Types of boils in the ear. How to treat? A boil in the ear is a “bomb” that threatens with serious consequences

Boils (boils) is an acute inflammation of the skin, in which purulent contents form inside the affected area.

This happens due to pyogenic bacteria (most often the culprit is Staphylococcus aureus, less often - white Staphylococcus). Boils appear due to contamination of the skin and after minor injuries (microtraumas).

The prevalence of pyoderma (groups of diseases that include boils) is quite large and accounts for about 30% of all skin diseases. Boils on the ears account for 15% of all dermatological diseases.

The number of boils on the face has almost doubled over the past decades.

Risk factors

The main risk factors for the disease:

  • contacts with staphylococcal carriers (people with infections caused by staphylococcus, especially chronic furunculosis);
  • diabetes mellitus (weak immunity);
  • otitis (or frequent shooting in the ear);
  • skin diseases (acne, pimples, eczema destroy the protective layers of the skin);
  • reduced immunity (illness, vitamin deficiency, nervous disorders).


A furuncle appears in the membranous-cartilaginous part of the ear canal when staphylococcus affects the follicle, sulfur, and sweat glands.

Main reasons:




How to diagnose a boil:

  • examination of the patient by a therapist, palpation of the ear;
  • retraction of the auricle;
  • impact on the cartilage located at the bottom of the auricle);
  • examination by an ENT specialist using special instruments.

Diagnosing a boil is not particularly difficult, because the symptoms for inflammation of the external auditory canal are quite specific. Edema of the mastoid process can mislead the doctor or complicate the diagnosis.

With more careful examination and the passage of time, the diagnosis becomes easier.


If a boil is detected at the initial stage, abortive treatment is used.

  1. Broad spectrum antibacterial drugs.
  2. A swab (or turunda) soaked in a 60% solution of ethyl alcohol is inserted into the ear.
  3. Treating the ear canal with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution of iodine and ethyl alcohol. A solution of silver nitrate (5%) is also suitable.
  4. Analgesics (during the entire treatment).
  5. Antibiotics and antibacterial drugs (during the entire treatment).
  6. Ultrahigh-frequency physiotherapy for the sore ear and quartz treatment of the sore spot.
  7. If another infection may be attached to the boil, which will cause an abscess, incision (opening of the boil) is necessary before it opens spontaneously (usually on the 5th day).
  8. Surgical intervention is reduced to opening the boil under local anesthesia.
  9. After opening (spontaneously or with the help of a doctor), the void formed in the ear should be washed with an antiseptic (disinfected).
  10. Then rinse with an antibiotic solution (disinfect).
  11. If the appearance of a boil is severe (or furunculosis is observed), then the patient is offered to undergo a course of autohemotherapy with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood.

Autohemotherapy- This is the introduction of fresh venous blood to the patient intramuscularly. Before administration, the blood is exposed to ultraviolet irradiation (UVR). It is inserted into the upper outer part of the buttocks.

After the injection, apply a heating pad. Such treatment regimens are prescribed to each patient individually. The maximum number of injections is 15 pieces. During the course, most patients experience an increase in temperature and swelling in the injection area. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to reduce the dose of injections.

Simultaneously with autohemotherapy, the patient is administered an antibiotic, an immunoprotector vitamin complex, an antihistamine, an toxoid (or anatistaphylococcal vaccine).

With a strong increase in temperature, the patient is prescribed bed rest, only liquid food, a ban on talking and chewing movements.

At home, a boil in the ear can be treated with dimexide (in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10 with water or sodium chloride). Chemical burns during home treatment are unacceptable because the skin of the ear canal is delicate.

Dry heat also gives good results in the treatment of boils in the external auditory canal. The method is aimed at accelerating its maturation. To do this, the patient applies a heating pad with warm, almost hot, water. The heating pad is covered with a towel and applied closer to the sore spot (or lie on it with the sore ear).

Also, to speed up the breakthrough of the boil, a Minin reflector (mirror lamps) is used. Having a certain chemical composition, the lamp directs all its properties to warming up the boil. You should not overuse warming up, because... If the staphylococcus virus accidentally enters the bloodstream under the influence of heat, infection will soon occur. Warm-up time is 15 minutes per day.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment are also very effective:


You cannot open the boil yourself - this will lead to rapid infection of neighboring areas of the skin. It can also cause pus to leak into the middle ear.

The patient's health will deteriorate greatly. For this reason, a person should sleep only on the side of the sore ear (if a boil breaks out at night, the pus will not penetrate inside).

Existing complications:

  • chronic otitis;
  • mastoiditis (which in turn leads to inflammation of the inner ear, damage to the facial nerves, structure and membrane of the brain);
  • various intracranial complications;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes with purulent cavities (lymphadenitis);
  • vein thrombosis (obstruction of the free movement of blood through the vessels);
  • sepsis (infection of the body with microbes through the blood).


Doctors note the following types of prevention:


Treatment time ranges from 1.5 to 3 months. If boils in the external auditory canal, ear, face, or just boils on the body appear constantly (or one after another), then there is a possibility of developing furunculosis. This may also be a sign of the development of diabetes.


Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Reduced immunity, otitis media and contact with staphylococcus carriers can trigger the appearance of a boil.
  2. The main signs of boils are itching and irritation of the skin.
  3. Treatment at the initial stage is abortive, using antibiotics, antiseptics and analgesics.
  4. At home, boils are treated with Dimexide.
  5. Among the folk remedies, onion juice, boric alcohol, iodine and Vishnevsky ointment bring results.
  6. Ways to prevent the occurrence of boils: careful handling of the skin and ear cavity, taking vitamins, strengthening the immune system.

ENT (otolaryngologist)

Conducts prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, rhinitis), diseases of the outer and middle ear (otitis), nosebleeds, diseases of the pharynx and larynx (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

A progressive boil in the ear blocks the ear canal, is fraught with serious health complications, and requires immediate treatment. At the initial stage, the characteristic neoplasm can be eliminated with medication, but as it grows, surgical intervention is necessary. If an abscess in the ear is not treated in time, potential complications include the opening of pus with further blood poisoning. At the first symptom, you need to promptly consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

What is a boil in the ear

This is an acute purulent inflammation concentrated in the area of ​​the hair follicle or subcutaneous retina. The areas of the auricle and auditory canal become foci of pathology, which once again proves the seriousness of the prevailing clinical picture - deafness or a progressive ear abscess cannot be ruled out. The abscess itself is not dangerous; its accidental opening can lead to consequences. The disease is associated with weak immunity, and as a result of extensive infection in the body, many internal organs and systems can be involved in the pathological process.


A furuncle of the external auditory canal is dangerous due to its complications, so effective treatment should follow immediately after diagnosis. For intensive therapy to be successful, the first step is to identify the pathogenic factor and eliminate it from the life of the clinical patient. In addition to weak immunity, the causes of boils in the ear can be as follows:

  • painful inflammation of the outer ear;
  • acute pain in the earlobe;
  • a consequence of improper hygiene;
  • discomfort with swelling of the ear canal;
  • violation of the rules for cleaning the ear canal;
  • increased body temperature;
  • mechanical damage to the ear;
  • complication of colds;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • progressive otitis of the ear;
  • reduced immune response of the body.

Symptoms of a boil in the ear

A characteristic disease at an early stage is accompanied by itching and discomfort in the area of ​​the auricle and ear canal, however, it is difficult to differentiate furunculosis by this criterion. Unpleasant and even painful symptoms appear when a boil on the earlobe has completely formed. Eloquent manifestations of this disease, which require special attention, are presented in detail below:

  • a feeling of dryness and burning in the ear canal;
  • visible manifestation of swelling of the pathological focus;
  • the appearance of acute pain at the site of pathology;
  • hyperemia of the skin, ear;
  • enlarged parotid lymph nodes;
  • acute attacks of migraine, pain in the temples;
  • partial or complete deafness.

If the boil is concentrated directly in the ear canal, it is not visible, but the patient notices a sharp decrease in hearing acuity and more. As a result of inflammation of the hair follicles, the skin turns red, it hurts to touch the ear, and it’s even more painful to lie on the side of the pathology. Over time, the abscess in the ear turns into an abscess, which some patients squeeze out on their own. This is strictly forbidden. A boil behind the ear or on the lobe is visible to the naked eye, so conservative treatment should not be delayed.

Furuncle in the ear of a child

If a characteristic illness develops in childhood, the first thing alarmed parents notice is increased nervousness and tearfulness of their own child. The baby constantly cries and touches his sore ear, sleeps poorly, and does not make contact with adults. In addition, other, no less eloquent symptoms of a boil in childhood cannot be ruled out:

  • visible abscess in the ear;
  • temperature violation;
  • visible purulent core;
  • the appearance of purulent masses that begin to flow moderately from the ear canal;
  • acute attack of boil pain.


An ear boil in itself is not dangerous to health. A serious threat to the body is provided by its pathogenic growth, which is accompanied by an increased risk of opening an abscess, and does not exclude blood poisoning. The patient may even need to be urgently hospitalized to further remove the pus. As the boil matures, the potential threat to health only grows, since among the potential complications doctors identify:

  • ear abscess;
  • meningitis;
  • transition of suppuration to the perichondrium, lymph nodes, salivary glands;
  • development of sepsis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Until a boil bursts in the ear, timely examination of the source of pathology, resuscitation measures and conservative treatment are required. A correct diagnosis is half the success on the path to a speedy recovery. Mandatory laboratory tests and clinical examinations in a hospital setting are presented below:

  • examination of the auricle and canal with an otoscope;
  • urine test for glucose;
  • radiography and ultrasound for complicated clinical pictures.

Treatment at home

After diagnosis, you must immediately begin conservative treatment at home. Many patients actively use boric alcohol and instill it into blocked ear canals. The method is questionable, since it can provoke irritation and hyperemia of the pathological focus. It is better to treat the inflamed passage with peroxide, and then use other medications. However, before talking about conservative treatment, you need to study the general recommendations of specialists:

  1. It is important to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, promptly clean the ear canals, and avoid injury.
  2. If there is excessive accumulation of sulfur, it is necessary to rinse the ear canals in the hospital, and then use local antiseptics.
  3. Iodine relieves inflammation, but it is important to make sure there is no allergy to this component.
  4. Alternative medicine methods can only be implemented on the recommendation of the attending physician; home self-medication is completely excluded.

Drug therapy

The photo of a boil is scary, so when the first symptoms of the disease appear, patients immediately resort to drug therapy. The approach to a health problem is complex, and in the presence of a bacterial infection, otolaryngologists must prescribe antibiotics. For boils, it is appropriate to use representatives of the following pharmacological groups:

  • antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series: Amoxiclav, Dicloxacillin;
  • macrolide antibiotics: Erythromycin, Azithromycin;
  • cephalosporins: Ciprofloxacin, Cefaclor;
  • antibiotics of the rifamycin group: Rifabutin, Rifampin;
  • local antiseptics: boric alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, chloramphenicol and streptomycin emulsion;
  • vitamin therapy.

Separately, it is worth clarifying that a boil can be cured with the help of immunomodulatory therapy and autohemotherapy. In the first case, we are talking about oral administration of medications to increase the body's defenses. In the second: the patient is injected with his own venous blood in order to stimulate local immunity in the shortest possible time to fight the pathogenic infection.

Antibacterial ointments

Representatives of this pharmacological group act externally. Patients place a portion of the medicinal ointment into the sore ear, thereby providing a local effect directly on the source of the pathology. It is necessary to complete the full course, otherwise the relief will be temporary, and you will still not be able to completely get rid of the boil. Here are effective antibiotics in ointment form with a brief description of the therapeutic effect:

  1. Tetracycline. This medicine in ointment form must be used externally. Apply a small amount to the affected areas 1 – 2 times daily, but first rinse and dry the skin. Course – 10 – 14 days.
  2. Levomycetin. It is presented not only as a solution of antibiotics, but also as a medicinal ointment intended for external use. Foci of pathology need to be lubricated in the morning and evening during a course of intensive therapy - 2 weeks. Additionally, you can use Vishnevsky ointment.

Antiseptic drugs

Such therapeutic agents have a drying, bactericidal and antiseptic effect, while they have a local effect directly on the site of pathology. The list of contraindications and side effects is minimal, limited to local and allergic reactions with increased sensitivity of the body to synthetic components. If there are none, here are effective medications for the appearance of boils:

  1. Boric alcohol. With such a therapeutic composition, it is necessary to perform cotton turundas in the morning and evening for 10–14 days. As an alternative, you can use homemade compresses.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Proven local antiseptic. The ear canal must be treated with peroxide until the hissing in the ear disappears. Only after this can the medicinal ointment be applied.

  1. Prepare a puree from the onion and garlic in the ratio of the indicated ingredients 1:1. Fry the prepared pulp in vegetable oil and use it as a compress directly on the site of pathology. It is advisable to perform the procedure before bedtime for 3 to 5 days.
  2. You need to combine honey and rye flour to the consistency of thick sour cream, then make a flat cake. Apply warm to the pathology site and secure with bandages. Conduct the session at night for 5 days. The heated flatbread promotes the breakthrough of the abscess.

Surgical treatment

If conservative methods of treating a boil are ineffective in practice, the attending physician performs an operation in a hospital setting using local anesthesia. The essence of the procedure is as follows: a small incision is made directly at the site of pathology with a scalpel, through which the core of the boil and accumulated suppuration are removed. Then the injured surface is treated with a local antiseptic, for example, iodine.


The photo of a boil appearing in the ear frightens all potential patients. To avoid this disease, it is necessary to take timely preventive measures. Among these, doctors focus on the following recommendations:

  • exclude chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • follow a routine and eat right;
  • eliminate stress and overwork;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • avoid injury to the ear canal.


The occurrence of boils is an unpleasant phenomenon from an aesthetic point of view. But such defects cause discomfort not only due to their unaesthetic appearance. Purulent abscesses cause severe pain and, if treated incorrectly, can provoke serious consequences. One of the dangerous types of boils is an abscess that has formed in the ear. This defect requires proper treatment.

Description of the pathology

A furuncle is a formation of an infectious nature that occurs as a result of the action of pathogenic agents (usually staphylococci, but sometimes streptococci) on hair follicles. Popularly, such a skin defect is called a boil. Boils appear only on those parts of the body where there are hairs (on the head, arms, legs, armpits, etc.).

A furuncle is a cone-shaped formation with a yellow, purulent head.

The appearance of the formation is dictated by the penetration of the pathogen into the skin through small microcracks. If a person has a weakened immune system, then the body cannot give a worthy rebuff to the infection. The malicious agent begins to multiply quickly. An inflammatory process develops in the body, which covers not only the hair follicle, but also nearby tissues.

All boils that form on the head are dangerous. Such formations are in close proximity to blood and lymphatic vessels. Improper treatment of an ear boil can lead to immediate spread of infection to the inner ear or brain.

What you need to know about boils - video

Causes of pathology

The main reason for the appearance of ulcers is the penetration of infection into the skin. Most often, infection occurs as a result of the following factors:

  • ear injuries. These could be burns, bruises, punctures, mechanical damage that were not promptly treated with antiseptic solutions;
  • improper care. Aggressive ear cleaning or other actions may damage the auricle;
  • scratching the ear. Such damage can be caused by insect bites, an allergic reaction, or itchy dermatoses.

Sometimes the reason for the appearance of boils is hidden in pathologies occurring in the body. Purulent formations can result from:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathological course of metabolic processes.

A boil may occur after scratching the ear.

And for the purulent-necrotic process to start, special conditions must be created in the body under which the immune system cannot defeat the infection. These conditions may be caused by:

  • lack of microelements, vitamins;
  • suffered from severe and long-term illnesses;
  • development of complications after otitis media;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • constant stress, prolonged depression;
  • insufficient ear hygiene.

The mechanism of abscess maturation and its symptoms

The process of boil formation may proceed unnoticed at first. At the initial stage of the appearance of a skin formation, symptoms are usually vague. By the time the patient experiences discomfort, the abscess is, as a rule, already clearly formed.

A boil can be easily distinguished from a regular pimple by its characteristic features:

  • it always has a cone-shaped shape;
  • the area of ​​skin at the site of the abscess is red and swollen;
  • the boil always contains a rod with a yellow, purulent tip.

The boil has a purulent, yellow head and is always located in the center of the red, swollen area


A boil can form behind the auricle, inside it, or on the earlobe. Most often, boils appear in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. With this formation, the patient will experience the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of itching, irritation in the ear;
  • deterioration of appetite, up to its complete absence;
  • the appearance of redness and swelling in the problem area;
  • the occurrence of sharp pain at the site of boil formation;
  • spread of pain to the jaw, temple, eyes;
  • increased discomfort when chewing, swallowing, yawning;
  • increased temperature, possible fever;
  • the occurrence of severe pain when touched;
  • deterioration of hearing in the affected ear, sometimes even temporary loss;
  • increased pain during sleep, the appearance of insomnia;
  • deterioration in general health, the appearance of headaches, irritation, weakness;
  • leakage of pus in case of damage to the formation.

3 stages of occurrence

Doctors distinguish 3 stages in the development of an abscess:

  1. Formation of infiltrate. The initial stage can last 3–4 days. The patient does not experience pronounced symptoms. There is slight itching inside the ear. A slight redness appears in the problem area. It gradually begins to thicken and acquires a red-bluish tint. Touching such a formation becomes painful.
  2. Purulent-necrotic stage. A yellow head containing pus appears in the center of the lump. A rod extends from it deep into the skin. The abscess gradually covers the adjacent tissues. They become red and inflamed. At this stage, the patient’s temperature begins to rise and symptoms of body intoxication appear.
  3. Cleaning the boil. Approximately 3–4 days after the appearance of the yellow head, the abscess spontaneously opens. Pus comes out of the skin. The boil is cleared, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. Gradually the wound heals.

With proper and adequate treatment, the boil matures and clears in approximately 10 days.

An infection penetrates into the hair follicle, which triggers a purulent-necrotic process

Possible complications

A furuncle is far from a harmless formation. Therefore, you should not take it lightly. Sometimes it can lead to serious consequences, such as:

  • carbuncle. The purulent-necrotic process covers several hair follicles;
  • erysipelas. The infection affects large areas of skin. The pathology often recurs;
  • tissue phlegmon. The purulent process covers deep layers: the dermis and subcutaneous tissue;
  • abscess. An extensive purulent focus is formed, which leads to tissue destruction;
  • sepsis. The infection enters the blood and spreads throughout the body;
  • meningitis. The infection provokes the appearance of an inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain or spinal cord;
  • lymphadenitis. In case of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the lymphatic system, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs. It is purulent in nature;
  • lymphangitis. Lymphatic trunks and capillaries become inflamed;
  • phlebitis. Inflammatory processes cover the venous walls, as a result of which blood circulation significantly deteriorates;
  • hearing impairment. Hearing loss may develop. Sometimes hearing is completely lost.

Improper treatment often leads to the appearance of pathologies of internal organs. Heart disease may develop, and joint or kidney damage may occur.

Improper treatment of a boil in the ear can lead to purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes

Traditional treatment

A boil that has formed in the ear must be treated by a doctor. The prescribed therapy is carried out by the patient at home.

Inpatient treatment is required only in the following cases:

  • complex forms of furunculosis;
  • development of complications;
  • the appearance of boils in children.

What to do at the infiltration stage

It is much easier to deal with an abscess at the initial stage than with a progressive boil. Usually it is possible to stop the pathological process and achieve regression. If it is not possible to stop the formation of the boil, then the doctor selects treatment aimed at accelerating the maturation of the abscess.

Furuncle at the initial stage is easy to treat

Conservative treatment may include the following areas:

  1. Antimicrobial treatment. To eliminate the spread of infection and the risk of complications, the reddened and swollen area is wiped with ethyl, boric or salicylic alcohol twice a day.
  2. Cauterization of the infiltrate. The doctor prescribes such an event if the boil is subject to regression. To stop the development of an abscess, the problem area is lubricated with iodine or brilliant green.
  3. Using pulling ointments. To accelerate the maturation of an abscess, the doctor will recommend the use of the following ointments:
    • Ichthyolova;
    • Heparinova;
    • Vishnevsky.
  4. Use of antibiotics. Such drugs allow you to fight pathogens of the purulent process, protect against chronic furunculosis and complications. Usually prescribed medications:
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Cephalexin.
  5. Physiotherapy. At the initial stage, the doctor may recommend procedures that promote the maturation of the abscess and are carried out only until this moment. Treatment is strictly controlled by a doctor. Typically used:
    • UHF. This is a procedure that involves heating the affected area with a high-frequency electromagnetic field;
    • use of dry heat. Such local heating promotes the maturation of the abscess;
    • laser therapy. This procedure may be prescribed for regression of education. Laser exposure helps activate the immune system, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, and promotes tissue regeneration;
    • exposure to ultrasound. This event stimulates the blood circulation process, promotes the resorption of infiltrate and tissue healing.
  6. Immunotherapy. To increase the body's immune defense and thereby help in the fight against boils, the patient may be prescribed the following immunomodulators:
    • Immunoglobulin;
    • Polyoxidonium;

Means and methods of treating the initial stage of pathology - photo gallery

Ethyl alcohol provides antiseptic properties to the affected area of ​​the skin. Ichthyol ointment accelerates the maturation of the abscess
Lincomycin helps fight the causative agent of the abscess
Iodine is used only in the first days and is able to stop the process of boil formation Galavit strengthens the immune system UHF promotes the maturation of the boil Ultrasound promotes the resorption of the infiltrate and ensures regression of the abscess

Therapy at the stage of boil maturation

The process of maturation of an abscess is the most painful stage. Therefore, treatment should minimize discomfort, reduce the symptoms of intoxication and promote accelerated cleansing of the boil.

Depending on the course of the pathology, there may be 2 treatment options:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Conservative treatment

At this stage, the patient continues to take antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs. Physiotherapeutic procedures are cancelled. Depending on the patient’s condition, treatment is supplemented with the following groups of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs. To reduce discomfort and reduce pain, the following medications may be prescribed:
    • Nimesil;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • antipyretics. For hyperthermia, treatment may include:
  • Panadol;
  • local antibiotics. Bandages with the following ointments can be applied to damaged skin areas:
    • Tetracycline;
    • Streptocide;
    • Sintomycinova;
  • Surgical treatment

    Sometimes doctors resort to surgical treatment. Indications for surgical intervention are the following conditions:

    • a large boil has formed in the ear cavity;
    • the course of the abscess is accompanied by complications;
    • the patient suffers from severe pain, hyperthermia;
    • Conservative treatment is ineffective.

    In such conditions, there is a high risk of the contents of the boil entering the general bloodstream.

    The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Surgical intervention is planned on the 3rd–4th day after the abscess has matured. The operation consists of opening the abscess, thoroughly cleaning the cavity and removing the rod.

    Means for conservative treatment of mature abscess - photo gallery

    Ibuprofen reduces pain and reduces inflammation Paracetamol reduces high fever Streptocide ointment cleanses the inflamed area of ​​bacteria

    Fighting complicated boils

    If a person has developed an abscess, then treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting. Therapy consists of several stages:

    1. Surgery is being performed. The abscess is opened and cleaned.
    2. Drug treatment is prescribed. It necessarily includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and painkillers. Immunotherapy is prescribed. Additional symptomatic treatment is carried out (drugs are selected depending on the symptoms bothering the patient).

    When the patient's condition stabilizes, he is discharged home for further rehabilitation.

    Treatment during the healing phase

    If surgical treatment was not used, then after maturation the boil opens independently. It is very important that all contents are removed from the abscess along with the rod. It is impossible to carry out such an event in the auricle on your own. Therefore, you need to go to see a surgeon. The doctor will carefully remove the purulent core with tweezers.

    • disinfectants. The wound remaining after eliminating the purulent infiltrate must be washed twice a day with Furacilin solution or hydrogen peroxide;
    • cleansers. To actively clean the cavity, it is recommended to apply bandages (you can use turundas) soaked in a hypertonic solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 100 ml of boiled water). Such lotions are applied for 30–40 minutes, secured on top with an adhesive plaster or bandage;
    • antibacterial ointments. After the wound is completely cleansed (there should be no gray, white plaque or blood in it), it is recommended to use dressings with a local antibiotic. The most commonly prescribed ointments are:
      • Baneocin;
      • Bactroban.

    Therapy for the final stage - photo gallery

    Hydrogen peroxide ensures disinfection of the wound. A hypertonic solution is made from salt, which ensures the outflow of pus. Levomekol promotes healing and protects against complications.

    Prohibited events

    When treating an abscess it is strictly contraindicated:

    • squeeze out the boil. Such actions will lead to the spread of infection and provoke a number of negative complications;
    • open the abscess. Even after the boil has fully matured, you should not try to open it with a needle or improvised material. Such actions can lead to infection;
    • Treat furunculosis yourself. If we are talking not about one abscess, but about a whole scattering of such giant pimples, then the patient requires adequate therapy. Self-treatment leads to constant relapses of the pathology;
    • warm up the boil. The warming up procedure is possible only at the initial stage and only with dry heat. This event is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use home heating. This can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process;
    • leave the opened boil open. To eliminate the risk of infection of a self-opened abscess, it must be covered with a sterile (!) napkin. This bandage can be secured with adhesive tape;
    • take baths with an open abscess. When clearing a boil, you must avoid bathing procedures, visiting a river or swimming pool;
    • self-administer medications. The wrong choice of antibiotics can lead to the development of a severe form of dysbiosis. Applying brilliant green or iodine to the formed dense infiltrate will complicate diagnosis. The doctor will not be able to accurately determine the stage of the boil. And this can lead to the development of complications;
    • delay time. If the boil does not open for a long time, then it is necessary to contact a surgeon for surgical intervention. Delaying time will lead to dire consequences.

    What the surgeon says about the treatment of boils - video

    Unconventional treatment

    In folk medicine, there are many remedies that can help in the treatment of boils. But such recipes can only be used after consulting a doctor.

    The use of folk remedies is allowed only if the fight is carried out with one boil that proceeds without complications. If there are several abscesses or the development of unpleasant consequences, therapy is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

    If you experience pain or discomfort in your ear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Honey-salt ointment

    The product promotes the maturation of the abscess.

    What to do:

    1. Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl. l. salt, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.
    2. One chicken egg yolk is added to the mixture.
    3. The resulting ointment is applied to the boil.
    4. Cover the top with a sterile napkin and film, and fix it with an adhesive plaster for 5–6 hours.

    You can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day until the abscess ripens.

    Baked onion

    Onion treatment is used at the boil ripening stage. It ensures accelerated opening of the boil and exit of the rod.

    What to do:

    1. One large onion needs to be baked in the oven.
    2. Then it is crushed into pulp.
    3. Add 2 drops of camphor oil to the onion mass and mix.
    4. This mixture is wrapped in a sterile bandage and applied to the abscess for 30 minutes.

    Usually, 1 procedure is enough for the abscess to open. If this does not happen, then the event can be repeated after 3-4 hours.

    The application of dry heat is allowed only at the initial stage (until the boil ripens) and only after the procedure has been approved by a doctor

    aloe leaf

    To provoke a quick and high-quality outflow of pus from the boil, you can use medicinal aloe.

    What to do:

    1. The boil is sprinkled with soda.
    2. An aloe leaf, cut lengthwise, is applied to the problem area on top.
    3. Carefully fix this compress with an adhesive plaster.

    The abscess should open within a day. If this does not happen, then the event can be repeated the next day.

    Propolis and fat ointment

    The ointment is used during the healing stage of the boil. It is used after the abscess has completely cleared. The product accelerates tissue regeneration and prevents wound infection.

    What to do:

    1. In a small saucepan combine 5 tbsp. l. animal fat, pre-melted, and 1 tbsp. l. propolis.
    2. This mass is heated in a water bath for 1.5 hours.
    3. The mixture is stirred periodically.
    4. The resulting ointment is applied to the wound twice a day. Treatment is continued until the skin is completely healed.

    Folk remedies for abscess - photo gallery

    Honey promotes the maturation of the boil. Onion accelerates the maturation and opening of the abscess. Aloe accelerates the maturation of the boil. An ointment is created based on propolis that promotes tissue regeneration

    Features of treatment of children, pregnant and nursing mothers

    A boil can appear in a child or a pregnant woman. For such patients, ulcers are very dangerous. In addition, most aggressive medications that can fight boils are contraindicated for expectant mothers and children.

    In a child, the appearance of a boil in the ear is most often dictated by a history of otitis media. Against the backdrop of weakened immunity, an abscess begins to develop. The baby becomes capricious and whiny. He loses his appetite. He begins to stretch his hands to his sore ear. The development of a boil in childhood occurs faster than in adults. And since the immune system has not yet been formed, the risk of complications is much higher than for mothers and fathers.

    For pregnant and lactating women, boils are no less dangerous than for children. Against the background of a weakened immune system, streptococcal or staphylococcal flora may become more active. The penetration of such an infection into breast milk or amniotic membranes poses a threat to the baby.

    Only a doctor can treat boils in children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Self-therapy leads to serious consequences and sometimes death.

    Doctor Komarovsky about the treatment of boils - video

    Features of the treatment of chronic furunculosis

    Doctors talk about chronic furunculosis if the patient often develops ulcers. Regular recurrence of the disease is dictated by weakened immunity. Most often, the basis for a decrease in the body’s defenses is:

    • endocrine diseases;
    • physical stress;
    • severe, long-term illnesses;
    • mental disorders.

    Treatment of chronic furunculosis is carried out in several directions:

    • drug therapy. To speed up the recovery process, the patient is recommended to take antibiotics (Augmentin, Ceftriaxone). Immunomodulators (Likopid, Polyoxidonium) are prescribed. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Multi-Tabs);
    • vaccination. This is a new direction in therapy, which, unfortunately, is used quite rarely. The pathogen is isolated from the biomaterial of a particular patient (it can be blood or a smear from an abscess). It is weakened as much as possible and administered to the patient in the form of an autovaccine. To such an infection, the body develops a full-fledged immune response. Thanks to this, the body itself copes with chronic furunculosis;
    • diet therapy. The patient is advised to avoid sweets, soda, pickled, salty and spicy foods. The main emphasis in nutrition is on protein foods, foods rich in vitamins and minerals;
    • fight against the underlying disease. After a thorough examination of the body, the doctor determines the pathology underlying relapses of furunculosis and selects the necessary treatment.

    A boil in the ear is a very dangerous infectious formation. Incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications. Therefore, you should not rely on your own strength or treat the abscess negligently. At the first symptoms of the disease, you must consult a doctor and strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

    A boil is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous glands and local connective tissue.

    The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by pollution and microtrauma of the skin. The ear canal swells, the nerve endings are compressed, headaches occur, and irritation appears in the adjacent tissues.

    Causes of boils

    The main cause of a boil is Staphylococcus aureus.

    Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the skin through microtrauma, affecting the hair follicle and surrounding tissues.

    People with weakened immune systems most often get sick. Normally, a person has microorganisms on the skin, but with a weakened immune system, the number of pathogenic ones reaches up to 90%.

    Also, a boil in the ear may appear:

    • with a predisposition to certain diseases, including tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus;
    • lack of vitamins in the body;
    • during puberty;
    • hypothermia or overheating.

    Possible complications

    If the boil in the ear is not treated in a timely manner, complications may arise that require longer and more complex treatment.

    Complications can negatively affect the health of the entire human body.

    1. , i.e. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the temporal bone, which in turn leads to even more serious complications - inflammation of the middle ear, damage to the lining of the brain.
    2. Intracranial complications.
    3. Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
    4. Vein thrombosis.
    5. Sepsis.


    Most often, local treatment is effective. UHF therapy, dry heat, and compresses are used.

    When an opened boil heals, the wound is sanitized with antiseptic drugs and healing ointments.

    If the doctor is dealing with multiple boils or relapse, he prescribes therapy, the purpose of which is boosting immunity.

    Irradiation is carried out, gamma globulin is administered, a course of injections of one’s own venous blood, and an anti-staphylococcal vaccine are possible. Immunomodulating drugs are prescribed.

    For complications or multiple boils the patient is taking antibiotics. When prescribing any drug, it is necessary to find out whether the patient is allergic to its components.

    In some cases, the boil causes a high temperature, then the patient is urgently hospitalized. To prevent blood poisoning and possible complications boils are removed surgically.

    An incision is made under local anesthesia, the stem and contents of the boil, along with pus and affected tissue, are removed. During the postoperative period, the patient is often prescribed antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs, antiseptic and wound-healing ointments.

    What to do if a child has a boil in his ear

    A boil in the ear can form at any age, even in an infant.

    What simple rules should parents know in case their child gets a boil in the ear?

    Some caring mothers try to pull out the rod, which also cannot be done - if it breaks, there will be an aggravation. Otherwise, the risk of possible complications increases.

    Attention! Under no circumstances should you try to remove the boil yourself, squeeze it out or puncture it.

    There is no need to try to cure the child yourself, or give him any medications, especially antibiotics, if the parents are not doctors.

    A timely visit to the doctor is a guarantee that you will prevent a number of problems and the child will quickly get rid of the boil.

    At the initial stage of maturation, while there is no pus yet, the doctor usually prescribes treatment with local ultraviolet irradiation; there is no need for medications.

    If the boil is already ripe, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

    • Antibiotic injections into the affected area are often prescribed.
    • In addition, it is recommended to apply two to three times a day to the lesion. ichthyol ointment until the boil opens. When this happens, an ulcer forms; it needs to be treated with furatsilin, or hydrogen peroxide.
    • After sanitation, a gauze swab soaked in a sodium chloride solution should be placed on the wound.

    The time from the appearance of a boil to its opening can take almost 2 weeks. To speed up the process and relieve pain, you can apply a compress with alcohol to the child’s wound. If the core does not form in any way, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.


    The rules of prevention are very simple. To prevent the formation of a boil in the ear, it is first necessary to monitor personal hygiene and correct procedures. Ears should be dry.

    When bathing or washing your hair, do not allow water or shampoo to get into your ear. If this happens, you need to carefully blot it with a cotton swab or wipe the outer ear with a soft cloth.

    Many people abuse cotton swabs, use them too “aggressively” to clean the ear canals. They need to be used carefully, clean the ears with their help, but to clean the ear canal it is better to take a cotton wool flagellum soaked in alcohol or peroxide.

    If some kind of wound appears in the ear, it should be treated as soon as possible with alcohol or anti-inflammatory ointment.

    This is necessary to prevent Staphylococcus aureus from getting into an open wound, which is what most often causes a boil to form in the ear.

    A boil is not so much life-threatening as it is unpleasant and painful. Follow simple recommendations and don’t get sick. Contact your doctor on time.

    A boil in the ear is a sign of the presence of a purulent-inflammatory process in this area. Quite often, such a neoplasm indicates the presence of an ailment such as otitis media.

    A boil in the ear can cause severe headaches

    Boils in the ears contribute to swelling of the auditory canals, resulting in compression of the nerve fibers. This situation leads to very severe headaches.

    The disease is worst in young children, because they are not able to describe what exactly is bothering them.


    The main reason that a boil occurs in the ear is the penetration of various pathogenic microorganisms, especially staphylococci, into the human body.

    But in order for these microorganisms to penetrate the body, a favorable environment must be provided for them.

    Its provision occurs as a result of the following factors:

    • The presence of scratches on the hands or other parts of the body.
    • Quite often, pathogens can live under a person’s skin, but due to the high-quality functioning of the immune system, they do not manifest themselves in any way. Such a proximity is fraught with the fact that with the slightest decrease in the performance of the immune system, pathogenic microorganisms are activated. As a result of this, it is noted that a boil in the auricle can form after suffering from colds and with vitamin deficiency.
    • Inaccurate ear cleaning. For example, sharp objects were used.
    • Lack of care for the ear area.
    • A common cause of the formation of a boil in the outer ear in children is hypothermia. This condition again leads to a decrease in immunity, and as a result, the activation of pathogenic organisms.
    • Occasionally, a boil occurs as a secondary manifestation of a disease such as diabetes.
    • Stagnation of water in the ear. A humid environment is favorable for the growth of bacteria.

    Careful and timely ear care will help prevent boils from occurring.


    A boil in the ear, in addition to its external manifestation, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • the area of ​​the ear canal itches, there is a burning sensation and a number of other uncomfortable sensations;
    • the inner part of the ear concha is redder, a small red bump appears;
    • pain in the ear area, sometimes even shooting in nature, which intensifies during touching, talking or chewing movements;
    • swelling in the ear canal, a person’s hearing deteriorates significantly;
    • severe headaches, from the side of the affected ear there are shooting pains in the temple;
    • occasionally there is an increase in body temperature and inflammation of the lymph nodes;
    • insomnia, nervousness, especially if a boil has formed in a child;
    • at the last stage of the disease, when the boil spontaneously opens, pus is released from the ear, the pain decreases.

    A boil (the popular name for a boil) cannot be confused with the appearance of a regular pimple, since it is accompanied by a lot of discomfort.


    You can also identify a boil behind the ear or in the ear visually. But in order to fully verify the presence of this problem and identify the cause that caused such a tumor, you should contact an otolaryngologist.

    The doctor performs a visual examination of chiria, feels it and indicates the stage of its development. After this, a course of treatment is prescribed.

    Ultrasound and radiography are occasionally used.

    There is no need to take tests to diagnose the problem, since the formation of a boil can only contribute to a slight increase in leukocytes in the blood.

    An otolaryngologist diagnoses a boil by visual examination

    Initial treatment

    Treatment of a boil in the external auditory canal at the initial stage is carried out using compresses of alcohol or vodka, the area of ​​inflammation is lubricated with iodine and other disinfectants. In addition, treatment is carried out using special ointments - tar and Vishnevsky, which are applied to a tampon and placed in the ear.

    Thanks to such procedures, the maturation and release of pus is much faster.

    In order for the boil of the external auditory canal to ripen faster, you can use a heating pad.

    The procedure is carried out as follows: hot water is drawn into the heating pad, then you need to wrap it in a towel (preferably terry) and lie down so that the inflamed area of ​​the ear is on the heating pad. You should remain in this position for about 15 minutes. You should not hold the heating pad for a longer time, since a staphylococcal infection can spread into the blood, thereby causing infection.

    Additionally, warming therapy can be done with the help of a doctor. He may prescribe special physiotherapy or ultraviolet irradiation.

    In order to reduce pain and prevent blood poisoning, the doctor may prescribe ear drops that will have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Occasionally, chirp pricking with the use of antibiotics is observed.

    Tar ointment will help the boil ripen faster

    Treatment of complicated cases

    A boil in the ear if there are complications requires slightly different treatment. The most common complication is prolonged non-ripening of chiria.

    In such situations, the disease should be treated with tablets or injections. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Tetracycline and Erythromycin. But when choosing a drug, the main focus is on whether the patient is allergic to any component of this drug. It is strictly prohibited to prescribe tablets and injections for treatment to women during pregnancy and young children, especially infants.

    If, along with the formation of chiria, the temperature rises, then this is a direct indication for hospitalization of the patient. An increase in body temperature may indicate that an infection has entered the blood, so you should not delay treatment.

    In addition, in complicated cases, the boil of the external auditory canal is treated with a Dimexide solution, which was previously diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:5; if a person has delicate skin, then the ratio of the solution to water should be 1:10.

    If none of the above methods of fighting boils helps, then doctors take extreme measures, namely removing the boil. In this case, the patient, under anesthesia, makes a small incision on the boil and removes its shaft along with the nearby affected areas. After the operation, the patient is prescribed ointments, antibiotics and drugs to restore the quality functioning of the immune system.

    Dimexide - a means for treating boils

    Treatment of boils with folk remedies

    At this stage of time, there are many traditional medicine recipes that can help get rid of a boil in the ear area:

    • Select a medium-sized onion and make a small hole in it, pour flax oil into it. The hole is covered with rye bread pulp and placed in the oven. After baking the onion, squeeze out all the juice from it. This juice is instilled into the affected ear.
    • You should chop the onion and garlic in a 1:1 ratio to a pulp, and then fry it in vegetable oil. The resulting product should be applied to the affected ear at least 3 times a day.
    • It is necessary to prepare several shreds of linen fabric and place them in vegetable oil so that they are saturated. Next, the shreds are rubbed with garlic juice. The ratio of oil and garlic juice should be the same. A strip of fabric is rolled up with the smeared side inward and applied to the affected area. The compress should be changed twice a day.
    • It is necessary to mix rye flour and honey in such quantities to obtain the consistency of wet clay. A cake is made from the resulting mixture, which is applied to the affected area and covered with a small piece of compress paper on top. The dressing is changed every 5 hours.

    Special flatbreads are made from rye flour and honey

    Preventive measures

    As you know, it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Therefore, in order to prevent the formation of an abscess inside the ears, it is necessary to ensure that they are always dry, especially for people with sensitive skin. To do this, during the process of washing your hair, it is advisable to prevent water or soap from getting into the auricle.

    When cleaning your ears, you should only use cotton swabs; you should not put any foreign objects into your ears. It should be remembered that ear sticks are intended to clean the ears, and not the ear canal.

    When it comes to cleansing the ear canal, you should twist a thin tourniquet out of cotton wool, dip it in hydrogen peroxide, squeeze it out and hold it in the ear for 5 minutes.

    If the ear has been damaged in some way, the scratch should be immediately treated with an antiseptic. If this is not done, then the risk of infection entering the wound increases, which entails the occurrence of an inflammatory process, and then suppuration.

    It is imperative to monitor your immune system; for this it is recommended to eat foods containing large amounts of vitamins (fruits, vegetables), and strengthen the body with long walks in the fresh air.

    A boil in the ear area, although not as dangerous a disease as a malignant tumor, can also bring many unpleasant consequences to a person’s life.



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