What can cause pathologies in the fetus? Intrauterine growth and development retardation (ZUR). Main causes of malnutrition

Children have very strictly and clearly calculated weight and height standards, which is not so important for an adult. If the baby has obvious deviations in the necessary criteria, this may indicate various violations related to his health.

The physiological development of the baby even during intrauterine development, have their own norms. The weight of a baby at birth is of great importance, especially in the first year of his life. And also provides great influence on physiological development and future health status.

Also, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs can be teratogenic and should be avoided during pregnancy. Known viral diseases, congenital rubella syndrome, characterized by heart disease, deafness and congenital cataracts. Prevention is carried out through vaccination. Something similar happens with cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis and AIDS infections, diseases that need to be treated before pregnancy.

Special group of environmental teratogens - industrial pollutants, pesticides and pesticides used in agriculture. It consists mainly of terminating pregnancy in situations where a defect is diagnosed that is incompatible with ectopic life; in situations where maternal health is at risk or in situations that are incompatible with life, the couple requests termination in accordance with the legal conditions that apply in our country.

Babies born weighing less than 2500 grams are considered low birth weight or are simply called premature. They are more susceptible to complications during childbirth than other children. Often, such children endure childbirth very difficult. Most often, such infants experience hypoxia, neurological disorders, and asphyxia.

Babies born with low birth weight are divided into the following categories:

Adult period of life

Collaborative project to prevent neural tube defects. This is called intrauterine growth restriction, when the fetus has more low weight than it would be for your gestational age. These babies usually have low birth weight. Not all low-weight fetuses are pathologically stunted, but some are genetically determined.

  • Difficulty managing the stress of vaginal delivery.
  • Low blood sugar at birth Less resistance to infections.
  • Problems maintaining body temperature.
  • Abnormally high number of red blood cells.
  • Increased risk of intrauterine fetal death.
Most common reasons are.

  • Premature babies born earlier than 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Premature babies who are very small for gestational age.
  • Full-term or post-term infants who are small for their gestational age.


Newborns who belong to the second and third categories have developmental delays even inside the mother's womb, it is also called malnutrition. Often this diagnosis is made if the baby’s body weight is 10% less than normal.

Mycoplasma, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, etc. birth defects development Uterine or placental disorders Thrombophilia Smoking behavior Consumption of alcohol, coffee and drugs Stress Lack of prenatal control. During pregnancy, ultrasound checks are performed to ensure that the baby is growing normally.

The danger posed by zur

During an ultrasound, the size of the baby's head, abdomen and femur. These measurements will indicate whether the child is developing normally. The quantity will also be determined amniotic fluid present in the uterus. Along with ultrasound guidance, your doctor will ask ultrasound examination Doppler This test evaluates fetal circulation and determines whether your baby is receiving sufficient quantity blood or poses a risk of continuing inside the uterus.

To diagnose malnutrition, there are special indicators for weight data and growth rate. They will certainly help to diagnose fetal growth retardation in the womb.

Malnutrition can be diagnosed in newborn babies with low weight, and sometimes in babies whose weight is more than 2500 grams. This means that the development of the baby in the womb is delayed as a result of a lag in the size of the fetus and the due date of birth earlier than two weeks or more.

Another test that may be done is fetal monitoring. Rest: rest in the left side view is the most effective method, helping to increase blood flow to the uterus. Improvement general measures: Prohibit tobacco, caffeine, anxiety calm mother, There is proper diet to improve maternal weight.

  • Platelet antiplatelet agents: daily aspirin.
  • Maturation of the fetal lungs.
  • Treatment of maternal pathology: hypertension, anemia, etc.
Your doctor must decide when it is time for your baby to benefit more from being outside than in the womb.

Hypotrophy is divided into two forms:

  1. Symmetrical shape, when all the baby’s existing organs are evenly reduced.
  2. The asymmetrical form is placed when only the baby’s internal organs are reduced.

Main causes of malnutrition

  1. The pregnant woman is over 40 years old.
  2. Multiple births.
  3. Availability infectious diseases in a pregnant woman (rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis).
  4. Hereditary factors.
  5. Chromosomal developmental abnormalities in a baby.
  6. Arterial hypertension in the mother.
  7. Preeclampsia.
  8. Woman's use of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy.
  9. Smoking.
  10. Iron deficiency anemia in the mother.
  11. Diabetes mellitus.
  12. Abuse of anticonvulsants.

Manifestations of delayed development of a baby inside the womb depend on a violation of the phase of its development. A symmetrical form of malnutrition often occurs with chromosomal developmental abnormalities, various infections, as well as on early stages pregnancy influence of exogenous factors.

This will be the moment when the pregnancy is terminated. Factors that must be taken into account to make these decisions. Doppler ultrasonography results show abnormal values ​​indicating that the baby is at risk.

Association with diseases that compromise the placental uterine flow, such as hypertension and preeclampsia-eclampsia. Gestation period. If there are no signs of problems with the baby during labor, it is advisable to have a vaginal delivery. It is likely that, especially if the baby was born prematurely, you will need to stay in the hospital until you can breathe and eat normally.

The asymmetric form of fetal growth retardation always appears at the very end of pregnancy. The main cause of the asymmetric form of malnutrition is considered to be placental insufficiency.

This can be either the onset of placental abruption or placental presentation of the fetus. It often happens that the cause of malnutrition simply cannot be found out. Changes that appear in parts of the baby’s body sometimes make it difficult to determine its exact type. Usually a diagnosis is made after comparing all fetal sizes with normal sizes.

Everyone understands the importance of a child growing well and will worry if their child fails to develop normally. But most people don't know that one in ten babies don't develop well before birth, that is, during pregnancy, which can have important consequences.

Placenta necessary for fetal development

In most cases, this is due to a malfunction of the placenta. The placenta is the organ that the baby uses to get all the food it needs from the mother and to which it is connected by the umbilical cord. It can be compared to a radiator: the baby's blood is sent to the placenta, it flows through it, collects nutrients and returns to the fetus, which thus receives food and oxygen. In a proportion of pregnancies, the placenta does not develop properly and is not large enough to feed the baby as needed.

This is also only possible if the gestational age is accurately determined.

Ultrasound examination during pregnancy allows you to know not only the weight of the fetus, but also the required gestational age.

Fetometric indicators taking into account anamnesis data, dates last menstrual period, height of the uterine fundus and physical examination. Often used for diagnosis, disorders of fetal development in the inside of a woman’s womb. Using ultrasound, the volume is assessed amniotic fluid, as well as the biophysical state of the fetus.

Following the example of a radiator, when stunting occurs, some of the pipes become blocked so that the same amount of fluid cannot circulate. This means that in at the moment the child does not get everything he needs and, like any other living being in the same situation, his growth is affected. This appears later in pregnancy and allows it to be performed in most cases. However, identifying the problem is critical to preventing complications during labor, as oxygen restriction can interfere with the baby's ability to tolerate contractions.

During fetal growth retardation, which is caused by insufficient development of the placenta, the fetal condition can be improved with the help of early diagnosis, as a result necessary treatment, as well as during a timely kind of resolution.

For malnutrition of unknown etiology, the main treatment methods are bed rest pregnant. From the very beginning of hospitalization, great importance is paid to the woman’s nutrition. However, according to latest research it is known that poor nutrition or malnutrition cannot be the cause of the disease.

We believed that brain plasticity allowed the child to recover from the restriction after birth. The fetus must adapt to this situation by changing the development of its organs. The life of a fetus is a moment that has crucial, because during this period what we call programming is given, that is, the moment when genes determine the way our different organs depending on the environment they encounter. Temporary absence nutrients influences this programming because our genes do not know the duration of this restriction.

Our medical clinic in North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow treats intrauterine growth retardation syndrome. The main features of treatment in our Otradnoe Polyclinic are:

  • Treatment various complications during pregnancy.
  • Sanitation of the main foci of infections in pregnant women.
  • Correction of insufficient placental development.
  • Organization correct mode nutrition and diet improvement.
  • Organization of the required physical activity regime.

During treatment, you will definitely undergo another ultrasound examination (ultrasound) in Moscow. As a result of correct and effective treatment, the baby begins to gradually gain weight.

Therefore they are "programmed" to function as if the situation were constant, "assume" that this is the amount of nutrients and oxygen they will have to work with and they adapt to it in order to survive. But this has a price, adaptation allows us to survive, but it does not always make us better.

In short, pregnancy represents the period of creation of a human being, so logically it is a very delicate moment and any change, especially lack of food and oxygen, can have serious consequences. In this sense, there are three clear examples of the consequences of fetal growth retardation. In the case of the brain, areas responsible for more basic functions are prioritized, those related to survival, above higher ones, more associated with intelligence. This explains the increase in neurodestructive disorders in children.

By the time of birth, the baby will have the necessary strength to be born naturally. This diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. highest category, which will definitely take into account all the necessary factors, and most importantly the health characteristics of the pregnant woman.

There is no need to put off unresolved tasks until tomorrow, you need to solve everything today. After all, this primarily concerns the health of your child and you. Specialists medical center in Otradnoe, they only use modern methods treatment.

In adulthood

On the other hand, the heart also adapts to expansion more to pump up more blood with less energy. This results in deterioration of the arteries and an increased risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular problems in adult life. Finally, food restriction forces the system to become accustomed to managing less food; After birth, the acquisition of nutrients is normalized, but the body is not ready to tolerate it, which can cause metabolic disorders such as diabetes or obesity.

Carry out comprehensive and thorough examination, which is able to identify all violations and accurately diagnose in order to achieve full recovery pregnant.

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)) is the lag in the size of the fetus from normal indicators at this stage of pregnancy.

Importance of Research

Our research group in Barcelona has made a major contribution to justifying the importance of this fetal growth restriction through several studies that have laid the foundations for a new field in preventive medicine. These findings may be susceptible to triggering some anxiety, but should nonetheless be viewed as an excellent opportunity. Therefore, we must understand the importance of this situation not only diagnostic level, but also as a starting point for creating solutions. Every time we talk more about healthy aging, we want to live longer and better, and we are increasingly aware that health begins to be programmed during fetal life, which is certainly one of the most important phases of our existence.

The main reasons for the development of IUGR

Fetal growth retardation can occur at any stage of pregnancy (usually in the third trimester) and is caused by for the following reasons:

  1. Mother's bad habits(alcoholism, drug addiction);
  2. Extragenital diseases of women(diseases of urinary, respiratory and circulatory systems, arterial hypertension, infectious diseases);
  3. Obstetric and gynecological diseases(violations menstrual cycle, primary infertility, complicated course previous pregnancies, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus);
  4. Complications real pregnancy (early and late gestosis, multiple pregnancy, anemia, etc.);
  5. Fetal pathologies(intrauterine infection,).

Classifications of IUGR

information There are two forms of intrauterine growth retardation, which differ in clinical signs, reasons for development and prognosis further development and fetal viability: symmetrical and asymmetrical shape.

So identifying problems at the embryonic stage opens a window of opportunity: we know much more about what's going on than we do about how to fix it. We know that programming does not end with the life of the fetus, but continues for many years, especially the first two years of life. Therefore, we can use this period, this “window of opportunity,” to intervene and improve problems that arise in the life of the fetus. As an example, research from our group has shown that supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet of children with increased risk significantly improves them blood pressure in five years.

With a symmetrical shape characterized by a uniform decrease in the weight, growth of the fetus and the size of all its organs. This form often develops in the early stages and is caused by fetal diseases ( chromosomal abnormalities, intrauterine infection), bad habits mother. A symmetrical delay can lead to the risk of having a child with defective development of the central nervous system.

This very well illustrates the ability of fetal medicine to move towards the personalized medicine we want in the future: identifying a problem before it becomes acute and treating it in a timely manner to prevent it from growing or even going away.

The stakes for preventive medicine

Thus, intrauterine growth retardation should be considered a problem, but fortunately it can be easy problem, if detected earlier. Small interventions in right time can minimize their consequences. Therefore, it is very important to detect it. Proper Use ultrasound and small actions, such as monitoring fetal movements in the third trimester, allows detection of most cases. This will allow us to take advantage of the opportunities that the programming phase offers us with new solutions that will revolutionize the way preventive medicine is understood in the coming years.

With an asymmetrical shape There is a decrease in body weight with normal growth fetus (low birth weight baby). The child has a lag in the development of soft tissues of the abdomen and chest, insufficient development of the trunk with normal sizes heads. Possible uneven development internal organs. If left untreated, the size of the head begins to decrease and the development of the brain lags, which can lead to the death of the fetus. The asymmetric form most often occurs in the third trimester against the background of placental insufficiency and is caused by extragenital diseases of the mother and complications of pregnancy.

The more you demonstrate this Wednesday a new medical innovation, the so-called “pancreatic surgery,” performed on a child before she is born. In this procedure, doctors leave the woman's uterus open, manipulate the fetus with her back, then place the baby back in the belly and close it.

For Dr. Antonio Moron, this operation is performed with all the rigor of high-complexity surgery. The incision is made in abdominal cavity, How C-section, just a little higher. The uterus is externalized, so the neurologist can perform the operation in the same way as after birth. This technique is called open-air surgery because it exposes the baby's back area, the obstetrician explained.

There are three severity of IUGR:

  1. First degree(light). The size of the fetus lags behind the normal indicators characteristic of a given period of pregnancy by no more than two weeks;
  2. Second degree. Fetal development delay within 2-4 weeks;
  3. Third degree(heavy). The size of the fetus lags behind normal values ​​by four weeks or more. As a rule, third-degree IUGR is irreversible and leads to fetal death.

Main symptoms and diagnosis of IUGR

Main diagnostic methods Fetal developmental delays are:

  1. Measuring abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus. IUGR is characterized by a lag of these parameters from normal values;
  2. Ultrasound. helps determine the form of IUGR and its severity, assess the condition of the placenta;
  3. Doppler (additional method Ultrasound, which allows one to study the nature and speed of uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow). IUGR is often characterized by the appearance of circulatory disorders in the arteries of the umbilical cord, aorta, and ductus venosus of the fetus;
  4. Cardiography(). This is the method functional diagnostics state of the fetus, studying the frequency and nature of its heartbeat, changes in heart contractions under the influence external factors, motor activity the fetus itself and uterine contractions. IUGR is characterized by an increase or decrease in the fetal heart rate.

Treatment of IUGR

Treatment of intrauterine growth retardation should only be carried out in a hospital setting:

  1. A state of complete physical and emotional peace;
  2. Full sleep;
  3. Balanced diet;
  4. Drugs that reduce



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