Where is the terrier? What types of toy terriers are there?

If you have not encountered these dogs yet, you will definitely like terriers - all breeds do not require special care, have good health and will captivate you with their activity and cheerfulness. But at the same time, they are capricious in nutrition; most breeds require regular special haircuts.

Terrier - varieties, breeds

Many people mistakenly believe that there is such a breed of dog - terriers, and all kinds of varieties are not much different from each other. This is not true at all. Terriers are a group of dogs that share similar traits:

  • assertiveness;
  • energy;
  • noisiness;
  • bravery;
  • stubbornness.

But in fact, all terriers are completely different, among them there are both strong and hardy fighting dogs, and courageous guard breeds, and fast hunting dogs, and even indoor miniature decorative ones. Each species listed above requires special care - deep knowledge about the breed, special conditions of detention, attention to health and nutrition, approach to education and training.

The dog breed is affectionate and very friendly. Due to her small size, she feels quite comfortable in apartment conditions, but for her health and development she needs active games and frequent walks. The dog's height is approximately 25 cm, coat length is 6 cm. As for grooming, Australian terriers, like almost all breeds, are not whimsical. But there are main points that are important to pay attention to.

  1. Regular bathing with special shampoos and daily brushing of the coat.
  2. Trimming the fur around the eyes and ears, a special haircut is not necessary.
  3. 2/3 tail docking immediately after birth.

American Toy Terrier - description of the breed

These miniature dogs feel great even in a small apartment, they are not capricious in everyday life, they are very cheerful and friendly, even in adulthood they remain funny and playful, like kids. The height of the dog at the withers is 25 cm, weight is from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, depending on age and gender. There are several known colors of the American Toy Terrier:

This breed is tiny in size, but it is difficult to classify it as decorative - it has a pronounced guard instinct, it guards the owner and his things, barks loudly if it senses an enemy. Due to their strength and endurance, these dogs are often used on farms as wing and squirrel catchers. But more often they live in cozy apartments with loving owners.

The Toy Terrier does not require special care - the dog needs to be bathed when it gets dirty, and the coat needs to be cleaned with a brush. The puppy's tail is docked, although some are already born with short tails. Unfortunately, the American Terrier breed is especially vulnerable to diseases such as:

  • allergy;
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (cessation of blood supply to the femoral head);
  • suffocation.

The English Terrier dog breed is now considered one of the endangered species due to its vulnerability to a number of genetic diseases. But, nevertheless, they are the favorites of many city residents - maintaining them will not cause trouble even in a small apartment. The height of the dog at the withers is 25-30 cm, weight – 2.5 – 3.5 kg, color black and tan. The English Toy Terrier loves active walks, physical contact with people, and the company of children.

When caring for it, you should follow these rules:

  • daily brushing;
  • bathing once every 3-4 months;
  • mandatory clothing in cool and windy weather;
  • daily long walks.

In general, English Toy Terriers, like all breeds, have good health, but they do have some weaknesses:

  1. Teeth – their condition must be carefully monitored.
  2. Knee joints – this breed often suffers from dislocations, so you should avoid situations in which the dog could get injured.

The dog of the breed looks like a small curly sheep. You can recognize it by the following characteristics:

  • height at withers from 37 to 45 cm;
  • weight from 8 to 10 kg;
  • the head is pear-shaped;
  • elongated jaws with strong and strong teeth;
  • small brown eyes;
  • drooping and low-set ears;
  • soft, thick and fluffy wool.

This dog is peaceful and good-natured, and can become an excellent friend and companion. The Bedlington Terrier feels great both outdoors and in apartment conditions, but it is important to provide her with the opportunity for active games in the fresh air. Every 1.5 months, this pet needs a special haircut, and its thick and fluffy coat needs to be combed daily. But you don’t need to bathe your dog, only in cases of extreme necessity.

A huge and undeniable advantage of the Bedlington Terrier breed is that it does not shed at all. But this does not make it an ideal pet for children - this dog cannot be called patient, and in case of rough or careless play, it can bite. The breed is prone to diseases such as:

  • copper toxicosis (genetic disease);
  • renal cortical hypoplasia;
  • retinal dysplasia;
  • luxation of the patella.

A hunting breed of dog can be both an indispensable assistant and a cheerful pet. Height at the withers is no more than 40 cm, weight – from 5.2 to 7 kg. The dog's character is friendly, they are very attached to their owner and get along well with children. At the same time, the dog is strong, fast and resilient, an ideal hunter. They need communication with family members and interaction with other dogs.

Caring for a Border Terrier will not be difficult for you. There is no need to cut your dog's hair. It is important to brush the coat two to three times a week; coarse coats must be plucked by hand. It is important to provide your pet with long and active walks, but she has a highly developed hunting instinct - she can run after a cat or a bird, so you should keep her on a tight leash.

In terms of health, these dogs are very strong, but there are diseases that they are prone to:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • cataract;
  • heart defects;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • cryptorchidism.

Dog breed Jack Russell Terrier

It is still at the peak of its popularity; the peculiarities of the breed are that it is ideal for both hunting and indoor keeping. He has a powerful build, strong and strong muscles, but at the same time he is not big at all - 25-40 cm at the withers and 58 kg in weight. The dog's character ideally combines the qualities of a brave hunter and a devoted pet - he is active, courageous, hardy, energetic, devoid of aggression and very devoted to his owner.

Depending on the type of coat, these dogs are:

According to the breed standard, there are two colors:

As for care, the Jack Russell Terrier requires attention:

  1. The dog needs weekly brushing to remove dead hair.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the ears - failure to comply with hygiene rules is fraught with diseases.
  3. Russell needs to brush his teeth once a week.

The advantages of the breed include good health - these terriers rarely get sick, but, due to their anatomy, there is a risk of some health problems:

  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • cataract;
  • skin diseases (allergic rashes);
  • deafness.

Fox Terrier dog breed

A hunting dog breed that has earned its popularity thanks to its enormous devotion. Their character is active and restless, while they have a calm psyche and are easy to learn. Many people may not like these terriers - all breeds are distinguished by their mobility, but Foxes especially, at any moment they can break loose and run in a spontaneous direction; it is absolutely forbidden to walk with them without a leash. The dog's height is 40 cm, weight – up to 8 kg.

The Fox Terrier is easy to keep in an apartment if you provide him with plenty of outdoor activity. Another disadvantage is the fact that they are loud and noisy and love to bark. But this minus is compensated by an important plus - Fox Terriers adore children and can play, jump and run with them for hours. But you should be on guard - in response to a child’s carelessness, the dog may bite the child.

According to the type of coat, Fox Terriers are:

It is important to pay attention to caring for your dog.

  1. To remove dead undercoat, brush the dog once every 2 weeks.
  2. If the nails do not wear down naturally, they need to be trimmed regularly.
  3. Ears should be cleaned once a month, especially for smooth-haired dogs.
  4. If the terrier is planned to participate in exhibitions, the tail is docked.

This terrier breed is prone to diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • deafness;
  • cataract;
  • epilepsy.

The breed was previously used as a service dog, it is very smart, courageous, capable of protecting its owner, while the dogs are cheerful and active, friendly and very calm. This is the fastest dog of all terriers. The height of the animal at the withers is 46-48 cm, weight is 11-12 kg. An interesting feature of this breed of dog is that its fur does not get dirty; even after heavy soiling, the dog can only shake himself off well, and he is clean again.

Caring for an Irish Terrier is as follows:

  1. The dog needs to be bathed no more than 2 times a month.
  2. It is important to clean the ears regularly and have your veterinarian check for infections from time to time.
  3. You should keep your mouth clean.
  4. The dog's nails are trimmed once a week, and the hair on the paws around the pads is also trimmed.

The dog breed is incredibly popular today - these kids have a cheerful and cheerful character, they are friendly and playful. At the same time, they are brave, self-confident and sometimes demonstrate firmness and stubbornness, which can make training difficult. Yorkies are miniature dogs, their height reaches 21-23 cm, and their weight is only 2-3 kg.

Having very long hair, Yorkshire Terriers do not shed, but they are not easy to care for. It is better to accustom your Yorkie to procedures from an early age. To not face a wave of protest.

  1. Yorkies need to be trimmed regularly, at least around the eyes.
  2. The coat needs to be brushed daily, it is better to use anti-tangle oils.
  3. The Yorkshire Terrier should be washed at least once a week using special products.
  4. The dog needs a lot of walks in the fresh air, but it should not be physically taxing.

Unfortunately, these pets are not in good health, and often the owner may encounter a pet illness such as:

  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • pneumonia;
  • liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • allergy;
  • problems with teeth and gums.

Cairn Terrier - description of the breed

Many people like terriers, all breeds of which are well suited for home keeping, provided there is a lot of walking and activity, and the Cairn is their typical representative. These dogs were bred for hunting, and are successfully used for this purpose to this day. At the same time, they feel good as pets. Dogs are energetic and active, patient and hardy.

Height at withers 28-31 cm, weight – 6-7.5 kg. Several colors are known:

The dog breed does not require special care; it is only important to wash it when it gets dirty, provide proper nutrition and plenty of physical exercise, walks and outdoor activity. It is better for this dog to live in a private house or even in a rural area with the opportunity to rummage in the ground. The breed is distinguished by good health and longevity.

The Scottish Terrier dog breed is cute and charming in appearance, but at the same time it can be very stubborn and irritable, so they need a firm hand from an early age. They have a very developed protective instinct, and they are also very easy to train and educate, they are cheerful and energetic. This breed is not the most suitable for a family with children, but it is a wonderful companion.

When it comes to caring for a dog, its coat requires a lot of attention. If the dog does not participate in exhibitions, it is recommended to groom it regularly. And you can cope with this task yourself. Your pet should be brushed daily. This breed cannot be considered strong and healthy; it is prone to diseases such as:

  • demodicosis;
  • atopy;
  • mast cell cancer;
  • cutaneous histiocytoma;
  • cataract;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • bladder cancer;
  • congenital deafness.

Tibetan Terrier - description of the breed

The dog breed is a born companion, it needs communication with people, and is infinitely loyal. Loneliness is destructive for them. Before getting such a dog, you should think about whether you can provide him with as much attention and love as he requires. They are very smart, easy to train, but their peculiarity is that they mature more slowly than other terriers (all breeds become fully mature after a year). After a year they can remain unruly, demanding attention, and they are also very sensitive.

The Tibetan Terrier does not shed, making it ideal for allergy sufferers. But long hair requires attention - daily combing. An adult dog needs grooming, especially around the pads on its paws. The most important point in keeping this breed is physical activity - one walk a day is not enough for a pet, it needs a lot of activity, and they are also very inquisitive and can turn a walk into a real adventure.

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. Are you choosing a pet, a watchdog or a companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind an important nuance: males and females need different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, female dogs cause a lot of trouble for their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancies. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

There are pros and cons to purchasing a puppy or an adult dog. The baby needs to be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures and the toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, mature dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for its previous owners, refuse to eat and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected results.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. Thus, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings for all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

They do an excellent job of securing the apartment:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept both in a large house and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Pets of decorative breeds are ideal for living in an apartment. Most dogs are small in size and friendly in nature. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need training. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

When choosing a pet, study the characteristics of a particular breed, rules for caring for puppies, and susceptibility to diseases. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

In this article, I will briefly talk about the different terrier breeds. I will describe all the varieties and what types there are. I will introduce the reader to the purpose of the breed, a description of its character and appearance, as well as the price of the puppy.


York is the smallest of the terriers: its height does not exceed 24 cm, and its weight is up to 3.1 kg. This is an elegant breed, compact and robust. Thin, silky, shiny hair grows on both sides of the parting, which stretches from nose to tail. Its length reaches the floor. The color is blue-steel with a golden head.

Yorkies were used to control rodents.

The character is friendly, brave, tireless.

Yorkshire Terrier

The dog is not aggressive, but may exhibit a hunting instinct.

The cost of a Yorkshire puppy is 15 – 70 thousand rubles.


The Scotch was bred to hunt burrowing animals.

This is a strong, squat dog with a proud posture. The coat is black, brindle or wheaten in color, hard. Its length can reach the floor (skirt). On the head the hair forms a mustache and beard.

Scottish Terrier

Stubborn and decisive, resourceful and restrained in expressing feelings. Height 25-28 cm, weight 8.5 – 10.5 kg.

The cost of a Scotch Terrier puppy is 30 – 80 rubles.

Jack Russell

Jack Russell is 25 – 30 cm tall and weighs 5 – 6 kg. This is a squat dog, slightly elongated, flexible and stocky. The coat is smooth, hard or in between. The color is white with red or black spots.

Jack is fearless, agile, friendly and playful.

The cost of a Jack Russell puppy is 15 – 45 thousand rubles.


This breed gives the impression of power, strength and agility.

Stafford was used to help with herding and guarding property, and later to take part in battles.

Elegant, 43-48 cm tall and weighing 26 – 40 kg. The color is both solid and spotted, incl. brindle.

Staffordshire Terrier

Amstaff is brave, purposeful, persistent and obedient.

The cost of a Staffordshire Terrier puppy is 15 – 50 thousand rubles.


Kern was bred to hunt burrowing game on rocky slopes.

Small, tightly knit with a hard coat of gray, wheaten and brindle colors. The appearance is natural, slightly tousled. The character is bold, courageous, cheerful and enterprising.

Cairn Terrier

Height – 28-31 cm, weight 6-7.5 kg.

The cost of a Cairn puppy is 35 – 60 rubles.


A compact dog with short legs and back, strong and muscular. The coat is harsh, shorter on the head and ears than on the body. There is a small collar on the neck. Colors include black, red, grizzly, wheaten and gray.

Height – 25 cm, weight – 5.5 kg.

Initially, Norwich dogs were used for hunting rodents.

Norwich Terrier

Possesses courage, mobility, friendliness and intelligence.

The cost of a Norwich Terrier is 40 – 70 thousand rubles.


The dog was used to hunt game, as an assistant in the pasture and as a guard at the court.

Weight – 11-12 kg, height – 46 – 48 cm. The physique is strong, athletic, dry. The coat is medium length, hard; a small beard on the muzzle and eyebrows above the eyes. Color – red.

Irish Terrier

The character is cheerful, friendly, active and courageous.

The cost of an Irish Terrier puppy is 12 – 40 rubles.


is a medium-sized dog: height – 41 cm and weight – 8-10 kg.

The breed was bred for hunting small game.

Outwardly it resembles a sheep. The build is strong but elegant with a curve at the back. The wool is soft and airy; color blue, liver, sand and the same colors with tan.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington is an aristocrat among terriers. He is reserved, affectionate and obedient. At the same time, he is not timid, brave and courageous.

The cost of Bedlington is 25 – 45 thousand rubles.

Kerry blue

The Kerry Blue served as a versatile farm dog, helping with hunting, herding and guarding the house.

He is 44-49 cm tall and weighs 15 – 18 kg and has an athletic, muscular body. The coat is abundant, thick, rich blue in color. On the head he forms a long beard, bangs and mustache.

Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry is a brave, smart and playful dog. Brave and gambling, has guard skills.

The cost of a Kerry Blue puppy is 25-45 rubles.


This dog was used as a shepherd and guard, as well as an escort.

Tibet is a medium-sized, powerful, square dog. The coat is straight, soft and long, covering the eyes. Any color except chocolate. Height – 36-41 cm, weight 8-13 kg.

Tibetan Terrier

This is an active, friendly dog, slightly distrustful of strangers. affectionate and playful.

The cost of a Tibetan terrier is 25 – 45 thousand rubles.


This is a small working dog, tightly built, dry, on high legs. The shape of the head resembles an otter. The coat is short, stiff, and lies tightly to the body.

Used for hunting medium and small game.

There is a small beard on the muzzle. Color: red, blue and tan, grizzly, grizzly and tan, wheaten. Height 28 cm, weight 5-7 kg.

Border Terrier

The temperament is balanced, lively, without fuss. Tireless and agile, affectionate towards people.

The cost of a border puppy is 40 – 60 thousand rubles.


Wheaties were bred as farm dogs, for hunting, herding and guarding.

The dog has a soft, wavy, long, silky coat of a wheaten color. This is a strong, active pet, agile and active.

Wheaten Terrier

Affectionate and friendly, has the makings of a watchman. The dog's height is 46-48 cm, weight 18-20 kg.

The cost of a wheaten terrier puppy is 15 – 40 thousand rubles.


This is a small, strong dog, with a proud posture and a confident gait. The coat is hard, thick, and colored red - blue, sand or red. Temperament is lively, friendly, courageous.

These dogs were bred for hunting and guard duty.

Australian Terrier

Height – 25 cm, weight 6.5 kg.

The cost of an Australian terrier is 35 – 45 thousand rubles.

Dandy Dinmont

The dog has a stretched format and short legs. The coat is hard and quite long. The hair on the head is cut into the shape of a cap.

They were used for hunting burrowing game and for exterminating rodents.

Mustard or pepper color. Height 20-28 cm, weight up to 10 kg.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Dandies are energetic, lively, affectionate and kind.

The cost of a Dandy Dinmont puppy is from 40 rubles.


A compact, strong, squat dog with short, powerful legs. The coat is hard, white, with small spots of brown and lemon color. On the head, the hair forms a beard and mustache; on the sides there is a skirt, almost floor-length.

Sealyhams were bred to hunt small game.

The dog's height is 27 - 30 cm, weight - 10.5 - 11.5 kg.

Sealyham Terrier

The temperament is balanced, cheerful, lively and courageous. The dog is brave, not aggressive.

Toy Terrier

The ancestors of these dogs hunted rats, but Russian Toys were bred as decorative dogs.

This is a small, graceful, elegant dog with high legs. The physique is dry. The coat is smooth and short or long with feathering on the ears. Weight up to 3 kg, height 20-28 cm.

Toy Terrier

Toys are active, inquisitive and playful. Their disposition is affectionate and sociable. The dog is smart and friendly.

The cost of a toy terrier is 10 -45 thousand rubles.

West Highland white

The dog is small in size, stocky, short-legged, with a powerful build. The coat is hard, wiry, longer on the head, legs and forms a skirt.

Temperament is lively, inquisitive, bold and courageous. The dog is friendly, cheerful and smart.

It was bred to hunt burrowing animals in rocky areas.

West Highland White Terrier

Height 28 cm, weight 7-9 kg.

The cost of a West Highland White Terrier puppy is 25 – 45 thousand rubles.


is a small dog, 25–45 cm tall and weighing 3–6 kg. Externally, this is an elegant dog with noble lines. The physique is athletic and dry. Any color. The fur is either absent altogether or short and smooth.

It was bred to fight rodents and as a companion.

Character is lively and friendly.

American Hairless Terrier

The dog is active, sociable, and smart.

The cost of a puppy is 25 – 45 thousand rubles.

The terriers listed above are not a complete list. All of them, collected in a single group, are distinguished by bright character traits that are unique to this breed. This is courage, determination, resourcefulness, and a sense of humor. At the same time, they are excellent companions and friends of children with whom you will not get bored.

A dog is truly the best friend of a person who lived side by side with him, worked and helped in any type of activity. Today, there are many breeds of these animals - some are the result of natural selection, others are the result of labor-intensive selection work of people, but all of them are faithful creatures, ready to show their devotion to man again and again.

A powerful Central Asian shepherd dog, whose second name is the Turkmen wolfhound. According to historical data, this breed was formed naturally. Thanks to the harsh conditions in which this happened, they acquired unprecedented endurance and excellent physical characteristics. Today they are successfully used as watchdogs.

A large native breed that was bred by Eskimo tribes to work in sleds. They do not bark, but communicate by grumbling and howling. But this is not their only feature - dogs need regular physical activity and are not suitable for everyone.

A large dog with an athletic build, a descendant of powerful Molossians, who does an excellent job as a guard, watchman and bodyguard. requires serious training, but with the right approach, a person acquires a fearless and intelligent four-legged friend.

This is the name of a rather rare breed of French Shepherd. Having been a shepherd for a long time, he gradually turned into a family dog. And the wariness and mistrust of representatives of this breed allows them to be used as guards and watchmen.

Have you ever seen a lapdog the size of a calf? This is exactly what representatives of the breed look like. It is believed that the breed appeared without human intervention, and these tireless and hardy dogs were engaged in herding livestock for a long time.

These descendants of severe mastiffs, with a serious appearance, have been photographed more than once as nannies for children. Yes, indeed, such qualities as good nature, devotion towards family members and wariness towards strangers are harmoniously combined.

Small dog breeds

In the modern world there is a trend towards increasing the popularity of small dogs, and the smaller the pet, the better. This leads to the emergence of new breeds and the improvement of existing ones.

An amazing breed, it is also called the “African non-barking dog”, which the tribes of Africa still use to hunt lions to this day! They don’t bark, but they make a variety of sounds - croaking, meowing, howling, and, in addition, these dogs wash their faces like cats.

A decorative Belgian breed of dog, with a mischievous and sometimes funny appearance. Once upon a time they were favorites of royalty, but today anyone can own such a cute and funny Brussels Griffon.

These are tiny shepherd dogs that are second only to their larger counterparts in size. While doing shepherd's work, they managed to bite the cattle's limbs, driving them into the herd, and at the same time avoid getting under the hooves. There are two types of breed - Cardigan and Pembroke, the first are larger and more serious, but the second just by their appearance causes joy.

Initially, dogs were bred for burrow hunting, and it was not difficult for them to drive out any animal, sending it into the hands of the hunter. But his agility, activity and cheerfulness allowed him to become an excellent companion dog.

Among decorative crumbs, it is in first place in popularity. At first glance, it may seem that these cute creatures were bred to please their owners, but no. Yorkies were once kept in coal mines and fought with huge rodents.

A dog of this breed can be found today in any state, even with a not very warm climate. And, naturally, a dog that has a minimum of fur always attracts the attention of others. By the way, in China it was a symbol of family well-being.

This little greyhound with its graceful body structure and sweet face evokes extremely positive emotions. has a keen sense of smell, eyesight and the ability to run quickly, but still its calling is to be a companion and friend for humans.

The oldest breed of dogs with a funny and cute appearance. They definitely make you smile, and their owners unanimously claim that it would be difficult to find a more sensitive and understanding four-legged friend. Once upon a time they guarded monasteries, so the pet will definitely greet uninvited guests at home with a loud bark.

Representatives of this breed are called the most beautiful decorative dogs. Their snow-white luxurious coat, beady eyes and black button earlobe cannot leave anyone indifferent. a very playful, affectionate creature that even beginners can get excited about.

These small dogs with a funny face once guarded temples; of course, they were somewhat larger at that time. The modern one will also guard its owners, but by climbing onto their laps or sitting at the feet of the TV.

The oldest Chinese breed, around which there are a lot of legends. For example, according to one of them, the Pekingese descended from lions and butterflies, according to another - from a lion and a monkey. In the ancient state, only the emperor and representatives of noble families could possess. When China emerged from isolation, representatives of the breed quickly gained popularity and spread throughout the world.

In its homeland in Peru, it is considered a sacred animal and they believe in the magical properties of the dog. As the name suggests, representatives of the breed do not have fur, which undoubtedly gives them an original appearance. The Peruvian Hairless Dog is a gentle animal with a calm temperament, an ideal companion dog.

This dog has the appearance of a toy and, indeed, you can get such a pet for a child. Quite quickly becomes attached to its owner, but will not tolerate careless treatment. In addition, this baby is vigilant and can even rush to the defense of its owner.

One of the most common breeds, whose representatives are in second place in terms of intellectual abilities. There are several types of the breed, but they are all distinguished by their curly, hypoallergenic coat. They love to study, maybe that’s why they are often found in the arenas of circus performances.

A burrowing, short-legged hunter that has gained popularity around the world. They are very curious, inquisitive and playful, however, owners should be more careful when walking, as the pet’s hunting instincts can suddenly arise.

The dog breed, bred for burrow hunting, today successfully plays the role of a family pet. extremely active, cheerful and playful, so walks with such a pet will never be boring. The owner will have to provide due attention to his four-legged friend, otherwise he may turn out to be a real disaster for housing.

These small, stocky dogs with an attentive gaze are highly intelligent. This allows them to easily establish relationships with all family members, but for learning, developed mental abilities can be harmful. The fact is that he understands immediately what they want from him, but he is not sure that he needs it. The owner needs to properly motivate this cunning guy.

The smallest, most active and restless among the schnauzers, which, along with its larger brothers, can perform official work. Considering that he is a bundle of energy, you won’t be bored with him, but you will need a firm hand to contain your pet’s ardor.


This tiny dog ​​can be found at a social event, because accompanying his owner is his direct duty. Without affection, attention and a friendly attitude, dogs waste away. Therefore, when choosing a pet as a pet, it is worth considering that the baby cannot be left alone for a long time.

- Scottish cattle dogs who successfully coped with this work. Many consider them to be a type of collie, however, these two breeds developed in parallel. To improve the qualities of these small dogs, Scottish Shepherds were used in breeding work.

A Chinese breed of dog with a luxurious appearance, imperial calm and a certain arrogance in his gaze. It is not surprising, since for a long time it was forbidden for mere mortals to keep lion dogs, and they lived exclusively in imperial palaces. The Modern is an exceptionally family dog ​​that loves to be the center of attention.

This little terrier from Scotland was a fairly successful hunter, and today he has retrained as a pet. However, his instincts and habits have not disappeared, which future owners should know about in advance.

The name of the breed translates as “precious dog”, but it is not known for certain where it originated - in Tibet or in Japan. is a decorative dog that, despite its modest size, can stand up for itself and its owner.

A large number of breeds allows everyone to choose a pet in accordance with their preferences and wishes.

Toy terriers are extraordinary dogs that look like fairy-tale elves. They are characterized by long thin legs, huge ears and expressive eyes - this breed of dog is often compared to some kind of alien creature. In principle, this is not far from the truth, because toy owners assure that their pets are not dogs at all, they are much smarter than their brothers, and sometimes even some people.

Thanks to their miniature size, attractive appearance, as well as courage and fearlessness, these four-legged kids confidently occupy one of the first places in the ranking of modern popular dog breeds.
The meaning of the prefix "that"

The word “toy” comes from the English word “toy”, which literally means “toy”. It so happened that many miniature dog breeds have the prefix “toy” to their breed, so it can be easily deciphered as “toy, dwarf, doll.” A striking example is the toy terrier and toy poodle breeds. These miniature dogs really look like dolls or toys.

Despite this definition, dogs of the “toy” group still remain dogs - they have the same needs as their larger brothers: they need education, love, communication with the owner. It is precisely because of their size that miniature dogs must be carefully monitored, because they are more fragile and even a child can injure them.
Varieties of Toy Terriers

Today there are several varieties of toy terriers. The most famous representative in our country is, of course, the Russian Toy Terrier - a domestic breed of dog. But besides these kids, there is also the English Toy Terrier and the American Toy Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier). DogsYes will introduce readers to these dog breeds.

Russian toy terrier

  • The Russian Toy Terrier is one of the “glamorous” dogs that is taken to parties and carried under the arm.
  • Dogs of this breed were bred in the USSR on the basis of English toy terriers.
  • The original name of the breed was the Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier, since the first individuals had long decorative hair on the ears and feathering on the limbs.
  • The breed was finally formed in 1958, but official recognition by the International Canine Federation was received relatively recently - in 2006.
  • Today there are two varieties of the breed – smooth-haired and long-haired.
  • The modern Russian Toy is a small but long-legged dog, intelligent in appearance with an intelligent and attentive gaze. The head is small, but not apple-shaped (not like that of a Chihuahua), the muzzle is dry and elongated, strong jaws, large and protruding eyes, high-set triangular ears and a high-set tail (previously it was allowed to be docked, leaving only two vertebrae, but Today you can leave it in its natural form). In general, the dog is compact, muscular and agile.
  • The height of the Russian Toy Terrier is from 20 to 26 centimeters. If an animal is much below the standard height, then it is not allowed for breeding and is called “mini”.
  • The weight of the Russian Toy Terrier is 2-3 kilograms. If an animal weighs less than 1.7 kg, it is also not allowed for breeding and is called “mini”.
  • Color: black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, red of various shades, possibly with a black or brown coating.
  • The Russian Toy Terrier is used only as a decorative companion dog.
  • The character of the Russian Toy Terrier is cheerful and courageous, although he can be a little arrogant.
  • The Russian Toy simply adores his owner. Sometimes these dogs become so attached to their owner that they cannot bear being separated from him.
  • The toy terrier does not like strangers - he is ready to protect his owner 24 hours a day.
  • The Russian Toy must be trained, because otherwise you will grow up to be an unbalanced and uncontrollable animal, which, despite the fact that it is small, will cause a lot of trouble.
  • Be patient when raising a toy, as each baby requires its own individual approach.
  • It is imperative to wean your toy terrier from barking for no reason from an early age - they love it very much.
  • It is not necessary to walk your Russian Toy Terrier at all; you can teach him to relieve himself in the cat litter box.
  • Toy does not need many hours of walks at all - active games with the owner of the house will be enough, and in good weather - frolic on the lawn for his own pleasure.
  • A toy terrier can only live in an apartment or in a house—street living is like death for him.
  • These dogs quickly become hypothermic, so they need to be dressed in the cold season.
  • Caring for a toy is not difficult: smooth-haired individuals are combed as needed, but long-haired ones need to be combed a little more often.
  • Toy Terriers get along well with any pet, but they tend to be dominant.
  • Toy terriers love children and can play with them, but this breed is still not suitable as a dog for a child.
  • Toys should not be overfed, as they gain weight very quickly.
  • Typical diseases for Russian Toys: cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy, dislocation (congenital) of the kneecap.
  • Russian Toy Terriers live on average 14 years.

English toy terrier

  • The English Toy Terrier is originally from Great Britain. Despite the fact that the breed originated several centuries ago, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale officially assigned it its name only in 1962.
  • The ancestors of the English Toy were used as rat hunters, and today they are a faithful and devoted companion.
  • The height of the English Toy Terrier is from 25 to 30 centimeters and weighs from 2.7 to 3.6 kg.
  • The modern English Toy Terrier is a rather elegant dog that vaguely resembles a dwarf Doberman. This is a compact and strong dog with a keen sense of smell and a tenacious grip. The head of the English toy is narrow, like the muzzle, the skull is elongated, and the ears are erect, but their shape resembles a candle flame. The coat is quite thick, short and close-lying. The tail is medium.
  • The only color allowed for English Toy Terriers is black and tan.
  • The English Toy is a very active and lively dog ​​that loves to walk a lot and play with its owner, especially in the fresh air.
  • Dogs of this breed are very loyal and devoted to their owner.
  • English Toys are very friendly, but they will always notify the owner of uninvited guests, so I often use them as “bells.”
  • Representatives of this breed should live exclusively in an apartment or house. They are not suitable for outdoor use.
  • The English Toy Terrier is quite capricious, some animals can be too stubborn, therefore, in order to establish contact with the pet, early socialization and serious training are necessary.
  • English Toys are very courageous and brave.
  • Dogs of this breed need regular but moderate physical activity.
  • English Toys love children, but you should not get such a pet if there is a small child in the house, as these dogs do not have a stable psyche and are susceptible to stress.
  • Caring for your English Toy is not difficult: comb it occasionally and bathe it when it gets dirty.
  • At one time, English Toy breeders got too carried away and began breeding dogs that were too small, which resulted in a number of diseases characteristic of dwarfism.
  • English toy terriers live on average 12 years.

American Toy Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier)

  • The American Toy Terrier comes from the USA.
  • Despite the fact that the breed has been known since 1936, the International Canine Federation has not yet recognized it.
  • To develop the breed, representatives of the dog breed were used, such as smooth fox terriers, English toy terriers and chihuahuas.
  • The height of the American Toy Terrier is 24-25 centimeters and weighs 1.5-3.5 kilograms.
  • The American Toy is an elegant, but very strong dog. He has a small head and huge erect V-shaped ears, intelligent dark eyes, shiny fur and a short tail.
  • The color is tricolor or bicolor: the main color of the body is white, and there are black and (or) red spots on the head and rump. Spots and specks on the body are acceptable.
  • The character of the American Toy is complex - dogs, despite their size, love to dominate, so they need a firm hand and serious upbringing from early childhood.
  • The American Toy is a perpetual motion machine, he is very cheerful and is always ready to accompany his owner on long journeys.
  • The American Toy understands canine science very well, as he loves to learn – these dogs simply love it when their owner praises them.
  • The American Toy is used as a rat hunter, but it can easily become a circus or show ring star. There have been cases when this breed of dog was raised as an assistant for deaf people.
  • Representatives of this breed need long and active walks and regular physical activity.
  • The American Toy is an excellent fetcher; he is simply created for playing with a flying saucer.
  • Even an elderly American toy is hyperactive.
  • Dogs of this breed should live in an apartment or house; street conditions are contraindicated for them.
  • It is necessary to walk the toy in cold weather only in clothes, otherwise the pet will quickly freeze and get sick.
  • Caring for this breed is easy: brush and bathe as needed.
  • The American Toy Terrier gets along well with other dogs and cats, but keeping domestic rodents with the dog is contraindicated.
  • The American Toy Terrier has practically no chronic diseases characteristic of toy breeds. Some individuals have allergies.
  • American Toy Terriers live for about 14 years.



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