Fast, cheap and healthy: what to eat after a workout. What not to eat before training

Keep a bunch of bananas on hand to grab on your way to the gym in the morning. These fruits are ideal to snack on before physical activity, as they are easy to digest and also contain a lot of potassium, which is good for your muscles.

Before: oatmeal

A morning bowl of oatmeal will provide you with fiber, which releases carbohydrates into your bloodstream so you can maintain energy.

Before: yogurt and granola

Choose unsweetened 2 percent yogurt (preferably Greek), as well as granola and fresh fruit to get an adequate serving of protein.

Before: Turkish pita bread

Two hours before starting your workout, you should provide yourself with a combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Whole wheat pita bread topped with lean turkey, hummus and vegetables (like avocado) is a good option.

Before: applesauce

30 minutes before starting exercise, you can eat an apple or puree it. It contains fiber, which helps maintain your sugar levels and doesn't upset your stomach during exercise.

Before: Nut and dried fruit bar

Dried fruits are an ideal source of simple carbohydrates that give you energy and are easy to digest, while nuts (peanuts, pistachios, almonds, etc.) contain fiber and protein. The perfect snack!

After: cereals

A bowl of cereal with skim milk makes a good post-workout snack. Sweet varieties are also not prohibited in this case, they will maintain insulin levels and help restore muscles, so that you will soon be able to exercise again.

After: baking

A whole grain bagel is the perfect snack after intense exercise. Your muscles need these carbohydrates, and peanut butter and jelly will help replenish your body's protein stores.

After: cottage cheese

It is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, making it good for muscle gain and weight loss. Cottage cheese also helps control your appetite, so you won't empty out the fridge after a hard workout.

After: carrots and hummus

Even after you exercise, your body needs fuel to recover properly. Carrots with a little hummus are a great way to replenish your energy levels.

After: beans

Try baked beans, which are high in fiber and protein and very low in fat. Beans are also a source of fatty acids linked to lower blood cholesterol levels

After: Peanut Butter Apples

Snack on an apple with peanut butter to give you a dose of good fats and enzymes. They will help you burn fat and build muscle, and also give you a boost of energy.

After: milk chocolate

This sweet treat will make you feel like a kid again and help your body recover. Mix it with 2 percent fat milk and your body will get the proteins and carbohydrates it needs.

Green Smoothie Recipe for Post-Workout Recovery

2. Protein shake.

After training, you must replenish plant amino acids to repair tissue.

A protein shake is a delicious and healthy source of protein. It may also help stabilize blood sugar levels after exercise.

It is not recommended to drink ready-made whey (milk) or processed soy protein powder. They are difficult for the body to digest. Over time, people who consume these products tend to look older than their age.

3. Coconut milk.

Coconut milk is another great way to replenish the energy you lost through sweating during exercise. This drink is especially useful if you exercise in a hot room (climate).

You can drink coconut milk during workouts, as well as after exercise.

4. Avocado.

If you're a regular exerciser, eating an avocado a few hours before your workout will help your body produce healthy fat, which acts as an energy boost when you're carbohydrate-depleted.

5. Nuts and seeds.

Eating nuts and seeds at lunch will give you energy for your evening workouts as they contain all the macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. A few nuts and seeds during exercise will provide an energy boost for the rest of the day.

It is especially good to eat walnuts after a workout. They will not only relieve muscle fatigue, but also help calm the nervous system. (and this is especially important if the training took place in the evening). If you eat walnuts along with honey, you will recover faster from sports injuries.

6. Bananas.

Why eat a banana after a workout? Bananas are one of the perfect fruits to eat before and after your workout as they are filled with complex carbohydrates, minerals (potassium and fiber). Our close genetic relatives, chimpanzees, eat bananas in bunches and are always full of energy.

7. Oatmeal.

Half a bowl of this porridge 1.5-2 hours before training will provide you with the energy you need for an intense training session.

8. Vegetables.

Vegetables, as well as hummus, after a workout will help you replenish glycogen stores, while providing the body with a small amount of plant-based protein for muscle repair and fat for energy production.

Naturally, post-workout recovery- This is, first of all, rest and keeping the muscles at rest. During rest periods between sports activities, the body especially needs nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which help restore damaged muscle fibers and replenish energy reserves.

You will find everything you need for a full recovery in the products listed in this article.

Types of nuts in bodybuilding

There are several types of nuts found in nature, but some of the useful ones for athletes are:

  • Peanut- This is the favorite type of nut for most athletes, and even more so for bodybuilders. This type of nut activates the production of nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilation, which means that beneficial substances are transported to muscle tissue much faster. In addition, peanuts do not contribute to weight gain. Peanuts are considered a useful product that ensures better functioning of the central nervous system, improves memory and relieves depression. 100 grams of peanuts contain 26 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and a total of 552 calories.

  • Almond It is considered the richest nut in protein. In addition, almonds contain a sufficient amount of healthy fats. Its consumption leads to a feeling of fullness and also stimulates the production of dopamine, a hormone that is associated with the development of the central nervous system. 100 g of almonds contain 18 grams of protein, 53 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates. The energy value of the product is 609 calories.
  • Walnut. This nut has a great effect on brain function and activity. It contains many beneficial fatty acids, including Omega-3. In addition, walnuts are a source of melatonin, a substance that helps normalize sleep. 100 g of walnuts contain 16 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat, 11 grams of carbohydrates. The energy value of the product is 656 calories.

As mentioned earlier, peanuts are the most popular food consumed by most experienced athletes. Basically, it is bought because of its composition, which is considered the most optimal. It has the fewest calories but the most protein. Peanut butter is considered no less useful. It is used by many professional bodybuilders during periods of muscle mass generation.

When purchasing peanut butter, be sure to familiarize yourself with its composition. If you buy butter in a supermarket, then it probably contains a lot of sugar and other additives, which in no way contributes to getting a beautiful figure. The oil, which is quite useful for an athlete, is sold only in some stores that sell vegetarian food.

Good to know! Peanut butter is not difficult to make yourself. To do this, peanuts are roasted and ground with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil, otherwise the product may turn out to be dry.

When consumed, you can add a small amount of sugar or other sweets to the peanuts. In this case, it all depends on the nature of the diet, regimen and goals. Not least of all are the athlete’s taste preferences.

This is what Faleev writes about pine nuts + nuts contain a lot of arginine, and the more, the better!
Pine nuts are a truly unique natural product. It contains 17% proteins consisting of 19 amino acids, 70% of which are essential and conditionally essential. These figures indicate the very high biological value of pine nut proteins.
In addition, the protein of pine nuts, unlike the proteins of other products, contains a high content of lysine (up to 12.4 g/100 g protein), methionine (up to 5.6 g/100 g protein) and tryptophan (3.4 g/100 g protein) - the most deficient amino acids.
In addition, the kernels of nuts contain proteins related to albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamines. The vitamins contained in pine nuts contribute to the growth of the human body. Nuts contain vitamin A - the vitamin of growth and development. Pine nuts are valuable carriers of fat-breaking vitamins E and G. In addition, the kernel protein is dominated by an amino acid that is very important for the development of a growing organism - arginine (up to 21g/100g of protein), which, although it is replaceable in the diet of an adult, is included into the category of indispensable in baby food. In terms of the content of phosphatidic phosphorus - the same phosphorus without which muscles will not function normally and bones will not develop - pine nuts are superior to all other nuts, as well as oil seeds.
In addition, pine nuts are a rich source of iodine, which is important, especially for the population of Siberia and the North.
Pine nuts, like everything else in cedar, have high phytoncidal properties. In one day, a hectare of cedar forest releases more than 30 kg of volatile organic substances, which have enormous bactericidal power. According to researchers, this amount of phytoncides is enough to neutralize all pathogenic microbes in a big city. Berries and plants growing in cedar forests are richer in vitamins and provitamins than those growing in other forests.
o is explained by the fact that phytoncides actively promote the formation of vitamins and other biologically active substances in plants and fruits. Phytoncides not only disinfect and kill pathogens, but also have a beneficial effect on the reproduction of those microorganisms that fight pathogens. Scientists provide data showing that in cedar forests the air is practically sterile - 200-300 bacterial cells per 1 cubic meter. m. Whereas according to medical standards, even for operating rooms, 1 cubic meter is allowed. m. air 500-1000 non-pathogenic microbes.
If you eat 100 g of pine nuts, this will be enough to satisfy an adult’s daily need for amino acids and important microelements, such as copper (activator of protein synthesis, tones the liver, spleen and lymphatic system, reduces obesity), cobalt (takes part in hematopoietic processes , in the breakdown of fat and carbohydrate metabolism), manganese (necessary for the normal functioning of the gonads and muscles), zinc (participates in the construction of proteins and the synthesis of hormones, regulates the concentration of vitamins in plasma).
If you eat a handful of nuts daily, you can significantly improve immunity, increase the longevity of the body, avoid vascular sclerosis and high blood pressure, as well as restore and maintain male strength and potency until old age.

Weight loss is weight loss in order to increase the attractiveness of the body. Physical exercise helps you lose extra pounds - this is the most effective and reasonable, from a physiological point of view, method of losing weight. During the training period, much attention is paid to nutrition. Its proper organization allows you to speed up the process of losing weight, form beautiful body shapes and improve the health of the body.

Is it possible to eat after training while losing weight?

After fitness, sports and any physical activity, a protein-carbohydrate (anabolic) window opens. For the next 90 minutes, the human body needs to replenish nutrients. What to eat after training to lose weight? Of course, foods high in protein and carbohydrates! Eating during this period of time causes a maximum anabolic response in the body and is beneficial, allowing you to form a beautiful figure without deposition of fat mass. Later consumption of food may be useless, since the body has already used internal energy sources (fat deposits, muscle protein) and does not need nutrients.

Interesting to know! There is exactly the opposite point of view - you cannot eat immediately after training to lose weight. According to it, during this period the human body continues to “burn” accumulated fat, and eating disrupts this process, which makes it difficult to lose extra pounds. But do not forget that along with fat, the body intensively consumes its own protein, which slows down metabolic reactions. Thus, at first, losing weight actually happens a little faster, but gradually leads to exhaustion of the body, causing inhibition of the functions of all organs and systems - the loss of extra pounds stops. After such training, the human body looks emaciated and unattractive.

Basic principles of nutrition when losing weight

To be slim you need to eat. Losing weight is not about refusing to eat, but about proper nutrition. The following principles must be adhered to.

  • The amount of calories consumed should be less than the amount expended by approximately half. For example, if 500 kcal were spent in the gym, then about 250 kcal can enter the body. The created deficiency will lead to effective burning of fat deposits.
  • You need to eat often and in small portions. Fitness nutrition involves eating 5-7 times a day. The volume of 1 serving should contain approximately 60 g of protein and 40 g of carbohydrates for strength exercises, and 60 g of carbohydrates and 40 g of protein for anaerobic exercises. The specified amount of nutrients is completely absorbed and consumed. On the contrary, infrequent or plentiful nutrition forces the body to store nutrients in reserve.
  • Reducing fat intake. We must remember that 1 gram of fat is 9 kcal. The body's vital daily requirement for fat is 0.5 - 0.7 g per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, with an average weight of 70 - 75 kg, a person needs about 50 g of fat per day. Exceeding this amount slows down metabolism and leads to obesity.

Important! For your diet, it is better to choose baked or steamed dishes. After all, the process of frying, boiling or prolonged stewing leads to the destruction of vitamins and nutrients in food.

Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight

Faced with the problem of excess weight, many people forget that unnecessary kilograms have been accumulating for months, or even years. It is impossible to get rid of them within 1 - 2 weeks. It will be even more difficult to maintain the achieved weight and avoid making annoying weight loss mistakes. The most common of them are 8 misconceptions.

  1. Total starvation.
  2. Relying on “miracle remedies” for weight loss.
  3. Irregular meals.
  4. Compliance with mono-diets.
  5. Refusing breakfast or dinner.
  6. Insufficient physical activity.
  7. Low fluid consumption.
  8. Expecting quick results.

Awareness of the processes occurring in the body, a personal fitness trainer and self-discipline will help you avoid weight loss mistakes.

What to eat after exercise to lose weight

Women and men lose weight differently. At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex lose extra pounds much easier and faster. The existence of differences is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female and male body. To lose weight they must be taken into account.


  • During fitness training, about 1700 - 2000 calories per day are required.
  • There are no restrictions on meat consumption. The main thing is to eat lean meat with the required amount of protein.
  • Girls need to eat foods high in folic acid and vitamins A, B6, and E.

For men

  • During the period of strength training or fitness, the recommended daily amount of calories is 2000 - 2300 kcal.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of offal and meat in favor of sea fish, nuts, legumes and dairy products.
  • It is recommended to consume foods rich in selenium, zinc, and vitamin E.

After morning workout

After exercising in the morning, you can eat chicken breast, lean fish, eggs, rice, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

After evening workout

At night it is better to eat light fish dishes, vegetables, fruits and dairy products, for example, cottage cheese.

Important! Even if the workout ends late, you cannot refuse dinner. In this case, you can take a small “brake” with you directly to the gym and eat it immediately after class. During the journey home and getting ready for bed, food will already begin to be digested and absorbed.

How much can you eat after training if you are losing weight?

The amount of food can be any. The main thing is that it contains the required amount of protein, carbohydrates and a minimum of fat. For clarity, a small table of the content of essential nutrients in 100 g of product.

Thus, to replenish the calories spent, you can eat, for example, 200 g of chicken breast and 2 bananas. Or 300 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of raisins. Etc.

How long after a workout to eat to lose weight?

To achieve maximum anabolic response from the body, food should be consumed within the next 90 minutes after the end of the workout.

You need to eat slowly, chewing (grinding) your food thoroughly. Small pieces of food are easier and faster to digest and do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Sports supplements for burning fat

To burn fat, you need to increase the number of calories you burn and eat right. It would be a good idea to use sports supplements that promote effective weight loss. The following complexes have proven themselves well.

  • Fat burner(for example, Thermogenic) - suppresses appetite, increases training performance and accelerates the breakdown of fatty tissue.
  • L-carnitine- increases the rate of fat breakdown and improves the transport of their breakdown products.
  • BCAAs(for example, Intra Fuel from SAN) - suppresses appetite, protects muscles from stress during training and activates the processes of fat breakdown.
  • Liquid protein(for example, Syntha-6 from BSN) is an indispensable complex during regular training, containing the necessary amount of carbohydrates and healthy fats. Fully satisfies the body's nutritional needs.
  • Special vitamin and mineral complexes(for example, for men - Opti-men, and for girls - Opti-Women) - they allow you to completely compensate for the deficiency of vital substances necessary for the body's metabolic reactions.

Sports supplements are complexes with proven effectiveness. Their recipe is scientifically proven, the formulas are patented. They cannot be suspiciously cheap and are purchased exclusively in specialized stores. Before using supplements, you must make sure that there are no contraindications - chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and other diseases.

What foods should you not eat when losing weight?

After you have made the decision to seriously train and lose excess weight, you need to exclude the following foods from your diet.

  • Caffeine interferes with the complete absorption of protein and complicates the body's recovery process. Therefore, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and other caffeine-containing products are prohibited.
  • Foods high in fat disrupt metabolism and slow down the rate of absorption of proteins and carbohydrates.

Important! These foods should be avoided for 2 hours after exercise. During the day, caffeine can be taken to maintain body tone.

10 Best Post-Workout Foods for Weight Loss

Following a diet for weight loss is not difficult. After all, it can include truly tasty and healthy dishes.

  1. Veal- contains a large amount of protein (19.7 g/100 g), B vitamins, mineral elements and amino acids necessary for proper muscle function. Promotes rapid recovery of the body
  2. Boiled chicken fillet- source of easily digestible protein (30.4 g/100 g). The high content of amino acids promotes rapid restoration of muscle tissue, and B vitamins accelerate metabolic processes.
  3. Turkey- rich in protein (25.3 g/100 g), vitamins A, E and vital elements. Accelerates metabolism and the process of fat breakdown. Increases the body's endurance.
  4. Lean fish- a source of useful amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Contains no carbohydrates and is rich in easily digestible protein.
  5. Seafood- an essential food product, rich in natural, easily digestible protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Accelerates the transport of fats from the body and metabolic processes.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese- ideal for a late dinner after training. The high content of natural protein (17 g/100 g) promotes effective muscle recovery.
  7. Beans- low-calorie food product with high protein content (22 g/100 g). A source of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates.
  8. Rice- rich in complex carbohydrates (24.9 g/100 g), B vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. Quickly and permanently restores the body's energy potential, reduces hunger and accelerates metabolic reactions.
  9. Fruits- a source of natural bioflavonoids that control metabolism. Increases endurance and resistance of the body to negative environmental factors. Protects against the effects of free radicals.
  10. Fresh vegetables, herbs- contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Help speed up metabolism and fat breakdown processes.

Important! Immediately after training, you should try to avoid spicy, salty, and spicy foods. They stimulate the appetite and after consuming them there is a risk of “breaking” - eating more than you should.

What to drink after training?

During training, a person loses a large amount of fluid, which comes out through sweat. The following drinks will help quickly restore the body's water balance.

  • Mineral water without gas.
  • Green tea without sugar.
  • Freshly squeezed juice.

Drinks should be at a comfortable room temperature. The quantity of their use is not limited in any way - you can drink, focusing on the feeling of thirst and your own sensations.

So that your work does not go in vain!

Protein and carbohydrates are what you will need first after exercise. Eggs are rich in protein. One egg has 70 calories and 6.3 grams of protein. It's also one of the few foods that contains vitamin D. But don't think that raw and cooked eggs are equally healthy. It is heat treatment that promotes better protein absorption!

Quinoa is a grain that is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Brown rice is also great, but it doesn't compare to the vitamins and nutrients found in quinoa. It also has more protein and fiber than brown rice. And the cooking time is much shorter!

After your workout, you can eat quinoa porridge. For this, the quinoa needs to be thoroughly washed and soaked for several hours if you want a softer and more pleasant taste. To enhance the taste, it can be heated in a frying pan for 5 minutes. To cook 1 cup of quinoa, take 2 cups of water and cook for 15 minutes.

Instead of a sports drink, drink a glass of orange juice! In addition to vitamin C, its potassium content is significantly higher than that of popular sports drinks, which should be consumed during long workouts rather than after them. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps the body restore water balance. Orange juice is also great for protein shakes.

Kefir is a drink obtained from the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria. People began to buy it more often, and for good reason! Just one glass of kefir contains 11-14 grams of native protein, which is not naturally produced in the body. Milk protein is especially useful for maintaining muscle mass and helping you lose weight faster. Since kefir has a specific smell that takes some getting used to, this drink can be perfectly combined with fruits, cereals and whey protein.

Bananas contain a large amount of “good” carbohydrates that are needed after a workout. These fast carbohydrates help normalize glycogen levels and, as a result, restore damaged muscles. Bananas are also rich in potassium


Not only is it high in protein, but it also contains Omega-3, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. This will rebuild your muscles and improve your performance!

These little berries are a wonderful antioxidant! Studies show that blueberries help restore strength three times faster after an intense workout.

8. Whole Wheat Pita and Hummus

This dish can replace meat, and it’s easy to prepare.

Hummus is made from chickpeas and contains both protein and carbohydrates. And the slow carbohydrates contained in pita will easily restore energy after heavy exercise!

Ingredients for making hummus:

  • dry chickpeas - 300 g,
  • sesame seeds - 30-100 g (to taste),
  • cumin - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • lemon juice - 4-7 tablespoons (to taste),
  • olive oil,
  • salt.


  1. Wash the chickpeas and soak in plenty of water for 12 hours.
  2. Pour fresh water over the chickpeas (do not add salt!) and cook for about 2 hours (the chickpeas should become very soft).
  3. Drain the broth from the finished chickpeas into a separate bowl and save it.
  4. Pour cumin into a dry frying pan and heat for ~2-3 minutes until a slight aroma appears. Pour the cumin into a coffee grinder and grind.
  5. Then pour sesame seeds into the frying pan and lightly fry until light golden color and pleasant aroma. Cool the sesame seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder.
  6. Pour sesame powder into a blender. Add peeled garlic cloves, a little salt and olive oil. Grind.
  7. Add chickpeas and puree.
  8. Pour the broth into the blender bowl and blend until smooth.

9. Dried fruits and nuts

When you come back from training, you can eat a handful of dried fruits and nuts, rich in fast proteins and carbohydrates. Soybeans are especially beneficial for building muscle mass—half a cup of soybeans contains 34 grams of protein.

Pineapples contain bromelain, a plant-derived anti-inflammatory enzyme that heals bruises, sprains and tumors. In addition, they contain vitamin C, an extremely important component that restores tissue.

11. Sweet potatoes (yams)

In addition to being high in carbohydrates, sweet potatoes contain a large amount of vitamins and macronutrients such as vitamins B6, C, D, as well as potassium and magnesium.

12. Kiwi

Kiwi is high in vitamin C and potassium. This fruit is also a source of antioxidants that help with muscle soreness. And a little advice: don’t throw away the peel - it contains even more nutrients than the pulp!

13. Water

It may seem obvious to you, but not drinking enough is a common mistake when playing sports. To feel good and full of energy, you need to replenish every lost gram with a glass of water.

14. Most importantly: eat at least something!

You expend a lot of energy during exercise. If you do not replenish it within a couple of hours, the muscles will not recover properly, and all your work will go down the drain. Therefore, any light snack is better than no food at all!

Nuts are very high in calories, but if you eat them in small quantities, then this is more of a plus than a minus. They contain large amounts of those fats that help lower cholesterol levels. Challenger has selected the healthiest nuts for you to snack on.


If you need to regain your strength after a grueling workout, there is nothing better than a handful of almonds. The benefits of almonds come from calcium, magnesium and potassium - all of which help keep your bones strong. In addition, almonds are an important source of protein. After a run or gym session, it is very important to eat something protein-rich (at the same time with enough carbohydrates), as protein-rich foods help repair muscles and replenish the protein lost during the workout. A handful of almonds (about 32 grams) contains 13% of the recommended daily value of protein.

If you have eaten something very sweet and your blood sugar levels have risen, then almonds will help lower it. Just don’t think that it would be logical to eat milk chocolate with almonds or marzipan cakes as much as you want. No and no again. This logic doesn't work here.

By the way, if you eat almonds with bread (and it has a fairly high glycemic index - an indicator of how much your blood sugar level rises after you eat a particular product), then almonds help reduce the total amount of glucose in what you eat. And its excess increases the risk of diabetes and is very dangerous if it is present.

Anastasia Yankova

I’ll immediately clarify that I’m only talking about non-salted and non-roasted nuts. They are a source of protein and healthy fats, and if you consume them in quantities, for example, 30 grams, and not 150, then they will certainly only benefit the body. Nuts are very convenient to take with you. For those who are embarrassed to eat from boxes somewhere, this is, of course, a way out. But again, it is important that everything is in moderation. Eating 100 grams of nuts at one time is for some people the daily requirement of fat. That is, you can no longer eat anything.


Pistachios contain more potassium and vitamin K than any other nut. Potassium is a vital mineral for all athletes. It sounds like an insignificant quote from an encyclopedia about a healthy lifestyle, but in fact it is really important. Potassium plays an important role in maintaining muscle tone. The slightest lack of potassium can lead to constant fatigue, muscle weakness and even cramps. 100 grams of pistachios is 29% of the daily vitamin requirement. But remember that salted pistachios can be harmful. Especially if there is a bottle of beer nearby.


If you're injured, the Walnuts are there to help, just like Chip 'n' Dale. The omega-3 fats found in these nuts promote recovery by forming natural anti-inflammatory compounds. They speed up the body's recovery and reduce muscle irritation after exercise. Unfortunately, our body is not able to produce omega-3 fats on its own, so they must be obtained externally - that is, from what we eat. Fatty fish, vegetable oils and walnuts - we need all this from time to time. In addition, walnuts contain linolenic acid, which is essential for maintaining brain, eye and heart function.

One handful (32 grams) of walnuts contains 91% of the recommended daily value of omega-3 fats. It is very important not to overdo it and stop after eating 5-6 pieces. The fact is that walnuts are very high in calories - 100 grams contain about 650 calories.

Anastasia Yankova

Russian champion in Thai boxing, model:

As for replacing meat with nuts, of course, any extremes cannot be beneficial for the body. I myself do not eat red meat and poultry, but I do eat fish, seafood and all sorts of protein mixtures, that is, sports nutrition. If, in combination with sports nutrition and a balanced diet, you include nuts in your menu, then they will help replenish the norm of fats and protein. But they cannot be used as a salvation and panacea, because in addition to protein there is a lot of fat. Carbohydrates are also present there. I know how some girls say: “Well, I eat right, I don’t eat chocolates and rolls.” And then you ask them how many nuts they eat. And it turns out that there are packages of 200 grams per day. And they simply don’t pay attention to how many calories they accumulate because of this. That is, you can get better from healthy foods - very easily.


Cashews contain a relatively small amount of fat and quite a lot of magnesium (100 grams of nuts contain 82.5 milligrams of magnesium, which is about 21% of the recommended daily value). Magnesium helps with blood pressure problems, muscle spasms, fatigue, and also reduces the risk of injury. Magnesium helps quickly convert the food we eat into energy, which allows us to train longer, which means we can achieve the desired result faster.

And one more thing. What they offer you in bars or stores as a snack for beer will not help you in any way. There's salt, sugar, spices, and butter - a real calorie bomb. You also need to stay away from this type of bomb. Remember that nuts are self-sufficient and high in calories, so eat them little by little, without eating or drinking anything. Except with water.

Anastasia Yankova

Russian champion in Thai boxing, model:

Sometimes I feel like I really want almonds. This means that the body is missing something that is contained in almonds. And sometimes you want walnuts. You just need to listen to yourself. And so, everyone’s taste preferences are different, for example, I also really love pecans. I don't mind hazelnuts. And peanuts, by the way, are in fact not even a nut, and they are probably the most useless of all the nuts that are considered to be.

We present 5 main food groups that experts do not recommend eating after a workout.

After a long workout, your body works in an intense mode that is different from normal. This means that the body’s needs after such exercises are completely different. It's especially important to watch what you eat after a workout. By the way, this can be done after 1-1.5 hours, if there are no other recommendations from a doctor or trainer.

There are several foods that are strictly recommended not to be consumed after physical activity, as they may not have the best effect on the liver, blood vessels and muscles. Here they are.

Salty snacks

During training, you sweat, and excess salt comes out along with sweat. In this situation, it is not surprising that you crave something salty after your workout. Don't give in! Crackers, salted nuts, seeds, popcorn and other foods high in salt will not provide your body with the energy it needs after intense work. It's better to eat a banana or some dried fruits - they have a lot of potassium, which is good for the body, exhausted by training.

Products with sugar

Candy, energy bars, milk chocolate, cookies, soda, marmalade, sweet yogurt, honey, peanut butter, chocolate spread - it would be a big mistake to eat any of these and thus consume more calories than you recently expended in your workout. Filling your stomach with such foods will cause your blood sugar levels to rise quickly - and your body will be forced to level it out. At the same time, the metabolism will slow down, and excess calories will be deposited.

Fatty foods and snacks

French fries, chips, cheese, hamburgers, pizza - such food is harmful in itself, so it’s not worth telling why this is not the best option for a fitness enthusiast. Excess fat in such high-calorie foods increases the level of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood and causes the development of vascular and liver diseases. And the liver works especially intensively after training, since the blood is saturated with oxygen.

Raw vegetables and fruits

Raw fruits and vegetables must be present in the diet of a person who wants to be healthy. But after training it is better not to eat them. The fact is that during training, your body uses all available energy, that is, everything you eat is burned. But raw vegetables won't help you replenish lost precious nutrients. On the contrary, your body will need more energy to process these products than it receives from them. Instead, replace them with a portion of fiber and protein, perhaps a chicken breast or a spoonful of cereal.


Muffins, buns, bread, pies are not the best post-workout food, as you can imagine. Your body needs healthy carbohydrates - it is better to take them from grains, bananas or legumes, and proteins - low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, etc. These products will help your body restore lost glycogen. But baking, on the contrary, will increase its level.



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