 minutes, in total there are 10–15 procedures per course. Lubrication can be combined with simultaneous decimeter electromagnetic wave therapy using the Volna-2 apparatus.

Traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves

Naftalan ointment or oil (heated to a temperature of 37–38 ° C) is lubricated with the skin in the area of ​​the innervation segment and the affected limb, and then wrapped in a warm blanket. Conducted daily. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, per course - 10–15 procedures.

Deforming osteoarthritis

Naftalan ointment or oil (heated to 50 °C) is used to lubricate the skin area above the affected joint. The lubricated area is heated with a Sollux lamp or a light lamp. The procedure is carried out daily for 30 minutes. There are 10–12 procedures per course.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, obliterating endarteritis, chronic thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency

Patients are prescribed to lubricate the affected limb with naphthalan ointment or oil (heated to 40 °C) in the form of a stocking; Duration of the procedure - 30 minutes. To maintain the temperature, the lubricated area is heated with a Sollux lamp or wrapped. The course of treatment is 10–15 procedures.

Skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, itchy skin, cheilitis, ichthyosis, scleroderma and other dermatoses)

Naftalan ointment or oil (preheated to 37–38 °C) is used to lubricate the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes, the course of treatment is 20 sessions, procedures are carried out daily.

I–III degree burns and trophic ulcers

The affected area is treated with alcohol using a sterile cotton swab, then the blisters are punctured and the necrotic areas of the skin are cleaned. The affected area is lubricated with naphthalan oil or ointment and heated with a Sollux lamp for 20 minutes, leaving the affected area open. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until epithelization appears. Course duration is 14–28 days.

The ointment is applied topically 2 times a day for 12–15 days. For internal hemorrhoids, use the included attachment. For deeper insertion into the rectum, place the applicator on the tube of ointment; make sure that it is inserted deep enough into the rectum, and then, gently pressing on the bottom of the tube, gradually remove the applicator. For external hemorrhoids, a small amount of ointment is applied with your finger to the area where itching or pain is localized in the morning and evening, as well as after each act of bowel movement (after thoroughly washing and wiping the painful area dry).

“Nafthalan” is a thick black-brown (or brown) liquid with a high The name of this substance translated from Azerbaijani means “a place where there is oil.”

Naftalan ointment is used in medicine and cosmetology. Back in 1899, the periodical “Pharm Zeitung” proposed sixty-five formulas using this product, on the basis of which creams, patches, soaps, powders, suppositories and much more were produced. Since the end of the nineteenth century, naphthalan ointment began to gain popularity in Russia, where it was known as a patented German drug.

Official medicine recognizes the use of this remedy for the treatment of a large number of diseases, including getting rid of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Naftalan baths are recommended for diseases of peripheral vessels, as well as for inflammation of the female genital organs. The patient is placed in a bath filled with this substance, which is heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees Celsius. Oil penetrates through the pores and then comes back out along with sweat. The most important thing is that in this way the body is cleansed of harmful substances. The duration of the procedure should be at least ten minutes, after which you need to take a warm shower and go to bed. If all the rules are followed, the process of release of the medicinal substance along with toxins will continue beyond the period of the actual procedure.

Any illness that occurs in the human body is a consequence of a malfunction of the immune system. Naftalan ointment is a non-hormonal remedy of natural origin, which is an excellent pain reliever; it is also used to strengthen the body's protective properties, reduces smooth muscle tension, improves blood properties and lipid peroxide processes, which has a biostimulating, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effect. This drug reduces blood clotting, increases the activity of enzymatic processes, destroys pathogens, and stimulates all body functions.

"Naftalan" ointment is successfully used in the treatment of the following ailments:

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, sciatica;

Problems with joints and spine: rheumatic and rheumatoid polyarthritis, osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine, post-traumatic contracture, spondylosis;

Intra-articular diseases of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues: tendovaginitis, bursitis, myositis, prearthritis, myofasciitis, myalgia;

Peripheral vascular diseases: obletus endarteritis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, varicose veins, trophic ulcer, thrombophlebitis;

Chronic prostatitis in remission;

Diabetes mellitus with microcirculation disorders.

This drug is a white ointment with a seventy percent naphthalan oil content. The course of treatment with this remedy is, as a rule, from ten to fifteen procedures, but the effect is noticeable within three to five days after the start of its use. Experts recommend complex therapy in combination with ultrasound, ultraviolet irradiation and a Sollux lamp. In this case, you can get the best results in the minimum amount of time.

It should be noted that naphthalan ointment is tax-free worldwide. Because of its unique composition and variety of healing properties, it is of interest to both scientists from different countries and ordinary people.

Naftalan ointment is intended for external use. For many decades, this drug has been used to treat various diseases of the whole body. It actively suppresses the inflammatory process, improves skin properties and fights unpleasant symptoms.

The composition of the ointment is small, and the main active ingredient is only one active component. However, this does not prevent the drug from treating skin diseases, restoring the health of muscles and joints, as well as diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Naftalan ointment is indicated in the following situations:

  • Diseases of the skin in active and chronic form, in particular eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea and various other dermatoses;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system with inflammatory and degenerative processes;
  • Diseases of soft tissues, cartilage and tendons;
  • Damage to the peripheral nervous system;
  • Impaired health and functioning of the vascular system of the extremities;
  • Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • Skin burns from 1 to 3 degrees;
  • Frostbite and chapping of the epidermis;
  • Internal and external forms of hemorrhoids;
  • Non-healing wounds, ulcers and post-operative scars;
  • Injuries and bruises of joints and soft tissues;
  • Injuries and pain resulting from sports or intense physical activity;
  • Bedsores.

The product has a multifunctional effect, which is why it has such a wide list of indications for use. The ointment is used simply, applied to the affected area, applications are carried out with it, baths are made, tampons are made and combined with physiotherapeutic procedures.

It is important to know that Naftalan ointment is not used if there are such contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
  • Acute joint diseases;
  • The presence of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Gynecological diseases in acute form;
  • Skin diseases caused by syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • Severe circulatory disorders, hypertension and a history of heart attack;
  • Impaired kidney and liver function;
  • Anemia;
  • Mental illnesses and acute diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Any blood diseases.

Important! The use of Naftalan ointment should be agreed with your doctor. Do not use the drug yourself and strictly follow the instructions and specifications for use prescribed by your specialist.


Naftalan ointment is a unique medicinal preparation with a black or brown thick consistency. The product has a special specific smell of oil, which is formed due to the naphthalan oil included in the composition.

The main components of Naftalan ointment are special hydrocarbons that contain a large number of useful biologically active components. The origin of naftalan is the city of the same name in Azerbaijan.

The special petroleum substance contained in this preparation has incredibly healing properties. This component has no analogues in its action and composition.

Naftalan ointment helps cure various diseases of the body due to its numerous properties.

A number of effects that Naftalan has:

  1. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps prevent the development of the disease and completely neutralize the source of inflammation.
  2. It has an active analgesic effect, eliminating pain, heaviness in muscles and joints and discomfort.
  3. Dilates blood vessels, increasing the health of the vascular system and normalizing blood circulation.
  4. Stimulates the regeneration of damaged areas of the epidermis and restores affected cells.
  5. Has an antibacterial effect, disinfects and cleanses the skin.
  6. Protects the epidermis from external irritants, as well as from the negative effects of sunlight.
  7. Activates metabolic processes in cells, removes swelling and congestion.


Naftalan ointment is based on a petroleum product, which contains resins and other components that have a toxic effect. Despite its effectiveness and versatile effects, this drug must be used with particular caution.

It is very important that the doctor excludes the presence of contraindications in which the ointment could harm the body.

In addition, you should take into account the following precautions and follow the basic rules:

  • Do not apply the product to large areas of skin;
  • Use the drug for the period of time prescribed by your doctor;
  • The frequency and duration of use depends on the characteristics of the disease and should not exceed the permissible dosage.


Naftalan ointment is a medicinal product that has a multifunctional effect and a large number of positive properties. The product helps in the treatment of diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system, peripheral vascular and nervous systems. In addition, Naftalan is effective for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, burns and frostbite of the epidermis.

Price for "Nafthalan ointment" in Russian pharmacies

We try to keep information on prices as up-to-date as possible, however, to be sure and not run to the pharmacy twice, we advise you to call the pharmacy using the contacts indicated in the pharmacy card.

Naftalan ointment for psoriasis has high biological activity and exceptional effectiveness. Reviews of Naftalan for psoriasis often indicate its positive effect.

Effective naphthalan ointment for psoriasis

Naftalan is a natural antiseptic. Naftalan ointment for psoriasis in addition to the analgesic effect, it perfectly relieves inflammation and regenerates damaged skin, improves the process of blood coagulation. The ointment has other positive effects on the body: desensitizing and biostimulating.

Naftalan oil is declared as the active substance, and an emulsifier and aerosil are added to the ointment as auxiliary additives. Direct indications for the use of ointment are seborrhea, scleroderma, eczema, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and other dermatitis. Actively uses naphthalan therapy, successfully coping with the problem of psoriasis.

Ointment with naphthalan for psoriasis has unique healing effects:

  • Painkillers. Thanks to the drug, the sensitivity threshold is significantly reduced, and pain is no longer a concern.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Ointment with naphthalan for psoriasis easily penetrates the layers of the skin and stimulates the activity of phagocytes. As a result, the manifestations of exudation are significantly reduced.
  • Immunocorrective. The disease greatly disrupts the balance of immunoglobulin, and thanks to naphthalan substances, their production is stabilized.
  • Stimulating. The keratinization process is normalized and metabolism is accelerated. The remedy for psoriasis Naftalan promotes the uniform distribution of dermal cells.
  • The therapeutic properties of Naftalan are aimed at the reflex effects of the nervous system. Chemical compounds that are included in Naftalan for psoriasis, help accelerate the regeneration of nerve fibers.

Reviews of naftalan ointment for psoriasis

  • Zarema, 38 years old, St. Petersburg. Psoriasis has been tormenting me for 20 years. I tried everything: herbs, baths, pills. I read it on the Internet reviews of naftalan ointment for psoriasis, and there was hope. I read that after application you can warm it up with light for effect. I smeared myself and lay down on a sun lounger in the sun. What a horror! I got blisters and my skin burned so bad I wanted to rip it off. What kind of crap they sell, people are poisoned.
  • Tatyana, 35 years old, Kyiv. My doctor prescribed Naftalan treatment for psoriasis. I didn’t like the smell right away, I thought they were slipping in some kind of rubbish to get money. However, to my surprise, after 5 days an unexpected effect appeared, and after another 10 days the plaques gradually disappeared. Finally, the long-awaited relief came, there was no trace of swelling.
  • Maxim, 26 years old, Novosibirsk. This was my first time treating psoriasis in Naftalan. Additionally, ultrasound procedures were prescribed. The complex therapy developed by the doctor helped a lot, the plaques disappeared, I began to sleep peacefully for the first time, and personal relationships improved.
  • Alexander Petrovich, 78 years old, Moscow. The results that were shown were really good. Previously, I didn’t hold my grandchildren in my arms, I was afraid to scare them, so psoriasis mocked me. After a month of treatment, the skin became younger, the spots disappeared, and there was no itching. On the doctor’s advice, I will definitely take a second course.
  • Oleg, 38 years old, Yekaterinburg. I don't know what to say. I have been trying to cure psoriasis for many years, and I found it on the website reviews of Naftalan for psoriasis. I prescribed it, started applying it, and the itching subsided, but the spots did not decrease. The swelling has already gone away, and the skin seems fresher, but still looks like camouflage. Not my option.
  • Irina, 21 years old, Minsk. Upon admission to the tower, I became very nervous and developed psoriasis. After the examination, naphthalan ointment was prescribed for psoriasis. I noticed a strange thing: I put it on and follow a strict diet - the ointment helps, the plaques disappear. I start eating normally, and they appear again. I can’t choose between studying and a strict diet, otherwise I’ll simply collapse. The ointment is effective only in combination, otherwise it’s money down the drain.
  • Instructions for use of Naftalan for psoriasis

    According to the instructions, the method of using Naftalan allows it to be used for baths, tampons, in combination with ultrasound, UV. Instructions for use for psoriasis This drug requires a special approach to each individual case. The drug should only come into contact with clean skin. After applying a thin layer, the skin is easily massaged without rubbing. The dosage is selected by the attending physician. Frequency: twice a day.

    Although the ointment is universal and effective, it also has contraindications: hypersensitivity, blood diseases, tumors. The ointment is used with great caution in children. Side effects that occur when using naftalan are allergies, which disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug. Naftalan is so effective that many pastes and ointments contain it. Even contains naphthalan oil.

    Naftalan price, where to buy, analogues

    In Russia buy Naftalan ointment available through online pharmacies. It is not available for free sale in Moscow. Ordering the drug will cost, on average, 450 rubles per tube. In Ukraine, naphthalan ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy, subject to availability, for 54-55 hryvnia.

    In the absence of the original, you can purchase analogs of the ointment with different concentrations of naphthalan: Dermo-Naft, Psori-Naft, Naftalan Artro, Naftaderm. Also used at the same time

Naftalan ointment is a non-hormonal agent that has analgesic properties. It improves blood properties and lipid metabolism, reduces muscle tension and increases the body's defenses.

The drug is effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Made from naftalan oil - a black viscous liquid with a specific odor. In dermatology, ointment has been used since the end of the 19th century.

Composition and beneficial properties of oil

The active components of naftalan oil are saturated naphthenic hydrocarbons, on which bioactive substances are based. Auxiliary components of naphthalan are:

  • resins;
  • mineral oils;
  • naphthenic acids;
  • sulfur compounds;
  • aromatic hydrocarbons;
  • trace elements (bromine, zinc, rubidium, cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, iodine and lithium).

The healing effects of naftalan ointment in the treatment of patients with psoriasis are manifested by several properties:

The therapeutic properties of naftalan therapy in relation to the nervous system consist in a reflex effect on its central part. The ingredients of the chemical compound accelerate the regeneration of nerve fibers running in the dermal layer.

Assortment of naftalan ointment

To eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, patients are prescribed different types of ointment:

  • naphthalan liniment;
  • naftalan;
  • refined naphthalan;
  • zinc-naphthalan;
  • ichthyol-naphthalan.

Judging by the reviews, a popular treatment for psoriasis is the drug Naftaderm - liniment with a concentration of substances of 10%. Sealed in dark glass jars with a volume of 500 and 800 g. Another form of release is represented by a tube with an amount of ointment of 35 g.

Ichthyol-naphthalan ointment is based on naphthalan. And only 7% of its content is allocated to ichthyol. This drug is effective in treating signs of lesions that appear on the palms and soles of the feet (a form of psoriasis).

In addition to petroleum, naftalan ointment contains paraffin and petrolatum (a petroleum oil purification product). It has proven itself in the treatment of various forms of the disease due to its softening and absorbable effects. For the best effect, experts advise using the ointment together with sulfur and tar preparations.

Despite the usefulness of the petroleum product, it must be used in moderation, since it has a certain degree of toxicity. To avoid intoxication with naphthenic acids, resinous and hydrocarbon substances during therapy, it is important to take into account the area of ​​the lesion that will be treated, the time of exposure to the drug and the frequency of manipulation.

With prolonged use of naftalan preparations, hypersensitivity to the ingredients and folliculitis develops, and the skin reacts with dryness. To prevent side effects, treatment procedures should be carried out every other day, devoting no more than half an hour to them.

Video: oil treatment, resort in Azerbaijan.

Naftaderm: instructions for use and cost

The instructions included with Naftaderm instruct you to apply the drug to clean, dry skin. The ointment is distributed in a thin layer and gently massaged into the skin without rubbing. The procedure is performed 2 times. per day. It is taken into account that the treated area should not exceed 20% of the entire skin.

The number of treatment measures is determined by the dermatologist, taking into account the severity of psoriasis and the patient’s individual perception of Naphtoderm. The average course of treatment is 25 days. The interaction of the ointment with other groups allows its use in the complex therapy of psoriasis.

Specialists on Naftaderm leave positive reviews, but for psoriasis they do not prescribe the ointment to those patients who suffer from the following pathologies:

Early childhood, anemia and individual intolerance to oil components are also contraindications for Naftaderm and similar drugs.

Prices for Naftaderm are set depending on the packaging of the drug. For example, liniment 10% in a 35 g tube costs about 460 rubles. A tube of liniment with retinoids in the same volume has an average cost of 600 rubles. The price of a product sealed in jars varies from 130 to 250 rubles.


Tatyana, 35 years old.

“The doctor prescribed naftalan ointment for psoriasis. Yes, its smell is not particularly pleasant, but it is tolerable. The first effect appeared on the 5th day. Subsequently, I supported the therapy with ultraviolet irradiation. After 12 procedures, the plaques resolved, the redness and swelling disappeared.”

Maxim, 26 years old.

“I have had psoriasis for 7 years. A year ago, my condition became more complicated due to treatment for another illness, and I ended up in a hospital bed. The doctor developed a complex therapy for me using Naftalan and Naftaderm ointments and also prescribed ultrasound procedures. Within a week, the long-awaited relief came, the plaques gradually disappeared.”

Alexander Petrovich, doctor at the Naftalan resort.

“All our patients are satisfied with the results of treating psoriasis with naftalan ointment. Of course, some people with advanced forms had to come again, but they still noted an improvement in their well-being. My advice is not to rush to swallow pills, but undergo sanatorium treatment.”



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