Ear plug: types, symptoms and removal methods. Sulfur plug - causes, symptoms, ways to get rid of it at home

After a detailed study of the problem, the otolaryngologist determines how to remove the plug from the ear so as not to harm the patient’s health. In a clinic setting, several methods are used to extract sulfur accumulations.

Removal in hospital

When wax plugs form in the ears, an ENT specialist will tell you how to remove them. The choice of method to eliminate the problem depends on many factors, therefore self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. To determine how to remove a plug from the ear, the doctor performs the following manipulations:

  • initial examination;
  • determination of consistency;
  • studying the color of clusters;
  • determining the cause of formation;
  • checking the eardrum for perforation;
  • checking the middle ear for the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • prescribing additional tests for diabetes mellitus and cholesterol levels if these diseases are suspected.
Treatment method Advantages Flaws
The doctor immediately softens the wax plug by injecting a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide, glycerin or another drug into the ear canal. Next, the ear canal is leveled by pulling the auricle back and up, and warm (37 ⁰C) water or saline solution is injected into it under pressure. Most often, a Janet syringe or a regular 150 ml syringe without a needle is used for this manipulation. A container is placed at the edge of the ear, into which the liquid flows out along with the plug. Most often, complete removal requires 2-4 washes.
The procedure is practically painless and gives a good effect. Sometimes it turns out to be ineffective, especially if the blockage is too dense. It is prohibited for inflammation of the ears, perforation of the eardrum, diabetes mellitus, and high cholesterol in the blood.


Using an electric suction, even the smallest accumulations of sulfur are removed. Most often, this procedure is performed after rinsing to completely clean the ear canal.

Helps to remove 100% accumulations of wax from the ear canal and does not require the use of anesthesia. Only works on soft plugs or those that have been previously softened. There is a risk of damage to the skin of the ear canal or eardrum from the hard suction tip.

This is a dry wax removal method. The procedure is carried out using special surgical instruments (hook and tweezers).

This type of cleaning of the ears from wax plugs is carried out in cases where liquids cannot be introduced into the ear canal. There is a fairly high probability of injury to the ear canal and eardrum from instruments.

Possible complications

If you decide to get rid of wax plugs in your ears in the hospital, this does not mean that everything will be absolutely painless and simple. In some cases, complications occur that even a doctor cannot prevent. The removal procedure may cause:

  • bleeding;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • violation of the integrity of the eardrum;
  • injury to the ear canal.

Before removing ear plugs, you should definitely undergo an examination; this will help prevent the most unpleasant complications. However, in some cases, even the most detailed examination by an otolaryngologist does not help predict how the body will react to the chosen procedure.

Traditional methods

If you don’t know what to do if there are plugs in your ears, and you can’t remove them in the hospital, you can use traditional medicine methods. However, before carrying out the procedures, you will still have to consult with an otolaryngologist for disorders such as perforation of the eardrum, otitis media and concomitant diseases. If they are present, there is no need to even think about how to remove the plug in the ear yourself; this should only be done by a specialist. When you are sure that everything is in order with your health, you can use one of the methods to remove sulfur accumulations.

Removing a house

Procedure Advantages Flaws
Softening with oil. Every evening you need to drip 3-5 drops of linseed, sesame or almond oil, after which it is advisable to lie so that the sore ear is on top. It does not allow you to completely remove too dense accumulations; it can damage the auditory nerve in case of perforation of the eardrum.
Washing. Before clearing the ears of wax plugs, 3-5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide are dripped into the ear canal; after 15 minutes, warm water is injected into the sore ear at In most cases, it gives a positive effect after the first wash and does not require the use of special drugs or instruments. Sometimes it causes unpleasant sensations when injecting peroxide, such as burning, hissing in the ear, and leads to an increase in the volume of the plug, which negatively affects hearing.
Cerumenolysis. It is carried out using special hygienic preparations - cerumenolytics. They do not increase the size of the plugs, quickly penetrate directly inside and soften them. A few minutes after introducing the product into the ear canal, accumulations of sulfur are removed naturally. The drugs do not impair hearing during the procedure and do not cause pain; they act quickly and have a positive effect. In some cases, treatment does not give the desired result; it is prohibited in the presence of otitis media or perforation of the eardrum.
Cleaning with wax funnels. Special ear specula impregnated with wax are sold in pharmacies. They are inserted into the sore ear, with the patient lying on his side, and a paper napkin with a small hole for a funnel is placed on the ear itself. Its end is set on fire and, under the influence of a vacuum, the plug is “pulled” out of the ear canal. When the funnel burns down to the mark, it is extinguished in a glass of water. Removes traffic jams, gives a warming effect, stimulates blood circulation. The method is ineffective against rocky accumulations of sulfur.


Before clearing wax from your ears, you should consult a doctor. Even traditional medicine can cause serious complications. To remove wax plugs from your ear, you do not need to use the following items:

  • matches;
  • hairpins;
  • cotton swabs;
  • tweezers and other improvised means.

If a plug is found in the ear, treatment should be carried out strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation. Poking around in the ear canal with foreign objects can only make the situation worse.

Injuries to the skin or eardrum provoke the proliferation of fungi, viruses and bacteria, so you need to know how to soften the wax plug in the ear so as not to harm your health.

Let's sum it up

You cannot decide what to do if there is a plug in your ear, as you will only harm yourself. An examination by an otolaryngologist is mandatory - only a doctor can determine how to clear the ear of wax plug without harm to the body.

It is best to carry out removal in a clinic, but if this is not possible, then use the doctor’s recommendations for eliminating the problem yourself. Contact specialists in a timely manner and follow hygiene rules so as not to encounter such problems.

Earwax can cause significant discomfort in the ear, and therefore removal at home becomes an urgent issue. Ideally, it is necessary to prevent the formation of such accumulations of dirt or to carry out treatment not at home, but by an otolaryngologist. By acting on your own, you can injure your ear and then the unpleasant symptoms will only intensify. However, it is not always possible to show your ears to a doctor and then you will need knowledge of how to get rid of the problem on your own.

Symptoms and causes

First, you need to find out what a plug in the ear is, what symptoms indicate its presence, and only then consider treatment at home. Human ears contain special sulfur glands that produce a secretion that is yellow-brown in color and has a slightly oily consistency. Earwax removes dirt and protects the ear from bacteria. It covers the ear canal and flows out on its own in small portions.

To clean your ears from accumulated wax, you usually use an ear cotton swab at home.

Proper ear cleaning involves cleaning the outer part of the ear canal. Many people push the earwax too far into the ear, pushing the wax deeper. So they independently create a problem for themselves in the form of sulfur plugs, which they cannot always get rid of at home.

Next, trying to pull out the plug, the person pushes it even further into the ears. As a result, a dense accumulation of secretions is formed, which, as the volume increases, blocks the ear canal. The situation can be aggravated by improper treatment of ear diseases, an excessive desire to get rid of dirt, and being in a dusty environment, which provokes a violation of the secretion of the glands. As you age, earwax dries out and thickens.

Removal of wax plugs should not be delayed, as it provokes symptoms such as:

  • itching and discomfort in the ears;
  • feeling of pressure in the ear;
  • squelching;
  • pain;
  • hearing impairment.

Symptoms of inflammation may gradually appear, indicating the onset of otitis media. It is necessary to get rid of dirt in the ear as soon as possible, otherwise infection may occur. If you try to clean your ears at home, without outside help, your eardrum may be damaged and bacteria will enter the middle ear. In this case, treatment will take weeks.

Removal methods

In folk practice, there are many ways to remove a plug from your ear. To remove it at home without negative consequences, you need to be extremely careful. Ask someone to help you. If in doubt, it is better to abandon the idea and immediately consult a doctor.

The most popular ways to independently solve the problem of accumulation of dirt in the ear canal are:

  • Washing. The standard way to get rid of sulfur plugs. But at home, rinsing with saline solution must be done with extreme caution. If the flow of the drug is directed incorrectly, there is a possibility of not only knocking out the sulfur plug, but also damaging the eardrum. It is convenient to rinse with a syringe or syringe without a needle. To safely dislodge wax with a jet, the liquid is directed along the upper wall of the ear canal. The disadvantage of the procedure is that the sulfur can swell and completely block the canal.
  • Oil. An alternative and safer option that gently removes accumulated dirt. This method is suitable for shallow plugs. To make it easier to remove the lump, you need to drip oil into your ear for several days, preferably almond oil, heated to body temperature. If you don’t have such oil at home, use any other vegetable oil, but preferably cosmetic oil. After softening, the cork will come out without any problems. The disadvantage of oil drops is that their frequent use leads to the formation of a sticky, greasy film in the ear canal, which accumulates dirt. This can cause an ear infection.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. One of the most popular ways to remove a plug in your ear at home. This substance is found in every home medicine cabinet. Before dropping the liquid into your ear, warm it up by holding the bottle in your hands or under warm water. Next, use a pipette to pour a small amount into the auricle so that it flows into the canal. Immediately you will feel hissing and tickling in your ears. Softening and dissolution of secretions occurs, as well as additional disinfection of the ear cavity. After a few approaches the problem will be solved. This way you can clear wax from your ears and prevent the formation of plugs. The method is also suitable as a preparatory procedure before washing.
  • Special solvents. Treatment of ears at home can be done using medications specially designed for this purpose. Pharmacies sell ear drops that can be used to get rid of impurities. They work on the peroxide principle and are a gentle solvent. The drug is instilled into the affected ear for several days. A yellowish liquid should pour out, indicating the breakdown of sulfur particles.
  • Tweezers. It is necessary to use tweezers at home with extreme caution and only in cases where you need to remove the plug, which is located at the beginning of the ear. Otherwise, the eardrum can be pierced and treatment threatens to be the beginning of a long hearing recovery. In addition, you won’t be able to get a lump of earwax out on your own; you need the help of an assistant. The hardened secretions are grabbed with the tip of tweezers. It is important not to damage the delicate epithelium and not to push the dirt even deeper.
  • Wax candles. Mechanical removal of sulfur plugs is also performed using special wax candles. They also treat otitis media. You can buy a candle at a pharmacy. Some experts know how to make similar candles at home in the form of gauze cone-shaped turundas soaked in beeswax. The candle is inserted into the ear with the narrow end, then lit and not extinguished until it reaches a special mark or heat is felt in the ears. The sulfur will melt, the solid particles will be captured by the wax and then removed along with the candle.

If after the procedures symptoms begin to appear in the form of discharge, pain and hearing loss, immediately contact an ENT specialist.

This treatment is quite suitable for those cases when there is simply no time or opportunity to see a doctor. However, it is best to prevent such an advanced situation and regularly take care of hearing hygiene. This way you will protect yourself from injuries if you carelessly perform the procedures described above and significantly reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases and hearing loss.

Sulfur plug is an accumulation of wax and sebum in the external auditory canal, which are produced by the ear glands.

In addition, the sulfur plug contains particles of dead skin cells of the external auditory canal and dust.

The color of sulfur plug can vary from yellow to dark brown. Initially it has a soft consistency, then gradually becomes dense or even rocky.


According to official data, about 4% of the adult population in Russia suffers from sulfur plugs, and in the world - about 6%. Moreover, the disease occurs more often in young, middle-aged and elderly people, and less often in children.

However, in reality there are more such patients, since the wax plug does not manifest itself for a long time. And to be more precise, almost every person faces this problem once in his life. In the Middle Ages, earwax was used in the making of early lip balms and the writing of illustrated manuscripts.

Interestingly, the composition of earwax differs depending on gender, so in women it is more acidic, and in men it is less so.

It has also been proven that earwax differs in composition among different peoples and races. For example, Asian people have less fat, which is why it has a dry consistency; African Americans have more fat, which is why it is softer. It is noteworthy that such a distinction has previously been used to track the routes of population migration from country to country.

In addition, there is a historical fact that proves the existence of a natural self-cleaning mechanism for earwax.

At the beginning of the last century, a case was described in China in which a man’s eardrum was pierced by a bamboo sliver. However, with any attempt to remove it, it opened like a harpoon, threatening to rupture the eardrum. Then it was decided to observe the sliver, because there were no signs of inflammation of the eardrum.

Imagine everyone's surprise when they noticed that the sliver gradually moved to the edge of the eardrum, without damaging it, and then along the wall of the external auditory canal outward.

Thus, after four months, the sliver completely came out of the external auditory canal, leaving no trace behind it.

Anatomy of the external ear

The outer ear has two anatomical structures:
  • auricle, consisting of elastic and elastic cartilage covered with a skin fold. In its lateral part there is an entrance to the external auditory canal, limited by two cartilaginous protrusions.
  • External auditory canal, which begins outside at the auricle and ends inside at the eardrum.
The external auditory canal is slightly curved and has two sections: membranous-cartilaginous (located closer to the exit) and bone (located closer to the eardrum). Between them is the narrowest part - the isthmus.

In the skin of the membranous-cartilaginous section of each external auditory canal there is hair and three types of glands (about 2000 in total): sulfur (produce earwax), sebaceous (produce sebum), sudoriferous (produce sweat). Moreover, within a month, the sulfur glands produce about 15-20 mg of earwax.

The skin of the bony part of the external auditory canal does not contain glands.

Composition and functions of earwax

The main components of earwax are fats, cholesterol, unsaturated fatty acids and wax esters. Therefore, it does not dissolve in water, providing natural lubrication to the skin of the external auditory canal, as well as preventing it from drying out and protecting it from dust particles.

In addition, earwax contains sulfonamides (suppress the growth of pathogens), lysozyme (an enzyme that destroys the cell walls of bacteria) and immunoglobulins (cells of the immune system). Thanks to these components and the acidic reaction (pH = 4-6), earwax protects the external auditory canal from bacteria and fungi.

That is, the formation of earwax is a physiological process that is necessary for the protection and normal functioning of the hearing organ.

What is the self-cleaning mechanism of earwax?

The external auditory canal contacts the inside of the temporomandibular joint. And thanks to his movements during talking or chewing, earwax moves outward from the eardrum.

In addition, the skin of the external auditory canal grows at a rate equal to the growth of nails. As it grows, it moves outward from the eardrum, pushing earwax toward the exit. That is, for example, wax attached to the eardrum will move outward on its own within 3-4 months.

Also in the skin of the external auditory canal there are cilia, which, making oscillatory movements, promote earwax from the inside out.

However, unfortunately, often when exposed to certain factors, the work of the sulfur and sebaceous glands, as well as the self-cleaning mechanism, is disrupted.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs

They can act either independently or in combination with each other, leading to faster and more frequent formation of wax plugs.

Improper hygienic care of the external auditory canal

Excessively frequent and rough use of cotton swabs or cleaning the external auditory canal with improvised means (for example, pins or knitting needles) is the most common cause of the formation of wax plugs.

As a result, the skin of the external auditory canal is injured, and the production of secretion by the sulfur glands is enhanced. Next, the earwax is pushed deeper into the eardrum, where it becomes compacted. Therefore, the process of its self-cleaning is disrupted.

In addition, during intensive cleaning, the cilia of the skin of the external auditory canal are damaged. Therefore, they cease to perform their function: moving the formed sulfur outward.

It is noteworthy that often methods of improper hygienic care of the external auditory canal come from childhood. Because children, watching adults, adopt their methods of removing earwax.

Anatomical features

There is tortuosity or narrowness of the external auditory canal, therefore the process of self-cleaning of earwax is disrupted.

Moreover, the anatomical features of the structure can be either congenital or acquired (for example, appear after an injury).

Tendency to increased secretion of earwax

Occurs when there are disturbances in the metabolism of fats in the body, which lead to increased formation of cholesterol, which is part of earwax. As a result, it becomes more viscous, and therefore the process of its self-cleaning from the external auditory canal is disrupted.

It is noteworthy that metabolic features are often inherited, and not only occur in certain diseases (for example, atherosclerosis).

Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the external auditory canal (for example, otitis externa)

They lead to increased secretion production by the sebaceous and sulfur glands, but it does not have time to be removed, so it accumulates.

In addition, the lumen of the external auditory canal decreases due to inflammatory swelling of the skin. As a result, a mechanical obstacle is created in the path of self-cleaning of earwax.

The qualitative composition of earwax also changes: the number of protective factors in it decreases (lysozyme, immunoglobulins and others). Therefore, the ear glands are secondarily affected by pathogens, and the course of the infectious-inflammatory disease is aggravated.

Using hearing aids or regularly using headphones

Leads to injury to the skin of the external auditory canal (for example, abrasions), so the production of earwax increases. Subsequently, it is pushed inside the external auditory canal and compacted.

In addition, conditions are created for the addition of a secondary infection and the development of inflammatory diseases in the outer ear.

Excessive hair growth inside the external auditory canal

Leads to disruption of the process of self-cleaning from earwax. This cause most often occurs in elderly patients.

Skin diseases of the external auditory canal (for example, eczema or psoriasis)

A non-infectious inflammatory process develops, which leads to detachment of the upper layer of skin (epidermis) of the external auditory canal in the form of plates. Subsequently, they are enveloped in sulfur and become denser, clogging the lumen of the external auditory canal.

In addition, the production of secretions by the sebaceous and sulfur glands increases, which leads to an even faster formation of sulfur plugs.

Working in a dusty environment (for example, in a mill or in mines)

Dust settles in the external auditory canal. As a result, the secretion production of the ear glands increases, and the functioning of the skin's cilia is disrupted.

Foreign body in the lumen of the external auditory canal

Leads to increased secretion production by the ear glands (a natural protective reaction of the body), which does not have time to be removed. In addition, a mechanical obstacle is created in the way of self-purification of sulfur.

Prolonged stay in a room with dry air (humidity up to 40%)

Leads to drying of the secretion of the external auditory canal, so a sulfur plug of solid consistency is formed.


The older a person is, the higher his risk of developing wax plugs. Because with age, the self-cleaning mechanisms of earwax weaken, and its production by the glands increases.

In addition, in older patients, the number of hairs in the external auditory canal tends to increase. Therefore, an additional obstacle is created in the way of self-purification of sulfur.

Symptoms of wax plug

As a rule, sulfur plugs do not manifest themselves for a long time. Only when the lumen of the external auditory canal is almost completely blocked (70% or more) do signs of cerumen plug appear. Moreover, they can occur on either one or both sides, if wax plugs have formed in both ears.

Ear congestion and noise, hearing loss

Symptoms develop slowly due to the gradual accumulation of wax in the external auditory canal. Therefore, the patient usually does not pay any attention to the fact that he gradually becomes deaf and noise appears in the ears.

Dry and irritating cough, nausea and dizziness, moderate pain and echo of your own voice in the ear

Signs appear if the wax plug puts pressure on the eardrum, irritating its nerve endings.

With prolonged pressure from wax plugs, inflammation of the eardrum (myringitis) or the middle ear cavity (otitis media) sometimes develops.

As a result, mild pain in the ear appears (with otitis media it intensifies during chewing or talking), body temperature may rise moderately, and small discharge (most often purulent) appears from the external auditory canal.

Facial paralysis, heart rhythm disturbances, epileptic seizures

Occurs in severe cases, when the cerumen plug is located in the bone region and puts strong pressure on the eardrum, irritating its nerve endings.

All symptoms disappear after removing the wax plug.


Most often, the first signs of wax impaction appear upon contact with water (for example, after diving in a pool or taking a shower). Because it swells and partially pushes inward closer to the eardrum, blocking the lumen of the external auditory canal.

How to remove wax plug

There are several ways: the use of pharmaceutical drugs at home, as well as the use of hardware methods in a medical institution.

How to remove wax plug at home

Trying to remove large wax plugs at home yourself and in the presence of severe symptoms is useless, and not always harmless. Since you can accidentally get an infection, damage the eardrum or the skin of the external auditory canal.

However, small wax plugs can be removed at home, using caution. Moreover, it is necessary to use pharmaceutical products (ear drops), and not hygienic cotton swabs.

Why can't you use cotton ear swabs?

Because with their help, earwax is compacted and pushed closer to the eardrum. That is, the sulfur plug, on the contrary, increases in size.

In addition, such deep cleaning may cause injury to the skin of the external auditory canal and/or eardrum (perforation - loss of integrity).

Drops for removing wax plugs - pharmaceutical products

They are used to safely and painlessly remove wax plugs at home, as well as to prevent its formation. In addition, ear drops are used as a preparatory step before an ENT doctor removes wax plugs.

Mechanism of action of ear drops

They help dissolve the wax plug in the ear canal, making it easy to remove. This technique is called cerumenolysis.

It is noteworthy that during cerumenolysis the plug itself does not swell, so unpleasant sensations in the ear, as a rule, do not occur.

The most commonly used agents for cerumenolysis

Preparation Release form Directions for use
A-Cerumen In 2 ml dropper bottles To remove wax plug instill 1 ml of solution (half a dropper bottle) into the external auditory canal, after one minute it is cleaned. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 3-4 days.

To prevent education wax plugs (for example, in patients using a hearing aid), a solution of 1 ml is instilled into each ear canal twice a month.

Remo-Wax In 10 ml bottles with a plastic dispenser To remove wax plug 10 to 20 drops of the solution are instilled into the external auditory canal of the diseased ear, and after 20-60 minutes it is removed. The procedure is carried out daily for 3-4 days.

To prevent the formation of wax plugs the drug is used once every two weeks.

Directions for use

First, warm the drops to body temperature or 37°C. To do this, hold the bottle with the solution in your clenched palm for 5-10 minutes or heat it in a water bath.

Then lie on your side or tilt your head in the opposite direction to the sore ear. Next, drop the solution into the external auditory canal of the affected ear along the back or upper wall (not in the center!) to avoid the formation of an air lock.

After the time required according to the instructions, turn over on the other side or lean over the sink/napkin to allow the solution to flow out. Then rinse the external auditory canal with warm water or 0.9% saline solution.

When should you not use ear drops?

  • In case of a defect (violation of integrity) of the eardrum.
  • If the patient has chronic otitis or in the past he suffered purulent otitis.
  • A-Cerumen is contraindicated for use in children under 2.5 years of age.

Can peroxide be used to remove earwax?

Yes, you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide. Whereas the use of a higher percentage of the solution is contraindicated, since it causes a chemical burn to the skin of the external auditory canal and eardrum.

The mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide

Upon contact with tissues, peroxide breaks down into molecular oxygen and water. In this case, oxygen oxidizes the tissue (in this case, the cerumen plug), forming foam, which mechanically cleanses the external auditory canal.

Moreover, it should be remembered that hydrogen peroxide leads to swelling of the cerumen plug, so ear congestion and hearing loss intensifies. However, after cleaning the external auditory canal, the symptoms disappear.

Directions for use

First, heat the hydrogen peroxide in a water bath to 37°C.

Then lie on the side opposite the sore ear, or tilt your head to the healthy side. Next, using a pipette, drop at least 10-15 drops of hydrogen peroxide (about half a pipette) along the back or upper wall of the external auditory canal of the sore ear. In this case, unpleasant sensations appear in the ear and a hissing sound is heard.

After 5-10 minutes, turn over to the other side or lean over the sink/napkin so that the hydrogen peroxide with particles of wax plug flows out. Then remove the remaining hydrogen peroxide from the auricle using a swab, without penetrating into the external auditory canal.

Repeat the procedure 4-6 times a day for 3-5 days. Usually the symptoms of wax plug disappear and hearing is restored.

However, after self-removal of the wax plug, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor who will visually examine the external auditory canal.

When should you not use hydrogen peroxide?

  • If there is a defect in the eardrum.
  • If the patient has suffered from purulent otitis media in the past or is currently suffering from chronic otitis media.

Hydrogen peroxide should be used with caution as it can burn the skin of the external auditory canal and/or eardrum. Therefore, if during the procedure there is a severe burning sensation and pain in the ear, stop it and be sure to consult an ENT doctor.

Do I need to rinse my ear to remove wax?

Washing out (irrigation) is the most common and effective way to remove wax plugs by an otolaryngologist.

However, it is not recommended to remove wax plugs by rinsing yourself at home. Since there is a high probability of damage to the eardrum and/or skin of the external auditory canal.

How to rinse wax plug?

If the sulfur plug is soft, then washing is carried out without preliminary preparation.

When the sulfur plug is dry, it is necessary to soften it first. For this purpose, half a pipette of 3% hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the external auditory canal of the diseased ear 5-6 times a day for 2-3 days. Or use cerumenolysis products according to the instructions.

To rinse the external auditory canal, use water or any solution of external antiseptic (for example, furatsilin), which are heated to 37°C.

There are instrumental (manual) and hardware methods for washing out wax plug:

  • Using a Janet syringe, the capacity of which is 100-200 ml.
    During the procedure, the doctor delivers a high-pressure stream of water into the external auditory canal towards the eardrum. Due to this, particles of sulfur plug move away from the place of attachment. The water then flows into the tray through the outlet of the external auditory canal.

    However, Janet's syringe is capable of creating pressure up to 10 atmospheres. Whereas the eardrum can only withstand 2 atmospheres. Therefore, the success of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor.

  • An electronic irrigator is used(Propluse 4th generation) is a new technique that has found wide application.
    The effectiveness of the procedure is based on the pulsed nature of the jet supply, as well as the ability to regulate its pressure. This ensures complete, painless and safe removal of the wax plug.
When should you not rinse your ear to remove wax?
  • Violation of the integrity of the eardrum (perforation) is the result of injury or infection.
  • The presence of acute or chronic otitis media.
  • Previous history of purulent otitis media.
Because in these cases, water entering the middle ear cavity can lead to an exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process.

How do doctors remove wax plug?

Otolaryngologists have several methods in their arsenal, which they use depending on the situation.

Washing out wax plugs using a Janet-type syringe

The manipulation is performed with water heated to 37°C in a water bath. First, a short and obliquely cut rubber tube is placed on the tip of the syringe so as not to damage the walls of the ear canal.

Carrying out the procedure:

The patient is in a sitting position, and on the side of the sore ear, on the shoulder, there is a tray to collect water, which is held by an assistant.

The doctor pulls the auricle up and back, straightening the external auditory canal. Then it directs a stream of water along the upper wall of the ear canal in jerks to avoid increasing pressure on the eardrum. A stream of water flows back from the ear into the tray.

After washing, the auricle is dried with cotton wool wrapped around the probe. Then, turunda soaked in an antiseptic solution (for example, boric alcohol) is placed in the external auditory canal for 15-20 minutes.

Washing out wax plugs using an irrigator (Propluse)

For rinsing, water or a solution of external antiseptic is used, which are heated to 37°C in a water bath.

Carrying out the procedure:

The patient is in a sitting position. A waterproof cape is attached to his neck.

Then the doctor inserts the nozzle into the lumen of the external auditory canal and uses a foot pedal to supply water. At the same time, he directs the stream slightly upward and backward so that it runs along the upper wall of the external auditory canal.

After particles of cerumen plug appear at the exit of the external auditory canal, rinsing stops. Next, using a disposable spatula, particles of sulfur plug are removed, which allows you to reduce the duration of the procedure. Then the doctor wipes the auricle with a napkin.

At the end of the procedure, the otolaryngologist removes remaining water from the ear canal using cotton wool wound on the serrated end of a scapula to remove wax plugs.

Vacuum aspiration (vacuum removal) of wax plug

It is a dry method, which is indicated when the sulfur plug is soft or after it has been softened using cerumenolysis products.

When is it used?

  • Used in patients with a defective eardrum
  • After rinsing the outer ear to remove residual water

The patient is in a sitting position. An aspiration tube is inserted into the external auditory canal. Then the aspirator is turned on, on which the negative pressure is pre-set by the doctor. After completing the procedure, the doctor examines the external auditory canal to ensure that the wax plug has been completely removed.


There is a loud sound during the procedure, but in modern models it is much lower.

In addition, sometimes disorders develop in the vestibular apparatus (located in the inner ear), which is responsible for the coordination of human movements in space. The disorder is manifested by nausea and vomiting, severe dizziness.

However, performing the procedure using optical instruments (microscope) reduces the likelihood of side effects to a minimum.

Curettage - instrumental removal of wax plug

Sometimes local anesthesia is used to perform the procedure.

In what cases is curettage used?

  • If the patient has perforation (violation of the integrity) of the eardrum or persistent hearing loss.

  • The patient previously suffered from purulent otitis media or currently suffers from chronic otitis media.

  • When it was not possible to remove the sulfur plug by washing, or it consists of layers of dead cells of the outer layer of the skin (epidermis), tightly glued together.

The patient is in a sitting position. The doctor pulls the pinna upward and backward to straighten the external auditory canal. Then, using special tools (hooks, tweezers, small spoons) and under the control of optics (microscope), the sulfur plug is removed.

After completion of the procedure, a turunda moistened with an antiseptic (antibacterial agent) for local use is usually placed in the external auditory canal for 15-20 minutes.

What devices exist for removing wax plugs?

The main hardware assistants for an otolaryngologist are a medical aspirator and an electronic irrigator for washing the cavity of the outer ear. They can either be included in an ENT office or an ENT combine (a unit that includes everything necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ENT organs), or separately located in the office of an otolaryngologist.

Equipment for removing wax plugs

Device name How it works Operating principle How to use
Medical aspirator (electric suction)

There are various models that differ in power, size and mobility (portable or stationary).

  • Container for collecting secretions (separated)
  • Suction tubes of various diameters for suction of secretions (cerumen plug)
  • Installation for creating a vacuum
  • Ability to adjust vacuum power (foot or hand)
  • Built-in valve to protect against overfilling of the container
  • Element that filters outgoing air - protection against the spread of infection
The vacuum installation creates negative pressure in the cavity of the outer ear (below atmospheric pressure). Due to this, the sulfur plug is sucked out in parts or entirely. First, disinfect the container for collecting secretions and the aspiration tube according to the instructions (for example, using chlorine tablets).

The doctor then inserts a suction tube of suitable diameter into the external auditory canal. Next, the doctor turns on the device and begins performing the manipulation.

Electronic irrigator(ProPulse)
  • Power supply from mains or battery
  • Adjusting the pressure and flow of water/antiseptic solution
  • Built-in compressor and knob for adjusting it
  • Foot switch to control the start and blocking of water flow
  • Disposable ear tips
  • Water container
  • High pressure hose
  • Earwax removal paddles
  • Water-repellent capes
The sulfur plug is removed thanks to a stream of water, which has an adjustable pulse nature. This ensures a quick and painless procedure. First, the device is disinfected using chlorine tablets according to the instructions.
The doctor then draws about 700 ml of warm water (37°C) into the reservoir. Then the new nozzle is lowered into the ring on the handle of the device and securely fastened in the cell.

Prevention of wax plugs

It is important for everyone, but especially for people with an increased risk of wax accumulation in the external auditory canal.

What should I do?

What should you avoid?

  • You should not use hygienic cotton swabs that penetrate deep into the external auditory canal. Since the sulfur is pushed closer to the eardrum and compacted. In addition, there is a risk of eardrum injury if you are accidentally distracted by another event during the procedure. Young children especially suffer from this, because during cleaning they fidget or break out of their mother’s hands.
  • Do not use matches, knitting needles, pins or other sharp objects to remove wax. Since there is a high risk of injury to the eardrum and skin of the external auditory canal.

  • Avoid sudden changes in ambient temperature. For example, in the heat - moving from the street to a room where the air conditioner is running.
  • Do not use ear wax candles to remove wax plugs on your own and without consulting an ENT doctor, as you may harm yourself. For example, cause a burn to the eardrum or the skin of the external auditory canal, and if there is inflammation in the outer ear, aggravate the course of the disease.

How to get rid of a plug in the ear at home? After all, it is not always possible to visit a doctor to solve this problem. Despite the fact that wax plug does not pose a threat to human health, its appearance is accompanied by many unpleasant sensations that interfere with a comfortable existence.

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    General principles

    How to get rid of wax plug in the ear yourself? This process is carried out in several stages, because only a doctor can remove a dense lump of sulfur under water pressure in one go. And dealing with this on your own is much more difficult. The steps to remove a plug include:

    • softening;
    • washing;
    • washing out.

    All procedures should be done slowly and thoroughly. You cannot rush in this matter, so as not to provoke damage to the eardrum and other complications. The main thing is to begin measures to remove wax plugs immediately after they occur. Determining the presence of a problem is quite simple: a person has difficulty hearing room noise and sounds from the affected ear. Headache and dizziness may occur.

    Under no circumstances should you try to remove a lump of wax using ear sticks. This way you can compress it even more. In some cases, the ear plug may even become inflamed, leading to complications. Therefore, you should not postpone the procedure for removing a lump of sulfur for the future, but do it immediately.

    Softening the ear plug

    It is best to do this procedure at night so that the emollient has time to work well. To do this, use 3% hydrogen peroxide, glycerin or vegetable oil. Do not use highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide as it may cause burns. The selected product should be well warmed to room temperature, so that if it gets into the ear canal it will not lead to unpleasant sensations. 4-5 drops of an emollient are placed in the ear. A person may feel hissing, bursting of bubbles, and even a slight burning sensation. This is a natural reaction that occurs as a result of the interaction of sulfur and hydrogen peroxide.

    It is advisable that someone close to you do the instillation, since the auricle should be slightly pulled up and back. This helps straighten the external auditory canal so that the softening agent gets directly to the plug. And doing this on your own is quite problematic. After instillation, the hole should be closed with a cotton swab.

    As a result of using peroxide or another product, sulfur swells. This may cause your hearing to become even worse. However, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon due to the peculiarities of the action of the softening drug.

    Washing process

    How to get rid of an ear plug if it has already softened? The first thing you need to do is pre-rinse.

    The patient should take a horizontal position and turn his head with the affected ear upward. Take 3% hydrogen peroxide into a 20 ml syringe and gradually, effortlessly fill the ear canal with the solution until it begins to pour out. The liquid will begin to foam and hiss. After this, you should lie down for 20-30 minutes and turn your head to the other side so that all the liquid drains out.

    If the plug is not too dense, parts of it will begin to appear from the ear canal after preliminary rinsing. To consolidate the result, the procedure can be repeated. The first two stages can be completed within a few days.

    However, if, during preliminary rinsing of the ear with hydrogen peroxide, sharp pain or other unpleasant sensations occur, the procedure must be stopped immediately and seek qualified help.

    Washing away residues

    Residues of sulfur can be removed by rinsing with warm water. You cannot use very hot or too cold water, because this procedure itself is quite unpleasant, although absolutely painless. Rinsing must be done under pressure. To do this, you can use a shower hose. In this case, the initial distance between the hose and the ear should be sufficiently large. Gradually it needs to be reduced, this will provide the necessary pressure.

    You can use other washing methods. As an option, they often use a Janet syringe, which has a fairly large volume and provides the necessary water pressure.

    It may take several approaches to completely remove the plug. You will feel the moment when the plug comes out: a feeling of lightness will appear and your hearing will be completely restored.

    If it was not possible to achieve a positive result, you should contact a specialist. Perhaps a mistake was made at some stage.


    You can quickly and painlessly get rid of sulfur accumulation with the help of modern achievements in the pharmaceutical industry. There are special preparations that have a cerumenolytic effect. They work as follows:

    • easily penetrate deep into the sulfur plug;
    • soften formation;
    • dissolve a dense lump;
    • there is no swelling effect of sulfur;

    The most popular representatives of this group of drugs are A-Cerumen and Remo-Vax. Their action is due to the presence of surfactants in the composition, which do not increase surface tension, as a result of which sulfur does not swell. They come in the form of drops that are easy to dose.

    Cerumenolytic drugs have practically no contraindications, except for the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components and a damaged eardrum. They are approved for use even by children; thanks to such medications, ear plug removal will be quick and painless.

    A few drops of the product are instilled into the ear canal, and after some time the remains of the wax plug come out on their own.

    Traditional methods

    You can get rid of sulfur plugs at home using traditional methods, which are still quite popular. One of the oldest and most famous methods is the use of ear candles.

    They contain only natural products: beeswax, propolis, medicinal herbs, lavender, mint and eucalyptus essential oils.

    To carry out the procedure, the patient must lie on his side with the affected ear facing up. First you need to massage the auricle, this will ensure blood flow and improve microcirculation. A napkin with a hole for a candle is placed on the ear. It is necessary so that during burning the hot wax does not drip onto the skin and burn it. The candle is inserted into the external auditory canal and set on fire. This creates vacuum heat, which effectively acts on the sulfur plug, softens and breaks it, and also helps promote the formation outward. As soon as the candle burns down to the special mark, it must be removed and extinguished. The ear should be carefully cleaned with cotton swabs; the remaining plug will easily come out. After this, you need to close the external auditory canal with a tampon to prevent hypothermia.

    After using candles, under no circumstances should you wash your hair for several hours. The product is not recommended for use only in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to bee products.

    If not a single method of removing wax plug helps solve the problem, you should get rid of it as quickly as possible. You should definitely contact a specialist who is guaranteed to remove the plug, restore your hearing and relieve discomfort.

The ear canal is cleared independently of excess wax during chewing and swallowing movements, conversation, sometimes the secretion is produced in excessive quantities, and a plug appears in the ear. It is not difficult to cure the disease; for this purpose, medications and traditional medicine methods are used.

A plug in the ear is a simple disease.

Wax plug in the ear - what is it?

Chamois plug is a blockage of the ear canal by a mass. The clot consists of sulfur, dust, dead cells, the structure and color of the mass can be different. The problem often occurs in children (their ear canals are narrower than adults) and are less able to clean themselves.

Types of sulfur plugs:

  • soft, yellow or orange with a pasty structure;
  • dark brown, similar in viscosity to plasticine;
  • hard plugs are dark brown or black.

Solid ear plug

There are epidermal ear plugs, the origin of which is not fully understood. The mass is gray in color, dense consistency, and contains sulfur and particles of the epidermis. This pathology often causes the development of inflammatory processes in the middle ear and destruction of the eardrum. Most often, such formations are diagnosed in people with congenital syphilis, deformation of nails and teeth.

Causes of ear plugs

One of the main reasons for the appearance of sulfur plugs is improper care, in which only the secretion from the outside is removed, and the bulk is compacted and accumulates deep inside the passage. The pathology can be genetic in nature - by inheritance you can get a more viscous composition of sulfur, active work of the glands, a narrow or very convoluted ear canal.

Why traffic jams form:

  • work in rooms with high humidity or dust, often diving to depths;
  • advanced age;
  • dermatological pathologies – fungus, eczema, dermatitis;
  • high cholesterol levels;
  • regular or improper use of headphones and hearing aids;
  • otitis and other inflammatory processes.

Frequently wearing headphones can cause ear plugs

In addition to wax, air plugs can form in the ears, the appearance of which is associated with changes in atmospheric pressure - air travel, climbing high into the mountains. Sometimes the cause of discomfort is a water plug in the ear - it forms after diving or swimming.


For a long time, signs of the presence of a clot in a person’s ear may not be clearly expressed. Most often, unpleasant symptoms intensify after water gets into the ear canal - the mass swells and completely fills it.

How to recognize the presence of wax plug:

  • ear congestion, most often the pathology is unilateral, sometimes it affects both ears at the same time;
  • deterioration of auditory perception - this symptom does not always occur in the presence of sulfur clots;
  • noise, rustling and ringing in the ears;
  • constant feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the ear canal;
  • pain and shooting in the ear;
  • good audibility of one's own voice – autophony.

Ear pain may indicate an ear plug

The signs and consistency of sulfur clots in a child are the same as in an adult. But it is difficult for children to endure the discomfort associated with ear congestion, so they need it urgently.

When a plug forms near the membrane, dizziness, migraine, yawning, and causeless cough appear. Patients experience symptoms of motion sickness, and movement coordination is impaired.

How to find out if there is a plug in your ear

If there is a large accumulation of sulfur, you can even see the plug with the naked eye - just pull the auricle down a little. You can preview what the clot looks like in the photo.

Accumulation of wax in the ear

To determine the degree of complexity of the pathology, the doctor performs an otoscopy - examines the ear area through a special funnel, which allows you to examine all the clots that block the ear canal.

In advanced cases, inspection is carried out using a probe with rounded ends. Other diagnostic methods are not used. During the examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis, finding out the possible cause of the disease.

Treatment methods for ear plugs

It is better to entrust the removal of sulfur clots to an ENT specialist; only a doctor will be able to assess the degree of pathology, the consistency of the mass, and choose the appropriate method of cleansing the ear canal.

What methods are used to remove the plug:

  1. To begin with, the clots need to be softened - for this, hydrogen peroxide and special drops for dissolving sulfur (cerumenolytics) should be instilled into the ear three times a day for 2-4 days.
  2. Washing is carried out using a special Janet syringe to remove clots - its special design avoids sudden injection of liquid. The syringe is filled with water or saline solution, the temperature of which is about 37 degrees. The jet is directed along the wall of the ear canal, while the head should be tilted in the direction opposite to the blocked ear. For adults, the shell is pulled down a little, for children - a little back and down. After 2-3 minutes, you need to change the position of the head, the doctor removes the wax with sterile cotton wool, and a cotton swab soaked in boric acid is temporarily inserted into the ear.
  3. The dry removal method is used for large plugs, or when the integrity of the eardrum is compromised. The procedure is carried out using an aspirator, which sucks out the clot under pressure. Or they use a probe with a hook - you can use it to break through and remove the clot. To avoid damaging the tissue, the progress of the manipulation is monitored through a microscope.

Hydrogen peroxide will help soften ear plugs.

Washing is contraindicated when diagnosing pathologies of the eardrum, hearing loss, or a history of chronic otitis media.

Self-removal of plugs is absolutely not suitable for treating children - unpleasant sensations often indicate an infectious process, and any unprofessional intervention will cause complications.

How to get rid of traffic jams at home

To combat sulfur clots on your own, you can use special medications and suppositories that help soften the clots. All liquids that are introduced into the ear canal should have a temperature of 36–38 degrees.

Cerumenolysis - the use of special drops

If the ear is blocked, cerumenolytics will help - drops, sprays on a water or oil basis, which soften the sulfur mass well and moisturize the mucous membrane.

What drops will help get rid of sulfur plugs:

  1. A-Cerumen - produced in the form of drops and sprays, the drug can be used to treat children over 2.5 years old, it is used for hygienic care and for preventive purposes.
  2. Contraindications: otitis media, pathologies of the eardrum. Drop 1 ml of liquid into the ear canal, and after 1–2 minutes, rinse the ear with saline solution. Carry out the procedure twice a day for 3-4 days.
  3. Remo-Vax - antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drops and oil-based spray, help reduce secretory activity and tighten pores. Contraindications – pain, purulent discharge from the ear. Twice a day you should instill 10–15 drops of the medicine and keep it in the ear canal for at least 20 minutes. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days.
  4. Vaxol - drops based on olive oil, soften clots and create a protective film in the ear canal. The medicine should be instilled 2-3 times a day, 5-10 drops for 5 days.
  5. Sodoglycerin potassium is prepared in pharmacies and contains soda and glycerol. The drug is safe, effectively softens plugs, 5-10 drops of the medicine should be administered twice a day, after a quarter of an hour, rinse the ear with warm water or saline.

A-Cerumen - effective ear drops

Often, after instillation of the ear, hearing perception deteriorates - this is due to swelling of the plug. After a few minutes it will begin to soften and hearing will return.

What to do with traffic jams - effective folk removal methods

In addition to special medications, improvised means can be used to soften the accumulation of sulfur. They can only be used after consulting a doctor; they do an excellent job of removing traffic jams, but are not suitable for treating serious diseases.

Non-traditional means to combat traffic jams:

  1. Almond seed oil – moisturizes the mucous membrane of the ear canal, softens plugs, and promotes their rapid removal. Warm the product a little, put 6-8 drops into the ear, insert the turunda. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day, after 3 days you can additionally rinse your ears with warm water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is the most popular home method of dealing with traffic jams, the effectiveness of which is recognized even by doctors. Tilt your head, drop 5-10 drops of the solution into the stuffy ear, it should not flow out - after a few seconds the hissing will begin, the clot will begin to dissolve, you need to hold the liquid for a quarter of an hour. Rinse the ear and remove any remaining wax with a cotton pad. Carry out the procedure 2–4 times a day for 3–5 days.
  3. A soda solution is used to wash the ears - stir 5 g of powder in 250 ml of water, fill the syringe without a needle. Tilt your head in the direction opposite to the diseased organ of hearing, direct the jet not directly to the center, but slightly upward, so as not to damage the eardrum. After 1-2 minutes, tilt your head in the other direction - the liquid will flow out along with the sulfur. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

If your health does not improve after using home remedies, or purulent discharge flows from your ear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Almond seed oil moisturizes the ear mucosa

Using ear candles

Candles for dissolving ear plugs are not suppositories that dissolve under the influence of the heat of the human body, but ordinary wax candles soaked in essential oils and herbal extracts.

How to use candles correctly:

  1. Squeeze the baby cream onto your fingers and lightly massage the ears.
  2. Lie on your side, the sore ear should be on top, cover it with a clean thin napkin made of natural fabric, in the center of which make a hole for a candle.
  3. Light the candle and insert it into the hole.
  4. The candle must burn down to the mark indicated on it, after which it must be extinguished and removed from the ear.
  5. Use cotton swabs to remove wax.
  6. Cover the ear canal with cotton wool for a quarter of an hour.

An ear candle can help unblock the ear canal.

This method of therapy allows you to quickly unblock the ear canal, eliminate pain and inflammation. During the procedure, blood supply to the tissues of the hearing organs improves, and nervousness disappears.

At the slightest suspicion of purulent otitis media, the use of suppositories is strictly prohibited.


Improper rinsing or ignoring signs of a plug in the ear can cause severe complications, a sharp deterioration in health, and possible complete or partial hearing loss. With prolonged ear congestion, constant throbbing pain, burning, itching, and increased sensitivity to changes in temperature appear - unpleasant sensations can affect the head, neck, and shoulder area.

Consequences of ear plugs:

  • various types of otitis, stenosis of the external canal;
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the cartilage of the middle ear;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • reflex effects arise due to the pressure of the plug on the nerve endings - increased sweating, heartburn, abdominal pain, constipation, cephalalgia, arrhythmia, tachycardia,
  • heart failure.

If ear rinsing solutions are used incorrectly at home, you can burn the outer or inner part of the ear - in such cases, deafness often develops.

Ear plugs are a common problem in children and adults. If you have a tendency to form clots, it is necessary to instill cerumenolytics twice a month for prevention, before water procedures, insert cotton wool moistened with any vegetable oil into the ear canal, and swim in pools and reservoirs only in protective caps.



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