Body hydration and skin hydration. steps to better hydration

Sports and proper hydration

With any physical exercise or fitness, your body loses water and salts. To compensate for this loss, avoid injury and pain, and make exercise truly beneficial, you must take in adequate amounts of fluid. In this article, specialists from the Embassy of Medicine tell you what to do to prevent dehydration.

Typically, the human body loses more than half a liter of water daily through sweat and breathing. When the air temperature rises or intense physical exercise this loss can increase to a liter or even one and a half, which leads to severe dehydration of the body, which must be compensated by drinking water or liquids containing sodium and potassium salts.

According to the European Institute of Hydration, when dehydration exceeds approximately 1-3% of body weight, physical performance person is significantly reduced. And more pronounced dehydration is dangerous to health.

People who are involved in fitness should definitely follow proper hydration, and this should be done at the following stages of sports:

    Before exercise, it is recommended to drink about 400-600 ml of water or drinks 1-2 hours before exercise to prepare the body for physical activity by ensuring adequate hydration. This protects the athlete from sharp increase body temperature and reduces painful sensations and fatigue. During exercise, athletes should begin to take fluids as early as possible and drink at regular intervals in order to promptly compensate for the loss of moisture and salts through sweat and breathing and maintain constant blood glucose levels. Hydration after exercise has most important For speedy recovery strength in the athlete and should begin as early as possible.

What is better to take to prevent dehydration during fitness activities: water or isotonic drinks?

For light to moderate exercise (less than an hour and a half), there is nothing better and more natural than water because the body absorbs it faster. She may be cool, but very cold water It's better not to drink. Dear readers, if you are reading this article on the website of the Embassy of Medicine, then it was borrowed there illegally.

Various sports drinks are a good alternative when performing intense exercise for a long time. These drinks are designed to quickly replenish lost energy, water and mineral salts, since they contain simple carbohydrates(fructose, glucose, sucrose) and polysaccharides (starch and maltose), sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium salts, as well as chlorides and phosphates everything that is necessary for quick recovery water disturbed as a result of physical activity electrolyte balance in the body. People who suffer from hypertension should avoid consuming these energy drinks.

Fitness Instructors from the Medical Embassy recommend that when playing sports, you should keep in mind several other factors that can lead to excessive loss of fluid from the body and cause dehydration.

More water and mineral salts are lost from the body when an athlete trains in a hot or humid environment. To avoid this, in summer it is better to do this in the morning or late evening.

Sportswear should be comfortable and adequate. It should be made of materials that allow the body to “breathe”, freely allowing moisture to pass through when sweating.

The hot sun always provokes big loss liquids, so never forget to wear a hat to protect against overheating.

Taking diuretics can also contribute to rapid dehydration during exercise, so if you are taking any medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


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Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in women. In men, it is the second most common cause of death after tumors. Although the factors that cause these problems are varied, food plays a role important role in the emergence of diseases. Among them, according to nutritionists at the Embassy of Medicine, there are some that should be avoided at all costs.

Why do doctors and trainers insist that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day? Why does the body need water in such large quantities? What happens if you drink less?

Water is the most valuable and most abundantly present component in the human body; it is necessary as a medium for the most important metabolic reactions, serves transport system for gases respiratory system, metabolic heat, cellular substrates and by-products of their vital activity. Water is the basis of the circulatory system. You might be interested in learning these facts about water and hydration.


The average person gets water from three main sources: 60% comes from beverages, 30% from food and 10% as water. by-product metabolism. Water loss occurs in four ways, normally 60% of the fluid leaves the body in the urine, 30% through the skin and lungs; 5% through sweat and 5% through feces. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining internal fluid balance; they regulate water loss and, if necessary, retain it in the body.

How does dehydration occur?

Dehydration can be caused by physical activity, increased heart rate, or increased body temperature. If you don't drink enough fluids, your body loses its ability to cool down and may suffer heatstroke. Profuse sweating can lead to severe dehydration, a loss of 2% of body weight is already dehydration, in such a state the physical and mental performance are decreasing. Joking with dehydration is dangerous, it comes unnoticed, but entails dangerous consequences.

How to protect yourself from dehydration?

Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day is not enough; fluid requirements depend on your level of physical activity. Before any workout or intense physical activity you need to drink at least 500 ml of water. The need for water during exercise depends on its intensity and duration, with heavy loads you need to drink 150-200 ml of water every 15 minutes.

Keeping your body well hydrated during exercise reduces the risk of overheating and heatstroke.

You should not rely on your natural thirst mechanism; it may work with a great delay. It is important to learn to recognize conditions when the need for water increases. Factors that increase the need for water include low-carbohydrate diets. Popular protein diets increase fluid loss through the urinary system, people voluntarily expose themselves to dehydration and heat injury.

The need for water consumption increases as a person ages. After 30 years, the ability to thermoregulate deteriorates, and a person becomes more susceptible to dehydration. Older people will have much higher water needs than middle-aged people, especially if they are taking medications.

The human body consists of 70-80% water; bones contain 50% water, adipose tissue - 30%, liver - 70%, heart muscles - 79%, kidneys - 83%; a loss of 1-2% causes thirst; loss of 5% - dry skin and mucous membranes, disruption of physiological and mental processes; 14-15% - fatal outcome; excess water causes water intoxication, in which colloid osmotic pressure is disrupted. Water is the basis wellness. She can store large number energy and transmit it further. That is, water is the main regulator of energy and osmotic balance (transfer of substances) in the body. Water is the most important solvent of substances, including oxygen. Therefore, it regulates all the functions of the body, as well as the activity of all the dissolved substances that it carries. In case of insufficient water balance are violated chemical processes in the cell, namely chemical, and not just physical. The result is obesity with cellulite, high blood pressure, gastritis, heartburn.... Drink a lot of water, but! a few sips every half hour, if you are calm, do not move. Do not swallow immediately! Hold it in your mouth! The slower you swallow, in microsips, the better. I won’t talk about the four to five liters recommended by every yogi, because it’s stupid. In general, be careful about what Indians recommend; a lot of things are adapted to their lifestyle, climate and mentality. The main indicator is that the urine is always light! Always! If it gets dark, increase the water, but little by little. Juices, compotes, teas, coffee do not count at all; you need to drink clean, non-mineral water. The body needs a pure solvent. 10 rules of hydration (water saturation) of the body Daily consumption water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Avoid drinks that have diuretic properties: coffee, tea, alcohol, Coca-Cola. By the way, you can drink alkaline mineral waters(Borjomi, Narzan). Every day, start with half a liter of clean water - 1 glass, room temperature. You can add a little (at the tip of a knife) soda to it. ½ teaspoon per liter is enough to alkalize the water. Increase water consumption during illness. Drink throughout the day at intervals and do not wait for thirst to appear. The body does not make much difference between thirst and hunger. What we begin to feel as hunger is most likely thirst. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a glass of water before eating. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Drink water 15-20 minutes before meals and 1.5 - 2 hours after meals. It is not advisable to drink while eating (as juices and enzymes in the stomach are diluted). Increase your water intake during times of stress and physical activity. Drink only clean water(The pH of the water should not be lower than 7.3). Sweat (for example, a bathhouse at 70-85 degrees, but not a sauna). How to charge water yourself Scientists have already officially proven that water is capable of receiving, storing and transmitting information. Water can be perfectly charged with the help of Divine Reiki energy. It fills the water with information aimed at healing a person. We call such water “charged”. The effect of charged water on the human body is very strong, because a person consists of 70-80% water. All cells of our body contain water, and blood and lymph flow to them, adding information of charged water. This water has a very good taste. It tastes like fresh spring water. People who are in ordinary life They drink little and enjoy drinking charged water. Even animals distinguish charged water from plain water. My cat plain water no longer drinks, only charged. Charged water does not deteriorate and stores information for a very long time (for years). One day I left a bottle of charged water in the car and forgot. I discovered it only 2 years later, the water was fresh, like from a spring. Water acts on all levels and planes of a person: psychic, mental, emotional, physical. Water is charged individually for each person. It will not benefit other people, although there will be no harm. Water will soothe one, cleanse another, and invigorate another. Before charging, the water must be passed through a filter or boiled. It is not advisable to use mineral and carbonated water. Water temperature is room temperature. Water should not be stored on the floor, because small entities live on the floor. You cannot boil or freeze charged water - the information will be destroyed. You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. For diseases cardiovascular system you need to limit your salt intake, it retains water, in such cases you need to drink 2-3 glasses a day (as you feel). And for diseases of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, you need to drink as much as possible more water. The charging process itself. Before charging the water, as well as before starting a regular Reiki session (for those who are into Reiki), you must ask Higher Powers/Reiki/Gods give you the energy to charge the water. for those who are not into Reiki, simply ask your Higher Power to give you the energy to charge the water. Feeling the energy in your palms, you apply the hands to the vessel with water and hold them while the energy flows. When the flow stops, you give thanks and end the process. Those who do not know Reiki techniques can charge the water with spell words. Attention! Spells are used only by those who do not know Reiki. Reiki practitioners do not need to do this at all. REIKI is such a powerful energy that it is enough to charge water with Reiki. Because this is a completely different level of work - from the level of the Spirit, the energy of God. On some water, a spell for cleansing. With a bowl, we fold our hands around the glass (for a woman left hand from above, for men - right hand above) and slander. You can drink this water to cleanse yourself from the inside and wash your face with it to cleanse yourself from the outside. Accept our living water power, help us to cleanse ourselves, to be pure for a century, to give birth to every life, to get rid of dryness, to revive the field, to water the arable land, to preserve the strength. Depart, unclean one, most pure companion. GO! Vedana..

    Daily water consumption at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

    Avoid drinks that have diuretic properties (coffee, tea, soda, alcohol)

    Increase water intake during and after illness

    Start the day with 0.5 liters to flush the digestive tract and saturate the body with water

    Drink water throughout the day at regular intervals. Don't wait until you're thirsty.

    Carry a bottle of water with you at all times

    Drink water 15-20 minutes before meals and 1-2 hours after meals

    Increase your water intake during vigorous mental and physical activity, and during times of stress

    Drink the purest water

    Sweat. This cleanses the lymphatic and circulatory system and removes toxins from the body. Drink more after training and in hot weather

Appendix 2

Forty-six reasons why your body needs water every day

    Without water there is no life.

    Lack of water first depresses and then kills some body functions.

    Water - main source energy, the “cash flow” of the body.

    Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside every cell of the body - it gives the power to live.

    Water is the binding material of the architectural design of the cellular structure.

    Water protects DNA from damage and increases the efficiency of its repair mechanisms - it reduces the number of abnormalities in DNA.

    Water significantly improves efficiency immune mechanism spinal cord, where the immune system (all its mechanisms) is formed, including effective resistance to cancer.

    Water is the main solvent of all types of food, vitamins and minerals. It breaks down food into small particles and supports metabolic and assimilation processes.

    Water charges food with energy, after which food particles acquire the ability to transfer this energy to the body during the digestion process. This is why food without water has absolutely no energy value for the body.

    Water increases the body's ability to absorb vital important substances contained in food.

    Water ensures the transportation of all substances within the body.

    Water enhances the ability of red blood cells to accumulate oxygen in the lungs.

    Water penetrating into the cell supplies it with oxygen and carries waste gases into the lungs to remove them from the body.

    Water removes toxic waste from various parts of the body and carries it to the liver and kidneys for final disposal.

    Water is the main lubricant in joint spaces and helps prevent arthritis and lower back pain.

    In the spinal discs, water creates “shock-absorbing water cushions.”

    Water is the mildest laxative and the best remedy for constipation.

    Water helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    Water protects the arteries of the heart and brain from blockage.

    Water - essential element cooling (sweat) and heating (electrification) systems of the body.

    Water gives us strength and electrical energy for all brain functions and especially for thinking.

    Water is essential for the efficient production of all neurotransmitters, including serotonin.

    Water is essential for the production of all hormones produced by the brain, including melatonin.

    Water can prevent attention deficit disorders in children and adults.

    Water increases performance and improves attention span.

    Water is the best tonic drink and has no side effects.

    Water helps relieve stress, anxiety and depression.

    Water restores sleep.

    Water helps relieve fatigue - it gives us youthful energy.

    Water makes the skin smooth, helping to reduce the effects of aging.

    Water makes your eyes sparkle.

    Water helps prevent glaucoma.

    Water normalizes hematopoietic systems bone marrow- it helps prevent leukemia and leukoma.

    Water is absolutely necessary to improve the efficiency of the immune system in changing climate conditions, as well as to fight infections and the formation of cancer cells.

    Water thins the blood and prevents it from clotting during circulation.

    Water reduces premenstrual pain and hot flashes (feeling hot during menopause).

    Water and heart contractions thin the blood and create waves that prevent solids from settling on the walls of blood vessels.

    The human body does not have water reserves capable of supporting life in conditions of dehydration. This is why you should drink water regularly throughout the day.

    Dehydration stops the production of sex hormones and is one of the main causes of impotence and loss of libido.

    Drinking water helps differentiate the feeling of thirst from hunger.

    Water is the most the best remedy for weight loss. Drink water on time and lose weight without special diets. Plus, you won't eat when you think you're hungry but are actually just thirsty.

    Dehydration is the cause of toxic deposits in the body. Water clears these deposits.

    Water reduces the frequency of morning sickness and vomiting in pregnant women,

    Water unifies brain and body functions, increasing the ability to achieve goals.

    Water helps prevent memory loss with aging, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Low Gehrig's disease.

    Water helps get rid of bad habits, including cravings for caffeine, alcohol and drugs."

Appendix 3

The role of water in the body

    The human body is 75 percent water.

    Water - vehicle for blood cells circulating in the body.

    Water is the most important solvent of substances, including oxygen.

    Water is the binding material that connects the solid parts of the cell. Water acquires the same stickiness that ice has in close proximity to the cell membrane. She holds it together solids and forms a membrane, or protective barrier, around the cell.

    Neurotransmission systems in the brain and nerves depend on the rapid passage of sodium and potassium across the membrane in both directions along the entire length of the nerve processes. Water, unencumbered by any bonds, passes freely through the cell membrane and activates ion pumps that ensure the movement of trace elements.

    Some of the ion pumps generate electrical voltage. Therefore, the effectiveness of neurotransmission systems depends on the presence of free, unbound water in nerve tissues. The water that osmotically moves into the cell produces energy by driving ion pumps that push sodium into the cell and push potassium out, just as in a hydroelectric power station, water drives the blades of turbines that produce electricity. However, until today, it was believed that the source of all the energy stored in ATP - the substance that “burns” and provides “heat” to “warm up” all the chemical reactions necessary for the functioning of the cell - was food. This is why water has not received much attention as a source of energy in the body.

    Water is the main regulator of energy and osmotic balance in the body. Sodium and potassium stick to the proteins of the pump, and when the water spins these proteins, the trace elements act like a “dynamo magnet.” Due to the rapid rotation of these cation pumps, energy is generated, which is stored in energy storage units located in different parts bodies.

    There are three types of such storage facilities. The first type of storage is ATP. The second is guanosine triphosphate (GTP). The third energy storage system is located in the endoplasmic reticulum, which captures and binds calcium. The bundle of every two trapped calcium atoms stores energy equivalent to that contained in one ATP molecule. When calcium atoms break apart, energy is released to create a new ATP molecule. Using the calcium trapping mechanism as a means of storing energy makes the body's bone structure not just the scaffolding of the body, but also a bank vault similar to the famous Fort Knox where our nation's gold reserves are stored. Therefore in case severe dehydration, and therefore reducing the supply of hydroelectric energy, the body turns to bone structure demanding the return of accumulated energy. All this led me to the conclusion that main reason Osteoporosis is prolonged dehydration.

    All plants plant species and animals, including humans, survive thanks to the energy that water produces. One of the main problems in the scientific assessment of the body's activity is the lack of understanding of the degree to which our body depends on the energy generated by hydroelectric means.

    Electricity produced V area of ​​the cell membrane, among other things, forces nearby proteins to line up and prepare to carry out the corresponding chemical reactions.

In a hydrated body, blood typically contains about 94 percent water (red blood cells are “water sacs” that store colored hemoglobin). The ideal water content inside cells should be approximately 75 percent. Due to the difference in the percentage of water inside and outside the cells, the opportunity is created for the osmotic penetration of water into the cells. Cell membranes contain hundreds of thousands of voltage-generating ion pumps, reminiscent of turbines along a hydroelectric dam. Water flowing through the pumps powers them. The flow of water creates hydroelectric energy. At the same time and as part of the same process, chemical elements such as sodium and potassium are exchanged.

Only water that is not bound by anything and mixes freely, the water you drink, is capable of generating hydroelectric energy at cell membranes. Water, which entered the body earlier and is now busy performing other functions, cannot leave its occupation and rush anywhere. This is why water itself should be considered the most suitable tonic drink and taken throughout the day at regular intervals. One of the advantages of water as an energy source is that any amount excess water"is easily excreted from the body. Water produces the necessary energy in addition to the reserve available in the cells, and then leaves the body, removing toxic waste from cellular activity. The body does not retain it.

When a person does not drink enough water and his body becomes dehydrated, the cells release the energy they have accumulated. As a result, they become more dependent on the energy supplied by food than on the energy supplied by water. In such a situation, the body is forced to accumulate fat and use its reserves of protein and starch - after all, it is easier for it to break down these compounds than accumulated fat. It is for this reason that 37 percent of Americans are overweight. Their bodies are constantly busy implementing emergency measures to combat dehydration.

The term "hydrolysis" (separation, dissolution, decomposition or splitting with water) is used in relation to water, which participates in metabolic processes with other substances. Processes that depend on hydrolysis include the breakdown of proteins into the amino acids from which those proteins were previously formed and the breakdown of large fat particles into smaller ones. fatty acids. Without water, the hydrolysis process is impossible. It follows that the hydrolysis function of water contributes to the metabolism of water itself. This means that the water itself must first go through a breakdown-hydrolysis procedure before the body can use the various components contained in food. This is why we should first fill our bodies with water before eating solid food.

Appendix 4



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs