Cheap and effective drug! Heparin ointment and its instructions for use. Heparin ointment: reviews

Heparin ointment is a reliable, time-tested medicine. Widely used to treat various pathologies associated with increased thrombus formation.


Heparin ointment is packaged in aluminum tubes. The amount of ointment can be 10 or 25 g. It has a soft, viscous consistency. The top is covered with special foil. The cap at the top has a sharp protrusion with a notch. It makes it easy to open the tube. Available in packages with attached instructions. It needs to be carefully studied in order to know what helps and for what diseases heparin ointment should not be used. The ointment belongs to the combined preparations.

It includes:

Heparin sodium 100 international units. It is also produced in liver cells and prevents thrombus formation.

Benzocaine 40 mg. Reduces the intensity of pain. When applied topically, it begins to act immediately.

Benzyl nicotinate 800 mcg. It is a derivative of nicotinic acid. Dilates blood vessels and improves blood supply to organs. Improves heparin absorption

Thanks to these components, the amount of fibrin in the blood decreases. Fibrin is a protein that enhances blood clotting. Heparin ointment resolves existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones.

The ointment should be applied in a thin layer, completely covering the affected area.

It can be used on its own for several days. The duration and need for its use should be determined by a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

If negative symptoms develop while using the ointment, then you should stop using the drug.

Contraindications are:

Blood coagulation disorders: thrombocytopenia, hemophilia.

Individual reaction.

Bleeding wounds.

Necrosis and ulcers.

If you have a question about what heparin ointment will help with, you need to take into account that the drug has side effects. This may include bleeding, local hemorrhagic reaction, or allergic manifestations.

What does heparin ointment help with?

This medicine is often used for various diseases associated with pathologies of the blood coagulation system.


Varicose veins of any localization.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial or deep veins.

Complications after intravenous injections (infiltrates, phlebitis).

Lymphostasis of the upper or lower extremities.

Injuries, hematomas of various sizes, soft tissue bruises.

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

Trophic ulcers on the legs.


If there is any doubt about the need for use, you should consult your doctor. During pregnancy and lactation, the ointment should be used carefully. It is used only when there are completely no risks to the fetus or newborn.

Options for using heparin ointment

This medicine is used not only to treat various diseases. Considering what heparin ointment helps with, we can note the extensive experience of using it for cosmetic purposes. Depending on various diseases, there are features of its use.

For varicose veins

By influencing the valve apparatus of the veins, this ointment will improve blood supply to the affected organ. If there are no trophic disorders, then the medicine can be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin

If the integrity of the skin is damaged (ulcers), heparin ointment is not applied to this area.

You need to rub it in with light movements. Do not massage the area of ​​inflammation to prevent the movement of the blood clot.

Heparin will relieve inflammation and reduce swelling. Using this ointment, you can reduce damage to capillaries and improve the permeability of the vascular wall.

For cellulite and stretch marks

When using heparin, blood microcirculation improves and congestion in tissues decreases.

The ointment can be applied with massage movements or used as wraps. Rub the problem areas and wrap with plastic wrap. This procedure should be carried out once a day, in the evening. The skin will become more elastic and smooth. Lumps and stretch marks will decrease. The visible effect will be noticeable within a week of use.

For hematomas and bruises

For extensive hematomas and severe bruises, consultation with a traumatologist is required.

Minor injuries can be treated at home. This product should not be used if there are wounds on the skin. Regardless of what caused these injuries, heparin ointment will help quickly relieve swelling and reduce pain.

To do this, you need to intensively rub the ointment into the bruise site. This must be done several times a day.

After applying the ointment, short-term local redness is possible. It will pass in 10-15 minutes. Thanks to the action of heparin, subcutaneous bruises will quickly resolve.

For lumps after injections

Sometimes intravenous or intramuscular injections are not performed correctly. Tight, painful lumps may form on the arms or buttocks.

The use of heparin ointment will quickly get rid of these troubles.

It can be applied in the form of compresses or rubbed on the inflamed area. A few days of use is usually enough to resolve the lumps.

For swelling and bruises under the eyes

When blood flow is disrupted, bags and bruises appear under the eyes. This happens especially often among people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer.

The skin of this area is very sensitive. The ointment should not be rubbed in, but applied with patting movements. At least twice a day.

Heparin penetrates well into the deep layers of the skin and improves its tone. The components of this drug prevent blood clots. Consequently, with the systematic use of this ointment, the blood vessels narrow and are not so visible under the skin. The cosmetic defect becomes less noticeable.

For wrinkles

This drug can treat shallow wrinkles. Thanks to the action of its components, the skin is cleansed. Becomes more fit. Works well on expression wrinkles. When using ointment, do not forget to moisturize with nourishing creams.

For hemorrhoids

In this case, several application options can be used:

Heparin ointment is used to lubricate dilated hemorrhoids. Repeat several times a day.

A thick layer of medicine is applied to a rolled bandage or napkin. Inserted into the anus.

Medicine is applied to a cotton pad. Apply to the affected area. Keep for several hours.

As a result of the use of heparin ointment, the blood thins and the resulting clots are reduced. There will be no re-formation of blood clots.

Analogues of heparin ointment

These include:

Troxevasin. It has a more venotonic effect. Improves vascular tone, increases blood supply to tissues. May be in the form of ointment, gel or capsules.

Lyoton gel. The main active ingredient is heparin. Its advantage is that the gel is absorbed faster when applied.

Trombless plus. The composition additionally includes substances that stimulate tissue regeneration. It is able to heal trophic ulcers.

Dolobene. Has antithrombic effect. Prevents platelet aggregation (sticking together).

Hepatrombin. It also contains a corticosteroid drug, prednisolone. This medicine can also be used for allergic reactions.

Heparin ointment is intended only for application to the skin or mucous membranes. It is usually prescribed 2-3 times a day. To determine the course of treatment, you must consult a doctor.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Heparin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Heparin in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Heparin analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the drug.

Heparin- direct-acting anticoagulant, belongs to the group of medium molecular heparins. In blood plasma, it activates antithrombin 3, accelerating its anticoagulant effect. It disrupts the transition of prothrombin to thrombin, inhibits the activity of thrombin and activated factor 10, and to some extent reduces platelet aggregation.

For unfractionated standard heparin, the ratio of antiplatelet activity (antifactor 10a) to anticoagulant activity (APTT) is 1:1.

Increases renal blood flow; increases cerebral vascular resistance, reduces the activity of cerebral hyaluronidase, activates lipoprotein lipase and has a hypolipidemic effect. Reduces the activity of surfactant in the lungs, suppresses excessive synthesis of aldosterone in the adrenal cortex, binds adrenaline, modulates the ovarian response to hormonal stimuli, and increases the activity of parathyroid hormone. As a result of interaction with enzymes, it can increase the activity of brain tyrosine hydroxylase, pepsinogen, DNA polymerase and reduce the activity of myosin ATPase, pyruvate kinase, RNA polymerase, pepsin.

There is evidence that heparin has immunosuppressive activity.

In patients with coronary artery disease (in combination with ASA), it reduces the risk of developing acute thrombosis of the coronary arteries, myocardial infarction and sudden death. Reduces the frequency of recurrent infarctions and mortality in patients who have had myocardial infarction. In high doses it is effective for pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis, in small doses it is effective for the prevention of venous thromboembolism, incl. after surgical operations.

With intravenous administration, blood coagulation slows down almost immediately, with intramuscular administration - after 15-30 minutes, with subcutaneous administration - after 20-60 minutes, after inhalation the maximum effect is within a day; the duration of the anticoagulant effect is respectively 4-5, 6, 8 hours and 1-2 weeks, the therapeutic effect - prevention of thrombus formation - lasts much longer. Deficiency of antithrombin 3 in plasma or at the site of thrombosis may reduce the antithrombotic effect of heparin.

When used externally, it has a local antithrombotic, antiexudative, and moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Blocks the formation of thrombin, inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase, and activates the fibrinolytic properties of the blood. Heparin penetrating through the skin reduces the inflammatory process and has an antithrombotic effect, improves microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating the processes of resorption of hematomas and blood clots and reducing tissue swelling.


Heparin sodium + excipients (injections).

Heparin sodium + Benzocaine + Benzyl nicotinate + excipients (heparin ointment).

Heparin sodium 1000 IU + excipients (gel Akrikhin 1000).

There are no other forms, such as tablets.


Heparin penetrates the placenta poorly due to its high molecular weight. Not excreted in breast milk.


Prevention and therapy:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • pulmonary embolism (including in diseases of peripheral veins);
  • coronary artery thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • unstable angina;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • atrial fibrillation (including those accompanied by embolism);
  • DIC syndrome;
  • prevention and therapy of microthrombosis and microcirculation disorders;
  • renal vein thrombosis;
  • hemolyticouremic syndrome;
  • mitral heart disease (prevention of thrombosis);
  • bacterial endocarditis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • lupus nephritis;
  • prevention of blood clotting during operations using extracorporeal circulatory methods;
  • preparation of non-clotting blood samples for laboratory purposes and blood transfusions
  • prevention and treatment of superficial vein thrombophlebitis;
  • post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis;
  • external hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of postpartum hemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers of the leg;
  • elephantiasis;
  • superficial periphlebitis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • superficial mastitis;
  • localized infiltrates and edema;
  • injuries and bruises without violating the integrity of the skin (including muscle tissue, tendons, joints);
  • subcutaneous hematoma.

Release forms

Ointment for external use.

Solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration (injections in injection ampoules).

Gel for external use.

Instructions for use and dosage


Intravenously (infusion or injection) or subcutaneously (famous injections in the abdominal area), initial dose - intravenously (injection) 5000 IU, maintenance: continuous intravenous infusion - 1000-2000 IU / h (20000-40000 IU / day), pre diluting in 1000 ml of isotonic NaCl solution; regular IV injections - 5000-10000 IU every 4-6 hours; subcutaneously (deep) - 15,000-20,000 IU every 12 hours or 8,000-10,000 IU every 8 hours.


Apply externally. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area (at the rate of 0.5-1 g (2-4 cm of ointment) per area with a diameter of 3-5 cm) and the ointment is carefully rubbed into the skin. The ointment is used 2-3 times a day every day until the inflammation disappears, on average from 3 to 7 days. The possibility of a longer course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

In case of thrombosis of external hemorrhoids, the ointment is applied to a calico or linen pad, which is applied directly to the thrombosed nodes and fixed. The ointment should be used daily until symptoms disappear, on average from 3 to 14 days; for the same purpose, you can use a tampon soaked in heparin ointment, which is inserted into the anus.

Side effect

  • bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract;
  • bleeding at the injection site, in areas exposed to pressure, from surgical wounds;
  • hemorrhages in organs;
  • hematuria;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • drug fever;
  • hives;
  • rhinitis;
  • itchy skin and feeling of heat in the soles;
  • bronchospasm;
  • collapse;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • thrombocytopenia (can be severe and even fatal) with subsequent development of skin necrosis, arterial thrombosis, accompanied by the development of gangrene, myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • osteoporosis;
  • spontaneous fractures;
  • soft tissue calcification;
  • irritation, pain, hyperemia, hematoma and ulceration at the injection site;
  • transient alopecia;
  • hypoaldosteronism.


  • bleeding;
  • diseases accompanied by impaired blood clotting processes;
  • suspected intracranial hemorrhage;
  • cerebral aneurysm;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • malignant arterial hypertension;
  • subacute bacterial endocarditis;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe damage to the liver parenchyma;
  • cirrhosis of the liver with varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • malignant neoplasms in the liver;
  • states of shock;
  • recent surgery on the eyes, brain, prostate, liver or biliary tract;
  • condition after spinal cord puncture;
  • menstruation;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • childbirth (including recent);
  • hypersensitivity to heparin.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy is possible only according to strict indications, under close medical supervision.

Possible use during lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications.

Special instructions

Use with caution in patients suffering from polyvalent allergies (including bronchial asthma), arterial hypertension, dental procedures, diabetes mellitus, endocarditis, pericarditis, in the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive device, active tuberculosis, radiation therapy, liver failure, chronic renal failure, in elderly patients (over 60 years of age, especially women).

Use externally with caution for bleeding and conditions of increased bleeding, thrombocytopenia.

During treatment with heparin, monitoring of blood clotting parameters is necessary.

To dilute heparin, only saline solution is used.

If severe thrombocytopenia develops (a decrease in the platelet count by 2 times the initial number or below 100,000/μl), it is necessary to urgently stop using heparin.

The risk of bleeding can be minimized with careful assessment of contraindications, regular laboratory monitoring of blood coagulation, and adequate dosing.

The ointment or gel is not applied to open wounds or mucous membranes, and is not used for ulcerative-necrotic processes.

Drug interactions

The anticoagulant effect of heparin is enhanced by the simultaneous use of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

On the pharmacy shelves, next to the advertised fashionable drugs, lies an unremarkable, at first glance, remedy that is ready to cure various diseases for pennies. This heparin ointment is an inexpensive, effective medicine with absorbable properties. It is found in the anxious suitcases of sports doctors, cosmetologists and dermatologists, because it helps to cope with bruises, injuries, sprains, hematomas and thrombosis. But many still do not know what heparin ointment helps with. This article is for them.

Composition of the product

The use of heparin ointment follows from its composition:

  • The main active ingredient in it is sodium heparin. Gradually releasing, it relieves inflammation, thins the blood, dissolves blood clots, prevents the appearance of new ones, thereby preventing the clogging of blood vessels. It blocks the synthesis of fibrin protein - the basis of blood clots, and prevents the gluing of blood platelets.
  • For better absorption of the active component, the product contains benzyl nicotinate, which dilates blood vessels on the surface of the skin.
  • To relieve pain, the medicine contains benzocaine as a local anesthetic.

Additional components included in the ointment are:

  • peach oil;
  • stearin;
  • petrolatum;
  • purified water;
  • nipazole;
  • glycerol

Physical properties and mechanism of action

The ointment is a white, odorless mass. Release form: tubes weighing 25 g and 10 g. Ingestion of medication for external use is accompanied by digestive problems. In such a situation, a procedure to empty the stomach of the medication and subsequent symptomatic treatment will be required.

It should be noted that the composition is quickly absorbed into the skin and immediately begins to act. After 3 hours, the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma reaches a maximum and after half an hour or an hour is halved.

Heparin sodium is a macromolecule, which prevents its penetration through the placental barrier. It is not found in breast milk for the same reason. Therefore, the drug is safe during lactation. They treat inflammatory processes in the veins and hemorrhoids in nursing mothers and pregnant women, but only for a short time and under medical supervision. The composition is not recommended in the last third month of pregnancy, so as not to provoke bleeding during labor.

Some patients note the beneficial effect of heparin ointment on the skin of the face. But the drug has some contraindications and side effects, so it is prohibited for independent use. Some experts believe that the composition is morally outdated and is inferior in many respects to its newest analogues. Despite this, the medicine is in demand and is successfully used by patients who have no contraindications.

Indications for use

The part of the instructions “Indications for use” states that the ointment is used for the following conditions:

  • Injuries, bruises and sprains.
  • Hemorrhoids, including after childbirth, as a result of thrombus formation in the veins of the colon. The ointment soothes pain, resolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Trophic ulcers. The components of the drug dilate blood vessels, thin the blood, improve blood circulation, due to which more nutrients and oxygen enter the cells and wounds heal faster. To avoid bleeding, it is forbidden to treat the wound directly.
  • Thrombophlebitis. The disease is characterized by the formation of a blood clot and inflammation of the venous walls. Sodium heparin relieves inflammation, reduces the size of a blood clot, and prevents its re-formation. The use of the product requires caution without active rubbing, so as not to provoke the rupture of a blood clot and the subsequent dangerous consequences.
  • Varicose veins. Characterized by circulatory disorders. At the initial stage of the disease, swelling, redness, and spider veins appear. The treatment course lasts about 14 days.

And that's not all that heparin ointment is used for. She also helps patients with diagnoses:

  • Superficial mastitis, eliminated due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug.
  • Lymphangitis.
  • Complications after surgical treatment of venous diseases.
  • Localized infiltrates.
  • Post-infusion phlebitis, which forms after damage to the veins during injections and infusions.


The specialist will not prescribe heparin ointment if the patient:

  • open wound;
  • platelet count is below normal;
  • blood clotting mechanisms are disrupted;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • deep thrombosis.

The composition is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. Heparin, being an anticoagulant, can cause bleeding, especially internal bleeding as the most dangerous. In such situations, after providing emergency care, the doctor decides on the further use of heparin ointment or replacing it with an effective, but milder analogue. Sometimes the solution to a difficult situation is surgical intervention.

Side effects

For some people, sodium heparin is a powerful allergen that can provoke a reaction in the body with tissue swelling, burning and itching. To avoid such a development of the situation, it is necessary to conduct a skin test to determine sensitivity to the drug.

Some patients develop an allergy to benzocaine. If side effects are severe, the doctor prescribes another medication with more gentle properties. An overdose of heparin is impossible in principle due to its insufficient absorption.

Directions for use and dosage

Heparin ointment is used topically, having previously read the instructions for this composition. The inflammatory process will be stopped if a small amount of the product is applied, lightly rubbing, to the affected area for 3-7 days, 2-3 times a day. Large hematomas are treated for several weeks.

The treatment area for a single dose depends on the age of the patients:

  • for adults it ranges from 3 to 10 cm;
  • for children - from 0.5 to 3 cm.

For hemorrhoids, a pad made of calico or linen with a drop of ointment is applied to the affected area, or a tampon soaked in heparin ointment is inserted into the anus. The course of treatment lasts 3-14 days.

When a diagnosis of “trophic ulcer” is made, only the skin around the affected area is treated with ointment.

The product is applied to the bruise the day after the injury to avoid bleeding. A bandage over the treated area increases the healing effect and speeds up recovery. Before use, be sure to consult a specialist. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor. Independent use of the product is unacceptable. The course of treatment depends on the symptoms of the disease.

Combination with other medications

The instructions for using heparin ointment indicate which medications can enhance its effectiveness (NSAIDs, antiplatelet agents), or, conversely, reduce it (antihistamines, thyroxine, etc.). Only a specialist can take these points into account. This is why self-medication with ointment, which is available without a doctor's prescription, can cause the development of dangerous conditions. The combination of heparin with alcohol is undesirable. The drug does not affect activities associated with high concentration of attention, for example, driving.

Doctors and patients about heparin ointment

Patients and doctors leave mostly positive reviews about heparin ointment, noting the high therapeutic effect of the drug in the treatment of hematomas, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Some patients, before treatment with heparin ointment, literally could not stand on their feet due to trophic ulcers of the lower leg. The reviews write a lot about the following advantages of the composition:

  • Availability. Many patients are surprised by the answer to the question “how much does heparin ointment cost”, because the price at the pharmacy, depending on the volume of the tube, is about 80 rubles for a tube weighing 25 g and 30 rubles for 10 g.
  • Ease of use.
  • No side effects.
  • Complex impact.
  • Shelf life is 3 years.

The disadvantages of the ointment include:

  • average efficiency;
  • difficulties in getting rid of the consequences of an allergic reaction;
  • high level of fat content of the composition.

But when compared with new products from the same medicinal group, heparin ointment sometimes ends up losing.

Patients have the opportunity to use analogues of heparin ointment, including:

  • Venitan. A medicinal ointment whose venotonic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved through heparin and β-escin. Serves as a preventive composition against scars. The price of the medicine is from 150 to 200 rubles.
  • Lyoton. The drug is in the form of a gel. Indicated for the following diseases: mastitis, hematomas, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the veins. Contains a large mass fraction of heparin. The cost in pharmacies is from 230 to 800 rubles.
  • Hepatrombin. A product with anti-inflammatory properties. Contains up to 5 times more active chemical agent compared to heparin ointment. The cost of the medicine is from 130 to 400 rubles.

Analogs have fewer side effects and a greater therapeutic effect in the treatment of lymphangitis, bruises, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, but they are also more expensive. “Heparinka,” as patients call the ointment, is an excellent remedy for bruises and contusions, but you should not expect instant miraculous healing from varicose veins and other more complex conditions.

Heparin ointment is a complex drug. The main action is aimed at thinning the blood. She prevents the formation of blood clots. Dissolves blood clots that appear.

It is also used as a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory agent for the face. Its use smooths out fine wrinkles and relieves puffiness.

Heparin ointment. What is it used for?

  • the formation of bruises on the body;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • injuries associated with bruises.
Heparin ointment is known not only as a medicine, but also as a cosmetic product

Heparin ointment, its composition

This product is produced in different pharmaceutical companies. The main active ingredient is sodium heparin.

Due to the interaction of 3 working components The product has a fairly strong effect:

  • heparin;
  • benzyl ester of nicotinic acid (benzyl nicotinate);
  • benzocaine.

All rapid actions are controlled by benzyl nicotinate. It acts on vasodilation and accelerates absorption. Thanks to this component and heparin, inflammatory processes are reduced.

Due to the analgesic effect that benzocaine has, painful sensations fade and then completely disappear. Cosmetic procedures are aimed at gradually getting rid of fine wrinkles, as blood clotting decreases and blood circulation improves.

Ointment is widely used in cosmetology

The developers are trying to introduce, in addition to the main elements, their own time-tested components.

Heparin sodium interacts with excipients:

  • benzocaine(relieves pain);
  • glycerin(moisturizes and smoothes the skin);
  • Vaseline(softens, protects the skin from peeling and drying);
  • cosmetic stearin(protective thickener from windy, cold weather, ultraviolet rays);
  • peach oil(an important vitamin source that helps intracellular development).

Therefore, the result comes in a short time.

Heparin ointment; instructions for use

Many suffer from various skin defects. As a result, they try to cure the skin. But all medications without a doctor’s prescription are fraught with risks. Therefore, you need to be very careful, even with such inexpensive medications.

White ointment, creamy consistency

The product has a fatty, slightly dense consistency. Easy to apply. There is practically no smell. She helps prevent platelet aggregation. For outdoor use. The area is treated with a thin layer using careful, light movements.

If the affected area is 30-50 mm, a layer of 0.5-1 g of ointment is made. All phenomena associated with inflammation disappear, on average, in a week, or even less. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

It is absolutely contraindicated to use the ointment for people with:

  • exaggerated susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • purulent-necrotic leaks;
  • traumatic disorders of the integument.

When reading the instructions, pay attention on the rules for using the product when:

  • severe thrombocytopenia and increased bleeding;
  • third party actions(the occurrence of allergic reactions, hypermia is noted);
  • bruises(a thin layer is applied, with which it is necessary to lubricate the affected surface with a layer of 20-40 mm, 2 to 3 times a day, 3-7 days);
  • thrombosis with the manifestation of external hemorrhoids - a special treatment regimen (exact dosage and duration of treatment under the supervision of the treating specialist);

The drug is produced in tubes of 10, 25 and 50 g. Dispensed without prescription. Shelf life: 3 years in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Important to know: If bruises appear when using the ointment, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Heparin ointment, approximate price in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

The approximate price in Russia is 84.8 rubles. In Ukraine up to 45 UAH. And in Belarus - up to 3 rubles. In all countries it is available without prescription. The ointment is inexpensive, but quite a strong effect if you turn to professionals for help in time.

What does heparin ointment help with?

She is an assistant in various cases. The active substance heparin helps thin the blood, prevent and dissolve blood clots.

Diseases that can be treated include:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • lymphangitis;
  • swelling;
  • subcutaneous hematomas.

The drug is effective in the treatment of thrombophlebitis

The product is available both in price and availability. It can be purchased without a prescription. Therefore, it is popular as an anti-aging drug. In practice, it has long been proven that it helps eliminate wrinkles, swelling and acne on the face.

It's important to remember that any drug is produced with certain contraindications. No one is immune from negative side effects, so the consumer is always encouraged to read the instructions.

Heparin ointment in cosmetology for the face

Many pharmaceutical products are created to eliminate cosmetic defects. Heparin ointment, despite its medicinal purpose, was no exception. It is important to know that it must be used with caution.

The ointment has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and inexpensive price.

It is advisable to test it for allergies first to make sure it suits you. And then start using it.

It can have many positive effects from a cosmetological point of view: relieves swelling, resolves blood accumulations, stimulates regeneration, activates metabolism, helps deliver nutrients, removes toxins and breakdown products, relieves inflammation, dilates blood vessels, acts as a local anesthetic.

The auxiliary ingredients included in the composition have an anti-aging effect, therefore reducing the depth and number of wrinkles. Swelling and circles under the eyes disappear.

Important to know: To consolidate the effect of cosmetic procedures using heparin ointment, take multivitamins, go out into the fresh air, and accustom yourself to active movement. You cannot rely only on ointment to achieve beauty and health.

For wrinkles under the eyes

Complete results in combating skin aging do not yet have extensive evidence. But experts are confident that heparin and some auxiliary substances: glycerin, peach oil, serve to eliminate small wrinkles.

Heparin ointment eliminates shallow wrinkles

Here's how they work. Observed:

  1. Penetration of benzyl nicotinate and other components under the skin,
  2. The effect of heparin on blood flow,
  3. Adsorption of glycerin provokes moisturizing of the skin,
  4. Supply of vitamins to each cell through peach oil.

To eliminate fine wrinkles and obtain a slight rejuvenating effect, a course of using the product lasting about 14 days is advisable. Parting with small wrinkles and crow's feet is achieved in 14-21 days. The ointment helps slow down the aging process. It is advisable not to use it in its pure form, but mix it with regular day cream in a 1:1 ratio.

For puffiness and bags under the eyes

The product can also cope with manifestations such as bags and periorbital swelling. It is effective and widely used for this purpose. Due to this effect on the skin, there are many positive reviews about this product.

The product is known for amazing results

But it's important to remember that this product cannot be called specialized, cosmetic. Consult a specialist before using it on delicate eyelid skin. In addition, you should remember that you should not smoke or take certain antibiotics during treatment.

For bruises under the eyes

When blood flow is disrupted, puffiness appears under the lower eyelid. This phenomenon is often under the eyes of modern people who spend a lot of time in front of computer screens and tablets. Often the swelling gives the skin a dark appearance that looks similar to a bruise.

The ointment will help restore the skin around the eyes to their original condition. Apply the product using light patting movements with your fingertips. The procedure is done once a day.

Be careful and try to avoid applying the ointment near the mucous membrane.

For rosacea on the face

The product really helps get rid of spider veins. But for such serious issues, it is better to consult a doctor. And if competent, reasonable treatment is carried out, the skin will again acquire a pleasant color, and the annoying red spots will disappear forever.

The product is used for rosacea

Treatment is carried out as follows: the ointment is applied in a thin layer, with massage movements, 3 times a day, for up to a week. In some cases, the treatment period increases. But this is done only as prescribed by a specialist. Sometimes treatment takes up to 2 weeks.

For acne

The manifestation of the inflammatory process begins from the inside. Metabolism is disrupted and certain areas become inflamed. To prevent inflammation from covering the entire face, heparin ointment is used.

It has analgesic functions, relieving inflammatory processes. When using the product, metabolism in cells improves by regulating blood flow.

To prevent rashes from developing, a thin layer of ointment is carefully applied to the skin of the face 3 times a day until the inflammation completely disappears. When treated with ointment, an invisible film is formed. Therefore, we must not forget about hygienic procedures - washing, peeling, so that the medicine easily penetrates the epidermis when re-applied.

The drug copes with acne, relieves inflammation

Reviews from cosmetologists about the effect of anti-wrinkle ointment

Interesting fact: Heparin ointment, according to cosmetologists, does not belong to this type of pharmaceutical product. But it can also be used for this purpose. Consumers use the ointment at home.

In addition to therapy, the product is used for home cosmetic procedures.

Leading experts have considered the ointment to be an effective remedy in the fight against puffiness under the eyes. They note that after such procedures, patients' appearance changes. The eyes begin to glow and the gaze becomes open.

Heparin ointment application

During pregnancy

Doctors advise pregnant women to use the product with caution and be sure to consult a gynecologist in advance. The fact is that it contains ingredients that can harm the baby during its development in the womb.

Almost all pregnant women experience edema; in this case, doctors prescribe heparin ointment.

During pregnancy, blood circulation worsens and the load on the legs increases. Blood stagnates, causing blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. The attending physician may prescribe an ointment for use 3 times a day. The legs will stop experiencing internal burning caused by lymph stagnation, and swelling will go away.

When a woman is pregnant, bluish stretch marks appear on her abdomen. If you have a doctor's permission, the product can be applied 2 times a day to the problem area. The result will not be long in coming - the stretch marks will turn pale, although, of course, they will not disappear completely.

For hemorrhoids

The ointment provides relief and rapid onset of remission with this unpleasant illness. In case of severe pain and swelling, it has an analgesic effect. For such a disease, it is used both internally and externally, applied to the sore spot with a tampon or cloth for 2 weeks.

Ointment eliminates hemorrhoidal cones

The product helps thin the blood and prevents new blood clots from forming. When hemorrhoids worsen, the temperature rises, pain intensifies, heaviness and bloating are felt in the perianal area.

Thanks to local application, the duration of inflammatory discomfort is reduced. All major symptoms associated with thrombosis, inflammation, and pain syndromes are eliminated.

For varicose veins

Most patients are cool about the occurrence of this disease until cosmetic defects appear in their entirety.

And the symptoms of varicose veins are first hidden, and then appear:

  • heaviness in the legs;
  • pain in the calves and ankles;
  • swelling;
  • tingling and numbness of the lower extremities;
  • dullness of the skin;
  • clearly defined meshes;
  • closed and open ulcers.

In non-advanced stages, the drug effectively fights varicose veins

The ointment is effective at the initial manifestation of the disease, at the stage at which there are no ulcers yet. Heparin ointment prevents blood clots from developing, relieves swelling. Already formed blood clots dissolve. Microcirculation is normalized.

It's important to know that for naked wounds, with various intolerable reactions in the form of allergies, the drug is not used. During pregnancy and lactation - with a doctor's permission. Apply up to 3 times a day, for 2 weeks.

For bumps after injections

Everyone felt the effects of the injections. They are unpleasant, just like the procedures themselves. Often seals form in soft places. The product contains the ingredient benzocaine.

It is he who helps to calm the suffering of the patient, and together with heparin acts to remove all unpleasant sensations. There are no traces left of the seals within 3-14 days, provided that the ointment is rubbed in 2-3 times a day.

The ointment is also prescribed for bumps after injections

Heparin ointment for bruises

Heparin is an active coagulant. Ointment with anti-inflammatory and pronounced antithrombotic effects. Puffiness is relieved and the regeneration of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated.

External treatment for bruises. They pass in 3-7 days. The ointment does not burn or bake. Inflammatory processes are reduced and microcirculation is improved. Due to this, the hematoma resolves and the swelling gradually goes away.

When breastfeeding

With such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids, nursing mothers have a difficult time, since the list of medications is limited. Doctors allow the use of heparin ointment. The ointment has a thrombolytic and anesthetic effect.

Heparin ointment has no contraindications during breastfeeding

Thanks to it, rapid healing and tissue restoration occurs. The specialist will determine the location of the hemorrhoid and prescribe appropriate treatment. The ointment envelops the mucous membrane, easily enters the blood, due to which itching and pain go away.

Heparin ointment for potency

This ointment is an auxiliary remedy in the treatment of patients who have a weak sexual constitution. Experts suggest using the product to correct the erection component by applying it to the skin of the penis before sexual intercourse.

Heparin ointment: possible contraindications

To use the drug, knowing that you have a hypersensitive reaction, test it on the crook of your elbow. If everything is fine, then within a day there will be no negative reaction.

There are other contraindications associated with:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment;
  • impaired blood clotting ability;
  • decreased platelet count;
  • use of blood thinning and vasodilating drugs;
  • expecting a child.

The product helps, and it has a lot of positive reviews.

Nevertheless, do not use it without the consent of a dermatologist for:

  1. Haemophilus influenzae infection and other problems related to blood clotting.
  2. Manifestation of blood vessels on the face (rosacea). The ointment will cause them to increase.
  3. Allergic reaction. May appear: itching, burning, dryness.
  4. In addition, they can grow comedones, when pores become clogged.

Heparin ointment: analogues

Analogs are drugs with an international nonproprietary name or ATC code. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

There are analogues of heparin ointment, but consult your doctor before purchasing

Active ingredients in heparin product analogues:

  1. Aksparina– enoxaparin.
  2. Ariskstra– fondaparinux sodium.
  3. Viatromba– sodium heparin.
  4. Heparin– sodium heparin.
  5. Gizende– sodium heparin.
  6. Nigepana– heparin, anesthesin.

All drugs are in the same pharmaceutical group with heparin ointment.


Many problems can be solved with the help of inexpensive heparin ointment, you just need to act thoughtfully. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions.

If you have concerns, it would be a good idea to go for a consultation with a dermatologist to make sure whether the components are compatible with your body. With a careful approach, the treatment of many problems will be quick and successful.

How to use heparin ointment for hemorrhoids, see this program:

Heparin ointment for varicose veins in this video:

How to use heparin ointment for rejuvenation, see this video:

Heparin ointment is an affordable and at the same time very effective drug that allows you to solve a whole range of different health problems. By carefully studying the instructions for use and understanding the dosages in a particular case, you can quickly get rid of the manifested illness.

Release form

The medicine is available in the form of a white jelly-like ointment with a yellowish tint for external use in aluminum tubes, closed with a lid, 10, 25, 50 grams each.

Storage and release conditions

In order to purchase heparin ointment, you do not need to write a prescription from your doctor. The drug is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C. within three years.


Main active ingredients:

  • Heparin;
  • Benzyl ester of nicotinic acid (benzyl nicotinate);
  • Benzocaine.

Auxiliary components:

  • Glycerol;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Cosmetic stearin;
  • Peach oil.

Pharmacological action

A combined drug for external use, the effect of which is determined by the activity of its constituent components.

When used, the ointment gradually releases heparin, a substance that has an antithrombic effect. The drug triggers the active resorption of existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones. It becomes an inhibitory factor for hyaluronidase and helps accelerate the fibrinolytic properties of the blood.

Nicotinic acid benzyl ester acts as a dilator of superficial vessels so that heparin is more actively absorbed.

Benzocaine acts as a local anesthetic and reduces the intensity of pain.

Hormonal or not?

Heparin ointment is not a hormonal drug.

Drug interactions

During therapy, do not combine with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracyclines, antiallergic drugs.

What does it help with?

For face

For acne and post-acne

To prevent rashes, as well as with their active development and the appearance of spots after an illness, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas of the skin three times a day.

For pigment spots

You can get rid of pigmentation by applying a thin layer of ointment to problem areas, slightly extending beyond the contour of the spots. The course of treatment should not exceed one month.

Under the eyes

The ointment can combat the appearance of puffiness under the eyes. Once a day, a small amount is applied with patting movements with your fingertips. Regular repetition of the procedure helps restore the skin to its well-groomed appearance.

For eyelids

Heparin ointment can restore the tone of tired, delicate eyelid skin. To do this, apply a thin layer of the drug to your eyelids twice a week. In a month, the effect will be noticeable - the skin of the eyelids will become nourished and fresh.

For rosacea

Apply a thin layer of ointment with light massage movements three times a day. After a week of such manipulations, the manifestations of rosacea will decrease.

Important! Even if the effect obtained was very positive, use of the ointment for more than one week should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

From wrinkles to rejuvenation

Excipients in the composition of heparin ointment contribute to the rescue of aging skin to a greater extent. To smooth out fine wrinkles, the drug is applied to problem areas for a two-week course. You need to mix the ointment with the commonly used day cream in equal proportions and apply a thin layer to the skin. A noticeable effect will be noticeable within 14-21 days.

For hemorrhoids

The product can be used both internally and externally. Depending on the method chosen, apply the ointment to a cloth or tampon. Pain relief occurs almost immediately. The actual manifestations of hemorrhoids begin to disappear after two weeks of daily treatments.

For varicose veins

From spider veins

For minor manifestations of capillary damage, heparin ointment is especially effective, as it is able to regenerate vascular walls. The ointment should be applied locally to the stars; there is no need to rub the product in or massage the skin. The ointment just needs to be absorbed. Carry out the procedure three times a day. Already on the third day the effect will become noticeable. The full course of treatment is two weeks. After which you need to take a break for a month, after which the therapy can be repeated.

For nodes in a vein

Rub the ointment into problem areas at the rate of 1 g. on an area up to 5 cm in diameter. The course of treatment should be carried out within a week.

For cellulite

Apply to the skin daily in pure form, preferably at night. After 5-10 minutes, slight redness may be noticeable in the treated area. A slight effect appears after just a couple of uses.

For stretch marks

The nutritional components in the ointment can effectively combat this cosmetic defect. To do this, you need to apply it daily in a thin layer and, without pressing, lightly rub it into the areas of overgrown connective tissue with light movements. The course of treatment should not exceed a month. Using the product will make stretch marks lighter and less noticeable.

For bruises and hematomas

The ointment is applied locally - only to the affected area in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the hematoma and can continue until the visual manifestations of the damage are completely eliminated.

For edema

By improving blood circulation, heparin ointment effectively fights swelling. If you apply it twice a day in a loose layer to the swollen area, the symptoms will go away within a couple of days. The course of treatment can last up to two weeks.

For bruises

A big plus of heparin ointment for bruises is that it does not create a burning sensation. By rubbing the ointment over the course of a week, you can reduce all the negative consequences of the bruise to zero.

For bumps after injections

The defect caused by injections disappears within 3-14 days if heparin ointment is rubbed into the affected area two to three times a day.

From scars and scars

The ointment is effective in the fight against small, fresh scars. Apply the product twice a day in a thin layer.

For burns

Heparin ointment is not used for primary treatment for burns. It can only be used at the healing stage as an adjuvant. Treatment is carried out according to the same scheme as for scars and non-burn scars.

From insect bites


Before applying the ointment, the skin must be wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Apply locally, without rubbing, twice a day. Until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.


A midge bite, as a rule, causes significant swelling and the ability of heparin ointment to effectively combat hematomas and manifestations of swelling in this case is very effective. The product should be applied in a thin layer three times a day to the affected area, slightly extending beyond the edges of the bite. Continue the course of treatment until the visual manifestations of the bite disappear completely.


When bitten by fleas, the product can be applied pointwise to relieve discomfort. The redness will go away on its own when the enzymes introduced by the insect during the bite are completely neutralized in the tissues.


In the treatment of such bites, the ability of the ointment to have an anesthetic effect comes first. In addition, the drug will help remove huge swelling. By carefully applying the ointment to the damaged area three times a day, you can achieve a healing effect and improve your appearance on the second day.

Important! For insect bites, doctors often prescribe antihistamines. Combining their use with the use of heparin ointment is strictly not recommended.

For joints

Apply a thin layer, twice a day, rubbing into the skin. This will allow you to quickly release the active substance - heparin and quickly eliminate inflammation and other symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment is two weeks.

When stretched

If the injury is mild, it is quite possible to treat it with ointment alone; it will have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to rub the product every day into the damaged area until the problem is eliminated.

For cracks

In your arms

In order to cope with this disease, you can add heparin ointment to your daily nourishing hand cream.

On the lips

Heparin ointment, given its ability to not be absorbed for a long time, can be used as an alternative to hygienic lip balm, which, in addition to protecting against adverse environmental factors, will have a therapeutic effect. You should stop using the ointment immediately after the cracks disappear.


The product works for no more than three hours, so you need to apply it three times a day to the crack using a sterile gauze pad. Treatment lasts 3-7 days.

From pain

In the back

If the patient experiences severe pain caused by chondrosis, radiculitis or degenerative changes in the skeletal system, heparin ointment alone will not be able to completely eliminate the pain syndrome. But its use in complex therapy is acceptable.

At my feet

In addition to being a lifesaver for leg pain due to varicose veins, heparin ointment can also help relieve cramps. You need to apply the product every time an attack occurs.

In the muscles

The increased blood circulation caused by the drug can relieve pain in the muscles. The ointment should be applied according to the instructions.

In the joints

Heparin ointment has no direct effect on joints; it can only provide a general analgesic effect.

In the knee

Knee pain caused by arthrosis can be effectively relieved with heparin ointment. It works best in complex therapy.

In the lower back

It can be effectively used to relieve lower back pain only if it is not caused by degenerative changes in the bones of the spine or bacterial inflammatory processes.

In the neck

The most common cause of neck pain is cervical chondrosis. Heparin ointment in its pure form is not effective against this disease and can only be used in complex therapy.

Important! In pursuit of pain relief, you should never exceed the dosage of the drug. Regular excessive use of heparin ointment can lead to brittle bones and osteoporosis.

To the wound

For open wounds, it is prohibited to use the product, as it suppresses the formation of connective tissue, which will inhibit healing.

For inflammation

Lymph nodes

In the treatment of this disease, the ointment should be used in combination with wiping solutions and antibiotics. The ointment should be applied to the seals, and redness of the tissue may be observed, which is normal. Complex therapy takes at least three weeks.


For periodontal disease, apply the product to the gums with a cotton swab or make a lotion by squeezing the ointment from a tube onto gauze. The layer should be thin. The gauze strip should be pressed to the gum with a cotton swab. Carrying out the procedure 2-3 times a day for a week is usually enough to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

For potency and erection in men

To stimulate blood circulation and, as a result, increase erection, men who have problems in this area are recommended to apply a thin layer of ointment to the shaft of the penis 1-2 times a day.

After lip augmentation

After this procedure, bruises remain on the skin. The ointment should be used in the same way as for all bruises and hematomas - locally.

For mastopathy

Apply a thin layer to the surface of the skin of the mammary glands. Therapy lasts a week.

For herpes

Heparin ointment does not have a direct effect on the manifestations of herpes; it can only help relieve painful sensations.

For boils

Allows you to accelerate the process of maturation of the infiltrate. Can be used before opening the boil. Apply the product in a thin layer, locally and strictly after consulting a doctor. It is not recommended for use on boils on the face as it may cause active bleeding.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

The medicinal composition is applied in a thin layer to the affected area in an amount of 0.5 to 1 gram per 3-5 cm and rubbed into the dermis. The therapeutic effect lasts for eight hours.


For hemorrhoids

For such compresses, a tampon is used. The ointment is administered at night and after each bowel movement. Treatment should not last more than a week.

For bruises under the eyes

The skin under the eyes is very delicate and heparin ointment in the form of a compress can become too aggressive an active agent. Therefore, it is better not to use this application method.

To stop lactation

It will not be possible to reduce lactation with heparin ointment. Applications to the breast can, on the contrary, provoke a rush of milk.

On the neck

Apply a thin layer of the drug to a cotton cloth and wrap it around your neck and hold for several hours.

For thrombophlebitis

The ointment is applied in a fairly thick layer to a clean cloth that is wrapped around the leg. It needs to be secured on top with bandages. Leave overnight. In the morning, remove the compress and rinse off the remaining ointment with cool water. Repeat the procedure for 14 days.


  • Open ulcers and necrotic processes on the skin;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Impaired integrity of the skin.

The ointment should be used with caution in case of thrombocytopenia and intense bleeding.

Side effects

Most often, skin hyperemia.

Were there any side effects from heparin ointment?



The likelihood of an overdose is practically reduced to zero, due to the fact that the active ingredients are contained in the drug in small doses and, when absorbed, only a small amount enters the bloodstream.

Is an allergy possible?

If you are hypersensitive to the components included in the ointment, an allergic reaction may develop.

Can it be used by children?

In pediatrics, children over one year of age can be treated with this ointment.

Features of application

During research and observation during practical use, no effect of the drug on the functioning of the nervous system was recorded. Therefore, the use of heparin does not impose restrictions on driving vehicles or using complex mechanisms.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with poor blood clotting. During the treatment process, the patient’s general condition and blood counts must be monitored.

During pregnancy

During this period, the drug is prescribed with caution, unless the potential benefit to the mother is greater than the possible harm to the child. Studies have shown that heparin ointment can have a negative effect on the baby’s intrauterine development.

When breastfeeding

Heparin is not excreted in breast milk, so it should be used with caution, but is quite acceptable for use during lactation, but only after doctor's approval.

Popular manufacturers

Companies producing Heparin ointment:

  • OJSC "Nizhpharm", Russia;
  • RUE "Belmedpreparaty", Belarus;
  • JSC "Biosintez", Russia;
  • CJSC "AltaiVitamins", Russia;
  • CJSC "Green Dubrava", Russia.


The cost of one tube of ointment starts from 110 rubles.



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