May 31st is International No Tobacco Day. Fight smoking positively

On May 31, an international anti-smoking campaign is held all over the world - World No Tobacco Day, i.e. smoke-free day. It was established in 1988 by the World Health Organization. The world community was tasked with ensuring that the problem of tobacco smoking disappears in the 21st century. With this action, WHO warns the population of the planet (more than half of the entire male population of the planet and about a quarter of the female population are smokers) against the addiction - one of the most widespread epidemics in the entire history of mankind - nicotine addiction, which is on a par with alcoholism and drug addiction. Tobacco is the only legal product that kills half of the people who regularly use it. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 50-100 milligrams.

When smoking 20-25 cigarettes a day for 30 years, a smoker passes 150-160 kilograms of tobacco through his lungs and does not die only because he injects it in small doses.

The global tobacco epidemic kills approximately six million people each year, more than 600,000 of whom are non-smokers and die due to exposure to second-hand smoke. Without action, the epidemic will kill more than eight million people every year by 2030. More than 80% of these preventable deaths will occur among people living in low- and middle-income countries.

According to the World Health Organization:

Globally, 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% from chronic bronchitis and 25% from coronary heart disease are caused by smoking;

Every ten seconds, one heavy smoker dies on the planet (by 2020, this rate could rise to one person every three seconds);

In Russia, at least every tenth woman smokes;

Today, 50-60% of Russian men can be called heavy smokers (among some categories of citizens this figure reaches 95%).

Smoking and the diseases it causes cause the death of at least a million Russian citizens every year.

It should be noted that while there is good awareness of the health hazards of smoking, few people strive to get rid of nicotine addiction. Either a person does not realize the severity of the consequences of tobacco use on his health or believes that the disease will not affect him, or the habit of smoking is so strong that there is no way to give it up. Doctors suggest that smokers give up their bad habit at least for this day. However, according to statistics, less than 20% of smokers succeed in quitting smoking on the first try.

The ultimate goal of World No Tobacco Day is to help protect current and future generations not only from these devastating health consequences, but also from the social, environmental and economic scourges associated with tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke.

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits that has become part of the daily life of a large number of the population. The number of smokers leaving our world much earlier than expected is growing every year.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 25% of the world's population dies from coronary heart disease, 90% from lung cancer, and 75% from chronic asthmatic bronchitis. Every ten seconds, one smoker dies in the world. In this regard, many countries organize special “International and World No Smoking Day” campaigns, which attract people to give up this harmful habit.

When is No Smoking Day celebrated?

There are two dates dedicated to the fight against this addiction: May 31 - World No Smoking Day, the third Thursday of November - International No Smoking Day, which is celebrated every year. The first date was set in 1988 by the World Health Organization, and the second was established in 1977 by the American Cancer Society.

Purpose of World No Smoking Day

Such days of protest are held in order to reduce the spread of tobacco addiction and involve a large part of the population in the fight against the bad habit. Doctors take part in the “No Smoking Day” campaign to prevent smoking and inform society about the harmful effects of nicotine on human health.

Benefits of quitting smoking

  • the state of health improves, or rather, it returns to its normal state;
  • a surge of energy and strength appears;
  • cholesterol levels in the blood decrease;
  • reproductive function in women is normalized, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child increase;
  • vision improves, since a few months after quitting smoking, partially clogged vessels in the fundus of the eye are restored.
  • the risk of impotence in men is reduced, sperm viability increases;
  • a person’s appearance becomes healthier, the skin does not experience oxygen starvation, and looks fresh and young. The vascular network on the face becomes less noticeable;
  • immunity increases, scratches and wounds heal easier and faster on the skin;
  • the sensitivity of taste and smell is heightened. The most ordinary food may seem surprisingly pleasant;
  • mood improves, optimism and cheerfulness appear;
  • self-confidence and respect from others increases;
  • non-smokers always receive a more positive assessment from management;
  • significant savings are noticed;
  • you don’t have to run to the store at any time of the day when you suddenly run out of cigarettes.

Apparently, we can say that quitting smoking allows a person to improve their health, lifestyle and position in society. Unfortunately, less than 20% of those who want to quit succeed on the first try. Despite the fact that the benefits of quitting smoking are very great, many smokers simply cannot stand it and give up. Most of them succumb to temptation without lasting even a week.

First day of quitting smoking

This is perhaps one of the most difficult periods in a smoker's career. At this time, the body, not receiving the usual dose of nicotine, tries to restore its normal functioning, so nicotine withdrawal occurs, the person experiences a great desire to smoke, a feeling of anxiety, tension and irritability arises, and appetite increases.

On World No Smoking Day, all participants in the campaign propose to forget about this harmful habit at least for a moment and think about your health, because the benefits of quitting smoking are much greater than the harm.

Cigarette addiction is one of the most popular bad habits today. Despite the dangers of this activity, the number of smokers is steadily growing every day. WHO studies have shown that smokers are susceptible to diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, ischemia and lung cancer. According to these studies, it was found that every ten seconds, one person dies from the consequences of cigarette use. That is why in civilized countries an event is held annually - World No Smoking Day, calling on every person to fight their addiction.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared May 31 as World No Tobacco Day in 1988.

This promotion is held twice a year. May 31st is No Smoking Day, which is held with the participation of the World Health Organization. It was this organization that held its first anti-tobacco campaign in nineteen eighty-eight. The next promotion takes place every third Thursday in November. This day is referred to as International No Smoking Day.

This action against tobacco use was approved by the American Cancer Society in the seventy-seventh year of the last century.

Purpose of the action

On these days, events are held whose goal is to reduce the growth in popularity of tobacco products. Propaganda against nicotine disease covers an increasing number of different areas and segments of the population. To achieve this, medical specialists participate in the campaign and give explanatory lectures on the benefits of quitting cigarettes. In addition, various scientists speak, talking about the effect tobacco has on the human body. The benefits of quitting cigarettes are as follows:

  • increase in tone;
  • improved health;
  • reduction of cholesterol in the circulatory system;
  • normalization of reproductive functions;
  • increasing the chances of healthy offspring.

In addition, quitting tobacco improves vision, as the clogged vascular system in the eyeball restores its functions. In addition, quitting smoking reduces the risk of impotence and improves the “quality” and viability of sperm.

Every year, WHO and partners celebrate the Day worldwide, raising awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco use.

Positive changes also occur in a person’s appearance. Without tobacco, the skin is constantly saturated with oxygen, which makes it fresher and more toned. Quitting smoking helps hide the appearance of vascular patterns on the skin of the face.

It is important to understand that when you give up cigarettes, the level of immunity increases several times, this contributes to the rapid healing of scratches and wounds. It is very important that such measures help restore the sense of smell and sensitivity of taste. Without cigarettes, even the simplest food can become a delicious dish with a delicious aroma.

Getting rid of addictions also changes the psychological portrait of a person. He becomes more optimistic. Signs of confidence and self-respect appear, since not everyone is able to overcome themselves and overcome addiction.

It is worth noting that quitting smoking not only reduces financial costs, but also increases productivity. In this regard, we can say that non-smokers have the favor of management.

The campaign, held on May 31, World No Tobacco Day, tries to convey these simple truths to addicts. In order to change your lifestyle, social status and health, it is very important to give up bad habits. Unfortunately, not everyone can cope with such a disease on their own. According to WHO, only twenty percent of smokers, out of all those who want to quit tobacco, succeed in doing so.

Many addicts cannot cope with such a test and simply give up. Most of them return to using cigarettes within the first week of trying to quit smoking.

Every year, about 6 million people die from the tobacco epidemic worldwide.

No Smoking Day

It is useful for every smoker to know when is quit smoking day. On this day you can get advice from various specialists who will help you solve the problem. With the help of medical assistance, you can reduce the need for nicotine in the first days of withdrawal.

The withdrawal syndrome that accompanies attempts to get rid of addiction causes severe loss of strength, irritability and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. These days, a person needs the support of loved ones and the right incentive. By taking part in such events, you can find like-minded people with whom you can try to fight the disease through joint efforts.

Such events are extremely important, as they allow you to think about your health and the harm that tobacco smoke causes to it. By taking part in such an event, you can change your life for the better and learn about what freedom from nicotine addiction means.

Every year on 31 May, WHO celebrates World No Tobacco Day, raising public awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco use and effective measures to reduce tobacco consumption levels.
The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2018 is “Tobacco and Heart Disease”. The campaign will be aimed at raising public awareness regarding:
the links between smoking, heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, which are the leading cause of death in the world;
feasible actions and interventions that stakeholders, including governments and the public, can implement to reduce tobacco-related heart health risks.
This year's World No Tobacco Day comes amid a range of global initiatives and events aimed at combating the tobacco epidemic.
A new initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), adopted within the framework of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, is aimed at reducing the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The initiative is called Global Hearts.
WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan said the new initiative could save millions of lives by enhancing well-established efforts to prevent CVDs in regions and countries. Among them: taxation of tobacco products, reducing the amount of salt in products, as well as identifying and treating people at increased risk of developing diseases and improving the first aid system.
With the help of such measures, the United States managed to reduce mortality from CVDs by 40%, and Finland - by 80% among men.
Initially, the global initiative will be launched in Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Barbados, Iran, Jordan, Nepal, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uganda, and the Philippines. It will also be open to all countries wishing to participate.
WHO officials hope the Global Hearts initiative will help reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes worldwide, which remain the leading cause of death.
These diseases kill more people than any other cause of death in the world, and tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke account for approximately 12% of all heart disease deaths. Tobacco use is the second leading cause of CVD after high blood pressure.
Each year, the global tobacco epidemic kills more than 7 million people, of whom about 900,000 are non-smokers and die from inhaling second-hand smoke. About 80% of the world's more than 1 billion smokers live in low- and middle-income countries, which bear the heaviest burden of tobacco-related morbidity and mortality.
The goals of World No Tobacco Day 2018 are:
– Drawing attention to the links between tobacco product use and heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.
– Raising awareness among the general population about the impact of tobacco use and second-hand smoke on heart and vascular health.
– Empowering the public, governments and other stakeholders to make commitments to improve heart health by protecting people from using tobacco products.

Giving up one cigarette is already a victory.

Tobacco is a unique public health problem today. This is a dangerous product sold even if used exactly according to the manufacturers instructions. There are no harmless tobacco products; tobacco is dangerous in any form, under any disguise, in any doses.
Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 components, many of which are reactive, toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Tobacco has the property of being addictive in people who use it (i.e., it forms nicotine addiction).
Nicotine is the main reason for using tobacco products. Entering the human brain through the bloodstream, it causes stimulation of the central nervous system and the development of positive stimulating sensations. Addiction to nicotine develops quite quickly, and in order to obtain a certain stimulus in the central nervous system, increasingly large doses of nicotine are required to be delivered to the brain.
When the flow of nicotine into the brain stops, withdrawal symptoms develop, which are associated with negative manifestations of irritation of the central nervous system.
Tobacco smoke harms not only those who smoke, but also other people who are nearby and inhale it, i.e. are passive smokers.
The most dangerous of the chemical compounds contained in tobacco smoke are tars and benzopyrene, which, when inhaled into the lungs, cause various respiratory diseases. It is well known that benzopyrene is one of the most dangerous carcinogens (cancer-causing substance).
As a result of the use of tobacco products, diseases of almost all human organs and systems develop.
The most common are diseases of the heart and blood vessels (coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, stroke, aortic aneurysm), respiratory system (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, adult bronchial asthma), digestive system (stomach ulcer , esophagitis, gastritis) of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus), osteoporosis, visual and hearing impairment and a number of other serious diseases.
Smoking causes a high risk of developing lung cancer, as well as almost all human organs, including the hematopoietic system (leukemia).
Smoking significantly reduces the function of the reproductive system in both women and men. In men, the risk of developing impotence increases.
Quitting smoking at any age has been proven to have positive health effects, so today is a great day to quit smoking...

Consultations on issues of refusalsmoking:

tel.: 241-47-61;
Vladivostok, st. 40 years of the Komsomol, no. 19;
tel.: 273-48-20.

You can take the tobacco cessation program for free at:
Vladivostok, st. Stanyukovicha, 53.
tel.: 241-47-61.

Test: How ready are you to quit smoking?
1. Do you want to quit smoking?
2. You decide to do this for yourself (choose “yes”) or for the sake of someone else, for example family, etc. (select no)?
3. Have you already made attempts to quit smoking?
4. Have you noticed in what situations you smoke most often?
5. Do you know why you smoke?
6. Could you count on support from family, friends, etc. if you wanted to quit smoking?
7. Do your family members smoke?
8. Do they smoke at your work?
9. Are you satisfied with your job and lifestyle?
10. Do you know where and how to seek help if you have difficulty quitting smoking?
11. Do you know what temptations and difficulties you will face during the withdrawal period?
12. Do you know how to cope with anxiety in stressful situations?

If there are more “yes” answers than “no” answers, this means that your motivation to quit this bad habit is relatively strong.
The more positive answers you give to the test questions, the greater your readiness to stop smoking.

Fagerström test - to assess the degree of nicotine addiction

Question Answer Points
1. How soon after you wake up do you smoke your first cigarette? Within the first 5 minutes

Within 6-30 minutes

2. Is it difficult for you to refrain from smoking in places where smoking is prohibited? Yes 1
3. Which cigarette can you easily give up? First cigarette in the morning

Everyone else

4. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? 10 or less

31 or more

5. Do you smoke more often in the first hours of the morning after you wake up than during the rest of the day? Yes 1
6. Do you smoke if you are very sick or have to stay in bed all day? Yes 1

Evaluation of results:

0-2 - Very weak dependence
3-4 - Weak dependence
5 - Medium dependency
6-7 - High dependence
8-10 - Very high dependence

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