Chronic antral atrophic hyperplastic gastritis. Hyperplastic atrophic gastritis: how it manifests itself and is diagnosed, treatment methods


Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis– a form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which it also grows due to exposure to external stimuli. Some doctors hypothesize that the uncontrolled growth of mucous layer structures may also be due to hereditary factor. In any case, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis with a high degree of probability can worsen into cancer, that is, a malignant tumor will arise against the background of inflammation of the glands responsible for the synthesis of mucus, which is initially designed to protect the stomach from aggressive influences gastric juice.

Etiology of the disease

So, what is atrophic hyperplastic gastritis and how does this disease manifest itself initially? It is immediately worth noting that primary symptoms are completely absent. They already appear on late stages gastritis. The patient experiences:

  • dull pain in the stomach that does not disappear when adjusting the diet;
  • complex disorder gastrointestinal tract, in which food simply cannot be fully digested;
  • the patient quickly loses weight due to the fact that fat is not broken down normally into derivatives;
  • bad breath, bitter taste (due to necrosis of the growing mucosa).

Here's the exact one primary cause Doctors still cannot identify the disease. The disease is currently poorly understood. And the treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is mostly symptomatic. Quite often, doctors prescribe a surgical intervention in which the degraded part of the stomach is removed (if the pathology affects only a small part of it).

It is worth considering that atrophy can affect not only the stomach itself, but also the duodenum, since this form gastritis mainly occurs in lower parts gastric cavity. In this case, there is a possibility of damage to the sphincter, which is responsible for preventing the contents of the duodenum from flowing back into the stomach.

Stages of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Hypertrophic gastritis is conventionally classified into 4 stages, which differ only in symptoms and degree structural changes V mucous layer(which often affects the muscular structure of the stomach):

  • Stage 1 – symptoms are not noticeable, but minor changes in the structure are noticeable on the mucosa, the glands function normally;
  • Stage 2 – slight growth (hypertrophy), there are either no symptoms or they are mild;
  • Stage 3 – significant tissue proliferation, the patient complains of constant dull ache;
  • Stage 4 - antral atrophic gastritis(it is this area of ​​the stomach that the disease most often affects) leads to the manifestation of necrosis of either the mucous layer or the muscle tissue of the epithelium.

The last stage, in fact, is already the primary form malignant tumor. Atrophy leads to excessive local intoxication of soft tissues, against which a tumor develops. It does not necessarily appear in every case of diagnosing the disease, but only in the majority. Doctors find it difficult to answer what it depends on.

Treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Symptoms and treatment are conditionally interrelated. Before making a final diagnosis, the patient is recommended symptomatic treatment, in which he is prescribed enzymes and the Pevzner diet (to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract). Subsequently, medications are taken to regulate the synthesis of the mucous layer. If this does not help, then do it as soon as possible surgery– removal of the degraded area. Hyperplastic gastritis, however, with high probability sooner or later it recurs. It may take decades until this moment, but it will definitely come.

If such gastritis is not treated at all, it will provoke growth to the level where the passage of food will be difficult. In this case, the channels through which enzymes or gastric juice enter the stomach may also be blocked. And this is considered the most difficult exacerbation of the disease.

Diagnosis of hyperplastic atrophic gastritis

The main symptom of the disease is the patient’s complaint of constant dull pain. It differs from that which occurs with an ulcer (with it the pain is predominantly sharp, cutting). Put it accurate diagnosis Only a gastroenterologist can do it after gastroscopy. In this case, images of the internal environment of the stomach with noticeable hypertrophic areas of the mucous layer will also be obtained.

During diagnosis, a stool analysis can also be performed, which reveals a slight content of atrophied tissue. It is from them that the doctor can express his first warnings about the disease.

Hypertrophic atrophic gastritis is a severe form of the disease. Treat him traditional methods impossible, drug therapy does not always bring improvement in the patient’s well-being. There are cases when the pathology is caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria, but more often it is revealed that the growth of the mucous layer is caused by an undetected mutation (atypical form).

So, for hyperplastic atrophic gastritis, the symptoms are initial stage the diseases are mild. They appear at least at stages 2–3, when the mucous membrane grows significantly and local inflammation occurs. The patient’s well-being sharply worsens with the appearance of necrosis upper layers stomach. At the same time, it enters the body huge amount toxins. The only true treatment option for such gastritis is long-term symptomatic treatment with strict diet or surgery. Therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician based on data from tests and examinations.

Video: Precursors of cancer. Atrophic gastritis

Hyperplastic form of atrophic chronic gastritis differs from others in the pronounced ability of some cells of the gastric mucosa to actively grow (proliferate).

The process is accompanied by the destruction of the epithelium, which is useful for functioning, which produces hydrochloric acid and components of gastric juice. As a result, chronic inflammation in the stomach is maintained, functional connections with neighboring organs involved in digestion.

Diagnosis and treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis require assessment of structural changes formed as a result of proliferation and differentiation from malignant growth. According to the International Statistical Classification, the disease is taken into account in the group “Other gastritis” under code K29.6.

What is known about prevalence?

It has been established that a disease such as atrophic hyperplastic gastritis accounts for about 5% of the total chronic pathology stomach. Its varieties are revealed with different frequency.

For example, giant hypertrophic gastritis affects both adults and children. Moreover, men are 3.5 times more likely than women, and more typical for age category from 30 years and older. The polypous appearance is typical for women 40–45 years old.

What are hyperplastic growths formed from?

The method of examining the stomach using a fibrogastroscope and studying biopsies from different areas of the affected tissue made it possible to identify microscopic changes accompanying hyperplastic cell proliferation.

In areas of inflammation, the process of cell mitosis (division) changes. As a result, the order of arrangement of the excess number is disrupted, the folded structure of the gastric mucosa changes, thickened folds (rigid) appear, which cannot stretch and increase the volume of the stomach when food arrives.

In the submucosal layer (submucosal), instead of elastin fibers, dense nodular formations are formed, varying in size and crowding. Structural violations located in different parts stomach (in the body, cardia, antrum). Against the background of epithelial proliferation, glandular cells that produce gastric juice are suppressed and destroyed, and the surrounding mucosa atrophies.

During histological examination, areas of clutter and destruction of the epithelium are identified


The occurrence of mucosal atrophy is explained by external and internal reasons. External influence is ensured through:

  • violation of the regime and nutritional value of food intake ( long periods hunger, abnormal diets, addiction to fatty meat food, lack of sufficient volume of vegetables and fruits);
  • the influence of alcohol and nicotine;
  • professional and household poisoning toxic acids, alkalis, salts heavy metals;
  • sensitivity to drugs.

Internal causes are combinations of unfavorable factors, which include:

  • infection with Helicobacter;
  • the presence of severe nervous and endocrine disorders, disrupting the processes of regulation of the restoration of the gastric epithelium;
  • deterioration of tissue nutrition due to damage vascular network atherosclerosis, formation venous stagnation with thrombosis;
  • unfavorable heredity.

The above reasons are significant for any form of atrophy. To appear against this background hyperplastic process, additionally required:

Anisakiasis is common among sea ​​creatures, a person becomes infected through eating salted fish or preparing dishes from fresh fish, which is accompanied by eosinophilia

Are there risk factors?

Among the factors contributing to the hyperplastic course of atrophic gastritis, experts consider the presence of a person’s allergy to food products(40% of cases in children are associated with gluten intolerance - celiac disease), vitamin deficiency, hyperglycemia with diabetes mellitus and kidney diseases associated renal failure.

It has been established that long-term use in the treatment of gastritis with drugs that block the production of hydrochloric acid (a group of inhibitors proton pump, Omeprazole and analogues) leads to a significant increase in the risk of excessive activation of polyps in the areas of the gastric pits and major glands.

Development mechanism

The development of hyperplastic growth of epithelial cells on the gastric mucosa causes excess mucus production. At the cellular level, division is stimulated by special growth factors. At the same time, acid synthesis in parietal cells is suppressed. A similar mechanism explains the parallel processes of hypertrophy in individual areas with gradual atrophy of the surrounding tissue.

Symptoms of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Clinical signs atrophic hyperplastic gastritis differ somewhat depending on the type of pathology. But initial symptoms are usually the same and manifest as a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric area after eating fatty foods meat dishes, spicy seasonings, pickles.

The disease lasts for a long time without complaints. But during a retrospective survey of the patient, the doctor can reveal:

  • frequent heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • rarely vomiting food eaten;
  • the appearance of plaque on the tongue;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor.

Since on initial stage acidity remains normal or increased, pain in epigastric region may be cramping in nature (spastic), less often described as aching or pressing

In cases of erosive gastritis, pain intensifies when bending the body or walking. Exacerbations are associated with the spring and autumn periods. IN stool and vomiting reveals blood impurities. With giant hypertrophic gastritis, symptoms are often absent. Some patients still note nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, lack of appetite, rare stomach bleeding.

The level of protein (albumin) in the blood of such patients is significantly reduced. This contributes to additional swelling of the stomach tissue. Hyperplastic gastritis - chronic disease. It occurs with periods of exacerbations and remissions. The following symptoms characterize the exacerbation stage.

Types of disease

Latest classification gastritis is named after the place where it was taken, Sydney. Not all domestic gastroenterologists agree with her conclusions. In practice Russian doctors There are several types of hyperplastic gastritis.


Another name is “nodular endocrine cell hyperplasia”, benign hyperplasia in the form of a tumor less than 15 mm in diameter. It is based on growth endocrine cells, which are stimulated by excess gastrin hormone.

Occurs more often in patients with pernicious anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. The mutated tumor suppressor gene MEN1 is recognized as the “culprit” for tumor growth; it is related to multiple endocrine lesions.


Only the uppermost layer of prismatic epithelium on the gastric mucosa is involved in the process.


The diagnosis is made when there is a multiple nature of hypertrophic changes, regardless of etiological factor.


According to the classification, “multifocal atrophic gastritis with focal hyperplasias,” multiple or single polypous growths are found on the mucosa (focal and diffuse forms), consisting of glandular cells. More often associated with massive Helicobacter pylori infection, autoimmune processes, and low acidity.

Typical for patients over 50 years of age


Otherwise called lymphocytic-erosive gastritis, against the background of leukocyte infiltrates and hypertrophy of the folds, nodules and areas of erosion of mucosal tissue are visible, most often in the area of ​​the pits of the cardiac, pyloric sections and body of the stomach. The acidity of gastric juice may vary.

Hyperplastic granular

Or “granular” - close to a focal lesion, formations appear on the mucosa in the form of growing drops up to 3 mm in size, multiple in nature are possible, the mucosa looks lumpy and swollen. It most often affects the antrum. The muscles become dense and inactive. It is observed in men 40–50 years old.

Hyperplastic reflux gastritis

Necessarily includes reflux and damage to the antral mucosa alkaline composition contents of the duodenum. The most significant aggressive agents are bile acids.


Or rigid antral gastritis differs in sharply disrupted folds in the antrum, they are thickened, change direction, and are covered with polyps on the surface. The pyloric part of the stomach gradually scars and narrows, and peristalsis sharply decreases. The production of hydrochloric acid stops.

Giant hypertrophic

Or polyadenomatous gastritis - Menetrier disease. It is characterized by the growth of folds along the greater curvature of the stomach, the release of the epithelium from the pits with excessive mucus production. Cells that synthesize mucus grow into muscle layer and form cysts. A decrease in acidity is accompanied by loss of protein and dystrophy.

As you can see, the main differences can be determined only by the appearance of the mucosa during fibrogastroscopy and histology of biopsy specimens


Lack of timely treatment leads to unpleasant consequences hyperplastic growth:

  • the structure of the gastric mucosa is disrupted, more or less severe atrophy appears;
  • the participation of the stomach in the digestion process decreases, since the production of gastric juice decreases in parallel with the destruction of parietal cells;
  • body weight is lost;
  • gastric motility is impaired, which leads to paresis and reflux damage to the esophagus;
  • the intensity of protein metabolism decreases, a decrease in albumin affects restoration processes in all organs and tissues;
  • hypovitaminosis is accompanied by anemia;
  • greatest ability to degeneration into an ulcer and cancerous tumor have hyperplastic granular and hypertrophic gastritis; with polyposis, every fifth case is transformed.


In addition to fibrogastroscopy, they are important in diagnosis X-ray examination stomach, less often ultrasound. Indirect signs can be suspected based on laboratory tests. For this purpose, clinical and biochemical analysis blood (it is important to identify eosinophilia, signs of anemia), enzyme immunoassay blood test for Helicobacter pylori.

Tumor markers for stomach cancer, determination of the acidity of gastric juice and stool analysis for scatology are also assessed.


Conservative treatment of hyperplastic gastritis is carried out only after confirmation of the diagnosis and determination of acidity.

Nutritional requirements do not differ from other forms of gastritis:

  • frequent consumption of small amounts of food;
  • freshly baked bread and culinary products are excluded;
  • Fatty, fried, smoked foods and dishes are not allowed;
  • at pain syndrome switch to jelly, liquid porridges, pureed soups;
  • If there is no pain, meat and fish can be eaten boiled, in steamed cutlets, meatballs, casserole;
  • cottage cheese is shown;
  • It is better to discuss the use of kefir and other fermented milk products with your doctor, it depends on the level of acidity;
  • vegetables and fruits are recommended in the form of diluted juice, pureed at severe forms, without any special restrictions for superficial gastritis.

Detection of Helicobacter pylori modern views, needs a course of eradication with antibiotics (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) and Trichopolum.

When acidity increases, proton pump inhibitors are used (Ranitidine, Omez, Misoprostol). The drugs are not indicated for severe achlorhydria and low acidity. To support and protect the mucous membrane, bismuth preparations are indicated: De-Nol, Ventrisol, Bismofal. Aluminum compounds are no less active: Gelusil, Gastal, Kompensan.

For severe pain syndrome, the following is prescribed:

  • Bruskopan.
  • Pirenzepin,
  • Gastril.

Replenishment of protein losses is necessary through diet, course intake of Methionine, when severe complications- intravenous transfusion of Albumin, frozen plasma. Surgical treatment may be necessary for frequent recurrent bleeding or suspected tumor transformation. If possible, endoscopic interventions are used for electrocoagulation of polyps and laser exposure.

At large sizes Part of the stomach is removed.

Traditional treatment Contraindicated for hyperplastic growth. It cannot fully take into account the state of the mucous membrane and the level of acidity. Herbal remedies capable of activating impaired epithelial growth.

Patients are recommended vitamins, especially B 12 and P, they prevent the development of anemia


The prognosis of hyperplastic atrophic gastritis is determined by the form of the disease. It is unfavorable for healing. The patient manages to live long enough if he follows the doctor’s recommendations. You will have to follow a diet all your life, take maintenance medications, and undergo examinations.

It is impossible to predict in advance how dangerous the transformation into a tumor is. The given examples indicate the likelihood, but do not mean a mandatory outcome. The many-sided nature of hyperplastic atrophic gastritis and moderate clinical manifestations set the task of conducting mass preventive studies during clinical examination of the population.

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic lesion of the stomach, which is accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of the mucous layer of the organ and total number functioning glands. This type of pathology most often develops into cancer.

Chronic atrophic gastritis is a multifactorial disease. Scientists have identified more than a dozen reasons that can lead to the development of atrophy of the inner membrane and functional failure organ.

The inflammatory process may be a consequence of damage to the digestive organs or the result of involution age-related changes. Genetic predisposition plays a major role in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Main causes of pathology:

  • Helicobacter pylori infection.
  • Autoimmune inflammation.

H. pylori bacteria “live” on gastric epithelium and contribute to the development superficial gastritis With increased acidity. With long-term inflammation, absence proper treatment the processes of atrophy of the organ mucosa are launched.

With an autoimmune process protective system human actively produces antibodies against its own epithelial cells, glands and internal factor Kasla (binds vitamin B12). Over time, the parietal cells die and the glands atrophy. The disease is often complicated by severe pernicious anemia and achlorhydria.

Forms of pathology

Depending on the location of the lesion, atrophic gastropathy is divided into:

  • Diffuse form: atrophic antral gastritis, fundal, total.
  • Multifocal gastritis.

Antral chronic type

In this case, atrophy of the gastric antrum mucosa occurs. This particular form of the disease can be assumed based on characteristic symptoms (early pain after eating, nausea, belching), and can only be confirmed histologically.

Atrophy of the antrum of the stomach is established during gastroscopy, after histological examination biopsy from the most altered area of ​​the mucous membrane. During the examination, the endoscopist sees pale and thinned epithelium in the antrum area.

Fundal type of inflammation

The pathological process is localized mainly in the area of ​​the body of the stomach. The fundus section of the organ performs important role in digestion, since it contains several types of functional significant cells. Some of them produce protective mucus, others produce pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid.

In most cases, all three types of cells atrophy, which leads to low acidity, impaired digestion of food and insufficient absorption nutrients, vitamins.

Focal form, or multifocal gastritis

Focal atrophic gastritis is one of the types of pathology in which, instead of diffuse damage mucous membrane, gastroscopy reveals its atrophied areas (foci).

This form of inflammation is less pronounced clinical picture, however, the lack of proper treatment leads to the development of total atrophy, low secretory activity of the stomach, and its functional failure.

Atrophic-hyperplastic gastritis

The atrophic-hyperplastic type of inflammation is also called mixed. In this case, the decrease in the functions of the glands and parietal cells is compensated by the folds of the stomach increased in volume and height, and hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. Over time, glandular cells appear in places of hypertrophy, producing mucin and hydrochloric acid.

However, such compensation occurs infrequently, and atrophy affects almost all parts of the stomach. In practice mixed form pathologies are rare.

There is another classification of the disease, which is based on the degree of prevalence dystrophic processes, depth of inflammation of the organ wall.

There are three types of activity of the atrophic process:

  1. Weakly expressed when inflammatory activity is at its highest early stages of its development.
  2. Moderately expressed, in which the middle and upper sections iron
  3. Strongly expressed, in which inflammation reaches the muscular layer of the mucous lining.

Based on the above classification, final diagnosis may sound as follows: atrophic antrum gastritis of low activity, period of exacerbation.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that metaplasia (morphological and functional restructuring of the epithelium) appears over time. She is considered precancerous condition– a favorable background for the development of adenocarcinoma.

You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, then the risk of injury to the body will decrease. It is useful to visit doctors on time and be examined for gastritis twice a year.

Many professionals are convinced that hyperplastic gastritis cannot be cured completely, but it is possible to prevent its development. Usually prescribed special treatment, which helps:

  • Prevent the development of disease and changes in the stomach;
  • Neutralize the symptoms of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis;
  • Provide balance nervous system and intestinal functions.

During treatment and diagnosis, a person suffering from a disease is required to undergo medication. It will help get rid of various diseases and complications of the gastrointestinal tract. It is strongly recommended to strictly follow the diet rules.

There are many recipes for decoctions suitable treatment, allowing to reduce the process of development of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis. As a rule, most products can restore digestive function and balance the level of acidity concentration. It is recommended to consume decoctions in the amount of a glass exclusively on an empty stomach once a day. Atrophic gastritis will manifest itself to a lesser extent due to reduced disease activity.

To increase the acidity concentration and reduce the risk of new polyps, it is recommended to take squeezed fresh cabbage juice several times a day. The best option will become white cabbage.

To balance secretion and neutralize the signs of focal atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, massage is in demand. When waking up, the patient should massage the stomach area clockwise, then he is allowed to drink a brewed decoction of the necessary components, for example, chicory. You will have to limit your consumption of foods that contain a considerable amount of fiber.

Treatment with diet

An important factor in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is a diet that requires strict adherence. Focuses on restoring the condition of the gastric mucosa and reducing acidity.

Professionals advise people suffering from atrophic hyperplastic gastritis to adhere to special diet, which is distinguished by a mild stimulation of the functionality of the digestive organs.

It is required to take small portions of food five times a day so that there is no risk of increasing the load on the digestive organs in case of illness. You should include in your diet dishes whose components saturate the body with possible beneficial minerals.

To properly treat atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, it is recommended to follow important rule. The temperature of the food taken should be up to sixty-five degrees. Too small or high temperature can provoke an irritant effect on the mucous membrane. Initially, treatment of stomach disease requires exclusion from the diet. fatty types meat, freshly baked bread, grapes, fresh milk and foods that contain a lot of fiber, such as fruits.

To increase your own appetite, it is useful for the patient to consume meat and fish soups or broths. For breakfast, it is better to take pumpkin or apple puree. After 120 minutes, small portions of cereal porridge are allowed.

Nutritionists advise avoiding the following foods:

  • Pea or bean soups;
  • Poultry meat;
  • Salty, pickled or spicy foods;
  • Garlic, onion;
  • Fresh fruits containing fiber, berries;
  • Desserts and other sweet dishes;
  • Coffee and alcohol;
  • Acidic foods;
  • Fried foods and smoked meats;
  • Strong tea;
  • Sweet soda.

Other products not included in prohibited list, are allowed for consumption. Let us note the foods that the patient must include in the diet, overcoming his own dislike. These include:

  1. Porridge cooked with milk. It is allowed to add low-fat oil.
  2. Boiled meat or lean fish.
  3. Boiled, stewed vegetables.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Infusion with propolis.

If you strictly adhere to the diet, you will heal faster.

Drug treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

To cure such a disease, you will have to use an abundance of medicines. Statistics show that specialist doctors recommend special drugs for the treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis. The list includes the following products: Nolpaza, Actovegin, Omeprazole, Carinate, De-nol, etc.

Nolpaza or De-nol are usually prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. If the action is ineffective, doctors prescribe additional use Omeprazole or Actovegin.

When chronic atrophic gastritis is in the last stages of treatment, special drugs are prescribed, for example, Carinate. But such treatment tactics are only approximate methodology due to the fact that medicines are selected individually for the patient. Before taking the drugs described, it is strongly recommended to consult with your doctor.

It is advisable to detect the development of the disease as early as possible, even if gastric catarrh is at an extremely advanced stage. Patients who have encountered pathology and overcome the disease are allowed to undergo prophylaxis to prevent a short-term relapse of the disease. Otherwise, the risk of recurrence of the disease increases in a few years.

Doctors advise patients to follow dietary rules that involve eating small portions of food. The patient should consume vegetables, decoctions with propolis, and green tea every three days. It is strongly recommended to limit the consumption of alcohol, coffee, and completely quit smoking. Found very useful physical exercise performed within 30 minutes per day.

What are the causes of chronic atrophic hyperplastic gastritis? They may be as follows:

    • smoking;
    • stress;
    • heavy physical activity;
    • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • heredity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • pylori infection;
  • complication of previous diseases ();
  • food allergies;
  • chemical intoxication of the body.


According to the classification, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis has the following varieties:

  • grainy - atrophy and hyperplasia are point-like in nature. FEGDS visualizes the “granularity” of the mucous membrane. More often, the pathological process is localized on the anterior wall;
  • polyposis - the hyperplastic process in this case is manifested by polyps, next to which atrophy forms. More often found on the back wall;
  • warty - hypertrophy in the form of warts is detected on the mucous membrane. They have a single arrangement;
  • giant - large hypertrophied areas in large quantities. Often complicated by erosions.

Also, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis can be focal and diffuse. The latter is characterized by the extension of the process to different areas gastric mucosa. With focal atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, a limited area of ​​the epithelium is affected.


What are the symptoms of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis? There are no signs of the disease at the initial stage. Then the patient notes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • with a rotten smell;
  • flatulence;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, especially after eating;
  • pain in the epigastric region after eating.

Such symptoms are not specific to antral atrophic hyperplastic gastritis. They occur in many gastrointestinal pathologies.

Without treatment, additional signs of the disease appear:

  • decreased appetite;
  • irradiation of pain to the lumbar and scapular regions;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • white coating on the back of the tongue;
  • quickly onset feelings of satiety;
  • cutting pain when the polyp is torn off from the mucous membrane;
  • and vomiting;
  • or diarrhea;
  • increased salivation;
  • irritability;
  • nails break, hair falls out;
  • body temperature rises.

Which doctor treats atrophic hyperplastic gastritis?

When the first symptoms appear, the patient should consult a physician. He will appoint necessary examination and treatment. If necessary, the patient will be sent to a gastroenterologist, oncologist or surgeon.


Instrumental and laboratory methods allow diagnosing pathology. The appearance of the above symptoms requires such diagnostic procedures, How:

  • general blood test - decrease in the number of red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin;
  • biochemical blood test (liver transaminase levels);
  • amylase in plasma, elastase in feces - to exclude pancreatitis;
  • A urease test, PCR diagnostics and serological studies blood and feces;
  • An accurate diagnosis can be made using FEGDS. If necessary, a biopsy of the changed tissue may be taken. This will help differentiate from neoplasms;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.


What should be the treatment for atrophic hyperplastic gastritis? Pathology therapy consists of following a diet and conservative treatment. In severe cases, surgery is possible.


During an exacerbation pathological process you should exclude fried, salty, spicy food. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Allowed green tea, fruit drinks, meat low-fat varieties, omelette, fermented milk products With low content fat In addition, you can eat jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, decoctions of dried fruits, compotes, and baked fruits. Vegetable and meat products are pre-chopped.

You should eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions. Food should not be cold or hot. Food must be baked or steamed.

Drug treatment

The pathology in question must be treated with the following drugs:

  • if H. pylori is present in the body, antibiotics are prescribed (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Metronidazole);
  • cytoprotectors - De-Nol, Sucralfate;
  • to restore gastric motility - Trimedat;
  • to increase the acidity of gastric juice - Natural gastric juice;
  • will help improve the digestion process enzyme preparations( , Creon, );
  • as symptomatic therapy, for pain in the epigastric region, use: antispasmodics - No-Shpa, Papaverine. To eliminate diarrhea - Loperamide, to get rid of vomiting - Metoclopramide, laxatives (Bisacodyl, Guttasil, Glycelax) will help get rid of constipation;
  • vitamin preparations for vitamin deficiency.

Surgical treatment

Involves removal of the damaged part of the stomach. Used in extreme cases, in the absence of effect from conservative therapy.

The prognosis for atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is favorable if timely treatment. Otherwise, the process may become malignant with the formation.


To prevent a recurrence of this pathology, you should adhere to some rules:

  • do FEGDS annually;
  • eliminate stress;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • follow a diet.

Pathology requiring special attention. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should visit a doctor, as untimely treatment leads to the emergence malignant neoplasms. The disease can be diagnosed using instrumental and laboratory methods research. Therapy boils down to diet and drug treatment. In severe cases, surgery is possible. The prognosis is favorable if you seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

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