"Vikasol": analogues, their comparison and reviews. The effect of hemostatic tablets during heavy menstruation

Vicasol (lat. Vicasol) is a multifunctional medicinal product with the active ingredient Menadione sodium bisulfite. It is a hemogenic drug, a coagulant indirect action/ hemostatic, it stimulates the formation of a blood clot that stops bleeding. This medicine is also an artificial, water-soluble form of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting.

What is Vikasol

It is listed in the pharmacological group of indirect-acting coagulants. The active substance in the composition helps to normalize and increase blood clotting, maintain hemostasis, enhance the production of prothrombin, play important role in others physiological mechanisms occurring in the body.

With its help, you can successfully treat bleeding: hemorrhoidal and uterine, as well as provoked surgical intervention or injuries of varying severity. This is due to the fact that menadione sodium bisulfite actively affects the rate of blood clotting, promoting an increase in platelets in it.

Vikasol is also in demand in gynecology. In particular, it is often prescribed during the menstrual cycle in order to make the discharge less prolonged and heavy, and to stop or delay menstruation.

Using a drug to delay menstruation, normalize the amount bleeding, cycle adjustments, it is also possible to improve overall well-being these days, minimize the risk of anemia, and restore blood reserves.

Vikasol for menstruation

The menstrual cycle directly depends on the general condition of the female reproductive system. If the duration of critical days is many times greater than the norm, and the intensity of discharge increases each time, Vikasol can become an effective “helper” - with heavy periods, women often take this well-proven drug. Due to the synthesis of prothrombin, the blood thickens and flows less intensely from damaged vessels.

Vikasol can also relieve the symptoms associated with menstruation - drowsiness, weakness, irritability. What else does it help with and how is it used on menstrual days? Indications for taking the drug during this period are as follows:

  • Heavy menstruation caused by hypertrophy of the uterine mucosa, which occurs with diagnosed endometritis, fibroids or endometriosis.
  • Long periods due to hormonal imbalance.
  • An acute lack of vitamin K in the body, which leads to poor blood clotting and, accordingly, intense discharge.

Read also Visanne and menstruation - cycle restoration

As an additional therapy, doctors prescribe Vikasol for uterine bleeding. But here it is important to understand - in this situation, it simply eliminates the symptom (i.e., reduces the amount of blood lost), but does not cure in any way.

There are life situations, when you would like to postpone or delay the onset of menstruation, so many women decide to take a pill of the drug to delay it. However, doctors strongly recommend not using Vikasol to delay menstruation, as this can be fraught with serious health problems: edema, cycle failure, internal decomposition of the blood.

Vikasol during pregnancy and lactation

Vikasol is prescribed with extreme caution during pregnancy. As a rule, it is effective in the third trimester as a hemostatic drug in case of abruption or placenta previa. It begins to act 8-12 hours after the woman has taken the pill. Dangerous influence does not affect the fetus.

The drug can be used during breastfeeding and given to newborns to prevent bleeding.

Composition and release form

Vikasol release form:

  1. Tablets packaged in 10/30 pieces.
  2. Solution for injection (1 ml in ampoules).

Chemical composition of the drug and quantity active substance it varies depending on the release form. Thus, sodium menadione bisulfite contains 15 mg per tablet, and 10 mg per 1 ml ampoule. Thanks to the effect of this active component It becomes possible to use Vikasol to stop menstruation. It has also found application in the treatment of a number of diseases when it is necessary to normalize blood clotting.

Vikasol tablets

The drug is available in tablets, 30 pieces per glass jars or 10 - in a blister (3 blisters in a cardboard box).

If the doctor has prescribed Vikasol for bleeding of one kind or another, the tablets are taken orally up to 3 times a day, washed down sufficient quantity water. Adult daily norm– up to 30 mg, children – depends on age and specifics of the disease. The dosage regimen includes two cycles of 3-4 days with a 4-day break between them. Features of therapy with this medication during menstruation are prescribed individually for each patient.

Vikasol in ampoules

Vikasol solution, intended for injection, is available in cardboard boxes with two contour cells containing 5 ampoules.

Intramuscular injections of the drug are recommended in a volume of 10 to 15 mg/day; for newborns the norm is 4 mg. When performing a surgical operation to prevent bleeding, injections (1-2 doses) are given both intravenously and intramuscularly an hour before it begins.

Read also Menstruation after regulon

Indications for use

Main indications for use of the drug:

  • various kinds bleeding (nasal, surgical, caused by trauma);
  • menorrhagia;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamin K against the background of jaundice, hepatitis, prolonged diarrhea, cirrhosis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • hemorrhages under the mucous membranes/skin, etc.

The doctor may prescribe Vikasol in a number of other cases when the causes of bleeding lie in diseases of the duodenum and stomach, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Is it possible to use Vikasol to stop menstruation? The issue is quite controversial. During critical days, the product is indicated for use to reduce the volume of discharge; in all other situations, consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Method and dosage of use

The conditions of use and the single/daily dose of the medication depend on the age and health status of the patient, as well as on the prescribed pharmacological form drug.

Comprehensive information about what dosage Vikasol should be taken in will be given by the instructions for use: during menstruation, for example, only the attending physician can select the correct dosage schedule for a woman. For uterine and other bleeding, the daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg when taking the medication in tablet form and 30 mg if the drug is prescribed in the form of injections.

Drink Vikasol 2-3 times a day without reference to meals, washing down the tablet with plain water.


If hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to the components of the medication are detected, it is not recommended to take Vikasol; contraindications may include the following:

  • thromboembolism;
  • hemolytic disease in newborns;
  • thrombosis;
  • hypercoagulability;
  • increased blood clotting.

The feasibility of use and the scheme of how to take Vikasol for liver failure, during pregnancy and pregnancy, with stomach diseases and deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the attending doctor will be able to determine.

Side effects

Allergic reactions in the form of redness, irritation, severe itching and even hives are side effects of Vikasol, all of them are temporary. Important! The drug does not cause diseases of internal organs.

It is extremely rare that Vikasol solution can provoke local side effects: swelling, tenderness/redness at the injection site.


Vikasol's analogs

Good medications include Gaamelis, Contriven, Vilate, Octanan. According to their mechanism of action/composition, they can replace Vikasol, these analogues are in demand and effective, but each of them has its own treatment regimen and achievements final result. That is why it is not worth replacing one medication with another without a medical prescription.

The discharge becomes profuse and begins to resemble bleeding.

Some hemostatic agents can help with heavy periods, but only a gynecologist can prescribe them after an examination.

Heavy menstruation. Reasons

Menorrhagia is the scientific name for heavy discharge during menstruation. It has not yet reached the point of uterine bleeding. The volume of released blood is less than 80 ml per day, but more than the calm 40 ml. In this case, you will have to use hemostatic agents.

The reasons lie in the imbalance of hormones in the female body, some diseases, such as uterine fibroids. Rare case– bleeding not associated with gynecological diseases.

What can the doctor prescribe?

A doctor should prescribe hemostatic drugs during menstruation after examination. It is important to identify the cause of heavy menstruation and properly treat the disease.

Hemostatic agents for menstrual bleeding are selected by the doctor according to the diagnosis. These can be hemostatic pills or injections.

Let's look at popular hemostatic drugs for menstruation. These are vikasol, dicinone and its analogues, tranexam.

Vikasol - a good old friend

Vikasol is a medicine that is known to our mothers and grandmothers. Available in the form of a solution in ampoules and tablets. The main active ingredient is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K3.

Without this vitamin, the formation of blood clots, which ensure normal blood clotting, is impossible. Usually prescribed 1 or 2 tablets per day.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with increased blood clotting and diagnosed with thrombophlebitis.

Undesirable side effects include:

  • Symptoms of hypervitaminization - when permissible dosages are exceeded;
  • Increased levels of bilirubin in the blood;
  • Nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal problems are observed, but extremely rare.

In general, Vicasol for bleeding has proven itself well over a long period of time.

Dicinon protects women's health

Dicynone - also known as etamsylate - is a remedy emergency assistance with bleeding of any origin. The advantage of this drug is that it does not thicken the blood and does not form blood clots.

An additional positive quality of the drug is that it improves the permeability of vascular walls and microcirculation, strengthens the vascular walls. Dicinone is prescribed for heavy menstruation due to uterine fibroids.

The positive effect occurs after 1.5-2 hours if the drug is administered intramuscularly. If tablets are used, improvement can be felt after 2.5–3 hours. Emergency intravenous administration is indicated for severe bleeding and the effect occurs within 15 minutes.

According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. Although no side effects have been observed with dicinone, you should not exceed the recommended dosage of the drug.

If you can’t find dicinone in the pharmacy, you can try similar hemostatic agents - tachocomb, tranexam.

Tranexam – trying new things?

This is a new drug. The drug is a fibrinolysin inhibitor. It has a local hemostatic effect in case of bleeding, which causes an increase in the amount of fibrinolysin.

Tranexam has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, and antitumor effects.

The drug is not used for:

  • Bleeding in the brain.
  • Allergy to the main and auxiliary active ingredients.

Tranexam should not be used for:

  • Kidney diseases.
  • Heart attack and thrombosis of various etiologies, including cerebral vessels, thrombophlebitis.
  • Violation of color perception.

Unlike dicinone and vikasol, tranexam has a lot of side effects.

  • Dizziness and general weakness.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, loss of appetite, diarrhea.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Itching, rash, urticaria - and similar skin allergic reactions.
  • Deterioration of vision.

If the first hemostatic agents can be freely purchased at a pharmacy and used without a doctor’s prescription, then tranexam has a lot of side effects and cannot be used independently.

In general, you should not look for hemostatic drugs during menstruation on the Internet or on the advice of a friend! It is necessary to treat the cause, not the effect. Therefore, visit a doctor and find out the cause of the disease! And then you can start treatment.

Effective hemostatic agents for uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is very dangerous. In the most difficult cases the woman's death occurs. For this reason, the question of which hemostatic drugs help best with uterine bleeding is at the forefront today.

General information

Healthy young ladies have menstrual bleeding monthly. Normally, menstruation lasts 3-7 days and involves the loss of only 80 milliliters of blood.

The main cause of bleeding may be progressive uterine pathology. This is observed during menopause, as well as during the postpartum period. Demotion defense mechanisms and the development of anemia is promoted by improper nutrition, as well as sleep disturbances and severe stress. Normalization of the condition is possible by taking hemostatic medications.

Only a doctor should stop uterine bleeding. Self-medication is very dangerous. Often, due to self-medication, death occurs.

The first thing the doctor must do is find out the cause. If the doctor decides that home treatment will help the woman, he can prescribe medications to his patient to stop uterine bleeding. You need to take medications correctly, carefully observing the dosage. At heavy bleeding appears serious danger for a woman's life. Therefore, the doctor is obliged to make a decision regarding immediate hospitalization.

Typically, treatment for this condition involves prescribing:

  • stopping bleeding;
  • infusion therapy to restore the volume of circulating fluid;
  • replacement therapy (packed red blood cells, frozen plasma).

In some cases, treatment involves removing the inner layer of the uterine mucosa. Sometimes the doctor takes radical solution, and then the uterus is removed.

What medications should you take?

In order to stop uterine bleeding, doctors prescribe special medicines. Typically, various combinations are used to normalize the condition. The woman is prescribed pills and injections at the same time.

Doctors usually prescribe to their patients:

Application of Dicynone and Vikasol

Uterine bleeding often suggests the appointment of Vikasol or Dicinon. Vikasol is quite effective for uterine bleeding. This remedy promotes the production of prothrombin. The optimal dosage is 4 tablets, or one or two ampoules. This medicine is prescribed to women in labor for prophylactic purposes at the very beginning of labor. If necessary, the medication is repeated after twelve hours.

Unfortunately, taking this medication often provokes blood clots. Therefore, taking the medicine for more than four days is strictly not recommended. The action of Vikasol is prescribed hours after penetration.

Dicinone for uterine bleeding is the most effective medicine. By acting on capillary walls, it helps reduce their fragility. In addition, taking this medication helps improve blood clotting. The effect of the injection begins five to ten minutes after the injection. The duration of the effect is 4 hours.

Dicinone for uterine bleeding is not prescribed to all women. Patients suffering from thrombosis cannot be treated with this drug. Another serious contraindication to the use of this medication is allergies. Dition is not prescribed to persons suffering from blood cancer.

This medicine is also prescribed to prevent uterine bleeding. Starting from the fifth day of the cycle, the drug is taken orally.

Application of Tranexam

Women complaining of excessive and painful menstruation, Tranexam is often prescribed. Some people use this medicine for uterine bleeding. Tranexam for uterine bleeding is prescribed when there is a serious risk of hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract. Taking the drug is justified by the appearance of bleeding during gestation.

This is a very powerful medicine. It can only be taken in in case of emergency before the ambulance arrives. Further use of the medicine should be discussed with the attending physician. It is recommended to take the tablets 4 times a day. The maximum permissible dose is 6 tablets.

This medication not only helps get rid of heavy menstruation, but also helps to improve the general condition of a woman. Weakness disappears, recedes pain syndrome. On the second day of admission menstrual blood takes on a beige tint. With regular use, the painful symptoms disappear three to four days later.

This medicine is not recommended for women suffering from subarachnoid bleeding. The use of the medicine is not recommended for young ladies who have an allergic reaction to the drug. Women with kidney failure should take this medicine carefully.

Application of Ascorutin and Oxytocin

Uterine bleeding often involves the use of drugs such as Oxytocin and Ascorutin. Oxytocin is often prescribed when a patient needs first aid. The main indication is postpartum hemorrhage. This drug has a selective effect on the uterus.

After taking this medicine, doctors observe an increase in the excitability of muscle fibers. This causes quite strong contractions to appear. The medicine is usually prescribed by injection. In this case, the drug is injected into a vein. The product is used in an amount of 5-8 units for three days. After administration of the drug, the effect occurs within the next minute. The doctor may prescribe pills.

Ascorutin provides real help young ladies suffering from excessive menstruation, which transforms into uterine bleeding. This medication includes ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin P. Ascorutin helps strengthen vascular walls.

Long-term use of this medication promotes rapid tissue regeneration. There is an activation of the protective functions of the young lady’s body.

Taking other medications

To normalize blood clotting, women are prescribed medications containing calcium. This element has a powerful hemostatic effect and has hypoallergenic properties. In medicine, calcium chloride and gluconate are commonly used.

The difference lies in the methods of administration. Calcium gluconate can be administered intravenously, but calcium chloride cannot. If a small amount of calcium chloride enters a muscle or under skin, there is a serious risk of developing an inflammatory process. Often inflammation is combined with tissue necrosis.

Calcium gluconate is available in ampoules and tablets. To get rid of the symptoms of uterine bleeding, a woman can be injected with 5 to 15 milliliters of solution. The resulting sensation of intense heat usually goes away within 3-4 minutes. For blood cancer and allergies, calcium gluconate is not prescribed.

To urgently stop uterine bleeding, a woman uses an effective hemostatic drug - Aminocaproic acid. It can only be entered in inpatient conditions, since only there the doctor can control the quality of the patient’s blood. This is done through a coagulogram. The administration of the drug improves liver function and inhibits the formation of antibodies.

The most effective hemostatic drug that promotes uterine contraction is Methylergometrine. This remedy is prescribed in cases of severe postpartum bleeding.

Vikasol for uterine bleeding

The use of Vikasol and other drugs for uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is common female pathology, which occurs in very young women and during menopause. Although there is spotting outside of its timing and in middle-aged women. But the reasons for this are usually different. How to stop uterine bleeding on your own, do you need to see a doctor and what will happen if you don’t?

If the discharge appears, for example, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and it is not heavy, rather a pink spot, then you should not worry at all. Drugs for uterine bleeding of this kind will not be needed. This is most likely a sign of ovulation. After the follicle bursts, there is a slight decrease in hormone levels until corpus luteum, the endometrium exfoliates in a small area, and discharge appears. They can last up to 3 days, but always in small quantities. Don't want to see these discharges anymore? Start drinking hormonal contraceptives. When taking them, there is no ovulation, which means there will be no discharge. Well, perhaps during the first three months, perhaps while the body gets used to the pills.

If this is not your case. Blood flows profusely, as during menstruation or even more. And this has never happened to you before - consult a doctor. And urgently. If you're out settlement and have a first aid kit at hand, you can use Vikasol for uterine bleeding, it will reduce the amount of lost blood and give you the opportunity to wait a few hours and get to the doctor. This drug is usually used as an intramuscular injection. This makes it especially effective. How to take Vikasol for uterine bleeding, in what dosages? This drug is used to enhance blood clotting. Therefore, it cannot be used by persons who already have increased blood clotting or high risk thromboembolism. Dosage for intramuscular administration - 15 mg. They give injections 2 times a day. The use of Vikasol for uterine bleeding is possible together (even in the same syringe) with dicinone (etamsylate). But it’s better not to experiment on your own unless your doctor has previously indicated the exact dosage.

If we talk about which is better, vikasol or dicinone, then, perhaps, the second drug is preferable, since, as stated in the instructions, it does not provoke the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Although contraindications to it still include thrombosis and thromboembolism. Etamsylate is convenient because it can also be taken effectively in tablets. After all, not every woman can give herself an injection. For heavy menstruation, this drug is also often recommended.

There is another drug that can compete with both of those mentioned - tranex. A modern and safe drug, widely prescribed for bleeding during pregnancy, juvenile, and dysfunctional. Vikasol or tranexam, which is stronger? Preferred for tranex. It's more modern. Very effective when taken orally. And Vikasol is an old generation drug.

Dicynon, Tranexam or Vikasol: comparison

General characteristics of Dicynon

The drug is intended for the prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding of various origins. It is used in many areas of medicine: otolaryngology, gynecology, obstetric practice, treatment of eye diseases, urology, etc.

The medicine is prescribed to stop bleeding during and after operations, menorrhagia, heavy menstruation, bleeding from the nose, gums, retina, etc. In addition, Dicinon is also used in pediatrics: it is used to eliminate intracranial hemorrhages in children immediately after birth.

Such a wide demand for the drug is explained by the properties of the contained active substance- etamsylate, which begins to act quite quickly: after injection - 5-15 minutes, after taking the tablets, the effect appears after 1-2 hours. Etamsylate activates the formation of mucopolysaccharides in the capillary walls, which as a result enhances their strength and impermeability, and also promotes the formation of large quantity thromboplastin. At the same time, the formation of substances that ensure blood clotting is accelerated, and Dicinone does not have any effect on the formation of blood clots.

The medicine is available in tablets, which are used in courses, and in an injection solution intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. In some cases injection solution It is also used externally in the form of bandages or tampons: dressing material is moistened in the preparation and applied to the site of injury.

Features of the use of one form or another of drugs depend on the nature of the bleeding and the purpose of therapy. If you need to quickly provide help, the patient is given injections; for prophylactic use, tablets are most often prescribed, but a course of injections is also possible.

  • Tablets: daily dosage for adults – mg/kg in several doses; if necessary, a single dose can reach 750 mg. During the postoperative period, the tablets are taken with a 6-hour break. For children, the norm is determined from the ratio of mg per 1 kg, the resulting amount is divided into several doses.
  • Injections are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Daily dosage for adults – from 10 to 20 mg/kg. During planned operations, drugs are injected an hour before the procedure and after its completion - every six hours until the bleeding stops. If necessary, the drug is also administered during surgery. For children, injections are prescribed in dosages, which are calculated based on the ratio of mg per 1 kg, divided into several injections.

Dicinone is generally tolerated normally, but can cause headache, numbness in the legs, dizziness, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, decreased blood pressure, swelling of the face and individual allergic reactions.

The drug should not be used in patients with thrombus formation, high coagulability, hemoblastosis in children, or high sensitivity to components.

Application in gynecology

Like any medicine, Dicinon should be used according to the doctor's decision. If the drug is prescribed in case of heavy menstruation, then it is recommended to start drinking it 3-5 days before the expected date and for 5 days of MC, taking 2 tablets three times a day. Recommended course – 10 days. It is advisable to repeat the reception next month to consolidate the achieved effect.

Taking pills to postpone your period is not recommended, as this will negatively affect the nature of the menstrual cycle.

Features of Tranexam

A drug with a hemostatic effect, but it works somewhat differently than Dicynon. The hemostatic effect is achieved due to the properties of tranexamic acid. Its effect manifests itself if bleeding has caused an increased level of fibrinolysis in the blood, one of the blood components that blocks blood clotting. The acid inhibits the activation of plasminogen, which is necessary for the formation of fibinolysis and thus affects the blood coagulation system, accelerating its transformation inside the vessels.

The drug, like Dicinon, is available in several forms (tablets and injections), which allows it to be used for all types of bleeding caused by too much high level anticoagulant component: nasal, gingival, uterine, gastrointestinal, after various operations(gynecological, dental, urological). The medication is prescribed for hereditary angioedema, allergic and inflammatory pathologies.

It can also be used during pregnancy, but only in cases where its use is justified by great benefits for the mother. The limitation is due to the fact that tranexamic acid crosses the placenta and can negatively affect the development of the embryo/fetus.

Therefore, when the question arises about prescribing one of two drugs: Dicinon or Tranexam and which is better, one must proceed from many factors: an accurate diagnosis, the patient’s condition, the reasons that provoked the pathology, contraindications, etc.

What is Vikasol

Antihemorrhagic drug based on menadione, a synthetic substance, substitute natural vitamin K. Has the ability to influence the synthesis of prothrombin and other components that ensure blood clotting and normalization of its condition.

It is used in cases where bleeding is caused by deficiency and hypovitaminosis K: in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhagic disease in newborns, injuries with large blood losses, after surgical operations. It is actively used in gynecology to eliminate dysfunctional uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation, and is also prescribed for bleeding caused by taking certain medications. Prescribed for pregnant women latest dates to prevent bleeding in children after birth.

The medicine is produced in tablets and solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections.

Hemostatic drugs are contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting, thrombosis, thromboembolism, individual intolerance contained components. Generally well tolerated, but some patients may experience negative manifestations from the skin (itching, rash, urticaria); in those who are particularly sensitive, bronchospasm may occur. In newborns it can cause hemolytic disease.

Bleeding in organs and tissues occurs due to various reasons, and therefore when choosing a drug to eliminate them, you need to proceed from the cause of the pathology. Therefore, which will be better - Dicynon, Vikasol or Tranexam - depends on the specific diagnosis and characteristics of the patient’s condition.

Review of hemostatic tablets: 4 drugs

From this article you will learn: what hemostatic tablets are and how they work. List of the most popular drugs in tablets: vikasol, dicynon, tranexam, ascorutin. Their mechanisms of action, indications and contraindications for use, side effects.

Hemostatic drugs are medicines based on various active ingredients that are used to stop (eliminate) bleeding.

Tablets are intended for oral use; for external use, hemostatic drugs are produced in another form - in powder (thrombin) or film (fibrin).

The homeostasis (blood coagulation) system is a complex combination of plasma and platelet factors, of which there are more than 20 in total. The trigger for the development of bleeding most often becomes:

  1. Lack of platelets.
  2. The action of any blood coagulation factor (prothrombin, fibrinogen, thromboplastin).
  3. Disorders of the anticoagulant (fibrinolytic) system.

Hemostatic agents act on different parts of homeostasis, some of them normalize platelet activity (etamsylate), others - the synthesis of prothrombin (Vikasol), and others affect the activity of the fibrinolytic system (tranexam).

  • none of the drugs can be named universal remedy from all types of bleeding (uterine, ulcerative, external);
  • tablets are not able to stop acute venous or arterial bleeding, they are effective for the treatment and prevention of chronic (bleeding due to liver diseases, radiation sickness, leukemia) and periodic disorders of homeostasis (ulcerative, uterine), which do not threaten a rapid (within several hours) decrease in circulating blood volume;
  • they are prescribed after the main cause of bleeding has been determined (what disorders of homeostasis preceded the development of the process);
  • they do not help and can cause harm when used without indications (increase blood clot formation).

Some drugs are very effective as emergency aid (Vicasol), act on the immediate cause of bleeding, and are used for a short period (no more than 4-5 days).

Others are not as effective, but have additional properties(strengthen the vascular walls of capillaries) and have almost no contraindications, so they are used for a long time, in combination with other homeostatic agents and for the prevention of bleeding (ascorutin).

All means to restore homeostasis (blood clotting) are used only after consultation with your doctor. Hemostatic drugs are prescribed by surgeons or leading specialists (gynecologist for uterine, gastroenterologist for ulcer bleeding, hematologist for blood diseases).

The choice of medication depends on the mechanisms underlying the bleeding, which are determined by laboratory tests and diagnostic tests.

1. Vikasol

The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 15 mg (20 and 30 per package), the price for 20 tablets is from 26 rubles.

Unable to stop bleeding in Werlhof's disease or thrombocytopenic purpura (a blood disease with a characteristic low content platelets in the blood), von Willebrand disease (disorder of platelet adhesion to wound surface) And hereditary hemophilia(chronic bleeding).

The maximum effect of the drug occurs 12–18 hours after taking the tablet orally.

Use no more than 3-4 days in a row.

Coagulation disorders caused by taking certain medications (antibiotics, acetylsalicylic acid, indole and coumarin).

Violations of the integrity of capillaries and epithelium due to wounds, surgical interventions, radiation sickness.

Hemorrhagic disease (blood disease with increased bleeding).

Sensitivity to the active substance and components of the drug.

Pathologies accompanied by the formation of blood clots (thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, vascular thromboembolism).

Congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dihydrogenase.

Hemolytic crisis in newborns (decomposition of red blood cells).

2. Dicynone

Dicynone is produced in tablets containing 250 mg of active substance (100 pieces per package), the price per package is from 400 rubles.

Used to treat hemorrhages caused by anticoagulants, dicinone is used in combination with other drugs.

Has no effect on prothrombin factor coagulability and does not provoke the formation of blood clots.

Reduces their permeability.

Activates thromboplastin synthesis.

Increases platelet activity.

The maximum effect occurs 3-4 hours after taking the tablet.

Prevention and relief of bleeding as a result of surgical interventions during the removal of teeth, tonsils, nasal polyps, uterine polyps etc.

Hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding).

Porphyria (pigment metabolism disorder).

Hemoblastosis (oncological process).

Redness of the skin.

Temporary decrease in sensitivity of the lower extremities.

3. Tranexam

They are produced in tablets of 250 mg (10 and 30 pieces per package), the price for 10 tablets is from 247 rubles.

When used with other homeostatic drugs, it can provoke the process of thrombosis.

Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Nose, stomach and intestinal bleeding.

Presence of blood in the urine (hematuria).

Drug-induced bleeding (streptokinase treatment).

Allergic diseases ( drug allergy, dermatitis, urticaria, angioedema).

Aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis (ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx).

Breastfeeding period.

Pathologies accompanied by the formation of blood clots (thrombophlebitis, thrombosis).

Color perception disorders.

4. Ascorutin

They are produced in tablets of 100 mg (in packages of 10, 50 and 100 pieces), the price for 50 tablets is from 52 rubles.

It has low effectiveness and is not used as an emergency hemostatic agent.

Prevents oxidative processes.

Suppresses the activity of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that dissolves the connective tissue of capillary walls).

  • hypertension;
  • radiation sickness;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • infective endocarditis;
  • spicy infectious diseases(measles, rubella, typhus);
  • lack of vitamins C and P.

1st trimester of pregnancy.

Symptoms of dyspepsia (nausea, heartburn, diarrhea).

Tranexam or Vikasol?

I'm saved from bloody discharge Tranexam tablets were prescribed. Very good. And a lot of good reviews!

I took tranex for 5 weeks, there was a threat, brown discharge. 3 days, 3 tablets. It helped well

I drank from the threat of tranex

Thank you! If there is bleeding again, we will have to take it from you.

If anything, write. Expiration date until April 2017

Tranex of course! Vikasol is already a thing of the past, it starts the blood coagulation system after 2 days.

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Stopping bleeding with the drug Vikasol and its analogues

Of great importance for ensuring the normal functioning of the human body is maintaining good condition blood vessels through which the non-stop circulation of the main biological fluid blood. It can be transported through vessels only in one liquid state. The slightest deviation in the stability of the state of aggregation of the blood entails negative consequences in the hemostasis system, providing equilibrium state between ensuring a stable fluid state of the blood and thrombus formation in order to prevent heavy bleeding.

The blood coagulation system in the body of all living beings, including humans, is designed to prevent significant bleeding that affects life and vitality. To prevent and treat diseases caused by blood clotting disorders, two types of medications are used:

  • drugs that increase blood clotting, so-called hemostatics;
  • drugs that stimulate a decrease in blood clotting, called antithrombotics.

The first type includes coagulant drugs, the use of which stimulates the processes of fibrin thrombus formation.

Vikasol is a coagulant indirect influence, to the group vitamin products. It can be called a water-soluble synthetic vitamin K substitute. Active ingredient The medicine is menadione sodium bisulfite. Vikasol is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for injection.


Despite its effectiveness and natural composition, not a single medicine can be called completely suitable and indicated for use by absolutely every patient.

Vikasol, like absolutely all medicines, even of natural origin, has its contraindications in the presence of increased blood clotting, thrombosis, and hemolytic disease. Vikasol should be used with great caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, liver failure, and if necessary, analogues of the drug should be taken.

Some patients may experience an allergic reaction when taking the drug Vikasol as a result of intolerance by the body to some of its components. However, Vikasol is more safe means than some of its analogues, the manifestation of allergies is rare and short-term.

In adults, taking the drug may cause dizziness, decreased blood pressure, and headaches. Sometimes there is slight swelling of the muscles and redness of the skin.

Analogues of the drug

If there are contraindications to taking or individual intolerance to the action of the components of Vikasol, the attending physician may prescribe analogues of the drug Vikasol, the most popular and accessible of which are the following:


In medical practice widespread received the drug dicinone as a hemostatic agent.

Its main advantage over Vikasol is its speed. The drug should be taken every day, 3-4 tablets at strong discharge menstruation 5 days before the expected start of the menstrual cycle, up to the 5th day of the subsequent menstruation.

Dicinone significantly reduces the amount and duration of bleeding, reduces painful sensations. Widely used in gynecology and obstetrics, as well as surgery, traumatology, dentistry, and therapy.


Etamsylate, like other analogues of Vikasol, is a hemostatic drug. Its action is based on reducing the permeability of capillary walls and reducing bleeding time.

Etamzilate is prescribed mainly for heavy capillary bleeding caused by trauma, to stop bleeding when dental procedures, to reduce bleeding after surgery.

The medicine is produced in tablets and ampoules for intramuscular injection.


Takhacomb is used for hemostasis and tissue gluing during surgical operations on the pancreas, liver, spleen, lymph nodes to reduce or completely stop bleeding. The product has also found its use in urology, traumatology, gynecology, bone and vascular surgery.

The drug is available in the form of a sponge, is in completely sterile packaging and can only be used if it is not damaged. Takhacomb is applied to the surface of the wound, completely cleaned of dried blood, disinfectants and other liquids.


Tranexam, like Vikasol, is an excellent hemostatic agent. It is prescribed for severe bleeding or the risk of increased bleeding when fibrinolysin levels increase.

The drug will help during surgery or postoperative period, with heavy bleeding after childbirth, hemophilia, liver disease, if bleeding occurs during pregnancy.

Tranexam is also known as an anti-inflammatory drug and is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, and in the treatment of hereditary angioedema.

Regular menstruation lasting no more than a week is considered one of the signs of health and normal functioning of the female reproductive system. Unfortunately, today almost half of women have some kind of menstrual irregularity. About 30% of the detected abnormalities are menorrhagia, or heavy periods. Hemostatic agents help relieve a woman’s condition during heavy periods. However, you need to understand that taking them without a doctor’s prescription and finding out the cause of menorrhagia can pose a health hazard.


Possible causes of menorrhagia

Heavy menstruation is defined as menstruation lasting more than 7 days and accompanied by blood loss exceeding 80 ml per day. With them, women often experience severe weakness, intense pain in the lower abdomen and the release of blood clots. The listed symptoms are an indication to contact a gynecologist and find out the cause of such disorders. The hemostatic drugs usually used in this case will only help reduce blood loss and prevent the development of anemia, but have no effect on eliminating the problem.

The reasons for heavy menstruation can be:

Menorrhagia often occurs in girls aged 13–16 years, who have not yet fully established their menstrual cycle.

Interesting: The cause of heavy periods may be a woman’s dietary habits. Insufficient intake of calcium, iron, vitamins C and K, as well as consumption of large amounts of fermented milk products prevent normal blood clotting after endometrial rejection.

Video: Common causes of menorrhagia in women

Hemostatic agents for heavy menstruation

As first aid, after consultation with a gynecologist, you can use special hemostatic drugs, which are also effective for heavy periods. The doctor will select the most optimal drug, taking into account the patient’s age, individual health conditions and existing contraindications. They will not only help reduce blood loss, but will also allow a woman to improve her overall well-being and quality of life these days, because too frequent change pads, tampons and fear of leaks often force her to break her usual active image life and stay at home.


Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of phylloquinone (vitamin K). The active ingredient of the drug is menadione sodium bisulfite, which is involved in the synthesis of the protein prothrombin and blood clotting factors II, VII, IX and X, which help stop bleeding. The drug is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 15 mg and an injection solution with a concentration of 10 mg per 1 ml. For oral use, adults are prescribed 1–2 tablets per day, children aged 10–14 years – 1 tablet. The course of treatment should not exceed 4 days.

Contraindications to the use of Vikasol during heavy periods are:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • blockage of blood vessels by blood clots;
  • liver failure.

Vikasol will be effective only if the violation natural process blood clotting in the body is caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. If there is no reduction in blood loss while taking it, it is necessary to prescribe drugs with a different mechanism of action.

Ethamsylate and dicinone

Etamsylate and its analogue dicinone are available in the form of tablets with a dosage of the active substance of 250 mg and a 12.5% ​​solution for injection. The mechanism of the hemostatic effect of this drug is to inhibit the process of breakdown of mucopolysaccharides of the vascular walls, which leads to their strengthening and normalization of permeability during pathological processes. By stimulating the synthesis of tissue thromboplastin, the drug increases the rate of formation of the primary thrombus.

Etamsylate is usually prescribed when menorrhagia is caused by fibroids and vascular diseases. In case of heavy menstruation, these hemostatic drugs should be taken during or after meals, 2 (maximum 3) tablets per day for 5-10 days. Contraindications for them are:

  • bleeding resulting from taking anticoagulants;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to any of the substances included in the drug;
  • acute porphyria.

From side effects Possible nausea, dizziness and headache, heartburn, facial skin flushing.

Preparations based on tranexamic acid

Drugs based on tranexamic acid used for heavy periods include tranexam, troxaminate, cyclocaprone, exacyl, cyclo-F, traxara. They are available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg and a solution for intravenous administration with a concentration of 50 mg per ml.

Tranexamic acid is an inhibitor of fibrinolysis and has a specific antifibrinolytic effect. It inhibits the activation of the proenzyme plasminogen and its further conversion to plasmin, which prevents the dissolution of fibrinogen, fibrin and other proteins involved in the formation of a blood clot.

Tranexamic acid thickens the blood. Tranexam and its analogues, in addition to hemostatic, also have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antitumor effects.

For heavy periods, tranexamic acid is taken 1-2 tablets three times a day for three days.

Contraindications to treatment with tranexamic acid are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure;
  • subarachnoid bleeding;
  • thrombosis of deep veins and cerebral vessels;
  • color vision disorders.

Side effects when taking these hemostatic agents sometimes include loss of appetite, diarrhea, tachycardia, and nausea.

Aminocaproic acid

Aminocaproic acid is a hemostatic and antihemorrhagic agent that has a specific hemostatic effect in bleeding caused by increased fibrinolysis (dissolution of blood clots). It helps reduce capillary permeability and increases the antitoxic abilities of the liver, also exhibits antishock and antiallergic activity, improves immune protection with ARVI.

The drug is available in powder form for oral administration(1 g sachets) and solution for intravenous administration.

For heavy periods, 1 g of aminocaproic acid is prescribed three times a day. The drug should be taken by dissolving the contents of the sachet in 30 ml of slightly sweetened boiled water. It is contraindicated in the case of:

  • hypersensitivity to aminocaproic acid;
  • tendency to thrombus formation and thromboembolism;
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation;
  • macrohematuria;
  • severe violations kidney function;
  • severe form coronary disease hearts;
  • cerebrovascular accidents.

While taking aminocaproic acid, side effects such as arrhythmia, bradycardia, nausea, convulsions, tinnitus, headache, and allergic reactions are possible.

Advice: To prevent excessive blood loss during menstruation, women may be prescribed vitamin preparation"Ascorutin". It helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and permeability.


In order not to cause accidental harm to the body, any medications for heavy periods should be taken only after consulting a doctor. In the absence serious illnesses It is better to reduce blood loss during menstruation using non-drug methods. To do this during menstruation you need:

  • reduce physical activity as much as possible;
  • prevent the possibility of overheating;
  • do not use vasodilators;
  • increase the content of foods rich in vitamin C, iron and folic acid in your diet.

If there are no contraindications, you can drink during and before menstruation decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that increase blood clotting and have a vasoconstrictor effect. Such plants include barberry, nettle, cloves, yarrow, shepherd's purse and others.

Heavy periods cause discomfort and disrupt normal rhythm life. To avoid various kinds troubles, and to save the body from losing a large amount of blood, gynecologists often prescribe special drugs, stopping bleeding.

Heavy periods: when to take hemostatic pills

Hemostatic tablets for heavy periods help cope with large amounts of discharge. However, you should not self-medicate, suitable drug Only a doctor can choose.

Menstrual cycle without pathological abnormalities should last no more than 7 days, and the amount of discharge should not exceed 80 ml per day. Anything that is released in excess of the norm is considered heavy menstruation.

Hemostatic pills for heavy periods - we will look at the best ones below

You can check the norm by the number of used hygiene products. It is necessary to change the pad 2-3 times a day; if this number increases and the hygiene product is changed every 2 hours, then we are talking about a deviation from the norm and the occurrence of heavy discharge.

Heavy periods are dangerous for a woman; the reasons for their occurrence may be related to hormonal disorders, stress.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a hemostatic drug.

Important to know! Medications for this purpose are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman, which can only be done by a specialist. Self-medication can cause the condition to worsen.

The effect of hemostatic tablets during heavy menstruation

The group of medications under consideration is aimed at narrowing blood vessels and improving blood clotting properties. At the same time, drugs that help stop severe bleeding come in different types, each of which has its own effect on the body.

Hemostatic tablets for heavy periods The effect of drugs on the body
First generation drugsProvide effective blood clotting by stimulating the formation of prothrombins
Modern medicinesThey form thromboplastins in the body, which stop bleeding. At the same time, they normalize vascular permeability and do not provoke the formation of blood clots
VitaminsStrengthens blood vessels, prevents their fragility and improves permeability

Pay attention! Medicines with a hemostatic effect should not be taken during menstruation, but several days before it begins. This will reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation.

The most effective hemostatic tablets

The pharmacological market offers a large selection of hemostatic tablets for heavy periods, all of them have multidirectional effects and different prices. The most popular and often prescribed by gynecologists are medications such as Vikasol, Dicynon, Etamzilat, Tranexam, Ascoril, Diferelin.

Vikasol for heavy periods

The drug in question belongs to the first generation medications. It contains an artificial analogue of vitamin K, which is completely water soluble. This drug helps the body form prothrombins, which affect blood clotting.

The daily dose of Vikasol should not exceed 0.3 g, take tablets 2-3 times a day, the course is 3-4 days, if necessary, the course is repeated after a four-day break. Contraindications are increased blood clotting, the appearance of blood clots in blood vessels (thromboembolism).

Among adverse reactions worth noting:

  • overdose of vitamin K in the body;
  • formation of a large amount of prothrombin;
  • increased bilirubin levels;
  • toxicosis and convulsions (in rare cases).

Analogs of Vikasol include Vitamin K and Menadione. Average cost the drug is 80 rubles.

Dicinone is a hemostatic drug

During heavy periods, these hemostatic tablets stop the breakdown of vascular mucopolysaccharides, which helps normalize their permeability during severe blood loss. In addition, the effect of the drug is due to an increase in the primary blood clot.

The course of treatment with Dicinone is usually 5–14 days, during which the dosage of 1.5 mg per day is evenly distributed. The medicine begins to act within 1–2 hours, the effect lasts for 4–6 hours. After completing the course, the drug continues to work for another 5–8 days.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are a tendency to form thrombosis in the vessels if the bleeding was caused by drugs that inhibit blood clotting.

Dicynone has a number unwanted effects that may arise from various systems body:

  • nervous system– dizziness, headaches, loss of sensation in the legs;
  • Gastrointestinal tract – feeling of heaviness, heartburn, nausea;
  • cardiovascular system - decreased blood pressure, redness of the skin.

Analogues of Dicinon: Ambien, Trenax. The drug in question can be purchased at a pharmacy, the average cost is quite extensive - from 30 to 400 rubles.

Etamsylate to stop bleeding

With heavy periods, these hemostatic tablets provide next action: improve the stability of capillaries due to the formation of mucopolysaccharides, in addition, they normalize vascular permeability and improve microcirculation. The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not cause increased clotting blood, does not provoke the formation blood clots in vessels.

Etamzilat is usually prescribed at 0.25 g every 6 hours, the course of treatment is 5–10 days, then the dosage is reduced and is 0.25 g 2 times a day during the last two cycles.

Etamsylate is contraindicated in thrombotic diseases When there is a tendency to block blood vessels, you should not use the drug if blood loss is caused by medications that slow down the process of blood clotting.

There are no side effects associated with the use of the medication in question, but you should not abuse the recommended dosage so as not to provoke complications.

Analogues of Etamzilate are drugs such as Aglumin, Ditsinen, Impedial. The average cost of medicine in Russia is 80–120 rubles.

Important to remember! The hemostatic tablets in question are also available in the form of injections, which are also prescribed for heavy periods. The injections begin to work faster and have less negative influence on the body.

Tranexam for heavy periods

A modern drug that has recently appeared on the pharmacological market, but has managed to establish itself on the positive side. Tranexam is an inhibitor, increases blood clotting due to the activation of plasminogen and its transformation into plasmin.

The advantage of the medication in question is that it not only has hemostatic properties, but also has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anti-infectious and anti-allergic effects, therefore it can be used for various reasons causing heavy menstruation.

Take Tranexam for 3-4 days, 1-1.5 g 3-4 times a day. Due to uniform distribution in tissues, begins to act 3 hours after administration, The concentration of the drug in the body lasts up to 17 hours.

The drug has the following contraindications: renal failure, since it is excreted through the kidneys, a tendency to develop thrombosis or their presence, excessive sensitivity to drug substances.

Undesirable manifestations may arise from various organs body:

  • Gastrointestinal tract - nausea and vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, loss of appetite;
  • nervous system – drowsiness, dizziness, general weakness;
  • cardiovascular system - the appearance of vascular blockage, tachycardia, pain in the chest;
  • allergic manifestations - skin rash, urticaria, itching.

Analogues of Tranexam: Tugin, Trenax. The cost of the drug is 250 rubles.

Ascorbic acid to strengthen blood vessels

Among hemostatic medications, Ascorutin, or Ascorbic acid, is quite often prescribed. It contains components such as vitamin C and rutin. This remedy strengthens blood vessels, reduces their permeability and fragility by blocking hyaluronidase. In addition, it has an antioxidant effect.

The course of treatment is 1 tablet of the drug 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the gynecologist, usually it is 14 days.

Vitamins have no negative influence on the body, a contraindication is excessive sensitivity to the main substance of the drug.

Be careful! Consuming Ascorutin in large quantities can provoke an overdose of vitamins and aggravate the general condition of the body.

Diferelin is a hemostatic drug

The medication in question contains a synthetic hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, the presence of which in the right amount in the body helps stop blood loss. Diferelin is prescribed in cases where bleeding is caused by the presence of cancerous tumors, fibroids, or the development of endometriosis.

This drug is available in injection form. Treatment takes place according to following diagram: every 28 days it is necessary to inject 3.75 mg of the drug, with injections done at the beginning of the menstrual cycle (usually during the first 5 days).

Diferelin is contraindicated in case of osteoporosis and hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug.

A hemostatic drug (injections, not tablets) during heavy periods can provoke the following negative consequences:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of angioedema, itching, urticaria;
  • headaches and increased sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • depressive and feverish conditions;
  • vaginal dryness, change in breast size.

An analogue for Diferelin is: Decapeptyl. Cost of the drug per Russian market– from 2000 rub.

Heavy periods are pathological condition, which must be treated to avoid various complications. Hemostatic medications will help cope with the problem, but to prescribe them, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Useful video about hemostatic pills for heavy periods:

How to stop your period. Bleeding during menstruation:

A huge role in maintaining the vital functions of the human body is played by the integrity of blood vessels and the constant circulation of biological fluid - blood - through them. Blood can move through blood vessels only in a liquid state. Any deviations in its state of aggregation lead to disturbances in the hemostasis system.

The hemostasis system, of course, provides a balance between maintaining the liquid state of the blood, on the one hand, and preventing bleeding through rapid thrombus formation, on the other.

The blood coagulation system is responsible for the process of preventing bleeding in our body.

To treat diseases caused by blood clotting disorders, two main groups of drugs are used:
1. Drugs that increase blood clotting - hemostatics.
2. Drugs that help reduce blood clotting are so-called antithrombotics.

The first group includes coagulants designed to stimulate the processes of fibrin thrombus formation.

Sometimes local phenomena are observed with intramuscular injection drug. They manifest themselves as swelling, redness and tenderness at the injection site. Pigmentation may appear when reintroduction Vikasol, especially in the same area of ​​the buttock. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the method of administering the drug and be careful.

In addition, jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia may be observed in biochemical blood tests. Rarely there is an increase in heart rate, changes in taste sensations, and the appearance of sweating.

Vikasol for bleeding

Throughout life, every person often deals with various types of bleeding. They may be different localization: nasal, pulmonary, uterine, internal organs, hemorrhoidal. With Werlhof's disease, generalized bleeding develops.

All bleeding is divided into:

  • capillary;
  • venous;
  • arterial;
  • parenchymatous.
As a rule, assistance in the event of any type of bleeding is provided medical workers at the scene of the incident. Only after this should hospitalization be carried out according to indications. When providing first aid, specialists use hemostatic agents, which can be local or general action. Local hemostatic agents are hemostatic sponges, powders, and wipes.

Situations often arise when neither the victim himself nor his relatives can provide the necessary assistance in the development of bleeding. Anyone can cope with nosebleeds and capillary bleeding.

The role of a home first aid kit is great; every family should have one. It should contain not only bandages, aspirin and validol, but also hemostatic agents, such as Vikasol.

Vikasol in the body begins to have therapeutic effect 10-12 hours from the moment of administration. Average dose administration is 30 mg per day. The dose is increased in case of poor absorption caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking antibiotics, and liver diseases.

Vikasol is taken for all types of bleeding, but it should be taken into account that the formation of blood clots is possible when taking the drug.

Most often, Vikasol is used for the following pathologies:

  • Rectal bleeding. For emergency therapy a 1% solution of Vikasol is administered intramuscularly, in an amount of 1-2 ml, followed by hospitalization.
  • Hematuria(determination of blood in urine) may be due to inflammatory diseases– glomerulonephritis, cystitis, kidney tumors, tuberculosis, trauma, prostatitis, urolithiasis, etc. In case of bleeding, 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of Vikasol is administered, and other agents are also used - calcium chloride, aminocaproic acid. Shown urgent hospitalization to a specialized department.

Vikasol for uterine bleeding

Quite often, vikasol is used as a hemostatic agent in gynecology. It is successfully used to stop uterine bleeding. Often other agents are added to treatment: ascorutin, dicinone, aminocaproic acid, calcium chloride.

There are many reasons for bleeding from the female genital organs. They are often associated with injuries, diseases of the uterus and ovaries, pregnancy pathologies, and functional disorders.

Bleeding (menorrhagia) occurs with endometriosis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, and cervical cancer. Violation contractility the muscles of the uterus contributes to the occurrence of bleeding from the genital tract. Such bleeding is cyclical in nature, characterized by an increase in the duration and amount of blood loss. As a result, women often develop anemia, which requires treatment.

Endometritis and uterine fibroids are characterized not only by bleeding, but also by pain in the lower abdomen and a rise in temperature. Endometriosis is characterized by symptoms such as the appearance of menorrhagia, severe pain during menstruation, and enlargement of the uterine body.

IN complex therapy In these diseases, the main place is occupied by Vikasol, which is prescribed to a woman by a specialist.

Most often in the practice of doctors, bleeding of a dysfunctional nature occurs. Uterine bleeding of a dysfunctional nature is not associated with diseases of the reproductive system - they are caused by disruption of the female menstrual cycle, and nothing more. The basis of such bleeding is a violation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. As a result of these disorders, the uterus is under the influence of estrogens, which leads to the growth of the uterine mucosa, disruption of its nutrition and rejection. Rejection, in turn, leads to heavy bleeding, which can be very long.

As a rule, before menorrhagia, menstruation is delayed by 2-3 weeks.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is divided depending on the periods of a woman’s life. They are juvenile - arising during the period of establishment menstrual function, occur less frequently in childbearing age and are often observed during menopause.

Prolonged acyclic bleeding leads to secondary anemia. Pain during dysfunctional bleeding is usually absent. They last from 14 days to several months and require intensive care.

For emergency care when menorrhagia occurs due to extragenital diseases, hemostatic agents are used along with drugs that contract the uterus: vikasol 1-2 ampoules of a 1% solution intramuscularly, calcium gluconate and aminocaproic acid. At minor bleeding Vikasol is given orally. With the help of these drugs it is possible to reduce bleeding.

For dysfunctional uterine bleeding, this therapy brings a temporary effect, so hospitalization in a specialized department is mandatory.

It is important to remember that when taking any hemostatic agents, you need to take into account the causes, the nature of the disease, as well as possible contraindications. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the use of hemostatic agents, and take them following a treatment regimen, which is determined only by a specialist.

Vikasol during pregnancy

Bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy has become a common phenomenon recently. The main causes of bleeding are placenta previa and abruption. In this case, the placenta is low, near the cervix, and may cause bleeding. Various factors can provoke the appearance of bloody discharge: trauma, sexual intercourse, physical activity. If symptoms of bleeding occur, seek immediate medical attention. medical care. Usually the doctor prescribes hemostatic agents and complete rest.

Placental abruption always carries the risk of fetal loss and a threat to the health of the pregnant woman. After hospitalization, the doctor often prescribes Vikasol as a hemostatic agent. Vikasol promotes the formation of prothrombin and improves blood clotting. Its effect does not begin immediately, but only after 8-12 hours after the first dose. Vikasol does not have any negative effect on the fetus. Usually prescribed in combination with dicinone, vitamin E and no-shpa.

Vikasol can be used during pregnancy in the last months to eliminate bleeding in the mother, as well as to avoid bleeding in the newborn, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Stop menstruation - vikasol

Nowadays, women consider themselves independent, and apparently that is why they allow themselves to self-medicate. They, trying to stop or move menstruation, begin to take a drug such as Vikasol without a doctor’s prescription.

However, unfortunately, few of them know that Vikasol begins to have an effect only after the end of menstruation. Therefore, the drug will not be able to work quickly to stop your period.

Indeed, Vikasol is a hemostatic agent and can influence the course of menstruation, but it is worth asking yourself the question: is such an effect on the body necessary? After all, Vikasol is a medicine that has side properties. Any exposure to a medicinal agent can cause irreparable harm to the body. Therefore you should not use this drug in order to forcibly stop menstruation, whatever the reason for this.

Vikasol for heavy periods

Problematic periods are the lot of almost every woman. The reasons for this may be illnesses, poor hygiene, and sometimes even our own carelessness.

Modern medicine offers many methods and means to help solve this problem.

Medicine Vikasol is designed to solve such problems. As a rule, the drug is taken to prevent prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding.

However, the drug has its own characteristics for use. As you know, Vikasol works when taken after some time, so it is better to start taking it a week after the end of menstruation.

Only in this case can you achieve a normal course of the next menstruation. Vikasol is an analogue of vitamin K, the deficiency of which contributes to the onset of heavy periods. By replenishing vitamin K deficiency, it is possible to solve the problem.

We can conclude that Vikasol is truly an excellent drug, but it does not tolerate amateur activity. Excessive use of the drug can lead to thrombosis, a serious complication. It is not safe to take the drug without a doctor's prescription.

Vikasol for hemorrhagic disease of newborns

Hemorrhagic disease of newborns is a condition in which there is bleeding from the umbilical wound of a newborn, bleeding in the intestines, stomach, hemorrhages in the brain and on the skin of the child. The disease manifests itself in the first 72 hours after birth. It is associated with vitamin K deficiency.

Two forms possible hemolytic disease newborns:
1. Primary - caused by a lack of vitamin K.
2. Secondary - developing in those children whose mothers received drugs during pregnancy that affect liver function. These drugs can be aspirin, antibiotics, anticonvulsants.

For any type of bleeding in newborns, it is mandatory intramuscular injection Vikasola. It is carried out in maternity hospitals. Vikasol is administered orally for three days, with a break of three days. In severe cases, plasma infusion is used with simultaneous administration of Vikasol.

Vikasol analogues


In addition to Vikasol, a drug such as Dicynon is also used in medical practice as a hemostatic agent. It, unlike Vikasol, begins to act faster. The scope of application is a little wider, but the effect when introduced into the body differs from the action of Vikasol. The drug is taken 3-4 tablets every day for heavy periods, 5 days before the start menstrual bleeding, and until the fifth day of the next menstruation.

The main action of Dicynon is the restoration of vascular permeability and the formation of thromboplastin. The drug sharply reduces the duration of bleeding. The product has found its application in many areas of medicine: in obstetrics and gynecology, traumatology and surgery, therapy, dentistry and other areas of modern medicine.


An equally popular hemostatic agent is a drug such as Etamzilat. Its action is based on reducing the permeability of capillary walls and reducing the duration of bleeding.

Etamzilat is mainly used for capillary bleeding (occurring from injuries, nosebleeds), and to stop bleeding during dental procedures, after many surgical operations.

Etamsylate is used for prophylactic purposes, 2-4 ml per muscle, or two tablets orally. In case of heavy bleeding, 1-2 ampoules of the drug are administered intravenously, and then one ampoule every 4-6 hours.

Etamsylate is produced in ampoules of 2 ml of 12.5% ​​solution, in tablets of 0.25 g.

How to choose the right hemostatic tablets

The choice of hemostatic tablets should be made only by a doctor who will study the causes of bleeding, analyze the person’s condition, compare contraindications and side effects of the prescribed drug.

Special instructions

It has been proven by experts that the administration of Vikasol is ineffective in the following conditions:
  • with Werlhof's disease;
  • if the function of bile outflow is impaired, it is only recommended parenteral administration drug;
  • for hemophilia.
The use of Vikasol may weaken the therapeutic effect of indirect anticoagulants other than heparin.

For newborns with hemorrhagic disease, it is more effective to use phytonadione than Vikasol.

In case of treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, salicylates, sulfonamides and quinine, an increase in the dose of Vikasol is required to maintain its therapeutic effect.

Drug interactions

The use of Vikasol may weaken the effect indirect coagulants, including indandione and coumarin derivatives.

When the drug interacts with antacids, the absorption of the latter in the small intestine decreases.

Vikasol has no effect on the activity of heparin.

When interacting with antibiotics and sulfonamides, Vikasol weakens their effect.

Mineral oils weaken the effect of Vikasol, which requires increasing its dosage.

The simultaneous administration of Vikasol with drugs with a hemolytic effect increases the number of side effects of the drug.

Vikasol price

One of the main advantages of the drug is its price. It is low and accessible to any patient. Vikasol, without a doubt, can be considered affordable medicine. The average price of the drug ranges from 13 to 93 rubles, depending on the dosage.

Vikasol reviews

Vikasol is popular means to stop bleeding various localizations. Reviews are mostly positive.

Vacation conditions and storage periods

Release from pharmacy carried out according to a doctor's prescription.

Best before date: 3 years.

Storage conditions: List B. Store in a place protected from light.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.



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