Typical mistakes in choosing glasses. Choosing glasses for vision - how to do it correctly: prescription lenses or online Rules for choosing glasses for vision

This is probably the most asked question at the beginning of summer. Despite the fact that you can find a huge amount of information on this topic on the Internet, and I have already written about how, many guys, once in a store, still cannot pick up glasses. Together with our partner, the Eurooptika store, we understand the typical mistakes in choosing sunglasses.

Wrong size

It often happens that you find glasses exactly as recommended, but they still don’t fit well on your face, giving it some kind of tense expression. The whole problem is in size; you need to take into account not only the shape, but also the proportions of the face. First, the width of the glasses should match the face; if the temple protrudes, this makes the face visually wider. Second, glasses must completely cover the eye socket, otherwise the face will look full and puffy.

Glasses S.T. Dupont

As I have repeatedly noted, the shape of the eye socket is the best guide in choosing glasses, just touch the bone around the eye and you will immediately understand the size of glasses you need. That is why, by the way, aviators are considered a universal shape that suits everyone - they coincide with the shape of the eye socket.

The temples are too thin

This is especially true for round and square faces. Wire-thin ones can add fullness to the face, so it is better to choose glasses with wide temples, temples made of contrasting material, or pronounced decoration.

Chopard glasses

Wrong color chosen

Glasses with smoky lenses visually lift and accentuate the cheekbones, which is unlikely to beautify a guy with an already wide, high-cheekbone face. Glasses with light frames visually appear larger than glasses with black frames, but transparent ones, on the contrary, look smaller, so transparent frames are more suitable for oval and long faces. And, of course, the color of the frame should match your type - if you have dark hair, feel free to experiment, but if you have light hair, choose glasses with horn-rimmed or nickel-plated frames.

Oliver Peoples glasses

Often I am also asked how many glasses should be in a basic wardrobe. The answer is in the illustrations for this material. 3-4 pairs. Choose one neutral, classic frame in black plastic or nickel for casual wear, a more extravagant version of the frame for a club look, and horn is better for a suit.

Have you already picked out your glasses for the summer? If not yet, welcome to Eurooptika!

Determining your appearance and personality type (color type, Kibby type, figure type, psychotype) is a key step in developing your style. All this directly affects your wardrobe and those style decisions that make your appearance harmonious.

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Nature has given us two eyes,

two ears, but only one tongue,

so that we watch and listen more than we talk.



Firework! Those who wear glasses will understand me, and the choice of topic is better than those who have poor and orderly vision. I did the math, and it turned out that due to all sorts of annoying incidents, I have to change or repair my glasses much more often than I would like.

This has probably happened five times in the last year! I don’t wear a cord or chain that prevents my glasses from falling off, as a matter of principle. With this device, all the charm of the accessory is lost. I experimented with the choice of frames and found my shape. But! It turns out that everything is not at all easy, and choosing glasses is a whole science!

Glasses are a modern and stylish accessory that emphasizes seriousness.
and the elegance of the image as a whole. To prevent glasses from ruining your impression, you need to know how to choose the right glasses frame, which should be in harmony with your skin type.
both with the oval of the face and the color of the eyes.

It is necessary to ensure that the glasses blend into the overall image, and do not catch the eye of others as an extravagant spot on the face.

Stylists have developed several general tips to help you choose exactly the frame that will become a real decoration for your face.

How to choose glasses frames according to your face shape

The natural shape of the face is different for all people, and it will depend on it how the glasses fit. The frame should not repeat it: it should contrast with it. There are several recommendations on how to choose the right glasses frame for different face shapes.

Square face

If the upper part of the face is proportional and the lower part is massive, choose frames with soft, rounded lines. Fashionable cat eye frames will be a great option for your face. For men with the same face shape, the classic shape of Ray Ban glasses is ideal, Aviator (“drops”) are also suitable. Tested for myself. Just this form of physiognomy, with a heavy chin. :)

Round face shape

If your face has the same height and width, the frame should be elongated, narrow and have pointed outer corners. You can choose a nice rectangular frame, which will also successfully correct the imperfections of a round face. I wouldn't recommend narrow ones. Vice versa!
Men have a similar story.

Long face

If you have a narrow, elongated face, glasses will help give it volume. To do this, you need to choose a rectangular frame with massive temples. For example, “butterfly” frames have recently come into fashion, which can visually expand the face with their raised outer corners and decoration on the arms.

Square frames are contraindicated for you. Don’t forget that every rule has its own exceptions, and therefore, in any case, when choosing a frame, you should have three advisers: a mirror, a loved one and a sales consultant.

How to choose the right glasses frame:
universal rules

Finally, here are a few universal rules on how to choose glasses frames for everyone, regardless of face shape, eye color and skin type.

1. The upper part of the frame should not rise above the eyebrows, and the lower part should not touch the cheeks.

2. The frame should not be tight, otherwise the bow will put pressure on the nose and leave marks on it. Too wide, loose frames will cause your glasses to constantly fall off your nose.

3. The temples should not put pressure on the temples, otherwise wearing glasses will be accompanied by a headache.

4. It’s better to buy a pair of glasses: this will allow you to change your look and will protect you if one of the glasses breaks or gets lost.

5. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the frame to ensure it is free from deformation, cracks and scratches. Choose brands that have already proven themselves in this market.

If you have been prescribed glasses, you should not have any complexes about this, because they often become the accessory that favorably emphasizes the beauty of your face and becomes a wonderful addition to your image. The main thing is to know the basic rules of how to choose glasses frames and follow the fashion trends of different seasons that relate to wearing glasses.

The recording was created using materials: zapiskiprofana.ru, Google pictures

Today, the range of optical accessories is so rich that making the right choice of glasses for vision is not so easy. If this is your first time encountering the problem of choosing glasses for your vision, then first of all, it is advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist to check your vision and select glasses according to your diagnosis. But if you have been wearing glasses for a long time and decided to change them, realizing that they are no longer suitable for you, then to select the correct glasses, you can go directly to an optical salon, where a contact specialist or optometrist will help you. So, how to choose glasses for vision?

Elementary selection rules

The most important thing when choosing glasses is the lenses. After all, it is precisely well-chosen lenses that can provide the glasses user with vision correction. Of course, only an ophthalmologist can do this, but it is better for the patient to know what lenses exist and how they “work.”

Find out reviews from doctors about night lenses to restore vision.

Optical lenses

Based on the number of optical zones, afocal lenses that do not correct vision are distinguished, single vision and multifocal. Each type of lens has its own characteristics:

  • Single vision lenses have equal optical power over their entire surface.
  • Multifocal lenses contain on their surface two or more zones with different diopters, which are able to smoothly transition from one to another.

Single vision lenses are great for everyday wear, while multifocal lenses are ideal for reading.

Selection of glasses for vision may be necessary for both “stigmatism” and “astigmatism”. Based on the uniformity of correction, lenses are divided into “astigmatic” and “stigmatic”. Stigmatic lenses are characterized by the presence of a spherical refractive surface (i.e., in any meridian, these lenses have equal refractive power). Astigmatic lenses are divided into toric and spherical surfaces. That is, they have two main sections, which have different refractive powers, due to which vision correction is achieved in case of astigmatism. can be done at home.

Most often, glasses for vision are selected for myopia and farsightedness. The lenses become negative (-) or positive (+) depending on the position of the main focus.

Read how to choose toric lenses.

If glasses are intended to correct vision, they are called corrective. Such glasses are selected for vision when it is necessary to correct various refractive errors, to correct defects in the muscular system and for some forms of accommodation disorder.

Lens selection

If your eyesight is failing you and you are about to buy glasses for the first time, the first step is to see an ophthalmologist. The doctor will determine the degree of visual acuity impairment and prescribe the best option for its further correction. Such a test (refractometry) is needed not only for beginners, but also for experienced glasses users. Visual acuity changes over time and the disease progresses, so ophthalmologists strongly recommend undergoing a medical examination at least once a year. An annual examination allows you not only to assess your vision condition, but also to promptly prevent eye diseases and complications.

Glasses are, first of all, a therapeutic optical device and only then a fashion accessory that complements a person’s style.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing glasses is corrective lenses, which should regulate visual acuity. When you select lenses (be sure to consult a doctor!), you can already pay attention to the design solution and style of the frame.

A vision test, which is carried out using, and the selection of glasses is a responsible process that must be carried out with a specialist.

Nowadays, visual acuity is checked through computer diagnostics (visometry), and the data obtained are reduced to standard tabular values. A vision test according to (Sivtsev, Golovin, etc.) will help determine the most suitable size of optical lenses for the patient. The doctor checks visual acuity using a symbol corrector, placing the patient at a distance of 5 meters from the table. Each eye is studied separately: first the right, then the left. If the patient makes a mistake or finds it difficult to name the table symbols from the indicated distance, he is asked to try on a number of trial lenses.

The result of the check will be the doctor’s conclusions about the patient’s problems and the selection of optical lenses for further correction.

Lenses are selected as the refractive power increases until the doctor determines the maximum visual acuity. Each eye is corrected to 0.7-0.8, and then the real binocular visual acuity of both eyes is determined. The final indicator should vary between 0.9-1.0. It is important that the doctor determines this indicator. not always accurate. You should not rely on the results of selecting glasses online.

Read also about how to test your eyesight and choose glasses.

Using an online check, the patient can only draw preliminary conclusions, and the determination of the final result should be entrusted to an ophthalmologist.

After the selection of optical lenses is completed, the doctor must measure the interpupillary distance. He does this using a pupillometer or a classic ruler.

The measurement procedure is performed to ensure correct alignment of the lenses in the frame. This will help avoid a deterioration in overall well-being due to additional visual stress. The following indicator is considered optimal for glasses: 2 mm higher at distance than near.

Do not forget to inform your doctor about the specific purposes for which you need glasses: working at a computer monitor, reading books, or driving a personal vehicle. This is very important! The doctor will take this information into account when writing a prescription for glasses.

Glasses prescription

So, the vision test has been carried out, the diagnostic results have been received. The doctor just needs to fill out a prescription for glasses. The recipe must reflect the following parameters:

  • optical power of cylindrical or spherical lenses;
  • interpupillary distance;
  • the reason for selecting glasses.

The patient just has to go to a specialized optical salon and order glasses, which will be made to order (according to the prescription!).

This is what a prescription for glasses looks like:

Of course, you can choose ready-made glasses, but this option is recommended for patients who have minor vision problems.

Glasses frames

So, with the help of a doctor, you have selected the necessary optical lenses. Now it's a matter of choosing the right frame. Today their range is very large. Frames made from the following materials are available:

  • plastic or other polymers;
  • metal: gold, silver or alloys;
  • combined: metal - plastic, etc.

The choice of material from which the spectacle frames are made largely determines the appearance of the glasses, their weight, and service life. Metal frames are heavier and more expensive, but they also last longer.

To choose the most suitable frame, it is better to try on several options and choose the most suitable for yourself. will allow you to choose the best option.

Frames also vary in shape. Today, salons sell a huge number of different styles, colors and sizes. Here are examples of only the most common forms of frames:

  • "aviator";
  • "wayfarer";
  • "The Lennons";
  • "cat's eye";
  • "butterfly";
  • "panto";
  • "dragonfly";
  • "clubmaster"
  • "Lolita";

Currently, many people have a variety of vision problems. To perform high-quality vision correction, you will need glasses. In order for this device to perform high-quality correction, you will need to select glasses for your vision.

Choosing the right glasses for your vision

In this article, we tried to tell you how to choose glasses for your vision and told you all the details. After contacting an ophthalmologist, he will use special equipment that will help you select quality products.

Visual acuity test

To select the right glasses for your vision, you first need to determine the acuity. An autorefractometer will help you choose the optimal visual acuity indicators. It is not recommended to trust everything to the computer. An additional check must be carried out by a specialist.

Important to know! It is unacceptable to order glasses only based on the results of a computer study.

You can also check your visual acuity using a table or using a special sign projector from a distance of 5m. Each eye must be tested individually. You need to start choosing glasses for vision from the right eye.

Then, using a special frame, specialists attach plus or minus lenses. The selection of glasses for vision in this case will depend on the indicators of the autorefractometer.

Visual acuity is an important parameter when choosing glasses

It is necessary to select lenses only sequentially. If you have a problem of myopia, then a lens is prescribed that will have minimal refractive power. In case of farsightedness, on the contrary, a lens with maximum performance will be selected. Visual acuity of both eyes must be 0.9-1.0.

Sometimes you may encounter a problem when the vision of the right and left eyes is different. The maximum permissible difference in diopters should in no case exceed 2-3 D. In this case, everything will depend on the patient’s individual tolerance. If a person has problems with myopia and farsightedness, then he may be prescribed.

Astigmatism correction

The most difficult task for every specialist is the selection of correction for astigmatism. The main difficulty is that it takes some getting used to. Accordingly, with high degrees of astigmatism, you may be prescribed weak lenses, and then their effect will gradually increase. Instead of a trial frame, a special attachment to an ophthalmological diagnostic complex – a phoropter – can be used.

Selection of astigmatism correction

When selecting glasses for vision, ophthalmologists use a special table to test near vision. The selection will be carried out according to the same rules as for the distance. If the patient wishes to be fitted with bifocal glasses, then vision will be tested for both distance and near vision. The optical power in this case should not exceed 2-3 D. Where can I get my eyes checked and choose glasses? This is a common question that almost every patient asks himself. Ophthalmologists or specialized centers where sales are carried out will be able to carry out the selection.

Pupillary distance measurement

After selecting the correction, specialists will begin to measure the interpupillary distance. Usually the distance is measured using a regular ruler. Naturally, today there is a certain technique that allows you to measure the distance between the pupils. As a rule, the distance at distance will be 2 mm greater than at near.

Determination of interpupillary distance

Glasses prescription

After checking all the necessary indicators, the ophthalmologist or optometrist will write a prescription, which will indicate:

  1. Patient data.
  2. Optical power of optical or cylindrical lenses.
  3. Purpose of assigning points.

Optotypes are special tables that depict various symbols

In some cases, specialists may also indicate additional indicators. It is not recommended to throw away all prescriptions prescribed by a specialist. They are necessary so that in the future you can take a prescription and see how your vision has changed over a certain period. Incorrectly selected glasses can cause a number of problems, so before choosing, consult only real professionals.

The price of a mistake

Sometimes you can encounter a problem when the choice of glasses for vision was made completely wrong. If you encounter a similar problem and continue to use glasses for vision, then the process of addiction will gradually begin. As a result, the body will try to compensate for optical distortions at the cost of eye fatigue. Accordingly, after just a few days of using such glasses, you may notice a headache, as well as further deterioration of vision.

Now you know exactly how to choose glasses for your vision. This process will not be difficult if you carefully study all the recommendations of specialists. We hope that this information was really useful and interesting.

It happens that you bought new glasses, and the discomfort that you experience when wearing new glasses causes such inconvenience that it leads to a reluctance to wear these glasses.

Let's analyze the main causes of discomfort from new glasses and how they can be solved without replacing glasses with others.

Typically, consumer complaints about new glasses related to the type and shape of the lenses, the material from which they are made, or the prescription may be due to the physiological inability of the visual system to one of the above listed elements of vision.

However, in some cases one can also encounter psychological taboos of a person not adapting to new glasses. This is usually expressed in the fact that the complaints have irregular symptoms, which are difficult to explain with something objective.

In this case, it is important for the seller or ophthalmologist to understand what is behind the reluctance to wear new glasses:

The buyer believes that he was pushed into buying.

At home he begins to be “choked by a toad”; he feels sorry for the money spent.

The buyer has changed his mind about the chosen frame.

Someone close to you expressed a negative opinion about the new glasses.

The chosen type of glasses does not correspond to the buyer’s usual behavior style.

The glasses do not meet the buyer's expectations.

The occurrence of such reasons is easily eliminated at the stage of selecting frames and lenses for glasses, if the buyer sets out in sufficient detail his requirements for new glasses or talks about his style preferences.

There are also reasons for possible discomfort from new glasses that the optician knows about and to which he should draw the buyer’s attention. This is intolerance to single vision, bifocal and progressive lenses.

1. Intolerance to single vision lenses.

Although the reasons for intolerance to single vision lenses vary, they can be grouped into the following types:

1. Centering error.

2.Changing the shape or material of lenses.

3. Incorrect placement of glasses on the face.

4.Communicative reasons.

5.Cosmetic difficulties.

Now let's talk about each type in order.

Centering error - This is incorrect horizontal centering of the lens. That is, the optical center of the lens does not coincide with the buyer’s pupil. A common cause of intolerance to glasses is due to unskilled manufacturing of glasses. Such low-quality glasses can be purchased from street stalls. In places of sale of ready-made glasses and in opticians with low quality goods.

This error leads to an undesirable prismatic effect, the magnitude of which is directly dependent on the magnitude of the centering error and the optical power of the lens.

Long-term wearing of glasses with incorrect horizontal centering leads first to blurred vision, and then to convergent or divergent strabismus.

Glasses with such lenses must be replaced immediately.

Changes in the shape and/or material of lenses in new glasses are associated with the replacement of spherical lens design with aspherical or with lenses with a “steeper” base curvature, with a higher refractive index and a lower Abbe number.

Typically, the buyer is prepared for such changes at the stage of selecting new glasses. This is a purely psychological reason for possible discomfort. This can be eliminated by providing the buyer with detailed explanations of the reasons for the temporary inconvenience.

Excessively curved surfaces of aspherical lenses can cause discomfort in that it is difficult for the buyer to get used to the change in image magnification and in the blurring of the image when the gaze deviates away from the optical center.

Knowing about these features of an aspherical lens in advance, the buyer, as a rule, easily adapts to them.

If the new glasses have a different radius of base curvature, optical power, refractive index, or lens thickness than the previous glasses, the magnification effect created by the lens changes. Therefore, if getting used to new glasses (with constant wearing) does not occur within the first week, you need to contact an optical salon to eliminate the causes of discomfort.

Incorrect placement of glasses on the face causes a vertical displacement of the optical centers of the lenses in relation to the pupils. The buyer complains about weak correction, glasses sliding off the face, or excessive pressure from glasses on the bridge of the nose or temples. Often the problem is eliminated by simply adjusting the frame (adjusting the length of the temples, adjusting the nose pads, changing the pantoscopic angle of the frame in relation to the face).

Communication reasons for intolerance to new glasses may arise if the buyer has not found mutual understanding with the ophthalmologist or seller and has not received proper instructions on the functional features of the new glasses. The buyer should promptly pay attention to the rules for the use and storage of glasses attached to the glasses, to the guarantees and contraindications. All these materials are included in printed form with glasses purchased at an optical salon.

Cosmetic problems - These are problems with the appearance of the glasses. They can be grouped as follows:

The lenses turned out to be thicker than the buyer expected.

The color of the lenses does not meet the buyer's expectations.

The color of the frame does not match the color of the lenses.

The frame style disappointed the buyer.

As a rule, in a modern optical salon these issues are discussed at the level of selecting glasses and do not arise in further use.

Do not buy ready-made random glasses from street stalls or places where you are not given proper information about the quality of the glasses.

If such a problem does arise, it can be resolved through joint negotiations between the buyer and the sales consultant.

2.Intolerance to bifocal glasses.

Although many reasons for intolerance apply to all types of lenses, in the case of bifocal lenses we will focus on those related to the size and location of the segment.

The main complaints from buyers of such glasses include:

Image download.

Narrowing of the field of view when reading.

Discomfort caused by the segment when looking into the distance.

Poor vision at medium distances (when reading).

All problems will be swept aside immediately if the buyer hears from the ophthalmologist what can be expected from new bifocal glasses, what vision will be like at near, medium and far distances and how to put on and wear glasses.

When choosing the right frame for glasses with bifocal lenses, the optical salon will demonstrate the position and size of the segment in future glasses. They will take the necessary individual measurements for high-quality production of glasses. They will adjust the fit of the finished glasses on the buyer’s face.

If discomfort still occurs when wearing bifocal glasses, it should be resolved with an ophthalmologist and most likely the problem will be individual intolerance.

3. Intolerance to progressive glasses.

The most difficult intolerance problem that a specialist has to solve is that related to glasses with progressive lenses.

Already at the stage of selecting glasses, the ophthalmologist must take into account all aspects of the indications and contraindications for wearing such lenses.

The reasons for intolerance to progressive lenses can be grouped as follows:

Lack of consumer awareness regarding the features of wearing progressive lenses.

Insufficient information from the consumer about the desired viewing outcome in progressive lenses.

Incorrect selection of progressive lens design.

Incorrect installation of lenses into the frame.

Individual intolerance.

Often the likely reason is that the buyer simply does not understand how to properly use glasses with progressive lenses and how they differ from regular (single vision) lenses. In many cases, the buyer does not listen carefully to the ophthalmologist's explanations and recommendations, so a repeated explanation is required.

Problems with reading and walking up stairs in glasses with progressive lenses are removed immediately as soon as the buyer follows all the necessary instructions from the specialist - a certain tilt of the head so that the eyes look through the currently needed zone of the lens.

Accurate measurements when choosing a frame for installing progressive lenses, the position of the frame relative to the face, and a lens design suitable for the specific activity of the buyer allow us to produce new glasses with the highest quality.

Therefore, the buyer is required to explain in detail the needs for glasses - for what work or hobbies glasses with progressive lenses will be used.

And in conclusion.

Whatever your future glasses, do not forget that you choose them yourself. And your comfort and mood in new glasses depends on how detailed your wishes and functional requirements are expressed to the optical salon specialist.



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