How dangerous is an ovarian cyst and what consequences can its presence cause? What is dangerous about a cyst on a woman’s ovary: consequences. Is a cyst dangerous for health?

Often, a woman does not take seriously such a problem as an ovarian cyst, since the formation is benign.

Many people do not want to undergo treatment, but in vain. After all, the consequences of an ovarian cyst can be very serious, threatening the health and life of a woman, including oncology.

Is it dangerous?

If the cyst is small and does not cause concern, then the doctor chooses surveillance tactics. Regular examinations are required in order not to miss developing complications.

Sometimes a woman does not suspect there is a problem until she is faced with the serious consequences of developing a tumor.

Most common complications ovarian cysts:

  • Inflammation. The formation grows, and an infection may join it. Then the cyst becomes inflamed, also affecting the ovary.
  • . The cyst turns around its axis, blocking blood access. Further there may be necrosis or rupture of the formation.
  • cysts. This occurs due to severe inflammation or physical exertion. The contents are poured into the abdominal cavity.
  • Suppuration. When a tumor becomes infected, it can begin to fill with pus, leading to sepsis or peritonitis.
  • Adhesive process in the pelvis. It also occurs due to the inflammatory process in the tumor.
  • Infertility. Usually occurs against the background of an endometrioid cyst due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Malignancy, that is, degeneration into a malignant formation. This occurs when uncontrolled cell division begins due to hormonal imbalance.

All complications have very serious consequences and pose a health hazard. In the absence of timely medical assistance death cannot be ruled out.

Cyst inflammation

Inflammation is usually not asymptomatic; another thing is that a woman does not pay attention to the signs of the inflammatory process. The process can be mild, moderate or severe. On initial stage the following symptoms appear:

  • Slight pain in the lower abdomen on the side of the mass.
  • Delayed menstruation.
  • Spotting in the middle of the cycle.

On next stage symptoms intensify and new ones appear:

If no steps are taken for treatment, the process progresses into a pronounced stage and is characterized by the presence of the following characteristics:

  • Unbearable sharp pain in the abdomen.
  • Nausea, vomiting, stool disturbance.
  • Temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.

At this stage, the inflammatory process spreads to the entire ovary, fallopian tubes, and abdominal cavity. This threatens suppuration or rupture of the cyst, which can lead to peritonitis and sepsis. In this case, the clock counts.

If the inflammation is at the first and second stages, then conservative treatment with antibacterial agents is used. Painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain.

In case of severe inflammation it is indicated surgery. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • Ovarian abscess.
  • Peritonitis or sepsis.
  • Lack of results from conservative treatment.

Most often it degenerates into cancer. In other cases, malignancy occurs in 2%. The risk of developing cancer increases with age and in the presence of a hereditary predisposition to cancer.

Usually at the initial stage the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms in the form of pain and deterioration of health indicate about late stage cancer.

Therefore, it is important to diagnose a malignant tumor in a timely manner to increase the chances of cure and survival.

Of course, no conservative therapy is provided in this situation. An oncological tumor requires surgical treatment, often followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Most often carried out radical hysterectomy, that is, removal of the ovaries, uterus, part of the vagina, and nearby lymph nodes.

Complications after surgery

The development of complications after surgery to remove a cyst is not such a rare case. Consequences may appear immediately after surgery, and may also be long-term.

Primary complications manifest themselves in the form of an inflammatory process, suppuration of sutures, and bleeding. It is not difficult to prevent such processes; it is necessary to properly carry out a course of restorative therapy, and the patient must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Long-term complications harder to avoid. Among them:

A dangerous disease that, if not properly treated, can lead to serious consequences.

Complications of the cyst pose a direct threat to the health and life of a woman; in most cases, urgent surgical treatment is required. The prognosis for treatment is favorable if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is started.

What consequences can occur after the formation of a cyst in the ovary, the doctor will tell you in the video:

Women's health requires special attention, because the ability to continue one's family and give birth to healthy children depends on it. Therefore, it is worth visiting a gynecologist regularly, and if any diseases occur, be sure to treat them on time. Thus, one of the common consequences of hormonal imbalance is a cyst on the ovary. How is it dangerous and how can it manifest itself?

What is an ovarian cyst?

A cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. It does not contain cells, so it grows by increasing its own “filler”.

It usually appears during the menstrual cycle. If ovulation does not occur during this period, the follicle continues to grow as fluid accumulates in it. If your ovaries are functioning correctly, then the opposite effect occurs and such formation disappears by itself. However, with hormonal imbalance, the follicle enlarges and turns into a cyst.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a bubble; it could be a hormonal imbalance or inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, there are several types of cysts.

Types of cysts

There are several variations in the development of the follicle, accompanied by various symptoms or without them:

  1. Follicular (functional cyst). Occurs in women aged 16 to 45 years due to hormonal imbalances. For a long time you may not feel any changes at all, and discover the disease completely by accident on an ultrasound. According to statistics, 7 out of 10 cases of cysts are classified as functional, and they go away on their own after several menstrual cycles.

Signs include disruption of the menstrual cycle, severe pain during menstruation, problems with urination, as well as pain during sexual intercourse, nausea and increased body temperature.

The danger lies in a rupture, which spills the entire contents of the follicle directly into the abdominal cavity. This scenario is rather an exception to the rule. Most often, the noticed disease is cured with the help of hormonal drugs. And to identify it, it is enough to monitor the cyclicality of your periods.

  1. Dermoid. It is much less common. It grows slowly and when it reaches an impressive size it begins to “move”, causing sharp pain that can radiate to the lower back.
  2. Endometrioid. If the uterine cells somehow get into the ovaries. This is a dangerous tumor that can develop into cancer. Therefore, it requires timely and rapid treatment.
  3. Cystadenoma. This option is very dangerous and requires immediate surgical intervention.

What are the possible consequences of a cyst?

Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous? Its consequences are like other diseases. First of all, this is the ability of some types of disease to develop into a malignant tumor. And secondly, rupture of the cyst requires urgent hospitalization, as the general process of infection of the body may begin.

It is also possible that ovulation function may be impaired, which can lead to infertility.

How to treat and how to detect

To notice the disease on time and not wonder whether an ovarian cyst is dangerous, you should visit a gynecologist on time and undergo a routine ultrasound examination.

It is almost impossible to notice a cyst on your own, since in most cases this disease is asymptomatic. An exception is the twisting of the stem of the formation. In this case, you will have sharp pain, reminiscent of appendicitis. In this case, you cannot self-medicate and you must urgently go to hospital.

In addition to ultrasound, to diagnose the type of cyst, the gynecologist will send you to take hormone tests to identify its origin. Diagnostic laparoscopy is sometimes required. This is an operation during which the surgeon makes small punctures and inserts an optical device through them, which allows a close look at the woman’s genitals.

If the reasons lie in a hormonal imbalance, then treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist who will prescribe hormonal pills.

In inflammatory processes, it is the inflammation that is first fought. Prescribing antibiotics, vitamins, medications and physical therapy.

If removal of the cyst is required, then surgery is prescribed - laparoscopy. Most often they resort to it when signs of infertility appear. However, if the size of your formation in the ovaries is very large, then a regular abdominal operation will be prescribed, where the surgeon on the spot will be able to understand the cause of the appearance and the need to remove only the cyst or the entire ovary.

Treatment in each individual case will be individual, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and not to progress the disease. If the size of your tumor exceeds 40 mm, then surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgery will also be required if the cyst stem is twisted or has polycystic disease.

And also answering the question which cyst is the most dangerous, we can say that it is advanced. Since the disease is always easier to treat in the initial stage.

If you accidentally discover a cyst on the ovary during an ultrasound scan, you should contact your gynecologist to find out the cause and control of the disease. If the follicle does not resolve on its own within a few menstrual cycles, you will be prescribed treatment.

If severe pain occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance. And also, there is no need to let the formation grow to a large size, as a rupture may occur or a malignant tumor may appear.

Laparoscopy is a simple operation that is most often prescribed when infertility occurs due to cysts on the ovary.

If you care about your women's health, be sure to visit your gynecologist regularly so as not to get a “surprise” from a cyst or other hidden disease.

Despite the fact that our body works like a clock, malfunctions and new formations appear in it every now and then. Many of them do not make themselves felt, and therefore we simply must be attentive to ourselves and our health. Our health does not forgive mistakes.

One of the frequently appearing formations in our body is a cyst.

What is a cyst?

Cyst - (from the Greek kystis - bubble) is an abnormal cavity, a pathological formation that can appear in any organ or tissue, separated by a capsule and containing liquid inside.

A cyst may appear in any organ: in the skin, kidneys, mouth, nasal cavity, ovaries, mammary gland and even in the brain.
The size, contents of the cyst and its structure depend on the time of formation and location.
A cyst can be congenital or acquired, and its contents are formed either due to blockage of the excretory duct of the gland (that is, the secretion of the gland accumulates), or the contents of the cyst consist of fluid and tissue that did not exist here before.

Causes of cysts.

Since cysts can appear in different organs and tissues, there are many reasons, but there are some common ones:

Depending on the cause, cysts are divided into many types, which I will not describe; this is quite difficult for a person who is not a doctor or biologist.

Why is a cyst dangerous?

It should be remembered that the cyst is practically never disappears on its own and always requires either conservative or surgical treatment.

As a rule, when treatment is delayed, cysts grow even more and thereby put pressure on healthy organs, disrupt their function, the cyst can develop into malignancy , and for example, an ovarian cyst, can cause infertility.

Diagnosis of a cyst.

To accurately determine the presence or absence of a cyst, doctors conduct a series of examinations to make a more accurate diagnosis and determine the type of treatment.

  1. Blood test for tumor markers- this analysis excludes or confirms the presence of malignancy.
  1. Ultrasound is a reliable, informative and painless research method that helps to establish the presence of a cyst and its origin. It also allows you to observe its development: growth or decrease.
  1. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging- an accurate research method that determines the location. the contours of the cyst, its contents, as well as the effect on other organs.
  1. Laparoscopy is a method for diagnosing and treating ovarian cysts, during which material (cyst capsule) is taken and examined in the laboratory.
  2. other methods.

A cyst can be a painful or painless formation, so it is important to regularly visit specialists, do not refuse medical examinations and regularly visit specialist doctors with your children.
Taking care of yourself and your health is the key to longevity.

Few people know why ovarian cysts are dangerous in women. With such a pathology, women can feel absolutely healthy and do not see the need to visit a gynecologist, but in the meantime the disease can progress and give a number of complications.

Development of the disease

Often a formation appears that does not pose a significant threat to the woman, but it happens that the appearance of a cyst is triggered by a complex disease that requires quick and thorough treatment. Letting this happen is extremely dangerous. - a bubble filled with liquid. It can appear both on the surface of the ovary and in it itself and range in size from a couple of millimeters to more than a dozen centimeters.

Is an ovarian cyst dangerous if it is functioning well? Every month, healthy women may develop a small cyst up to 28 mm in size, Graf's follicle. Such a cyst is a bubble with liquid, and inside it contains a maturing egg. About a week after menstruation, the follicle ruptures completely and the egg that is outside it moves into the fallopian tube and can be fertilized there. Where the ruptured follicle was, a compacted yellow body with a bubble inside is created. The production of hormones to support good childbearing is its task.

Sometimes the Graf follicle ruptures and continues to grow due to accumulated fluid. Then we are talking about a retention cyst. This type is also classified as functional cysts, found in 90% of young women and girls. They are localized in one ovary, reach a size of several cm, and after a couple of months or even weeks they can resolve on their own.

Types of pathology and their danger

How dangerous a cyst is is a serious question. It can be the cause of diseases or their symptom - in any case, proper treatment is required.

Various diseases are accompanied by the following types of cysts:

  1. Dermoid. A tumor arising on the ovaries. It is benign, it contains such uncharacteristic substances for the genital organs as hair, cartilage and others. It grows to a large size and often requires surgical removal.
  2. Cystadenoma. A benign neoplasm in the ovaries, growing up to 30 cm, developing without any symptoms.
  3. Endometriotic. Filled with blood through its entry into the ovary due to the destructive effects of endometriosis. It is recognizable by long-term aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, painful menstruation, cyst formation and attempts to get pregnant that do not bring any results.
  4. Hemorrhagic. Occurs when there is hemorrhage in. An aching or dull pain appears in the lower abdomen.
  5. Ovarian cancer. Often manifests itself in the form of a very slowly growing cyst. For a long time, the tumor in certain cases is the only symptom of the disease, making timely diagnosis impossible. Other symptoms occur with metastases in neighboring organs. Typically, this disease affects women after 40 years of age, so the appearance of a cyst at the age of 40 may mean the development of oncology. But there are cases when cancer can be diagnosed in girls who have not yet had their periods.
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome. The most important of the common gynecological ailments in the form of several cysts of different sizes. Accompanied by a disrupted cycle, increased amounts of male hormones and infertility.

Functional cysts that reach large sizes are noticed only in a small number of women. The symptoms are dangerous because ovarian cysts have common symptoms with other serious diseases.

The development of cysts can result in hormonal imbalances, abortions, early menstruation, endocrine system disorders, sexually transmitted infections and inflammation.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if you have symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, fever, dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, irregular periods, prolonged constipation, severe hair growth on the face and body.

Complications of ovarian cysts

The majority of functional cysts do not threaten health. It goes away on its own, but in some cases large cysts twist and cause bleeding. Some of the main signs are pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, and bleeding not related to menstruation. Such cases require immediate action; usually an ambulance is called.

When the cyst stalk is twisted, significant pain, rupture, peritonitis and infertility occur.

If a cyst was discovered during the first trimester of pregnancy, then it is worth monitoring its development, since it happens that it increases to 10 cm, in which case surgery is required.

Diagnosis of a cyst begins with a gynecological examination, which allows you to assess the enlargement of the appendages and the degree of pain in the lower abdomen. Ultrasound is a very informative method that allows you to monitor the development of a cyst. Next, laparoscopy is performed. It gives 100% correct information about the diagnosis of the cyst and the method of treatment. Then a blood test is done to determine tumor markers and a pregnancy test to prevent the embryo from being ectopic. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography help clarify the quality, size, and structure for surgery.

If it is still impossible to do without surgical intervention due to the enlargement and threat of rupture of the cyst, as well as to prevent infertility, the laparoscopy method is most often used to minimize damage to external tissues and reduce postoperative complications to zero. When performing any type of operation, surgeons preserve, if possible, the patient’s ovary and reproductive abilities. In order to avoid complications developing after the operation, in the future after the operation it is worthwhile, if possible, to consult a surgeon and a gynecologist.

To prevent the disease before surgery, it is enough just to visit a gynecologist, who will try to prevent such an illness as an ovarian cyst and monitor the patient’s condition in the future.

Every woman is recommended to undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist once every six months, since, despite excellent health, it is possible that a cyst will develop with a number of complications and serious consequences. To avoid future problems with pregnancy planning and women's health, you need to have an idea of ​​what a cyst is and for what reasons it develops in women.

Many women are diagnosed with a functional cyst, which by its nature is a benign formation and does not pose a danger to women's health. If we consider the appearance of this formation from the other side, then the occurrence of a cyst could be a consequence of some serious illness that requires urgent treatment.

There is another type of neoplasm - a follicular cyst, which is a fluid bubble that occurs on the ovary. At the same time, a follicular cyst develops not only inside the ovary, but also on its surface, and reaches a size of up to several centimeters.

A specialist will tell you what an ovarian cyst is in the video.

Video - What is an ovarian cyst? Should it be removed?

Main symptoms

When a cyst forms, both secondary and primary symptoms are determined. The first stage occurs in a hidden form, so no complaints arise during this period. In general, a neoplasm is detected during a routine examination by a doctor. Thus, a small formation with liquid filling is detected. The only alarming symptom may be a feeling of pain on the day of ovulation and during menstruation. If the cyst does not resolve before the next menstruation, the gynecologist will prescribe special hormonal therapy.

This is important! After a cyst is diagnosed, a woman is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and use traditional medicine, in order to avoid degeneration into a malignant formation.

Secondary symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen. They arise due to twisting of the cyst stalk. If the doctor confirms the torsion, the patient is referred for urgent surgery to prevent rupture of the formation.

You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • menstruation occurs with irregularities;
  • the woman notices brown discharge;
  • feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • sharp pain affecting the lower abdomen;
  • During menstruation, heavy bleeding is observed, which is accompanied by severe pain;
  • After having sex or intense sports training, a feeling of nausea occurs.

The above symptoms may be complicated by:

  • high temperature (more than 38 degrees);
  • dizziness;
  • an increase in the size of the clitoris;
  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • malaise.

Attention! The occurrence of a roughened voice and increased density of body hair cannot be ruled out.

If the ovary is functioning perfectly, is there a danger of a cyst?

Every month, every woman, even a healthy one, develops a cyst of minimal size, which is defined as a Graf follicle. This is a bubble that is filled with liquid and has an egg inside it that matures. A week after your period ends, this follicle ruptures, and the released egg is sent into the fallopian tube for possible fertilization.

In place of the liquid follicle (in which the egg matured), a corpus luteum is formed, it is compacted and has bubbles inside. The main function of the corpus luteum is to produce hormones during pregnancy.

When the Graf follicle ruptures, but it still continues to grow due to accumulated fluid, this provokes the appearance of a retention cyst.

Attention! Statistics show that most young girls are diagnosed with a retention cyst. Such formations are located on one of the ovaries, reach a size of several centimeters in two months, and then disappear on their own through resorption.

What types of cysts are there and what is their danger?

We can say for sure that a cyst is a benign formation, but possibly dangerous for women’s health, because it can be a sign of a serious illness or be its cause. Therefore, when diagnosing a cyst, professional treatment is required.

Types of cysts

Type of neoplasmImageBrief description
Dermoid The neoplasm is benign and is localized on the ovaries. It has a strange composition - cartilage tissue, hair. It quickly grows to large sizes, so urgent surgical treatment is necessary
Cystadenoma The formation occurs on the ovary and develops asymptomatically, so it can only be detected during examination. Complicated by rapid achievement of very large sizes (up to 30 centimeters)
Endometrioid With endometriosis, blood enters the ovaries, which will subsequently fill the cystic formation. You can diagnose an endometriosis cyst yourself, since there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, each menstruation will also be painful. The most important thing when a cyst forms is the difficulty of getting pregnant
Hemorrhagic It is possible that hemorrhage may occur in the follicular cyst. It will lead to the transformation of the cyst into a hemorrhagic one. Unpleasant symptoms occur in the form of pain, aching in the abdominal area (below)
Cancer Unfortunately, ovarian cancer is extremely difficult to diagnose, since the only symptom will be a slow-growing cystic formation. Additional symptoms of cancer occur only if the process of metastasis has begun in other organs
Polycystic ovary syndrome This pathology involves the formation of several small cysts at once. Subsequently, there may be an increased production of male hormones, and as a result - infertility

Carefully! Most often, the formation of a cyst in women over 40 years of age warns of a high risk of cancer. But, in medical practice, there have been cases when ovarian cancer was confirmed in very young girls.

Only a small number of girls are diagnosed with a large functional cyst. But, in this case, the symptoms that appear may have common symptoms with other serious diseases.

Cysts can occur due to the following reasons:

  • previous abortions;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • menstruation starting too early;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • STDs and other sexually transmitted infections.

Therefore, if the following symptoms occur, you must urgently go to see a gynecologist:

  1. Repeated loss of consciousness.
  2. Constant dizziness.
  3. Pain, sharp in nature, in the lower abdomen.
  4. A sharp increase in temperature.
  5. Menstruation that is painful and irregular.
  6. Vomiting, nausea.
  7. Increased level of body hair.
  8. Frequent constipation.

Video - Ovarian cyst

What complications does the formation of a cyst lead to and why is it dangerous?

Most diagnosed cysts do not pose a threat to women's health and can disappear on their own. But, there are cases when a large formation twisted and became and led to bleeding.

Attention! In case of severe dizziness with bleeding, you should urgently call an ambulance.

If not the whole body is twisted, but only the leg of the cyst, then severe pain occurs, and as a result, peritonitis. The result of such a pathology is disappointing - infertility.

ConsequencesBrief description
InflammationOften inflammation occurs in the cavity of the neoplasm. Rupture of the cyst causes peritonitis as the infection penetrates into the abdominal cavity.

The inflammatory process also makes it difficult for the egg to pass through, so there is a high probability of ectopic pregnancy

Cyst torsionAs already mentioned, one of the consequences may be torsion of the cyst, which will lead to a necrosis process. It is not difficult to determine this pathology, since the symptoms are similar to those that occur when a cyst ruptures. However, the course of the pathology is not so complicated, since blood loss does not occur. The first thing a woman will feel is pain, spasmodic in nature, which does not stop. In this case, surgical correction of the problem is necessary to avoid peritonitis.
MalignancyOne of the most dangerous consequences. By their nature, cysts are benign neoplasms, but it is possible that after forty years a woman may experience a cyst degeneration into a malignant formation. This occurs due to the long-term existence of the cyst or the presence of its remains after removal. Therefore, every time a neoplasm is detected in a woman, she is sent for analysis that reveals oncological processes.
Cyst ruptureIf a girl suddenly has a fever, dizziness begins, and severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen, then a ruptured cyst can be diagnosed. After the initial symptoms, vaginal discharge occurs (slightly bloody with an admixture of mucus), and after some time obvious bleeding begins. Then there is severe nausea followed by vomiting.

Ovarian cyst rupture

Carefully! When the cyst ruptures, sepsis and peritonitis can occur. Therefore, in order to avoid rupture of the tumor and prevent removal of the ovary, it is necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist. Otherwise, after surgery, adhesions may develop and problems with defecation and urination may arise.

Preventive measures

To prevent the formation of cysts on the ovaries, it is necessary to take preventive measures and also follow some health rules.

  1. Overeating is contraindicated for a woman.
  2. Take timely measures in case of obesity.
  3. Start treatment measures in a timely manner in case of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.
  4. Monitor the stability of hormonal levels and prevent imbalance.
  5. Avoid casual unprotected sex.
  6. Regular visits to the gynecologist.

It is worth noting that many women, with timely detection of the tumor and the use of the correct therapy, were able to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby. Therefore, you should not neglect routine examinations with a gynecologist, and, when diagnosing a cyst, do not allow it to rupture.



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