Verbal and nonverbal communication diagram. Features of communication at the verbal level

It is no secret that gestures, facial expressions, postures, and glances are full-fledged means of communication. After all, all of them, along with speech and writing, allow people to exchange information with each other. But, alas, not every one of us can recognize and correctly interpret such signals.


Verbal communication

Verbal communication– a type of interpersonal speech communication. Can be oral and written. The main requirements are clarity of content, clarity of pronunciation and accessibility of presentation of thoughts. Language as a system for encoding information is the most important tool of communication. With its help, a person describes various things and events, expresses his own opinion, demonstrates feelings and emotions. However, this communication tool becomes meaningful only when it is included in some activity. That is, all kinds of signs that increase the efficiency of interaction are mandatory additions to words. It is worth noting that dactylic speech, used during a “conversation” between two deaf and mute people, also belongs to the category of verbal communication. After all, gestures in it act as a replacement for letters.

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication– a type of communication interaction without the use of words. It is the process of transmitting information through images, facial expressions, gestures, postures, touches, etc. That is, the human body is the instrument of such communication. It has a wide range of methods and means of messaging, including any form of self-expression. It is quite obvious that the most important condition for effective nonverbal interaction is the correct interpretation of signals. Knowing body language not only helps you better understand your interlocutor, but also allows you to predict his reaction to a subsequent statement. According to scientists, nonverbal communication accounts for more than 50% of all transmitted information. Whereas words are allocated about 7%. The intermediate link between them is occupied by sound means (voice timbre, intonation). By the way, handshakes, hugs, touches are also means of communication interaction.


As follows from the definitions, the main difference between types of communication lies in the method of transmitting information. Verbal communication refers to the use of spoken or written language. That is, interlocutors exchange information, putting it into words. This type of interaction is typical only for people. The basis of nonverbal communication is body language. The main tools of communication in this case are gestures, postures, facial expressions, and touches. With their help, a person can say a lot without even using speech. At the same time, the language of facial expressions and gestures is inherent in both people and animals. For example, a dog expresses its joy by wagging its tail, while a cat, on the contrary, expresses irritation. An animal grin is a warning signal, and a guilty glance from under his brows is a sign of repentance. And there can be many such examples.

Surprisingly, nonverbal communication is much more truthful than verbal communication. The fact is that often we are simply not able to control our gestures and facial expressions. They seem to come from within and become a reflection of our true feelings and experiences. Oral and written speech can be deliberately false. It is much easier to deceive a person during a telephone conversation or online communication than when talking with him in person. Indeed, in the latter case, it is possible to follow the opponent’s facial expressions and gestures and notice their discrepancies with speech. For example, if the interlocutor presents his version of events without looking you in the eye and nervously fiddling with an object in his hands, it means that he has something to hide. Thus, it is much easier to deceive with words than with facial expressions and gestures.

Another difference between verbal and nonverbal communication is the perception of information. For example, in order to correctly grasp the meaning of the interlocutor’s speech, we need to use our mind and logic. Whereas when recognizing gestures and facial expressions, intuition comes to the rescue. One more point: if during verbal interaction between people a speech barrier may arise in the form of cultural or national differences, misunderstanding of the meaning of certain terms, then in the case of non-verbal communication this rarely happens. After all, regardless of a person’s location, his open, wide smile will be perceived as a sign of cordiality and friendliness, and a wave of his hand will become a symbol of greeting. Of course, overcoming the speech barrier can sometimes be very difficult. But once in a foreign country, we can always communicate with local residents using gestures, which indicates the high efficiency of such communication.

To summarize, what is the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.

Verbal communication Non-verbal communication
Involves the use of spoken or written languageIt's all about body language
Words are the main instrumentBuilt on facial expressions, gestures, touches
Can be deceitful and insincereBecomes a reflection of our true feelings and experiences
Can be controlled by humansOften acts as an unconscious manifestation
To perceive information you need to use your mind and logicWhen recognizing gestures, intuition comes to the rescue
A speech barrier often arises between people due to a lack of understanding of the meaning of what was said.Highly effective and easy to interpret
Only humanCommon for both humans and animals

Humans have an undeniable advantage over other life forms: they know how to communicate. Parenting, learning, work, relationships with friends and family - all this is done through communication. Some people may enjoy communication, others may not, but we cannot deny the presence of such a positive communication process in every sense. Communication is considered one of the main forms of human social activity. In the process of communication, what one person previously knew and could become the property of many people. Communication in the scientific sense is the interaction of people (the influence of people on each other and their responses to this influence) and the exchange of information during this interaction.

There are two groups of ways in which interaction between people can take place: verbal and non-verbal means of communication. It is believed that verbal communication provides less information about goals, the veracity of information and other aspects of communication, while non-verbal manifestations can reveal many points that are not customary to advertise in a conversation. But different means of communication are applicable and meaningful depending on the situation. Thus, in the business world, mainly verbal communication is important, since it is unlikely that the manager will monitor his gestures or react emotionally to the next assignment to the employee. When communicating with friends, new acquaintances or family, non-verbal manifestations are more important, since they give an idea of ​​the feelings and emotions of the interlocutors.

Verbal communication.

Verbal communication is carried out using words. Speech is considered a verbal means of communication. We can communicate using written or spoken language. Speech activity is divided into several types: speaking - listening and writing - reading. Both written and oral speech are expressed through language - a special system of signs.

To learn to communicate effectively and use verbal means of communication, you need not only to improve your speech, know the rules of the Russian language or study foreign languages, although this is certainly very important. In this regard, one of the main points is the ability to speak also in a psychological sense. Too often people have various psychological barriers or fears of establishing contacts with other people. To successfully interact with society, they need to be identified and overcome in time.

Language and its functions.

Language acts as a tool for expressing people's thoughts and feelings. It is necessary for many aspects of human life in society, which is expressed in its following functions:

  • Communicative(interaction between people). Language is the main form of full communication between a person and his own kind.
  • Rechargeable. With the help of language we can store and accumulate knowledge. If we consider a certain person, then these are his notebooks, notes, creative works. In the global context, these are fiction and written monuments.
  • Cognitive. With the help of language, a person can acquire knowledge contained in books, films or the minds of other people.
  • Constructive. With the help of language, it is easy to form thoughts, to put them into a material, clear and concrete form (either in the form of oral verbal expression or in written form).
  • Ethnic. Language allows us to unite nations, communities and other groups of people.
  • Emotional. With the help of language you can express emotions and feelings, and here it is their direct expression through words that is considered. But basically this function, of course, is performed by non-verbal means of communication.

Non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal means of communication are necessary for people to clearly understand each other. Naturally, nonverbal manifestations relate only to oral communication. Since the external nonverbal expression of emotions and feelings performed by the body is also a certain set of symbols and signs, it is often called “body language.”

"Body language" and its functions.

Nonverbal expressions are very important in human interaction. Their main functions are as follows:

  • Complementing a spoken message. If a person reports victory in some matter, he may additionally raise his arms above his head in victory or even jump for joy.
  • Repeating what was said. This enhances the verbal message and its emotional content. So, when answering “Yes, that’s true” or “No, I don’t agree,” you can repeat the meaning of the message also in a gesture: nodding your head or, conversely, shaking from side to side as a sign of denial.
  • Expressing the contradiction between word and deed. A person can say one thing, but feel something completely different, for example, joke out loud and be sad in his heart. It is non-verbal means of communication that allow us to understand this.
  • Focus on something. Instead of the words “attention”, “note”, etc. you can show a gesture that attracts attention. Thus, a gesture with an extended index finger on a raised hand shows the importance of the text spoken.
  • Replacing words. Sometimes some gestures or facial expressions can completely replace a certain text. When a person shrugs his shoulders or points in the direction with his hand, it is no longer necessary to say “I don’t know” or “right or left.”

A variety of non-verbal means of communication.

In nonverbal communication, some elements can be distinguished:

  • Gestures and posture. People judge each other before they even speak. So, just by posture or gait you can create the impression of a confident person or, conversely, a fussy person. Gestures allow you to emphasize the meaning of what is being said, place emphasis, express emotions, but you need to remember that, for example, in business communication there should not be too many of them. It is also important that different peoples can have the same gestures that mean completely different things.
  • Facial expressions, look and facial expression. A person’s face is the main transmitter of information about a person’s mood, emotions and feelings. The eyes are generally called the mirror of the soul. It’s not for nothing that many activities to develop children’s understanding of emotions begin with recognizing basic feelings (anger, fear, joy, surprise, sadness, etc.) from faces in photographs.
  • Distance between interlocutors and touching. People determine the distance at which a person is comfortable communicating with others and the possibility of touching for themselves, depending on the degree of proximity of a particular interlocutor.
  • Intonation and voice characteristics. This element of communication seems to combine verbal and nonverbal means of communication. With the help of different intonation, volume, timbre, tone and rhythm of the voice, the same phrase can be pronounced so differently that the meaning of the message changes to the exact opposite.

It is important to balance verbal and nonverbal forms of communication in your speech. This will allow you to convey your information to your interlocutor as fully as possible and understand his messages. If a person speaks unemotionally and monotonously, his speech quickly becomes boring. Conversely, when a person actively gestures, frequently inserts interjections, and only occasionally pronounces words, this can overload the perception of the interlocutor, which will push him away from such an expressive communication partner.

What primarily distinguishes us from other species? Moves social and personal progress? Allows us to explore the world more broadly, making us who we are - creatures with developed intellect and thinking?

Of course, this is communication - the exchange of information and interactions between two or more individuals.

Communication is divided into two groups: verbal and non-verbal. And also - for individual and mass. The interaction of verbal and nonverbal means of transmitting information helps to diversify the conversation and give it the desired character. Both of these forms are equally important in live communication.

This group includes the transmission of information using words - speech. There are two types of speech interactions:

Oral conversation:

  • listening – perception of the speaker’s speech;
  • speaking - the use of speech to convey messages to the listener.

Written conversation:

  • reading – perception of information from a medium;
  • writing – recording thoughts/knowledge on paper or electronic media.

Speech is possible thanks to the main tool of communication – language. Language is a system of signs and symbols, different combinations of which convey information about a specific object/phenomenon. Using language requires thinking and intelligence.

The peculiarities of the language are that it is diverse and multifaceted. Thus, there are non-literary and literary forms and types of it, used by people depending on their specific life situation.

  • Literary speech implies clear rules that must be followed. It is considered an exemplary language classic.
  • Non-literary speech is freer and not constrained by conventions. It includes dialects and colloquial forms of language and those words that we use in everyday life.

Language functions

  • Emotional. People tend to express their feelings and receive emotional release through speech in communication. The emotional function is also performed by non-verbal means.
  • Communicative. When we talk about communication or transfer of information, we most often mean language.
  • Cognitive. Language gives an individual the opportunity to join the knowledge of others and to transfer this knowledge to someone else. Learning a foreign language develops intelligence and logical thinking.
  • Ethnic. Language is needed to unite people into groups based on nationality.
  • Rechargeable. Thanks to our knowledge of language, we are able to accumulate and store information about the world around us. This is information gleaned from books, films, received from other people, etc.
  • Constructive. Language helps a person to competently express his own thoughts, giving them a clear, tangible form, and to structure thought processes.
  • Contact making. Language also plays a role when communication in it does not provide useful information for the interlocutors - in this case, it helps to establish contact for further relationships.

Mastery of verbal communication skills is the key to successful interpersonal communications. It is necessary to develop not only intelligence, correctness and literacy of speech, reading classical literature and studying native and foreign languages. It is important to be able to speak in the sense in which psychology teaches it - to learn to listen to your interlocutor, to remove barriers and fear of contacting other people, to express understanding and sympathy. A person who skillfully uses verbal communication skills will easily find a common language with anyone, even the most difficult personality.

Non-verbal communication

The nonverbal form of communication is also called “body language” or “gesture language.” It includes all the information that we convey to our interlocutor or interlocutors without speech, as well as interactions with them that carry a certain emotional connotation. For example, a handshake (expresses friendliness and willingness to cooperate), a kiss (love), a pat on the shoulder (a familiar friendly gesture), etc.

Features of non-verbal appearance

Nonverbal communication occurs only in face-to-face conversations. Conversation on social networks through personal messages is devoid of this communicative component.

Psychology pays special attention to this form of communication - it says more about a person than verbal communication can tell.

Non-verbal means are very important for pedagogical communication. They help the teacher attract and hold the attention of students and develop his teaching style. With the active and appropriate use of gestures and facial expressions in the process of pedagogical communication, students better assimilate the material and use thinking, they become more open and make contact more easily.

Means of nonverbal communication

  • Gestures. They play an important role in combination with words. They also serve as an independent means of communication: we show our thumb when we praise or express approval. The number of gestures during a conversation is an indicator of a person’s temperament. This number varies greatly among different nations: researchers consider residents of hot countries to be the most emotional, while northerners are much more restrained. We gesture a lot during informal communication. In business situations this is of little relevance.
  • Facial expressions. The movements of the facial muscles carry a lot of information - after all, they help to understand the true feelings of the interlocutor, his personal characteristics, the nature of his thinking, the level of intelligence, and serve as an expression of his plans. You can “say” anything with your face. All its parts are surprisingly precisely coordinated with each other in the process of expressing emotions. The greatest semantic load falls on the lips and eyebrows - you should pay attention to them when talking.
  • Sight. Determines the individual's interest in the conversation. If a person listens to the speaker without taking his eyes off, it is clear that this information is really important to him. And prolonged eye contact sometimes expresses hostility or challenge. Constantly looking away means boredom, a possible desire to end the conversation, or is a kind of lie detector - it has been established that a person who tells a lie looks his interlocutor in the eyes for less than a third of the time of the conversation.
  • Posture and gait. Psychology determines character, self-esteem, age, mood, and well-being based on these indicators. Unforced poses are characteristic of self-confident people with high social status. The movements of uncommunicative and withdrawn individuals are especially constrained and indecisive.

A heavy gait is typical for people who are overwhelmed by anger or other negative emotions, while a light, airy gait indicates a person’s cloudless mood.

Functions of nonverbal communication

  • Underline the information given. Thus, a person who has expressed a decisive protest may shake his head indignantly. We also nod, expressing complete agreement with the interlocutor - one of the manifestations of the interaction of verbal and non-verbal means of transmitting information.
  • Complete what was said. When we describe a tiny object, we bring our fingers together a short distance.
  • Show a person’s true state of mind or attitude towards the interlocutor. Sometimes people behave and talk as usual in a company, although their souls are heavy. Attentive comrades notice this by facial expression or movements.
  • Replace words. The shrug gesture, meaning “I don’t know,” does not require additional verbal explanation.
  • Make an emphasis. When we mention significant information during a story or show something important in a prepared presentation, we raise our index finger up, attracting additional attention from our interlocutors to the spoken phrase.

This is how the interaction of verbal and non-verbal means of transmitting information is manifested.

People watch their speech and what they communicate to their interlocutors. It is much more difficult to constantly control facial expressions, gestures, and gait. Not all of us can do this. However, it helps to understand a person's true feelings and motivations, which is used in psychology.

Psychology tells us that in communication it is important to maintain the correct balance of verbal and nonverbal communication. The audience is unlikely to be imbued with a monotonous, unemotional reading of a report or presentation without paying due attention to the speaker. But there is no need to go to extremes: there are people whose thoughts and emotions outstrip the capabilities of the speech apparatus. They gesticulate wildly, swallow their words, making the interlocutor tired of such expressiveness.

In addition, it is worth considering the situation in which this or that form of communication is appropriate, as well as the characteristics and intelligence of the interlocutor.

One of the ways a person communicates with other people is verbal communication. This is a method of communication using words that convey certain information. Along with it, nonverbal communication is also considered, when information is transmitted by facial expressions, gestures, and human behavior. All this has types and features of its manifestation that you should know about.

From childhood, a person studies the speech of the people around him. This allows him to express his thoughts and ideas in the future so that those around him with whom he comes in contact know about them. Through words you can influence others. You can control people through words. However, it is not always possible to find a common language.

Why is it so difficult to find a common language with people? You yourself have probably come across such people more than once with whom it is simply impossible to talk and negotiate. Sometimes they contradict you, sometimes they are rude, sometimes they don’t understand, sometimes they don’t hear what you are talking about. It is difficult to find a common language with those who do not hear anyone but themselves. This is the first reason for this state of affairs.

The second reason why it is so difficult to find a common language with people is the attempt to put your interests and views above those of others. Please note that problems and scandals between people most often arise precisely when you or your opponent puts your opinion above that of others. If you belittle another person's point of view, then naturally they will want to belittle your opinion. If you consider your point of view more correct, this means insulting the personality of your interlocutor, whose opinion is considered incorrect.

People consider themselves better and more correct than others. If you consider someone to be insignificant, inferior, less correct and respected, then express this with all your words and actions. How do you think the person you humiliate feels? Aggression, anger, resentment. You would feel the same way. If you were humiliated, your opinion was insulted, you were considered a “nobody,” you would also be angry and offended. That's why people can't find a common language - they consider someone better and worse.

Every person has the right to respect and understanding. Even if your opinion does not coincide with the other person's, you are both respected people who should at least be accepted for who they are. You may not be best friends, but you must respect each other's points of view. Neither you nor anyone else is better or worse. You are equal to nature. If you instill this in yourself, then you will begin to find a common language with other people much faster and easier.

What is verbal communication?

What is verbal communication? This is a two-way interaction between people, in which a language system is used that is clear, understandable, expressed, and accessible. A person can communicate with one or more interlocutors at the same time. They should all speak the same understandable language so that there is no misunderstanding. Verbal is a conversation at the level of words that are understandable to all interlocutors.

Today, there are many trainings that are aimed at improving speech skills. This suggests that people understand the need to be able to communicate beautifully and correctly. The fact is that it is at the level of words that you can receive a positive or negative reaction in response. While you are speaking, the other person's emotions arise. Their color depends on what he hears from your lips.

Thus, verbal communication is a method of reproducing one's own thoughts and receiving information from the outside.

Contact between people occurs through communication. People communicate, use their language to convey information to each other. If earlier, when there was no language, people could express their thoughts through drawings and gestures, now people use language as a means of interaction.

In order for you to have successful relationships with different people, you must learn the art of communication. If a person knows few words, uses swear words, picks his nose and constantly twitches, then he will cause unpleasant sensations in almost any interlocutor. Communication involves finding a special approach to each person. But there are basics that can be used in almost any situation.

  1. Let your interlocutor be the smartest and most interesting.

Communicate with the person in a way that makes him feel smart, interesting, and savvy. People often make a mistake when they try to interrupt their interlocutors, insist on their opinion, or convince them of something. If you remember, in such situations disputes often arise. You have not achieved trust and favor with yourself using your methods. This means they need to be changed.

And the surest way is to allow other people to be smart, interesting and quick-witted too. This does not mean that you become stupid and indifferent. On the contrary, your conversation is lively and interesting, while each of you can express your opinion, feel respect for yourself, and see understanding (at best, support) in the eyes of your interlocutor. You are smart and your interlocutor is smart. By your attitude towards him, you show that his thoughts and ideas are also reasonable, interesting, attractive, even if you have a different point of view.

  1. Listen to your interlocutor.

There is no better interlocutor than one who knows how to listen and not interrupt. A bad habit of many people is the desire to express their opinion as quickly as possible. The interlocutor speaks, and you stop listening to him, because your own thought has arisen. You want to express it as quickly as possible, which is why you interrupt the other person’s speech.

The person you're talking to may pause to give you a chance to speak. But if you constantly interrupt, then your interlocutor may have a desire to communicate with you as little as possible. Why would another person communicate with someone who does not want to listen to him? Every person wants to be heard. And interrupting his speech means showing your reluctance to listen to him.

Learn not only to speak, but also to remain silent. And your silence should be aimed at listening to the opinion of your interlocutor. Don’t just remain silent, but listen to the speech, delve into its essence and continue the conversation.

Verbal and non-verbal communication

To convey your thought to another person, a wide variety of methods are used. Here communication is divided into verbal and non-verbal. A feature of verbal communication are words that are spoken orally or in writing. A feature of nonverbal communication is human gestures and behavior.

People are accustomed to communicating at the level of words. When they see each other, they begin to say some words. This allows them to express their attitudes, experiences, thoughts, ideas, etc. When people understand the same meanings by words, then it is easier for them to perceive each other. A barrier in verbal communication arises when interlocutors understand different meanings for the same words.

Besides words, people also move. Their facial expression changes, their arms, legs and body take certain positions. As contact occurs, some actions, reactions, etc. are performed. All this is called nonverbal communication.

Usually a person perceives his interlocutor as a whole. If he perceives his words consciously, then he often does not pay attention to his facial expressions and gestures. The subconscious mind takes an active part in the interaction, which is why so often there is a feeling that you have been deceived in something. This happens when the spoken words do not match the person’s gestures and actions.

  • Verbal communication is often a conscious process between the one who utters the words and the one who perceives them.
  • Nonverbal communication is an often uncontrollable process in which the body conveys the true attitude or desires of the speaker. His interlocutor(s) also unconsciously perceives his gestures. This is why sometimes there is a feeling of inconsistency between what is said and “bodily” speech.

Nonverbal speech is also called “body language” or “body language.” It includes:

  1. Gestures are hand movements that are made during communication.
  2. Facial expressions are facial muscle movements during a conversation.
  3. Look – direction, expression, change to certain words.
  4. Posture and gait - the position of the body while standing or moving.

The psychological help website recommends being active when communicating with people. Listen not only to what they say, but also to see what they do at the same time, what their facial expression, posture, etc. If a person can control his own actions for a couple of minutes, then he will then switch off because he will be busy thinking about it. , what to say.

The body never lies, especially if a person does not control it. You can use it to recognize when they are lying to you at the level of words, and when they are telling the truth. Other communication barriers are:

  • Phonetic – features of diction, pronunciation, intonation.
  • Logical is a feature of thinking that does not coincide with the thinking of the interlocutor.
  • Semantic - the difference in the meaning and meaning of certain words, poses, actions, which is observed when cultures differ.
  • Stylistic – features of the construction of phrases and sentences that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

Types of Verbal Communication

How does a person communicate with others? Types of verbal communication to consider:

  1. External speech.
    • Oral speech. It in turn is divided into:
      • Dialogue speech - two people speak in turn.
      • Monologue speech - only one person speaks, and the rest listen to him.
      • Factile speech is the transmission of the alphabet at the level of the hands. This is a way of communication between deaf and mute people.
    • Written speech. It in turn is divided into:
      • Immediate – when the interlocutors immediately send a response. For example, texting via SMS or notes.
      • Postponed – when interlocutors communicate through letters that are sent to them after some time.
  1. Inner speech.

Verbal speech is expressed by the following forms of communication:

  • Dispute is communication at the level of disagreement of opinions, where everyone tries to insist on their opinion and convince the interlocutor(s).
  • A conversation is communication between people that takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, where everyone can express their thoughts, experiences, clarify some questions, etc.
  • Discussion and disputation is a discussion of a scientific or socially important topic in order to find solutions. Here everyone expresses their opinion, assumptions, theories, etc.
  • An interview is a specially organized communication on scientific or professional topics.
  • Meeting, etc.

What are the methods of effective communication? Only those methods are considered that will help create a comfortable space for confidential communication. In other words, you will not manipulate, but, on the contrary, you will communicate in such a way that the other person will have trust in you, a desire to open up, give you voluntarily any information that you want to receive from him (and even want about something secret tell).

Effective Communication Techniques:

  1. Feedback. “Did I understand you correctly, what did you mean when you said... (and are you retelling in your own words the meaning that was conveyed to you)?” You must show the person that you are listening to him. Nodding your head and making an “Aha” sound is simple listening. But what builds trust is active listening, where you try to understand the information being given to you. Since you listen and try to understand, it means you are not judging, especially if you just want to double-check the correctness of your understanding of what the interlocutor said.
  2. Agreement. If a person asks you for something, then make a promise to fulfill the request (if you, of course, agree to do so). For example, if a person asks you not to tell anyone what you hear from him, then there is nothing difficult in shutting your mouth and not divulging other people’s secrets, right? So agree on something with the other person. This will let him know that you can be trusted (if, of course, you keep your word).
  3. While you don't know the person, get to know them. Collect information and get to know your interlocutor if you don’t know anything about him. This requires only one thing from you - to be silent and listen to everything the other person says. You listen carefully, and it seems to your interlocutor that you are really interested in his story. You collect information, and it seems to him that you understand him. And you feel good, and the interlocutor opens up to you.
  4. People trust authorities more easily. How to become such a person? You just need to position yourself as an authoritative person. The authority is a specialist, he knows everything, if you follow him, you will survive.
  5. It's easier to trust someone who has the same values ​​as you. People trust those who have the same life priorities, problems and values ​​more, because they unconsciously understand that they will be understood.
  6. People trust those who understand them. It should be noted that understanding does not mean agreeing. You may not agree with what the person says, but if you understand their point of view, show empathy and simply show that their opinion has a right to exist, you will build trust. You may disagree, have your own opinion, but understanding that the other person has some other idea is important.

Features of verbal communication

The peculiarity of verbal communication is that this type of communication is accessible only to humans. To speak with others, you must first learn the words that are used in their environment. A person will not be able to express his thought if he does not know how to speak the language of other people, understand what he is expressing, and reconcile it with the ideas that people form as a result of perceiving information.

An important feature of verbal communication is the ability to construct sentences in such a way as to express one’s thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. They must not only be formed, but also communicated so that others understand them.

Speech must correspond to the situation and change, depending on the social role and its orientation. So, people maintain a distance from each other, depending on what kind of relationship they are in. Communication occurs on 4 levels:

  1. Intuitive - based on lightly heard information, guesses and assumptions are made.
  2. Physical – touching and other types of contact between interlocutors during communication.
  3. Logical – clear transmission of information.
  4. Ethical - changing intonation, timbre and other components of speech, depending on who the person is communicating with.

People very rarely communicate with each other. Communication presupposes that people understand the meaning of every spoken word. The interlocutor says something, but may not mean what he says. And the person, in turn, understands each word of the interlocutor to mean the meaning that is familiar to him. Misunderstanding occurs because one does not know how to directly express his thoughts, while the other understands something different under each word. It turns out that people communicate not with each other, but with themselves.

Communication with oneself occurs due to the fact that interlocutors are often in their own thoughts even in those moments when communication with other people occurs. While the interlocutor is saying something, the person is thinking about what he will say next. This is why it sometimes happens that a person jumps from topic to topic without hearing what is being said to him. This person does not listen to his interlocutor; he is carried away by his own thoughts.

Why don't people communicate with each other? Most likely, this comes from childhood, when everyone learns not to listen to anyone but himself. There are people who, from childhood, are accustomed to remaining silent while “adults talk.” There are people who were constantly listened to by others, so they were used to being on their own wavelength. There are people who are accustomed not to clarify the meaning of their interlocutor’s words, understanding by them what is convenient for them.

People communicate not with each other, but with themselves. This is a culture that can be re-educated if you sincerely want it, in order to communicate more effectively with others.

Bottom line

Verbal communication serves many functions in a person's life. Firstly, it allows you to convey your thoughts, experiences, and desires to other people. Secondly, it allows you to understand the thoughts and ideas of others. When people communicate with each other, they not only exchange information, but also influence. The result is that when communicating with certain people, a person unwittingly adopts their qualities, no matter how good or bad they may be.

When you find yourself in a new environment (starting a new job, making new friends, starting to date a new partner), think about whether you want to be like these people. If you start hanging out with a certain group (or at least one person who is a new acquaintance), you will soon become just like them.

Ordinary people forget this truth. They often change not for the better, since it is much easier to find a bad company than a good one. Successful people remember this, so they carefully select the society with which they are constantly ready to contact. They know that they will soon become like those with whom they often see, and they choose partners who can teach them something useful and good.

It doesn't matter which person or group of people you prefer. The longer you communicate with someone, the more like him you will become. People are attracted to each other for a reason. They usually start relationships with those who are already somewhat similar to them or who personify the image of the person they want to be like.

Usually people don't know who they want to be, so they choose partners who have the same qualities as them. They often agree on bad qualities, which brings them together, since other representatives may not show understanding.

Do you want to be like the environment you are in? Soon you will become the same person as the people you started communicating with. It doesn't matter here whether you like them or not. You will still develop similar qualities. Accordingly, choose your personal environment carefully and remember that your acquaintances are images that you will soon become like.

COMMUNICATION(English) communication,intercourse,interpersonal relationship) - interaction of 2 or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive and/or affective-evaluative nature.

Verbal communication— uses human speech, natural sound language, as a sign system, that is, a system of phonetic signs that includes two principles: lexical and syntactic. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information through speech, the meaning of the message is least lost.

The system of phonetic signs of a language is built on the basis of vocabulary and syntax. Vocabulary is a collection of words that make up a language. Syntax- these are the means and rules for creating speech units characteristic of specific languages. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information, the meaning of the message is lost to the least extent compared to other means of transmitting information. Speech, therefore, is language in action, a form of generalized reflection of reality, a form of existence of thinking. Indeed, in thinking, speech manifests itself in the form of internal pronunciation of words to oneself. Thinking and speech are inseparable from each other. The transmission of information through speech occurs according to the following scheme: the communicator (speaker) selects the words necessary to express a thought; connects them according to the rules of grammar, using the principles of vocabulary and syntax; pronounces these words thanks to the articulation of the speech organs. The recipient (listener) perceives speech, decodes speech units for the correct understanding of the thought expressed in it. But this happens when the communicating people use a national language that is understandable to both, developed in the process of verbal communication over many generations of people.

Speech performs two main functions – significative and communicative.

Thanks to significative function for a person (unlike an animal) it becomes possible to voluntarily evoke images of objects and perceive the semantic content of speech. Thanks to the communicative function, speech becomes a means of communication, a means of transmitting information.

The word makes it possible to analyze objects, things, to highlight their essential and secondary features. By mastering the word, a person automatically masters complex systems of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the objective world. The ability to analyze objects and phenomena of the objective world, to identify the essential, the main and the secondary in them, to classify these objects and phenomena into certain categories (i.e., to classify them) is an indispensable condition when determining the meaning of a word. A dictionary compiled on this basis, covering terms and concepts of any special field of activity, is called thesaurus.

Communicative function of speech manifests itself in means of expression And means of influence. Speech is not limited to just the totality of transmitted messages; it simultaneously expresses both a person’s attitude towards what he is talking about and his attitude towards the person with whom he is communicating. Thus, in the speech of each individual, emotional and expressive components (rhythm, pause, intonation, voice modulation, etc.) are manifested to one degree or another. Expressive components are also present in written speech (in the text of a letter this is manifested in the sweep of handwriting and the force of pressure, the angle of its inclination, the direction of the lines, the shape of capital letters, etc.). The word as a means of influence and its emotional and expressive components are inseparable, acting simultaneously, to a certain extent influencing the behavior of the recipient.

Types of verbal communication.

Distinguish between external and internal speech. External speech divided by oral And written. Oral speech, in turn, – on dialogical And monologue. When preparing for oral speech and especially for written speech, the individual “pronounces” the speech to himself. That's what it is inner speech. In written speech, the conditions of communication are mediated by text. Written speech May be direct(for example, exchanging notes at a meeting, lecture) or delayed(exchange of letters).

A unique form of verbal communication includes fingerprint. This is a manual alphabet that serves to replace oral speech when deaf and blind people communicate with each other and with persons familiar with dactylology. Dactyl marks replace letters (similar to printed letters).

The accuracy of the listener's understanding of the meaning of the speaker's utterance depends on the feedback. Such feedback is established when the communicator and the recipient alternate places. The recipient, by his statement, makes it clear how he understood the meaning of the received information. Thus, dialogue speech represents a kind of consistent change in the communicative roles of those communicating, during which the meaning of the speech message is revealed. Monologue same speech continues long enough without being interrupted by remarks from others. It requires preliminary preparation. This is usually a detailed, preparatory speech (for example, a report, lecture, etc.).

Constant and effective exchange of information is the key to any organization or company achieving its goals. The importance of verbal communication, for example in management, cannot be overestimated. However, here, as shown above, it is necessary to pursue the goal of ensuring a correct understanding of the transmitted information or semantic messages. The ability to accurately express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen are components of the communicative side of communication. Inept expression of thoughts leads to incorrect interpretation of what was said. Inept listening distorts the meaning of the information being conveyed. Below is a methodology for two main ways of listening: non-reflective and reflective.

Language is realized in speech and through it through utterances it performs its communicative function. The main functions of language in the communication process include: communicative (information exchange function); constructive (formulation of thoughts); appellative (impact on the addressee); emotive (immediate emotional reaction to the situation); phatic (exchange of ritual (etiquette) formulas); metalinguistic (interpretation function. Used when necessary to check whether interlocutors use the same code).

By observing nonverbal means of communication, we are able to glean a huge amount of information about our partner. However, the information received may not be entirely reliable, since, firstly, there is a possibility that we may not have fully correctly interpreted the received signals, and secondly, our interlocutor may be trying to hide the truth by deliberately using his knowledge of non-verbal signals. That is why, to complete the information, it is necessary to analyze both non-verbal and verbal means of communication.

Verbal (or speech) communication- this is “the process of establishing and maintaining purposeful, direct or indirect, contact between people using language” (Kunitsyna V.N., 2001, p. 46).

According to the authors of the book Interpersonal Communication (ibid.), speaking people can have verbal flexibility to varying degrees. Thus, some of them pay minimal attention to the choice of speech means, talking at different times with different people, in different circumstances, mainly in the same style. Others, trying to maintain their stylistic appearance, are able to perform different speech roles, using a different style speech repertoire in a variety of situations. However, in addition to the individual characteristics of the participants in verbal communication, the choice of style of speech behavior is also influenced by the social context. The role situation dictates the need to turn to poetic, then to official, then to scientific or everyday speech.

Thus, holding a scientific conference for parents requires the teacher to be able to operate with strict scientific terms (which, nevertheless, must be deciphered in speech in order to eliminate misunderstandings among the insufficiently prepared part of the audience and thereby prevent aggressive attacks or “self-elimination” of listeners that are possible in such cases).

In cases of conflict with parents, it is better to adhere to a formal manner of communication. The authors of the monograph mentioned above provide the following principles for constructing speech communication.

Principle of cooperation(“requiring interlocutors to act in a manner that is consistent with the accepted purpose and direction of the conversation” - suggests that verbal communication should:

  • contain the optimal amount of information. (it must correspond to the current goals of communication; excessive information can be distracting and misleading);
  • contain truthful statements;
  • correspond to the goals, subject of conversation;
  • be clear (avoiding unclear expressions, verbosity).

The principle of politeness, which implies the expression in speech:

  • tact;
  • generosity;
  • approval;
  • modesty;
  • consent;
  • benevolence.

Pedagogical practice shows that incorrectly constructed verbal message can lead to both misunderstanding between partners and open conflict. That is why the literature devoted to the problems of constructive behavior in conflict is mainly aimed at optimizing verbal communication (Grishina N.V., 2002). Verbal communication can be disorganizing and is a channel for seeking relationships.



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