Gaviscon gel double action instructions for use. Synonyms of nosological groups

Until recently, many questions were asked about such a group of drugs as alginates, but this name did not evoke positive associations. Such medications include the drug Gaviscon, which today is widely used to combat heartburn. For these purposes, in many cases this medicine is preferred. The great advantage of the product is that Gaviscon during pregnancy does not affect either the body of the expectant mother or the fetus.

The drug Gaviscon is an antacid medication that is effectively used for stomach problems. When used, a protective film is created on the mucous membranes, which protects against the aggressive effects of the acidic contents of the stomach. The use of the drug Gaviscon according to the instructions for use is prescribed for dyspepsia (digestive disorders due to poor nutrition or those of a functional nature), gastritis or heartburn.

Composition, release form, packaging

There are different forms of release of the drug:

  1. The suspension for internal use has a mint taste. It is a viscous and opaque substance. The color range can range from almost white or yellowish to a pronounced cream shade. The drug has a characteristic menthol smell. The product is available in dark glass bottles. The lid is equipped with a special border to control the first opening. Packaged in bottles with a capacity of 100, 150, 300 ml.
  2. Gaviscon chewable tablets. May be mint or lemon flavored. They have a round flat shape. The edges are beveled, available in yellow or cream shades in blisters of 4, 6, 8 or 10 pcs. In a cardboard box, the number of blisters can be from 1 to 4 pcs. The smell of Gaviscon chewable tablets corresponds to taste preferences - mint or lemon.
  3. Gaviscon forte. Mint flavor suspension. Available in bottles of 80, 150 or 250 ml. A drug such as Gaviscon Forte is recommended for pregnant women, among other things.
  4. Gaviscon suspension "Double action". The release form of the drug is tablets, also produced in sachets containing 10 ml of the drug. Available in bottles of 150, 200, 300 and 600 ml. Gaviscon "Double Action" chewable tablets contain the same main active ingredient as the regular drug.

Different release forms exist for ease of use in different situations. There are recommendations for the use of Gaviscon for pregnant women, who are not always comfortable using one particular form of medication.

The composition of the drug includes such active ingredients as alginic acid (extracted from brown seaweed), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and calcium carbonate. Excipients in the tablets are aspartame (a sugar substitute, used as a sweetener), macrogol (promotes fluid retention in the stomach, used as an element capable of building long chains), mannitol, flavorings, acesulfame potassium.

It should be borne in mind that Gaviscon is not used in gynecology and there is no such form of release as vaginal suppositories. When using Gaviscon Forte, the instructions do not provide an ointment form, since the drug is intended for internal use only.

Pharmacological properties

The drug belongs to alginates. Sometimes you can hear that Gaviscon is an antacid. However, this opinion is wrong.

Alginates are high molecular weight polysaccharides that consist of hyaluronic and mannuric acid. It is this combination that promotes the formation of a protective film (in the form of a gel) on the gastric mucosa after the drugs interact with gastric juices. It is after such a chemical reaction that alginic acid is formed. In this case, calcium ions act as an “organizer” of a single gel-like network formed on the gastric surfaces. Protection against reflux (reflux from the stomach back into the esophagus) “withstands” a time period of four hours. If reflux does occur due to forced physical activity or bending down, then a gel-like consistency enters the esophagus. It not only does not harm the mucous membranes, but also performs protective functions.

There are the following positive effects created by this medicine used for heartburn:

  1. The esophagus is protected from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membranes of the esophagus. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the activity of the large intestine.
  2. It works very quickly and is safe to use. The high effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by positive reviews.
  3. The use of the product promotes the healing of minor erosions and ulcers.
  4. When inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs, which is accompanied by increased acidity (manifestation of gastritis), it reduces the occurrence of increased appetite.
  5. They adsorb not only harmful substances, but also an excess of both hydrochloric and bile acid, pepsin.
  6. Increases immunity.
  7. It has certain antiallergic properties.
  8. Suppress the viability of pathological microorganisms.
  9. Helps eliminate constipation.

Gaviscon protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of hydrochloric acid, but the digestion process is not disrupted. The medicine has no serious side effects and does not cause systemic effects. In case of hypermotor disturbances in the activity of the stomach, taking the drug helps slow down peristalsis and normalize the functional characteristics of the organ.


When figuring out what the remedy helps with, you need to refer to the instructions. Gaviscon is indicated for use in the following conditions or diseases:

  • belching;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • digestive disorders - dyspepsia;
  • heartburn.

This list shows what the medicine is intended for.

Instructions for use

In order to be able to periodically read how to use Gaviscon, you should not throw away the instructions for use. It states that the product should be taken after meals. For heartburn, Gaviscon can be used if necessary and before bedtime. The product in tablet form must be chewed thoroughly. The suspension is taken in its pure form, without any dilution with water. Mash the sachets thoroughly before use.


When figuring out how to take Gaviscon suspension, it should be borne in mind that children can take full advantage of this drug, like adults, only after reaching 12 years of age. Before this, the dose of the drug was reduced by half. A single dose for an adult is from 10 to 20 ml, and a daily dose is no more than 80 ml.

According to the instructions, Gaviscon “Double Action” tablets, just like a regular drug, are taken at a time from two to four pieces. This is a single dose for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. For small children, the dosage is selected individually by the pediatrician.


Any form of the drug is contraindicated in children under six years of age. Gaviscon should be taken with caution in patients diagnosed with phenylketonuria (an enzymeopathy associated with improper absorption of amino acids). A contraindication is personal intolerance to the active substance or parabens (esters that are preservatives) included in the drug. Gaviscon Forte cannot be used to treat not only babies, but also children under 12 years of age.

Gaviscon should be used with caution in cases of heart failure, functional disorders of the kidneys, as well as in other cases when maintaining a salt-free diet is required. The drug contains a sufficient amount of sodium, which contributes to the process of fluid retention in the body.

The drug also contains a large amount of calcium, which is why Gaviscon should be used with caution if the level of calcium in the blood increases or in the presence of kidney stones. No other contraindications have been identified.

Side effects

No serious side effects were identified during the studies. When using the drug, allergic manifestations may very rarely occur. Other side effects - nausea are noted in several reviews of Gaviscon.

Alcohol compatibility

This drug is one of the few drugs that are compatible with alcoholic beverages (unlike, for example, the use of alcohol with antibiotics). At the same time, Gaviscon helps against heartburn even if it was caused by alcohol. Alcohol does not interact with the drug; they are compatible in use.

Interaction with other medications

There are no precise data on interactions with other drugs. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when Gaviscon is consumed in any form, a protective film forms on the walls of the stomach. It affects the absorption of other drugs by the mucous membrane. In this regard, there is a recommendation not to use Gaviscon together with other medications. Other medications should be used before or two hours after taking an antacid.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Numerous tests and clinical trials were carried out, during which no negative effects of this drug were identified. Therefore, the use of Gaviscon is possible both for pregnant women and during breastfeeding (although the widely used drug Almagel is not recommended for use during lactation). However, although the drug is safe to use, it should not be used continuously. Gaviscon during pregnancy and lactation should be taken only when heartburn occurs. The same recommendation exists when using the drug Almagel for heartburn. At the same time, which of these remedies is best is determined by the attending physician, based on the specific situation. This should be done because a burning sensation in the chest is not a consequence of a stomach disease. This manifestation in pregnant women occurs due to an increase in the size of the fetus, which causes pressure on the internal organs. When breastfeeding, the causes of the manifestation differ significantly from the previous factor - the hormonal levels change quite significantly, which also leads to heartburn.

The advantage of using Gaviscon during pregnancy is that it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, that is, there is no systemic effect on the body. In this regard, the drug can be used even in the first trimester, when the main organs of the fetus are actively developing. This compares favorably with some other medications that cannot be used in the early stages of pregnancy.

Additional instructions

In cases where the body has an excessive amount of elements such as calcium or sodium, the drug can be prescribed only after a full examination, including tests.

Gaviscon does not affect a person's ability to drive vehicles and other machinery.

It must be taken into account that a continuous course of therapy using Gaviscon should not exceed seven days. If attacks of burning behind the sternum recur after this period, a different treatment regimen is required.

Storage and release conditions

The shelf life of the drug is three years from the date of release. The product must be stored at a temperature of 15–30 °C.


Replacement of Gaviscon with an analogue should be performed by a doctor. There are a lot of medications that can relieve heartburn. Analogues of Gaviscon are De-nol, Vikair, Gastal. You can also use products such as Almagel, Vikalin or Phosphalugel. An experienced specialist will decide which is better to choose, since Gaviscon analogues have different effects.

Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited

Country of origin

United Kingdom

Product group

Digestive tract and metabolism

Reflux esophagitis treatment

Release forms

  • Chewable tablets [mint] --- 24 pieces per pack

Description of the dosage form

  • Round, flat, double-layer tablets with beveled edges and a mint odor. One layer has pink color and small inclusions of a darker color, the other layer is white. On one side of the tablet: an image of a circle and a sword, on the other side: GDA250.


The drug does not have systemic bioavailability (not absorbed).

Special conditions

In a dose of two tablets, the sodium content is 110.75 mg (4.82 mmol). This should be taken into account when a salt-restricted diet is required, for example in congestive heart failure and mild renal failure. Each dose of two tablets contains 150 mg (3.75 mmol) calcium. Therefore, caution should be exercised when treating patients with hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis and urolithiasis with the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Due to the content of aspartame, this drug should not be used in patients with phenylketonuria. Gaviscon® Double Action contains antacids, which can mask the symptoms of serious gastrointestinal diseases. The effectiveness of the drug may be reduced in patients with low acidity of gastric juice. Patients with gastroenteritis or suspected renal failure have an increased risk of hypernatremia when using the drug. The drug should not be used for a long time; if symptoms persist after 7 days of taking the drug, you should consult a doctor to review therapy. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery: The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and machinery, as well as engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • One chewable tablet contains:
  • active ingredients: sodium alginate 250 mg, sodium bicarbonate 106.5 mg, calcium carbonate 187.5 mg;
  • excipients: mannitol 598.799 mg, macrogol-20000 30 mg, copovidone 33.75 mg, acesulfame potassium 5.863 mg, aspartame 5.863 mg, azorubine dye (11012) 0.375 mg, mint flavor 18.75 mg, xylitol (DC) 100 mg, magnesium stearate 6.75-12.6 mg.

Gaviscon Double Action indications for use

  • Treatment of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, such as sour belching, heartburn, dyspepsia (indigestion, feeling of heaviness in the stomach), occurring after meals, in patients with high acidity of gastric juice or during pregnancy

Gaviscon Double Action contraindications

  • - Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • - phenylketonuria (see section "Special instructions");
  • - renal failure of moderate and severe severity;
  • - children's age up to 12 years.
  • With caution:
  • If you have the following diseases or conditions, you should consult your doctor before using the drug: hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis and urolithiasis with the formation of calcium oxalate stones (see section "Special instructions"); congestive heart failure (see section "Special instructions"); mild renal failure (see section "Special Instructions").
  • Pregnancy and lactation:
  • Pregnancy
  • Clinical studies involving more than 500 pregnant women and the volume of data obtained during the post-registration period did not show congenital, feto- and neonatal toxicity of the active substances. Gaviscon® Double Action may be used during pregnancy if clinically necessary and after consultation with a physician.
  • Duration of use during pregnancy

Gaviscon Double Action side effects

  • The incidence of adverse reactions was assessed based on the following criteria: very often (? 1/10), often (? 1/100,
  • Immune system disorders: unknown frequency - anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria).
  • Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: unknown frequency - respiratory effects (bronchospasm)
  • If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

Drug interactions

Since calcium carbonate, which is part of the drug, exhibits antacid activity, at least 2 hours should pass between taking Gaviscon® Double Action and other drugs, especially when taken simultaneously with H2-histamine receptor blockers, antibiotics from the tetracycline group, digoxin, fluoroquinolone, iron salts, ketoconazole, antipsychotics, thyroid hormones, levothyroxine sodium, penicillamine, beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol), glucocorticosteroids, chloroquine, bisphosphonates and estramustine.


Symptoms: Abdominal bloating may occur. Treatment: symptomatic.

Storage conditions

  • store at room temperature 15-25 degrees
  • keep away from children
Information provided

By its structure, Gaviscon is listed as an antacid drug. Those. This medicine must be taken in cases of certain gastrointestinal defects. Next, we will analyze the purpose of this drug, and also describe its instructions for use.

Indications for use - what does Gaviscon help with?

In accordance with the instructions, Gaviscon tablets can be taken for certain abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach. The description is given quite complete, so the following cases for admission can be identified:

  • formation of “sour” belching (when this symptom becomes most common);
  • when after even a small meal a person feels some heaviness (this especially applies to pregnant women);
  • frequent and unexplained pain in the stomach.

Those. the product is used during pregnancy (judging by the reviews, it helps to better digest food taken), as well as for ordinary heartburn. Forte has a double effect, so the suspension is not contraindicated even for pregnant women.

Contraindications for use

The instructions also indicate some contraindications. In particular, they apply if there is a designated diagnosis - phenylketonuria. The suspension is also completely contraindicated for children - the child must be at least 12 years old. Tablets should not be taken in case of open urolithiasis, hypercalcemia, significant impairment of kidney and liver function, or intolerance to individual components that make up this medicine. In these cases, double action will mean the opposite.

Composition of suspension and tablets

The suspension and tablets according to the instructions have a sufficient mint taste. One unit consists mainly of sodium (almost 400 mg), but also calcium, copovidone, macrogol 20,000, and mononuclear magnesium. Release is made only in these two designated forms. Both forms are equally suitable for pregnant women.

Gaviscon instructions for use suspension

Forte suspension is taken only orally and only by thoroughly chewing. This should preferably be done after eating, because... It is in this case that the remedy has its beneficial effect. If desired, you can then drink it with water.

Gaviscon forte

Gaviscon Double Action instructions for use have a beneficial effect on the patient’s gastric mucosa, after which food is digested faster and more thoroughly. The instructions do not indicate any mandatory medical prescriptions, but for children it is still better to initially obtain the necessary advice from a current specialist.

Gaviscon for pregnant women

For pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, Gaviscon is considered a completely safe and even recommended drug. But it is better to consult with a current specialist in advance, because... pregnancy can progress in different ways.

Tablet dosage

The product should be used in the form of 2-4 tablets per day. This is done only after meals, and one Forte suspension must be taken before bed. Thus, it will act more effectively on the patient's stomach.

Analogues of Gaviscon suspension

The most suitable analogues, both in price and in the prescribed composition, are Ispumizan Forte and Smecta.

Side effect

Judging by the reviews, the Forte suspension can cause slight bloating, mild nausea and belching. This usually happens in the first 5 minutes after taking the drug. If used correctly, no other undesirable effects will be indicated.

Frequent snacking on the run and an unbalanced diet become one of the causes of dysfunction in the digestive system, which leads to an increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice and the development of unpleasant symptoms, such as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness and belching. To stop such violations most often the drug Gaviscon is prescribed, which has several varieties that differ from each other in release form, presence of active substances and dosage level.

The unique composition of Gaviscon

Gaviscon is considered one of the most popular drugs with an antacid effect, which effectively manifests itself in the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus and the development of severe heartburn. The composition of the drug includes three main components of the substance:

  1. Sodium alginate, which has an enveloping effect.
  2. Calcium carbonate, or chalk, ensures restoration of the acid-base balance in the digestive system.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate, which is known to everyone in everyday life as baking soda, neutralizes the acidity of the juice in the stomach.

The main therapeutic effect is exerted by sodium alginate, and the remaining two components help enhance its medicinal properties by relieving attacks of heartburn, pain and belching with a sour taste.

Gaviscon release forms

Manufacturers of Gaviscon offer this medication in the form of tablets, which should not be washed down, but must be thoroughly chewed in the mouth, and also in the form of a liquid suspension. But besides this, there are two more varieties - these are the liquid and tablet form of Gaviscon Double Action and the suspension of Gaviscon Forte:

  • Gaviscon tablets– Available in mint and lemon flavors. One package can contain 16 or 32 tablets containing, in addition to the main three active ingredients, components that provide an auxiliary effect in the form of carbomer, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water and other substances for the absorption of the medicine by the human body.
  • Gaviscon suspension– has a pleasant mint taste, available in bottles with volumes of 600, 300 and 150 ml. It contains the same main components and excipients as its tablet form.
  • Gaviscon Double Action in suspension. One package may contain 4, 12 or 24 multilayer elongated bags. Also available in 150, 300 and 600 ml bottles. The drug contains the same components as previous forms of Gaviscon, only the concentration of sodium alginate is doubled.
  • Gaviscon Double Action in tablets is available in packages containing 1 or 2 blisters with 16 tablets with a mint flavor. The composition is similar to the liquid form of the medication. There is no need to take the tablets down; they are consumed by chewing thoroughly.
  • Suspended form of Gaviscon Forte– is available in packages containing 20 multi-layer sachets filled with 10 ml. suspensions, and in bottles of 150 and 300 ml. The composition of this drug is represented by two active components: double the concentration of sodium alginate and the standard rate of sodium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate is excluded.

What is Gaviscon prescribed for?

Prescribed by Gaviscon from dyspeptic disorders of the digestive system that occur against the background of increased acidity in the gastric juice and gastroesophageal reflux in the form of heartburn and belching with a sour taste, as well as a feeling of heaviness and distension in the abdominal cavity that appears after eating and during pregnancy.

The effect of the drug begins from the moment of its penetration into the cavity of the stomach, where, when interacting with the acidic environment of gastric juice, it turns into a gel-like mass.

The resulting gel envelops all surfaces of the organ, creating a protective film that prevents the reflux of stomach contents into the esophageal cavity.

Gaviscon has a neutral level of acidity, so it does not affect the digestive processes in any way, it only has a protective effect on the walls of the stomach.

The burning sensation of heartburn occurs when the esophageal sphincter is weakened, against the background of which there is intense reflux of gastric juice and its contents into the esophageal cavity. Reflux does not occur when taking an antacid. In extreme cases, when reflux of contents into the esophagus does occur, the first to penetrate into its cavity is the gel-like component of Gaviscon, which envelops its walls and protects them from damage by the acidic environment and the occurrence of pain.

Important! Gaviscon is a drug for local symptomatic treatment that does not have any effect on the very cause of the development of pathological dysfunction of the digestive system.

It begins to act already in the 4th minute after administration and retains its effect for 3 to 4 hours.

Contraindications to the use of Gaviscon

This antacid medication has virtually no contraindications
, in addition to individual intolerance to the presence of the main active ingredients included in the dosage form and the age limit to 12 years.

Although children over 6 years of age can also be prescribed this drug, but only in a hospital setting.

With utmost caution the drug should be taken if the following pathologies develop:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • renal failure;
  • hyperphosphatemia;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • nephrocalcinosis.

How to drink Gaviscon

Before you start using the medicine, you should carefully study the attached instructions for use, since the dose of a single dose and the course of treatment regimen depend entirely on its release form.

Taking Gaviscon suspension

This type of drug can be taken children over 12 years old and adults. It is recommended to drink 10-20 ml, depending on the manifestation of pathological symptoms, after each meal, as well as before going to bed in the evening. The maximum daily intake should not exceed 80 ml.

Children over 6 years of age are allowed to use Gaviscon no more than 40 ml. per day.

Important! The liquid form of Gaviscon helps to provide a prolonged effect on the digestive system, therefore it is allowed for children from 6 years of age, but under the supervision of a physician.

Children should take the drug in the same order as adults, subject to a single dose of no more than 10 ml.

Taking Gaviscon tablets

Dosage levels for children under 12 years of age should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Taking Gaviscon Double Action in the form of a suspension

This form of the drug should be taken according to the same dosage regimen as Gaviscon suspension. The only thing is that young children under 12 years of age, but over 6 years old, should be given the medicine under the supervision of a doctor.

Taking Gaviscon Double Action Tablets

Gaviscon double action tablet is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

The rest of the age group should take the tablet form of this drug after the end of each meal and before going to bed in the evening, in the amount of 1-2 tablets.

You can drink it approximately 15 minutes after taking the drug.

Taking Gaviscon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, as well as after successful delivery, and during breastfeeding the drug is allowed to be taken since it does not in any way affect the growth and development of the baby either in the womb or through breast milk.

What is the difference between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Double Action?

The medicinal drug Gaviscon differs from Gaviscon Double Action in the concentration of active components and the prescribed dosage. Let's look at this difference using the following table as an example:

Gaviscon analogs

Gaviscon, unlike drugs of similar action, has a whole range of advantages, such as:

  • Possibility of use during pregnancy and pregnancy;
  • combines well with other drugs without having any effect on their action;
  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • suitable for use by small children.

Let's look at Gaviscon analogues that are similar in their mechanism of pharmacological action:

GavisconGastal tabletsPowder for preparing suspensionTabletized drug Rennie
Active ingredientSodium alginateAl and Mg hydroxideAl and Mg hydroxideCalcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate
How it worksHas an enveloping effect by creating a protective gel filmHas a direct effect on hydrochloric acidHas a direct effect on hydrochloric acid
Use during pregnancyAllowedWith caution and under the supervision of a medical professional. personnelAllowed
ChildhoodFrom 6 yearsFrom 6 yearsNo informationFrom 12 years old
Cost RURFrom 80 to 260From 65 to 300From 95 to 650From 85 to 350

Gaviscon, operating principle


There are actually quite a lot of medicinal forms of the antacid spectrum of action, but before choosing one or another drug for the treatment of heartburn, you should consult a gastroenterologist. It is he who will be able to not only prescribe the most suitable remedy, but also explain how to take it, and also develop a treatment regimen to eliminate the main cause of the pathological dysfunction of the digestive system.

When taken orally, the active ingredients of Gaviscon® Double Action quickly react with the acidic contents of the stomach. In this case, an alginate gel is formed with a pH value close to neutral. The gel forms a protective barrier on the surface of the stomach contents, preventing the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux (return of stomach contents into the esophagus). In severe cases of reflux (regurgitation), the gel is thrown into the esophagus, ahead of the rest of the gastric contents, where it reduces irritation of the esophageal mucosa.

Calcium carbonate quickly neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, relieving the sensation of heartburn and indigestion. This effect is enhanced by the presence of sodium bicarbonate in the drug, which also has a neutralizing effect. The total acid-neutralizing activity of the drug in a minimum dose of 2 tablets is approximately 10 mEq.

2. indications for use

Treatment of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, such as sour belching, heartburn, dyspepsia (indigestion, feeling of heaviness in the stomach) that occurs after eating, in patients with high acidity of gastric juice or during pregnancy.

3. Method of application

Inside, after thorough chewing.

Adults and children over 12 years of age: 2-4 tablets after meals and before bedtime (up to 4 times a day).

The maximum daily dose is 16 tablets.

For elderly patients, no dose change is required.

4. Side effects

The incidence of adverse reactions was assessed based on the following criteria: very often (≥ 1/10), often (≥ 1/100,
Immune system disorders: unknown frequency - anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria).

Disorders of the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: unknown frequency - respiratory effects (bronchospasm).

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

5. Contraindications

  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • moderate to severe renal failure;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

7. Interaction with other drugs

Since calcium carbonate, which is part of the drug, exhibits antacid activity, at least 2 hours should pass between taking Gaviscon® Double Action and other drugs, especially when taken simultaneously with H2-histamine receptor blockers, antibiotics from the tetracycline group, digoxin, fluoroquinolone, iron salts, ketoconazole, antipsychotics, thyroid hormones, levothyroxine sodium, penicillamine, beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol), glucocorticosteroids, chloroquine, bisphosphonates and estramustine.

8. Overdose

Symptoms: Abdominal bloating may occur.

Treatment: symptomatic.

9. Release form

Pills. chewable 250 mg+106.5 mg+187.5 mg: from 2 to 80 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 30 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

11. Composition

One chewable tablet contains

sodium alginate 250 mg, sodium bicarbonate 106.5 mg, calcium carbonate 187.5 mg;

Excipients: mannitol 598.799 mg, macrogol-20000 30 mg, copovidone 33.75 mg, acesulfame potassium 5.863 mg, aspartame 5.863 mg, azorubine dye (11012) 0.375 mg, mint flavor 18.75 mg, xylitol (DC) 100 mg, magnesium stearate 6 .75-12.6 mg.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available without a prescription.

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* Instructions for medical use of the drug Gaviscon Double Action tablets are published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST



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