That is, birds, but hunting which is permissible from the point of view of the accepted etiquette of crowhunting and its usefulness for wildlife, including other birds. Some of them are also edible trophies.

GRAY CROW. The main and everyone's favorite one.

Looks like a raven! Therefore, we will be attentive and careful.
She is all black with a metallic blue and purple sheen.
The carrion crow differs from the rook in its BLACK beak and its greater massiveness; from the raven - in size: they are similar to the size of the gray crow, as well as in the silhouette in flight - the raven has straighter wings.

Note: the rook’s readiness is, so to speak, “floating.” He is not as smart as crows, and not as harmful. However, this is where it is. Rooks, for example, greatly damage trees, breaking off their branches while building nests, and it is almost impossible for them to survive from their usual habitat. In Germany, rooks are eaten.

MAGPIE. The bird is considered a cat - it is quite smart and careful. In addition, the pest, a predator, destroys nests. But there are also nuances - according to observations, abandoned magpie nests are often occupied by other birds.

Sisach dove. You can say - "city pigeon". The photo shows a typical representative in color.


The bird is much smaller in size than a crow - about the size of a young pigeon. Her arrogance is very relative: she is not of great value to the crowdhunter, since she is not very careful and is completely harmless.

Common to rooks, magpies, jackdaws and crows.

(I’ll add a clarification: under the picture there is an inscription: “A crow steals an egg from a song thrush,” but the picture, apparently erroneously, depicts a field thrush).

Fieldfare (gray thrush, mistletoe).

This bird breeds in large quantities, surrounds gardens and vegetable gardens, devouring cherries, shadberry, mountain ash, chokeberry, even raspberries and currants, strawberries and wild strawberries like a locust. In addition, the thrush is not only edible, but very tasty. According to hunting classic S.T. Aksakov, this is one of the few birds that, along with snipe, has the honor of being cooked ungutted.
BLACKBIRD is another species of blackbird.

Note: Formally, this is also “zachot” - since the diet and culinary advantages of the blackbird are similar to the 1st species. But this is a songbird and, for example, very few in number in the Moscow region.

This is a songbird. However, its harm to humans is often no less than that of a blackbird: according to many, it destroys gardens. Apparently, with a starling you need to act “according to circumstances.”

Young starling.

Encloses the gardens. In the sense of hunting him - apparently, it’s permissible if it’s seriously disturbing...


Hell of a LOW. This bird is listed in the Red Book. Therefore, we will be especially careful with her. Do not confuse the raven with the crow's brimstone (see above). The only thing in common is, so to speak, the silhouette. The raven is much larger than both it and the BLACK CROW (see photo above) and is all black, right down to its beak: this also differs it from the ROOK (see). The raven also has a characteristic voice, unlike the harsh and hoarse cawing of crows: it is quieter, the intonations are much softer, reminiscent of the sounds of “Krrru, krrru” or “Krrro, krrro”.

A white bird with black wing tips, a long neck, a long thin red beak and long reddish legs. When the stork's wings are folded, it appears that the entire back of the stork's body is black. Females are indistinguishable from males in color, but somewhat smaller. The height of the white stork is 100-125 cm, the wingspan is 155-200 cm. The weight of an adult bird reaches 4 kg. The average lifespan of a white stork is 20 years.

The usefulness of the bird is expressed in the fact that its diet includes pests such as locusts, mole crickets, chafers, and some small vertebrates (including mice and rats).

Attention: the bird is listed in the Red Book!
These are large, long-legged and long-necked birds, their height is 90-155 cm, wingspan 150-240 cm, and weight 2-11 kg.
Unlike similar herons, they stretch their legs and neck in flight. This makes them look like storks, but unlike them, cranes never perch on trees. The head is small, with a sharp straight beak. The tertiary flight feathers of the wings are slightly elongated, so that the tail appears long and bushy when the bird is standing on the ground. The plumage is most often gray or white.
Cranes live quite a long time. Observations show that in the wild cranes live for at least 20 years, and in captivity their age reaches up to 80 years.

They live in shallow water, in swampy or slowly flowing bodies of water. Large birds 90-100 cm long, with a wingspan of 175-195 cm, adults weighing up to 2 kg. As a rule, they are long-legged, with a long and narrow beak, flattened on the sides. They stand motionless in the water and peer into the water, looking for prey. A close relative of the heron is the Stork.

Woodpeckers. Everyone is LOW: useful birds, healers of the forest. Many are in the RED BOOK!

Great spotted woodpecker.

Lesser spotted woodpecker.

Average woodpecker.

Gray woodpecker.

Black (or yellow) woodpecker.

Green woodpecker.

The nightjar is large.

Small nightjar.

Owl Nightjar.

HOOPOE. Low terry.



L A S T O C H K I.


“The swift is a sickle reaping the harvest in the blue field of the sky. Its crescent shape is given by long, sharp wings, which, when folded, protrude far beyond the relatively short, fork-shaped tail. With this shape and dense build, the swift is easily distinguished from the swallow, with which it is usually confused In fact, swifts and swallows are similar not because they are close relatives, but because, due to a similar lifestyle, they independently acquired a similar external structure." ((C), E.J. Shukurov)

Small swift.

White-belted swift (or white-rumped).


Needle-tailed swift.

GENERAL: swallows and swifts.

CUCKOO. It’s not so easy with her in the sense of “lowness.” S. T. Aksakov, for example, mentions that the cuckoo is edible and thus represents, although not a very desirable, but still a trophy. But... Do we need it?

ATTENTION: these are the same birds that the ordinary crawler, according to him, protects from garbage predators like the gray crow.







Great tit.


Blue tit.


Brown-headed chickadee (or puffy chickadee).

Grey-headed chickadee.

Black-capped chickadee.

FIELDS SPARROW (aka red-headed or village sparrow).
It differs from the house sparrow in having a brown crown, black spots on white cheeks and two light stripes on the wing. “It catches a lot of harmful insects, but in the fall flocks of sparrows can cause quite significant damage to gardens and vineyards.” (C)


WAGTAIL. There are many of these birds, like sparrows. But it’s a pity to shoot bullets and karma... They are completely harmless. In addition, according to statistics, during season 1, a family of wagtails destroys several kg. harmful caterpillars and beetles. Perhaps, in this regard, she can be classified as a “low-class person.”


Hunting for it is permitted and permissible - but using permitted methods of production and in a certain season of the year.






Wood pigeon (or VITUTIN) - forest pigeon. Let's compare it with an ordinary city "rule" (photo above).

Ringed dove.

The turtledove is big.

Small turtle dove.





(It’s very bad in image search engines... Looks like they knocked everyone out)



The most beautiful birds in the world, photos and names!

- the most beautiful duck on Earth. The male mandarin duck has golden shiny “mirrors” on the wings, a brown back and a light red beak. This beautiful duck is listed in the Red Book.
- (Eurypygidae) family of birds of the order Craniformes; the only representative of the family Eurypyga helias.
- these beautiful creatures are related to our crows.
, which is easily recognized by its curled tail feathers and magnificent coloring. The turquoise "cap", which is found on the head only of males, is actually a section of the bird's skin.
a genus of birds in the family Pigeonidae, containing three species. They are all quite similar in appearance, but differ from each other in their habitats.
considered the most beautiful bird in the world. In addition, this bird is the national symbol of Guatemala, and the national currency was even named after it.
, or Atlantic deadlock- seabirds from the auk family of the Charadriiformes order. They live on the coasts of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. They nest in holes in bird colonies. They feed on fish, mainly gerbils.
- a large bird from the family of true cranes, leading a sedentary lifestyle in West and East Africa.
in the English-speaking world it has a different name - “widow” - which this South African bird received due to its unusually long “mourning” tail. The length of such a tail in males can reach 40 cm, which is twice the length of their body.
or Virginia cardinal- a species of bird from the cardinal family (Cardinalidae). In seven US states it was chosen as an official symbol (Virginia, West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and North Carolina).
Males have plumes (fingers) on their heads, as if painted with ornaments. When these birds were first brought to Europe, no one believed that this was their natural decoration.
Common kingfisher, or blue kingfisher- a small bird of the kingfisher family, slightly larger than a sparrow.
, or Indian peacock, or common peacock, is the most numerous species of peacocks. It is a monotypic species, that is, it is not divided into subspecies, but it has a number of color variations. Domesticated by man.
- a bird from the gannet family that lives in tropical seas.
- a genus of birds, in the family Flamingidae and in the order Flamingiformes.
= a bird of the finch family, native to Australia. Polymorphic appearance. In one population there are often two, rarely three different variations in the color of the top of the head.
, lives in lowland tropical forests in eastern South America. There are 3 subspecies of this bird, which mainly differ in the color of the head and the size of the spot on the throat.
belongs to the toucan family. The bird got its name because of the unusual feathers on its head that curl like ribbon on a gift box.

Habitat: eastern Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. The color of the bird is quite specific: light green face, blue breast, purple chin.
has a comb formed by two rows of feathers, which has an almost perfect semicircular shape. Guiana cocks of the rocks wear this “decoration” all the time.
They have a large helmet growing on their beak, thanks to which they are easy to recognize. Tribal people in central India believed that wearing a hornbill skull hanging around their necks would lead to wealth.
- one of the most delightful representatives of the pheasant family. But only the males got beautiful clothes.
Livingston's bananaeater, also known as "". This bird is considered the ancestor of the Musophagidae family, which means “banana eaters”. However, unlike the name of the family, they do not eat bananas. They live only in Africa in forests and savannah.

Asian bird of the kingfisher family. Distribution: From Izmir in western Turkey and Cairo in Egypt south of the Caspian Sea, north of the Persian Gulf, Pakistan, Afghanistan and northwest India.
It is distinguished by very impressive courtship rituals, rapid dives, stone falls, and circular takeoffs. All these actions are accompanied by piercing sounds.
easily recognized by their “crown”, which males display when courting females or competing with other males. During normal times, the feathers are pressed against the head and the comb is not visible.


Fun class hour

Leading.Today we are playing games and holding competitions related to the names of birds.

Competition “Alphabet on the blackboard”

Leading.Write the names of the birds one by one: Team 1 chooses one letter, Team 2 chooses another. Whoever fails to continue loses.

a - stork,

b – golden eagle,

c – crow, sparrow,

g – dove, goose, jackdaw,

d – woodpecker, thrush,

w – crane, lark,

z – finch,

and - oriole,

k – chicken, hummingbird, cuckoo, kite, sandpiper,

l – swan. martin,

m - robin,

n - dive,

o - eagle,

p – peacock, pelican, rooster, penguin, parrot,

r – hazel grouse.

s – starling, nightingale, owl, bullfinch, swift, magpie, tit, jay, ostrich,

t – black grouse,

y - hoopoe,

f – eagle owl, flamingo, pheasant,

h – lapwing, seagull,

ts - heron,

I am a hawk.

If you can’t write, you can play this game with a circle of participants. One participant throws the ball, calling the bird “a”, the next one who gets the ball calls it “b”. This way you can check the children’s knowledge of the alphabet.

Warm-up questions

1. Which birds are considered the best rain predictors? (swallows and swifts).

2. The name of which bird warns of the approach of bad weather (petrel).

3. The heroine of the children's program CT constantly appears on the screen in the evening (Karkusha).

4. The heroine of TV channel 4 of the Ekaterinburg cable TV channel, performing every morning (Kapa).

Competition "Guess the riddle"

Children solve riddles on the topic “Birds”

Competition “Proverbs and sayings in which

there are names of birds"

For example:

A skinny chicken produces skinny eggs.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Born to crawl, cannot fly.

Staging. Theater competition

Cheerful geese

Lived with grandma - two funny goose:

One is gray, the other is white - two cheerful geese.

They stretched their necks. Who has it longer?

One is gray, the other is white. Who has it longer?

Washed gusi l apki in a puddle by the ditch.

One is gray, the other is white. They hid in a ditch.

Here the granny shouts: Oh, the geese are gone!

One is gray, the other is white My geese, geese

They went out geese, bowed grannies

One gray, the other white - they bowed to the woman

Geese and wolf

Geese, geese - Ha, ha, ha,

Do you want to eat - Yes, yes, yes.

So fly home -

We can't fly home

Greywolf under the mountain.

Sharpenes teethwants to eat us.

So fly away!


Birds are flying.

The presenter lists: “Pigeons are flying, magpies are flying...” If the definition is correct, all players raise their hands. Then the presenter says: “Cats are flying” or “Dogs are flying.” Whoever raises their hands at this leaves the game.

Peacock tail

Children stand in a circle, the game begins with a counting rhyme:


If you want to play-

Come out to the middle

Step on the peacock's tail!

The one on whom the counting ends will have to step on the “tail of the peacock,” and the “tail” is the chain of players that has already stretched out behind the one who said the counting. Each of them put his hands on the shoulders of the neighbor standing in front and does not allow his foot to be stepped on, moving to the side, jumping up and down, of course, the whole tail is moving. If someone's foot is stepped on, he is eliminated from the tail. You can play until the “peacock” has no tail left.

Counting tables


This bird is a nightingale,

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy little head.

This p you chka - waxwing,

This bird - crake,

This bird is a starling,

Gray feather.

This is a finch

This is a swift

This is a cheerful siskin,

Well, this one is an evil eagle

Birds, birds - by home...

Poetry ( V. Zhukovsky)

OnSun the dark beam glowed

In the valley the steam turns white nky

And pI sang early in the morning

In the azure the lark is ringing.


The rain hangs like smoky strands

There's an empty bird house on a pole

And the titmouse in a festive outfit

Showing off right in the rain.

A branch covered in drops,

And on a branch there is a fidget bird

Black tie, yellow jacket,

Immediately noticeable

This is not a stupid dandy,

There's a lot of cleverness here.

I examined the bushes quietly

So she found the pest.

Here on a thin raspberry twig,

The fidget sang so funny,

What from the top of the giant oak

The acorn rolled down like a tear.

L. Tatyanicheva


The bushes turned red

Not from the morning dawn -

These are red lanterns

The bullfinches lit up.

Cleaning the crimson feathers,

They drink water from springs,

Playing bells

I can hear it from afar.

Leading.Augurgy is divination by birds. We have all ever asked a question to a cuckoo: “Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many years do I have to live?” Everything is clear here, as long as you cuckoo, you will live as long. Or this is the direction of flight of birds. A bird flies from left to right - this means success, discovery, goodness. If from right to left - a bad sign, punishment awaits you, a cold lunch, trouble.

In Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, and then in Russia, fortune telling was done using bird breeds. An owl screeches and interrupts someone's speech - a bad omen. A hawk flies overhead - victory awaits you in some way. The dove has flown by - wait for a meeting. Sparrow - to a quarrel.

Game with the word “lark”

Birds from a to z list. Birds of the Moscow region (photo and description): large predators and small birds

There are twelve species in the stork family. Storks are large birds. The height of an adult bird reaches half a meter, and the wingspan is up to 2 meters. All storks are characterized by a long conical beak, long legs and neck.

Storks are widespread in various territories, on all continents of the planet. They live in both the tropics and temperate climate zones. Some species of storks, except those that live in places where winters are quite warm, lead a migratory lifestyle. For the winter, storks go to warmer climes - India and Africa.

Storks migrate exclusively during the daytime. Birds are able to choose aerodynamically optimal routes, flying over areas that promote soaring with their air currents. Storks avoid flying over the sea. The lifespan of a stork is about 20 years.

Saker Falcon

The saker falcon belongs to the falcon family. Outwardly, it looks like a gyrfalcon. Since ancient times it has been used for falconry. Lives in southeastern Europe and Asia. Today the number of saker falcons is small. Several years ago in Russia, in the Lipetsk region, a nursery for raising these birds was created.

Golden eagle

The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetus) is a large bird with long and relatively narrow wings, a slightly rounded tail; the feathers on the back of the head are narrow and pointed; the paws are very powerful, with strong claws and a tarsus feathered down to the toes. The dimensions of the golden eagle are as follows: total length 80-95 cm, wing length 60-72.5 cm, weight 3-6.5 kg. Female golden eagles are noticeably larger than males. Both sexes are colored the same. Adult golden eagles (four years old and older) are dark brown in color; on the ventral side, in the plumage of the lower leg and undertail, a larger or smaller admixture of reddish-golden color; the back of the head and back of the neck are reddish; primaries black-brown with grayish bases; the tail feathers are dark gray with dark brown markings and a black apical stripe. The iris is nut-brown, the beak is bluish-brown, the claws are black, the wax and legs are bright yellow. In the first annual plumage, young golden eagles are dark brown with white bases of feathers and whitish plumage of the tarsus; Their tail feathers are white with a wide black apical stripe.


In our countries, hunting legislation strictly protects the wood sandpiper. In areas of mass migration of woodcock in the southern regions, spring hunting for it is completely prohibited; in other areas it is either also prohibited, or it is allowed for a male woodcock on draft for a limited period of time; all methods of catching woodcock with various traps are prohibited, and efforts are being made to poachers and predators destroying this bird. As a result of all these activities, the number of woodcock in our country is not decreasing, and if it were not for the predatory extermination of waders outside the CIS, we would undoubtedly have an increase in the number of this valuable game bird.


The sparrow is a small bird widespread in cities. The weight of a sparrow is only from 20 to 35 grams. Meanwhile, the sparrow belongs to the passerine order, which in addition to it includes more than 5,000 species of birds. The largest representative of the order is the raven (its weight is about one and a half kilograms), the smallest is the wren (weight up to 10 grams).

The sparrow got its name in ancient times and it is associated with the habits of these birds to raid farmland. While chasing the birds, people shouted “Beat the thief!” But in fairness, it is worth noting that raids on fields were not always carried out only by sparrows, but also by other representatives of the detachment.

There are two types of sparrows in Russia: the house sparrow, or city sparrow, and the field sparrow, or village sparrow.

Interesting facts about sparrows: the structure of the sparrow's eyes is such that birds see the world in a pinkish color. The sparrow's heart beats up to 850 beats per minute at rest, and during flight up to 1000 beats per minute. At the same time, severe fright can even lead to death for the bird, as it significantly increases blood pressure. The body temperature of a sparrow is about 40 degrees. A sparrow spends a lot of energy per day and therefore cannot starve for more than two days.


There is a misconception that the name crow is the name of the male, while the female is called a crow. This is actually not correct - they are simply two different species (the common raven (Corvus corax) and the crow (Corvus cornix)).

The raven is the largest representative of passerines. Its mass reaches one and a half kilograms, and its body length is up to 70 cm.

The raven's plumage is plain black with a metallic sheen. The lifespan of a raven is long, up to 55-75 years. Crows are monogamous; the bird selects its mate with great care and remains faithful to its partner throughout its life.

Crows are omnivores. They eat rodents, insects, fish and other small birds, as well as carrion.

The image of a raven has long been firmly established in folklore. In popular beliefs, the crow was considered a wise bird and was credited with a long life span - from 100 to 300 years. On the other hand, the raven often symbolized an evil dark force.


Finch (Fringilla montifringilla) is a bird from the passerine order and the finch family (Fringillidae), having 16 centimeters. length. The lower back and rump are black with a white center; wings with yellow-red and whitish transverse stripe; the head is black, with an admixture of rusty-yellow (in the male) or red-gray (in the female). It is found in northern Europe and northern Asia, where it nests; In winter it flies to central Europe.


Jackdaw (Corvus monedula): Length up to 25-30 cm. Painted completely black with a metallic sheen, the back of the neck, the back of the head and the sides of the head are ash-gray. The eyes are light, blue or gray. Legs and beak are black. The colors of the male and female are the same. Young birds have a brownish tint in color and do not have a metallic sheen. Nests are occupied or placed together in early April, at the end of April - beginning of May the female lays eggs, the female incubates the eggs for about two and a half weeks, the chicks remain in the nest for up to three weeks, the chicks fly out in mid-June. They are omnivores, eat insects (destroy many pests), worms, seeds of some plants, and human food waste. They are easily tamed; if you take a blind chick and raise it in captivity, the grown bird will not even consider other jackdaws as its relatives and strives to communicate only with humans.


HARPIA (Harpia harpija) is a large bird: length 80-90 cm, females weigh about 8 kg. The harpy has a crest of wide feathers on its head. The beak is powerful, but narrow, with a large hook. The paws are huge with powerful claws. The wings are wide and rounded, the tail is of moderate length, straight cut. The adult harpy outfit (it is put on at the age of four) is gray on the head and neck (the crest on the back of the head is black or dark gray), on the dorsal side it is black with whitish edges on the wing coverts, loin, and rump. The harpy lives in the lowland tropical forests of South and Central America - from Mexico to central Brazil. The harpy nests in tall trees, usually near river bodies of water.


The common wood grouse is a representative of the largest forest game bird. It belongs to the order Gallinaceae, the suborder Gallinidae proper, the grouse family, and the genus of wood grouse. The species of common capercaillie is divided into three subspecies: the white-bellied capercaillie, which lives in the central and eastern regions of Russia; taiga dark capercaillie, living in the northern and eastern regions of the country; black-bellied Western European capercaillie, living in forests in the western regions of the country. In summer, wood grouse molt, during which the birds huddle in especially strong forest places.

TO bird class There are more than 8,600 species of animals adapted for flight. More than 400 species of these animals are known in Ukraine. All types of birds have a short, streamlined body covered with feathers. Their forelimbs have turned into wings, and their hind limbs are used for moving on the ground, plant branches or swimming in water.

Homeothermen, the ability to fly and a fairly high level of development of the nervous system determined the uniqueness of this group of vertebrates.

External structure of birds

The body of birds is divided into the same sections as in reptiles, but the tail section is shortened. Birds have a more or less elongated flexible neck. Thanks to this, they can turn their heads 180° or more (for example, owls - 270°). On the head are the eyes, protected by three eyelids (upper, lower and ciliated membrane), nostrils and auditory openings. The beak consists of an upper part - the beak and a lower part - the beak. At the base of the beak of bird species (for example, pigeons) there is a soft skin bundle - the cere.

The forelimbs are wings adapted for flight. Only three fingers, covered with skin, remained on them. Birds are two-legged animals. The feet mostly have four toes. Three of them are directed forward, and one is directed backward. This allows the birds to grasp the branches and provide support as they move along the ground. But in birds capable of fast running (for example, ostriches), the number of toes can be reduced to three or even two (for example, in the African ostrich).

Birds, like reptiles, have dry skin, almost devoid of glands. Only above the base of the tail in many species do the ducts of the coccygeal gland open. Birds use the secretion of this gland (fat-like substances) to lubricate their feather cover with the help of their beak, which makes it elastic and waterproof. The skin of birds forms various horny derivatives: these are the already known beaks and mandibles, as well as claws on the tips of the fingers and horny scales covering the lower part of the legs. A variety of feathers are also derivatives of bird skin. Feathers, like scales on legs, are composed of a horn-like substance. Individual feathers consist of a shaft, from which numerous thin outgrowths - barbs - extend in both directions. The collection of beards is called a fan. The empty part of the shaft is aimed at the skin, not the barb. There are contour and down feathers.

Contour feathers cover the outside of the bird's body. Their fan is formed by beards of the 1st and 2nd orders. The 1st order beards extend directly from the shaft, and the 2nd order beards extend from them. 2nd order beards have small hooks that connect them together. Thanks to this, the blades of the contour feathers are flexible, elastic, light and almost impenetrable to air. Depending on the functions and location of the contour feathers, they are divided into integumentary, flight and tail feathers. Cover feathers provide protection to the body from mechanical damage. Flight wings are large and elastic, increasing the surface of the wing. Birds have large tail feathers on their tails. The contour feathers contain down feathers and down. These are feathers with a thin shaft, from which only first-order barbules extend. Since these beards are not interlocked with each other, the down feathers do not have a dense fan. They form a continuous cover. Between it and the bird’s body there is a layer of air that retains heat well. The presence of feathers is one of the necessary conditions for flight in birds.

This cover makes the bird's body streamlined. The flight feathers increase the wing area, create thrust and lift, and the tail feathers provide control of the direction of flight. The bird also uses tail feathers for braking when landing. Once or twice a year, the feather cover of birds partially or completely changes and the process of molting occurs. In place of the old, worn out feathers, new ones grow.

Bird skeleton

The skeleton of birds is characterized by lightness, since part of the bones has a cavity filled with air. It is divided into the skeleton of the head (skull), torso (spine and rib cage), limbs and their girdles.

A characteristic feature of the bird skull is that most of its bones are fused together. A large volume of the braincase is associated with brain development. The large eye sockets also attract attention.

The jaws of birds are elongated and, as you already know, covered with horny sheaths. Thanks to this, a perfect apparatus for capturing food is created, because birds do not have teeth.

The ridge of birds has features associated with flight. Thus, the cervical spine consists of a large number of vertebrae (from 11 to 25). This gives significant mobility to the head. The thoracic vertebrae are fused together with a complex sacrum. The compound sacrum is formed by fused lumbar sacral vertebrae and part of the tail. This creates body resistance. The last caudal vertebrae fuse together to form the coccygeal bone.

The ribs are attached to the thoracic vertebrae, which together with the sternum form the chest. In most species of birds, the sternum has a flat outgrowth that protrudes forward - the keel. Muscles are attached to it, allowing the wings to move during flight. The girdle of the forelimbs (wings) of birds consists of the same bones as in reptiles. But pay attention to the fact that the collarbones are fused together, forming a so-called fork. It gives elasticity to the belt of the forelimbs.

The wing skeleton has three sections: the shoulder, forearm and hand. The belt of the hind limbs (legs) of birds is characterized by strength. The hind limbs are divided into thigh, lower leg and foot.

Most of the bones of the foot grow together and form a long bone - the forend, which, together with the toes, is covered with horny scales. The forend provides the foot with strength and stability.

Musculature of birds

In birds, the pectoralis major muscles have the greatest mass; they lower the wing. Their movements create lift. The pectoralis minor muscles raise the wing. Subcutaneous muscles move individual feathers. If the air temperature drops, they contract and the bird's feathers bristle. At the same time, the layer of air between the feathers and the skin increases, which ensures the preservation of body heat.

Birds flying

It is thanks to the movements of the wings that birds rise into the air. Sickle wings can reach the highest speed in horizontal flight - up to 160 km per hour. In many species (rooks, gray cranes, herring gulls, wild geese, etc.), flight speeds during migration reach from 50 to 90 km per hour. Although the flight of most bird species during migration occurs at low altitudes (from several tens of meters to 1 km), cases of geese flying at altitudes of up to 10 km, and vultures - up to 11 km have been recorded. The eagle, vulture and other representatives of the falcon series have wide wings. Using ascending and descending air currents, they are able to soar in it for a long time.
And what can we say about birds, which destroy an incredible number of insects and rodents - pests of agriculture and forestry. A tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs.

If it were possible to put into one line the insects that a swift consumes over the summer, it would stretch for a kilometer. Birds destroy especially many harmful insects during the nesting period. Thus, a pair of pink starlings feeds their chicks 350 g of locusts per day, and 10.8 kg per month. Over the course of a month, thousands of starlings living in the colony, along with their chicks, destroyed 22 tons of locusts. One owl eats up to 1000 gray voles and mice over the summer, which means it saves 1 ton of bread.

If we remember the role of orderly birds, which destroy many flies and other carriers of dangerous diseases and clear the earth of carrion and various waste, birds that destroy weed seeds, and birds that carry seeds of valuable trees and shrubs, then it is not difficult to understand which faithful and selfless feathered friends of humans.

We must not forget about the aesthetic pleasure that birds give us. Our forests and parks, gardens and fields would lose much of their beauty if birds did not enliven them with their bustle, melodic chirping and singing.

Looking at birds, it is impossible to contain the emotions of happiness. After all, probably every person would like to fly like a bird!!

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Bird species

bearded man


red whistling duck


Paradise Bird

long-eared owl

























Birds are weather forecasters

Sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - in front of a strong wind.

Sparrows bathing in dust means rain.

Sparrows sitting puffed up - before the rain.

If sparrows chirp during prolonged bad weather, then you can expect the onset of clear weather.

The pigeons cooed - a bucket will be installed.

Larks walking around the field means good weather, and sitting puffed up means a thunderstorm.

The swallows were speeding up from below - before the rain.

Swallows fly up and down - before the storm.

Birds sing cheerfully - for good weather.

The owl screams - to the cold.

The nightingale sings incessantly all night - before a fine day.

A crow cries in summer - for rain, in winter - for a snowstorm.

Crows “play” on the fly - towards the bucket.

Crows croak - bad weather.

In the evening, jackdaws gather in a crowd and scream - for clear weather.

Rhyming games

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms.

I’m not flying to a warm land,

I live here, under the roof.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!

I'm experienced... (sparrow).

Color – grayish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person. This... (crow).

The black bird is circling,

He’s not afraid – he sits down with us

Peck my food:

Suddenly there won't be enough pasta

For the gluttonous... (crow).

Of all the migratory birds,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Jump across the arable land all day long,

And the bird's name is... ( rook).

An important man walks around a little,

Although he is not wild, he is domestic,

Better me beware:

Pinched my sister... ( goose).

In the forest to the sound of chirping and whistling

The forest telegraph operator knocks:

“Great, buddy blackbird! ~

And signs: ... ( woodpecker).

Even though she's vagrant,

migratory bird,

But in the spring I always

I admire the singing... ( thrush).

Here he is flying in the open air,

Leaving the sea behind,

Rivers, groves and fields

Under the wing of... ( crane).

In April, in April

It's chilly in the wind.

Sang, sang

... (finches) In the woods.

“Y” is on the tails of birds and animals,

Here's an ermine, and here... (sparrow).

How an egg will lay,

Sings loudly throughout the yard,

So that the street knows:

Working here... (chicken).

flutters over the field,

Above the free expanse,

Gets up early

Spring bird... (oatmeal).

He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

At least there is beauty all around?

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down a steep cliff -

Two mighty wings

The owner has... ( eagle).

Their nests are at the edge of the cliff

Children are raised there by mountain people... ( eagles).

The donkey wandered lazily up the hill,

And over the mountain soared... (an eagle).

Let's go to bed. The light went out.

And it will wake us up... (rooster).

In winter there are apples on the branches,

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up.

After all, this... (bullfinches).

Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of bright light

Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout,

Eared head. This... (owl).

Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,

Who is this? ( nightingale).

Vereshchunya, white-sided,

And her name is... ( magpie).

I don't believe my eyes

How bright are his feathers!

Fashion didn’t deprive me

Beautiful... (hoopoe).

The time is ringing,

In the morning the sun greets you,

Here the last ray has gone out -

Sleeps on a perch ( rooster)

Don't scare me with a loud scream

Us, beautiful (parrot)

He sang solo among the branches

The singer was named ( nightingale)

Nice guys

The chicken has - ( corydalis)

Rock the sea, -

Asked ( gull)

And in the light he is powerless,

Only scary at night ( owl)



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