Dental implants types and prices: the right choice. RUT implants are offered in three main versions

For those who have decided to create a full smile and eliminate dental defects, it is important to understand what dental implants are. After all, the variety of their types, prices, pros and cons of each manufacturer can confuse and confuse the average person.

In addition to the fact that you will have the opinion of a doctor, a specialist who works with certain implantation systems, it is also advisable to form your own opinion about which product to give preference to. After all, your health will ultimately depend entirely on it. oral cavity and her appearance.

Structure of implants

To understand what differences exist between different structures, you first need to understand their structure, structure, what they consist of and what they are like. So, regardless of the manufacturer, material, shape, price and other features, all implants have certain elements:

  • An implant is an artificial root, a rod that is inserted into bone tissue and fully replaces the lost part of the tooth. Thanks to it, after implantation the necessary load is placed on alveolar ridge, thereby preventing its atrophy and reduction in bone volume. The implant is also responsible for strong and reliable fastening of the entire replaced tooth, even under high chewing loads.
  • – a connecting element, a kind of adapter, which makes it possible to fasten the root and supragingival parts of the structure. Most often they are made universal, helping to achieve the best combination of different elements with each other.
  • A crown is an artificial model that exactly repeats the shape and shade of a natural unit. It can be made from ceramics, porcelain, zirconium, gold and other materials at the request of the patient.

True, there is also a difference in the structure of the implants. Some can be a solid structure that combines all the elements at once in a non-separable form, while others are made up of individual parts, which will need to be connected during the implantation process. This type of product makes it possible to select all the elements so that they meet the individual characteristics of the patient and perform the desired functions.

Material of manufacture

Types of dental implants also differ in the material from which they are made. Most often it is a medical titanium alloy, the purity of which can reach 99%. In more in rare cases it is combined with zirconium or gold oxide.

Cheap and budget models may contain various additions, mixtures, substitutes, which will be reflected in the level of survival and biocompatibility. They more often cause allergic reactions and rejection, but significantly reduce the cost of the finished product.

In addition to the material used, the rod sometimes additionally undergoes special treatment to increase osseointegration, survival rate and provide more fast healing fabrics. To do this, the surface of the implant can be subjected to an etching procedure, coated with spraying special composition and achieve porosity in some other way. All this leads not only to an improvement in the quality of the design, but also to an increase in its price.

Types of dental implants

Doctors know that each patient has his own characteristics of the structure of the jaw, the condition of the bone tissue, the volume of space for individual units, etc. As a result, it is necessary to strictly individually select the types of prosthetics on implants, their sizes and other features.

Depending on the shape

There are these types:

  1. Screw - they took their name from their resemblance to a screw. Due to their special structure and thread, like a self-tapping screw, they can be easily screwed into bone tissue and gums at the desired angle in the desired location without large cuts. As a result, healing occurs faster and easier, and the operation is performed in a short time.
  2. Cylindrical - on the contrary, they have no threads at all, and the shape is more even. The level of osseointegration is increased by surface treatment and external coating. This helps create the desired porosity, which securely fixes the product in natural tissues.
  3. Lamellar – produced specifically for special cases of narrow bones. In such situations, the implantation of conventional implants becomes impossible and such plates turn out to be an excellent solution. Thin flat rods are implanted into the bone tissue over a long distance, which gives increased stability to the entire structure. True, the healing process is extended for six months.

Separately, it is worth mentioning special types of implants, which are completely different in shape and purpose from those listed above, but have their own pros and cons:

  1. Transosseous is a plate with built-in pins that is completely embedded in the jaw, and the rods make their way through the soft tissue and serve as a support for installing dentures. This operation is performed in inpatient conditions with general anesthesia.
  2. Endodontic stabilized implants - which are no longer intended to replace a lost unit, but only to fix a slightly loose one natural tooth which has lost its stability.
  3. Intramucosal - are an alternative to full-fledged prosthetics in the absence of the ability to grow bone tissue to the required volume. To fix them, the gingival part is sufficient and they are needed to secure removable dentures and maintain them in a stable position. True, strong strength and reliability are not guaranteed, so for longer use you will have to give up solid food and strong mechanical influences.

From the condition of bone tissue

The presence of the required bone volumes largely determines the main choice of a suitable design. In some cases, it is increased, but sometimes it is easier to get by with affordable implants, which can be implanted in the most difficult clinical cases. The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Subperiosteal (subperiosteal) are a special form of implants implanted under the periosteum. Thanks to this, they are suitable for those situations where the desired implantation, but for some reason it does not work out. The appearance of the structure is quite voluminous and openwork, made of metal alloys. Due to this, it creates a uniform load on the jaw and is considered strong enough to hold artificial teeth. The upper part is immediately positioned above the gum, which simplifies and speeds up the process complete prosthetics and tooth crown replacement.
  2. Endosseous - these include the most common and simple types implants – root-shaped and combined. They closely replicate the size and shape of a natural tooth root, but require a sufficient amount of bone tissue for installation. If it is not enough, then doctors recommend augmentation in the form of a separate operation. Healing after such implantation usually occurs within 3-6 months. In combined options, doctors strive to combine various forms and inclinations to suit the individual characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure.

If the volume of the alveolar processes is insufficient, the so-called bone grafting operation is performed. In case of such problems in the upper jaw, it is called sinus lift and has its own characteristics. To enlarge the bone, special materials are introduced to replace natural tissue or stimulate its growth. Sometimes such intervention is combined with implantation in one procedure.

Mini implants

Mini-implants, which are small in size, but with the same structure as standard designs, deserve special mention. They are used in the following cases:

  • as a basis for fixing removable dentures;
  • with a narrow space for the tooth to be replaced;
  • in situations of atrophied bone tissue without its extension;
  • if the lost unit was small in size;
  • for the purpose of temporary prosthetics.

The convenience is that the operation is less painful and traumatic. The bone is not affected, so it heals faster. Immediately after implantation of the rod, other elements can be fixed to it. The cost of such structures is much lower than classic implants.

Types of dental implantation

The first classification we will describe differs in the duration of the procedure and tissue healing. Operations can be like this:

  1. One-stage - it is for these cases that non-separable one-piece structures have been created, which the doctor installs immediately in the already formed bone bed. The procedure is carried out in one session and does not extend over time.
  2. Two-stage - considered more standard and classic version. It involves the implantation of individual elements in several stages. Initially, you need to insert the root rod into the bone tissue, for which an incision is made, and then sutures are applied. And only after complete healing of the wound, the following structural elements are installed - a gum former, an abutment and a crown.
  3. Another way, designed for a short visit dental office– direct implantation when removing the affected root. As a result, it is possible to achieve faster tissue healing and avoid unnecessary cuts and sutures, but at the same time they are often faced with incomplete correspondence of the sizes and shapes of the artificial rod with the natural cavity.
  4. Delayed implantation - when the removal or loss of a tooth is significantly delayed in time with the decision to install an implant. In such a situation, it may take 8-9 months or even more before the doctor replaces the lost tooth with an artificial product. The disadvantage of this method is the rapid decrease in the volume of bone tissue without natural load, which will lead to its atrophy and the need for augmentation.

In each of these cases, the surgical technique will be different. We will also mention implantation by type of anesthesia, although there is not much diversity here:

  • local - the most popular, since the intervention is not particularly complex and deep;
  • general anesthesia is used much less frequently and only in cases where it is necessary to install a large number of rods at the same time, fix a complex volumetric structure on the jaw, or the patient has a panicky fear of surgery.

According to the types of implants implanted, there are:

  • classically shaped products;
  • basal structures;
  • and mini-implants, which we have already mentioned.

Depending on different forms, the presence of threads and the size of the rod, the implantation procedure can occur in different ways. Each time, the doctor focuses on the intended technique for performing the operation and takes into account all the nuances.

What are the methods of dental implantation?

Let us describe in more detail the procedure itself in each of the possible cases:

  1. – used extremely rarely and more often as a temporary solution. This technology involves installing implants into the deep layers of bone tissue with a lateral inclination. In this case, it is possible to simultaneously fix the bridge when replacing several units in a row. The presence of a small amount of bone tissue is not a contraindication to this procedure.
  2. Subperiosteal implantation is a more outdated method that is practically not used in modern dentistry. The condition was the presence of an alveolar ridge of at least 5 mm in height. The implant itself was installed under the periosteum and attached to the lateral surface of the jaw. In this case, both one-stage and two-stage rod implantation techniques were used.
  3. Transosseous implantation is also an outdated method. For fixation artificial tooth We used two curved staples with pins. More often, such a complex structure was installed on the lower jaw. The rods protruded significantly above the gums and it was easy to attach any types of removable dentures to them. The bone tissue could be atrophied, but not less than 3 mm in thickness or 6 mm in height.
  4. Intraosseous-subperiosteal implantation – successfully combines the features of intraosseous and subperiosteal implants. There are practically no disadvantages in their installation and operation. Most often installed to replace front units, where maximum structural stability is needed.
  5. Intraosseous (endosseous) implantation is the most popular technology in modern dentistry. The effectiveness of the result is achieved through the natural implantation of an artificial rod into the bone tissue. But this requires sufficient volume of the alveolar ridge. If the patient has noticed a decrease in bone tissue, then additional osteoplasty is performed or combined products are chosen.
  6. Endodontic-endosseous implantation is an intradental-intraosseous operation. This is a way to better secure natural teeth, but not their full replacement. In the presence of cysts, loosening of units, bone tissue defects, tooth fractures and other pathologies, doctors resort to fixing the roots in the bone using metal pins. But an important condition is the presence of a healthy part of the periodontium in a volume of 3 mm near the operated area.
  7. Intramucosal implantation is similar to the procedure for implanting mini-implants. This method is chosen in cases of alveolar process atrophy, palate defects and the impossibility of bone grafting. And since the implant is implanted into soft tissue, the mucous membrane itself must be at least 2 mm in volume for reliable fixation. Using a drill, the doctor makes small indentations in it, where the base for the removable denture is installed.
  8. Submucosal implantation (submucosal) is also partly not so much a procedure for implanting a full-fledged artificial tooth, but rather a way to stabilize some removable structures.

Modern techniques

Since the methods we mentioned are either no longer used in dentistry at all, or perform slightly different functions, we will now consider only the current methods:

  • Express implantation – this term is often used for advertising effect. In scientific terms, it sounds like an intraosseous one-stage technique, when the implantation is carried out in one session with the removal of the damaged root. But in order to carry out such a procedure, all necessary conditions– size of bone tissue, absence of contraindications, etc.
  • – the main difference is in the instruments that the surgeon uses. Using a laser, you can reduce pain and tissue injury, eliminate blood, and simplify the procedure. In addition, such a beam additionally processes wound surfaces, disinfecting them and accelerating healing.
  • Implantation without surgery - too publicity stunt marketers who are actually talking about the transgingival method, when the implant is implanted in soft tissues using special drills. This is a less traumatic procedure than classic surgery, but the tissue will also take a long time to heal.
  • Endosseous implantation is the most used method of implanting artificial roots into the bone in a similar way to their natural location. This places high demands on the condition of the alveolar ridge, the health of the patient and the structure of the jaw.

Video: types and prices of dental implantation.

Comparative table of popular implants with price and advantages

To fully determine all the differences, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of our most common models from different manufacturers, we will provide a table.

Name Available rod shapes Mandatory presence of bone tissue volume Country of origin Material, surface treatment Price Guarantee
Cylindrical and conical No Russia Aluminum oxide and titanium powder coatings, anodized titanium, gold 20 000-40 000

From this article you will learn:

A dental implant is a structure made of titanium or bioceramics that is implanted into the bone tissue of the jaw and subsequently serves as a support for an artificial crown or bridge. Implants can also be used to improve the fixation of removable dentures.

Implants are shaped like a tooth root. As we have already said: they are most often made from medical titanium, less often from bioceramics or an alloy of titanium and zirconium dioxide. The choice of these materials is due to the fact that only they are capable of osseointegration, i.e. can firmly fuse with bone tissue into one whole.

Photo surgical stage NobelBiocare implant installation –

Dental implants: reviews, rating 2019

Below you can see detailed information for dental implants, types and prices described above in the manufacturer ratings. In fact, it is very difficult to give 1st place to one of the first three companies - AstraTech, Straumann or NobelBiocare, because... These companies are almost equal in the quality of the implants they produce. However, in our opinion, the rating should still look like this...

1. Implants from Straumann (Switzerland) –

  • the cost of a Straumann dental implant will be from 51,000 rubles only for the surgical installation stage (see turnkey prices below).

2. Implants from AstraTech (Sweden) –

  • primary stability in soft bone types (D3 and D4) is somewhat worse than that of implants with a more pronounced conical shape, which also have a more pronounced thread, which limits immediate prosthetics on single implants in these types of bone. However, if the implant is not single (i.e. a bridge is planned), or prosthetics will be delayed, then there are no problems even in soft types of bone.
  • the cost of an AstraTech dental implant will be from 43,000 rubles only for the surgical installation stage (see turnkey prices below).

3. Implants from NobelBiocare (Switzerland) –

  • phosphorus on the titanium surface is a barrier to osseointegration; despite the fact that this layer is soluble, its presence still, in our opinion, prolongs the “catabolic phase” of osseointegration,
  • Lately, for some reason, Nobel implants have been chipping a lot (due to mechanical force on the implant),
  • High price... and how much it costs to install a dental implant from NobelBiocare will depend on the specific model of the implant (the difference between them is very large). Depending on this, the price will range from 42,000 to 80,000 rubles only for the surgical installation stage (see turnkey prices below).

4. Implants from ROOTT (Switzerland) –

Cons: these basal implants can only be used if you are missing 3 or more teeth in a row (including complete absence of teeth on the jaw), but this method is not used if 1-2 teeth are missing.

How much does it cost to install a Roott implant?
the surgical stage of installing 1 implant will cost you from 24,000 to 28,000 rubles (without a crown). Turnkey prices see below.

5. Implants from Osstem (Korea) –

Cons: Not the best alternative for dense bone types such as the lower jaw.

6. Implants from MIS (Israel) –

Cons: there are aluminum and vanadium impurities in titanium, which worsen the osseointegration of implants.

How much does a MIS dental implant cost?
the surgical stage of installing 1 implant will cost you only 20,000 rubles (excluding the cost of the abutment and crown). Turnkey prices see below.

7. Implants from AlfaBio (Israel) –

  • The SLA surface of the implant does not have increased degree hydrophilicity, like previous implant manufacturers,
  • There are aluminum and vanadium impurities in titanium, which worsen the osseointegration of implants.

How much does an AlfaBio dental implant cost?
the surgical stage of installing 1 implant will cost you only 20,000 rubles (excluding the cost of the abutment and crown). See turnkey price below.

Important information about choosing implants
if you are planning to install an implant in the area of ​​the front teeth and aesthetics are important to you, or you would like prosthetics to be carried out immediately or in the early stages after surgery (after 6-8 weeks, and not after 3-6 months), then you should not choose the cheapest implant options available. The fact is that the speed of engraftment depends primarily on the characteristics of the implant surface. The following technologies can speed up engraftment: increased hydrophilicity of the surface, application of a thin layer of phosphorus molecules, fluorine ions to the surface of the implant...

Most implantologists will immediately tell you that best choice implants will be from Straumann (Switzerland), especially if the implant is made not from ordinary titanium, but from the Roxolid material. These implants have the best surface in the world, providing excellent results. Yes, these implants are expensive and, of course, if you can hardly afford them, you shouldn’t go into debt and take out loans. In this case, it is better to choose at least Osstem (Korea).

Conclusions: when implanting in the aesthetic zone (in the area of ​​the front teeth), it is best to give preference to implants that cause less bone atrophy at the neck. All 3 companies mentioned above have atrophy values ​​significantly lower compared to the standard. As for prosthetics in the area of ​​chewing teeth, the issue of aesthetics is less important.

For objectivity, it should be noted that the study on changes in bone level in Fig. 15 was carried out using specific models, and not the entire line of implants (for example, NobelBiocare has Brånemark system implants). Those. If we take other implant models, for example, “NobelActiv” from NobelBiocare and Straumann “BL” or “BLT”, then the amount of atrophy there will not be much different from AstraTech implants.

Of course, a lot depends not only on the implant, but also on the implant surgeon and how he plans the operation. For example, you can choose an expensive implantation system, but the doctor will not take into account the thickness of the outer bone wall or the thickness of the gums - as a result, this will still lead to bone atrophy and gum recession. So, good doctor, with a thickness of the external bone wall of less than 2.0 mm, it will be necessary to increase the thickness of the bone by adding a bone graft.

Dental implants: reviews, harm, contraindications

When a patient starts looking for information on implantation, he quickly realizes that patient reviews of dental implants are very contradictory. Moreover, negative reviews are only to a small extent associated with implant rejection, and patient dissatisfaction becomes pronounced starting from 1.5-2 years from the moment of implantation. In this section we will summarize the main advantages and also tell you what to be wary of.

Below in the photo we show an example of a high-quality operation of installing an AstraTech implant and subsequent prosthetics using a ceramic abutment and a ceramic crown made of zirconium dioxide. Pay attention to how indistinguishable the artificial crown is from your teeth, as well as the ideal contour of the gums around the implant (photo 16-21).

Dental implants: how they are placed using the classic two-stage implantation technique -

Pros of implantation –

  • Today, statistics show that the survival rate of implants for 5-7 years is at the level of 95-98%. Thus, a modern dental implant is a very safe method replenishment of lost teeth, with a fairly small number of cases of rejection.
  • At partial absence teeth
    you will not need to grind down adjacent healthy teeth for crowns, which means they will last you a long time. Moreover, 1 economy-class dental implant together with a crown will cost almost the same as preparing neighboring teeth from defects for crowns + metal-ceramic bridge of 3 units.

    According to official statistics, in more than 60-70% of cases, filling the root canals of teeth at the stage of preparation for prosthetics is carried out poorly. This leads to the development of inflammation at the tops of the roots of the teeth, the need to remove crowns and re-treat the teeth, and subsequent complete redoing of the crowns. Moreover, complications appear after the warranty period expires.

  • With complete absence of teeth on the jaw
    There are several implantation methods, thanks to which you can get a completely permanent bridge even if you are completely missing teeth. In addition, they exist with support on 2-3 implants, thanks to which the prosthesis will not fall off spontaneously when speaking and chewing.

Disadvantages of implantation and very important points -

  • The main reason for patient dissatisfaction with implantation
    It is not the rejection of implants, but the deterioration of aesthetics that manifests itself over time. We are talking about implants that fall into the smile line. This is manifested by the appearance of a sharp cyanosis of the marginal gum adjacent to the crown on the implant. This happens due to excessive atrophy of the bone tissue around the neck of the implant.

Update date: 11/28/2018

Date of publication: 02/22/2011

Education: Philological Faculty of Tomsk State University, specialty "Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature"

Many people know that dental implantation exists. But not all of us are aware that this procedure has a lot of varieties. Having learned about what methods of installing implants exist today, you may be able not only to maintain a conversation with your implantologist, but also to more thoroughly approach the preparation of your treatment process. We share our knowledge in this area in our article.

How did the different types of implantation come about?

Implantation is one of the most popular orthopedic areas. Since the discovery of the phenomenon of osseointegration, that is, the natural restoration of bone tissue, in 1965, millions of implant surgeries have been performed. At the same time, in each individual case, certain nuances of the structure of the jaw bones and other features of the physiology of the patients were noted, which influenced the course of implantation, and, most importantly, its results. Thus, the technology of the process began to vary depending on the indications and conditions of implantation.

Endosseous, or intraosseous, implantation

This is the most progressive type of dental implantation, the effectiveness of which is recognized by implant surgeons around the world. Its advantageous feature is that the installation of the implant is carried out in the most in a natural way– direct introduction into the bone tissue, which guarantees its good survival and further functionality. Endosseous implantation requires a certain alveolar bone height. If it is not enough, osteoplasty is performed - building up bone tissue and improving its quality.

Today, endosseous implantation most often uses root-shaped dental implants. Extremely rarely, in cases with thin bone, plate implants can be used, and in cases of severe resorption or bone atrophy It is possible to use implants of combined forms (see Figure No. 1). For this type of implantation, either a one-stage technique can be used - installation of an implant and abutment with a temporary crown in one day, or a two-stage technique - first installation of an implant, and after 4 - 6 months - an abutment with a permanent crown, depending on the clinical situation patient. However, there are other methods of dental implantation.

Implants installed as a result of endosseous (intraosseous) dental implantation. In Figure No. 1: 1 – lower jaw bone; 2 – plate implant; 3 – cylindrical implant; 4 – screw (root-shaped) implant.

Basal implantation

A type of implantation called “basal” is used only in cases where the following problem is observed: the need for prosthetics of a large number of consecutive teeth when there is insufficient volume of jaw bone tissue and the impossibility of additional surgery to build it up. In this case, some doctors suggest using basal implants, which are installed in the deep and bicortical layers of bone tissue not from above, as is the case with root-shaped implants, but from the side. Basal implantation involves the simultaneous loading of newly installed implants with bridges.

Today, basal dental implantation cannot be classified as a modern type of dental implantation. The opportunity to avoid additional surgery to restore bone volume may have its advantages in terms of finances and time spent, but there is no need to talk about the reliability of this procedure. Therefore, many leading specialists in the field of implantology either do not use basal implantation in practice, or consider it only as a temporary solution to the problem of missing teeth for elderly patients.

Endodontic-endosseous implantation

Endodontic-endosseous implantation is one of the outdated techniques that is practically not used today. Its main goal is to preserve the tooth root. This technique implantation was used to strengthen mobile teeth, for bone defects, periodontitis, cysts, dental fractures and other situations. The implants, similar to pins, were inserted into the bone tissue through the tooth canal without the need for an incision in the gum. In cases involving resection of root tips, removal of cysts, or fracture of teeth, the pin was inserted into the bone tissue directly through the defect.

The very idea of ​​preserving at least some part of the tooth can be considered commendable. But does it make sense to leave a destroyed root, which at any moment can become a source of inflammation? Modern implantologists answer this question unequivocally - no. Carrying out endosseous or intraosseous implantation together with tooth extraction will be the best solution in this situation. This fact is practically confirmed complete failure doctors from this type of implantation.

Subperiosteal implantation

This technology of dental implantation does not apply to modern techniques, but as historical information It is worth mentioning about implantology. Subperiosteal implantation was carried out when the height of the alveolar process, the bone bed of the tooth formed by parts of the upper and lower jaws, was insufficient, in cases where it was impossible to perform bone grafting or the patient wanted to save on it. The procedure involved placing an implant under the periosteum, the connective tissue surrounding the bone. That is, the base for future teeth was not introduced from the side of the tooth socket, but was attached to the side surface, under the gum.

For subperiosteal implantation, subperiosteal implants were used, which were a metal frame with supports protruding into the oral cavity (see Figure No. 2). They were made individually based on a cast of the jaw bone tissue. Subperiosteal dental implantation could take place in either one or two stages. The bone size for this type of implantation required at least 5 mm in height.

An implant installed using subperiosteal dental implantation. In Figure No. 2: 1 – lower jaw bone; 2 – subperiosteal implant; 3 – gums; 4 – view of the implant after installation.

Intramucosal implantation

It is known that partially and completely removable dentures are very inconvenient to use. Intramucosal implantation helps make removable dentures more comfortable for patients and improves the aesthetics of their smile. It is used to improve the fixation of removable dentures in cases of atrophy of the alveolar process in the upper jaw, as well as in cases of developmental defects of the palate, when classical endosseous implantation is impossible or the cost of the procedure is an acute issue for the patient.

This technique is also called mini-dental implantation and is carried out using special intramucosal implants, which consist of two parts: the first part is attached to a removable denture, and the second is installed directly into the oral mucosa. The implants are fixed into small hole-shaped depressions in the gums, formed using a special bur. They are immediately fitted with a denture, which can later be easily removed for oral hygiene. The only prerequisite for this type of implantation is the thickness of the mucosa - at least 2.2 mm.

Transosseous implantation

Transosseous dental implantation has also become history. It was used for significant resorption of the alveolar ridge (the tip of the alveolar process, which is formed after tooth loss) of the lower jaw. Such a diagnosis was considered an absolute contraindication for any type of implantation, since if the bone tissue above the mandibular canal is less than 10 mm, then the inferior alveolar nerve can be damaged during the operation. To eliminate this problem, an operation could be performed to move it, but in cases where the patient expressed a desire to save money, transosseous implantation was used.

To perform transosseous dental implantation, dental implants were used in the form of a curved bracket with two pins that were installed on the chin, and not in the oral cavity. It happened as follows. WITH outside A small incision was made in the lower jaw, and an arc-shaped bracket was fixed. The pins were inserted into the bone in such a way that they passed right through it. Protruding in the oral cavity, they later served to secure removable dentures (see Figure No. 3). In order to carry out this operation, bone tissue was required to be at least 6 mm in height and at least 3 mm in thickness.

An implant installed as a result of transosseous dental implantation. In Figure No. 3: 1 – lower jaw bone; 2 – outer part implant; 3 – internal part of the implant; 4 – gums.

Laser dental implantation

Along with various types of implantations, dental clinics offer dental implantation using a laser. The essence of the method is that all cuts are made not with a scalpel, but with a laser beam. It is believed that laser dental implantation takes less time and is less painful for the patient, which makes it possible to reduce the dose of anesthetics. In addition, it is practically bloodless due to instant coagulation of blood vessels, and also has additional antibacterial effect. Patients are also attracted by the absence of surgical sutures, which is believed to contribute to faster and better tissue healing.

Laser dental implantation is more expensive compared to the traditional implant procedure. The price difference will be approximately 30 - 60% depending on the category of the clinic. For example, in one of the Moscow dentistries, the basic cost of traditional dental implantation ranges from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles, while laser implantation will cost the patient more – from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. Many doctors believe that big difference There is no difference between these procedures, but whether it’s worth overpaying is up to you to decide.

Express implantation

This term is more advertising than scientific. This refers to conventional endosseous or intraosseous implantation using a one-stage technique that offers the installation of an implant and a dental crown in one visit. The so-called rapid dental implantation is intended, in principle, to attract patients to the implantation procedure. Unfortunately, victims of advertising only find out at an appointment with a specialist that this method is not suitable for everyone. In order to carry out express implantation, it is necessary ideal conditions for surgery – the absence of general contraindications, sufficient bone tissue and availability of space for implant installation.

Implantation without surgery

Dental implantation without surgery is another advertising gimmick and nothing more. We are talking about minimally invasive intraosseous implantation, which is carried out using the transgingival method. The implantologist, without cutting the gums, uses special drills to make a hole in the bone, where the implant is then installed. Again, this method has its contraindications and is not suitable for everyone. In any case, this cannot be called non-surgical dental implantation.

Implantation methods for complete absence of teeth


Trefoil technology – new way dental implantation. The technique was created exclusively for the restoration of teeth in the lower jaw with complete edentia. The advantage of the technology is that the permanent fixed prosthesis is installed immediately on the day of implantation on a titanium bar with an innovative fixing mechanism, which ensures passive fit of the orthodontic structure. The base follows all the curves of the real lower jaw, and adaptive joints hold the artificial roots in place. correct position. The use of a small number of implants significantly reduces the cost of prosthetics.


The All-on-4 method is a patented development of Nobel Biocare. The operation according to the protocol involves the installation of only four implants to restore all the teeth in the jaw. Immediately after implantation, subject to good primary stability, titanium roots can be loaded with a fixed prosthesis. The peculiarity of the operation is that the implants are fixed in the lateral upper jaw at an angle of 45 degrees, bypassing the maxillary sinuses. Abutments with inclined fastening (multi-unit) are selected for them. The two remaining implants are installed at right angles to the area of ​​the front teeth. Implantation using the All-on-4 method is especially effective in cases where it is not possible to grow bone tissue according to physiological characteristics the patient's body.


The All-on-6 technique is an improved All-on-4 implantation technology. Two titanium rods are fixed vertically in the frontal zone, four - in the chewing sections at an angle of about 60 degrees. The implants do not affect the maxillary sinuses. Compared to the All-on-4 technology, when using the All-on-6 protocol, the chewing load is distributed more evenly due to the increased number of implants.

Types of implantation: comparative analysis

Endosseous (intraosseous) implantation

  • Good survival rate and further functionality of implants.
  • Bone grafting is most often required before the procedure.

Basal implantation

  • The possibility of prosthetics for a large number of consecutive teeth with insufficient jaw bone tissue without additional surgery to build it up.
  • Installation of the prosthesis immediately after implantation.
  • Unreliability of the method.
  • Use as a temporary solution only.

Endodontic-endosseous implantation

  • Serves to preserve the root of a damaged tooth.
  • The pin is inserted into the dental canal without making an incision in the gum.
  • There is a risk of tissue inflammation.

Subperiosteal implantation

  • It is performed when there is a lack of bone tissue without increasing it.
  • The height of the bone must be at least 5 mm.

Dental implantation: promotions, types and prices 2018, before and after photos, implantation methods (video), contraindications, best implantation teeth in Moscow.

Losing teeth causes a lot of inconvenience to each of us!

Firstly, facial expression changes. Secondly, chewing function is impaired, which negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system. Thirdly, a person begins to experience discomfort when communicating and loses self-confidence. Fourth, the most important “disadvantage” of missing teeth is the inability to smile beautifully.

Fortunately, modern dentistry does not stand still and is constantly improving treatment methods. Today, a new technique contributes to solving this problem - dental implantation.

The Elident clinic has everything necessary to carry out this procedure. Highly qualified specialists, the latest equipment, high-quality materials are only part of the benefits that you can count on when you contact us.

Many refuse implant installation when they find out how much does dental implantation cost in Moscow. We have provided for this moment and are ready to provide good discounts permanent patients. Our activities are based on the motto: “Carrying out dental implantation at the highest level at affordable prices." In addition, we strive to fully and individually fulfill all patient requests, which is an additional bonus to the professionalism and prompt timing of treatment procedures.

So let's figure out what it is dental implantation, and also find out what indications and contraindications exist for its implementation. In addition, in this article we will take a detailed look at the types and stages of dental implantation, learn about possible complications and rules for caring for the oral cavity after implant installation.

13. Dental implantation: types and prices in modern Elident clinics (Moscow)15. The best dental implantation in Moscow - Elident clinics

What is dental implantation?

Dental implantation- this is a surgical procedure performed for the purpose of implantation, after which the crown is fixed. Dental implant surgery carried out both in the absence of several and in the loss of one tooth. Despite the simplicity and painlessness of this procedure, there are certain contraindications for its implementation.

In some cases, for example, when it is required full dental implantation, additionally, plastic surgery may be required to restore bone tissue, which will ensure strong fastening of the titanium rod. Thanks to installation of implants(implants with a crown) it became possible to recreate the natural appearance of teeth with all their inherent functions. However, even if you have done the best dental implantation in Moscow, in the future it is necessary to provide adequate care for the oral cavity, which will significantly increase the service life of the implant.

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What are the indications for implantation?

Not all people are aware of what it is dental implantation and what indications for its use are there. Some people don't see the point at all installation of implants, naively believing that the absence of 1-2 teeth is not a problem. However, such a situation requires implementation immediate dental implantation, since even with the loss of one dental unit in the oral cavity, irreversible changes. Firstly, there is a gradual displacement of the teeth, followed by a violation of the density of their contact and the appearance of diastemas. If you don't do it in a timely manner dental implantation, then a person may begin to develop such hazardous processes in the oral cavity, such as caries and periodontitis.

Also, we should not forget that bone thinning may begin in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, which is due to the lack of required load at her. In the future, this may lead to the need for implantation ceramic products or, if it comes to upper jaw dental implantation, it is advisable to perform a sinus lift procedure. In the absence of several dental units, the situation is significantly aggravated: the corners of the lips droop down and the cheeks sag. Therefore, even with the loss of one tooth, urgent installation of implants.

Dental implantation, photos before and after installation:

  • Before After
  • Before After
  • Before After
  • Before After
  • Before After
  • Before After

Contraindications and complications for dental implantation

Many people believe that bone implantation of teeth is associated with a certain risk for people and has a number of restrictions. Of course, this procedure has contraindications, like any other dental procedure.

Among the absolute restrictions for carrying out dental implantation include:

  • Patient age: up to 22 years;
  • Connective tissue diseases;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Presence of osteoporosis;
  • Alcohol or drug addiction;
  • Do not use for people suffering from diabetes;
  • Acute stage of myocardial infarction;
  • Chronic liver and kidney diseases.

There are also relative contraindications for implant installation:

  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • If there is uncontrolled grinding of teeth;
  • It is not recommended to undergo implantation surgery for heavy smokers;
  • If you have diabetes.

After dental implantation some are possible complications which can manifest as swelling and pain. However, such unpleasant manifestations disappear a few days after surgery. Doctors also recommend avoiding the consumption of hot foods and drinks for 1-2 days after the procedure. In addition, to minimize complications after dental implantation, it is advisable to limit the diet to “soft” foods that do not require prolonged chewing. To eliminate swelling after dental implantation It is recommended to take antibacterial therapy for several days and periodically visit a specialist to examine the oral cavity.

A necessary condition for high-quality osseointegration is the proper implementation of hygienic procedures.

Attending doctors

Main types of dental implantation techniques

The most common classification is one that takes into account the timing of installation of the prosthesis. Today, three types of load on the implant are known, allowing us to distinguish the following: types of dental implantation:

  1. . In this case, the fixation of the bridge or crown is carried out within 3 days after surgery, or immediately. The significant advantage that instant dental implantation, It is considered that the temporary crown or bridge is placed on the support immediately after the operation.
  2. . Assumes fixation permanent crown 1.5-2 months after surgery. Similar dental implant technology It is used in relatively rare cases, since for its implementation it is necessary to have a bone of sufficient volume. Moreover, tooth implantation process performed using only expensive dental systems.
  3. Two-step procedure. This is one of the most popular methods of installing implants, in which the use of a prosthesis is allowed only 12-24 weeks after the implantation of supporting structures.

In this article we will talk in detail about what it is dental implantation, and also characterize it types and prices, used in modern clinics.

Method 1 – Simultaneous dental implantation in Moscow

As mentioned above, this technology provides dental implantation with immediate loading. This means that a temporary crown is installed immediately after the completion of the surgical stage, or within 3 days after it. The above manipulation is also called “ express dental implantation».

It can be used both in case of loss of all dental units, and in case of their partial deficiency. An important advantage of this technique is the ability to reproduce lost frontal units. Unfortunately, instant dental implantation in Moscow has overestimated prices, but as evidenced reviews, they are completely justified. This is due to the immediate fixation of the temporary prosthesis and the patient’s ability to smile throughout the entire period of osseointegration.

Method 2 – Two-stage dental implantation

Similar dental implantation, as evidenced reviews, is considered one of the most reliable, since the risk of rejection of dental structures is significantly minimized. In this case, the process of installing a prosthesis can take a period of 3 to 6 months, depending on the need for osteoplasty.

1st stage: involves the introduction of a supporting element into the bone tissue, followed by the use of a plug and suturing of the mucosa.

2nd stage: after completion of osseointegration (after 12 or 24 weeks) secondary operation, during which the specialist removes the previously installed plug screw and replaces it with a special former. The use of the latter is necessary to create a gum contour near the implanted structure. Prosthetics are performed 2 weeks after the above manipulation.

Two-stage dental implantation: patient reviews

Presented above dental implantation deserves good ones reviews in patients, which is due to the lack of contact between the implant and the oral cavity. A tightly sutured mucous membrane located above the structure allows you to create a protective barrier against the penetration of bacteria inside.

The disadvantage of this technique is the need for repeated surgery.

Two-stage dental implantation is indicated if:

  • It is planned to carry out late prosthetics (in a few months);
  • Two-stage dental implantation as confirmed reviews, is one of the most safe ways for people who abuse tobacco products;
  • In the absence of proper oral care, as well as in the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the gum area;
  • If bone grafting surgery is planned;

In the presence of thinned gums (less than 2 mm), and therefore there is a need to increase the size of the gum tissue near the implant. In this case, the mucous membrane of the palate may be involved.

Method 3 – One-stage dental implantation

One-stage dental implantation based on usage new technologies and involves performing only one surgical operation. As part of it, an implant is implanted followed by suturing of the gum tissue. In this case, the main advantage is the introduction of a special shaper, which allows you to create a gingival contour near the structure directly during the period of osseointegration.

Thus, fixation of the crown is considered possible immediately after the implant has completed healing and the formation of the gingival contour. Among the advantages that one-stage implantation of 1 tooth or several dental units, include: no need for repeated surgery and a reduction in prosthetic time by 14 days.

Limitations for carrying out a one-step technique

Despite the fact that this technique for installing implants is highly safe and effective, there is a possibility of peri-impantitis when it is performed. This is due to the fact that bacteria can penetrate into the contact area between the bone and the implant, since, due to the presence of the abutment, absolute isolation from the oral cavity is not provided here.

Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out such a manipulation in patients who neglect the rules of oral care and have any inflammatory lesions in the tonsils and gums. It is also undesirable for people with diabetes and smokers.

Features of prosthetics

The role of the connecting element necessary for fixing the prosthesis to the implant is played by the abutment. This is a kind of adapter that has the shape of a tooth stump prepared for installing a crown. If prosthetics are performed using a metal-ceramic crown, then it is advisable to use a titanium abutment. When using ceramic crowns, it is recommended to use identical adapters to prevent metal from showing through the prosthesis.

Implantation of one tooth and several

Almost everyone knows how to implant one unit. To do this, first the implant is implanted, and then a crown is installed on it - immediately after the procedure or later certain time. However, many have no idea what happens implantation of several teeth. Here, as with any other dental procedure, there are some nuances.

When there is a need to replace several teeth located next to each other, it is important to individual approach to the choice of the number of implants. For example, for implantation of five such teeth You can use either two structures with bridges or use five separate implants. At the same time, the option of installing bridges has more low cost, and the possibility of implanting 5 separate supports is considered more aesthetic.

When required full dental implantation, then an option is possible with the implantation of 4 implants and a fixed bridge, or with the use of two implants and a removable denture. Last option It is one of the budget drugs and is prescribed to patients with thinned bones.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that when implanting more than two teeth It is necessary to wait a certain period of time before installing the crown. Most often it is 16-24 weeks. Thanks to delayed technology, it became possible to prevent all potential risks of rejection.

At full dental implantation It is advisable to use a special surgical template, which allows you to determine the location of crowns and implants using an appropriate computer application. But it should be remembered that even the use of such an algorithm is not a guarantee of easy and painless procedure implant installation, since almost no patient can endure a one-stage operation to implant eight dental units. Therefore, in order to quickly reduce swelling and pain after dental implantation, it is recommended to carry out the operation in several stages.

Dental implantation installation time

Even after professional dental implantation in the clinic it is necessary to maintain a certain period of time until complete fusion (osseointegration) of the implants with the bone tissue. Dr. Per-Ingvar Brånemark closely studied this process in 1953.

According to his opinion, the process of installing a ceramic crown can be done only 12-16 weeks after implantation of the implants in the lower jaw area and 20-24 weeks after implantation of the supports in the upper jaw area. In this case, it is preferable to use an all-ceramic crown, which replicates the shade of natural teeth and also does not cause allergic reactions or discoloration of the gums.

Care after dental implantation

In general, the care that needs to be provided after dental implantation V clinic, resembles a regular one preventive procedure, but must be carried out with greater care, since plaque forms quite quickly on artificial surfaces.

For high-quality cleaning of the crown, doctors recommend using dental floss, a brush to treat the interdental space, or superfloss. At the same time important role plays use special brushes, which work on the basis of ultrasound and provide the highest quality and thorough oral hygiene.

Advantages and disadvantages of dental implantation

In many cases, when losing teeth, people choose to install a bridge. Despite the fact that this method is considered more affordable and widespread, over time, destruction of the teeth on which such a structure is placed can occur. As a result, the length of the prosthesis increases, and as a result, the person loses even more dental units. At dental implantation in dental clinic Such complications are excluded, and the list of advantages of this procedure is more impressive. These include:

  • When installing implants, there is no need to grind nearby teeth;
  • The operation of implantation is carried out both in case of loss of one or several teeth. There is also the possibility of complete dental implantation;
  • Through implantation, it is possible to prevent atrophy characteristic of bone during long absence teeth;
  • There is no discomfort while chewing food;
  • When installing implants, there is no negative impact on the gums;
  • By installing implants, it is possible to restore aesthetic appeal and functionality natural tooth;
  • Dental implantation has more high cost compared to conventional prosthetics, but its service life is longer.

In our clinic dental implantation has available prices and is carried out using high-quality, modern materials, widely in demand in European countries and the USA. In addition, we provide an individual approach to each visitor, which is combined with high professionalism and the use of the latest dental technology. The main goal of our activities is to fully satisfy the needs of patients and obtain effective long-term results.

Conducted at the Elident clinic, it is distinguished by a high professional level, has a positive assessment among patients and eliminates the risk of serious consequences for the body.

Swiss implants Straumann (SPECIAL — 34,900 ₽)

The most best dental implantation in Moscow carried out using Straumann implants (Switzerland). Dental structures from this manufacturer are of impeccable quality, have a long service life (more than 20 years), are famous for the shortest survival period (up to 1 month) and can be installed even in the absence of the required bone thickness. In addition, the company Straumann provides a full guarantee on the strength of implants.

Our specialists have the necessary qualifications, which allows them to install Straumann implants within the shortest possible time frame. Moreover, we have the lowest prices for dental implantation in Moscow– the cost of Straumann products is only 34,900 ₽ .

For those who require turnkey dental implantation, we are ready to perform it at a cost of RUB 66,000 .

Israeli implants Alpha Bio

We also install Alpha Bio implants, which have been popular on the market for 25 years. These dental structures are durable, strong and of unsurpassed quality. Operation by installation of Alpha Bio implants carried out by Elident, estimated at 25,000 ₽ . Moreover, the range of services includes not only implantation, but also anesthesia, suturing and installation of a plug.

Turnkey dental implantation using Alpha Bio materials costs only 53,100 ₽ .

German implants BioLine

Is it worth getting dental implants?

Despite all the variety of information about this dental procedure, almost every patient is concerned about the question: “Is it worth getting dental implants?” Of course, many are stopped by the prices for dental implantation, which are significantly higher than standard prosthetics. However, the importance of such surgical intervention is obvious.

Firstly, the loss of even one dental unit can subsequently lead to irreversible consequences, such as tooth displacement and loss of bone tissue. Secondly, a person may have a malocclusion and have problems chewing food, which will subsequently lead to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system. Thirdly, crooked teeth can negatively affect the aesthetic appeal of the face, and as a result, lead to neurological disorders.

All of the above troubles can be prevented only through dental implantation. What is it difference between prosthetics and implantation?

The fact is that by installing standard prostheses it will not be possible to completely solve the problem. Moreover, this can lead to thinning of the bone under the bridge and the appearance of a gap between the gum and it, into which food can get trapped. Even when it comes to removable prosthetics, it will not be possible to correct the situation, since the loss of bone tissue will occur much faster than with the installation of fixed dentures.

It should also be mentioned that dentures are not visually attractive. A different situation arises when installation of implants: Implants perform all the basic functions of teeth, prevent bone loss and look natural.


Implantation is a very common type today. dental services. With its help, many patients get rid of serious problems.

The types of dental implants, with their features and manufacturing companies, are different.

What are the types of dental implants?

Classification of implants according to the timing of installation and subsequent prosthetics:

  • one-stage implantation. A non-removable implant is used, which is inserted into the finished bone bed of the jaw. The prosthesis is installed immediately after implantation, or after one to two days;
  • two-stage implantation. Consists of 2 stages. On the first, the root part of the implant is inserted, on the second, after the tissue has healed, it is attached to it;
  • direct implantation. Completed in one visit to the dentist's office. An implant is placed in place of the newly extracted tooth. The disadvantage of this procedure is the different sizes of the hole and implant;
  • delayed implantation. The implant is implanted no earlier than 9 months after tooth extraction, when the bone tissue has already been completely rebuilt.

It happens that implantation cannot be carried out without increasing bone tissue, if its thickness is insufficient in the place where it is planned to install the implant.

The most common type of bone augmentation is . This method is used to build up the bone of the upper jaw. It consists of introducing bone replacement material into the maxillary sinus.

Classification of implantation by types of implants:

  • classic implant shape;
  • basal structures;

Implantation can also be performed using surgical instruments, or using a laser.

Why is dental implantation needed?

An implant is a metal frame implanted into jaw bone for subsequent attachment of the prosthesis to it.

Thanks to implantation, the patient can chew any food without feeling discomfort. At the same time, it looks and feels quite natural.

Note: Implants allow you to install a prosthesis even for people who have diseases of the oral mucosa (if they have healthy gums and regularly maintain oral hygiene).

When is implantation needed?

The implantation procedure allows you to restore lost teeth. What type of construction to use during the procedure will be determined by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the patient.

It is advisable to carry out implantation in the following cases:

  • high tooth wear caused by malocclusion;
  • the presence of a gap between the teeth, which is caused by deformation and discrepancy of the teeth;
  • a lost tooth causes speech defects;
  • chewing dysfunction;
  • changes in appearance as a result of tooth loss (wrinkles appeared in the nasolabial area, the corners of the lips drooped);
  • noticeable discomfort caused by missing teeth.

How to choose the type of implants?

Dental implantation is not just a dental treatment, it is primarily an operation, and if not taken seriously, it can be harmful to the patient’s health. Therefore, the patient himself, of course, cannot select required type implant, and only a qualified doctor can do this. This guide will help you on how to choose the right dentist-implantologist.

He carefully examines the patient, performs the necessary examination, identifies the peculiarities of the body’s condition and possible risks during implantation.

Diagnostics shows the specialist which implants are best offered to the patient.

These could be:

  • hilar structures, when the bone tissue is in order and no pathologies are detected in the patient;
  • lamellar, for restoring front teeth;
  • combined, when it is necessary to restore teeth that are severely damaged as a result of trauma;
  • subperiosteal, when the characteristics of bone tissue are unsatisfactory;
  • mini-implants when you need to restore low-functioning teeth and restore their aesthetic appearance.

What material are they made from?

Most implants are made from titanium alloys. The material is very strong, can withstand heavy loads, and it is also absolutely inert, which means it practically eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions:

  1. Zirconium oxide is used in the manufacture of more expensive structures. Modern developments indicate that if you use a titanium-zirconium alloy for manufacturing, this option will be very durable and affordable.
  2. Cheap impurities are added to some implants, which makes their price affordable, while reducing quality and quality.
  3. In order for the implant to take root better, the method of creating porosity of the rod through special spraying is often used. Such implants are not cheap.

Structure of implants

Most implants consist of 3 parts:

  1. The upper part protruding above the gum.
  2. Threaded pin as an attachment in the jaw bone.
  3. Connecting neck.

Modern models differ in shape and design:

  • the pin dimensions can be 6 - 16 millimeters in length;
  • The thread and density of different models differ;
  • designs can be one-piece (used for one-stage implantation) or collapsible.

Classification of implants by type of anesthesia used:

  1. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
  2. The use of general anesthesia is used in particularly severe cases, or if the patient experiences an insurmountable fear of the procedure.

Dental implantation methods

Depending on how the implant is located, the following types of implantation are distinguished:

  1. Intraosseous implantation, also called endosseous implantation. A highly effective procedure in which installation occurs naturally, with direct insertion of the implant into the jawbone. For this type of installation, the alveolar process and the required bone height are required. If the patient's bone tissue is in unsatisfactory condition, it is augmented ().
  2. is used if it is necessary to restore several adjacent teeth, or in cases where there is not enough bone tissue and it is impossible to build it up. Implants are installed into the bone not from above, like root-shaped ones, but from the side. This type is not popular today and is more often used as a temporary solution.
  3. Endodontic-endosseous implantation is practically not used in modern dentistry. It has been used before. At the same time, they injected into the living root.
  4. Intramucosal implantation or mini-implantation is carried out by fixing implants in small depressions in the gums made with a bur. To carry it out, the thickness of the patient’s mucosa must be at least two millimeters. The procedure helps to improve the aesthetic appearance of the smile and make it comfortable to wear. TO this method are used when traditional implantation is not possible due to palate defects or atrophic changes in the alveolar process.
  5. Submucosal implantation is used to prevent the removal of removable dentures, improving their fixation and stabilization.
  6. Intraosseous-subperiosteal implantation is used if several front teeth are missing, through the installation of special structures with maximum stability.

Pros and cons of implantation

Installing implants is not a cheap service, but if the patient decides to undergo this procedure, he will not regret it.

The procedure has many advantages:

  1. Long service life.
  2. There is no impact on healthy teeth (no need to grind them down).
  3. Natural load on the bone, eliminating its deformation and damage.
  4. High aesthetics.
  5. The ability to install a prosthesis for the entire jaw, which will look natural.
  6. Restoration of several teeth or one tooth at once.
  7. Ability to eat even solid food.
  8. No need other than normal hygiene oral cavity.
  9. Natural chewing function.
  10. The ability of the crown to withstand significant loads.
  11. The ability to easily replace the old crown.
  12. Possibility to choose the type of design and installation method.
  13. High survival rate.

There are also disadvantages of the procedure that may make the patient doubt the need for the procedure:

  • risk . After all, each patient is individual and implant healing can occur in different ways;
  • this is an operation, which means a traumatic way of recovery, with possible unpleasant sensations and the presence of a recovery period;
  • a sufficient number of contraindications;
  • the need to build up bone tissue if its volume is insufficient for the procedure, which is also a long process with possible complications;
  • long rehabilitation period;
  • quite high cost.

Benefits of implantation

Let us recall the advantages of installing implants:

  1. Possibility of installing both removable and .
  2. Removable dentures are secured more carefully using implantation. This case is more correct if we compare it with attaching a removable denture to living teeth, which as a result receive heavy load, and are also exposed negative impact, which can lead to their destruction.
  3. They are as comfortable to wear as possible, and they look natural.
  4. The procedure permanently eliminates periodontal disease.
  5. When restoring one tooth using implantation, there is no risk of damage to neighboring teeth.
  6. Reliable fastening for crowns and other prostheses.

Which implants are better?

Let's compare the characteristics of the most common types of implants: basal, mini and classic. There is no point in considering other types, since they are used only in rare special cases.

Root-shaped classic


  • easy to install, the procedure is not particularly long;
  • available in almost every clinic;
  • a large number of their models contributes to the possibility of choice for each case;
  • good survival rate;
  • in case correct installation do not cause complications.


  1. In most cases, bone tissue is augmented before installation, which adds cost and length to the procedure.
  2. A large number of contraindications (rarely can be diagnosed in old age).
  3. High cost.

Mini implants


  1. Inexpensive.
  2. There are almost no contraindications.
  3. In some cases, serious prosthetics without bone augmentation are possible.
  4. Good survival rate.
  5. Minor injury to gums and bones.


  • low strength;
  • do not withstand heavy loads on the tooth.

Basal implants


  1. The cost is lower than the classic ones.
  2. Can be installed without bone grafting.
  3. There are few contraindications.


  • they take root worse;
  • shorter service life;
  • sufficient trauma during installation;
  • Removal in case of complications is very difficult.

Thus, most dentists most often use classic implants. Mini-structures are good when there is a need to strengthen a removable denture. And basal ones are used only in rare cases, when, for example, it is necessary to restore a large number of teeth at once.

Methods for installing dental implants

  1. Flap - soft tissue is peeled off, and the jaw bone is exposed, in which a hole is made for the implant using a drill.
  2. Minimally invasive - direct screwing of the implant through soft tissue. The method is low-traumatic. To use it, you need to prepare in advance a surgical template obtained on the basis of a CT scan of the jaw.
  3. Laterally - the most traumatic method. Used when installing plate structures. The soft tissue is peeled off from the side of the gum, a bed is drilled that best matches the shape of the implant, the implant is installed and the gum is sutured.
  4. Immediately after tooth extraction, into its socket - the least traumatic method. But it cannot be applied in the case when suits the gums inflammatory process because of a bad tooth. You can read more about this method in this “all on 4” implantation, on three implants (Trefoil). Due to the peculiarities of their structure and coating, they allow the prosthesis to be attached to them immediately, so the patient will smile and eat without the tedious wait for new teeth.
  5. How much do the structures cost?

    Implantation prices vary. There are many reasons why the price is formed. This includes the type, the installation method, the amount of work and, of course, the specifics of each specific case.

    We offer an overview of turnkey prices in Moscow clinics for implantation (prices are indicated in rubles):

    Type of implant Dentistry Meliora Dent Dentistry Dmitrovich and Colleagues Dentistry Mendeleev Dentistry ActiveStom
    Nobel Biocare From 45000 From 40000 From 47000 From 50000
    M.I.S. From 25000 From 34300 From 25000 From 21000
    Alpha Bio From 19900 From 18000 From 21000 From 25000
    Astra Tech From 55000 From 35100 From 44900 From 46100

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Who chooses suitable look implant?


    The choice should remain only with a specialist who can correctly assess the situation of the patient’s dental condition.


    What is the difference between expensive implants and cheap ones?


    The more expensive the implant, the greater the warranty on it, which will allow the patient to redo the procedure for free if necessary. Also, high-standing implants in most cases take root without any problems.


    What type of construction is best to use for immediate installation after tooth extraction?


    The bone tissue under the extracted tooth is usually quite voluminous, which makes it possible to install a classic implant.


    Is it possible to install a full-fledged prosthesis on a mini-structure?


    No, they are not designed for heavy loads.


    Why use an implant in case of removable prosthetics?


    Attaching removable dentures on your own is not very reliable. They hold on to implants much more firmly, and the design is very comfortable.



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