Vision 8 what to do and how to fix it. How to restore vision at home

Unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, physical activity, and age-related changes leave their mark on eye health. How can you improve your vision at home, what preventative measures should you take to avoid surgery?

Negative factors affecting visual acuity

Modern man is surrounded by an abundance of gadgets that do not have the best effect on the eyes. Radiation from TV monitors, computers, mobile phones, reading e-books, coupled with poor nutrition “on the run”, deficiency of vitamins and microelements necessary for eye health, cause significant harm.

Alcohol and cigarettes lead to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, worsening the nutrition of the eyes; diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system also contribute.

How to restore your vision yourself

Unfortunately, there is no “magic pill” that will allow you to restore ideal vision in a short time, but complex therapy, adherence to rules, lifestyle changes and some effort on yourself will give noticeable results.


  • improve nutrition by enriching the diet with foods rich in carotenoids, lutein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids;
  • alternate eye strain with rest, maintain a daily routine;
  • do not neglect eye exercises;
  • It is prudent to combine medications (as prescribed by a doctor) and traditional medicine.

Methods for restoring vision in case of myopia

Myopia is a disease in which the image of objects entering the field of vision is formed in front of the retina. Thus, a person suffering from myopia clearly sees objects located in close proximity and has difficulty distinguishing what is far from him. People with myopia are advised to:

  • combine work at the computer with rest; short breaks are necessary to give rest to the eyes;
  • Gymnastics for the eyes is shown. A simple exercise will relieve tension: shift your gaze from a point located a meter from your eyes to objects in the distance and back;
  • the diet should be rich in foods containing vision vitamins - carrots, blueberries, parsley.

How to help your eyes with farsightedness

Farsightedness, in contrast to myopia, allows you to clearly see objects in the distance, but up close the clarity is lost, the contours are blurred, and there is a desire to take a book or newspaper away from your eyes. Age-related farsightedness is the fate of every person. In order to delay its onset or slow down the process, it is necessary:

  • reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, give up coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • focus your meals on potassium-rich foods and increase the amount of vitamin A, ascorbic acid, and walnuts;
  • It is useful to move your gaze from distant objects to close ones and back, to make rotational movements with your eyes.

How to help your child

Methods for restoring vision in childhood are based on the same principles as in adults: control over the amount of time spent in front of a computer or TV screen, correct posture when writing, balanced, nutritious nutrition, vitamins, eye gymnastics (for children it can be done in game form). Walking in the fresh air is beneficial. Children quickly get used to following simple rules and stick to them with pleasure.

Bates vision restoration technique

Is it possible to achieve significant improvement in vision on your own? The palming technique guarantees excellent results in a short time. To do this you need:

  1. Starting position - sitting, rest your elbows on the table (put a small flat pad under your elbows), straight back;
  2. Shake your hands several times and rub them together to relieve tension;
  3. Fold your palms into a boat and place them over your eyes - little fingers on the bridge of your nose, bases of your hands on your cheekbones. Eyes closed;
  4. Open and close your eyes several times, strain your vision, then relax. The exercise is performed for two to three minutes and can be repeated several times a day.

How to relieve eye strain

  1. Starting position – sitting. Take a deep breath, then inhale air, at the same time close your eyes and tense the muscles of your face and neck. After 4-5 seconds, open your eyes and exhale noisily. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Close your eyes and, with light movements of your fingertips, massage the area under the eyebrows and eyes from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  3. Rotate your eyeballs left and right (eyes closed).
  4. Move your gaze up and down, right and left, without moving your head.
  5. Move your eyeballs diagonally, “write a figure eight” with your gaze.
  6. Frequent blinking and closing the eyes moisturizes the eyeball, enhances blood microcirculation and relieves tension.

Drug therapy

The feeling of the presence of a foreign body, lacrimation and decreased vision can be caused by external factors - dry air and high room temperature, air conditioning, dust, decorative cosmetics, polluted air.

Atropine has an anti-inflammatory effect and is prescribed for injuries and spasms of the blood vessels of the eye. Aevit normalizes metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, and participates in the formation of visual enzymes.

Nicotinic and ascorbic acids and vitamin P are useful. Trental improves blood circulation and nutrition in the retina. Halidor has an antispasmodic and vasodilator effect.

In some cases, good results in ophthalmology are achieved by the use of biogenic stimulants, for example, human placenta extract.

Every person can improve their vision at home. Visual acuity can decrease for various reasons, including due to excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, aging of the retina, poor blood circulation in the eyeball, overstrain or excessive weakness of the eye muscles. Knowing the cause of vision deterioration, you can, if not restore it, then at least prevent further decline.

Effectively improving vision at home

How to improve vision at home? To quickly and effectively improve your vision, do daily exercises and a relaxing eye massage. Eye compresses with hot and cold water are very useful. Apply them alternately to your closed eyes for several minutes. The temperature difference perfectly stimulates blood circulation.

For greater effect, eat carrots, blueberries, and honey. Aerobics for the eyes, like any physical activity, should be performed regularly, with a gradual increase in execution time.

You should not immediately load your eyes with long-term training; do short-term repetitions of the exercises several times a day. Stop smoking and alcohol, they have an extremely negative effect on your eyes.

A greater positive effect on vision will have a complex effect on the visual apparatus, including exercise, massage, rest, and nutrition. Time spent without irritants brings significant benefits to the eyes. Try to give up the computer, TV, tablet and other irritants for a day and see how effectively this will affect your visual system.

How you can improve your vision on your own

It is possible to influence visual acuity using the following methods:

  • lifestyle changes;
  • review of diet;
  • carrying out regular massage of the eyeballs;
  • performing special sets of exercises for the eyes.

Changing your lifestyle means improving your working conditions: ensuring proper lighting and fresh air, as well as protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of computers and gadgets. Every working hour you should give your eyes a five-minute rest and do a warm-up.

Night rest is important - follow a routine and sleep at least 6 hours. Bad habits have a negative impact on your eyesight and should be given up first.

Walks in the park and forest will be beneficial, as they will provide aerobic exercise for the eyes. The functioning of the human visual system is impossible without nutrients contained in food or taken additionally.

The metabolic processes of the organ of vision involve:

  • vitamins A, C, D, E;
  • amino acids – lecithin, cysteine;
  • microelements – zinc, copper, selenium, sulfur;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants – xanthines, carotene, lutein.

A balanced diet will ensure an adequate supply of nutrients. Include vegetables, seafood, nuts, protein foods, fruits and berries in your diet. Vitamin complexes can be in the form of tablets, capsules, eye drops. When choosing vitamins, consult an ophthalmologist.

Exercise affects more than just the development of eye muscles. Exercise helps speed up the transport of nutrients to the organs of vision. Eyeball massage is used for the same purposes.

Treatment with folk remedies is the best help for the eyes

You can improve your eyesight using folk remedies at home using blueberries. Eat the berries fresh, drink decoctions of fresh, frozen, and dried blueberries. The berry is rich in iron, essential oils, vitamins A, B, C, various acids, phosphorus, zinc, copper, chromium, and sulfur.

In addition to blueberries, it is useful to consume vegetable juices from carrots, parsley, chicory, and celery. You can add a teaspoon of honey to carrot juice. Drink the drink for a month and see a noticeable effect.

A mixture of finely chopped parsley, honey and lemon juice will benefit your vision. Take it for one and a half months.

A tincture of aloe with honey or red wine has a positive effect on vision. To prepare, take 200 g of crushed aloe leaves, add 50 g of eyebright herb and 50 g of cornflower petals.

Pour the plant mixture with 600 ml of honey (dry red wine) and leave for three days. Before use, boil the tincture in a water bath for an hour, strain and cool. Use the tincture three times a day, half an hour before eating, 1 teaspoon.

Periodically apply lotions with fennel juice and honey to your eyes, and rinse with horsetail infusion. These folk remedies are time-tested and can be safely used.

Myopia and methods to combat it

Myopia is a visual impairment in which a person has difficulty distinguishing objects located in the distance. This occurs due to improper refraction of rays that do not hit the retina properly, causing the image to be formed not on the retina, but just in front of it. This disorder is called myopia.

For mild to moderate myopia, vision can be corrected with exercises. Gymnastics will help improve visual acuity. Blink frequently from time to time, close your eyes sharply, and look into the distance. Learn to relax your eyes, reduce the load on your visual organs, constantly change your focus, and do not hold your gaze for a long time in one place.

Since the eyes are more strained when there is insufficient lighting, it is necessary to ensure proper lighting of the room and workplace. An excess of light is not as harmful to the eyes as a lack of it.

If the lighting is 2 times lower than required, the eyes strain 8 times more. It should be noted that for reading, drawing, embroidery and other similar activities, overhead light is not enough; additional light sources must be used.

Preference should be given to fluorescent lamps, the light of which is closer to daylight. Properly selected lighting will help improve vision in case of myopia.

Do not neglect vitamin therapy, which is useful for any visual impairment.

Useful video on the topic

Eye exercises for any vision problems

Gymnastics to improve vision can consist of different sets of exercises.

But there are exercises that form the basis of all complexes:

  1. The first exercise is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the eyes and neck. You need to focus your gaze on the tip of your nose, imagining that a small pen is attached to it. Then you need to close your eyes and start moving an imaginary pen, as if drawing, without straining your eyes.
  2. The second exercise, like the first, is aimed at relaxing the eyes. To perform it, you should relax, sit up straight and close your eyes with your palms. It is important that the center of the palm is at the level of the pupil, and that the fingers are closed and do not allow light to pass through. After making sure that your palms do not allow light to pass through, you need to lower your eyelids.
  3. The following exercise promotes the development of eye muscles and blood flow. As part of the exercise, you should make movements with your eyes in different directions 5-7 times: up-down, right-left, straight-down, straight-up. Next, you need to alternately direct your gaze to the four corners of the wall, drawing imaginary diagonals. As part of this exercise, you can imagine and outline with your gaze any geometric shapes, for example, circles, triangles.
  4. An exercise with changing the focus of the gaze helps to restore vision. This kind of gymnastics is performed in front of a window, the gaze is focused on some point on the glass, and then moved into the distance.

All exercises should be performed regularly, as often as possible, only then will vision be restored.

How to quickly improve your vision with nutrition

How to quickly improve vision at home? Greens contain a large amount of nutrients. Eating spinach, parsley, celery, green salad and other vegetables will provide the body with vitamin A and antioxidants.

Vitamin A promotes correct color perception and prevents drying of the conjunctiva. You can get vitamin A by eating carrots. It contains carotene, which is converted into vitamin A after food is processed by the body.

Sweet potatoes contain a large amount of provitamin A. Consumption of this vegetable reduces the risk of developing glaucoma and protects the eyes from bacterial and viral infections.

Antioxidants protect the eyes from free radicals, which are formed as a result of ultraviolet rays and damage visual receptors. You can get them with avocados, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, plums, beans, zucchini, and nuts.

Nuts, in turn, are rich in fatty acids. Fatty acids are necessary for the continuous outflow of intraocular fluid, they prevent retinal disease and eliminate corneal dryness. Fatty acids are found in large quantities in fish and fish oil.

If the child's vision has become worse

If a child wears glasses, then gymnastics must be performed with glasses whose lenses are weaker by one or two diopters. If initially the glasses have no more than two diopters, then the loads should be done without them.

A child’s vision directly depends on how parents organize his daily routine, how they equip a place for activities and relaxation, and what kind of diet they provide. The daily routine should be organized so that the baby goes to bed and gets up at the same time, rests as much as required at his age, and does not stay in front of the TV or computer for a long time.

If the computer monitor or TV screen is outdated, then parents should change the equipment, since outdated equipment has a detrimental effect on vision. Any activities associated with eye strain must be interrupted every 15 minutes; during such breaks, the baby can run, jump, or look out the window.

The child's nutrition should be balanced; the diet should include a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and foods containing proteins and fatty acids.

In case of any visual impairment, it must be taken into account that the visual organs are finally formed only by the age of 12. Children are advised to visit an ophthalmologist regularly; the frequency of visits depends on the condition of their vision, how quickly it deteriorates and the age of the child.

Visual acuity in adolescence

In teenage children, vision problems most often arise due to improper organization of their daily routine. Modern children spend a lot of time at the computer, constantly looking at the screens of tablets and phones, which has a very detrimental effect on their eyesight. It is important to be able to interest a child in some kind of active activity, to reveal his talents in a timely manner, and to encourage him to play sports.

A teenager should go to bed on time and should avoid overtiredness. A proper daily routine, eye aerobics, a balanced diet, and close-range work should be kept to a minimum to improve visual acuity.

You should know that spasm of accommodation often occurs in adolescence. In this case, the teenager experiences short-term visual impairment; he may not be able to distinguish between objects both far and near. This spasm occurs due to overwork; proper rest and eye exercises will help get rid of it.

Improving visual acuity in old age

Elderly people often experience a whole range of vision problems, which is associated with a decrease in the speed of metabolic processes, deterioration of blood circulation and age-related changes in the lenses. In old age, you should definitely use glasses if necessary.

Since people begin to have trouble seeing close up as they age due to changes in the lens, it should be stimulated to maintain the ability to focus correctly. This is done using various exercises.

The set of exercises should include actions aimed at relaxing the eyes, changing the focus of vision, and training the eye muscles. It is required to repeat the gymnastics daily, several times.

Don't neglect massage. A targeted effect on the area around the eyes will help improve visual acuity. If necessary, you should use relaxing and moisturizing drops; whether this can be done will be determined by an ophthalmologist in each specific case.

It is also very important for an elderly person to eat a varied and nutritious diet, take additional vitamins and not neglect physical activity. Walking, cycling at a leisurely pace, and swimming are good options. Sports help saturate the blood with oxygen, which has a positive effect on eye function.

What to do if you have eye strain

Follow this technique:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath to relax.
  2. Close your eyes tightly, tense your neck and face as much as possible.
  3. After inhaling, hold your breath for a few seconds, open your eyes and exhale. The exercise is repeated 6-7 times.
  4. Perform light massaging movements with your fingertips under the lower eyelids and brow ridges towards the temples. Eyes closed.
  5. With your eyes closed, alternately perform 10 rotations with your eyes to the right, then to the left. Complete the complex with 7-10 minutes of palming.

Water treatments

Place two basins with cool and warm water on the table. Close your eyes. Place your face in a bowl of warm water, then in a bowl of cool water. Stay with your eyes submerged under water for 10-15 seconds. Complete the procedure by immersing yourself in warm water.

This contrast bath helps improve vision and relieves eye strain.If this procedure with water does not suit you, then it is recommended to use contrast compresses.

Dip two napkins in cold water and two in hot water. Lie down, first put warm wipes on your eyes for 20 seconds, then replace them with a cold compress for the same time. So alternate the steps several times.

For farsightedness

With farsightedness, a person clearly sees objects located in the distance, and has trouble making out objects at close distances from him.

What to do:

  1. Eliminate sweets, coffee, and alcohol from your diet.
  2. Add to your menu foods rich in potassium (bananas, raisins, potatoes) and vitamins A and C (cabbage, blueberries, gooseberries, liver, carrots).
  3. Perform eye exercises regularly: focus your gaze on an object next to you, then move your gaze into the distance.
  4. Stand up straight, raise one arm directly in front of your eyes, and extend it.
  5. Perform clockwise rotation movements with your fingers, and follow the movement of your fingers with your eyes. Then change your hand.
  6. A significant help for your vision will be the habit of eating five walnuts daily.

Berries that help with myopia

You need to add the healthiest berries to your diet: blueberries and lingonberries.

  1. Blueberry. This berry has long been known for its healing properties for the eyes. With daily consumption of blueberries, vision will not only not deteriorate, but will also improve significantly. You need to eat 40 grams of preferably fresh berries per day. But if they are unavailable, you can also use dried or frozen blueberries. It is also useful to drink blueberry decoction. To prepare it you will need the berries themselves, as well as the leaves. Approximately 40-50 grams of blueberries with leaves should be poured into boiling water (1 liter), put on low heat and wait 10 minutes. Then get rid of the leaves, add honey to taste (you can do without it). Take one glass several times a day.
  2. Cowberry. If you manage to find this berry, then you will certainly need to make a decoction from it that will be beneficial for your eyes. Forty grams of lingonberries must be poured into water (200 ml). Boil over low heat for no more than 3 minutes. Then you can drink half a glass of the delicious drink twice a day.

The quality of a person’s vision depends on many factors, but mainly on how developed his extraocular muscles are. As we age, the strain on our eyes increases: we read a lot, watch TV and work on the computer.

If our eyes are in constant motion, then an imperceptible training of the eye muscles occurs. This not only helps vision remain good if the eyes are tired and vision becomes worse due to excessive load, but also improves it.

Modern gadgets (take, for example, any toy on a computer) require close attention and concentrated gaze. Most often, the eye is aimed at one point on the screen, the eyelids blink less frequently, and the extraocular muscles are little involved. Hence, people develop poor vision at an increasingly younger age.

Prevention of visual impairment

Also watch the video with great tips and examples of how you can improve your vision at home.

In this article from the MEDIMARI website, I would like to dwell on how to improve vision with the help of exercises if the process of its decline has already begun.

How to improve your vision. Exercises

I have been convinced many times that the saying is correct: “Our health is in our hands” and I am sure that the responsibility for improving vision primarily lies with each of us personally.

I won’t describe each exercise in detail, just look to the picture below(?) and try every day, as soon as you have a free minute, to do at least some of them. This way you will help your eyes relieve fatigue, moisturize them and free themselves from vascular spasms.

The common conditions for all such exercises is the movement of the eyes along imaginary lines (you can help see these lines with your hand, finger, pencil). Try to perform these exercises while sitting with a straight back or lying down (so the blood vessels in the neck will not be pinched) 8 or 10 times in each direction.

Eye exercises while working at the computer

Another exercise that does not require much effort while working at the computer. It will only take a couple of minutes. Look at this picture, everything is very clear: you need to move your gaze across the monitor screen from corner to corner in different directions. Try it, it's not difficult. Your eyes will rest and get some exercise.

In addition to these exercises, I offer you several ways to help keep your vision in order or even improve its condition.

  1. Blink more often than not, like a surprised child with wide eyes. It’s good to blink like this after performing each exercise. At the same time, try to breathe as deeply as possible.
  2. Yawn when your eyes are tired. With a good yawn, a tear is released, the muscles of not only the jaws, but also the eyes tense, the local blood supply improves and the eyes begin to see more clearly.
  3. Massage your eyes . It is better to do this before a large amount of work is ahead. It’s even better to start every day with self-massage of the neck, head, and eyes.
  4. Palming . This is a procedure for darkening the eyes with relaxation of the eye muscles and carrying out multidirectional movements of the eyeballs in this position. You can read more about palming on the MEDIMARI website in the article of the same name.
  5. Sunbathing with eyes closed. Such light baths are also called solarization. To do this, you need to turn your face with your eyes closed towards the morning or evening sun. The procedure lasts at least five minutes.

All these exercises and ways to improve vision at home help me and my friends. Try it, don’t be lazy, remember in time that it’s time to do some eye exercises. And even this little will bring significant results.

Is it possible to improve vision in 1 day?

I'll tell the readers how to improve eyesight in 1 day and even faster. Despite the objections of many, this is indeed reality. I will share my own experience. Don't think that I will tell fairy tales about improving vision to 100%. Of course not. But what I tell you is worth hearing.

This was about 2 years ago. Before starting exercises to restore vision, I had to read a lot of literature. I was especially interested in the question of whether it was possible to quickly restore vision. And is improvement even possible in 1 day?

And I found this information. There is a chapter in William Bates's book that suggests improving your vision very quickly. In addition, these facts were confirmed by Norbekov in his book. Especially focusing on the psychological component of the exercises.

I started to take a deeper interest how to improve eyesight quickly. And now I have reached an important chapter in Bates's book.

What's the point? In order for the reader to become interested and make sure that the method of improving vision really works, the author suggested conducting a small experiment.

I had to place the book at arm's length and answer the question of whether I could clearly see the text. In my case, I saw the text blurry and could not read it at arm's length.

After this, you had to put the book down and do 2 exercises. The first is palming, and the second is imagining a letter completely black and mentally outlining its contours and imagining it absolutely sharp. At the same time, you had to force yourself to look not next to the letter, but specifically at it (mentally). I discovered that this is not entirely easy.

After 5 minutes of such exercises, you had to open your eyes, blinking quickly 10 times. And again look at the text of the book from an arm's length distance.

And you can imagine my delight when I saw the text absolutely clearly!!! This was the beginning of my regular studies to improve vision using the W. Bates method.

How easy it was for the author to convince me that improving vision in 1 day is quite possible. Inspired by success and the knowledge of how to quickly improve vision, I began to actively study. And my vision really improved. I finally took off my glasses. Palming has become my favorite exercise.

Now my vision is about -1.5. There is also astigmatism, which makes improvement difficult. But the case when I was convinced of how to improve my eyesight in 1 day still inspires me.

And it must be said that vision is constantly improving. After breaks caused by laziness and dizziness from success, improvements slowed down and there was even regression. But now, with the help of regular exercises, I hope not only for rapid improvement, but also for complete restoration of vision.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and peer-reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Deterioration in the quality of vision can occur for various reasons. And in order to improve it, doctors prescribe medications that, firstly, are expensive, and secondly, have many contraindications, which make it impossible to take such medications. Therefore, the question of how to restore vision on your own without medications worries many. Is it possible to do this in principle? We will now try to figure it out.

Before we talk about how to restore vision at home, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its impairment. After all, if you do not eliminate it, the negative factor will constantly affect the visual organs and eradicating the problem even with the use of modern medications will be very problematic.

The most common causes of visual impairment are:

  • long work at the computer;
  • watching TV shows at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the TV;
  • reading books in low light;
  • improper nutrition, in which a deficiency occurs in the body;
  • accumulation in the body of a large number of toxic substances that affect the absorption of micro and macroelements;
  • alcohol and tobacco abuse (alcohol and tobacco contain substances that have a detrimental effect on blood vessels, as a result of which the required amount of oxygen and nutrients does not reach the organs of vision);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as a result of which nerve endings are pinched, which can affect a person’s ability to see.

How to quickly restore vision? To do this, you must first eliminate the root cause of its deterioration. If the reasons for this are pathological processes in the body, unfortunately, you cannot do without a doctor. It is required to undergo a full course of treatment, which may include taking various medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy and surgery.

If the cause of vision deterioration is poor nutrition, prolonged exposure to a computer or TV monitor, reading in low light, etc., then you can try to restore the ability to see clearly on your own. And now you will find out how to do this.

If you are wondering how to quickly restore your vision at home, then you should first pay attention to your diet. It should contain plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Also beneficial for the eyes are:

  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • river fish;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals

But in order for all the micro and macroelements that are part of these foods to be well absorbed, it is necessary to periodically carry out. To do this, you can use both modern medicines and traditional medicine.

What to do if you are nearsighted?

How can you restore vision if you are nearsighted? To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Don't stay near a computer monitor or TV for too long. If this is impossible to do due to professional activities, then you need to take breaks of 7-10 minutes every hour. At this time, you should look away from the monitor, blink and relax.
  2. It is very important to include more blueberries in your diet, as well as raw carrots and parsley. They contain substances necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs. These products can be consumed not only fresh, but also various salads, fruit drinks and decoctions can be prepared from them.
  3. Do the following exercise every day. Take a black marker, go to the window and draw a bold dot on it. Then move away from the window at a distance of 1-2 meters and fix your gaze on the drawn point for 5-10 seconds. Then sharply shift your gaze to some other object that is visible from the window. Look at it without looking up for a few seconds, and then fix your gaze on the black dot again. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times a day. This will help not only overcome myopia, but also relieve stress from the evil eye after long and tiring work at the computer.

How to restore your vision yourself if you have farsightedness? To do this you need:

  1. Completely eliminate from your diet all sweets and drinks that contain caffeine and ethyl alcohol. But the amount of consumed such foods rich in vitamins A and C and potassium should, on the contrary, be increased. These products include blueberries, gooseberries, cabbage, bananas, raisins and potatoes. You should also eat 50-100 g of walnut kernels every day.
  2. For farsightedness, it is effective to perform a special gymnast, which consists of several exercises:
  • place some object in front of you, focus your gaze on it for 5-10 seconds, and then sharply move it to any other object located at a distance of 1-3 meters from you (repeat 5-6 times);
  • stand up straight and extend your arm so that your palm is at eye level, begin to rotate your fingers clockwise, focusing your gaze on them (perform for about 1 minute).

Restoring vision using traditional medicine

Few people know how to restore vision using folk remedies. But in vain, because their effectiveness is in no way inferior to the effect of modern medications. Here are some really effective recipes:

  1. Take 5-6 blueberries. Rinse them thoroughly and squeeze out the juice. Dilute it with chilled boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. The prepared solution should be used as follows: 1-2 drops should be instilled into the eyes every day until vision improves.
  2. To prepare the next medicine you will need fresh aloe leaves (200 g). They should be cut into small pieces and mixed with dried eyebright and blue cornflower flowers (3 tbsp each). Add 3 glasses of dry red wine and 0.5 kg of honey to the resulting mixture. This product should be placed in a dark place for 3-5 days, stirring it occasionally. As soon as the medicine is infused, it needs to be boiled in a water bath for about an hour. Use 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach until vision is completely restored.
  3. Every day, drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice with 1 tsp. May honey.
  4. Grind a small bunch of parsley in a blender. Mix the resulting mass with lemon juice (1 tbsp) and liquid honey (1 tbsp). The prepared composition should be consumed 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach every day for one month.

Remember that if all your efforts have not yielded a positive result, you should not continue self-medication and look for other methods to restore your vision at home. Otherwise, you risk losing it completely, and then it will be almost impossible to restore it.

Video about restoring vision at home



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