Interview during placement. Why do you need an interview?

This day can change your life. If everything is done correctly, a wonderful career will begin, great work and high earnings.

So, you wake up in a pleasantly anxious mood, when the stress level is at an acceptable level, and your head is thinking clearly, all morning you try to smile as friendly as possible, although you become serious.

Despite the fact that people often have a good portfolio, they cannot do without painful job interviews. For some, an interview is the only chance to leave a good impression, especially if they have a lack of experience and a meager resume. How to behave to impress a possible employer? What can you say and what can you not? How to prepare properly? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

When you arrive at a company, your heart starts beating louder, and when you walk into the interview room, it literally jumps out of your chest. Nervousness, fear and self-doubt appear. If this situation sounds familiar to you, it means that you most likely did not prepare very carefully for the interview. And in case of failure, they must blame themselves first of all. To prevent this from happening, follow the advice from the article.

But first, let’s answer one of the most important questions: why does nervousness appear? The fact is that many people do not like uncertainty: how the office will be furnished, who will be in it, what questions will be asked and exactly how to behave.

A reasonable level of stress can help. If you have carefully prepared, rehearsed in front of a mirror or with friends, then the anxiety will be significantly reduced.

A lot depends on expectations. Some people don't plan anything, so they are easily caught off guard. They don't think through their options out of fear or laziness.

So, you really need preparation. It is necessary in many areas of life, but before an interview you cannot do without it: five minutes spent brilliantly can completely change your destiny.

How to pass an interview if communication and interaction with other peoplenot your strengths?

Anyone with proper preparation can do well in a job interview.

It is believed that introverts really dislike interviews and treat them as a necessary evil. Their strength is that they love and know how to prepare, but their main weakness is that during interviews you still need to have a lot of contact with strangers. What to do in this case?

Prepare and prepare again

Of course, every person needs preparation.

Preparation should be understood as writing down possible questions and answers to them. Practice in front of a mirror or with friends. To be confident in your communication skills with people, you can engage in self-education, for example, take our courses on and. When it comes time for an interview, you will be more focused on the answers than on your inner feelings.

Go to any interviews

And even for positions you don’t apply for. Think of interviews as another stage of preparation. After all, practice cannot beat theory, especially when it comes to communication.

There is no shame in being an introvert; such people just have to leave their comfort zone more often. The more diverse situations, the more experience and confidence.

Tell us about your strengths

Needless to say, you like to grumble when someone interrupts you. Rather, talk about brilliant writing skills, high level, perseverance and independence. Some companies value these qualities extremely highly, so this can be a huge advantage.

Look for positions that are right for you

Lack of money is a well-known problem, so sometimes you have to work where they hire you. But if possible, wait a while and look for the position that is right for you. In the end, the chances of achieving great success on it will be noticeably higher.

Make eye contact

This is human nature: if you don’t look your interlocutor in the eye, he will perceive it as a way to hide something. Yes, many introverts find eye contact too intimate and draining. However, sometimes in life, things you don’t like to do help you achieve amazing results. Practice with people close to you to feel at ease during the interview.

What to do before the interview?

Let's talk about tips that will be useful to everyone.

You will need to spend about two to three hours finding as much information as possible. Not all of it will be important, but it will play its role as a stress reliever.

Do the following:

  • Do research about the company and industry.
  • Clear your social media profile of ambiguous information.
  • Find out what your career plans and goals are.
  • Consider your past professional experience and how it will help your new company.
  • Learn to express your thoughts clearly and understandably.
  • Write down all the expected questions and prepare answers (this point will be discussed below).

You also need to think about what you will wear. It should be understood that clothes should be in complete harmony with the image that you want to create. And yet there are no clear recommendations on this topic: the world is changing rapidly, startups are gaining popularity, and their leaders are quite calm about what a person is wearing.

What questions are asked at an interview?

While these may vary from company to company and position, you need to be prepared for anything. And the best way to do this is to sort the questions into categories.

The worst thing you can do is to come to an interview relying on your imagination, ingenuity and impromptu. At a critical moment of stress, something is bound to fail, so let's take a look at what is usually asked in an interview.

Introductory questions

The interview will most likely start with basic questions such as:

  • Could you tell us a little about yourself?
  • How did you hear about this vacancy?
  • What motivates you?

Questions about work experience

Of course, the employer is very interested in your work experience, because it can be transferred to a new position. So expect questions like:

  • Could you briefly tell us who and where you worked?
  • Why do you want to leave your current (past) job?
  • Can you explain the gaps in your work history? Why, say, did you take a three-month break?
  • Can you describe a time when you faced a difficult challenge and overcame it?
  • What achievements are you proud of?
  • Can you give me an example of how you took on more responsibilities than the position required and got it done?
  • What is your typical work day like?

Questions about the position you are applying for

Even though it seems like these are the most important issues, this is not always the case. People give the usual standard answers. But if you manage to pleasantly surprise the interviewer, this will be a great advantage:

  • Why do you think you are suitable for this position?
  • Do you have relevant experience for this position?
  • What interested you in this position?
  • When could you start working?
  • What do you need so you can do great work?

Questions about interpersonal skills

It’s easy to fail at this stage, because if you talk about how easily you find a common language with clients in a monotone voice, serious doubts will arise. This block of questions is extremely important. Sometimes an employer is not interested in experience if you are smart and know how to attract attention. However, consider answering the following questions:

  • Have you ever had problems with a colleague or manager?
  • Do you consider yourself a team player?
  • Can you provide an example of how a conflict was resolved?
  • How would your boss and colleagues describe you?
  • What is your working style?

Questions about the company you are interviewing with

Before going to an interview, you need to at least go to the website of the future employer and find all the possible information there. Use third-party sources with caution. Be careful when answering the following questions:

  • What do you know about our company?
  • Have you tried our product? What do you think of him?
  • Do you know any of our employees?
  • What do you think about our site?

Questions about strengths and weaknesses

These questions are designed not only to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses, but also to find out how tactfully you talk about them:

  • What is your greatest strength?
  • How effectively do you work under pressure?
  • What is your highest professional achievement?
  • What do you consider your weaknesses?
  • What would you like to improve about yourself? Are you working on this? Are you self-educating?

Final questions

This is a situation where you can easily ruin everything, even if the interview went perfectly before. These questions look very harmless, but they are designed in such a way as to reveal something about you that you have been trying to hide. Therefore, think in advance what you will answer:

  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • Are there any questions I should have asked you but didn't?
  • Our questions may not have covered all areas. Is there anything we should have asked you?

How to behave during an interview

These rules are universal regardless of whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.

The first thing to understand is that employers rarely hire immediately after the first interview. Therefore, do not try to meticulously observe your interlocutor, so as not to seem intrusive. The main thing is to leave a good impression. You can do this as follows.

Speak clearly and with confidence

When we meet a person for the first time, we judge him based on three components:

  • cloth;
  • how and what he says;
  • body language.

These components must be used in order to leave the most pleasant impression. You've probably heard the expression: "People will forget what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel." Of course, this phrase did not apply to the interview (the interviewer is constantly writing something down and adding squiggles), but there is some truth in it.

Be careful: Confident speech can easily turn into self-confidence, and clarity of speech can easily turn into blandness.

Body language is also very important. If it does not harmonize with what you are talking about, then you can easily come across as insincere or hypocritical. Especially if you overdo it with gestures and facial expressions.

Sincere and real people do not need a loud voice and pompous speeches. They inspire confidence. Watch a video of someone you consider authentic. Find out why he creates this impression. You shouldn’t blindly copy his gestures and facial expressions, but take a closer look and take something into account.

Be an active listener

Be an active listener and pay attention to what the interviewer has to say and what their body language says. This one habit will make you stand out from the crowd, because usually people come to interviews who answer the wrong questions that were asked of them and interrupt in an attempt to seem smart.

Emphasize your key qualities and interest in the position

You should be careful when talking about your strengths and key qualities. It's easy to sound arrogant by inserting this valuable information into every sentence. But you still need to do this periodically.

The only exception is the skill of communicating with people. You should not repeat this more than once, because the interlocutor already sees and hears everything.

Demonstrate intelligence, motivation and passion

Another subtle point that requires caution. But if you use it wisely, you can make the right impression.

Almost every employer is looking for a person who possesses these three qualities. And three at once, because in combination they give amazing results.

A person who is motivated and passionate but stupid will not generate the same response as someone who has all three qualities.

Don't discuss sensitive topics

You should never bring up the following topics:

  • personal problems;
  • policy;
  • financial problems;
  • criticism of the previous employer.

Keep these topics to yourself and do not give in to provocations. Employers really don't like those who spread rumors or talk about things that are not relevant to the matter.

Ask questions

We already touched on this topic when we talked about the types of questions that are asked in an interview. If you still feel like you have established a good rapport with the interviewer, ask a few questions. Still, remember that the interview isn't over until you're out the door. Everything you say will be used against you.

Here is a list of questions that will not harm your reputation, and may even improve it:

  • What is the company's mission, goals and values?
  • What is the company culture?
  • What are the selection criteria by which you hire people for a position?
  • What do you expect from this person?
  • What responsibilities will I have if I am qualified for this position?

These are completely innocent questions. If the interviewer decides to answer them at length and with great pleasure, listen carefully. Somewhere in his words there is something very important hidden that will come in handy later.

How to behave after an interview

As we already said, the interview ends only when you close the door and leave the office. But still, what you do after that is also important, although it does not affect getting this particular vacancy.

Some people breathe a sigh of relief after an interview and then wait with their fingers crossed. However, this strategy can be improved.

When you get home, ask yourself:

  • How did my interview go?
  • What can I learn from this experience?
  • What could I be better at?
  • Am I right for this company?
  • Am I suitable for this position?

Questions like these mean a lot more than they seem. Even if the interview did not go very smoothly, life does not end. Draw the right conclusions, work on yourself and be wiser next time.

Pay special attention to the timing and conditions of the interview.

Most likely, you will not have the ability to control some situations, but it is quite possible to prepare for them.

If the interview is scheduled for the morning, it is advisable to wake up as early as possible. At the same time, you don’t need to think about it, because you have already prepared thoroughly. Do meditation or yoga, write something in your diary. It is extremely important to be in a conscious state in order to notice the necessary details during the interview itself.

If rain is predicted, then do your best to come to the interview dry. Don't leave raindrops on your chair. Also, try not to get your hair wet.

Learn to shake hands firmly

The devil is in the details. We rarely give importance to a firm handshake, but we should. In some cases, this inspires great trust and respect.

Mirror the interviewer

The technique is very relevant during an interview. We have already said more than once how important it is to please and inspire trust. This method is ridiculed by many, but observation of people suggests that it works very well.

We wish you good luck!

An interview is one of the most important stages of a job search. Any mistake in an interview could cost you your job. It is important not only to show yourself as a professional, but also to demonstrate communication skills and demonstrate a willingness to work in a team. The recruiter and the employer are not just looking for a specialist capable of performing this or that job. They are looking for a member of the work team. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to successfully pass an interview.

Practical recommendations for passing a job interview

Let's start preparing

You should prepare for the interview at home, immediately after the recruiter calls. What can you do?

Studying information about the company

Be sure to go to the company's website and research information about it if you haven't done so before submitting your resume. Look at what the company does, how many years it has been on the market, remember its competitive advantages. Be sure to write down and remember the names of the managers, this may be useful during the interview. You need to study this information not for the sake of idle interest. If during the interview you demonstrate your awareness of the company's work, this will show the recruiter that you care where you work and that you are focused on a career in this company.

Preparing clothes for an interview

This point should be given special attention, because, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes.

Of course, the style of clothing preferred at an interview is greatly influenced by the company's field of activity and the position for which you are applying. And yet there are generally accepted rules: clean clothes, closed shoes, a minimum of accessories, neat hair and manicure, a bag or briefcase - only in business style.

Also in most industries, the following clothing items will be unacceptable: jeans, T-shirts and shorts, sportswear, printed tights and leggings.

If you are in doubt about the right choice, give preference to proven classics: a suit, sheath dress, jumper and trousers.

Collecting documents

It is better to have with you for the interview:

  1. Passport
  2. Printout of your resume in two copies
  3. Printed text of the vacancy (if you have questions about the vacancy, write them on the same sheet)
  4. Work book (or copy)
  5. Education documents (or copies)
  6. Portfolio (if available)
  7. Recommendations (written - if available, or a list of people willing to provide you with oral recommendations, indicating their position and contacts)
  8. Other documents, if they were requested by the recruiter during the invitation to an interview
  9. Also be sure to bring a pen and notepad with you.

Rehearsing the presentation

In most cases, during an interview, a candidate for a position is asked to tell about himself. So that this request does not take you by surprise, it is better to prepare in advance for such a self-presentation and carefully rehearse it at home. Write a story about yourself in two versions: three and five minutes.

Be sure to include in your presentation:

  • Your awareness of the company and the vacancy you are interested in (you have already studied this information, right?)
  • Your willingness to perform assigned tasks at a professional level
  • Your previous work experience that will help you in this position
  • Your knowledge and skills required for this vacancy
  • Your achievements in previous jobs

It is also important to indicate the reason why you are currently looking for a job and explain why exactly you were attracted to the proposed vacancy.

However, remember, your presentation should not simply duplicate your resume. Use it as an opportunity to make the right impression on an employer or recruiter. Don't make your story a joke, don't stoop to criticize previous bosses and employees, and focus only on what is relevant to the job. Asking to tell about yourself in this case does not mean at all that you need to indulge in lengthy discussions about your children, animals, hobbies and political views.

We are preparing answers to common questions

There is a certain list of questions that come up in one way or another in most interviews. Therefore, in order to pass the interview correctly, it is important to be prepared for such “uncomfortable” questions in advance. Read more about this below.

On the day of the interview

So, day X has arrived. We are making final preparations.

Let's get ourselves in order

Let us remind you once again: clean clothes, neat hair, perfect manicure. No strong odors: choose a neutral perfume, stop smoking the night before the interview.

Specifying the route

Make sure you know exactly where you need to go and how to get there. If you live in a large city, plan your route taking into account traffic jams. Make sure to arrive at the designated location 10-15 minutes before the start of the interview. This will give you the opportunity to get yourself in order before entering the recruiter’s office, calm down, and get into the right frame of mind.

Before entering the office

Make sure you hide all unnecessary items and accessories: headphones, cigarettes, sunglasses. Put away the gum. Turn off your mobile phone. Prepare the necessary documents so that, if necessary, you can easily provide them without rummaging through your bag for ten minutes.

Passing an interview

Choosing a style of behavior

Undoubtedly, your behavior plays one of the main roles in answering the question “how to conduct an interview correctly.” You can be a high-class specialist, but if you show yourself to be a boorish upstart, you may be left without the job you want. Excessive modesty can also work against you: if you mumble something indistinctly in response to the recruiter’s questions, he may never know that you could ideally perform the job in the proposed position. So, how should you behave:

  1. Calmness and politeness are your main assistants.
  2. Don't be afraid to look your interlocutor in the eyes. This is always attractive and also demonstrates your self-confidence.
  3. Don't make a fuss. Don't knock on the table, don't fiddle with your clothes, don't rock in your chair.
  4. Address the recruiter by name.
  5. Speak clearly and distinctly, try to match the pace of the recruiter’s speech.
  6. Do not interrupt under any circumstances.
  7. Answer the questions asked in detail. Monosyllabic “yes”, “no” and even more so “I don’t know” are definitely not your option today.
  8. When asking questions about a vacancy, first of all inquire about the content of your possible responsibilities, and only then about the conditions and remuneration.
  9. Don't refuse to get tested or fill out a questionnaire if asked.

We answer “uncomfortable” questions

As we have already written, there is a certain list of questions that may partially or completely come up during interviews. To successfully pass an interview, it is better to be prepared in advance to answer them.

“Why did you quit your previous job?”
In this case, you should not lie, much less criticize your previous place of work, employees and superiors. Talk about any negative experience as a lesson for yourself.

“Why do you want to work for us?”
Here it is best to demonstrate your awareness of the company’s activities and prospects, and emphasize why exactly it interests you. Focus on professional opportunities, not salary. And even more so, you shouldn’t answer that you don’t care where you work.

« What salary do you want to receive and why do you think you are worth that much?»
Before answering this question, be sure to clarify the list of your upcoming job responsibilities. If it coincides with your tasks at your previous job, indicate the salary level is not lower than the previous one. Emphasize once again your skills and abilities for which you want to receive such a salary. In a conversation in this case, it is most advantageous to use active constructions: “I can/can.”

« Why should we hire you?»
Think in advance what abilities you can offer an employer, and be prepared to demonstrate them in a test task or simulated work situation.

« List your strengths and weaknesses»
List three to five of your strengths. The list of shortcomings may be more modest. When naming your weaknesses, be sure to clarify that you know about these shortcomings of yours and are constantly working on them.

Preparing questions for the recruiter

An interview is not only an opportunity to show yourself, but also your chance to clarify all the features of a possible job, so to speak, on the shore. And you definitely shouldn’t miss this chance. Be sure to ask the recruiter:

  • Why and how long has the vacancy you are interested in been open: if there is a high turnover of personnel or they cannot find a specialist for a long time, this may be an alarm bell
  • How will your performance be assessed in this position?
  • What career prospects will you have?

Testing and questionnaires

Recruiters often ask applicants to take a test or fill out a questionnaire. It is important here, firstly, not to refuse such an opportunity, otherwise it may be regarded as disrespect. And secondly, do not try to “guess” the correct answer, but choose exactly what you yourself consider to be correct. Since most tests include a so-called “lie scale,” any attempts to cheat may be detected and work against you.

At the end of the interview

When your conversation with the recruiter has ended, be sure to clarify how long it will take to make a decision on your candidacy and when you can expect feedback. Also find out when you can contact the recruiter yourself if necessary.

And finally...

Summing up how to properly conduct an interview, I would like to mention a few more typical mistakes that applicants make during the interview:

  1. You should not come to the interview accompanied by friends, children, parents, etc.
  2. You cannot lie about your achievements, previous salary, position, etc.
  3. It is unacceptable to make critical remarks about the recruiter's company. Even if you notice obvious disadvantages in the structure of the company’s “working body,” keep these comments to yourself. You can return to them after you have already filled the vacancy you are interested in.
  4. Let us remind you once again: you should not criticize previous management and employees.
  5. In response to a recruiter’s question, you should not refer him to your resume. Even if you are asked a question, the answer to which you have already described in your resume, take the trouble to give it verbally.
  6. Don't talk too much. Answer in detail, but to the point.
  7. A big mistake would be to demand that they take you directly to the head of the company, bypassing the recruiter. The procedure for hiring employees is established by the company's internal policy, and it is not up to you to change it.
  8. It is better to ask questions about vacations and sick leave last. After all, you don’t get a job just to immediately go on vacation or get sick? Of course, the social package is important, but first of all you should still be interested in job responsibilities.
  9. Don’t withdraw into yourself, don’t slip into monosyllabic answers, don’t miss the opportunity to show your best side. Even if you are an inveterate introvert, today, during the interview, show the maximum of your sociability. After all, you essentially only have one chance.

Obtaining the desired position or place of work requires good preparation for a meeting with a potential employer. Appearance, personal history and demonstration of key competencies allow the applicant to feel confident during the interview. In order for a positive decision to be made based on the results of the meeting, you need to think about what information and to what extent to provide about yourself.

Mandatory interview program

Once you receive an invitation to an interview, you can mentally congratulate yourself. After all, this means that the submitted resume was noted among others. If preliminary tests were carried out, they were successfully completed. Therefore, the employer is interested in this applicant. This will make it easier to pass a serious test.

The employer already knows the basic information, but it may require specification:

  • what kind of work the person previously performed in the previous place;
  • reasons for the decision to change employment or leave work;
  • marital status and prospects for changes in it;
  • level of proficiency in specialized programs, languages ​​with demonstration of skills or examples.

The applicant for the position must be interested in communicating all his professional qualities and skills that are relevant to this position. It is good if you have recently completed seminars or courses that indicate advanced training.

At the interview, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that the actual functionality was different from what was described in the job description at the previous company. It’s good if this information presents the applicant in a more advantageous light, demonstrating his qualities:

  • result orientation;
  • multitasking;
  • ability to perform certain non-standard tasks, etc.

You need to say just enough about yourself so that the employer’s representatives have no doubt that the person will easily cope with future responsibilities.

Strategic meeting map

In order to achieve the intended goal and obtain the most complete information to make a decision about whether to accept the proposed job, you should think through the course of the meeting. It is imperative to formulate logical and consistent answers, as well as a list of questions for representatives from the organization.

The overall behavior strategy should take into account the following:

  • appearance and image that will be used during the meeting;
  • speed of responses to questions from employer representatives;
  • degree of disclosure about past jobs and management;
  • at what point to ask your own questions;
  • whether it is necessary to provide information about other family members;
  • How much should you talk about your hobbies and interests, since a significant number of them can create an image of a person who should not be offered a job.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance should not differ significantly from what the employer sees later, otherwise he will consider it a deception. This may prevent you from completing your probationary period with the company.

If a position in an organization involves a close connection with an existing hobby, be sure to mention it. After all, a snowboarder in a store selling goods for winter sports can successfully implement the sales function.

Regardless of the level of position for which a person is applying, his personal data, there are generally accepted standards of behavior for:

  • You can't be late. If you are not sure that the transport will deliver you to the interview site on time, you need to take a spare 20 minutes.
  • It is prohibited to provide false facts about yourself. They can be easily checked, in addition, in large organizations the security service creates an additional dossier for each applicant, where the correct information may already be posted.
  • There is no need to blame other managers or organizations for your failures and job loss.
  • You should focus on the industry affiliation and format of the organization’s activities. For example, speaking complex language during an interview for a position in an advertising agency, where the manager is a young man of about 25, is not worth it.
  • Before visiting a company, you should do some research about it to demonstrate your interest. The management of the organization will be pleased with this. In addition, the fact will show that the applicant has an idea of ​​what he will have to do.
  • It is recommended to focus on active communications with company representatives so that you have the opportunity to express yourself during the meeting.
  • It is better to practice with non-standard questions that are aimed at testing the psychology, logic and IQ level of the applicant.

Potential deficiencies issues deserve particular attention. There is no person without them, so it is better to come up with in advance those traits that are not positive, but are not critical for fulfilling functional responsibilities in the company.

It will be useful to find among your friends those who can tell you more about the company. This will allow you to determine what is best to tell about yourself in the first minutes of the interview.

What to ask your employer?

In addition to understanding what to say in an interview, it is useful to determine what is required for the job applicant to make a positive decision about the job. After all, both sides should take a closer look at each other. This will save you from wasting time if the choice is made incorrectly due to incomplete information.

Among the relevant questions from the applicant would be:

  • about the duration of the probationary period;
  • about the level of wages, types of compensation payments in the organization, bonuses and the grounds for receiving them, dates of issue;
  • about the degree of legality of labor relations, since many offer unofficial registration for work, payment of “gray” or “black” wages;
  • about work schedule and vacation schedule;
  • about functional responsibilities;
  • about whether the position is permanent or the person is needed for maternity leave;
  • about who the new employee will report to if a positive decision is made;
  • about the territorial location of the place of work, since large companies may have offices located at a great distance from each other;
  • about the availability of corporate transport and corporate style in clothing.

It is wrong to ask about the details of future work on all fronts at once. But during the interview there will definitely be a moment when you have the opportunity to ask 2-3 of your own questions.

What should you abstain from?

You can create the wrong impression about yourself very quickly. It is quite difficult to change it, because the interview time is limited. Regardless of gender, age and previous work experience, it is worth taking care of neat clothes, clean shoes, and well-groomed hands. Of course, no one will expect a perfect manicure from a future auto mechanic or locksmith. But the grooming of the applicant will deserve attention.

You should not do the following:

During the conversation, you need to find out as much as possible about the work that will need to be done. This will help to imagine whether the applicant himself is ready for such a volume and responsibilities. In some cases, neither the prestige of the company nor high wages become motivating factors for employment. This situation is possible if a potential employee learns about wage delays and an unfavorable psychological climate in the team in advance.

The work should be developing and loved, so you need to inquire about the basic conditions before going to a new place. This will motivate you to successfully adapt and get the first results after employment.

First, let's try to figure out how to speak correctly during an interview when applying for a job, and what should not be said at an interview, as well as how to behave in general.

The best option is to be polite to all employees of the organization you meet, be it an HR employee or the boss himself.

On your first visit, you will almost certainly have to fill out some forms or, it is better to do this willingly, without being indignant at the number of questions.

Look into the eyes of your interlocutor, don’t let your gaze wander.

You shouldn’t be overly nervous or allow yourself to be too cheerful.

When you first meet, you need to pay special attention to your personality. For example, choose a formal business suit that will instantly make you look significant.

Take care of cleanliness, your hairstyle and accessories. Under no circumstances should you appear in dirty, wrinkled clothes, open-style items, or too flashy accessories.

So, the preparation has been completed, and what should you say at the interview in order to get hired?

How to communicate with an employer correctly?

The employer will first of all pay attention to the following qualities of you::

  • appearance;
  • sociability;
  • intelligence;
  • competence in issues that need to be resolved in the workplace;
  • non-conflict, accommodating;
  • presence of work experience;
  • desire to work and achieve career growth;
  • energy.

When meeting an employer for the first time, it is important. And clearly understand how to communicate during an interview.

The following points are of great importance:

The boss asks questions. You shouldn’t bombard him with endless “whys” and “whys”; it’s best to listen carefully to the information he tells you. How to talk at a job interview?

Try to answer all the questions posed as completely and clearly as possible. Answers must be detailed and contain only the necessary words.

Don't lie. You should not come up with false reasons for leaving your previous job or embellish your merits and abilities. Remember that all this is easily verifiable, and if you do not want to end up in a stupid position, always tell the truth.

Prepare your resume in advance and print it out when going to the interview.

Use terms from the field of the position you want to get. For example: “I believe that sales at your car dealership could be increased by 10% by implementing a new sales model.”

If an employer asks you about your shortcomings, there is no need to “denigrate” yourself in advance by stating that you like to surf the Internet, sleep long hours, and are often late. What is better to say at an interview in this case? It is acceptable to put it this way: “I am very strict with myself,” “very prone to cleanliness.” This will actually show you from the best side, presenting you as a neat, clean and responsible person.

Many people ask: “What should I say at an interview if I haven’t worked for a long time?” In this case, it is worth justifying the reasons without going into personal details.

How to communicate with an applicant correctly?

When interviewing an applicant, you need to follow a number of recommendations and take into account what is customary to say at an interview and what is best avoided:

  • evaluate a person’s appearance, how clean, tidy and appropriately dressed he is;
  • the conversation should begin with a short story about the company, at the same time you can find out whether the potential employee has read anything about the organization in which he wants to get a job;
  • it is necessary to clarify information about the previous place of work, the reason for leaving;
  • ask about experience in various fields, about education, about situations that you have encountered at work in order to form your opinion about the person’s professional competence;
  • You can play out in front of the applicant several situations that are common in his future job. For example, how to convince a very capricious client to buy this or that item.

How to answer questions correctly?

What to say at a job interview? The most important rule is to listen carefully, without turning your head or being distracted by foreign objects or other people.

You should not answer in monosyllables; it is better to give a detailed answer in 3-4 sentences, and to the point.

If you are talking about your life, then you should not remember all its events, starting from kindergarten; it is better to limit yourself to education, marital status, and business trips. It is better to write down possible questions in advance and rehearse the answer in front of a mirror at home. You can also prepare information about yourself and your past employment.

During the interview, the applicant can also ask his own questions. The most important thing is that they are clear and have an idea of ​​the scope of future work. Don't immediately jump into questions about salary.

How should you not answer?

When answering an employer's questions, you should avoid the following possible mistakes:

  • be silent for a long time, thinking about the answer;
  • answer in monosyllables;
  • speak too softly, too loudly or unintelligibly;
  • show your nervousness by spinning in your chair or turning around;
  • speak out of place, stammer.

Now you know what to say during a job interview, let’s look at what you shouldn’t say.

What should you not say in an interview?

In some cases, it happens that the interlocutor made an excellent impression with his track record and skills, but during the interview he suddenly says something that immediately cancels out his opportunity to work in this company. Is there anything you shouldn't say during an interview? Yes, definitely.

It is necessary to avoid such “blunders”:

Talking badly about your boss at your previous job. For example: “this Ivan Ivanovich constantly irritated us all.”

More than once.

Talk about what you want. For the employer this is not important, all that matters is what the company needs.

Ask about sick leave. This topic is best avoided, since there are no employers who would be satisfied with the constant illness of their subordinates.

Don't talk about personal things. For example: “It’s so hard for me now, I divorced my husband and moved to the other side of the city, so I’m looking for a new job.”

You can't use slang. Talking too much is also inappropriate, since employers value, first of all, clarity and specificity. First, think carefully about what to say at the interview.

Another point from the section is what you shouldn’t say during a job interview: you don’t need to show that you are smarter than everyone else, don’t overwhelm your interlocutor with scientific terms and concepts.

In any case, you need to prepare for such an important event as an interview in advance, taking into account all the nuances. Even if you don't pass it, don't be too upset - it's an invaluable experience that you can learn from for the future. Well, now you know well what to talk about at a job interview.

Watch the video: how to prepare and what to say during a job interview.

No matter how impressive the applicant’s resume is, no matter how high the level of his professional preparedness, the main step on the path to getting a job is the interview. Knowing how to behave during an interview is important, since only through personal contact can a potential employer really assess the capabilities of a future company employee.

The start time of the interview is agreed upon in advance and, most often, by telephone. It is not so important whether the secretary of the manager calls, interested in the applicant's resume, or whether the person looking for a job makes the first call.

When responding to a job advertisement, from the first minutes of a telephone conversation you should try to give the impression of a businesslike, knowledgeable, polite and correct person, because we can say that the job interview has already begun.

When calling the employer, the following points are clarified:

  • an acquaintance with the interlocutor occurs (both parties introduce themselves by last name, first name, patronymic, the company employee indicates his position, specifies the name and position of the manager or HR manager with whom the conversation will take place);
  • the vacant position is clarified (whether it meets the expectations of the applicant, his specialty and experience);
  • the time and address of the interview are determined;
  • important details are specified (elements of the mandatory dress code, approximate duration of the interview, list of required documents, proposed additional testing, psychological and professional).

After the meeting is scheduled and all the data is written down in the notebook, there is another serious stage ahead - preparing for the interview.

Important points to prepare for an interview

So, the “X” hour has been determined, and there is some time left before it (a day, two or several hours), which should be spent on thoroughly preparing for the interview. What does it include?

Firstly, It is important to prepare the required documents - a diploma with a copy, a printed resume, letters of recommendation, certificates of courses and seminars attended with copies, and other papers that can confirm the professional competence of the applicant. It is better if the entire set is in a neat folder.

Secondly, It is necessary to clarify the route that is the fastest and most convenient way to get to the interview location. By calculating travel time and learning in advance about free parking spaces or near the office, the applicant can protect himself from extremely unwanted lateness.

Thirdly, you need to worry about what a job applicant should wear. Statistics collected by numerous employment agencies prove that an employer decides whether or not to hire a candidate in the first few minutes, assessing appearance and ability to start a conversation. All other factors (resume, diploma, recommendations) are important, but are still relegated to the background if the applicant managed to impress the employer with his appearance and speech.

In the question " what to wear to an interview?“It is better for both men and women to focus on business style: a formal suit with a discreet tie, a skirt or dress that fits the figure without provocative minis and necklines, closed shoes. Only representatives of creative professions - designers, artists, artists - can take some liberties in their wardrobe, but it is better to declare your originality with only one bright accessory or piece of clothing.

Fourthly, You should first find out as much as possible about the company the applicant is trying to get a job at. Using information from the official website, advertising brochures, reference books, and articles on the Internet, you can get a picture of the company, its main activities, growth prospects and, importantly, the possible role of the applicant in its work. Having thought through this question in advance, a potential employee can easily support a conversation about the company, be able to imagine himself as a specialist and talk about how his candidacy will benefit.

Fifthly, It doesn’t hurt to think through possible questions that a manager or supervisor might ask his interlocutor, since the “fate” of the vacancy depends on the answers to them - whether it will be filled or remain free until the interview with the next applicant.



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