Oriental medicines for health. Chinese medicines could be deadly

The drug Zhentian 999 Zhentian Wan 999 is a Chinese medicine drug for the treatment of all types of headaches. Used to treat headaches such as migraine, headaches caused by nervous diseases, high blood pressure, headaches due to stress, vascular headaches, headaches caused by diseases of the cervical spine, premenstrual headaches, circulatory disorders (stagnation) of blood, colds, etc. The main therapeutic effect: increases blood flow, “nourishes” the blood, “calms” the liver, relieves pain, enhances the circulation of “qi” energy along the energy meridians. Effect of the drug: increases blood flow, “nourishes” the blood, “calms” the liver, relieves pain, increases the circulation of “qi” energy along the energy meridians. Indications for use: headaches such as migraines, headaches caused by nervous diseases, high blood pressure, headaches due to stress, vascular headaches, headaches caused by cervical diseases spine, premenstrual headaches, impaired circulation (stagnation) of blood, headaches caused by colds, etc. Ingredients: Uncaria tomentosa (Gouten), white peony (Baishao), Ligusticum Sichuan (Chuanxiong), Angelica Chinese (Dangui), Rehmannia ( dihuan), baichi, apricot kernel, carthamus tinctorius (honghua), asarum/hoofedfoot (xixin), angelica chinensis (duhuo), ephedra (mahuang), fupian, milettia reticularis (jixueteng); excipients: starch, monosucrose, wax, charcoal activated. Method of administration: orally after meals, 2-3 times a day, 6 grams (1 sachet) per dose, course of treatment - 15 days. Side effects: during administration, a slight increase in liver transaminases is possible; in very rare cases, dryness in the mouth, bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, loose stools. Storage: out of reach of children. Course of application: 3-5 packs. Release form: Pack of 10 bags of 6 g. Attention: drinking alcohol is not recommended while taking the drug , consumption of spicy, fatty and bitter foods, the drug should be taken strictly in accordance with the instructions, long-term use of the drug is not recommended, athletes should take it with caution, people with a tendency to allergic reactions should take it with caution, when taking other medications, you should consult your doctor. Manufacturer : Corporation 999, China. Attention! Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Please consult with your doctor! You can buy Zhentian 999 Zhentian Wan 999 for all types of headaches in our online store of traditional oriental medicine Panda Bambu. Please leave reviews about Zhentian 999 Zhentian Wan 999!

Moringa (Moringa lea ves) tablets 60 pcs.


Moringa is effective in treating:

“The plant has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties, is rich in chloroform, and is itself a naturally occurring multi-vitamin and multi-mineral,” says Dr. Ben-Simon.

It is estimated that dried moringa leaves contain:

  • V 17 times more calcium than in milk
  • 7 times more vitamin C than in oranges
  • 4-10 times more vitamin A than in carrots
  • 15 times more potassium than in bananas
  • 25 times more gland than in spinach
  • 36 times more magnesium * than in eggs

1. Improves vision,

2. Strengthens bones, immunity,

3. Treats anemia,

4. Contains a large amount of vitamins, especially A, C, potassium, calcium, amino acids and antioxidants.

5. Helps with stress,

6. Increases endurance,

7. Stimulates metabolism,

8. Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

9. Even a small serving of five grams provides 2.4 grams of fiber (10% of an adult's recommended daily intake). Fiber plays an essential role in health and weight. Since soluble fiber does not break down and absorbs water, it adds bulk to the diet and allows us to feel fuller longer. High-fiber foods are therefore a great way to manage your appetite and reduce your overall calorie intake.

10. 100 g of powder contains: -95 mg of calcium (14% of the daily value). Calcium plays an important role in many body functions, including muscle contraction, blood clotting, transmission of information through the nervous system, and the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. -5 mg Vitamin E (166% DV for women, 125% DV for men) . Vitamin E is an antioxidant and supports cellular structure by protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. -300 mg Vitamin A (retinol equivalent) (50% DV for women, 43% DV for men). Vitamin A is essential for vision, normal functioning of the immune system and healthy skin. Moringa leaf powder is also characterized by its high protein content, 23 g per 100 g of powder. It contains all eight essential amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Essential amino acids cannot be produced in the body and must be obtained from our food.

Moringa powder is important For: athletes, bodybuilders, people involved in sports, expecting and nursing mothers, growing children and chronically ill people!

Medicines for colds and flu:

  • 快克 - Paracetamol and Amantadine) Price ≈ 14.80 yuan
  • 日夜百服宁 - Bufferin Cold - (contains Paracetamol, Dextromethorphan and other active substances.) Price ≈ 9.80-13.20 yuan
  • 泰诺酚麻美敏片 - Tylenol Cold (Paracetamol, Dextromethorphan and other active substances) Price ≈ 15 yuan
  • 三精双黄连口服液 - an effective bittersweet syrup for cold symptoms. Price ≈11-15 yuan
  • 999 Gan Mao Ling (999感冒灵) - powder for the prevention and treatment of flu and colds. Price ≈ 10 yuan
  • 四季感冒片 - medicine for colds and flu, eliminates body weakness Price ≈ 5-20 yuan

For sore throat:

  • “Golden Throat” (金嗓子喉宝) - sucking herbal lozenges for sore throat and sore throat. Depending on packaging ≈ 15-30 yuan
  • 复方片仔瀇含片 - an analogue of grammidin, with an anesthetic. For sore throat. Price from 17.00 yuan
  • 金喉健喷雾剂 - an effective spray for sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Price 10.90-13.00 yuan

Against cough:

  • 枇杷膏 Pipa Gao - Syrup for cough and sore throat. Price 20-30 yuan
  • 桂林西瓜霜 analgesic, eliminates inflammation, fever Price from 5-10 yuan
  • 清开灵片 (颗粒) - tablets for colds, fever, cough and sore throat
  • 止咳丸 – homeopathy for cough. When used with cough syrup, the effect improves Price 18.00
  • 痰咳浄片 from sputum, cough, shortness of breath, asthma.. For bronchitis, pharyngitis.

For a runny nose:

  • 鼻腔喷雾器 nasal spray
  • 小柴胡颗粒 - analogue of ingavirin, kagocel
  • 芥未粉(芥未药粉) – mustard powder
盐酸洛美沙星滴耳液, 盐酸左氧氟沙星滴耳液drops for inflammation of the middle ear, otitis externa Price 13.60

For headaches:

  • 阿咖酚散 (or 头疼粉 tóuténg fěn) analogue of citramon, in the form of white powder in bags
  • 必理通 – panadol Price ≈6-10 yuan
  • 霍香正气口服液 - against 中暑 - heat stroke. It tastes nasty, but it helps. You can drink it for prevention.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • 双歧杆菌四联活菌片 - combined bifidobacteria and lactobacilli
  • 雷贝拉唑钠肠溶胶囊 - rabeprazole (Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, gastroesophageal reflux disease) Price≈ 37 yuan
  • 马来酸曲美布汀片 - tremibutin (a drug that regulates the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. motor disorders in functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; dyspeptic disorders in gastroduodenal diseases (abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, vomiting); irritable bowel syndrome, manifested by pain, colic in the abdominal cavity, intestinal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea and/or constipation) Price ≈15.50 yuan
  • 枸橼酸莫沙必利分散片 - mosapride (A drug that increases gastrointestinal tone and motility) Price ≈ 16.50 yuan
  • 姨酶制剂 - Creon - pancreatin Price ≈40-65 yuan
  • 胰酶肠溶胶囊 - analogue of Creon
  • 胰酶肠溶片 - pancreatin (active ingredient in Mezim)
  • 亚麻籽 - flax seed
  • 开胃健脾丸 – indigestion, lack of appetite Price ≈22.40 yuan
  • 溃疡颗粒(北京同仁堂) - for stomach ulcers Price≈ 45 yuan
  • 雷贝拉唑钠肠溶胶囊 - for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis Price from¥37.00
  • 双歧杆菌三联活菌片 - tablets (bifido-, lactobacilli) analogue of bifiform, biovestin-lacto, etc. Used for dysbiosis after antibiotics.

Treatment and skin care:

  • 云南白药 - from bruises and wounds, dispersing blood stagnation and activating blood circulation. Price ≈ 30.00 麝香祛痛搽剂 – ointment for bruises with a warming effect. Price ≈ 49 yuan
  • 美宝湿润烧伤膏 - ointment for burns Price≈ ¥34
  • 莫匹罗星软膏 - mupirocin, an antiseptic ointment, not an antibiotic, resistance does not arise, for example, it can stop a ripening boil. Price≈13.70-26.8
  • 芦荟软胶囊 - soft gel capsules with aloe vera. Gently cleanses the skin. Price from 60 yuan 海娜粉 - Henna. There are colored and colorless, good for hair.
  • 红霉素软膏 - Erythromycin ointment (acne, pimples, pustular formations on the skin, burns of varying severity, bedsores, trophic ulcers). Price from 5 yuan
  • 牛黄消炎片 - antipyretic drug, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain, used for boils, inflammation of wounds Price ¥6.60 - 12.00
  • 莫匹罗星 - antibiotic for external use for skin infections. Price ¥13.70-26.80
  • 夏枯草膏 - elimination of inflammation, mastitis, inflammation of the thyroid gland Price ¥23.80-23.90
  • 红霉素软膏 - erythromycin ointment for purulent skin diseases and skin infections, ulcers, burns of a small surface of the skin
  • 林可霉素利多卡因凝胶 - ointment, used for minor burns, wounds and insect bites Price ¥7
  • 复方酮康唑软膏 - ointment for fungal skin diseases. Price ¥5.90-12.30
  • 999曲安奈德益康唑软膏 - ointment for eczema and mycosis Price ¥ 15-17
  • 999复方醋酸地塞米松软膏, 999抗酸莫米松凝胶 - ointment for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema and allergies, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic and chronic eczema Price ¥ 8
  • 999曲安奈德益康唑软膏 - ointment for paronychia (inflammation of the periungual fold) Price ¥ 13.70-27.50
  • 独癣 - scabies, eczema, lichen, mold mycosis of the feet, dermatitis, allergies, insect bites, psoriasis
  • 醋康他索乳膏 - ointment for dermatitis and eczema
  • 曲咪新软膏 - ointment for eczema, dermatitis caused by mechanical irritants, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, lichen
  • 换肤草 - ointment for insect bites, itching, lichen and herpes
  • 皮肤病血毒丸 - Chinese medicine for skin inflammation Price 8.50-9.00
  • 肉豆蔻酰胺 - miramistin
  • 地球人抑菌乳膏,梦之效抑菌乳膏 - ointment for the treatment of all types of allergies, eczema, psoriasis, cracks in the skin, dermatitis, dermatophytosis of the hands and feet)

Fungus on feet:

  • 999硝酸咪康唑乳膏,复方醋康唑软膏,丫丫爽 – antifungal agent Price 11.90-15.00 yuan
  • 盐酸特比萘芬喷雾 - antifungal spray Price 11.80-23.50 yuan
  • 脚护士泡足片 - effervescent tablets for foul odor and sweating of feet (due to fungus)
  • 脚清爽, 冰王脚爽净 - spray for sweaty feet
  • 京万红软膏, 湿润烧伤膏, 烧烫伤软膏 - ointment for skin burns Price 4.50-16.00 yuan

For hair loss:

  • 101В 防脱育发剂 - lotion
  • 101防脱洗发精 - anti-hair loss shampoo
  • 101养发香波 - hair growth shampoo

Basic tools:

  • 创可贴 - adhesive plaster
  • 棉花 - cotton wool
  • 绷带 - bandage
  • 弹性绷带 - elastic bandage
  • 缬草属, 昆仑雪菊 - valerian
  • 高锰酸钾 - potassium permanganate
  • 消毒液 - disinfectant solution
  • 过氧化氢, 双氧水 - hydrogen peroxide
  • 隐形眼镜 - contact lenses


  • 姊妹舒 - therapeutic pads for inflammation of the pelvic organs (bacterial, viral, fungal), menstrual disorders (amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, oligo- and polymenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome), cystitis, thrush, itching of the external genitalia, postoperative period after abortion and childbirth , endometriosis, erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix, endocrine disorders of the genital area.

For erosion

  • 消糜栓 - candles. Indications: trichomonas vaginitis, fungal colpitis. Price 32.70 yuan
  • 清宫丸 - therapeutic tampons (indications: uterine fibroids, erosion, vaginitis, gonorrhea, thrush, ovarian tumor, endometritis, irregular periods)

For thrush:

  • candles 达克宁+douching 洁尔阴洗液
  • 艾阴洁(+妇科白带膏 in advanced cases)
  • 清宫丸 - medicinal tampons

Painful periods, late periods:

  • 妇科调经颗粒 - (if your periods are heavy, then you should not take it, because the drug is 养血)
  • Mastopathy: 乳癖消片+夏枯草膏 course
  • 桂枝茯苓胶囊 - ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and mastopathy Price 32.50-65.00
  • 调经促孕丸 - medicine to stabilize the menstrual cycle, Indications for scanty menstruation, infertility Price 15.10 yuan

Man's health:

  • 腺激酶 - chronic prostatitis, inflammation, adenoma, impotence, prostate hypertrophy
  • 姊妹舒 - Therapeutic pads for acute and chronic prostatitis
  • 盐酸左氧氟沙星片 - tablets for infection of the genitourinary system. Price 3.54-11.00

For communication in the hospital:


  • 挂号 - When visiting a Chinese hospital, the first thing you should do is register and create a card on your first visit
  • 医院-hospital
  • 医院在哪里? - where is the hospital?
  • 检查 - inspection
  • 手术 - operation
  • 诊所 - clinic
  • 注射 - injection, prick
  • 挂号 - get the hospital appointment number
  • 挂个内科 - give the number to the therapist
  • 内科 - therapeutic department
  • 外科 - surgical department
  • 妇科 - gynecological department
  • 儿科 - children's department
  • 眼科 - ophthalmology
  • 皮肤科 - dermatology department
  • 耳鼻喉科 - otolaryngology
  • 口腔科 - Department of Dentistry
  • 中医科 - department of Chinese (traditional) medicine
  • 心理咨询 - psychological consultation
  • 针灸推拿 - department of acupuncture and massage
  • 肿瘤科 - oncology department
  • 挂号处 - registry
  • 病历卡 - medical card
  • 抽血 - to let blood
  • 配药 - buy prescription medicine

Dentist - 牙医

  • 补牙 - to put a seal
  • 齿冠 - to put a crown
  • 臼齿 - molars
  • 门牙 - incisors
  • 犬齿 - incisors
  • 神经 - nerve
  • 牙痛 - toothache
  • 釉 - enamel

Pregnancy - 怀孕

  • 早孕试纸 - paper pregnancy test
  • 测孕 - pregnancy test
  • 早期妊娠 - early pregnancy (中期、晚期)
  • 胎体、胎 - fruit
  • 分娩 - permission from the fetus
  • 婴儿 - baby
  • 子宫 - uterus

Materials kindly provided by the resource "South China" More news on the website http://south-insight.com/

reference Information

How to read medication instructions
  • 口服 - oral administration of medication
  • 开水冲服 - dissolve in boiled water
  • 一次1袋,一日3次 - for 1 time (次) - 1 sachet, for 1 day (日) 3 times
Basic tools:
  • 创可贴 - adhesive plaster
  • 喷雾剂 - spray, atomizer, atomizer
  • 棉花 - cotton wool
  • 绷带 - bandage
  • 弹性绷带 - elastic bandage
  • 消毒棉球 - cotton balls with iodine (for small wounds)
  • 碘伏 - water-based iodine (less irritating to the skin, for everyday use)
  • 碘酒 - alcohol-based iodine (used in operations)
  • 缬草属, 昆仑雪菊 - valerian
  • 高锰酸钾 - potassium permanganate
  • 消毒液 - disinfectant solution
  • 消毒酒精 - alcohol solution for disinfection
  • 过氧化氢, 双氧水 - hydrogen peroxide
  • 隐形眼镜 - contact lenses
  • 隐形眼镜护理液 - solution for storing contact lenses

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