2. Progestin-only birth control pills (“mini-pills”)

Contraception for women during lactation (breastfeeding). Contraception for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who have regular sex life, in case of contraindications to the use of estrogens. Contraception for smoking women over 35 years of age.

Hormonal pills - full review. The Newest Birth Control Pills: Freedom of Choice

Today, there are two main types of birth control pills:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)
    These drugs contain 2 synthetic analogues of female hormones: estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progesterone. Combined oral contraceptives are either monophasic (the level of hormonal substances in the tablets remains unchanged throughout the entire administration) or triphasic (the tablets contain three combinations of hormones that change during the menstrual cycle).
  2. Progestin-based birth control pills (“mini-pills”)
    These drugs contain only synthetic progestogen and are intended specifically for nursing mothers, or in case of contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives (estrogens).

1. Combined contraceptive pills (COCs)

Combined contraceptive pills can be divided into several groups, each of which is suitable for a specific category of women. This takes into account age, whether the woman has given birth or not yet, and whether she suffers from any hormonal or other disorders of the body.

All groups of COCs equally reliably block ovulation, which means they equally protect against pregnancy. Ovulation is blocked by progestogen, and its dose is the same in all combination drugs. The difference between microdosed and low-dose is only in the content of the estrogen dose. Estrogens are added not to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but to control the menstrual cycle.

1.1. Microdosed birth control pills

Contraception for young, nulliparous women who have regular sex life. Drugs in this group are easily tolerated and have minimal side effects. Great for those who have never used hormonal contraceptives. As well as contraception for mature women over 35 years of age (up to the onset of menopause).

Name Compound Notes
Nomegestrol acetate 2.50 mg;
Estradiol hemihydrate 1.55 mg.
A new monophasic drug containing hormones similar to natural ones.
Estradiol valerate 2 mg;
Dienogest 3 mg.
New three-phase drug. Best suits the natural hormonal background of a woman.
Jess Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.
Jess Plus Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg;
calcium levomefolate 451 mcg.
New monophasic drug + vitamins (folates). Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.
Dimia Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.
Monophasic drug. Similar to Jess.
Miniziston 20 fem Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
levonorgestrel 100 mcg.
New monophasic drug.
Lindinet-20 Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Logest Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Novinet Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mg.
Monophasic drug.
Mercilon Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mcg.
Monophasic drug.

1.2. Low-dose birth control pills

Contraception for young, nulliparous women who have regular sex life (in the event that microdosed drugs are not suitable - the presence of spotting on the days of taking active pills after the end of the period of adaptation to the drug). As well as contraception for women who have given birth, or women of late reproductive age.

Name Compound Notes
Yarina Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.
Monophasic drug of the latest generation. Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.
Yarina Plus Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg;
calcium levomefolate - 451 mcg.
A monophasic drug of the latest generation containing vitamins (folates). Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.
Midiana Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.
Tri-Mercy Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
desogestrel 125 mcg.
Three-phase drug of the latest generation.
Lindinet-30 Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Femoden Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Silest Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
norgestimate 250 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Janine Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
dienogest 2 mg.
Monophasic drug. Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.
Silhouette Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
dienogest 2 mg.
New monophasic drug. Analogous to Janine.
Jeanetten Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
dienogest 2 mg.
New monophasic drug. Analogous to Janine.
Miniziston Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
levonorgestrel 125 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Regulon Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Marvelon Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Microgynon Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
levonorgestrel 150 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Rigevidon Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
levonorgestrel 150 mcg.
Monophasic drug.
Belara Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
chlormadinone acetate 2 mg.
New monophasic drug. Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.
Diana-35 Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
cyproterone acetate 2 mg.
Monophasic drug with anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.
Chloe Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
cyproterone acetate 2 mg.
Monophasic drug. Analogous to Diana-35.
Bellune-35 Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
cyproterone acetate 2 mg.
New monophasic drug. Analogous to Diana-35.
Desmoulins Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
ethynodiol diacetate 1 mg.
Monophasic drug.

1.3. High dose tablets

They are used to treat various hormonal diseases, as well as for contraception during the treatment of hormonal disorders. Ovidon

Ethinyl estradiol 50 mcg;
levonorgestrel 250 mcg.
Non-Ovlon Estradiol 50 mcg;
norethisterone acetate 1 mg.
Therapeutic monophasic drug.
Name Compound Notes
Lactinet Desogestrel 75 mcg. Monophasic drug of the latest generation. Especially for nursing mothers.
Charosetta Desogestrel 75 mcg. New monophasic drug.
Exluton Linestrenol 500 mcg. Monophasic drug of the latest generation.
Microlute Levonorgestrel 30 mcg. Monophasic drug.

Hormonal contraception all over the world they are considered the most reliable in terms of protection against unwanted pregnancy. They are trusted by millions of women in civilized countries. They give freedom to choose the time of birth of the desired child, emancipation in sexual relationships, and relief from certain diseases and suffering. Subject to the rules of use hormonal contraceptives provide, without a doubt, a high level of reliability. In the last decade, interest in this method of protection has also increased in our country, but passions about the benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages of their use do not subside.

How birth control pills work

Modern oral contraceptives may contain one or two hormones: progesterone and estrogen - then they are called combined, or only progesterone - the so-called mini-pills.

Combined contraceptives are divided into drugs:

  • with microdoses of hormones;
  • with low doses;
  • medium dose;
  • with high doses of hormones.
“Mini-pill” drugs are considered the most gentle of all birth control pills.

How do birth control pills work?

Birth control pills consist of synthetic hormones, which are analogues of female sex hormones produced in a woman’s body constantly during pregnancy. It is estrogen and progesterone that inhibit the production of other hormones that stimulate follicle maturation, due to which ovulation occurs. Therefore, by administering small doses of estrogen and progesterone with the tablet, it becomes possible to suppress or inhibit ovulation (egg maturation). The mechanism of action of all combined hormonal agents is based on this principle.

The action of the “mini-pill” is based on the same principles, but the effective point here is the effect of the tablets on the structure of the uterine mucosa, and on the change in the viscosity of the secretion of the cervical canal. Thickening of the secretion and looseness of the endometrium does not allow sperm to fertilize the egg, and the egg itself does not allow itself to gain a foothold in the uterus.

All these phenomena disappear when you stop taking contraceptives. Reproductive function is restored within two to three months, and the woman can have the desired pregnancy.

Birth control pills are almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. At the same time, the use of these products regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves women from pain during menstruation and menstrual bleeding. Modern contraceptives eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual and menopausal periods, reduce the risk of cancer, stop unwanted facial hair growth, and the appearance of acne.

Does the effect of birth control pills decrease with alcohol consumption?

Women, especially at a young age, often wonder how alcohol affects the reliability of birth control pills. Is it possible to take them together? Of course, this question is legitimate, because taking contraceptives can be long-term, but life is life, and no one is immune from circumstances when alcohol intake may occur.

I would like to always be confident in the effectiveness of contraceptives, and to know what factors can reduce it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to completely eliminate alcohol. And the instructions for contraceptive drugs often do not indicate that they cannot be combined with alcohol intake.

What to do if a festive feast is planned? If the celebration is scheduled for the evening, then taking the pill should be shifted three hours earlier or later. As a last resort, you can reschedule taking the pill until the morning, as if you forgot to take it, but then you need to follow the instructions for the drug and follow them exactly. It is also necessary to see a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy.

According to WHO, the dose of alcohol should not exceed 20 mg of ethanol per day, if the need arises in combination with birth control pills. Moderation in drinking alcohol plays a big role in maintaining the effectiveness of contraceptives.

Side effects

The main disadvantages of birth control pills are their side effects on the body, which include:
  • Bloody spotting, especially common when starting to take the pills. After adaptation to the drug, as a rule, they disappear.
  • Estrogens included in contraceptives can cause bloating, swelling of the lower extremities, fluid retention in the body, increased blood pressure, and migraine-like headaches.
  • Progestins, on the contrary, cause irritability, nervousness, acne, and some weight gain.
  • Weight gain may be associated with increased appetite when taking contraceptives. In some cases, this is due to fluid retention in the body.
  • Sometimes birth control pills can cause dark spots to appear on the face, similar to those characteristic of pregnancy. In this case, it is better to switch to another type of tablet.
  • Such dangerous vascular diseases as thrombosis can be caused. Their occurrence depends entirely on the dose of hormones in the product. The higher the dose of estrogen, the greater the risk of developing vascular thrombosis.
  • Smoking is prohibited while taking some contraceptives. Women who smoke are at risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives can cause attacks of cholelithiasis and cause the formation of new stones in the bile ducts.
  • Side effects may occur when oral contraceptives are combined with other medications: antibiotics, antifungals, etc.

What birth control pills help you get better?

Modern contraceptives, which contain microdoses of hormonal components, do not cause weight gain.

But, if the drug is chosen incorrectly for a particular woman or girl, some weight gain is quite possible. Many women experience weight gain in the first two months of taking contraceptives, which is easily explained by the body’s adaptation. If your weight increases in the future, then you need to decide on switching to another type of pill.

The effect of contraceptives on fat metabolism has been well studied. Therefore, it is possible for each woman to choose a remedy that would not cause the above side effects.

Bleeding while taking birth control pills

Bleeding when using birth control pills is a possible side effect. Bleeding can be either spotty or breakthrough.

Spotting bleeding occurs in the first months of taking contraceptives. They are more often observed when using drugs with low hormone content than when using combined drugs. The reason is this: microdoses of hormones in the tablet do not have time to accumulate in the body, and they are not enough to delay menstruation. This is a normal phenomenon, and it is not advisable to stop taking pills due to the appearance of spotting. The body will adapt and all functions will be restored.

If breakthrough bleeding occurs, the alarm should be sounded. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination to exclude ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis.

What to do if bleeding occurs:

  • Continue taking birth control as usual, or stop taking it within seven days.
  • Contact the doctor. Your doctor may prescribe additional high-progestin pills.
  • If the bleeding continues, then it is necessary to take a blood test to rule out anemia. For anemia, iron supplements are prescribed.

Vaginal discharge

Are women often concerned about an increase in vaginal discharge? and associate them with the use of birth control pills.

By the way, vaginal discharge is found in every woman, but normally it is odorless, transparent in appearance and insignificant.

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, you should consult a doctor who will tell you what to do. Establishing a cycle duration of 21-36 days is considered the norm.

With changes in mood, a herbal mixture with common twig helps well, which affects the level of testosterone in the body.

Skin problems such as acne, oily hair, greasiness? talk about an imbalance of hormones in the female body. In this case, combined oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic action are selected.

Doctors believe that it is better to stop taking the pills two to three months before the planned conception. However, it should be borne in mind that the likelihood of conception increases already in the first month after discontinuation of the contraceptive.

How to take birth control pills correctly?

It is better to start taking contraceptives on the first day of your period - only then the pills take effect immediately. If taken on the fifth day of menstruation, additional precautions should be taken. Women with irregular periods can start taking contraceptives on the first day of their cycle, confident that they are not pregnant.

In the absence of lactation, it is better to start taking it 21 days after birth. If breastfeeding, taking oral contraceptives should be postponed for six months.

After an abortion, it is necessary to start using birth control pills on the day of the abortion.

Standard regimen for hormonal contraceptives
The drug is taken daily for 21 days, followed by a seven-day break, then continues to be taken from a new package. Menstrual-like bleeding goes away during a break from taking the pills.

Special Modes
The 24+4 mode is typical for the contraceptive Jess, the package of which contains 24 hormonal and 4 inactive tablets. The tablets are used daily, without breaks.

Extended mode
It consists of taking a product containing only “active” tablets (continuously, more than one package). A three-cycle regimen is common - taking 63 tablets of monophasic drugs followed by a 7-day break.

Thus, the number of menstrual bleeding per year is reduced to four.

What to do if you forgot to take your pill?

The basic rule in case of missing a pill:
1. Take the missed pill as soon as possible!
2. Take the remaining tablets at your usual time.

If one or two tablets are missed, or a new pack is not started within one or two days
Take a pill. There is a risk of pregnancy.

Missing three or more tablets in the first 2 weeks of use, or not starting a new pack within three days
Take a pill. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If sexual intercourse has taken place within 5 days, use emergency contraception.

Skipping 3 or more tablets during the third week of use
Take the pill as soon as possible. If the package contains 28 tablets, do not take the last seven tablets. Don't take a break. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If sexual intercourse has taken place within 5 days, use emergency contraception.

When do birth control pills start working?

When taken correctly, the tablets begin to act immediately after the start of the course.

How to choose the right drug for nulliparous and parous women?

Young, nulliparous women are more often prescribed microdosed birth control pills. Such drugs as Lindinet -20, Jess, Logest, Mercilon, Qlaira, Novinet are ideal for them.

Low-dose and medium-dose hormonal drugs are suitable for women who have given birth. These include: Yarina, Marvelon, Lindinet-30, Regulon, Silest, Janine, Miniziston, Diane-35 and Chloe.

Features of contraception depending on the woman’s age

Selecting birth control pills is a difficult task that can be solved together with your doctor. The goal of the task is reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy. The criteria may be effectiveness, absence of side effects, ease of use of the pills and speed of restoration of fertility after discontinuation of the contraceptive.

Undoubtedly, the choice of contraceptive drug depends on age characteristics.

At what age can you take birth control pills?

The periods of a woman’s life are divided into adolescence - from 10 to 18 years, early reproductive - up to 35 years, late reproductive - up to 45 years, and perimenopausal - lasting 1-2 years from the last menstruation.

It is advisable to start contraception in adolescence, if, of course, there is a need for it. In recent years, there has been a decrease in the age of first pregnancy and childbirth, and the frequency of abortions at a young age is increasing.

According to WHO, the most effective for adolescents are combined oral contraceptives containing small doses of steroids and third-generation drugs containing progestogens. Three-phase drugs are best suited for adolescents: Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-Regol, as well as single-phase drugs: Femoden, Mercilon, Silest, Marvelon, which regulate the course of the menstrual cycle.

Birth control pills for young girls

Between the ages of 19 and 35, women can use all known methods of contraception. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of combined oral contraceptives is more reliable and effective.

In addition to oral contraceptives, other methods are also popular in our country: insertion of an intrauterine device, use of a condom, and use of injection methods of contraception.

It has been proven that birth control pills are used not only for contraception, but also for therapeutic and preventive purposes for diseases such as infertility, inflammatory and oncological diseases, and menstrual irregularities. The only drawback you need to be aware of is that hormonal contraceptives do not protect a woman from sexually transmitted infections.

The most common remedies at this age are Janine, Yarina, Regulon.

Which birth control pills are best to take after 35 years of age?

Doctors say that at this age women should be protected from unwanted pregnancy by using intrauterine devices, because At this age, steroids, due to the presence of diseases acquired by the woman, are contraindicated.

A woman may suffer from cervical diseases, endometriosis, endocrinological diseases - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, obesity. Many women smoke. These factors complicate the selection of hormonal contraceptives.

Steroids are prescribed only if there are no contraindications. The latest generation combined contraceptive pills and three-phase drugs are preferred: Femoden, Triziston, Silest, Triquilar, Marvelon, Tri-regol.

For this group of women, products with a low content of hormones, as well as “mini-pill” preparations, are excellent. Hormonal contraception is combined with the therapeutic effect of new generation drugs. The most popular of them is Femulen. It can be used if a woman has diseases such as thrombophlebitis, previous heart attack and stroke, hypertension, severe migraine-type headaches, and some gynecological diseases.

Which birth control pills are suitable for women over 45?

After 45 years, ovarian function gradually decreases, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases, but is still possible. Many women at this age still ovulate, and fertilization of the egg can occur.

Undoubtedly, a woman is able to become pregnant and give birth to a child, but pregnancy often occurs with complications, since at this age there is a fairly large bouquet of various diseases. Usually there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, chronic dysfunctions of the reproductive system. All factors can serve as contraindications for the prescription of hormonal contraceptives. Smoking and other bad habits also complicate the use of birth control pills.

Very often, by the age of 40, women no longer plan a pregnancy, and unwanted pregnancies are artificially terminated. Abortion, especially during this period, has consequences that threaten a woman’s health. Frequent complications of abortion are the development of uterine fibroids, cancer, and severe manifestations of menopause. The possibility of developing diseases indicates the need for contraception during this period.

Birth control pills are also prescribed for many gynecological diseases, osteoporosis, and to prevent the development of ovarian and uterine cancer.

At the age of over 45 years, it is promising to use low-dose hormonal drugs, mini-pills, injections and implants that are implanted under the skin (for example, Norplant).

Combined-action contraceptive pills are contraindicated in women over 45 years of age in the following cases:

  • if a woman smokes;
  • if a woman suffers from heart and vascular diseases - heart attack, stroke, thrombosis;
  • with type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • in case of severe liver diseases with the development of liver failure;
  • for obesity.
At this age, the modern drug Femulen is often used, which has virtually no side effects.

Effect of birth control pills

For pregnancy

When taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy is quite possible if a woman takes the pills incorrectly or the regimen for taking them is disrupted. If pregnancy is suspected or established, the drug must be discontinued immediately.

Taking hormonal drugs in the first three weeks of pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus and the health of the woman.

Overall for the body

Hormonal contraceptives have different effects on a woman’s body. In order to promptly identify side effects of contraceptives, a woman taking these drugs is required to consult with her doctor twice a year. Contraceptives can affect the vaginal microflora. This influence manifests itself in various symptoms. Some people develop signs of thrush (bacterial vaginitis) because taking medications containing gestagens leads to a decrease in the level of lactobacilli in the vagina. In this case, it is possible to discontinue the pills until the estrogen level is restored and the symptoms disappear.

For the development of mastopathy

Women often ask the question: can birth control pills cause mastopathy?

Experts say that with the right choice of birth control pills and the correct regimen for their use, mastopathy cannot develop. Another thing is when a woman has hormonal imbalances, there are chronic gynecological diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands. Hormonal imbalance, stress, depression, abortion, breast injury can lead to mastopathy.

Contraception should only be selected by a doctor. The doctor must take into account all the characteristics of a particular woman, her state of health, age, heredity, phenotype, bad habits, lifestyle, sexual activity. If the drug is selected incorrectly, without a doubt, the risk of developing mastopathy increases.

It is important to start taking hormonal medications only after consultation and examination by a specialist - in this case, you will avoid unwanted consequences and possible complications.

Do birth control pills help with menopause and androgenetic alopecia?

An effective treatment for women during menopause and with androgenetic alopecia can be tablets and creams containing estrogen and progesterone.

Is it possible to leave without a doctor's prescription?

Birth control pills are prescription drugs and can only be prescribed by a doctor. The law does not prohibit the sale of hormonal contraceptives without a prescription. But only a doctor can help you choose the right method and means of contraception.

Hormonal pills are a group of medications containing hormones or their synthetic analogues. With their help, hormone therapy is carried out.

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    Principles of classification

    In medicine, hormonal drugs are classified as follows:

    • preparations of natural hormones (made from the glands of livestock, blood and urine of animals, humans);
    • synthetic medicines;
    • derivatives of hormonal substances.

    Synthetic analogues differ in their structure from natural hormones, but have similar physiological effects. In the human body, hormones are produced to control vital functions.

    Each gland produces certain substances:

    • the pituitary gland produces gonadotropin, oxytocin;
    • pancreas - insulin;
    • adrenal glands - glucocorticosteroids (strong anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, analgesic substances), sex hormones, anabolics.

    There is a false belief that hormonal drugs are harmful. Doctors say that drugs of this pharmacological group are an important and necessary addition to complex therapy. Often, medications provide a decent quality of life for severe patients (with chronic pathologies). In some cases, hormonal pills can save the patient's life.

    Hormones are prescribed in the following cases:

    • contraception;
    • replacement therapy for menopause;
    • combating testosterone deficiency;
    • treatment of inflammation, allergies;
    • combating hormonal deficiency in hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes, Addison's disease;
    • oncology therapy.

    Oral contraception

    This type of therapy is considered the most common way to use hormonal pills. Scientists have proven that high doses of sex hormones inhibit the ovulation process. This releases toxins. Then scientists synthesized hormonoids (substances with high efficiency and excellent tolerability). The resulting product is reliable protection against pregnancy without harming your figure. Extra pounds do not bother you, there is no shock concentration of the substance.

    The effectiveness of all contraceptives is assessed using the Pearl index (determines the probability of pregnancy during the year with regular use of medications). The average value of the indicator is up to 3%. Typically, with regular use of contraceptives, the probability of pregnancy rarely exceeds 1%.

    Doctors distinguish the following groups of hormonal pills:

    1. 1. Combined.
    2. 2. Non-combined (mini-pills).
    3. 3. Female emergency contraception.

    Combined medications

    Combination drugs (COCs) are effective means for preventing pregnancy. They contain 2 main components: estrogen and gestagen. Ethinyl estradiol acts as estrogen, and levonorgestrel, norgestrel, and other synthetic hormones act as progestogen. The concentration of hormones is minimal, which ensures their safety. Undesirable reactions rarely occur when consumed: excess weight, breast tenderness, anorexia.

    Monophasic medications include a constant concentration of hormones in all tablets. Despite the cyclical hormonal changes in the body, monophasic drugs are a strict dose of the hormone that is delivered daily. Doctors believe that these drugs are the best choice for active women under 35 years of age. Logest is the name of an effective drug in this group.

    Logest is a hormonal drug produced in Germany. Contains 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 75 mcg gestodene. Ideal for young women as it is easy to use and transport.

    Lindinet is a complete analogue of Logest. It differs in its dosage (it contains 30 mcg of estrogen). This is a Hungarian drug with excellent tolerability. Janine is a hormonal drug consisting of ethinyl estradiol and gestagen. The Pearl index when using the medication is 1%. It has some differences from other drugs: it has active androgenic activity (thanks to dienogest). Therefore, the medication is primarily prescribed for elevated levels of male sex hormones. New studies have proven that the drug has a strong hypocholesterolemic effect.

    Effective drugs

    Yarina is considered the most popular contraceptive pill. This German drug contains ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg) and drospirenone (3 mg). The product reduces cholesterol concentrations and has an antiadrogenic effect. Yarina is an excellent remedy for teenage acne; it is often prescribed for acne due to its ability to slow down the production of sebum and reduce the signs of the disease.

    Diane-35 has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect, therefore it is widely used to combat acne and seborrhea. In addition, the drug is recommended for contraception in women with signs of hirsutism (excessive hair growth).

    Jess is an effective remedy with antiandrogenic activity. Due to gestagens, all side effects of the drug are neutralized. Therefore, the drug is well tolerated. Jess alleviates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, having a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Low-dose COCs include Rigeviron, Femoden, Novinet, Miniziston, Regulon.

    Biphasic medications

    Biphasic drugs are complex hormonal tablets, the main difference of which is a higher concentration of gestagen. In this way they support the physiological cycle in the female body.

    Three-phase COCs are presented in the form of groups of tablets. The concentration of estrogen is maximum, and the content of gestagen increases from phase 1 to phase 3. These drugs are more modern and act physiologically. Experts advise buying monophasic contraceptives. When the concentration of hormones changes, the dose of active substances increases. This most often provokes the appearance of side effects (especially in biphasic ones). Representatives of two-phase drugs: Anteovin, Bi-Novum. Three-phase drugs are represented by such medications as Triziston, Tri-regol, Trister.

    The main action is to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy. This action, regardless of the composition and dosage of the medication, is based on blocking sex hormones responsible for ovulatory functions. The ovaries go into “sleep mode” and decrease in size. In a similar way, ovulation is suppressed and the properties of cervical mucus change.

    For maximum effect and protection against pregnancy, it is important to use the drugs regularly throughout the entire course of therapy (21 or 28 days). They are taken once a day. What to do when you miss your next pill? It must be drunk as soon as you remember it. Then the drug is taken according to the old regimen, even if you have to take 2 tablets.

    For effective and reliable protection, it is important to estimate the duration of the period during which the drugs were not used. Being up to 12 hours late does not require any additional action - protection against pregnancy remains close to 100%. A longer absence of contraception requires the use of additional protection (barrier, spermicidal contraception).

    Pros and cons of using COCs

    The medications in question have the following advantages:

    • fight against menstrual disorders, PMS (normalize the cycle, reduce blood loss, minimize signs of PMS);
    • treatment of acne, seborrhea, acne pathology (for this, COCs with antiandrogenic effects are used);
    • prevention of benign breast formations;
    • prevention of the development of ovarian cancer, endometrial carcinoma (protection from pathologies lasts up to 15 years after discontinuation of COCs).

    Negative effects from taking combined hormonal drugs:

    • the likelihood of side effects;
    • need for daily use.

    Contraindications to the use of combination drugs:

    • thrombotic diseases of deep veins;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • oncology;
    • vaginal bleeding;
    • liver diseases;
    • age after 35 years;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • drug use;
    • Many drugs are strictly forbidden to use if the kidneys or adrenal glands are damaged.

    What is a "mini-pill"?

    By “mini-pill” we mean contraceptives with one component - gestagen. The dose of the substance is minimal. Such medications are prescribed to persons over 35 years of age and to women with a history of diabetes mellitus. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to their use.

    But mini-pills have a lower Pearl index. The use of such drugs provokes intermenstrual bleeding, the occurrence of ovarian cysts, and ectopic pregnancy. The contraceptive effect of the mini-pill decreases significantly if you take them at different times. The most common representatives of the group are Linestrenol and Levonorgestrel.

    Urgent contraception is an ambulance in unforeseen situations. They contain high doses of hormones. Known emergency contraceptives:

    • Postinor;
    • Escapelle.

    Menopause period

    Menopause is another reason to use hormones. During this period, the following symptoms appear:

    • irregular periods;
    • hot flashes;
    • sweating;
    • tachycardia;
    • vaginal dryness;
    • osteoporosis.

    The reason for such a bright clinical picture of the disease is estrogen deficiency. But the body can be successfully deceived by consuming estrogens. Medicines with a contraceptive effect are ideal.

    For this purpose use:

    • pure estrogen medications;
    • estrogen-progesterone drugs;
    • estrogen-progesterone-androgen combinations.

    Most often, drugs of the first group are prescribed. They contain a conjugated hormone of animal origin (from the urine of mares). The most popular drugs: Estrofeminal, Premarin, Hormoplex. They should be taken daily at the same time of day for 3 weeks, then a week off.

    Representatives of complex two-phase drugs:

    1. 1. Divina is a Finnish remedy containing estradiol and gestagen.
    2. 2. Klimonorm is a German drug from Bayer. Contains estradiol and levonorgestrel.
    3. 3. Clymene includes estradiol and cyproterone.

    Three-phase medications are used constantly (Trisiquens, Trisequens forte.)

    Replacement therapy: contraindications

    There are conditions in which hormonal therapy is strictly prohibited:

    • breast cancer;
    • endometrial oncology;
    • liver damage;
    • uterine fibroids.

    Side effects:

    • mood swings;
    • intermenstrual bleeding.

    Before prescribing such therapy, a complete examination of patients is carried out. Hormonal treatment is the main way to fight cancer. Similar therapy is used to combat hormonally sensitive tumors. Hormones inhibit the growth of cancer cells, improving the well-being of patients.

Prescribing hormonal medications often frightens people. There are many myths around hormones, most of which are completely false.

Myth 1: Hormonal drugs are special birth control pills for women

No. Hormonal drugs are drugs obtained synthetically. They act similar to natural hormones produced in our body. There are many organs in the human body that secrete hormones: female and male genital organs, endocrine glands, central nervous system and others. Accordingly, hormonal drugs can be different, and they are prescribed for a wide variety of diseases.

Female hormonal preparations (contain female sex hormones) may or may not have a contraceptive effect. Sometimes, on the contrary, they normalize hormonal levels and promote pregnancy. Preparations containing male sex hormones are prescribed to men when the quality of the ejaculate decreases (that is, sperm motility), hypofunction, or a decrease in the level of male sex hormones.

Myth 2: Hormones are prescribed only for very severe illnesses

No. There are a number of mild diseases for which hormonal drugs are also prescribed. For example, decreased thyroid function (hypofunction). Doctors often prescribe hormones in this case, for example, thyroxine or euthyrox.

Myth 3: If you don’t take a hormonal pill on time, nothing bad will happen

No. Hormonal medications must be taken strictly according to the clock. For example, a hormonal birth control pill is valid for 24 hours. Accordingly, you must drink it once a day. There are medications that you need to take 2 times a day. These are some male sex hormones, as well as corticosteroids (for example, dexamethasone). Moreover, it is recommended to take hormones at the same time of day. If you take hormones irregularly, or forget to drink them altogether, the level of the necessary hormone can drop sharply.

For example, if a woman forgot to take a hormonal contraceptive pill, the next day she should take the forgotten evening pill in the morning, and the next pill in the evening of the same day. If the interval between doses is more than a day (remember: a hormonal contraceptive pill is valid for 24 hours), then the level of hormones in the blood will decrease very significantly. In response to this, slight bleeding will certainly appear. In such cases, you can continue taking birth control pills, but use additional protection for the next week. If more than 3 days have already passed, you need to stop taking hormones, use other contraceptives, wait until your menstruation arrives and additionally consult a doctor.

Myth 4: If you take hormones, they accumulate in the body

No. When a hormone enters the body, it immediately breaks down into chemical compounds, which are then excreted from the body. For example, a birth control pill breaks down and leaves the body within 24 hours: that is why it needs to be taken every 24 hours.

Need to know: The mechanism of prolonged action of hormones is not associated with their accumulation in the body. This is simply the principle of action of these drugs: to “work” through other structures of the body.

However, hormonal drugs continue to “work” after they are no longer taken. But they influence indirectly. For example, a woman takes hormonal pills for several months, then stops taking them, and in the future she has no problems with her cycle.

Why is this happening? Hormonal medications act on different target organs. For example, female contraceptive pills affect the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, and parts of the brain. When the pill “leaves” from the body, the mechanism that it started continues to work.

Myth 5: Hormonal medications are not prescribed during pregnancy

Discharged. If a woman had hormonal disorders before pregnancy, then during pregnancy she needs medicinal support so that the production of female and male hormones is normal and the child develops normally.

Or another situation. Before the woman became pregnant, everything was fine, but when she got pregnant, something suddenly went wrong. For example, she suddenly notices that intense hair growth has begun from the navel down and around the nipples. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor who can prescribe a hormonal examination and, if necessary, prescribe hormones. Not necessarily female sex hormones - these could be, for example, adrenal hormones.

Myth 6: Hormonal drugs have a lot of side effects, primarily weight gain

There are practically no medications without side effects. But it is necessary to distinguish between side effects that do not require discontinuation of the drug. For example, swelling of the mammary glands when taking contraceptive hormones is considered normal. Scanty bleeding in the first or second months of use during the intermenstrual period also has the right to occur. Headache, dizziness, fluctuations in weight (plus or minus 2 kg) - all this is not a pathology or a sign of a disease. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for a fairly long period. By the end of the first month, the body adapts and everything returns to normal.

But in order to avoid really serious problems associated with, say, blood vessels, it is imperative to be examined and tested before prescribing the medicine and while taking it. And only a doctor can prescribe you a specific hormonal drug that will not harm your health.

Myth 7: There is always an alternative to hormones

Not always. There are situations when hormonal drugs are irreplaceable. Let's say a woman under 50 has had her ovaries removed. As a result, she begins to age and lose health very quickly. In this case, her body must be supported with hormone therapy until she is 55-60 years old. Of course, provided that her underlying disease (due to which the ovaries were removed) has no contraindications to such a prescription.

Moreover, for some diseases, even a neuropsychiatrist can strictly recommend female sex hormones. For example, with depression.

Our life is filled with hormones of happiness, pleasure, stress, fear. They are the ones who cause these emotions. Hormones help us in various situations and rule our body in the most literal sense. For a long time, people have learned to use them in medicine for various pathologies and reduced activity of the endocrine glands. Only many people are wary of taking such drugs. Let's understand what hormonal medications are and what they are used for.

Hormonal drugs- medicines containing hormones or their artificial substitutes. These may include:

  • natural hormones that are secreted from the endocrine glands of slaughter cattle, blood and urine of animals and humans;
  • artificial hormonal agents and their derivatives;
  • chemical analogues of hormones, differing in structure from natural hormones, but endowed with similar properties.

Hormone therapy is necessary for:

  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • women during menopause;
  • treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;
  • treatment of hormonal deficiency and cancer;

There are a huge number of hormonal drugs in the world. Let's consider hormonal drugs for contraception and women's health, which are widely used in gynecology. A complete list of names and prices can be seen at the end of the article.

Hormonal contraceptives are:

  • combined (estrogen-progestogen);
  • non-combined (mini-pill);
  • emergency medications.

Combined oral contraceptives

This group of drugs is used in gynecology to protect against unwanted pregnancy and treat a number of hormonal problems; it contains 2 types of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Often found as the abbreviation KOK. The effectiveness of protection is determined by the Pearl index - the lower the number, the more reliable the method. The index is less than 1.

The advantages are determined by high efficiency, excellent tolerability, rapid reversibility (pregnancy can occur in the first cycle after discontinuation of the drug) and additional non-contraceptive properties.

Depending on the dose of hormones, they are divided into: monophasic and multiphasic.

Monophasic oral contraceptives

The concentration of hormones in the tablets does not change during the entire period of administration. The contraceptive effect is associated with ethinyl estradiol, the dosage of which is selected specifically to suppress ovulation.

It is important to remember that these drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor! Self-medication can lead to hormonal imbalance and other unpleasant consequences.

  • Jess (Dimia)

These popular hormonal pills for women contain drospirenone, which stops weight gain and the appearance of edema, relieves symptoms of PMS, hormonal engorgement of the mammary glands, headaches and muscle pain. It also helps reduce the symptoms of acne, oily skin and hair. Dimia is an analogue of Jess, only it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

  • Belara

The hormonal drug has a positive effect on restoring the cycle, reducing the severity of PMS, the incidence of anemia, pain during menstruation, cysts and malignant tumors of the ovaries. It has a direct effect on the condition of the skin, so it is often prescribed to girls to improve it.

  • Lindinet 20 (Logest)

When taken systematically, they have a therapeutic effect, normalizing hormonal conditions and preventing the development of a number of gynecological diseases, including reducing the risk of neoplasms.

  • Novinet (Mersilon)

Excellent hormonal agents. They have additional positive effects: menstruation becomes sparser and less painful, the occurrence of anemia is reduced, diseases of the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands develop less frequently, have a beneficial effect on the skin, removes acne and acne. Usually prescribed to young girls.

Packages of contraceptives may contain different numbers of tablets. It depends on the dosage regimen. They come in two types: 21+7 and 24+4. There is no fundamental difference.

First scheme: Active pills are taken for 21 days without a break, then a 7-day rest is taken, during which withdrawal bleeding begins, then a new pack begins.

The second scheme is a set of 24 active tablets and 4 inactive pacifiers, which you don’t have to take; they are needed for convenience, so as not to forget when the next pack should start. Although sometimes “dummies” are not dummies at all. In some drugs ( Yarina Plus and Jess Plus) inactive tablets contain levomefolate - the active form of folic acid, in this form it is better absorbed by the body. This is done to reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus if a woman wants to become pregnant immediately after stopping the drug.

Multiphase oral contraceptives

Due to the phase of the monthly cycle, the dosage of hormones in the tablets changes, this ensures natural changes in hormonal levels and reduces the risk of side effects. Packages of contraceptives in this group contain 2-3 types of tablets. The dose of estrogen, which is responsible for the contraceptive effect, in each tablet is maximum, and the level of gestagen increases gradually, creating a limit by the 3rd phase of the cycle.

  • The brightest and most modern representative − Claira.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, it helps reduce the abundance and duration of menstruation, reduces the manifestations of PMS symptoms, and also relieves pain during menstrual periods. Taking contraceptives with small dosages of hormones helps reduce the possibility of developing a number of gynecological diseases, and also reduces the manifestations of hypertrichosis - excess hair growth. These hormonal pills for women are considered the most physiological.

Non-combined OK

The second name of the group is “mini-drinks”. They contain a small dosage of the hormone progestin and are a substitute for COCs. They differ from them in their composition - they include an artificial analogue of progesterone. The hormone content is lower than in other drugs. They do not suppress the ovulation process.

The contraceptive effect is based on changing the properties of the mucus lining the cervix. By increasing viscosity, it becomes a barrier to the movement of sperm to the egg. The rate of contraction of the walls of the fallopian tubes slows down, which is why the egg cannot enter the uterus. If the sperm does reach the target, then 2 protective mechanisms are activated: a hormonal change in the mucous membrane of the uterine walls does not allow the fertilized egg to attach.

The effectiveness of these products is 95%

The main advantage of hormonal pills of this group is that the natural menstrual cycle and menstrual bleeding are preserved.

A significant drawback is that tablets cannot be skipped. If in the case of COCs, the gap can be more than 12 hours and nothing bad will happen, then here this interval is only 3 hours, after which hormonal therapy is disrupted, i.e. the contraceptive effect is reduced.

  • Charosetta (Laktinet, Modell mam).

They are best suited for use during lactation, because... do not affect the production and taste of milk, as well as for girls who are prohibited . The contraceptive effect of the drug is achieved by increasing the viscosity of the mucus that covers the cervix, which is an obstacle to the passage of sperm to the target.

  • Exluton

Like other OCs in this group, use is preferable when breastfeeding, contraindications to COCs. The contraceptive effect is associated with an increase in the viscosity of mucus, which prevents the movement of sperm, disruption of contractions of the walls of the fallopian tubes (this change is reversible after discontinuation of the drug).

Emergency medications

Emergency (postcoital) contraception is carried out after unprotected sexual intercourse, or if protection methods have failed, within 1-3 days to stop an unwanted pregnancy. It is important to know that these should be used as rarely as possible, because... can cause irreparable damage to the body.

  • Escapelle (postinor)

They inhibit ovulation, which stops the fertilization process. Prevent implantation, i.e. penetration and fixation of the embryo in the wall of the uterus. They will not work if the implementation has already occurred. You should start taking it as soon as possible (no later than 72 hours) after unprotected sex. The longer the period of time between unprotected intercourse and taking the drug, the higher the likelihood of pregnancy. Can be used at any time of the cycle.

  • Genale

Slows down ovulation and prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg. Used 2 hours before or 2 hours after meals (within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse), regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Pay attention! These hormonal pills for women should not be taken together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers, antipyretics, for example, ibuprofen) for a week after taking the drug.

What is hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance- this is a discrepancy in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone - the main assistants to the activity of the reproductive system. The work of the entire body is related to hormonal status.

Failure factors:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands. This can occur either as a result of disease or as a result of developmental abnormalities;
  • incorrect hormone production can be either a congenital or acquired problem;
  • increased nervous excitability and prolonged stress;
  • uncontrolled use of postcoital contraceptive drugs provokes a sharp shift in hormones, after which the body can take years to return to order;
  • independent use of hormonal drugs;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion);
  • age-related physiological deviations. Puberty and menopause are 2 periods in a woman’s life when a radical reboot of the endocrine system occurs.

Menopause is a predictable hormonal imbalance caused by an inevitable reduction in ovarian function.

Menopause and menopause

Menopause refers to the long-term gradual decline of a woman’s reproductive system.

The menopause period is divided into 3 phases: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause. Key hormonal surges occur during premenopause. This phase combines the time when menstruation becomes arbitrary and ends completely, and 2 years after that. Perimenopause lasts approximately 4 years. If there have been no spontaneous periods for a year, we can say that the last menstrual bleeding is menopause. It occurs between 40 and 50 years of age. The time of its onset in most cases depends on genetic characteristics.

Tides- the most common trouble that is caused by hormonal changes. During “attacks,” a woman may experience a feeling of heat, most often in the face. Reducing the amount of meat and protein in your diet will help reduce hot flashes during menopause; it is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits. Other symptoms include depression and migraine headaches.

Involuntary urination also develops, discomfort appears during sexual intercourse, and the likelihood of cystitis increases. These manifestations are associated with a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood. Brittle nails, hair loss and roughening of the skin are characteristic manifestations of estrogen deficiency.

Larger problems may arise:

  • osteoporosis (increased bone fragility);
  • atherosclerosis (deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels);
  • diabetes mellitus

To prevent all of these problems, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used. Its goal is to compensate for lost ovarian function and prolong youth. But it is not indicated for all women. The contraindications are quite serious:

  • deep vein thrombi of the lower extremities;
  • intrauterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • cancer;
  • liver pathologies.

However, hormone therapy is not as scary as it seems. There are special hormonal 40 years.

Hormonal pills for women used during menopause may contain:

  • estrogen;
  • a combination of estrogen and progesterone;
  • a combination of estrogen, progesterone and androgen.

List of hormonal drugs for women after 40 years

  • Angelique

Contains both types of hormones (estrogen and progestogen), the levels of which fall during menopause. Hormones that are no longer produced by the ovaries are replaced.

Estradiol prevents or mitigates hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, depression, increased nervousness, dizziness and migraine headaches, as well as urinary incontinence, dryness, itching, burning sensation in the vagina, discomfort during sexual intercourse. The inclusion of a gestagen (drospirenone) in the drug reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer.

The drug reduces bone loss, so-called postmenopausal osteoporosis. Drospirenone regulates the excretion of fluid and sodium ions, which reduces blood pressure, weight, breast pain and other symptoms associated with tissue swelling.

  • Ladybone

​Inhibits the destruction of bone mass during the postmenopausal period, smoothes out symptoms such as hot flashes, increased sweating, and headache. Raises libido and mood. It has a tonic effect on the vaginal mucosa, without causing the proliferation of endometrial tissue (which can lead to neoplasms).

  • Cyclo-Proginova

Contains a special salt of estradiol, which is converted in the body into its own hormone. Also included is norgestrel, a progesterone derivative. Its use for 10 days of the monthly cycle stops the excessive growth of the endometrial mucosa and stops the development of uterine cancer. Used in perimenopausal women to treat spontaneous uterine bleeding.

Estradiol compensates for the lack of estrogen in the body during the approach of menopause and creates a favorable course of therapy:

  • eliminates hot flashes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervousness and causeless irritability;
  • chest pain;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine pain;
  • weakening desire for intimacy;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • involuntary leakage of urine;
  • dryness and itching in the vagina;
  • pain during sex;
  • reduces bone depletion.

Hormonal drugs for women after 40 years of age can be started at any time. It is important to exclude pregnancy!

Table of hormonal drugs with active ingredients and prices

The table shows the list and prices of the popular hormonal products that were mentioned above. It is worth noting that the markup on drugs in each region is different, so the cost may vary. You should know that all drugs containing hormones are prescription drugs.

The prices of small and large packages are written through a slash (\).

Trade name Active ingredients and dosages Price, rub.
Jess ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg; drospirenone 3 mg 1200
Belara ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg; chlormadinone 2 mg 750 \ 1900
Lindinet 20 ethinyl estradiol - 0.02 mg; gestodene - 0.075 mg 500 \ 1100
Novinet ethinyl estradiol - 0.02 mg, desogestrel - 0.15 mg 450 \ 1200
Midiana ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg; drospirenone 3 mg, 700 \ 1900
Dimia ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg

drospirenone 3 mg,

750 \ 1800
Logest ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg; gestodene 0.075 mg 850 \ 1900
Mercilon ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg;

desogestrel 0.15 mg

Claira estradiol; dienogest (amount varies depending on the type of tablet) 1200 \ 2950
Escapelle levonorgestrel 1.5 mg 500
Genale mifepristone 10mg 380
Postinor levonorgestrel 0.75 mg 400
Charosetta desogestrel 0.75 mg 1500 \ 3550
Lactinet®-Richter desogestrel 0.75 mg 800
Modell mom desogestrel 0.75 mg 800 \ 1700
Exluton linestrenol 0.5 mg 3 200
Angelique estradiol 1.0 mg; drospirenone 2 mg 1450
Ladybone tibolone 2.5 mg 900 \ 2400
Cyclo-proginova white dragee contains 2.0 mg estradiol;
light brown dragee contains 2.0 mg estradiol and 0.5 mg norgestrel.

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